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tv   China Price Watch  PBS  February 5, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST

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would know the eye. we welcome that i could walk the economics of everyday life in china. and don't remember. last week of the chinese new year. or what have you end up tv today and letting the kid occupied till
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ten. no question that day was freezing and they're not completely documented. think of her work order will talk about that strategy into a tiny theater due to apathy about it. finally the debate actress with a gambling in southern china. for all that with the look of a topic you want your time. first up in the beijing news. crocodile meat become the hot filling part that he hears market chinese new year market are popping up in many cities that day after the spring festival where people were simply enjoy cold for performances and go shopping many commercial vendors need to read of the building the letters. eighteen years or more of the most popular and in the country. last year the most expensive tv was designed by popular pick up a stellar one hundred seventy thousand us. around twenty thousand us dollars to rent the hall for seven days. if you're the most expensive doll was rented out for eighteen thousand dollars by pc vendor. but kabobs are still big tv market. one
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thoughtfully bbq crocodile several big crocodiles and order from time to run to play in front of goal and that the cost of bringing a whole bunch of attention to the bowl. one string of crocodile me fret that the two men were rescued on the back. this winter storm more than cover both iran and the cost of the sea next to the baking you can read chinese. that money to burn content of crane toppled during the first day of the chinese new year. chinese food is traditionally burned and company were to put up at midnight on chinese new year they believe praying right after that time. the best of luck for the coming year. if you're a buddhist temple jiang province of the track over ten thousand dollars to bring them to pray at that time. although the temple increase the entrance ticket price from forty eight dollars still cannot control the overflowing number of worshippers. it all to
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believe that being the first the bird and ten and we're supposed to fulfill their wishes sooner than other brutal. therefore their enthusiastic about getting on the right to britain from france. regardless of the price. if you're the right the first temple that is young problem auctioned off in astonishing one hundred bp down from us for more than ninety thousand us dollars. those worried about their luck might be comforted to know the buddhist monk actually deny that time you pray if that's your lot. but to practice his wife are not the people affected and spending big money to buy the death wish finally from southern metropolis daily chinese tourists to travel to south pole during the spring festival holiday traveling to help pull him out to be quite popular too large number of chinese court chinese media release that during the spring of the holiday this year the chinese court this helpful. more than one hundred tonne course participate in this trip the people only spent about
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eight thousand eight hundred dram about one thousand five hundred us dollars on the street for each person the trip included visiting penguin and the great wall facing the south pole. when the couple became a hot travel destination. chinese travel agent could also promote a program to attract more tourists. when the china international travel service the travel program a couple really hot and into our trip last week that he did. cook about fifteen thousand us dollars for each one. and the crew picked up a large chunk of the travel time data showed that more than fifteen hundred ports visited the great wall space in the south pole last year don't go with the gift of making money matters were talking about kicking donkey medicine patient. people in northern china really like eating dog meat. healthy tasty and good you can buy a pie in the last of which many think it's like a more savory and delicious and pork or beef. luckly that a teacher
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is very easy to find their donkey meat restaurants scattered throughout the day the document is a vital part of danger and it is cold and windy winters of northern china. ordering a donkey meat sandwich and a bold donkey meat to the consumer the best deals for beijing is at the time. but the doggies value to the top ten the height tilt and alternate o'dowd chinese have been used in china for over three thousand years the jolt of one type of traditional chinese medicine that differed on tuesday after boiling and extraction the carpentry job is that the magic. in traditional chinese medicine but we could all get to out all sorts of medical benefit. if that doesn't comply to attend the meeting from ten thirty and improve the immune system we can believe in chinese medicine. the valuable thing the fact we don't hide open quite popular with chinese woman. national business daily report. in recent years the market for donkey height joke and china have hit a
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rapid increase. statistical data from one of the donkey height delta manufacturer don't other gal to the demented occupied till ten. between eight and ten percent and increased in recent years. he doesn't well the total market value was taking billing us for about two point six billion dollars it got me a bike doesn't contain the total market value reached a five billion us dollars the over twenty percent annual increases for the market value. and i thought i'd tell to market don't look down and went out for the two major manufacturers that dominate the market. the two companies occupied for the sixty percent of the total market these companies testing better still adheres to the removal of many take on the market. he doesn't have that kind of a crackdown on the donkey height tilt and holding a candle. during that year. chinese media code of some small donkey height tilt and manufacturers breeding cattle can to make counterfeit donkey hide till ten. after the government crackdown. a huge amount of small manufacturers which look out of the market. don't
