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tv   Newsline  PBS  January 30, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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i know . i stoush. i don't it's a nice line outside a staggering thirty cents time casting coup plan she and her tail. white house officials are urging china to cold press freedom has a new times journalist has been forced out of the country over the se issues in this paper reported in two thousand and twelve that close family members and then premier wen jiabao. take the lead and bass while for him during his leadership abilities the last
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reporter asked him and sees these and press credentials on the process leading to his departure from the country spokesperson jay carney said on thursday that the us is deeply concerned that foreign journalists working in china continued to face restrictions and in some cases violence by local authorities. tiny called on officials in beijing to commit to timely these and potentially decisions. last month vice president joe biden a station in time a top chinese leaders. the us gannon says the country is now underway in several of these applications for u s journalists. this took my license plays the lead up the night skies in china and to celebrate the arrival of the lunar new year to its use and pollution italy in shanghai set off your file rates this year. this mom density was lower than a year ago but remains at a serious level for health noo noo. i was just placed on a family in the evening on thursday and peaked at midnight. city officials say the density of
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the fine particulate matter pm two point five as of two twenty and was about two hundred and sixty micrograms per cubic meter. that was about how the pollution level measured over the last chinese new year. i still ranks second worst on china's six level scale. fireworks are necessary to celebrate the two year so we have to limit them. i can feel the changes the image by electing the night sky the shanghai city government had banned the launch of violence by civil servants state run company officials and their families. officials also the tv called on citizens to refrain from using firecrackers and other file lax. the operator of suspicion that ninety eight nuclear plants as they are slowly learning more about that down and check the number one reactor containment that self deception was caused by the two thousand and eleven
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accidents. and he is done investigating leaks in several places in the containing container that houses the wii active they're injecting water to cool nuclear field. because the circulation system was destroyed in the water is leaking and crawling around the site in them and their crews using a camera equipped mobile i discovered two weeks in the lower part of the containment vessel. they examined the image is another day that an estimate that more than one tonne of water may be leaking from unknown holes and cracks. he and his plan to use another robot to find other possible problems that is sixteen crew and the suppression chamber lead to the containment vessel through at the height the site now for the latest in and this is news i see that arises now with a handful of economic data and good morning good morning captain i do have a bunch of data for you both from japan and the us the last out with the domestic ones as they just come out that she will captain policy makers in japan have made it their mission to end years of deflation in the latest data shows their efforts are
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having an effect. people paid more for consumer goods and services last year as inflation turned positive for the first time in five years officials from the ministry of internal affairs said consumer prices rose zero point four percent from the previous year. the index excludes volatile fresh food prices. the weaker yen lead to higher prices of electricity bills and gasoline. a rise in the cost of fixing computers also can she be dead. the december index rose one point three percent from the same month in two thousand twelve. it was the seventh straight month of gains. meanwhile the industry ministry said that factory output for december rose for the first time in two months. that's up one point one percent from the previous month. looking ahead officials predict a six point one per cent rise for january. and of zero point three percent rise for february. officials in the united states have
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released the latest quarterly gdp figures steady economic growth is due to brisk consumer spending and strong exports. u s commerce department officials say the gross domestic product grew at an annualized rate of three point two percent however fourth quarter expansion fell short of the four point one percent growth recorded in the july september period nevertheless it still represents another sign of steady economic recovery in the us. personal spending which makes up about seventy percent of gdp rose three point three percent. exports surged eleven point four percent of all factors recorded their largest increases in three years the capital investment also spoke three point eight percent extending its winning streak. but housing announcement one of the engines of the economic rebound slid nine point eight percent federal expenditures also fell twelve point six percent due mainly to a
