tv RT News PBS January 30, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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i chopped off. according to one. to find a way to end up suffering a squeeze play the process. probably not the artsy new leadership that the nsa and made all the mass surveillance candles. we now know who will likely be the intelligence agency. this comes as one us senator is planning to file a class action law suit against the nsa more just ahead. and back row. boston bomber prosecutors in the case against a price and i have decided to seek the death penalty or report on this visit to manhattan. if i need to syria has created extreme
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s and not just in syria that all important with top us intelligence official. more on that and inexplicable of a syrian city captured by islamist leader and a shout a fan. they're easy to read there. i guarantee that you are watching arts america begin today with the news that the obama administration has decided on the next head of the national security agency vice admiral michael rogers will take the place of general keith alexander who announced his retirement for later this brand is all according to information provided to the new york times by senior us officials admiral drivers will command both an essay and cyber command the new pentagon unit and directs the country's offensive cyber operations rogers is said to have more experience than his predecessor and code breaking
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in the design of america's new arsenal of cyber weapons however remains to be seen how you'll respond to civil liberties issues that have engulfed the nsa in the past year. and speaking of the nsa tonight's episode of politicking with larry king will cover that and much more tonight's guest is former minnesota governor jesse ventura. here's a snippet of what's to come when mary and jesse talk about nsa whistleblower adverts now then. to me he's a hero larry because he caught the government breaking the law violating the constitution. it took great courage to put himself on the line and make this long do we know and to the american people and we have every right to know what we have no right to know when the government violates the constitution and our bill of rights. and that's what makes him a hero because of the courage he shouldered ingredient if it snowed and doesn't do it that we're still all under surveillance
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and it's business as usual can anybody sit here and tell me that it's a good idea to of all americans put under surveillance. the trade offs like we're all potential terrorists and well more forgiving letter is the mainstay they work for ops more of a boss the predicted two men at nine pm for that and much more here on rt america. emma just learning that the national security agency carried out spying operations during the two thousand nine united nations conference on climate change in copenhagen this is all according to new documents leaked by former government contractor and personae. according to the documents published by the huffington post and the danish newspaper the communications of other countries ahead of the conference and intended to continue those operations throughout the summit the document does not see how the nsa plan to continue gathering that information but noted it would collect signals intelligence which is
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information gathered from intercepted communications such as phone calls and e mails. the document reveals that the nsa plan to do this to gain advantage. it's as leaders in negotiating teams from around the world was undoubtedly the engaging in intense last minute policy formulated. and at that time it will be holding sidebar come discussions with their counterparts details of which are of great interest for policymakers. and while some are concerned about the surveillance of the us is conducting a broad others here in washington are focused on the nsa surveillance of americans and back senator ran all is planning to file a class action lawsuit against the nsa. speaking at the state of the net conference in washington dc this week. he said the administration's increasing transparency is only the first step toward reform. next step is is a constitutional eclectic with a single war to verizon. can you collect a hundred million
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people's records. my answer is no you cannot and should name the person before them an incision and the person so what i think and i think it's also good for your business model throughout their support going the next step which is really shutting down the collection are fighting a legal way it is the supreme court again. yes so it's not about everything from copenhagen to this forthcoming lawsuit i was joined earlier at west benedict executive director of the libertarian national committee and that band or a producer at the majority report i started out by asking last ballot. grandpa also lost youth and it'll carry more weight than the court. i think is too soon to tell that right now um court decisions are very unpredictable we've had elders on other areas like obamacare where some thought it would be struck down others not. it's really hard to say what's the lawsuits filed people start analyzing it in and make predictions on the legal outcomes. but in
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the meantime i think it it makes it it'll have an impact to help bring awareness to the about these issues. i think america setting a terrible example for the rest of the world. spying. not only on foreigners been spying on americans as well we don't want other countries spying on americans here in america we don't think it's right. i don't think it's right for the american government to be spying on others and the worst part about it is that businesses are being forbidden from telling the truth to the american people into the world someone asked the loosened up now. thanks very much to edwards knows his revelations but if you are. yahoo facebook the scottish and other talents were being spied on if they're being used for that grant and an under the youth center hall ad says he wants this lusty to replicate the success of the internet campaign for soap box and on line opposition to that that he's effectively killed in congress in two thousand
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well senator paul says he wants millions of people the sign is lost in time you think he may be able to go not ingest libertarian think libertarians and actually gained some support from progressives and liberals. i really do think you can with this diet something right both from his father and himself have been very good at doing an eye on certain issues does not deserve privacy issues. but but the thing is with driftwood this operation that makes it different from from this is that cyclists order but there was a campaign done by doing them there was no sort of leader of this campaign where grandpa oscar himself first and foremost to miss out. in this the class action lawsuit getting people to sign up on this thing is put together. i really quite sure what is it with his angry with him because he could sit shiva congress person. he came in and grab some law or go straight for it with the bill of some sort and try to make a change in the eating his dinner and then the lights out what but instead he's
