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tv   France 24 News  PBS  January 23, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PST

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just that. called the eye two. thai police shot dead by nascar may have a checkpoint south of cairo tensions are high in egypt today is the third anniversary of the spring of evolution. the standoff continues between protesters and police in ukraine the suit says he's ready to go on the attack unless the government agrees to the elections. the sales pitch from it ma. ronnie has to get tough on what exactly
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the best in his country for world economic growth. your two thousand campers to egypt were five policemen have been killed in an attack at a checkpoint south of cairo correspondent catherine steeply has more. this statement in each area of ministry and as saying that it was last done in a confined as the checkpoint this is in an area of me this youtube a nice way which is about a hundred km south of cairo. the interior ministry of st and guttural too many cycles made by a heavily on these manning the checkpoint before driving up and find peace in that killed two others into one of them is reported to be in the scenery is condition. no one has yet claimed responsibility for this attack and that security sources are saying is this that the area on the way to track down these segments
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but it meant he would be sitting on wednesday the attacks on police and on weekends now. i'd be on the last two nights at least two hundred and fifty security has now been killed since then and today at a checkpoint in venezuela is just the natives in what seems to be an animal inside and ces and mainly targeting the crazy all week. it's to prepare in cairo. ukraine has dropped by more clashes between police and protesters last night. a sceptic esl the first deaths in two months of protests against the president's decision to nix that distort trade deal with the eu in favor of russia. opposition leaders cannot in emergency talks with the present yesterday saying he failed to give concrete answers to their demands. they now say they're ready to go on attack. this brush with explains. central kiev is a battle zone. she's between anti government protests in some police on wednesday continued through the night. anger among
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activists has been fuelled by the staffs in smes keep these demonstrations began two months ago. against president viktor yanukovich. first a man's free on a cold which to go to the mall unless it was us. secondly when the new government comes into power we're going to force it to answer for its decisions. and in action. three hours of talks between the president's new position on wednesday and without results opposition leaders of furious that his decision to scrap an association agreement with the eu in favor of closer ties with moscow. they'd given him an ultimatum on to solve the crisis within twenty four hours like winning elections will face more often a kind jordan or is this easy way to do day to day going to clean out the descendants where you will. we have to do everything possible not to allow the scheming to take place. and tomorrow
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the president doesn't accept all exams. will got there and will go forward. i have a view of the race known by their own to. the yanukovych to shane nichols sign of compromise his government's that's been nice to know how to lie on the nation and opposition leader should be held responsible for those who die. the us meanwhile thousands more sanctions and is condemned by rights protest is the eu says it is considering action against the ukrainian government russia has just ordered the release of the busiest partner of former oil tycoon and kremlin critic the calcutta kosky his name is straight on to lead the dead and he was sentenced along with comic cuts in two thousand and five. after a falling out with lavender put in one on his release that spring in moscow correspondent just recap the judge said this is the latest prisoner release ahead of next month's winter olympics in such a lie was recommended that released last month at the same time ask the cops gay. your
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duplicate not exactly clear what precipitated the supreme court ruling today. director of the cookie dough entirely unexpected and took him nearly everyone by surprise and couldn't help it achieve and that the annual cross country and kill the mood to eat out why it could be reached at the kitchen. it's looking like this effort will continue with. hope you can choose really have argued that he would meet them. will upload more debt than others due to the frontier to treat improvement. one thing spoken character and effort into each other quite a bit in politics or overcook the chicken would like to pretend political prisoners one of those you can watch it fall apart elected to
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the live that out today the court each month between the crack and why and how that happened. we still don't know the things that actually chechnya and the reporting from moscow. turkey has launched a new mask courage of its police and judiciary a s parliament debates controversial legal reforms aimed at reining in the judiciary. this latest development in the political crisis engulfing prime minister rested type air when they're williams has more refusing to touch times to no one wants to reform the texas judicial system the aunties it's at least at the mosque by going beyond its mandate. his critics say he's trying to have the power of the courts. as parliament debates the pies reforms the government is counting on to lonsdale said to officials on wednesday four hundred and seventy police officers was sacked only assigned the day before ninety six judges and prosecutors were made from the coasts of a two thousand officials in disgraced only assign to him and asked mom to take two seconds came as an alumnus of the best visit to the eu in brussels and
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find his way he defended his plans to reform the colts yet and the judicial system to not go beyond its defined missions and mandate. that's all we're trying to prevent in turkey with everything else you hear is misinformation that muscle and the alliance plans to rein in the judicial they were prompted by a recent corruption scandal involving his chinese descent of seventeen. police detained dozens of politicians and business the discos to the prime minister in the smuggling of bribery investigation. the duo of texas main opposition party excuse is that one of trying to cover up corruption and protect his friends when you go out on sundays since the seventeenth of december we found ourselves faced with a government that tries to hide the culpability and corruption lies at its heart she is. it's a scandal and is in cantonese the texas economy and iraq has tumbled