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other doll with the big winner here in the company ended up doing even better what the government stop controlling its price. many factors can opt for the unjust product prices based on market demand. bake until now that all of the hotel company has increased its profit places like fourteen times the retail price has gone up from four dollars thirty cents to fifty dollars per pound. that in over ten gold price increase during the past eight years increase the donkey hide delta prices have also largely improve the company's revenue. the company's revenues increased from one hundred seventy million dollars in two thousand and four hundred eighty million dollars in two thousand twelve. the company announced the increase its revenue to one of the intel if i could of fifteen. there are still many in china who believe in the power of donkey in the market gotten bigger traditional chinese medicine companies have made you ever to break into the game. you could tell a joke rapid price adjustment. the competitors are being forced to sell
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the product of overpriced this is me to reach the bottom which greatly decrease the total value of the matter. don't always get up the cook until the kentucky high demand in the tent welcome back to china press club in today's money matters were talking about taking documented the hot donkey hide delta product and driven up the price of gold in color the popularity of the products have actually made it to have a donkey more valuable than me. and northern thai people are going pretty daunting and economic daily report into the perfect appointed on tuesday was only about fifteen us dollars. melt already torture least two hundred dollars. but more than twelve full price increase to eight years after being prompted to turn into donkey high delta in the dark skinned price soared to three dollars per pound at two or forty tonne increase in two thousand that although don't get it right the rapid increase in these
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years. dumping prices haven't caught up to much. farmers who briefed on the coconut to a considerable profit regardless of the hike up to camp right. market insiders point out that daunting the price is only an average of ten percent annual interest in the past few years. this is far lower than the forty percent annual increase and dumped it in price. more chinese donkey farmers have decided that the market. data from the massive your statistic shows that china donkey breeding stock. i've got a point nine milliontwo thousand one to two point five million to gaza eleven despite the hype like a donkey skin. reading donkeys in time and still not profitable. the high investment and risk low return on investment to help the farmers the capital with the industry. the pregnancy rate of donkey. about seventy percent. it would take at least three years to breed a baby donkey before to the slaughter. before that time the farmers need to keep putting money into it in order to control the option of a donkey tied telco industry. the tone of the gel
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company star turn back the donkey racing industry the result of not eating catherine large company according to two dozen full financial report. i jumped onto trading subsidiary company lost one hundred million dollars the subsidiary company that held the leftover donkey me to more than seventy million dollars in losses traditional chinese medicine that big price in china interfax are believed to be doing that already happened accord that is another chinese medicine. what i can really get involved the prices are reaching new heights. but you don't get me high product for you. we made two doesn't have the same appeals court that deal details are lined with tiny people could think of it as daunting as a real remedy don't go away because of the percussion today one of the top and kicking donkey medicaid patient. in no time for question today. we're
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thinking of giving their take on issues affecting their lives. today we had people the street from their thoughts on teaching document what do people have a thing about the current situation i've never bought any milk products toys don't know if you don't eat until you really want to be diligent enough for my daughter so i will look to stitch projects to improve my health. plus it's hard to trust products in their country. so i guess i would prefer products from abroad. my laptop. i think are interesting compound that donkey dry gelatin and get a win in the canteen contrary again. ford didn't feel any different type of buying it. applying it again taking the talent and cough i didn't feel much different after taking the donkey
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twenty left in the advertisement says of the and it was a nobody. but don't know if i'm really tell you i bought some of the product. most of them with gifts for my friends and above what to choose i would prefer western health said the chinese ones. i hope entertaining. i believe many many more effective in the long run. i'm going to like taking a donkey how can one thing i didn't really work on the most evil by the health front i could get to know that you buy it for them. if you really need it you know. the donkey time to let you can improve one's health. and i get the product must be affected. otherwise it would not be something that i would say most people by the donkey ride to and can't because they are military week's end. and normal people cannot currently afford a bind. we take a look at trent screen above the one china wanted a store that caught up with pricing strategy in china the carbon future supposed
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to be here right now the world has been waiting on innovative ideas to change the way people drive them from fossil fuel. the most highly educated and tidy as in the propagation of the electric car the california based electric car maker tesla motors has been trying to tap into the chinese market for cars become a part of everyday life. can you live with the worldwide rock art that is innovative ideas today he believed china marker for the couple are too good to get that new effort even bigger. apple recently announced a price support electric powered model sedan in china. going for seven hundred thirty four thousand and one hundred twenty thousand us dollars. it is just fifty percent more expensive than in the us according to kaplan that because of the unavoidable cactus like to use and transportation costs previously capital lecture car was expected to hold the higher price and time again in the us. back in many chinese market insiders. i think that the model of the game to china for three times higher than the new f
