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tv   The Debate  PBS  February 5, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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win win . khan. welcome back or if you just joining us this is false and jets are coming up. well we'll tell you the latest on that room strikes the ball in the folding ones in. two workers walking off the job to protest the playoffs the replacement advance ticket booths. by automated machines. or floods and storms battering that only some of britain's but the entire atlantic coast of france spanish cargo with him in half. i had said it ran
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aground. the french basque country. as the olympic flame arrives in such a protesters around the world rally against new anti gay legislation. ll. he is gone no six pm in ones and which is in the throes of some commuter chaos to workers walking off the job for forty eight hours to protest job cuts and more automated machines instead of a man whose striking the extra boat ferry service across the thames. one wonders hopping on their bikes. let's go to the uk capital and falls and gets ddt. have you been easy to eat so um it's
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quite of a battle between the mayor of london and the unions. it is indeed it's a battle for two nieces to get too wet to get ham i did and she can hear the pitching behind me. but there is a mess of its because there is gridlock. second the head in western zen like many people um i've had to walk everywhere i went today and that was two for millions of people say it is a battle indeed between the month and that bars thompson the consent to a man but johnson. i expect to meet him laying about how much sadness there is on the team it's basically boyce thompson says that the unions need to stop holding a gun to the heads of london is the need to get around the negotiating table at the union leaders say they went to meet spice on sale still trying meets him and he refused to meet them on they say that this is actually for reasons of security. because
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the games. the houses and jobs which are denied by london underground as far as the son of assistance and toss well. oh we had to according to the union's skeleton service but if you believe. at the london underground they say that there has been about thirty percent of the service but lots of people resorting to getting on the and bicycles the bar in spite of the cold and icky remove intended the four boxes of is walking song giving up and others taken to the cause has been on a new un resolution signed by the way. because the unions and all the pads to give and took it to brussels brussels does not have had to talk to them. umm say we have to deal more of this tomorrow and if there is no resolution tomorrow. but it looks like waiting to have the same repeat performance for sheets on strike next week. very brief the committee accepted viewers on the french out on the story that you've experienced rights dvd here in france usually commuters quite sympathetic to those though walking off the job what's been your experience
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today monday actually i'm bathing quite sympathetic and that's an excellent question also i'm mad they have been quite sympathetic and seven they came up last night said that sixty five percent of people cold. she supported the right to industrial action. even if they didn't like the consequences are many things that they may be due in london staying in britain after the wettest january on record southern england also wales and dad getting battered by another storm. it's the same story all on france's atlantic coast. the spanish cargo breaking into as it ran aground off the basque country the fact that i'm broken into. the spanish cargo ship called the dude i'd tell the full force of mother nature when its engine breakdown in the fourth to cry on when each surrounds the ship against the jets each painting is foul on the rocks. a big deal out of
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the study did not go with the art the time i arrived all that struck the anchor it'd been turned by the sea and thrown into the jet ski where was cut into very quickly. the cost of the window. to manage the helicopter was quickly scrambled to rescue the twelve cream and berries the docs house was complicated by winds of up to one hundred and ten km hour all eighteen greens were very strongly that was the new thirty five degrees the corrected itself and stop to clean it and it was very unstable. it was extremely tricky fanatical political. in iowa hundred meets his lawn had been having to buy a home to pick up its content. authorities have now set to mason and anti maritime pollution time missy is that a few leaking into the sea. forty eight hours to go till the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics. protesters around the world and rally against the host nations of the anti gay laws. like in a general slump earlier here in paris
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active is scheduled to rally this evening outside a branch of fast food chain mcdonald's the main sponsors of the game or the story. their weights. months and one hundred and fifty nine sixty state and even peeped will be nice to see any from of the sea. if a move toward the black sea resort before like to me and paid college and during friday's opening santa's knee. looking back at least the new tool for the past nine months and so happy. god this year. another piece to just unwind and saw she was russian president had to make the team. the anti elitism am russian pole vault champion and a nascent they add such amount. she will be official couples document on which gay rights activists that said i want he resembles and rain. if i get to the days before the games not gay rights protests taking