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going with are out and makes me question what will read that this is really about the nsa were looking at twenty sixty. and last and as senator grandpa says he wants is to go all the way to the supreme court. do you think there's a chance and ten. certainly there's a chance maybe you know if we'll work or school a certain way in earnest appeal that could make it to the supreme court on. i would like to see it go that high and have the court will be on these issues but i think what art which are other guests dad about it turning into a political thing that turns off a large part of the country him he may be a presidential candidate as a republican backed me. blues and some for some support from the left of my will see let me bring this issue up week i'd like to see someone a democrat to pick up on this issue and make a big deal about it is will sweep the whole country behind stopping these will certainly be a bipartisan issue so far i need new revelations about the nsa spying at the un
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climate summit in copenhagen what is this why there's so much interest on the part of the us government it's half the communications of these climate negotiations. well i mean in the us has had a history of splatter all sorts of groups and in winter inspired an arkansas onions i mean it's just it's just that bring us an excuse that you know the other countries do this sort of spying. what do we really want the united states of america to be on this list with the countries they actually do partake in this sort of spine. i don't think so. break ins last year we learned that the nsa side also won the g eight and the g twenty summit. when asked about this the national security council spokeswoman kate when hayden said in an email to the huffington post that both the us government has made clear that the united states gather foreign intelligence of that i gathered by all nations. so the cousins for an encore in savannah this is all fair
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game when you make of that argument i'm just an excuse to try to make people here in america semi goodes it states that to some foreign entity on are being spied on americans on speed being spied on which we know is false. basically i think it's just something that's a disorder called the response that's going on over yet that was an adventure and producer at the majority report in less than a day the executive director of the libertarian national committee. the justice department has notified a federal judge that he intends to seek the death penalty for joe carson and i add only be the case that the jury convicts on nias last april's bomb attacks at the boston marathon. the attacks which took place nine months ago but three people dead and two hundred and sixteen wounded allen sinai and jokers brother was allegedly perpetrated the attack was killed in a confrontation with police in the days after the bombing. i was going to a
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nearby art is an arena for denying us to discuss this a little bit more i ask her how the justice department decided that the death penalty was appropriate in this case. well yesterday general eric holder has said that the nature of the conduct that is you and the resulting harm from the boston bombings compels his decision for the us to seek the death penalty in the case against the defendant relies on diet now before making a decision mr holder did take recommendations from his own staff as well as the justice department's capital p street the committee and boston's u s attorney carmen ortiz. no says the federal death penalty was reinstated in nineteen eighty eight ag the us with the three generals have authorized outlaw crisis use for an estimated five hundred defendants of those only three have been executed including timothy mcveigh who was convicted in the nation and five oklahoma city bombings. now wiser now and needs faces at thirty counts in connection to the paulson
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bombings including the use of our weapons of mass destruction resulting in a cast of the bonding i and other place. he's also accused of murdering massachusetts institute of technology police officers these falling on the bonnet now out of the seventeen charges which you've mentioned dying in. the i guess when i m five p concrete bed received the death penalty of four for that so he's as thirty charges against and seventeen of them he could face the death penalty and a twenty year old suspect did plead not guilty on all counts. back in july the remains of the city remember talking about the death penalty here a very serious issue you and you think this is going to sparking controversy amongst americans at all. well i don't know what kind of controversy we will see on many didn't believe that this decision will come will come down that guy. attorney general holder would actually decide the opposite way not speak lies the u s attorney
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general. i did i disclose several times passes close several times that he's personally opposed to the death penalty. however i he instead chose to do i seek the death penalty in this case. now some experts believe that the reason he made that decision is because if he decided against life in prison it can fuel the republican accusations against the administration attorney general for being too soft on terrorism. but if you look at poll published that guy in september by the boston globe. it found that only thirty three percent of people in massachusetts actually supported the death penalty for some diet. the majority fifty seven percent favored a life sentence without the possibility of roles so here we have the u s attorney general not siding with the majority opinion of the keys as our diet and actually going for i the death penalty is a very interesting so went to effect all this is sort of commands one of the trials of us again
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well paul sends us that to st died judge in georgia o'toole has said he wants to get the trial rolling he is the one actually super imposed today as the deadline for the attorney general to make its decision on the death penalty. i judge of school has ordered a conference with the layers on and your eats well. hais so they can all decide on starting seeds of the trial so we don't know when it will start by buying the february will will have word on when the trial is expected to the highly anticipated case a lot of people will be watching. remember nine and my new york city of ink you the man has been executed for the fatal shooting of a jewelry store on iran in nineteen ninety one robbery the us supreme court had granted a stay late tuesday shortly before the scheduled bubbly and execution wednesday the high court cleared numerous appeals and impart challenge the drug used in the execution herbert's smalls was the six person executed in the united states since the beginning of
