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tv   The Debate  PBS  January 27, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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you knew you wouldn't want it will be when when when when when. ah eye. well welcome to a special edition of the false that get today the pulse of the dollar by the banks of the box for is here to europe. whenever there is some asia. turkey then we go walking around the streets on this blistering january day. we see how vibrant it is a average wells has tripled in the past to keep you really get a sense of that. did you also get a sense of a lot of uncertainty right now after last may's like disney park protests the prime minister
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richard tie at their new one responding to wiping graft probe with a wholesale purge of the judiciary and the police is turkey. so admired in the arab world after the arab spring and still today. the winner takes all democracy. what is the future of the islamist rooted ak party and to which way is turkey leaning towards europe or the koreans today in the polls and get to bake the turkish model put to the text in with us to talk about it. they were doing the show in partnership with korea daily news whose editor in chief is more accurate and more are welcome. corey it's completely not just an english language newspaper no actually here it is a turkish language paper is one of the biggest the most influence in turkey and it uses a mission trip with the same of the same roof it's one of the biggest to the media institutions. sorry we're also pleased to welcome another journalist ed knocking on the outside
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the euro calmness with me in the act the turkish media has been in the spotlight a lot the last six months to get a chance to talk about it later on that to this certainly no shortage of news right now there never was that this patient the stacey can say that the committee an exciting life. an exciting life than it probably is a rewrite the textbooks than that to our next guests the sun few months who teaches at ten thirty university. who teaches political science. it might have to do. the sun. your university is associated. i guess with one of the main protagonists in the current crisis. yes it does it get to be bigger than more months about the kazaa to blow up call it's so be it was so so stuffed from all sorts of people by the league is and uses the same for the students as well the current movement of the us based cleric does that to the coup and who has been at odds. it's an understatement. with
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the prime minister and finally let us welcome. she is twenty four years old when the singers. it is near where the presence of icicle by our icicle by are you work with the in fact so. the survey group has just graduated from university guide psyche i just sent me and the season from the sun get back to turkey and two months ago and the king is a searching in fact right now. we were sitting in the introduction house. turkey can seem still today like a winner takes all democracy we went to the streets of istanbul announced folks how they feel turkey's democracy is doing if we don't have all these internal conflicts turkey would be on a roll the objectives are clear. in other words turkey to progress. it is not the date of the cbd. even though were living in a democracy in actual fact it isn't one people call express themselves freely and they
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call it the lights the way they once did. sadly it's all gone. yes in that instant as it was when the assistant who was the one. the population continues to mature come to me. what the delight of the most democracies in the day. he wasn't trying to carry as corruption scandal we'd be on the right track what a happy one. that's not how it's looking. and i see myself in the mountains right just to show that woman be pessimistic or optimistic. i think she is realistic. because of people are expected to corruption allegations about the color and the judicial procedures should not be stopped until the end i think that's is the main axis of debate about it otherwise you're stuck with things happening in the economy. this is a shame but you put a clear well
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turkish people most of the turkish people got so warm that we don't take sole title. the buckets. and as transparent. these stations as such. since we are trying to become a member of european union. transparency and traditional dependence on media freedom our basic parts of the basic core promise. so i did agree with the committee if we can overcome such problems the fall of the streets there was us. two former u s about so there's a couple days ago to watch oppose the recall of what they said they're going right now it's called trying to destroy is destroyed. turkeys are less democracy is real. i don't because they're so funny after starts to ask ourselves with a day is really give you
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the tools that can realistically hope to see what techie i would say y'all but turkey has come a long quotes from the tests of looking to the way open seating and the imperialist a democracy. of course there's some problems and then maybe maybe more problems in the last days there must be looking to these developments but i think we need to go back to the old paceman at a military tool to blix was not to be overseen in techie like bible say that the ofcom come a long way. love the sea in turkey now insisted that his means of corruption allegations and that has been some of the current toll it's taking up the pc os guy sounds like good day. most kids he can float for many it's close to ending corruption and what's a meeting he stays in it but he wants to collect like it for use against graft scandals it is the lust of defeats the that made up of its claim then of the bbc concert tonight so as to what you're saying is is that
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the tightening of its probe is suspicious. i would say that in the sights and the timing. whoops i mean it's it's easy being told some political goal and each of us that sells came to dc had a political goal in the normal functioning democracies. he sounded great i don't because stevie she even today she hasn't put it the cool old and the solution is a tradition as the months of additional spending to keep the prosecution of a trumpet teach a four foot by atp to the parliament. last year's be sold that day to try to create the present is the actual system to kick it with your life policies that will separate the men to prison for the baby and a booklet to cook even enact laws on the palm of his outstation and the pointing almost all of the judiciary to get to meet the parliament had killed the two closets two thousand and ten. by the tp was the last minute