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place in nineteen cities across the well known senior master adopted a no hit bid team simple propaganda with them as relations to under eighteen s at least say it effectively and gay pride marches. the bill faced little opposition in the russian comments. i think it's out of the vote on such an area that is being done and the bags. the inside the evidence against the euro against the gay community against other minorities and accept that the russian president has said hennessy tools on welcoming so she didn't warn them against pretty much equals pain can count that tennis legend billie jean king by the way won a high profile openly gay athletes named to the us delegation by pres obama well. she'll be skipping the opening ceremony her mother's failing health of the reason. instead well the new foreign policy chief catherine ashton has been
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meeting with a battle present that to gannett co . the bid to defuse that the two month old crisis their supporters loyalty yanukovich erected a barricade of banana boxes outside the us embassy is to show their opposition to what they say is foreign interference from the wax the us is second largest drugstore chain is quitting tobacco cbs to phase out cigarettes cigars and chewing tobacco in its seven thousand six hundred stores. a move that it says will cost two billion dollars in annual revenue but will not effect in two thousand fourteen earnings. cbs says it's an image issue moving towards healthcare products just as the federal government marks the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark nineteen sixty four surgeon general's report that launched the anti smoking movement. he'll think of east germany normally as a tropical paradise but of some
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entrepreneurial of folks over there and decided to do their best to battle the dreary winter weather. the meat when sentenced in gemini. travel tips off and then they need to find a series of tropical paradise. in fact with a nice boss crying and reaching designed to house johnny and scholarships. silly results can take my pic line it's really sandy beaches makes it a crime the light was one thing puts the ball. he befriends a statistical impact. tickets at the salon can hold onto her next. cnet news and its downside. spring in a petite house and six but was instead just go there seemed to find tasting the cold war. don't play many countries the rate of fifteen
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he knew mason said the two hundred million year race was piled into creating graphics tropical paradise. it was a densely can sleep up to an easy day the ride on sunday on under the visit to the site and said ok we'll apply the principle of increasing. rather than taking people on a decent voice to the tropics. it's the tropics will come to them and that was the birth of tropical islands the ice and sixty six thousand tropical plants and to do's and don'ts i still eating and temple was quarantined designed to take the feeling that i'm crazy at times funny. at fifty five year easy dates a fraction of the cost of the real typical holiday. they still it's great that not everyone can afford the wounded and dead want to cut pensions are to me it's not too expensive the brothers he can really add up to thirty five euros per person. on site accommodation costs can stain is typical computer a whole week. the marines and the animation of the maronite to reel in sunshine beach was around one small carbon
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friendly alternative. but in this edition stay with us the false and get to date is next. eye. on. the because you get to be the curtain rises friday. on the winter olympics in sochi. already the reviews are in there are many others. he noted the queen. we can see. it's as cute . it's good the eventual four years ago more than the combined cost of brazil hosting both the world cup in the two thousand sixteen summer olympics. the corruption mismanagement displaced residents environmental impact will all be forgotten when the athletes hit the ice on the slopes to say. perhaps
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with these games come back on russia's present and those who chose such a brutal to be strengthened. for me in front of your goodness and euphemistically and sat on the holder of foreign policy issues like in ukraine in syria today in a false identity within a week since teams him with us from such a correspondent sean walker. in moscow were pleased to welcome andre courts enough director general of the russian international affairs council. he is here in the studio in the russian service of radio france international minister to us and can be used and understood what he means accused the team for being is the false and dad today. we can join the conversation facebook and twitter are hushed and aft to four debates. now to begin this edition the russian president is in sight she has been there for final inspection you might say that came just ahead of the arrival of the slain this wednesday and
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he thanked the members of the international olympic committee their trucks the man of the willing if we understand was not an easy decision to make to grab the right to host the games in the city which documented there they had ten to fifteen percent of the infrastructure require we put you placed your faith in our potential. labels coupon active you placed your faith in the russian character which doesn't flinch from difficulties that unites us boldness in the bottle looks like she was nuts. doesn't flinch from difficulties shaun walker your insults see. they are how big are those difficulties. one thing that anything that strikes you when you look at the olympics
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it just home on time being done. it's really quite extraordinary that in an interconnected he whacked by posting it again. none of the things that none of the stadium. read the books of the mountain area which now resembles a kind of mountain which it was nothing there yet. or stuff that has been built up from scratch and some of it quite impressed that i am but i think you are an issue that with all the throw all that infrastructure being built said quickly. a lot of it now finished and a host of the problems that seem humble kind people. the right thing to find about it over to the max. of course the moral commitment it takes to corruption in the build up should it be that during the construction at the natural thing. the wa read people looking on. shown in every olympics and put this in perspective every olympics before the game speed in his talk about
