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tv   South Asia Newsline  PBS  February 3, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

6:30 pm
the all welcome to southeast in years. i'm tempted to show him the top selling split second plea on monday the third of february. i
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knocked it out. lots of fun negotiations with god. yes the mind and body appears as if we all tried it all for getting out. xd xd with some of its rights record. all the details in just one man party has accused the main opposition party to the potty on bcp of trying to topple the daddy got mixed up body they speak to has claimed he was offered over three million dollars to split the party. iam on the bike tea or coffee disliking divide to move again on monday accused opposition bjp of instigating the divide up the maker mind and i'd say he was approached by people who came into the coaster called bjp leaders and often post of chief minister if he had dealt with the monk would any government. newton was a
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little over a month. when is it. these are only now does and i was on and am now going to go. cnn on an as yet you and you may live in the middle when it was a good idea while living room the adam and i are huge what i want you will get huge. must be. in the air one of them. you don't have any evidence to prove his existence. but despite he was quick to blame the main opposition bjp. or is it about us. so the goal was to detonate it was his. by the nominating moses. some of
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the coded on the causes. i don't know what you've always good to see. the by the end of life be it his wish in may city island city. be it. amid the hustle of mt. auto. some did today. so i am not in the movie is lit in the sun to go and use of the designated fijian teachers and teachings of these top teams in the tree he's out of the schemes by all and it's going to do what it takes us to find a mentor died before his sword and eyes. they don't live in utah was expelled from poplar be seen by the discipline taken before dawn to go and make the promises made in the election manifesto on oct nineteen forty eight hours been a team that he had the support of four hundred business leaders. that
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comment. but i am about to be a man in our old buddy you're looking for without him giving technical problems had been given a say one of the day when i read all this column the court how worn out shoes people to the anti corruption movement he made an impressive debut by winning its made in connection and the provincial police. the bar to fund the government ousted the longest extended outside support icc people were killed and what c i this they entered into an explosion at a semi darkness pop star and beat on sunday. thus it can stand in the hunt that people will watch them in either of us couldn't get it out but witnesses said unidentified attackers candidates from the front and back to office in amman pot. most of the series but to insist that be that in steel but no group has convinced that it got so far. that said the attacks have been beamed on
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the pockets got done one before. while shiny trinkets it turned politician imran khan shootings that the divine baking pan over the weekend. the insurgents named him that's been the single sheet in the proposed peace talks with the government. he did he get the device did not convert be its main negotiator in talks with in the lost city of goma and con that evil spock is stunned to hear the kitten soft as cotton is being a pro and off he started it on a grid of one nation off something that helps. khan spiking the tea steep ravine to go in the restive northwest and i've been told it's a skinny she did cds of actions which affinity for the time. these weren't your disgusting oh seven and gifted measures put in by the previous government the former understudy skipper spiky haired be played on the shipment often had to surprise her pockets and a bid to force the list too and don't strengthen the country's border tedious primary. i did it at the nearby infections. bt i tested on minogue become the divine seed negotiator but does like it too. this is
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the process but did not care if i called this could happen the other hand was named by the time to bond. none of that aziz the court to bush's chief political islam a botched the mosque the dotted line has been biggio baby camping to call the elected government in pottstown to enforce islamic law across the country and a meetup with the thought of on going until i missed in the varsity squad for the stalks. shotguns doing in pockets i guess the death penalty given to the chief of obligations to mock the stunning in two thousand a full on smuggling case projections call for intervention of the un to commute the death penalty schools don't act too so i sponged him on his tummy due to the streets over the weekend had ended its intense awarded two more to him on his tummy. i am going to be chic porch. in the early stages and the more
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she kept it in the duchy illness and danced the day and to monday the zombies he's good about it. it is a double by the idea that when the inevitable boy died of a blog about yet don't look for that. forty of them yet the winter with a somewhat gather with them or get offended going to be there all given a gay bar the didgeridoo frogged item will get in on the news the meat was so slow me down season in style from the beach was among fourteen what good would that be expanded team in the two cars in full on sea gypsies. i am not at the school on tuesday police hat stumbling upon a notch concealed bombs and weapons from the object of the state on scrutinize the unit in bondi beach in south east and it's up to go home the products all it's going to live on the beach national squad to the death note has a mind of late balboa who was it that ptt has been given the title is not an ideal supports it the two cars and four. we
