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tv   RT News  PBS  January 27, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PST

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one of our. i am. every year you will will will will the eye. atalanta governor riders day again and ukraine's justice ministry ignoring opposition leader is pleased to meet the scene threatens communications with the government's with a state of emergency to me. all for most this year and he stops and move toward a lamb trapped civilians. i'll be in battles and to get humanitarian aid and. british rowers who are too bored for the ballot has only one in
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the young people saying they'll be bothered to turn out for the next election. a new. he whined for my skill hungry the junction. welcome to the program. bonfires barricades and down the pavements that's how you phrase capital looks after almost two weeks of unrelenting violence. right now you're looking at the latest pictures coming from the ukrainian capital kiev printing company rioters are entrenched and the justice ministry building refusing to budge even despite fellow opposition leaders police. while about sixty radical activists from the movement known as common cause storm the ministry at night smashing windows with clubs and metal bars opposition leader that i could go tried to calm down and convinced him to leave
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instead be dug in deeper calling for backup and erecting barricades ukraine's justice minister calls and threats to talks between the opposition and the president and warrants she might call a scene emergency is the occupation continues. hallmark has more from tia. this is how it looks right now at the justice ministry here in kiev as became the latest building to be overrun by riots is on sunday evening now it's still being occupied by opposition forces that my cc that they've had the windows being broken through that the new seen the fed that it too and make some kind of arcade simple as a way it also has a kimono this way so creeped out signs at making shoe that and nobody can get into the building nia telling me that they have no intention to leave anytime soon not just destroys opposition leader biscotti klitschko coming here and saying to these people that they should leave they said this position leave this building. so we could from the justice
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minister herself she said that the fact that they all keep buying these buildings and of refusing to leave could end up as hampering any kind of polk so the going on had to try and purchase some kind of peace here in ukraine and say i've been also received on to the arcade today feels very steady barricades in order to stop anybody from coming in out where i am right now is not too far away from independence square the areas that the opposition all keep buying off is growing not decreasing up the moments this is despite said calls from their leaders that they should have moved away from these buildings a doubt my colleague alexi other chefs deal of the report now all and who is in charge here whether it's the opposition leaders that are telling the people to do whether it's the people that it takes seeing what they want to hop in. the i have to take a pollutant. i'll take a moment your position speech is ours for nearly as ever. although the protesters are buying
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but even the come on the rest of the target score is enough to bring them in line use independence square still adorned with different from the flags of opposition politics but the biggest question right now is whether they actually controlling anything at all there's a widespread opinion now in ukraine is that their inability to provide crucial decisions left to the violent uprising. no need to listen to them. everything is already been done by us however we are on the issue they're forced to listen to us. and now the movement's leaders have crossed off the president's invitation to the government. that means the only stable revolution now. we offered them controlled government. like the option to change the laundry isn't it. their actions are deprived of a new
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watch. we knew they could not even agree on whether to accept a presidential amnesty for the jailed protesters. if you were to participate in the presidency and of course that he'll release detained protesters in their snow for the resistance central heat and power position east of st what the cross was awesome awesome. the test will only green chemical which comes on the release of the protests of the interior minister's orders police not to arrest people in denial to the delicious breakfast but then the politicians what they simply want a result the facts. and that is the real. let's go to the bc soldiers mocked and tries to jump in front of the formation to feel like generals will heal the country in a whole is now holding its breath until tuesday when big decisions are expected from parliament including the repeal of an anti protest mall. but judging by the work of mike dunn could see that there are no compromises the crowds are great to listen to. links to
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her chest and auntie deported from kenya in ukraine the new lines that caused such anger in ukraine introduce harsher punishments for protests to discuss the matter is when you join lines like kelis the issue bridge he's a security analyst and former british counterterrorism intelligence officer. kelso and form a london train ride officer i'm thinking i was just enjoying this but let's first take a look at how protests are dealt with in europe and north america. well if you are found guilty of steering a riot in britain you define yourself in jail for fifteen years and nine years if he hurled petrol bombs think really get just two years of vandalism in france from defacing statues to tearing up strains is punishable by seventy years behind bars like in corinne it'll get you locked up for just three years accounting or even encouraging peel the fruit of the united states government can get you thrown in to sell for up to twenty years has
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twice as much as in ukraine well finally. don't hide your face and around lee in canada because getting ten years' detention would dampen your enthusiasm and its cans just fifteen days in ukraine so i wasn't a look and see what's happening in some of the countries now i child was returned to you and get your take on the situation in ukraine. specifically the progress of this scale be allowed to go this far in london for example. one thing to get the last question we just need to go the way that the purchase please take the time but have dealt with house protest of the caribbean in the last three or four years if one looks at the temple the protests that it had not said the g twenty summit in london all helps with the demonstrations that took place against the cuts and students called to live in secret. and such like. found a place that i had a very robust response to you guys