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the infrastructure. we are or are the journalists perhaps being unfair since there's no sporting events reported while i think you're right that in the run up to date he said that the retired player with a feeling which to live in with the european championships in ukraine not yet reached it would look up and christo. and that we are now talking today the pool that dang i'm speaking to you but not a burden. what a horrible at the guitar icon to the bright sky because my style which is one of the main media and pro doesn't have internet. oh wait she called me stupid call three hundred to the charm of the stories. i'm in the context of what it is not an idle thought it would help some poor old thing and that is the devil that all of the child looking around and chat. the tissues. i think in terms of the actual quilting
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infrastructure. experian credit that they can be in the red tape on investment in our area today the ski run the red tape. there are obvious signs that the door that has been done very quickly on to somebody to control and all the creative direction of the foreign contract that is the difference. rich and twenty eight came with it at that time everything would've been fine the capital team is just great that night away you can book a card and infrastructure that in the alps to the rio board that made the belt in three or four years. clinton also and to own. we don't want to quit smoking from school to have to have a connection soon. the minister beat us we think these games even ago. and listen to that of a sorry sight that i didn't mention how i would like consent conditions at st and visit. in this and today i read in that school but for enjoying a list to discover
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their photos. it's the unknown which will expand with the man known only to sit inside no connection to ing and also maybe you are you going again with the wider care once the teams began because that is the end of the data don't care bout with journalists have hot water in their rooms they don't care if i was a stunning beaches is the only this way but time is that we had the title is about keeping the people being displaced by docs qt opening the presents. selanne and the many sins and update it these bees game grandson of us who don't speak about its staff to do so far. this is a moment to speak about it. i'm just a blog you are looking back at previous olympics. i disagree in terms of the build up. the secret is to convey a lot. as you mentioned it before to prevent the games every woke up to give this kid stories is poised for a woman on the actual this'll be the sign. consumption of june was still having the creamery
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and so on. i think is important about them. it is the constituency for president putin. i was in rusher in geelong for the wall street and aims to open gone by the president not to get the impression that the views i have concluded that the liberal west to click on it and priorities of the organ lessons. talk about is known to be the conservative president of the markets types of crime history of britain will swallow me. we will be that the presence of july presents the reader from the prime minister of japan will pick a song think we did it more bluntly. it's no one's negative divergence is a somewhat disbelief. we're pleased to welcome on to cordon off of the russian international affairs council andrea thank you for being with us and at the outset shaun walker was telling us how we spoke to one contractor who said if only there had been more time to prepare due to feel as though the b it's been a little bit too much of a race getting ready in time for the games
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and so little time out they might have said that they would steal and a lost soul of moments. and i think that so for us to use that to me lols. the man so much to you major complex arrangements and so the other good deeds is dead and one of these last two overs. it may be the best it's tough to get it out are you nervous. neither the games in that regard the whole world will be watching rush the evil dictator is because i know that stop building these cups of people goods. this is a time goals for the soul whatever happens the year. it will be described as a major victory for russia is amazing
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to open soon. and i to be that of goals. i believe this will divest to decide the snow to come. his fortune but still we have quite a bit of good will. it is far more the rule. over. the it is not be surprised to find out who did a bit due to the top before joe. so the sins that he has gotten so big moves on to the olympic games. it seems that so we know today is much better to be heads up to get high scores. it was four years ago. high scorers you mean a sporting we are a high score is in terms of being ready and prepared. oh and it solves all of the double gold medals. this can get. it's difficult to speculate i know of lots of lovely to see what
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information does he bought for most of the four of his soul to satan. it suggests that the media. overall performance of the russian team will be the coolest. now there are too deep for a performance that is one thing that we heard it hundreds of gore. some remarks from the new boss of the international and the committee who criticize western leaders for what he called grandstanding and escapes. it was in many ways remarkable speech because he was far more current than its previous us. another thing to most often he was placed canceling the politicians of hiking beyond will go into the gangs that there is an official boycott we talked about than he does that in all go in on the screen has been making some kind of stagnant on the spot was something exciting or irritating to say the key of a problem common to talk about it in europe instead of making the scum of violent protests against him the story. the owner cinemas for controversial when a servant as was mentioning a