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one. we put that apple products become almost entirely targeted to china super wealthy. but coming out of his kingdom epcot the prices much lower than the other four cars sold in china. the range rover five liter v eight which opened on the nine thousand us dollars us for help around four hundred thousand dollars in china. and most retail stores even after trying to pay another thirty three thousand dollars to speed up the entire process. the huge price disparity. mostly after the attack. to some that uses directed their anger at the height at all. dr is also countryside practice. no look after the collection for cars turned up looking for domestic arts. by doing this welcome to match the cards in korea. rapidly developing by contrast no one really knows where our country's huge taxes go. not to the pocket of the corrupt officials. china charges each imported car twenty five percent of the customs duty seventy percent value added tax. continue to forty percent consumption tax
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depending on the commission the cars that don't apply to three times the price of the american ones are super expensive for reasons that type of tactic. because the cargill has realized the wealthy chinese buyers can almost no spending limit the jack the prices up further. the retrievers years the manufacturers to make more than a hundred twenty thousand dollars in profit and killing one car to a chinese retailers. to put up with that strategy for china the other four brand making double their profits per car in china when compared to the us and europe. by contrast the american magazine consumer reports has given catholic model and began reading of ninety nine out of the hundred. with its high performance reviews they could check the prices too. the company working with cutting edge technology and big ideal. in other intention the landmark that call they're basically calling it stupid idiot for not ripping off customers in china. yet a quote i don't think ripping off customers. he's a good long term strategy. nina to
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show their concern for template and it's pretty pricey strategy. one row china the country full of uber rich people. all of them are still the entrenched in your business and why wouldn't you lift him up they're buying luxury cars just to show up. if the price decline. none of them would buy it. another net user had equal to half the price has really taken it up right over a hundred twenty thousand dollars on affordable to most wage earning class. for those rich people and too cheap to show up. i'm afraid to have no point in time. if they want to be popular the better option to change the price either sticking hundred dollars for five hundred thousand dollars one or the other. the company said the official clock quote the price structure something of a risk for type le. we want to do the right thing for chinese consumers the price model in china is much lower than its competitors to win because we want to treat our chinese customers. last week the customers than any other country. when the user row quo. even i can afford a
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model as well do we remember the brand. he really recognize and respect chinese consumers. the payment to any other country. that's the thing that make me feel really grateful. as an environmentally friendly electric car maker. the price they think if there might be constantly winning over the and getting attention before formally enter china's market but that just had to work well to get behind the idea of putting their money behind such ideals than other car companies might hold you albeit not the focus has been the plight of the current china. the cars up and it must be cut into high quality electric car which means it's more environmentally friendly than gas powered one. india china and desperate need of clean air. it would make sense for china to use color to improve its image. the wife of my cute new captain for air and pay super high price. moving on now to get the price. we
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lined up all the singers understand the cost of living today we are people in the street to give how much it cost if i don't think i've mentioned. with the look of death the price would not be over a hundred and sixty us dollars. i don't think donkey dry gelatin to be too expensive. against seniors would be the largest group and he's going to go private my mother's bought it for two critical condition. but i don't think they're necessary for healthy people dementieva don't ever want to don't like gelatin could be sold to play from two to eight hundred us dollars a pound. i guess most women would like to teach it to be particularly to women. in a it. some don't like it must be effective or it wouldn't be so famous. if the price is thirty to fifty nine dollars each. i didn't want to buy it
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because they fall into. it helped him with it. the work i guess the product of the higher the nine hundred and fifty us dollars for each count. nowadays many people by the time to tell what the fire by products. and usually i reach the top brands to make sure i get a call to the prom the abandonment of the lava it should be enough time to pen them down and he died down a one hundred and fifty dollars k and even full house i guess there are other people i know because i heard that it does get the people hoping to get that i would get. crying how would we get to the retail price for a box of condoms donkey tied open the hundred sixty five us dollars. in china products made from donkey skin is considered good for people to tell. he has been predicted by the analysts. in the shelter but twenty percent growth rate annually to reach five billion us
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dollars by two thousand fifteen. in no time for development debate when dig deeper into question shaping the future and present time today our debate topic that gambling can be good for the island a pinata. recently the main group hotel was on top of the high nonprofit was found to be involved in the bike and gambling has done that just wasn't the first time the hotel a gambling on their promise to chinese media went further with the story. while many chinese patients and officials have taken but tolerant until right at the protest to the matter of housing in china are pretty lax with that. throughout the country for hotels and bars involving gambling and many other bikers like prostitution. the tourist destinations like i'm not which is very close to the gambling hub of macau these activities are to be expected. but some wonder if they should even be encouraged. the news led to a lot of discussion about gambling in the final product a few chinese commentary showed their support for