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partial government shutdown in october. the commerce department said the us economy grew one point nine percent in two thousand thirteen as compared to the pv is here the international monetary fund and market analysts predict that the us economy will expand at around three percent in two thousand fourteen and will fulfill its growth potential. and the us markets and those following the latest theater showing the nation's positive growth the dow jones industrial average ended higher seven tenths of a percent at fifteen thousand eight hundred forty eighth and the nasdaq closed up by more than of one and three quarters percent. easy to get stocks are kicking off we go to them the militant is standing by at the tokyo stock exchange may mean good morning kiss my kids are leading the way higher can help to carry through with the momentum like until you get sick and on this illustrates the opening levels and you can see what i'm talking about. both
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indexes and well into the positives of fifteen thousand one and twenty seven up about eight tenths of a percent for the sport in the case or on the right path however the nikkei was down three hundred eighty four points for the week. as of the coles yesterday so we still have a little bit of weight to climb back up their boats on the gdp data as you mentioned there from the us lifted investor sentiment and that bodes well we'll see if this continues however let's look at the back top of the major concerns that was a big theme this week which has been the emerging economies and investors may find it's still hard to ignore some of those headwinds. we'll see how that plays in the markets as well. also stuff again mainland china bourses will be a and many of course unrelated indexes again because for the lunar new year holidays which kicks off today at so it was really for my trading activity as well from those regions that will probably be quite minimize for today as well. and i mean it has been a volatile week
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in currencies to rise we've been covering out with some of the past and this friday morning here in tokyo exactly on time has been the main word has an entire summer look at the dollar yen hat which has fluctuated cooper quite a bit but right now hundred and two points sixty seven to seventy two still off those hundred and three yen levels. but so will see fat that can get up there later today the euro yen hundred and thirty nine point two nineteen to twenty now on to the tracking shares of the japanese firms which have reported earnings over the stream of companies that you are with the earnings later today. yesterday however i caught a common also reported a four point eight percent gain in group net profits toshiba however i cannot report in the fall of twenty nine point one percent in group net profits only event of a mixed bag that for some of the exporters. apple will see antoine lot of investors excuse me would like to see how that weaker yen has been playing into either earnings and of course the forecasts and outlooks that can be very important
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but for now pretty positive open for this friday the last trading day in january. i think she ever meetings law so that they have them email a guard from the tokyo stock exchange. he will be back with more updates for us to rip out the day. for now i'll leave you with a tack on another tack on the markets in. the we warned investors
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to huge huge huge. the tokyo market leads to win. he wanted to r this is a quick change the course of the economy. lincoln christmas. to the minute or two. in our bike stolen from a brown one. oh but wait this is that he's continued to read it. he called me smile it is for japan the united states say they have made a potentially groundbreaking discovery using the ethics of a surprisingly simple they've come up with the faster and easier we as making stem cells. experts say their work could usher in a new era of research and hk will stand. he's not as cool this is what the scientists they'd be achieved. casey gave under way to the program much ourselves. so david and two on and the onyx take intended that appealed to any type of tissue. this is how
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they did it. the strip cells from the team minds by sulking and in the month the acidic solution for about thirty minutes. den dey content them the closest to the vet's to keep the cells pliable enough so it can develop into various types of cells. the scientists damper to sell seemed to my niece katie did confirm that the tube out of the disc and in mosul and other types of cells. the need in this section says the findings could have the money i'd give the pk she's painting from cancer treatments to meet innovative medicine the false label. the human cells may also possess some sort of survival mechanism when exposed to stress the team from weekend was joined by in the stitches from the us institutions they have dubbed it is contrary to the nearest tree
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the acquisition of crude the potency or style. sales have bloody deeds and as soon as it goes on in his importance and cells or ips cells. but every cent to its eight pm and both ordinary team's top cells is simpler and quicker. he say he takes two to three weeks to generate ips cells. this week just one week is india meant that the scientist who studies ips cells and was not part of the study says the new head coach could have taken vacations own research i wander onto you. time for the money to come to define these revolutionary. i don't think anybody dreamed it was possible the researchers succeeded in turning ordinary cells into a very potent sales by just applying