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moment ago although palms of the fold to the area itself on the one hand re infrastructure projects but at what cost to residents near the ski the news that rosa equipped for the start of the games means. if i'm going to get a good night's sleep. husband gets the team traveled to the air the defense of these types of his village sprung from the ground in just three years the cost of one of our being here it is. even see me and is a french former skiing champion. now advises the site in two thousand and fourteen organizing committee so what's been done has been done very quickly and it gets late. but forget to leave but say that the result here's the truth is that nothing else to go inside the historic being struck jeff and obese be well integrated in the natural
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surroundings to stay with us is it really possible to build its three years books for decades to the alps without serious consequences we've come around. that's economic system. reza photo to me outta here by the sight of the right he'd eaten his fill and there is a job listing has been investigating the tons of construction waste in the olympic sites which is being done here illegally succeeded in bringing a representative from the region by environment minister. we wanted to expand what was in these piles of concrete week. when she came she stood on a lot of places to eat. i didn't see any province. there isn't anything new. it's hard not to see ty as a result happens in silage. the scot did it despite this sign. we are towards the protection area the same rate we lost to clare's creates its big star studded needed to get in the building sites. digg is a great day and nights the noise is deafening
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the residence of the neighboring village of ofsted have to live with it i was in use pm. we can sleep with them which is not just for nine to two it's been three years that we hadn't been able to sleep. do you see it features real selves. i don't know but will probably fall sick soon and i will discuss which the quarry throws up his dirty dangerous and squid clams us. the new round of the one that cost nine billion dollars cost is just an added advantage the man's office of the traumas that the residents have access to the right will cut the price of the necessary what have been torn up about seoul the fourth. we've been left without running water and without the rose to four years. when the engineers but we can understand that we're going to be cut off from. the e anymore and let it go. and then there are that rocks we see the trust that we have it's great that houses say each time the cops. lamb
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prices much of it's laid out sweat and yet it's impossible so everything is covered in dust. south bend where the village elder knox been committed on to sell this freeze them now too dangerous for consumption. he continued dancing and spinning the losses of the region that's when the construction of the games began to heal the rights of local inhabitants be respected. in the games are important to the prestigious estate. quite frankly it's tough for us we love them with the salty gangs but the difference in taste to show off the new russia. he's been passively coming out of necessity besides the cool soothing most wine stains and giving outspoken and cities. yet few people doubt the seaweed angel cos off successfully this book comes next which bars. such aid has become a
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free for a more or less enormous area. what will happen to wednesday and good friend as outs. matthew and exclaimed as actual book reviewer again you're telling us of that up to you. today the artwork around to rows of sweet or what struck you when you were there while it it does look better in here they had all been built on an ep in it but at that very impressed. i mean you know i think we have a huge better in the opposite effect of that. for every page of the inventor of the uk when you go. a construction project on though. harrigan of the people in it that way berrigan of the people who use the problems of the friends i think perhaps the question more cocktail parties respond to that whether they are the ppl in contingency plan in place until one night when the prophet said. just getting back to one thing that wanted to capture at the end you get to the beach
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and a realy care about what the what ifs as i'm not sure about the teacher a thing we can probably open minded they are too grown up and to a right go straight up. i think it's very very clear from this that it didn't take as being the prowl for it and then drops are paying homage to a ruptured retake about taking that kind of event that no time so that second rate country that russia can put on a major major international event if you want to develop be about surviving it. when the people that are going to write about that event. megan and chris and i get to the event of the well. when they arrive they find and recover and without water without rich yet when the skin of everything that small thing but when you spend fifty one billion dollars to project a particular image. it's a bit of an alien a bit of a core of the site. in the season ends and some intense there's the agenda of
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domestic opinion and world opinion which form which matters more in this particular junction put in a sense of peril as a legend that was the case with people's things around and when more people into the us began the year you who mentioned this role it. nine elaine inhofe is solidly sanity it was constructed by i knew going in and can always be denied that she started to give his own trumpet in band so will discuss these days. it looks like real to say that it is proper to school is like seventy five new in colors and according to his last and declaration. he's the iq celery and teasing comments on the meaning then hop so this is the end of the shield in on all raffles is people take mine so this will discuss the needs of where the money's gone one of the issues which disgusts me come back stay with us are watching the polls until today. it's been. khan. and