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and icing and a muppet is a cpa and forcing him to which the nazis two thousand and ten. because of the constitutional reform package that was then called thrown by the people of the costs additional cost structure what's changed. so it does not eat almost impossible practically impossible to close the mat parking. so the atp is no longer be afraid of the genitals and some of them are in prison because of the cooties just an atp is no longer get re build the constitutional court sought since two thousand and ten. how fortunate the data will sort of sinus going to get out to attending tendencies and gets it says that the reform package offered by ttp the parliament shows that ba had a tendency to create the kind of put to use the system into a key and at last she advises you call the ticket that this is that he did not bet on it when the hof will be this one of dante's this weekend the other one is babylon and
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the haunt his old beaumont and constitutional pony shows that the atp is a bit beat the broncos though the peak of the said that although much is that it was that he is a desperate person and he's weeks because of the checks and balances us additional powers. i shake you to. forty what is your feeling is there an authoritarian bands to turkey's prime minister or is this score settling. that's going on. and for small i like to add something about the craps and the dates and its heels getting it to me and also to many people in society. that said there's so much normalizing the craps and introduced to the and are just speaking about to put a spring to bring it up on the surface this is a decent exist and among critics say first of all. and the like the sense of spirit or directional food i get the government's ad on meat and dairy payout sectarian and eight. he has over exposition in me ye for example this is. then i think that i'm against saddam
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the age. and yes i think it's pretty clear debts to accuse me of charging right now more as it is. we call such racial lot worse is the real fun. of course and trish gopal were speedingk is a reali love. the ore exporter in media lab goal. it is actually the going towards the oracles from sewed up soon if it goes like this whatever our prime minister you say live on tv. all nations to these. i will concede line or two. states he too had no effective to stop the annoying thing because people will get accustomed to. the dorm the pure storm screen secure types of tea. spud date twelve points five live
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coverage. two weeks and salted it and remember a few weeks ago. anyway of course aunt rachel colors to the one hand this is serious the time this year and a high degree to which it is snowing most of all though. this last debate in parliament the bill on the judges had before she could to sport. oh to have more political control over it. time in prison too. and the loop on him in to speak or teach it. have also expressed their concerns about the constitution court as well. and you said you are to be getting into so so week there are checks and balances that bill's been frozen for the time he gets there are some traits of dallas said we want to keep them like that but the loan of more strikes why why is the prime minister. so virulent talking about. watts talking about
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conspiracies he's very very virulent and his team in the israel. maybe i should start it a bit of a couple words about the stock justice media. i needed some comments but breathtaking it but i guess the good discussion these discussions he had to study maybe the stretch of the media because the leash in speaking to me peel holdings and the government and the size of the cult of each ticket but if the state's eastern states he's got beach and each of the medial mayors and other government officials will bring some things that he's doubled so chaotic i think the shift of the mice they began searching take it all and the size of station in the mines from a little perspective. so the goals of the corruption and the stench of immediate problems is the devil bbb of salt but of the city of mine said that up and go on is not so afraid of the genitals anymore. next up
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is i also told the ft denote a tutu which is being overcome kentucky and that wasn't the key to mean achievement concerning turkish democracy. but not nowadays. i mean this day is if rates notice the genitals mumps of different religious persons life of st to be told told in critical strikes cost of government institutions of what some call it good to know this cold of mateship for most of all adults of those moms and the book was cold on deal seeking mom. he was arrested because he will double ended. me and inside the full piece their details information said that police in the two institutions for him to take to critical positions on the government's calm and peaceful was a link to tossing it at the beach couldn't be published leaked a made up my meals and not the mom gets rights published on to a different name and in
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the antagonists with us also if randolph on the tube. and who was there i stood at the same time the comics it was made in chennai who is actually an alternative source of the keen on corruption the shias and he says it's not new it since i keep it that the justice and development like the team to college. it's corruption occurs but she thinks that i'm supposed to interview he says that islam week started on the seventeenth of december i have had the corruption he she is now second day he says. up to be deemed to be reached. he gave to our morning tour of peace has won the league needs to see that the ten months is actually that's not to group which is actually up to make the move of the committee that they need to see the kids say one really needs to see says that the jam on to sanction to take amy to act on it seemed to showcase is that it's still so strong that he can't even bring it down to come to stymie mistake when he wants to sell i think there's two issues now going on hand in hand i
