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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  February 6, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PST

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know what . the news. just a day before that use those and fourteen winter olympics are scheduled to begin in sochi united states homeland security department has warned all airlines flying to russia that terrorists may be trying to highlight the deadly bombs inside toothpaste containers the warning comes as thousands of athletes journalists and pan's flight to russia for the games that begin on friday delicious the lead mr gets the security of the olympics which russia has promised will be steady
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two deadly suicide bomb attacks last december just a few hundred miles from sochi along with continued threats from islamist extremists in the caucasus region have raised fears that the teams might not be as safe as russia since they will be intense snow and freezing temperatures continue to bring chaos to parts of america's midwest and northeast thousands of flights have been delayed in the second start in the past week. schools have been closed and power lines have been brought down leaving the new pm million people without electricity. new york governor andrew cuomo declared an emergency asking people to stay off the roads and check on loved ones cities nationwide report that their stocks of salt to use to melt snow and ice are running low in new jersey alone the speakers are you still for two and fifty thousand tonnes this year weather forecasters predict another stormy day. this weekend. is you. the trading
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post notes kept by the lakes but don't hold the second has gone on sale in parliament despite his loss will state in the play was suppose to be destroyed. before his death in two thousand and five he trusted his diaries with ostrich extend this line ocean beach is private sector tree delivered to the beach now the cardinal said he didn't have the courage to destroy the knights because they are the key to understanding the plates by the spiritual life. the six hundred and forty page book named very much your thoughts and thus tonight's nineteen sixty two to two thousand and three covers the four dictates the team when he was a patient component to the leader of the roman catholic church the contents include religious schools and art is all but he doesn't mention any views on world events. polls are split between praising and
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criticizing she reached his crack our resident said the pipe was a man he represented and i wouldn't mind them being women. this lady disagrees she says the diary is the snow and shouldn't be seen. religious books. x but says the release of the book sheds light on his remarkable life. the book is extremely important shortly personally this is the key to understanding his holiness. this is the key to understanding the issues. it is also moving documents about his relatives friends and people he was particularly bad. therefore i think these should become a tool for understanding john paul the second stolen this just before his canonization you go he reached to the right thing in making them its according to krakow is dicey spokesman. a post on target but get sucked in pictures just coming to the painting is all i did exactly in the late john paul the second described in his last whale. because these are not personal notes to all
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this material included in the book was an object salmonella seized by the general talks to me here in rome. and these documents are undergoing rome analysis can be read by anyone who took all the little cool but chuckle. the proceeds from the photo to fund the memorial museum for them it's right you'll be declared a saint in april. i . with the two thousand fourteen saatchi winter olympics right around the corner critics of russian president vladimir putin have taken to the streets in israel are to be coordinated worldwide series of demonstrations the protesters are calling for olympic sponsors to speak out against the los i made last year which forbids the so called gay propaganda he gets out of the vote on such a day as being bound and it's bad to say. the inside
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the evidence against the euro against the gay community against other minorities in russia and down on me. it is actually living room. he was asked in the uk beer maker berri god has launched a beverage lambasted directions ban on gay propaganda and ridiculing the russian leader the company says it is the world's first protested the year and a fifty percent of the profits from sales will go to charities representing oppressed minorities the bottle features a depiction of putin wearing makeup with the caption not for gates. we will typically challenge convention we fight to hold a mirror up when we feel it is wrong with in russia about the winds olympics time with their dancing people than the low speed. we want to show it but trail we think is wrong. as a dance piece. in sweden meanwhile anger over the treatment of homosexuals in russia has come in the form of the video showing thousands of people in a large city and seeing