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sprinkled with the bases did on the nightstand them that this was sold by the critics can last as the place but why did he get a few nights the chiffon silk was so fun instead it just so happy to see and know that sounds it is the among the most complex that the sentence. onto some other developments no pool has injected washington's criticism of its rights record as grossly disproportionate idea off to a senior us official said the us twenty but a un investigation against me that god makes might. automotive too chunky and tuesday that his mission by the us seemed that as a sovereign democratic state. god does not wish to be dictated to by others in the international community. the us skins unsubstantiated. the kids and it is awesome and statements without evidence have been to costco in order to create an impact to give the kopi just action. she like us foreign ministry said in a statement after meeting with government
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officials and opposition leaders getting to go to visit two kept in cotton ball with us assistance it could kill status of this month expressed frustration over to them cause they have to punish me to push him responsible for abuses during the country's nearly three decade long civil war. a campaign. our concerns to senior government officials about the insufficient progress in addressing justice. reckon silly the united states has always supported. to resolve the issues. emanating from the conflict. but as i noted earlier. the patient. of the international community is wearing thin. with the pace of progress uncredited has said that on forty thousand civilians
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what's to come it had identified a few months of the war this in mind that it looks as government was funny because the victim and tigers into cars and i'm addicted corresponding to the student clinton saying he was looking at using them as pets corner living in western countries they're going to ac milan with ign is drawing up a strategy to get attacks in india. the gm holden execute steady in the shop and bought the cap into the foxton up if i kissed me on the opie and asked me. muscle inside the chief of gm cotton aka start to lift restrictions on the groups despite a ban on the goal of the gm that is to bust thousands of its guidance to the augusta ga on january to the states but the meeting was held. aisha who has been ideal for seventy s now it's set to be reactivated the in it but to step up attacks against india as i was a nice bike in good government in exchange for passengers often ended in
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the sky in the eye. he was also commissioned the attack sad but it's not hot. you see so the lights came on the congregation of most games concluded in the body she kept up on sunday with the triple blow peace unity and steady. hundreds of thousands of muslims from across the field. the banks of undivided india. it's good to happen to top it off and pains. not just islamic congregation often hides the two began on friday ended with him not to sign their names on sunday. he just caught him lying on the abandoned house and that the canes. david peace and the typically figment of davey says the gathering. mr guilt. it is to meet the high taken out of the night got standing in snow white and silver and red and drinking
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tea or one of miami's in this state cannot see. he's mad at me. each of the finest season of the each team was headed from killing people. with the eye. vanessa stallions an arc and i just watched in dismay pockets on the spot see the ppp and the knowledge that the city's festival got underway at mornington title one of the oldest of the citations in the well because of bush's insisted that began on saturday amid the ruins of one to the north and southern focused on large number of people have it on the cross bike is done to it can be even which has been viewed as the dalits homecoming bike. the guests included former prime ministers say and use of the second time and god opened business. the four point two million dollars system in which kicked off beat on saturday included music and arts performances business goes like me get this nation's history to the steel legion and affections the eye it says it
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all the festivities too bored and protect the region's go to city beach which is a good thing. we know that with two goals. two cents the rest. to preserve promote and protect our heritage. his manager about it. more injured arm some two hundred sixty five miles north of since provincial capital karachi is one of the boys scored a surviving and incentives. in nineteen ninety two cricket on the village is served on modern discovered that not to sit in a typical weekend is the disintegration of the descent to have been daunting to four hundred bc it on clothes have been sounding out a time bomb of the damage the construction of speech is well pleased and scaffolding for the knights would have it on the sacraments which have been a bit and take pics the influx of a large number of people at the five
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thousand years or drinks notified as a way to decide by the unesco would be too which experts have warned spread over some two hundred forty eight years on the banks of the mind the bruins have endeavors but it was impacting proper destination. even though units costing me is to be exposed along the riverbanks to but just want a double against dogs. the speedy audit the strongest region the baucus tang government has done better to preserve the site. well that's the way versus out they show this evening the trolley into the top stories once again. i may not get up on the dotted lines are both twenty one seasons with governments. yes i went and bought tickets is easy to type it up and daddy got it. i see the guy that takes us to set up its rights
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watch. southern lights. and tomorrow. if you knew you the eye. the all welcome to sell the seniors. i'm tempted to show him. it also is that technically on monday the third of february. i