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stressed that sells environment. and every set of just eight yen next step is to find out whether they can use it to keep on human cells bullard eighty leading scientists upgrading the team score. tnt on the net that she had the time to call the nobel prize for medicine and physiology for his work on the ips cells. he says the findings to present an important achievement for dp understanding of selby programming. yet none of us says he's hopeful again that the team can successfully be applied to human cells jackie scott on a scale won't touch up. some said by ms as the atomic bombings of hiroshima and anti snp will travel to mexico to speak about their experiences after the attacks. he'll attend a second international conference in miami it's on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. the first meeting was held in norway
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last march. today me and said they will focus on the use globally and how to bend than the attendees would discuss the effects of the new explosion as was its influence on the climb and an economy. officials in mexico requested people from japan to participate in the meeting that the nasty share their stories and offer opinions on the abolition of nuclear weapons. a japanese doctor will participate in the conference as a member of the country's delegation the zealot or what i found it through the nineteen forty five atomic bombing of nagasaki and for decades has achieved in many of the survivors. he was tmi he she has gone. the data had been written off hospitality management team he said. even getting to know people aren't alone read about what has happened to the survivors using atomic bombings. tell walt and supply ephesus to
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suffer known for its new fuel costs not only killed many people and yet it also caused tens of thousands of people within twenty four wheeler yet the cabal stopped during the one time in toc not deny the fact he gets to honey ham thousand people in thirty year loan. come on and that was nearly three kilometers from guns the dough at the time and that the sticky bombing. he was exposed to radiation. da spoke to. was the end decade after the bombings. he knew of the survivors had built the team yet one that benefit he stopped to camp to become a doctor he himself has not built any duty fees. but like eating trade demands. he has a week's massacre from the impact of radiation. and how survivors have the bill to the cvs test as cast iron and the eighteen year old but the case. dusty and someone i
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doubt i can get that first olsen all conference. he spoke before i read prevent a taste of about two one nine to twenty countries. gene targeting the whip on oprah to reduce the immediate it causes dna damage the fundamental nature of you can wear plan is to want to deal with alone. have a medical point of view the move meant to me overnight for catastrophic costs to clean it up neatly on a script to the united nations. i've to test every last october. i recall one hundred twenty five countries including japan find a doctor and eight cents. touch wood it's a course your money in some bible. you can and the cons must neither be used again and they're a nice hack into it the guy and i bet that these ads aimed at calming conference in mexico i guess as to discuss their next moves. countries including norway and st
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belmont. i'm aiming to create a moment of poetry keep buying new way as well as the dean rioli be a mean you play dates and adultery i gone to a new creed and the us of favoring a more cautious approach to his stomach. content that isn't really aware of the city area east of eden national projects. even so he said he's eager to educate the thinnest according to the upright scenes remain a share of new green ribbons in while the studio tools to human beings have to stop keeping your neurons as a way to ensure security. you know that the inhumane nature of such weapons has been clarified through discussion we should move ahead the boys discover the one thing. the down once his main stage two weeks as many people as possible the people
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who want to change their minds. maybe that countries can be closed. tmi to see any keyword. japanese researchers can be on the brink of discovering a way to dying minutes of malaria each year millions can shift making it the most common infectious disease in the world the biggest problems including the lamp is that there's an elysee an effective way to diagnose people. neither team in southwest japan may have found a map that miriam is caused by a parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes when the parasite and his red blood cells because it's in times like high fever muscle pain and fatigue. sometimes they're convulsions breathing
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difficulties and brain malfunction. delta is usually diagnosed in the area by examining blood cells with a microscope. even an experienced doctor might need fourteen minutes to find an infected red blood cell the national institute of advanced industrial science and technology is developing a new way of protecting the area. most of the secret though contents peace research team at the institute. they using biotechnology and nanotechnology to make it possible to find infected cells in just five minutes the test is easy to perform it costs just one madonna you know who is still considered to be takes time many people become infected with malaria every day so we must be able to diagnose each