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then to welcome if you just joining us this is the false been gifted people for using so it's good to sample the stories of florists and even the phone for you at the top of the hour visit the commuter chaos going on in once in a forty eight hour tube strike workers walking off the job cuts as layoffs and the replacement of men ticket booths by automated machines. more storms that are sold in britain and the french atlantic coast a spanish cargo breaking in half. after crashing into
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the last post. the technique is a un panel of distorting the facts after he issued a damning report on paedophilia its coverage within the church. it's a second largest drugstore chain quits to cvs phasing out cigarettes amid a broader approach that marks the fiftieth anniversary of the surgeon general's first major warning the dangers of smoking. i did call. anderson forty eight hours away from the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics in the russian resort of sochi welcome back this is part two of the false forget that they were talking about it. with from moscow on trick works in off director general of the russian international affairs council here in the studio from sister station radio france
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internationale and seven ties and rest of the koran. up to the head of news at the euro sports anti smoking for part two of our discussion. our moscow correspondent. joshua is yes i begin with you joshua and eight in moscow you're very very far away but in terms of kilometers of from saatchi to out what is the general mood right now in the build up. a lot of anticipation. for better and worse in other words there's some russians who are excited about these games. excited about what may be shown on the opening ceremonies and continue looking for directions. debuting on the world stage and stand high profile way. there are others who are concerned about costs concerned about safety. who are cringing a little bit for that very same reason the red sheds that you're really going to the microscope in front of the whole world. and so
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there's certainly no small amount of people here in moscow who when it's a question of the now infamous fifty billion dollar price tag or taco security and terrorism threats. harboring a little bit tense. now with the teams just a few days with the weather here excited about the games anxious about the games for them against them. that nonetheless is a shared sense of anticipation exactly how is it all didn't turn out. and why what happened and so too does the few days. fifty billion dollars for the games than the ants go to court in off this question. andre at that price tag was it worth it. it is difficult to sew up off the pillow. but a noted that in words that come up because people must feel this month it is because of that mateo for people in this city to go up there. it's something that
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effects that it is they don't see. it is a connection between how they leave the use of the control of the steps of the time of launch by the government. we are all were so many people are skeptical about the lasting effects of this investment because the official position is that justice should hold it up solutions to go up going to turkey on what could be zipped up for their vacations but many think that to the level of service the overall infrastructure as of lately. to make sure that all human. meta level four resorts. so is the question whether the region. my cell genes to change it then after that to more tourists than not. it said. it has right now. i think that skepticism about beds. so i can imagine that sell for up to me because of
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these kids also detected. and i can imagine that thought they might become festival so people are likely to build the so bad that it's rude bits. this is a little bit rich drizzle the door. is it worth it is always a question asked and of all being in the past at great expense olympics have been built oftentimes the watershed moments in barcelona was returning to the fold of the nation. time for for many countries it's an important change of status even for south africa the minor you for the world cup where they put into certain degree africa on the map. it's a lot of money but it is important for nations to stage one the russians those reduce it to the priest deacon or so strategically these olympic games in just a few clauses from the georgian border grenoble was hoping that most of the world of two thousand and two thousand ornaments not just to create a new ski resort no question at the oscars two thousand six when they won the games
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absorption mean no disrespect to be on hand. now it's making headlines around the low fifty billion calls it if only to suspend own person coming in and downhill skiing it's more has been spent on all the previous winter and its combined. this morning which i may spend what it was that local scene a couple weeks to come by to question the russians to talk to us to manage. smsed some scandals that will inevitably come over the next two weeks on building the infrastructure has been very difficult from scratch but now the job is to handle the bbq pit and that of the media relations which can be very difficult because just around the world will be looking for some stories of all the books when the comings and bow and sunny as curators question put by alfred on twitter. our sochi games really that different from other impacts the ultimate tentacle has accused bolts but it's not really it's not groundbreaking event but there are huge scale it just