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i'm demonstrations. of course it's also the police's responsibility in the united kingdom clearly and other european countries and he united statesicially pst t isat peaceful protests of cration invites us into quiet but nonetheless when i'm the kind of disorder that tak place that we've been seeing happening quite gripping on cap and elsewhere in ukraine as a place with the expected here in the oxycontin to spawn. much more costly. i can excel to swell of legislation the oxycontin to fathom what you can send in your car for a fix on putting on to condemn media has made quite a bit of what it's called cook onion in oil is being introduced into the current excel coal stocks found that people call when mosques on demonstrations and so on. but of course is helping mentioned that this has also been going on to condemn. for some timewell in awe looking at the situation in ukraine and how the police is dealing with ian around singer aaliyah see the police and using violence rather sparingly so far so in your opinion why isn't there an
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all out crackdown happening in that of the capital kiev and elsewhere in the country it is true to say that some food for two swedes seem to know what's that. much of the protest movement is peaceful. camille said that some particular device in a way that often isn't a place and was thus the study of opposition leaders actually taking part in these protests i decided that maybe a feeling that this is pop's more than just a small section of society but irrespective of how democrats are going to come to the test is actually on meditation having said that its attitude that seems to be despite some excel is that we've seen on tv screens of what might be called police brutality and said how can something to suffer tested by police we've seen is on tv screens. but generally speaking it seems that the event. much will call an approach by all possible
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prior to pass what some topical discussions might froms to dealing with this disorder because there's a general email. i think one of the spirit. maxim that if you don't start anew. this kind of disorder in the fact that it will confess this but we saw the oxycontin why i was thinking of ways mr said where is it aside for interrupting you get to set if you don't nip that in the blood but you know of what is your forecasts for the protest in the ukraine thinks that the police response to stay the way it is a gruff harsher as arrives don't want to embrace leafy kick is wearing of town what really has responsibility for the state to protect its citizens protect its business and technical assistance it's hot too much in this situation continue the protest is especially fond of protesters occupying government buildings consider what will be taught i can. it was from nowhere bar that is occupied by protesters against the crackdown against those people specifically but of
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course there's a danger that if these protests continued to cry increasingly violent the crackdown from the state could be seen to be disproportionate. actually it's people home even if iraq is critical to the west could actually end up being counter productive for the current democracy to talk write and express. part i shivered security analysts and former british counterterrorism intelligence intelligence officer talking to us just anyone to remind our viewers may be just joining us up on metal bar conversation with god a time for one more question for you here. and as specifically on eel this one as we mentioned earlier in our conversation the opposition the years and now i'd like to talk about the era demands of the investigations into the case of police of violence to do is get much investigation in the uk and elsewhere in the euro. in your expertise what happened so yes. elsewhere the subsidy right ted notwithstanding that in the past where protesters have been seriously injured or even care what the name undone by the police ever
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happened. now that according to time self of police covering up. the assam the killings but nonetheless a ticket to simulate the kingdom we have left it in london we have a very extensive that cctv video footage all this together said spectacle full price for tom to get away with attacks on protest is. o hit the ground control to self defense. i'm an open court on common sense difficult into two sketches to snowboarding day. the door to condemn even if it took some torn to happen there would you date these days. the inquiry's items prosecutions in to police while purchasing its way to having said that when you cut the results of that court cases against the police. normally i will very often the city. he demonstrates his hands people companies do not disagree that it's very disappointed or even the critics are directed against police officers ordered the sentences that i can get. the data starts every security analyst and down for a british counterterrorism intelligence
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officer thing is to much for sharing some thoughts with us here on earth he international on a protest in ukraine the opposition leader is trying to bring political concessions out of prison gang cockatoos administration dean says. they had nothing to do with a forceful takeover of the justice ministry building the radical common cause movement has been disowned by the man appointed as security commander for the protesters camped on independence square plenty of montpellier running and told to get your opinions on where the current riots are in meeting ukraine will hear is how the answers are shaping up so far the protests in india began as an act of support for ukraine a partnership deal with eu and most of us just over forty percy and say the instability will ultimately scare any such partnership away about asserting you say the writers will manage to force early elections. about sixteen for siena at this point say at
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least one deal will be struck between the opposition and the present and just eleven percent was present in a comic book event and signed a deal with the eu to be long gone george it comes to you let us know what you think about this. i cannot show is keeping you up to date worthy than stinky of twenty four seven on air and on our website our t dot com the art. stricken serious syrians rather and the business secrets they skipped out by america's an essay telling an undefeated i am. all told in the language. but i will only react to situations. i went