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to record ends. president has sung money is wasting no time trying to drum up new oil business in your chronic chest to chest top oil executives of the world economic forum in davos. iran has started implementing a new clear deal with world powers a step toward up brought settlement which could lead to the end of sanctions. brown wants western oil companies to revive its giant eight england wales and developing new line as once the sanctions lifted. and as business editor stephen carroll is that president or on east beach in that assist even with this speech the president is trying to convince these top line executives to invest in the ron will be sent to the track. even the arm to try and convince the board expected to cut the cord of an application to in the international community park rapids. drew me into the park to practice room that no country can go though that they need to cooperate on after that to the economy that he beat the rap economy
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but because the american market over the economy to pick up the potential to lead them within the next thirty years to be a major economic commission for a ride that he wants to engage in constructive engagement in the world. until that there would be no obstacle to back in their future to the kids up early during work but the junction to eat it all up to coach at keilor economic cooperation. he determined to stop or for that detergent around with the rest of the world going to commit to the energy to keep it or get the wickets each day to keep putting it that he offered to them that they should come to a rather that period. while the country and to offer a bit of time there was opportunity. investment it the report. akin to be lifted by the eu and others at the scene around the keeper cup and the kicker from a pitching twenty twelve and twenty thirty over with. that was warning that were too short to compete for good a writer he took me to open up
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another batch with a comment to be able to do what the problem. steve also in the queue in a sense in there after he speaks at present ronnie was asked about syria let's get to say the electrical equipment vendor market the key to this period. and then back into question put to him by the cherokee economic for the world economic forum. he kicked a rickety looking going to get up but to talk them go or what the implication in what we are to complement me that he wanted to eat there and what did it but wanted iran to be involved in those discussions that you get the right situation period the major to capture the heat of the court with repeating what he got the point of wanting to stop and could each be pushed or what he called terror. from the country at the local to the red for a competition to me at with the government and carried them to keep it to deal with a cry to develop them for free and fair elections which effected the only way the court that it will be ripped off a good
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offer that the erratic in the gothic humanitarian aid to the area but no direct reference to the token period of why iraq with an invite to laugh. instead the us and canada center reporting there from a deficit the world economic forum let's go now to look for the two geneva where archie for editor robert parsons is that what's with the tops their ncaa today it seems like things on a bit of a hiatus this there's a after the tense opening remarks from all sides yesterday we'll live outside suddenly she ought to lead our committee yesterday this. so tonight if you hear that at this point the fight that the both the allegations have stayed on that things could fall apart even yet. so today i think it's going to be a day of talks behind the scenes with the un envoy talking to both delegations in the hope that they can bring them closer together in the hope that the complaint sufficient common ground for the talks had any sort of sense whatsoever the essence
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of my devo was no different but brahimi said that he was sure this point that you get people to both sides into one room on the other times when we headed to the city lover off the bus to form an astute and has called russian journalists yesterday said that he thought that the talks in geneva were probably last for a bye week will be up was off the vibe that they would resume shortly off to but sydneysiders at least thirty of the divisive but mr brock in the eyes of a bit less so i would say. also today interestingly the out takes effect had made peace call it contradicting groups fighting in syria to band together and unite said of course it's not as are not invited their peace conference in syria but has there been any reaction from participants to the call for unity of mom that said a militant faction in syria the decision to close if we don't slide question because you know that the delegations of both the following scenes
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of the moment mr brophy we talking about what they can possibly get to go to moral in this the gold stars in geneva said part of this point i haven't heard response among the delegation to the proposal by lazard tell you that. hi thanks for that other persons reporting there from geneva iran is going out to the east coast of the united states and where there was more bad weather with lots of snow but that did put some people to bring up the skates. central park like it's never been seen before. on wednesday new yorkers work on tour recorded eleven inches of snow that often are denying winter storm plunged america the scariest into a decrease of them as schools and it's a tea stained apron as well as her read to the roots and prop eight mins. some people just couldn't resist coming out to play testing often to bolton's and ski gear i knew
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was that they say like this that you can study at me. i feel so matt came in and then it said in an emailed the city. now i'm going to send and understands it and sanded down and enrichment on to make a snowman hopefully aware work isn't so cool. now my next big band when he set about finding this now. most everyone said the same enthusiasm that it would snow causing a string of accidents and traffic result new man builds a lousy a face criticism for the way his administration handled the storm. parts of the hudson river for is a vet the ferry services continued to operate as normal meanwhile around three thousand five hundred flights were canceled on wednesday in new york's to god the apples the word skates. it's what you think an antique onto a pass. the euro is now