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from a media point of the princes the good of it will cost around africa for the posts on the winter and fix their fortunes than any of the winter gardens in london country britain is more formal interest in winter sports and has been full of some actual decrease in fantastic performances it'll be the most expensive tennis elbow. malone a couple weeks. what the dickens cavalry was that the minister that says what do you think you heard there are great cops say. did the sums of money when is a lot of zeros people they don't it's not something that lets users surprise and i mean funny sad though that if that doesn't affect them personally if a c e he expects fifty million dollars in debt and that people who will not get an anime salaries at me with a wound that these money will be spent in a cookie and all of these scenes and now deceased estate money resemble a few and make him stumble and completion in id
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studio. the stadium for the opening series fourteen thousand people over the stadium and they say the city will cost us two hundred million dollars. in fact we spend seven seven seven hundred and eighteen year and soak it means that each time it's a heritage place it cost like nineteen thousand in the hof. so it means. pour into a prison it's it's really too much white . why is it that it's gone over budget would you put your thinking. it's said it's an incessant best and biggest the installation was nice amount of money and assemblies and the sun is so i can imagine that say something going on so this money go some way said this is especially close. where's the money gone or are just the opposite better questions asked who's footing the bill that's right. the russian government likes to talk about the participation of private investors. a group of
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oligarchs who are funding of projects of one sort or another whether it's a ski resort that will be used for downhill events or renovation of the airport construction of the atlantic village. but even when you look at the so called private money which in of itself even in the government's own version it makes not just percentage of the overall funding even look at this private money it's really coming. much of it in the form of loans from state banks and then when you look at future profitability of these ventures and we owe these private business businessmen in russia be able to pay back on those loans will their investments pay off will for example the ski lift. ski resort in the caucus towns. i get enough force to be profitable if it doesn't make the fault of those loans is already talk of having them be restructured and a tax and taxes and incentives or better loan terms be given to these private investors really at the cost of
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the state banks and potentially therefore at the cost of the russian taxpayers so i think. in the years leading up to the games we didn't necessarily see a lot of attention. in russia and about the tensions of a kind of sums involved who's footing the bill where the money's going. now the games just to be honest i'm seeing more of this conversation among russians asking how much did i spend personally wasn't worth it i think those questions and conversations are illegally intensified during the games and after. and so joshua did in the fog is to follow question too. to that is when we come back to home from your point of this. i think it's too early to say. again a lot less to do as the v of the guests have talked about how the games are seen domestically internationally are they deem to be a success is something that russia can feel proud that i think that will go a long way to determining rations. think
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about was it worth it. in terms of the costs of the russian budget into them as russian. taxpayers and i think the boss of the long term legacy of the infrastructure and facilities built in situ also determined that wouldn't have even built. with a high quality eleven laps to it for starting to see things either fall apart or simply go unused because there isn't enough demand in the coming years i think that that will really sharp and opinions and negative attributes but if he pulls off a building and in demand ski resort the caucuses. that may have people up the kitchen reprisals and i think it's just too rude to say what inside russia the long term legacy of the canceled it. we had seen and it's been slow talks about a lot. in the press last week is the region where of sochi. it is located in fresno dark
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ride region has grown an average of seven percent a year making it one of the fastest growing in all of russia this in the period from two thousand and six to two thousand eleven investments in infrastructure has boomed. but as of the cortical cordon off some of the panelists and have said up of the problem is after the games are over this infrastructure reverts to the local councils. and they're saying already that they can afford to keep them up. well you know what it is without additional subsidies you'll be positioned to maintain its infrastructure it stirred something in order to use the infrastructure for other purposes. our first double so off to the olympic games
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in the end of summer this year of the supplication of loopholes to the tv set it up it will also post of the year seven and ushered in the union of that year and sold and it didn't snow in texas. jones is called a star into. hospice is that it was something that can be used to accommodate of us to meet these exhibitions events and saw two minutes. it's called going to make use of all the infrastructure the citizens of which are likely to be fully utilized see that because the recipes so answer the question are going up up the uses of the spectacle of all six. and then use them without major infrastructural saw this posted. i think that what will happenup to them and did so. these heads albeit it
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is molded into other news both horses will approach of the president will try to get additional body. since missing the point of that saw the star doesn't provide additional funding the searches led to ddt and he's made investments will be inflicted with the money it's quite plausible up there so we thought we'd all have major budget constraints some additional motive of god. they just make one point i got to the taxpayers. no they are little touches that to start it. we have bought all the holes so you can taxes and the rolls. it's a flat tax also to assess and the monday which is used to be sold its infrastructure in most cases the candle home of the taxes that we as citizens of russia be bought