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the year and a third in missouri since november was pronounced dead at ten twenty pm last night at a state prison after receiving the drug in question a lethal dose of pain toolbar but all small did not make a final statement but he did ask which way he should look from the gurney to see his witness is not into down before his death. meanwhile witnesses to executions in the state of washington will now be getting even more access the new witness protocol is in its final stages of approval. it includes witnesses having access to television monitors to show the enemy and train the death chamber can be strapped down as well as the ability to see the insertion of the eye. he is. those had both previously been shielded from view the change is in response to a two thousand. well federal appeals court ruling that said all parts of an execution must be fully open to witnesses. that ruling was sparked by case brought by the ap and other news organizations and challenge idaho's policy to shield
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the insertion iv catheter is from view. they argue that it was a first amendment right to witness all aspects of an execution and he also said it would be the only way to determine whether it was being properly carried out however this is argued that the current policy was necessary to protect the anonymity of the execution team. and syriac is becoming a haven for radical extremists with aspirations to launch attacks against the west that's exactly what a top intelligence official told congress yesterday. here's what the director of national intelligence james crocker told the senate intelligence committee. tremendous concern here for the use of the extremists who are attracted to. um syria engage in combat and get training and we're seeing now the um appearance of training complexes in syria to train people to go back to their
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countries of and oh man can one person to conduct more acts. i said that between seventy five thousand and one hundred and ten thousand rebels are battling the government and syria. of those twenty six thousand are extremists. annie says about seventy thousand of them are foreigners from fifty different countries including europe and the middle east us intelligence officials have expressed worry that a handful of american foreign fighters and hundreds of european militants have already returned to their home countries. some might all of this change cus course of action and scary i was worried earlier after effects the middle east and west this crap are saying syria is becoming a haven for radical extremists from all over the world. i ask but see if that is something americans should really be concerned about. yemen yemeni government should be very concerned about what's happening in syria. and then on the other side it is not that surprised this as is standard operating procedures
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for all kind and its affiliates. we have seen it over and over again we have seen it in the dentist and we have seen it in pakistan and the effect the area that the federal va administered tribal areas. we have seen him before in the eighties in the sun and wind and then went there and establish training camps and lisa went into iraq in two thousand and three onward. so it's an ongoing it's part of the operating procedure the get a foothold on the ground and that means that the nevada from this book definitely u s intelligence community and secure it yet but this should mean that a medical student movement. once i had some analysts have said that it's possible opposition militants will when i hear and battling the government which is showing no signs of collapse and instead take their newly acquired skills back to europe or to the us were acts of terror may be able to grab larger headlines. is this about actually shifting heard their target or expanding their targets abroad. this is
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definitely a better scenario that dead he said terrorists they are going to be a idea of going back to other countries whether they are going to be carrying out their operations by themselves or give it to be treating others without the need to leave the country we have lived in europe in many european countries in britain and germany in belgium above tourism. read these people are just average joe working and then the pick of the kitchen matter of months or so and indeed the fluff this area there has to be more of a vigilant approach and more a careful screening at the countries bordering syria. i'm speaking in about thirty of all jordan about the iraq debacle has coming in and with illegal after dat i'm sure there'd be a upn. this into your store them for example when the seed is in flux. they all
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day. young people and you'll be heading into the same direction toward full board the point. cross into syria this should be a red flag. i am as surprised that it's not that it meant that killed two of your arm. that was often cites the middle east and west. now when more than a month since islam is rebels seize the industrial syrian town of on track. heavy fighting left thousands displaced and millet and still hold large parts of the city making it impossible to go in and verify the details of any atrocities are t's maria the notion that became the first foreign journalist to get to that area since the start of the scenes she spoke to some survivors. he's just a twenty minute drive from damascus that the honey we're honest when elliot firmly under rebel control. so instead we take in munich need to pass and running through high mounds of sand and piles of
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old tires. gianni exists thus from attacks. the state the light of the twenty first foray into the tree to get the supplies to lodge off to the siege began on and on hokkaido. it's still not exactly what happened in the sand and chelsea team last december. back then be false image of numerous killings and violence up to anja was attacked by a minute is looking to the qaeda linked groups. and if receiving on me. in the storm into the city in the camp the civilians in their buildings using them as human shields which may audition very typical. this is why it takes a long and want to avoid civilian losses. a typical to the negation is that dozens of civilians had been executed that people are behind it and bury it in advance and one claimed that doctors and patients were killed in the clinic. which of the tundra hoping to verify these reports. at least two no way of getting into the besieged areas of