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welcome to read but still it left me at all the jr east coast is baltic republic of sydney in the face an angel with the eurozone. while local businesses strong to support the new wrote the majority of latvian spiritual cause prices to rise. he also wonder whether the timing is right. what would you change for the pianist. we find out. you did not. here now. i kept up on sleep to go home. welcome to interject france twenty four might just as the former british prime minister tony blair. thank you very much fun being with us. in davos that since it listed on the streets you have been the government's advice that you can add businessman who funded the face. they say in your soul because its representative so you speak to a government in the world about said communities. it is peace process. when doubled
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meanwhile at the ark city talks in geneva geneva to the balance of the future of cereal. what do you think trinidad the main purpose is the scene unit to because they are not going to find a solution over them what to think. it's great to feel the cuts. the purpose of the culprits obviously is to to map out a transition. that allows the country to come together have a different form of government a different constitution. right now and probably president assad feels itself stronger position the opposition's divided that means most people look at it from the outside than in all quite sure. when cycle is the best future where is actually acting in the end it's very clear that you do you do have to have a new dispensation this area and one in which the majority of people in syria who probably want a peaceful and prosperous future given a voice at the bottom and that is very very tough and that the brutality of. assault on the civilian population continues every day to do you
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expect anything from him today i think is possible. t is possible that this process enables the presents. i think to find a solution right now straight up to the struggling well i think eventually it is going to be stepping down to allow a new constitution to take shape. and i didn't think his is staying in the in the long term would be acceptable to a majority of the people about the question is. it is impossible to get an agreement on what is the proper form of transition but you know we've now. i mean. i mean for the thousands anywhere up to two hundred thousands. it's the figure of. sometimes given as the number of people died and millions displaced in the country disintegrating i mean it is a terrible situation and it's a situation which frankly all the options now. all the choices are ugly and difficult. what would use it whenever affection to the russian foreign minister says that so you know saying
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people should decide. yes you you you gotta create the circumstances in which the decision to meet a continually in . compared to what you think should be part of this transitional government. here you go to to try and create a new framework governing the country that takes account of the fact you've got different minorities and that the ups the essence of the pop the whole problem in the middle east today. you see this where ever you go ease when religion gets mixed up with politics in a wrong way. and then and there is no future for any of these countries the middle east unless it's the future the guarantees people whatever their faith whatever the ocean. all these lime they happen to support the little old grouping is on the apple support. they are open minded towards others. do you think every ranges exit of your position should maybe be part of the covenant up with spencer takes a basic democratic principles the trouble was on the extremists can so of course the dead. think about
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our son ryan the coming two doubles because exit he adds your writing and presidents coming into devil says it would mean is it is iran back to business because accident some of the senses but distant. that depends on what happens to me that the post negotiations with iran was to create the circumstances which have the real negotiation. now the real negotiation is not about freezing iran's nuclear program where it is the real negotiation is about iran stepping back from being in uk threshold say now that he's still just a matter of bledsoe speeches all. spying the new president comes to davos and so and he's almost a quite different type of personality from the previous president or that is good but the tense days. on the conditions put in place whereby iran. retrieves comes back from the situation which is presently in. which is a new bid threshold state visited remains in that position. then the risk is that of any point in time he can move quickly to acquire
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that nuclear weapons capability and its remains in that state. then i think you'll find out the pilots in the region immediately making their moves towards keep the weapons capability to using the deal remains in the woods we expect the international community in iran is for jaya to think oh it's going to let the right direction focus noted in his eighties when it switches a preliminary agreement the kids use of space to conclude the real agree that it's very important i think you know we need to be very conscious of this site out those who think all these silly to reach the position of iran what's happening in syria. what's happening in egypt iraq yemen libya. it is all part of one we have a global solution but we cannot the global solution. if i am. we empower the people within the region to what the future for the region that is economically open. that is socially walking on that excites the democracy will
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not go black alexis is a way of thinking not just the way of venting and look good the juices i keep saying to people is that there are lots numbers of people in the middle east the wombat the bad news is that very badly organized and i think it was essential to us in the west to pee standing up with those people unfold its people and that's to come from them. it has to come from them but we should help and that's why you look. i think the position in front of the same as in the uk and in america right now. all people. look in the region they say it's all a big mess stay out and disengage. and you know who the good guys who the bad guys become tell mind you in on in the middle east probably twice a month is the rod guides and vendors of the people that that basically long as i say problem often economies and societies that they need our help. attending conferences and you've been the strong supporter always the european union. cameron. karen said