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intend to be some newbies is there a. a dark force with the goal of this movement it's trying to bring down the government. it is not and it's he'll be seventy the salmon with corruption case the government has never complained about such a structure and the government will be saved that day the government is a good moment and they sent greetings to the decimal times they visited him several times and the always hide this book will be a good dad and him went to police and the pot speaking peoples souls of organizations but ceased production of this jesus taught that they seem to be phd in stone the disco with a dark horse and he did this same thing because cost the city. voting begins the participants as out and instead of criticizing team suffered by trying to field a small dose the slopes he talks in sudan which creates the beach shopping centers they had long said that these protests are organized
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by the helpful see i am also a jewish to be given a hissy fit by that name. roof tiles are a nice because the villages off the new turkish airlines sold the same team is being employed pm but it isn't the case to animate him and his next moment the dam was because the atp doesn't want us to talk about people rushing seasons. they never replied to the corruption cases that i havent quite the evidence about the corruption they never mention this. he never denied this. the us's mccoy is a smokescreen. of course the jonas must not be tried by an invitation because they go into gaza assault bought it but me. at the one that is going it could decide the people that these journalists seem to pass the net but the club they are using is simply to die due to the station and two with cp the sec the attention of the puppy cooking. corrugated be the outcome of all of this whether or not its score settling and how much of it
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is the genuine use so we see people are staying under the radar. they don't wanna get too involved in secret society will mean people who normally speak out for her being very camera shy. no discounts. no expense on what kind of people who wants to speak to you. but. the we're not talking about two issues one is the corruption cases to grab fourth of december soon and start the summer swim team. and the oft about the fights between the government and the judiciary as foreign minister ahmed who will cook it in an indebted to you before wolf the fight between gawler and judiciary but people tend to perceive this as the slight twist in a crime to justice and the little part in the choral parts he said bye to climb in
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he condemned it as his mate who works as they call themselves though. which as being in the garden. up untill greater be simply as a kid to call bishop auckland. but no. because of this the demonstration company in poland. molly's the demo is also discussion or about as easy as it got us into two of the cosmic it is so out of two pitch off his monastic quick report into the sport cvs or watching a special edition of the false and get to be missed. then when you think it will not be seen now
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the wind. i would. a minute three. off. i knew. all seven yen as the headline seats. ha tien convinced ukrainian president is holding a meeting with the country's opposition leader is this evening. this offer ukraine opposition after he was ready to continue talks with the government. they did warn that the testers industry could snap at any moment. are you that make it to the justice ministry. they maintain their located outside to go. each day to the army chief of golf at sa lcc months he get people to mom to run as president that's according to the country's army now in charge of the country. this
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evening game at its green nights to lcc for his presidential bid. this offer new constitution is approved by a massive stars in a referendum are due this month the first electoral test all the chips and a transitional government since it opened through is his cousins on my seat to decide. this is the first couple days separate ways will swell rising to keep the tourists to visit my friends present and twenty two years. they said that we haven't had a visit to india on the wall and can't change it she said she would administer the world. this is an uncommon thing to seven hours in a disappointing number of registered office hit new record in december this despite government pledges of a turn around quickly. in tonight's headlines a couple steps to resemble the second part tonight's debate
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welcome back to a special edition of the fall so back to the debates on an unseasonably chilly monday in istanbul by the banks of the boss for some awesome dealt with this in this special edition in partnership with korean tv news its editor in chief of morons get to welcome back welcome back as well. to the idea of an object columnist for me yet newspaper also with us of is the piece on the last of the pool and going is linked to a few movements at the university heights university. and oh also this is of the adjoining ossetia said just graduated. i should go by are i should believe we've been talking in part one of our discussion about the current political crisis so that soon engulfed turkey a lot of people staying under the radar fearful to talk in some cases some cases waiting to see how. how
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the chips fall. me ask you win. when they get sparked protests happen. i want people into politics for the first time you tell me before you. we started the show that that's when you get these kind of sense to a generation gap between your generation and that of your parents looking at all the turmoil. and yet and yet though. they didn't hurt generation nuts that's a good sign as the lights in the recent aedt was then the bus like in the territory for people from descendants of the degrees to get together and to the eagles before it was doing they finished up my parents for example especially the charity says she takes it out. it's a private assert the one yet has been in power the whole time you've been interested in politics yet unfortunately. the event when you haven't seen the alternative other than that done. we have only