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to the courts. and i'm pleased to know the dentist in the coming year. security article is on the dock the duo. homeowner weeds were just between you and made a direct question. be prepared for hh. when you throw a punch. they are ready for that the us needs to let out the defendant's costs ignore. stories. you can do changing the world likes me also pictured. i don't
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the international hundreds of women and children trapped in the middle of syrian wharf and be able to leave the besieged city of homes this i hope that's the reason averaging a two piece stocks were the government and opposition have agreed to allow those civilians to flee to safety panel on humanitarian aid and elsewhere people are slowly returning to the country's biggest city of aleppo to find their homes demolished or pillage and so on the most destructive fighting has reduced large part of the ancient site to rubble read how she looks at what's left for citizens to rebuild their lives with. local team to national pool on what is believed to be the tourists including a plane to touch down here in the last year it's a special government might. authorities say breaking the ones due to
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start in a month's time the mondo this flight means the return of light to this airport and to syria. gandhi he snores and seeming region has seen in the least violent clashes during the almost three year long conflict leaving death and devastation behind. it is to be folded until the factory with two thousand people were working. now you can see. his last verse is a story. that wildlife is a common feature here. it seems it's huge for peace is slowly coming back this village outside in the fall has just come back into government control. out of fourteen thousand residents who fled it up to the rebels attack month that governments as he's now back to discover the house is either destroyed or dilute it it all depends on how lucky you are. our home was almost intact that they stole everything anyone with
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the stagnant woman says she and her husband have been waiting for the state before twelve years and they're happy to finally have it now our home was destroyed when out of nothing. god gave as a baby has to give us power to do everything from scratch larry didn't know it the coffee. we need more and more massive than skiing a shame the diesel to me soon the player was nice only says good things die. families returned to leeds. mohammad twelve years old and go to school from others. peace to the face of school days. i have three friends i mean come on and on me and my cousins. well me and talking to maintain the name tonight people are in desperate need of simply everything. it's nice to and pee security. he said tuesday that we do now is to get locals involved in
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patrolling in helping the ami secure the area of protecting the village. nicole love this to come back soon. it didn't need the image to drive to the c team. to use to take some fifteen minutes by a highway takes an hour today friends and i can't say enough. looks like a mix tequila at least it's for its clients. i was surprised to see what is the bca is the biggest business center still so vibrant and actually say. we intend to golf like the kids with us expecting to see clutches in the middle of it completely destroyed sixteen. and don't be mistaken this is what's the cost of six. more to the east you will see a completely different picture margaret's the tsunami factions on to radical i contacted the group's depth of control. the government forces trying to fight and die. it's nice to control
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hopeful to see t and d costs of northern syria remained the biggest challenge to the ceasefire plan for school that i see him in and russian foreign ministers. he always syrians or brady to reconcile with each other and it was a good place to stop with the leaking good example to other regions. but these guys from the nose or front from al qaeda. they don't know what they want a seminal piece. that while police force is not an option must be careful to forge peace to this war torn country residents eighteen and now it's ready to give up or fight or flee the country to be at peace. refueled county from syria. well looks like america's big brother has been getting its hands on big business. now he has revealed television that the nsa has been using everything is gone to pry into the commercial secrets of foreign firms more than a hat. also in the program here. not
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the toughest year in touch with me. russia's paralympic sledge hockey team. thus for that and more. the brits just can't get themselves fired up about bowling and more with turnout for elections in bc years on a downward slide. mr young people in particular who were backing away from the ballot box only camper see and say they'll definitely take part in next year's general election the stairs to reports from london. this legacy left by people who devoted to the point though that as i honor it is still a state sentiments that don't bode well for democratic legitimacy and british politicians as electoral engagement continues to decline and the public's emotions turned sour and there is to keep the actions of politicians across all sections of the electorate of recent poll found. followed by border particularly among the few. we want study showing that only one in ten i'd definitely want to go to
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the uk is twenty fifty and the general elections have voted. i regret doing it. i don't wanna be involved with that i don't want it give it legitimacy that can go to the ballot box kits to sell tickets as well i covered the bottom five regret having a system in which i thought to have an odd duck of a row choice you have how many people were protesting again was probably never even showed an interest in it whatever happens there is the fact that so peaceful protest. so there's anger because the previous into a people thing to stop taking direct action. the attendant backs on the ballot boxes they continue their involvement of society and politics by taking from the streets feeling that this alternative may be more active than ever. young people are interested in politics and politicians in my new response poem fiscal hawk is not appealing. i'm to young people young people getting involved in a very diverse range of. the scope