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for us to a bugger of a the news agenda to do so the ducks could go either carnivals. that's why did you know people in the field. s taxpayers of the weekend. it seems the government accountable. this is one of the bowl just until it begins with the federal budget because people see when it does make people feel that they have their rights. up to have a say in how this money is used. and yet in person and is a rather non event that's going to change arm on twitter and facebook of years showing tough love. it seems for the hosts of these games we have one coming year the olympics is like when your crush is coming over new clean empty room. except with poverty and corruption said one of the comments when we leave the seat. again back to the question of the image of the games which it has been dented to before it starts and talking just now about what happens after spending a
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sanitized. russian president undeniably still very popular man in his own country. i'm up to now you heard there were so on to cordon off said. taxes are low in russia overall the issue of how the money is handled is it really indeed that much of an issue coming at me years to come in russia. it is correct about the detox this it's a ten percent that all stood up against this an area much much lower than in europe so you can at the can onto the camp and answered. the i miss i was commenting to me that people never asks itself where the money's coming from boise st the sky so many families displaced with small children. they've been in that guarantees us mcm kind of book says the raids police than in the till date we have i'm going teal blue diamonds around and we are leaving now
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in in in conditions which are not human. and so the laws in town says. sidenote as christians are and when it got too many too busy and time claims for european cried because of russell crazy woman and between six and that process issue of the displaced is something that so popped up on the news inside of russia josh would be awful. yes certainly has been a lot of questions about some of the side effect of the games with an environmental ecological that's been a big issue. with what started as ludicrous they have environmental activists down and said she had a catching some broader residents as well as this issue. of those displays i think it's an issue that has immediate understand ability or residents to a lot of russians the idea that an all powerful state can come in and cause some disruption of your life. without much legal recourse. i think that that's something. it's a narrative
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that many russians were trying to familiar or at least recognizable. so that's initiative that has gained some traction but really i think. the olympics and the preparations for that extra something that has been happening. if not quietly bit and noticed that these are the majority of russians certainly that. aside from those living down dinner and such it's off for several years it hasn't been for the last months weeks and nowadays really with the olympics right upon us i think a lot of these big questions can bury questions from really a history of seven years of construction are now coming to the fore instead we are seeing a lot of conversations up in moscow around russia about these games have the games were built. and i think it's a conversation. having begun it was just weeks in the days to go through the pics is really to continue in the weeks and months to come. it's interesting you say that because of the conversation
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in the building infrastructure. in sochi there's a wider conversation we're now seeing growth both in russia's economy plummeting from three point four percent in two thousand twelve to just one point four percent. last year. the main blame. according to one piece printed in the financial times. and the joshua is problems of business investment people don't and are not investing in or not investing in infrastructure inside of russia. that's absolutely right. whether or not suit you able to fix that is a different question certainly some of the infrastructure and transport problems in the crested are the region were said she is located has been greatly improved. that doesn't necessarily mean anything for transporter infrastructure in siberia and the far north in the far east and so on the grass that has a tradition in this way you could say that modern russia are today's russia has
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inherited that was partially or in this particular way the legacy of the soviet union and that's him in terms of thinking of development in large not just large that the mega scale of projects we saw this last year actually with the apec summit held in front of us though. davis took up until last year was the recipient of the huge amount of federal budget money going to build up all manner of infrastructure including the now infamous one billion dollars bridge to an island off the coast of the roster. so i think that's how the air rush it sinks developing infrastructure not piecemeal a little bit here and there really mass mobilization project. in the long term impact of that fish and ineffective. this is something will seek industry is all it gets. i've been saying tonight in the coming years. the court to know what confronted wouldn't do to encourage people to invest more in russia we've seen
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with the things like the you call scandal that it's scared away a lot of investors. all data it is. it s so are we going to have hinted that the courts and knitted dolls that would have been introduced to discuss it. we have to do something about that day. instead of wanting to be more consistent much more consistent income for today. corruption and the big question is whether new and old. it believes could wear tights. rather it be. you can manage it up with the neighbor political system drizzle the door. is this going to be a moment we saw last summer as it's amazing is over the last twelve months we've seen vladimir putin's star power wax and wane. remember when barack obama wants the g twenty summit in st petersburg clinton was the man of