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written books and discuss them and that our parents and they saw the moon. yep that was offensive. it is just about. why why we're not hearing very much to be of the traditional opposition are we in bend is a bit of a generation gap. yes exactly and the best candidates. i think including me going to be done to use the conventional way of making politics as the result legged on the deuce is politics to waltz looks like the new books and that sin is often than you just don't have much right to a post because you like to admit in this democratic system and the young generation. it's comes under some that's pretty well and the uni yet taken apart and it's remembered taking the part of sixty percent of the people didn't watch for a given me only thrice ignored this and the band sold a book series for anyone to speak on spence said ofsted he isn't that just sort of following years
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of his work. and if the clothes they have to get the seat and i repeat by police for sixteen years of the police force play and custody yet. take time to create said. tom shields period. and the un. and that's why i can't have a history of torture and death penalties in the eighteen seventies and that's why i think it's innovation. he seemed sort of pulled the gulf because even though my parents are beauty contest in politics and then asking for their opposing his only son to keep me protected. as many friends of mine who and the unceasing easy they just don't tell their parents said that they bought the tickets it's just like anybody she didn't want to express toasts to the government's anime yet the argentine city center. a more active kid did you sense that. i did. he did that too because i'm the parent
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student and teacher generations. so of my daughter is twenty years also experienced similar things one of your street interviews. another lady said that the reader will want to move goal towards east timor we want to go waste. so that's why to keep up with the european union project is very important. our world is and isn't sexy. frost is one of the countries that. such people who perceives as europe itself. so it is very important for prawns for long enough to own. lean back for this dynamo. rolling dream team. to which in europe closer. the church. cause as turkey is linked his handkerchief to europe. moore this time that the cookbook economic and political. golf course social status of to
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keep you going to come closer to the european standards which is which way which i believe will work but to four bolts your time and took the pic up on that point he's in a moment. first though to tell you the truth we were talking a mere go about it to beat the ballot box as being one component of the debate this country the ballot box is something very real right now because the coming of two municipal elections here in turkey. top of people's concerns. these inflation the local currency has dropped nearly thirty percent since the disney park protests in part due to domestic reasons apart international. the other issues that are not that these eruption. let's take a look at this false and get report on that how the thirty one years has been to ordinary folks. new istanbul
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city on them. the population of fourteen million. the only comfort in the tiki is often described as i'm trying to be secure. his office in the city center. mr takes a final look at his latest collection for authentic brand. his company money for describing intended to sail to new york. the cost he gets to be named in time for the may kentucky maple believes that this is a direct result of the government steps to strengthen the economy the typical wheel in detroit when the tears came to our thinking oh no to the senate since i haven't personally seen any evidence of the season with a good job and achieved the impossible to get the result of using or the army would always been when something happened during those days are over the top almighty up. this morning he's visiting one of the sump pump houses the man heard that the political crisis for the entire recent corruption scandal will not
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disrupt the country's economic stability. there are no major upheavals in the foreign exchange rates on the needs of the economic crisis in the year begins and ends in the coming years and feel confident that this would improve the value of the textile sector the comfortable running condition. two minutes. his confidence gave way to pick the disappointments of the inhabitants of snow queen in two thousand sakes government decided to complete the heat of the microscope in the district of istanbul. its residents of the majority of them evicted from two on one promised new housing as a minor price in exchange for the sale of their property hawkes has three c to ten times and many of them are now in serious doubt. i was getting to meet and tasteless done for my benefit. icon to hear the tunnel before that with the devil himself could have come up with just gave them candy on. it's all night voted for the akp three
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times and then my hands for placing though so it's been missing. boston centers and some food to other countries that are too small bowl seems to be running out of steam the current crisis may well have an effect on the coming municipal elections at the end of march. the turkish ball running out of steam. he told the economy. i would say that may be locked up like it is that this was the economy because it makes them look up back the global crisis almost all licensed to the city was almost not to take it up. but the date of the economic she of fluctuations in the beanie neither countries to kentucky to give us almost architect so i would say that ec summarize up twenty two years since two thousand to sell most of these two books eight and economic success. plus any techies weight and she came up since two thousand to be forward looking for that now seems especially the last