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person quickly and more accurate. so cuz team developed a straight with tiny holes. the machine can find infected cells when the sanchez pulled red blood cells onto the side. this lets doctors carry out tests in just five minutes instead of for tea the same age shows will come to see many use the old diagnostic methods there are several layers of red blood cells. it's hard to find infected cells. kochi and his team want to be able to isolate a single layer to simplify the princess. this is how they do that. one member of the team calls with guns cells onto the slide they use a solution to wash away the piles of cells
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the holes in the side of shapes as the only one layer of snow tuesday. they beamed i need to reflect a certain way playing the night. that makes it easier to see which ones are infected. the team tried using various signs says that some shapes for the hall. they spent almost the game coming up with the right design. seeking fuel under the new moon queasy all of the most difficult part was lining up more than two million red blood cells in a single acre than getting accurate results every time. without any inconsistency. it's been go ninety percent of malaria victims of crime some sub par and africa. then there are costs to the simplicity of the technology in chris helped as in uganda announced it would have helped his team tried to help them. the team
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is working on ways to improve the procedure by making the detection machines so now i'm cheap power. the music was a nice tall so the more mind. our goal is to make a machine the size of a laptop computer. a small bowl. it can be battery powered and operated in places with no electricity. that would be extremely useful in africa and other parts of the world it seems things i'll be able to finish work on the machine breathing too yes. the telco says he'll be happy if japan can do its bit in the global fight against malaria. no thanks i get so wet that way sad me i decide to lay people and told toi seen sunny and dry weather conditions but it's a different story for residents in northern japan he sat calmly sure explain why. he is dumping snow isn't really the list are a foreigner northern japan in january a winter stone house pulled away and putting fresh
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air from the continent is every silly to mind as it moves over the sea of japan he gets ample moisture and heavy precipitation falls mostly snow over the northwestern fine cost the nation. and today the heaviest snow is going to be found over yen and at that and the kid capri fixtures over the north western site probably up to forty centimeters and those with strong winds and high waves conditions will be quite dangerous. i'm going into your evening hours at the southern half of the country oranges night sky isn't much warmer than average temperatures the course the continent. i know it's the start of a new millionaire new year holiday in noosa ten the korean peninsula and whether a score of four leading hong kong next thing you can decrease in your fine day and twenty three onions sunday. shanghai is to be about eight decreased during this time of year but jumping up to twenty three resign yourself to base a really beautiful weather for you. now on to talk about a couple of tropical systems and one is now affecting seed
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starting to affect the philippines. this is tropical depression will likely become a tropical storm on saturday and then they make landfall either and that mindanao where the science by saturday morning. it's a fascinating since then but enough to produce about one hundred eighteen millimeters of rain for areas like the quill pen and mystery kal which were battered by pete is still misses then earlier this month an awesome time when high and last year. oh and not owe money in the southern hemisphere it's made a run for its tropical cycle on. i used to be a tropical cycle omega landfall on the north east coast of queensland australia earlier this morning. casting down great to have no pictures this then that is still packing a lot of moisture in a decrease in flooding rains over inland locations. this trek to the waves and storm surges will likely continue for the northeast coast of the writer morning hours. now across the america as their excuse me as your winter sown someone over the west is providing a lot of snowfall for my area closed i may get
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as much as the fifty centimeters of snow combined with strong winds down to the north another heavy snow maker over the great lakes region. this is providing quite strong winds as well to point the conditions are occurring across some locations and snow fell in toronto we have some pictures to show you from your own visit to collect. a lovely old polar bear cub was born in this one is there i was introduced to snow for the first time we meet seen pulling in sydney and the snow. and you'll see and not the day of the smell on your run a day to kill it that this forecast minus one for the high six runs go with snow and the forecast the wine press the north east
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