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the day and because he got me americans to back off the idea of strikes on syria how will he be it the fifties olympics we get cornered man or will he be again. this is moment of glory for adults of the dishes were talking about i'm not really any minority of auschwitz it's irrational to brazil. max woke up and fix was singing something something. displaced people corruption in major contracts politicians trying to use a sporting event to help themselves but domestically and internationally said the stopping for its specific to these kinds of books or unload them. and don't buy into question about what it was due to the russian economy the region egypt won a few years was hit by the greeks two thousand and four athens olympics before school during the showing of the greeks of the very best he was the one for company is now most people since the beginning of the end of the greek economy two thousand and four. so it wasn't special attention will be home on the increase in russia over the next few weeks. the flight recorder
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and see for a few specific option is to trim as well because as soon as he's making headlines for the world. they will be for the next couple of weeks when he sings his biggest of them one thing should be boring about chinese keeps the cold war is always a worry but as it is a terror attack. not necessarily in so cute it could be around. anyway in russian. this war is that among the most government being involved a parent because of course we talked about problems in such a good loan payments when significance to secure it in the country. and this team seemed to be frightened by this event winner and saw just that you can soak in this morning this summer security. it's very difficult to get into now but the false country the rupture is the us to protect brothel just of the school called itself with russia that they were talking about. just really awful you agree thus we offered you agree that its security the number one issue during these games. i think that that absolutely is the concern that rises above
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all others in other words there can be. talk about costs. there can be talked about the long term use of some of these. then use in some of the infrastructure if it is prudent in the russian state can provide. the degree of security if there is a attack. i think that that really more than anything will spoil the mood of the games the image of the games are really just be a tragedy. for not just rush of relief for all countries sending athletes became so i think that. concerns over security rise to a different degree. then even the stock routes in the past couple days that hotels. not ready for anything journalists are being in and pour condition and so on. i think that that stuff certainly doesn't make a dress to look good and is already spoiling a bit of celebratory atmosphere with a
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couple days to go but i think that nothing is as. and central fundamental importance. like security. to ask you some trees were used in healing beautifully. still knows the secret of women who were deployed prayer is when a premature to think about it about that the real secret to a morning when water is all that point the sun friend of the vixen who is an excellent rhythmic gymnastics a tall pole out that georgia was constructed as a delegate was open to trouble the president of russia on to courts enough for the same room amanda said that as years eve we would eat what is it what are you expecting from the stands. i just wanted to go back to the concert security cannot because this is considered a attack will go for it. oh says there is a zero increase in the security of the easter section because a sixty five thousand people who came from central asia. as a living and working there with
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the condition of the difficult conditions and says the women's eight and were asking ourselves is a word. in a couple weight or will it go like it should be so maybe something will broke a coconut so as of this case an elusive way greatest time before we go just tell you the same uk drury had to drop you off organic viagra least the year to celebrate the royal wedding in two thousand eleven is now serving up a limited edition hello my name is not in the year to year. i'm in it it says. and on the park on the label gasp as i write semi naked on horseback his savior and tundra and straight down your throat and one two percent in a row and will cost was to prove it a bit of tongue in cheek fun about those green anti gay laws that have been sparking and demonstrations at school didn't leave of this petition i want to thank our guests songs recorded off and joshua john fay in moscow and st day newness of it as an entree
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is at the core thank you for joining us here in austin. it is. is this. as . coming up
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well today from france twenty four. allied to the top of it. one day concert at seven pm optional chelsea boss. in order to win to find a way to stop and a squeeze play. the process. it
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was when we will or will the bon our team since edward cellular field the expansion of the nsa surveillance. nanny and tried to discredit him. among them capitol hill lawmakers attacking both snowed in and the reporter that helped and what this could mean for journalists and their sources i had. and since it news that broke about the death of actor philip seymour hoffman and the dangers of is found in the news and afghanistan the business is booming. now lawmakers in washington are trying to figure out how to sto


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