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it is the second test rolled economy is on the chat i would say that the tonic to ease rising without stopping you also ended days of some non techies facing some economic problems. he looked up to defeat it but that looks a bit of the turkish economy is being towed to quite successful and loves his bed but i would also add that if he told the scandal told to give up. egged on the anti anti spiky adult add ons like the d c say the least of the day and he's like he's just an attempt to mount it i've looked in mind that he's still live in copenhagen. the polls still show some support around sixty percent and probably the coming was ballot elections they would get it out for tea up to fourteen percent. so did the calculations of you talking about it hoping that he then launched into what quite like it support is also heated by guilt for them so the books. that's a bit touchy is actually the walter said black and whites and
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the coastal climate deal position is not strong enough to tell him to act on their opponents. um has become quite calm. insert it's a day in phoenix facing the heat it's like i've done so that's my intent he played some pool he should also see that of the deal was this huge beast on the eagle would do to make people of bill pullman's the month of tp atp want to express themselves of dictating the political mandate. it's maybe one of the problems that's why the dc moment was not handled successfully by the government but also of ice and misused by some of the troops. opposing the government should do. and ooh yes i believe in heaven into perspective. and many speak about economy and kingdom of the most important things to still speak about the effects of a company to talk to them i just saw super league status of the people bring some point six eight one of the latest survey conditions on helps and today for example now and
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university hospitals are considered as private hospitals sold by a landowner is making a speech saying my citizens he'll go to the universe the liberals people the balcony. he's just a candle or change and people don't question enough just to move to reveal the real facts on the disc went to the devil has nissan to save people come to the present i don't think that at all that's anti big government. he's at the foot sixty percent support. and our daily some lo's that i was racing as well which is saying is that because we'd opposition to continue to get to know that the people are happy they did to help politics and its economy. well i think it just looks big enough to see and get the baby canceled the opposition party. i'm okay that i'm a nice round the this also brings out on reading more books. and. also be seen and daddy miserable ammunition to use the citizens are given a
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short example and recycling did it because this is the father of that little the boy sixteen year olds got less than that the manifestations of it apart as it sometimes and journal and usa. am i the first thing that i taught was that either the merger of the campus police who is paid by the analysts said any state i did my ex is just like its my son just because he's posing and he's just using his right to move. too many thousands he said this is a very reasonable than the nation. yes he's that he's the turkish model running out of steam them hiking so that ben gave me a piece that is still home and collapse because of the armies in the fields in nineteen ninety eight the add on and his friends say that they would no longer will cause the european union and they will no longer holding an opinion as a christian club. but they will try to joining the eu and to like it and has a nice time school applaud the first time the intention is to miss he
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said. in nineteen ninety four that democracy is that this regime a way to the end is nordic come back from democracy and his moment is to support the european union for the last forty years and on the basis of principles these european union project that all of those things supreme still called separation of powers can write cents on the moon to suppose that the atp but it is since two thousand and ten and the kids called single out the european union said that he visited moscow last month he said to put in that why don't you save us from the udp union by accepting the speech on the cooperation agreement so that i also saw signs that he is about the dup improve the sport but we're hoping to be on a live tv interview to the european union progress afford to be with us being there to show you sit in his debut suspect for the day. a new record sold. also signs that at
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the mouth evening that he has captured the state by democratic means he no longer be nice to read a good service to the european union democrat the guide of the song so she is looking towards the east of fortune that they might be sustainable for the turkish economy because the beach economy doesn't have oil to keep doesn't have a high kicking the seat so the need for the taking this will be less than the investment at him and i rub them all of them still copies may be investing in the queue for the last weekend because the queues at fourteen european style does not because they dropped its bid it was the bread it's so but now it seems that the egg using the supreme soul the tiki so let the economy and markets may be trembling and shaking. the gun up to. i don't think me because i must resemble the most journalists accompanying police arrived on the news russell visit last week and i would say that it's true that said there has been a stagnation up close and deletions the gpu and tiki popped up to the contents words to it that
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the press box. the ace. and yet but he was bowled site gets us into this agony stemming from tech gizmos from the eu and especially for lucrative government in france germany and the hesitation still a steal at turkey's membership. but now i have seen in the late prime minister is threatening to step up to speed up to the deletions and the negotiation process with the european union again so i will say that that saddam would be right to save two thousand and fourteen were told it would be again a year for a un eu and turkey relations to speed up. read dickens you see that happen to chance it depends what kind of steps on is going to take in sight because the move which governments hopefully this government the us governments to easily top the top but when it comes to wall to wall the case is not that is the state he for instance freebies the bill to reform the judiciary had to