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british prime minister wants to change the pact between the uk and european union and wants to organize a referendum if he's relaxed to do what you think of this is a good strategy. will he not common in this many many times slightly creepy house to stay in europe. secondly i think the future of europe whatever its short term difficulties. the rationale for europe's strongest seventeen. and that you're actually benefits from britain's membership of the european union. sadly i think you're it does have to reform the brick instead of putting full with the reformed case as an active partner in europe. in all this threat. the weekend getaway we leave. i think actually grip it is withdrawing from europe right now if you are. he was to sing reserve it to two different levels this year it is an idea and is europe as translated in its institutions its institutions of them i would on all popular in the uk to help up to probably lots parts of france and across europe to think is doing is drawing you into a euro scepticism. yes i
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think at the moment it is tiring but i also think he sees the challenge to overcome because in the end it would be crazy to britain to leave the european union mean we we. as you know a lot of traders with europe. in today's world. what you call china and india. countries like indonesia three times the size of gemini four times the size of fronts. in the world is developing today for the uk or any country abbas sites to withdrawl from the biggest political and commercial union in the well will be heated to betray our own futures i think in the end it would happen. but i think there is a big debate within europe i like to think that when david cameron is right where i agree with them completely. is that europe still reform. the point is i think you better making the case for reform without upon this and you are not real so wants to cap the number of european immigrants unhindered access to a social welfare which is
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about. i think we would free movements. later in your this two quite separate issues again to get mixed up together as often with immigration. kate. one is for people freely coming in was super nice people coming to wet concrete i do believe that these people live the great britain but in these big problem a country i think that contributed to our common us got no difficulty without the tool. separate problem is if people come to britain just to take advantage of benefits that makes people in britain. he did against him angry gets them anxious but we have the ability to spell that right sue wee wee. in a we need to make sure that we take measures to prevent people exploiting our benefits system. i'm completely in favor of the time. come on in faith is the right man and putting up a sign that says no to the migration britain britain's benefit from migration. in eighty countries today. if they want to succeed to the key singer
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countries go to the east and the mind by that is. that means you'll create a view in the third of your educate your people feel welcome in new energy and ideas from liberal said migrations be good for britain i agree can read it we shouldn't have of benefit system pm so we need to take action. but we shouldn't let that. and that as it will morph into an argument that says immigrants about the food for our country is at his stats in one last question but to postpone on these ads very eyes and asked me that he was the social democrats. what do you think to some people say is the new tony blair in france. just imagine the heat wouldn't know what that label add ground is that he wants to do some totally busted his social democrats than to think of the social democrats to refund a neighbor the family is very simple thing you cannot see this problem will clearly today announcing cup. round the world governments face the same problems. the people never think they do but actually they do. leon says
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today's problems is always to do with traditional catholic priests of left and right that is to do with what works what doesn't and it's to do with the world is changing very very fox to technology and the light station for migration therefore if you will succeed when you're a government or country or a plus. you've got to be prepared to change that and that's what is about is all about being left wheel or all right we see that he's prepared to adapt now also known as the season fourteen and penalties he wants to do the best the fronds that to me is this a p e the progressive values never change. write them for what impresses transform politics is a more just society with opportunities more equally spread. but the way of achieving that in the twentieth century's could be different from the mid twentieth centuries litres and close out the rest is a matter of twenty oh one the right policies and implement. so is a social democrat on the love i mean i'm on a day that i shouldn't call it what someone else has
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that same department that i can a tiny that's what i believe the future of progressive politics is double was told that i think that's still and that he's no because. i'm a right winger it's the cause. in today's world. if you want social justice. it's going to take account of the way the will to change thanks to some outstanding debt thanks to you for watching and stay with us all up and down. i'm you i know. moon mm long. and all. the road. i do. i am. in
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the all in. i can. i eye. is
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this. ch. i chose st gets worse every day. cos breaking the old one. so much the eagles to play. stock
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good news. chad border guards will receive additional funding to strengthen the borders in the southern regions of the country. this was announced at a meeting of the military council on wednesday. this decision is related to the termination of nato military mission in afghanistan. it is expected that the alliance troops will leave the country this year according to experts such a measure will provoke drug trafficking situation. mom when you use on getting the points and two assists we expect to receive additional funding taken into account


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