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developing the lottery and gambling industry. the well known financial commentator gotten a hold of you the lottery industry would be a good contributor to hide on economic growth. it would help bring in more foreign courts. to all the stress. i would not want to become an international tourism destination. lighting will be key to realizing that goal you couldn't already been proven. the water began gambling industry to bring huge benefits the local economy. mccallum an example he could get people to tell them to fill up the gambling business each year. data showed that two dollars and thirteen. the total revenues in the gambling industry which about forty five billion us dollars. that was an increase of almost nineteen percent. your conduct of the gambling commission would be allowed to develop a plan on bringing more job opportunities to local people as a result. she pointed out that there's still a large number for people and i'm not. he and issues from gambling would prove that. cute and of course attracted to the beach
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the water and ireland are not unique to the world. she warned that it really depending on. the they won't be easy for high not to appeal to more towards that you suggested that the local authorities can learn from singapore drool factor of giving local people to gambling. she said that this would keep them away from black evil force. they're all that those opposing voice to the gambling on and on earlier in two thousand ten the chinese government carried out a series of policies to speed up the development and an island one of the policies would stop illegal export water. at that time many continental out that if the signal the chinese cover would eventually allow gambling the large tube of commentators mrt and went in to conduct the gambling industry would not be allowed in on the economics professor lee option and the fact that the poll carried out to the content does not relate to gambling. we updated the cover was able to promote sports lottery which he did to support a non development we argued that gambling has
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its benefits but also come to drink. he added that there are many prompting the height of commons including social problems along with economic one. drug trafficking one of those problems. don't condemn war measures and effort required to improve the situation first. because the ugliest to legalizing gambling would only make the situation worse. we are rushing now the victim was taken to become drug users to approving of gambling will put the psychic ability every macau and want to get a good sample of the economic and developmental potential income from legalizing gambling invite. but changes like these are big risk investment. the tiny cover might not want to get involved in china's interest in economic growth. but even more interested in social stability in its own definition. we have time for today's episode of china price want to neglect them for the lead in the cost of living in china. until then you can view any of our
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picket line at the un deputy time job. audiences are all interested in assessing the same way that american audiences are and they're interested in you know in america mrs they're also interested in this is from other countries because that again they're interested in the genre itself in the format in the way that that format this kind of existential and answers questions about good and evil and crime and punishment. and so therefore its worldwide. i
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like about ear to the mysteries is that. not only are you. what changed the crime drama. but you also just alerted. you know about the closure of the land to barbie and you get the flu in bergen norway. through slept through the acts of the liners you get. you know and ideals what's all this means light of the lenders because they're they're set in sweden. and of the main character is fabulous to watch his excellent. and we like police procedural. you would want his life but you one of wannabe in sweden after two seasons. i think scandinavia lecture suddenly become much better than it was previously. i think pak us and uk have been awakened to a just a question and that's great that the reading great books for years i think just the combination of pop culture and good writing that
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the state lacks the phenomenon was has brought some attention we tried lots of fun though we like it was the light mist of plots that were to swim in the humor and the fact that ben to come here is very much involved in this grid. so it get it through the books and great fun birthday. address one of the folks that brought back from him. and lo and behold a few weeks later i noticed that you are broadcasting. certainly enjoyed the guys wonderful durie has to look at it and is very very good after i ate i really like the wall and are serious about high time to qualify that because of what some of the hiring of us and she is is it that is really going to take off. it begins with irene and doing the karate kicks. you're really taken to wish you what she's doing you see she's a strong lady. then you see her with her family. absolutely
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fascinating. i think women are going to be perfectly attractive country. so whereas i saw longer for us on. she may end up being my fav. the very pleased to within the last year or so imagery is now selling the cds online and i've been promoting them on my website design just restocked on because i've really fill that if you in the united states yet very little opportunity to buy foreign tv stuff was so high. i just want to spread the word the us. and im going to do
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woo hoo. they are. this look early in the greenery you can. the navy in my back candidates. i'm still not well off. looking at it. i'm going to last a lot back some of the land of the feminine
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in the online unit. it said thank you to know what lp may be that we think we can expect that. no context no anonymity. that it was due to the summit. let alone but you would get the dilemma. our misdeeds. among them again but now on. many of the caliber of kazakhstan commanded to him. asking
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chew you do you lulu lulu who who who who. the us welcome to nhk world as one in chino tawny and tokyo shares a look at some other stories we're following this hour. i am. families separated by the korean war will reach the need for the first time since two thousand and ten. to review teams are taking place at a mountain resort later this month. i tried searching the library. the panel of experts in defence a long way it's nice to allow


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