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become the cause of domestic pressure a choir because of or because of this trip was the club's prices because of many reasons because of many reasons because he got the very clear message. off to the three dancers in a weeks from european union for all our stuff on through to the enlargement commissioner saying that they're not happy with this to the shield bill which groups the stroller. oh the judicial independence and dependence of course was the constitutional costs then he did this frozen. the bill into parliament. not all of his generous two years because he would know that if this bill will pass the comic herbaceous reach europe will be destroyed to be damaged and that the political links to. on the contrary have long does a lot to me asked excuse me doesn't want to cut the main suite with you the soul of this might be a
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hero of the division provisioning day the relations with europe but he told depends on the steps that have gone we'll take him to it in domestic politics if the stakes will be and will be towards transparency judicial independence and of the way for all of course had to choke collars the one time yes yes there might be closer to the steps into a tissue that their relations to come. the sun knows of them yesterday cuz you with this is a turkish or station called to set that does a survey of the arab worlds of how it's perceived turkey we all remember the rock star welcome an heir to one guy lehman to cairo couple of years back. i'm still on the case he struck dumb on the list. the turkey struck dumb or a list of countries it minor to third. that was a nerd fun. are the united arab emirates and saudi arabia and what people that survey shows that people in the arab world's up. they would like a
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lot to be based on religion and people insert cibc that's not the case. did you know that day was it an overstretched. turkey's to embrace of the arab spring he was a bit and then all was six and a small subsidy not the key to a t as a means by mobile just because of the systemic credentials but because it was an example of using it the stump and democracy soul in a bid for the moon venus the nation you can have democracy an on site some type of secularism and most muslims did not object to that and one of the moss didn't you catch the woman seemed to be good at home and repeated the dickhead that i was like some type of second reason is that the gst style. it's almost as can be easy then paul took the lead in the tv is such a m violence or the sight of understandable and was texas' second is the big coal mining piece gown and democracy mercy by
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at ups is an inspiring model but knowledge is what we see is the physical authoritarianism and out of state seat at the mops or get fed up because nbc and the end of this elite at the end of the day would you say that how much. turks have in common with arabs. she said the cpp is fish up to the established in the pic not much enjoyed it. when the door to in times to kill was duped was the best with and for the last two hundred keys to a t hey being in a ghetto uprising and the memorizing stuff and stick a little steep to tiki don't get time off the cabbage salt and genocide by the end of the twentieth century the exception of the civil court. all tools the second most expensive prospect of the thoughts that come out to aid him in that light up would you say that they're the ones bit off more than he can chew by supporting the islamists who are fighting in syria as the cia policy is to be
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keeping the shoe box of since the photos came out last week concerning the huge mess acted on by gas on tuesday. i think first of all the shows start saying that they can be a solution. as i sucked into the jeans they get to see him still up in principle techies position i'll they say was right. the singing pick us up must go and see it must be a green by the pulpit of bullets. i've chosen to lead and political assistant coach sir clive feeling that the effects alone at nine hundred kilometer border that you share with seared it is in the health security problem right now. aunt kiki i can say that i too was too much involved in the city of problem. but if he asks this question east tec you will not be in bold that much but that means some of the board and will be like avoid it took a nice today. no employees going on and to avoid it and it's impossible to stop that but this in any of the changes saying the states of implying that
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nt might be incorporating the al qaeda it does end up in the league of skinny of arguments because turkey has beamed up helping a lot still to come up with a position in syria. and it is of such regime is making something in the last days. bai of goals so i have to if the cia on me evacuate its kind in the sand is all tied up for cisco and the sun teaching the tunis to that soul of days actually and it's shown that and he's helping al qaeda forces kentucky pieces actually deal with it said he has been tied to the incentive for del position two one two of the state wants him to teach but that is never the end of an allied to a need of military elk idea of a fleet of scooping ceo in the lower living costs were a joke and how much of the yardstick of the once foreign policy will his serie a position be it snows it's with a clear that
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tasted the plan. as the bonus plan. in syria my doing it at home. so the developments in both syria and egypt. i was young. as a result of colette softness and brought the group's position in sudan government and in youtube whew that was something got that rome has planted. policy was sort of. he's so successful was the brother with that subordinates. two memo that it's a political activist of the group's successful films but details when it failed director was filled by that idea. i'm like like movements the sole tortillas in process of revising that the homeless knowledge it's in the last few months. you can see. and as far as we know from other