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the town to confirm if any of that actually happens. we got as close as the army can actually tea andres the old town and had been dyed and ortiz house in conflicts the valley in germany. now besieged. we made these statements here to separate out our out and the boom of the can to prevent the militants tonight. if these cool indoors to hold on to the six seats he's sleepy on the watch in the area. day and night. this is why the bench at foley's old pc raid on the behind the school he's potentially help find the good times and the small discrepancy animation right now it just did. once the sand and should be if they see the enemy approaching. and this is actually holding continued into the operation could
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threaten the lives of those who remain hostage. and with no access inside. it's impossible to tell just how many pr. most of the rest next to skin contact. when the sun was going to come sit with the built in rome which ceased to be announced and actually bought me this tells me he doesn't go to school anymore. because terrorists detained as he can head to ski. i can't go in the blocks he says his father is a government employee. this is why it's dangerous but his family to stay. we asked c on the way they need now. diaz martin appeared from the darkness of the room daily. when the tears in the side. everything was happening is wrong. there was no need for new things see when we announce don't agree with pat priest now. it's a question that many here ross came up with these children have assumed another three months already seriously ill she couldn't get the medicine
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due to the stage. with the condition deteriorates dangerous and hostile awesome the one who knew we were living in peace with honor and now where are we to know them. i wish peace would come back to old syria. it's late and it's still not create something which happened in niger. most of the recently talked to he ate his hand but before that it's been so dry that occasionally meet some who didn't escape said they were looking for any body serving in the syrian army now so the findings of the series so it is the head the series. we accurately we were in the group of about twenty people. you would need to tighten in giving us the money so with my own eyes people stone still see them in my nightmares. i haven't hung out with drinking lots and they prevented me from waking the new church in
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the box die from the last time and they threatened us with machine guns. on a job once an important industrial and peaceful cd has become a thing of the scene in battleground for relief forces with the long confrontation has left one excess of one hundred thousand dead and he was displaced. and yes it's another place when you decide to go to wean. mr wood near the syrian people left paying the price. refuel county from and write in sydney. and ukraine's parliament on wednesday passed a measure offering the seat to the demonstrators arrested in the last two months of the protests in the embattled city of kiev. however the parliament said this would be contingent on demonstrators be katie most of the buildings they currently occupy. but as our t's alexi there are sets to reports the move was quickly greeted the contents. last night on wednesday the bottom and stayed almost until midnight to find a solution they managed a blast and that manhattan is still always
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provided those conditions but the opposition says they're not willing to take these to me is two months they're not willing to make concessions all go on the opposition once all those detained in the protests to be released from prisons and the criminalized the government the ruling party says they're ready for it only on one condition that the protest as gop by all the ministers of buildings they've captured over the pa several weeks and dismantle the barricade in the governmental quarter in kiev and this is the sticking point right now here's what's the use of the opposition said regarding the new amnesty law. i unfortunately did up to be a witch in all it is not the best submission to christ. some of the country to further deteriorate with a decent heats up tensions in society hopes. also at the freaky how can we discuss negotiations today. they're pursuing their own bills and pay no attention to
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the people. they decided to go their own when all you see please leave this little clutch. so it seems that the gold mines which everyone thought it was almost reached between the opposition and only caught the pass and be achieved. as for tickets on the side of the opposition which is not willing to make any concessions the president last night warned that if a compromise reached between the sides of the parliament that the parliament. maybe just sold. so the tension is now in the political sphere but it's really hard to say where this will all go. matt was artsy correspondent alexi irish asking. and if you are forty lawmakers are considering legislation that would keep police agencies and other government entities from museum grounds to conduct warrantless surveillance across the state the bill would establish what supporters say are some of the nation's strictest standards for the use of drone aircraft by government to tease the measure passed fifty nine to find in the house on wednesday now goes to the senate is if it's fully pass the bill would require one person agencies to obtain warrants a sentence
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or an emergency is it would also require a government agencies notify the maintain to use drones and that the deed of those runs collect is destroyed within six months the federal aviation administration estimates that more than thirty thousand rounds of the flying over the us within the next two decades. helping with everything from fighting criminals and wildfires to eighteen farmers and perhaps delivering packages. there are very few measures in place across the us to restrict their use. however california will be joining the state of virginia which last year at twenty four month moratorium on new babies in the state. matt does it for now for more on the stories he covered you can go to youtube dot com site charts in america. check out our website our t dot com site usa. you can also follow me on twitter and irritated
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i know . i stoush. i don't it's a nice line outside a staggering thirty cents time casting coup plan she and her tail. white house officials are urging china to cold press freedom has a new times journalist has been forced out of the country over the se issues in this paper reported in two thousand and twelve that close family members and then premier wen jiabao. take the lead and bass while for him during his leadership
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