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of its licence has come to petition the court costs demonstrations of doing stuff online. i'm taking the occupied the plant. will he have to expect is the key to this post is to live in the game in town. there is continuing the existential problem. cole at traditional particular scene. ten am and what he can keep the kids are extremely aware of the copeland said they should be . blocked it seems not enough to last into the air and it just keeps pointing over onto the streets they also said the rt london. when i say isn't in town justice find huge numbers of people out on snowdon says it also keeps a very close eye on businesses. the whistleblower told german tv that the us agency tries to siphon off any information it can get its hands on. john former m i five officer says the nsa is
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taking down still sputtering to a new level. singleton says about the scale of the problem because our intelligence agencies with mandates to the city protect national security force that takes the economic well being of our countries. added however that is very different from aggressive industrial espionage on an aggressive the industrial scale which causes but said he has now revealed that because if new technologies for teams that spend all week savannah had her teeth again the standard that statistic upon to teach you how did that mean that they can drop it to me everything said and if coasters contrast texas economic well being of course it was kind of people political and economic advantage. but before that she's scared that i think that is the sheep here. palin big winter games falling on the heels of the succulent pics will see russia sledge hockey team perform before a global audience for the first time i just gonna take some shots in their skills on the arts. b b b the sign that
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read that this is where the pageant that will hold the iss sled hockey tournament. now the wit is on the pink hockey teams will also be played once yet in this to me that this is the seven thousand mountain of presents each set of the match. don't be surprised when it comes time to sign in eighteen means the wine scene. the only currency that nonsense with students when he wasn't the olympic gold medal. some of the sportsmanship suits. it went in. ps you can use that's the story i was on pcp come on. the introduction of the fourth we did
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wouldn't that be on the ground. something that the russian fleet deny them is aware of an incident in world war. these guys manage to prove to themselves their relatives and be in thai society and we are not people with disabilities. with unlimited. these men and women who could sit fifteen minutes he was assigned to state. the family law the country. btn on. tune in we'll get to watch in a sea world you were ever you go to a maid she asks for your own tablet access program schedules on demand video nope my name is pete oliver write a book. enjoy the us versions available. this is your marketplace today to search makes the network. i
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am. it's korean armed forces day. at least for this special forces demonstrate the fourteen capabilities well korea continues to play an active role in court but uncertainty. his recent pledge to extend the trip deployment in afghanistan. it is the commitment to improving health care and education. he was keenly felt by the local afghan population of poland province and beyond. having suffered every war in recent history the koreans know it takes three divided the nation as captain cousin laura explains her how little there was no homework to do you add in something in the last few months they'll be perfect and then a student in a compact and medical products and upload some video of the scene again and see when did that today knew it she went out with miss m is that we too might add. i stayed up into a medium soft like a
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nice likeable up for some photo op at ten am and that of assistance. the korean hospital program at race was a fishy attended a court two thousand and ten. it reeks like all young people almost exclusively by sting of dental unit searched the patient x ray rhodes pharmacy more medicines and physiotherapy practitioners to preserve its history to guide the eighteen thousand patients to type and some patients such as mine and connie came to the hospital stuff from on top of the injury has not been a full treatment is received with a very big difference and eight. behind them if i am about to be deducted on a cookie. today was the fifth of the group and it got to go to bless us with a mentor and programs designed to train doctors nurses and pharmacists is what is going to like the registration stuff. the korea strait the beaded no cost to meet a couple times. it is just healthcare with a head to the lost legacy. munich is
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good through the woods the mounted unit just next door to the hospice and a sticker invitational quarter inch pipe and in two thousand and ten. jointly funded by which the koreans americans is designed to educate students in a variety of occasions including vehicle mechanics construction twelve coming the next thing i like to think of future past and it doesn't. the tension on the fence beyond. chris and mary total recall with some chilled in this case and on the salmon. you just know it all. o'neill committal order she just added to the end chairman. to get. the priest the chili us a light t study life expectancy for a contest increase from forty two to sixty two. and he is there till three point two million adults in schools compared to just fifty thousand under the tub up with afghanistan and treated you what economists priest caught up on their institutions the focus on improving
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education and healthcare stochastic or a hospice and vocational question of how the country quilts what price the future. this is jake tuchman reporting from the grime afghanistan the next. he and nm one morning the fan. the new year each its interim government has announced that the presidential election has been made towards a dream princeton at lehman so announced a decision in a televised speech saying it is being taken out to the lineup with natural forces of representatives the berries grapes. this means parliamentary polls will happen like that and not so fast as the recently deceased by them and treat bags with ortiz right back to democracy the election has to take place not like that than e


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