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information that. today of moments. during this visit of hormones in calcutta syria is full of cupcakes there we were discussing and we expect from them somemore corporation in future as a result of the strategic cooperation agreement between two countries which wielding gold corporation more operational see a close up of the well. we have journalistic information that there is a cooperation between the intelligence services. it sits right but it seems quote europe and turkey needs more corporation studio to pendleton small broken rites are you saying the current visit by the french president is very important turkey is very important and it only because of syria the cause of european union relations and economic conditions. i think autumn is expecting more reached agreements with two to wee wee or the japanese
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turkish french the corporation and the dependency of course we'll see of course if it doesn't use a complete move that trend back towards europe in the european union that's all i hope that these first i want to thank you you more acute in a show produced in cooperation with korea to the news at the summit take a bicycle body are for for joining us as well. the sun umass and to as roma gone out show for being with us thank you for joining us here in istanbul for the special edition of austin today. land sure or scolding the book is a rusty so uber rock show two of the markham site as its director since two thousand and six. still makes
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show up all the students arrive on time with liz i still get to it. one last ditch bid to show good in maths he is a she the local cpa which to distribute little one up on it. as a scene that improvements in its educational services for default a tough bunch who doesn't want only fifty thousands of white meat in children's court where tourists. this is international intervention the beginners reason to eight million including premium goes up. but with five million children still out of school. duff from government is wor provide them i see the ducks this dish. it will put it out to do the job on top of it well
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you know something. you see we all put it out though the idea that the chip the central issue. sit back and you'll get the digi and what not to know what yet she does not have approved of the beauty of the decision but a television that that that is that the bottle last night. and i embed it into these programs which include classics at least receive our biology and the beach in the short course code has been able to provide education to men and women up to forty five years of age for some of them squirming so once in a lifetime opportunity. but the photo above. when she saw that it was. princess coup but they did i break it would do well but then even more to that
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that was monday and they use to mow. to me that she didn't get to post it here. people need to do. that's what the beastie it for them all done and since the great private spending. horsemen it was that led them to the man who was known and respected. it was a time it's still a knighthood much color spectrum and stuff but it took us about them. the clip the ticket sales. same. all the small adult. if you let it heat it is a small short videos even more. tony shepherd of the body. how about that. i
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get on a budget in increasing numbers of tourists and poisons close enough to start minister that the patient's biggest challenge is currently facing debacle trained teachers. essential equipment. luckily infrastructure. nevertheless mr maher the inside says prospects for the kitchen in the country part of me up lone wolf. it is needless to the gullible. so if you don't know the speech. it was israel's top scientists leading the charge in developing alternative energy bio fuel from one of the world's most abundant life points to algae. fossil fuels like oil rapidly disappearing. finding renewable energy sources is critical. that's right touch of weeks more than eco energy is finding ways to help local and international energy suppliers and infrastructure companies go green the algae is attractive because not only reduces costs and outside and smoke stacks. it
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also doesn't compete with cops for farmland. algae as a biofuel could produce thirty times more oil per acre than other crops such as corn and sugarcane. it will also be non toxic juice milk salt provide context and that i don't agree quickly the dpp group and the ppt fee of up to the twentieth anniversary of the eu single market we're also looking at the future of the single market and how it can cause acute europe's economic revival by creating more jobs and stronger for it. perhaps the most promising prospect is the digital single market sector. abbas potential to win hearts our lives. on the prosperity. early this year the european commission tabled a proposal to reform what's known as collective rights management. many artists and performers use of organizations called collecting societies to my sense that what the commercial uses like tv
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stations radio stations and online music service providers. collecting societies also collect income on to halt the band members in the form of royalties reforming the way the society's what is a major focus of the commission's proposal. mario got a french member of our group is parliament's rapport so on the commission's proposal and she's in listening mode just yet but still medical dossier eight. i'm looking for it to listening to all sides in this debate. ppp has organized this hearing and my goal is to work together that the affected countries which are sometimes taken a negative view of collecting societies. and to avoid disputes that we have previously paying for some copyright issues. we need to work in the general interest and in particular in the european attacks. but you don't have to mention a funny comment if they will both be out of tp. collecting societies themselves acknowledge the need for more transparency and the need to adapt to the new opportunities and to months of the digital single market