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knocked it out. lots of fun toys. patients with god. yes the mind and body appears to be. we all try to stop and get it out. and see. right before. the other details yes call him and party has accused the main opposition bought it at the party on bcp of trying to topple the delhi government body that need to have schemes he was offered over three million dollars to split the party. iam on the bike tea or coffee disliking divide to move again on monday accused opposition bjp of instigating to divide up the maker mind and i'd say he was approached by people who came into the coaster called bjp leaders and often post of chief minister if he had dealt with the monk would any government it was a little
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over a month. when is it that he's not only does it and i was on and am now going to go cnn also known as the young pew internet and the angel who was a good idea while living room. the adam and i are huge. what i want to will to hades. must be. in the air one of them. you don't have any evidence to prove his colleague issues. but despite d was quick to blame the main opposition bjp. or is it about us. some of the goal was to detonate it was his
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but not limited doses. so not only done it before says i don't know what you've always good to see. the by the end of life be it his wish in may city island city be it. i ended up on some other empty. auto. some did today. so i am not and would be useful in cinemas on the go and use of the designated. chad teachers and teachings of these top teams in the tree. he's out of the schemes by all and it's going to do what it takes in kew is a fundamental right before i sewed a nice little club in need was expelled from poplar be seen by the discipline taken before dawn to go and make the promises made in the election manifesto on oct nineteen forty eight hours the meeting that he had the support of four hundred business leaders. being a bad man. but i am about to be a
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man you cannot get back and are looking for without him giving technical problems had been given a say one of the bigge court how born out of the jewish people to the anti corruption movement made an impressive debut by winning its made in connection and the provincial police. the park if on the government ousted the longest extended outside support icc. what c i this they entered into an explosion at a semi darkness pockets time meet on sunday the boston based in daily hundred people watching them and i but i couldn't get it out but witnesses said unidentified attackers candidates from the front and back to office in amman pot most of the engine easily do just that the bag and seal but no group has convinced us that it got so far. it's the attacks have been named on the pockets got done one
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before. shiny trinkets it turned politician imran khan sings with the dotted line baking pan over the weekend the incentives named him that's been the single sheet and forced the stocks that the government. he did he get the device it can run convent be its main negotiator in the talks within the lost city of goma and con that evil spock a stunned to hear the good stuff has always been a proponent of the stock did it on a grid of one nation off something that helps. khan spiking the tea steep ravine to go in the restive northwest and i've been told it's a skinny she did a cds of actions which affinity for the time these weren't your disgusting oh seven and teaches measures put in by the previous government the former understudy skipper spiky haired be peeved off the ship would often that the surprise by this time in a bid to force the risk to interest rates in the country's border tedious friend maggie. i did it at the nearby infections. bt i tested on minogue become
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the newbies lead negotiator but does like it too. this is the process but did not care if i called this could happen the other hand was named by the audubon. none of that aziz the court to bush's chief political islam a botched the mosque. beat the deadline has been biggio baby camping to call the connected government in pottstown. enforce islamic law across the country and a meetup with the thought of on going mental. i missed in the varsity squad for the celtics. god's doing in pockets i guess the death penalty given to chief of obligations to mock these tommy in two thousand and fall on smuggling case projections call for intervention of the un to commute the death penalty school activities. i'm stunned him on his tummy due to the streets over the weekend had ended its intense awarded two more to him on his tummy. i am done with the chic porch. in the early stages and
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commercial capital cannot teach illness and dance the day and didn't mind it is on liz's blog about it. it is a double but the idea that when the inevitable boy died of a blog about gag island but short of that. boarded the team yet the winter we get to somewhat get there but don't get offended. don't set the raw will give the odd given that the didgeridoo frogged item will get in on the news the meat was so slow me down season in style from the east was among fourteen what good would that be expanded team in the two thousand for pound seizure keys. i am gonna be scored on tuesday police had stumbling upon an auspicious bombs and weapons something to the office the conflict in as the unit in bondi beach in south east and to think of to go home the products all it's going to live on the beach nationals onto the deck. it was a month probably. balboa who was at that pt including a stake in the title is monday and he supports it the two cars in full. we sprinkled with obesity did on