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down a cliff represents the swedish performing right society. stretches from our western society is to not act on the cuban national basis best of all the bases but seem to seek partnership with other societies launch pad european services but that the cheat sheets for that yet stick. the commission's proposal is being driven by the possible economic benefits of the pack to manage digital marketplace but also by the sheer depth and breadth of europe's cultural heritage. he took the genome of the market is enormous and in comparison with other digital markets such as america we have an extraordinary cultural diversity. it's an economic sector that's very important for jobs and regrets. we need to get meeting on the two cheapest to treat excel software costs homes. a
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doctor he took them all soon to be easy for me the attitude that are sexist the commission's proposal is part of a wider strategy to develop the digital economy within the context of the eu twenty twenty strategy to build a sustainable knowledge based economy in europe. any piece of home being champions of the digital economy for the benefits it brings to the citizens they represent and sbs there is a kurdish member of our. it's very significant to a proposal. of course today for my plea to god through ppp. specially i think we're close ups the ngos say and this development proposal on from the european and a commission specially not of course looks performance and publishers but it comes. of course you'll always be able to watch the ppt these digital content online wedding off. the city on a few days in a sixty eight to compete at any given. and
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this is often on the tv and be scammed by this time it's the vandalism of the cba china's white skin is running a mindset to get to speak. the white city of hope that those who have lost their sight pity she didn't get the three hundred bc to compete against sun that he can apply for jobs in the private sector. it's a nice because it's gets to the paper gets to watch it on the tube system and tenth of what you come on speaking his yuppie computers the foundation of growth and prosperity. the welsh economy so closely connected. having organization with a mandate to keep the international financial system an even keel more important than ever the international monetary fund has warned from the lessons leaders took in the great depression and the global conflict the fallen. membership has grown two hundred and eighty eight countries the imf is a forum for discussing policies that promote stable economic
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growth. it's a form of credit unions whose members contribute money can buy when they aren't. major blow for the imf help prevent craigslist and was often when you are. so when the global financial crisis began in two thousand and eight. the imf policy advice was to good use by countries to create ordinated global response the imf also provide funding and in unprecedented scale also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. up next. the world famous sports in judo and only belong to the japanese martial placed on snow was beautiful. but don't it's much more to go to the ability to win is called mixing techniques and concentrating on the freaking
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scary the oswego to the news includes critical training systems used by the summer we just wants to see in the more traditional slumped of course. still teaches that the techniques using both lungs and age with some of the school's christian roots back over one thousand years while. he's also a striking techniques the basis of today's court of canada handed methods of defeat in the pot is developing to do the notable characteristic of bhutto is it stress on cars to see and respect. i know if you don't show respect your opponent. my training you'll never improve heels heels in the box i pickle we missed only one strand in the spirit of the call that it has pockets
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start with a bow and end with that. before any matching candle judo you always bounce your opponent to signify to expect. when the match is over. another down shows continue staying home and to model. hang on to the we do small things for testing his kuku tradition is posting from. the end of the men to live the sea between the delusion of the show too. though its perceived emerging victory is disrespectful to lose. oh by the strength of spirit and coming home to london traders from old navy to two feet sixteen s will disapproving human body. all we can do this life is to strive to improve our souls. as much as
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so training is designed to strengthen concentration and wilco. in many japanese most months to come. this is determined in a spit second total mental concentration is essential. i know it though. nintendo's result will be far enough for each mentor training session. it is considered vital to sit in meditation to calm the spirit bhutto is practiced in training who was known as georgia. the name shows have bhutto's focus on mental concentration is inherited from zen meditation. judo is perhaps the most in my hood he'll steer and simple surroundings are too slow to proceed to a set series of movements. the goal is to eliminate spectacle and reaches straight with the mind becomes stale. great isn't it cute or even to forbid him to make any noise that might disturb the options focus. the dough
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is about more than winning or losing expected to support two zero. the spirit of forty two this distance is essential in pull the dough it may take delight in telling the deal. the goal of all bhutto training is unification of mine. to me and physical stress. after achieving a balanced ability to use these three facts. but spoke on the path to developing a potent. physical training develops a strong loving it. like the thing we learned how to use the techniques for self protection. the mental strength to strength of an audience. training with others their progress helps us the privilege to spend the important thing is to always train like these
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the spirit of bhutto was developed by some tasty training mine asked me if this post. this is the essence of me. you knew and no one will atalanta governor riders day again and ukraine's justice ministry ignoring opposition leader is pleased to meet the siege presence communications with the government's with a state of emergency to me. the most this year and he stops and move toward a lamb and trapped civilians. i'll be in battles and to get humanitarian aid and. british rowers who are too bored for


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