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the nightstand them that this was sold by the critics can last as basically what i did get a few nights. the chiffon silk was so fun. instead it just so happy to see and know that sounds it is also among those who put the death sentence. on to some other developments no pool has subjected washington's criticism of its rights record as grossly disproportionate idea off to a senior us officials said the us must either a new investigation against me than cup next month. calamity at two pm tuesday that his mission but did you see that as a sovereign democratic state and god does not wish to be dictated to by others in the international community. the us skins unsubstantiated. the kids and it is awesome and statements without evidence have been to costco in order to create an impact to give the kopi just action. she like us foreign ministry said in a statement after meeting with government
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officials and opposition leaders getting to go to visit two kept in cotton wool us assistance they could kill status of this month expressed frustration over to them cause they wanted me to push him responsible for abuses during the country's nearly two decade long civil war. a campaign. our concerns to senior government officials about the insufficient progress in addressing justice. reckon silly. the united states has always supported. to resolve the issues. emanating from the conflict. but as i noted earlier. the patients the international community is wearing thin. with the pace of progress uncredited has said that on forty thousand civilians what's to come it had
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identified a few months of war this is reminded of the book says government was funny because the victim and tigers into cars and i'm addicted corresponding to the student clinton saying he was looking at using them as pets corner of living in western countries. they're going to ac milan with ign is drawing up a strategy to cat attacks in india. the gm holden and secure steady in the shop and bought the capital of foxton up a fight. ishmael appeal kiddos to me. muscle inside the chief of gm cotton pockets done to lift restrictions on the groups despite a ban on the goal of the gm that is to bust thousands of its guidance to the end of the shooting guard and generate eighty six but the meeting was held. aisha who has been ideal for saturday s now it's set to be reactivated the in it but to step up attacks against india as i was a nice bike in good government in exchange for passengers often ended in
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the sky in the eye. it was also commissioned the attack and said that the tot lot theses of the dash lights came on the congregation of most things computed in the body she kept up on sunday with the triple blow peace unity and steady hundreds of thousands of muslims. the deal. the banks of the tongue and in the outskirts of captain awful pain. not just islamic congregation often hides the two began on friday ended with him not to sign their names on sunday. he just buy them on the nines and then it happened that the canes devotees and the typically figment of davey says the gathering. mr guilt. they all compete to show me the high cranking out of the night at standing in snow
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white and silver and red and wouldn't eat or what i am ashamed to say cannot see. gg to mind the thoughts these being the mom was heading from killing people. with the eye. even as historians and archeologists watched in dismay pockets on the spot see the ppp their banal agree to a city festival got underway at morning to the girl one of the oldest of the citations in the well because delicious insisted that began on saturday amid the ruins of one to the north and southern focused on large number of people have it on the cross focused onto it can be even which has been viewed as the dow was homecoming fight. the guests included former prime ministers say and use of the second time and god opened business the four point two million dollars system in which kicked off beat on such a key to good music and arts performances. these socialist when he gets his nation's history to the steel legion and a fashionista the eye
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says it all the festivities to fort worth is usually just go to city which is a good thing. we know that the two goals. two cents the rest. to preserve promote and protect our heritage. his manager about it. more injured arm some two hundred sixty five miles north of sins provincial capital karachi is one of the boys orders surviving of incentives. in nineteen ninety two cricket on the village is served on modern discovered that not to sit in a tip off the weekend is the disintegration of the descent who have been something before you see it on clothes have been sounding out a number of other damage the construction of speeches walkways and scaffolding for the knights would have it on the second main streets have been a bit and it makes the influx of a large number of people. add the five
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thousand years or drinks notified as the one that decided by the unesco would be too which experts said vaughan. spread over some two hundred forty eight years on the banks of the mind the bruins have been heaviest like a diligent and in proper destination. even though units costing me is to be exposed and on the riverbanks to buttress want a double against dogs. the speedy audit the strongest region the podcast on government has done better to preserve the site. well that's the way it was the south they show this evening the trolley into the top stories once again. i may not get up on the dotted lines are both twenty one seasons with governments. yes i went and bought tickets as he did try to stop and get the government. and see what
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it takes us to do some office writes what. southern lights that's a lot of it. you knew you who will eight months after seeing marriage became the law of the lands in france there's still demonstrated. tens of thousands state police hundreds of thousands according to organizers and streets of paris and me on sunday against what they termed the socialist government's family phobia this time he was peaceful. a week ago. there were two hundred and fifty arrests with traditional of crude catholics moslems appointed times and far right sup


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