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the russian national anthem under rainbow flags commonly recognized symbol of the lesbian gay bisexual transgender movement. despite the mayor of russia's olympic host city saying last week that there are no gays in sochi members of the lgbt community there for a self defense group to learn to defend themselves against violent attacks which in some cases have proved deadly including the case that evil bradman who was murdered after his friends discovered he was gay. still because the thoughts. it wasn't that bad that's why i see this motorist has seen these in no time. consequences. i was telling people hey guys we definitely should go to the house this week as he can defend ourselves that will help us. russia has designated an official area for anticipated protests during the upcoming games however it seems to be only a token gesture as it is located under a motorway some twelve kilometers from
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the sporting action. some analysts have described states as being in the middle of nowhere he usually quite small spots of kenyans to soften up still on staying temporarily disrupted what the boss of small planes circling the area as the kenyan wildlife service begins and then a real sense that the elephants and all the marks my moments the operation will last for weeks covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of pot and it was like one of the world's most important benefits tax rates lexus has led to the trail to reach the us within me household spending and how many and it's not allowed to use up with a system that i am striking excellence which involves a tame lions and
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hundreds of i was still flowing tone gives the wildlife service marks of extra light it up how many lost my will to live in the area. ultimately helping the pot but it just might help you to honestly opens the bison resource allocations and conflict management. no one to sixty seven about thirty five thousand elephants right through the system the gates of aggressive treatment but the numbers dropped to around four thousand won on tonight the items offered by manila to nineteen oh one on the lives they tried the species the country come up for two thousand and eleven piano census revealed the elephant population had increased to more than twelve thousand . in the ricci is one of the most widely recognized broadcasting radio journalists in america news with a career spanning nearly sixty years the iconic talk show host became a household name with his larry king live program on cnn today he's still at its interviewing famous faces on the cable
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station arrested today and online at laura tv. the self described as super due to time out of his busy schedule to type in jail and jordan miller about his life thoughts on in america and the problems facing israel hosts one of the road festival was one of the radio a bunch of odd jobs never went to college. managed to do pretty well. and the jewish effect on me was i was bar misfit balloons. i was in the big moments who was held right in the seminar we have a party in the senate bill was a lavish affair the little bot nets is in heaven to see a rather have a brother that died before i was born was six years old socialist values were in cocaine in the very early not a very religious person i'm not religious at all but time and every jewish in all other aspects jewish food to a culture jewish flavor jewish humor. i highlight the jewish concept like
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the emphasis on an education importance of family. so all those values were instilled in me. we too have a kosher home saw mum to persia larry king was born lawrence's night here in brooklyn to a family of orthodox jewish immigrants from europe. his father died when he was only nineteen eighteen his early years difficult is the variety on welfare for two years to care for her two sons he never attended college but that didn't hold him back from his dreams. he leaves his jewish heritage helped him succeed in the media business. i linger on the bean juice added to my ability to communicate use a very good at that. this is a very good in the humor department whose playwrights many who won nobel peace prizes. and very very many awards in the riding area of the peabody is in coulter's use of it. i know i guess is in the dna to be expressive
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to use your hands to talk alot very good writers spokespeople is very oriented to me. talk to. and although i've accomplished very shoddy jewish person horny shoddy jewish people many help start the movie business in los angeles. well we all refer to today as hollywood's team believes it was because james had such a hard time breaking into other fields where they were not welcome in the early decades of the twentieth century james came over and settled mostly in new york. couldn't get into banking. we went west we couldn't get into oil they didn't get into law schools. another thing is huge news in new york in bed to belittle by the pool machines we use soap moving pictures. i invented the movies. golan is on the mayor's ball came out here. and so lay in bed in hollywood and beverly hills because it was a place for
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the jew. after. now coaching job in banking in asia annoyingly the dark. but de the what were part of the nature of racing. what is called the hollywood actor now of course it's very diverse. the jewish culture is very core. regarding future in america king said he understands that there's some real nonetheless optimistc with a big fear is up on pardon the word crush the creative bug or inducement is assimilation. i married a mormon. two young boys and their sins i don't have religious beliefs they're being raised mormon because they want obama but once my wife awesome to have bad news and she instilled into many and norms of some things in common one which is the importance of family and they're really into that. but they go to services and
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the like but the big jewish it is so special to talk about two years assimilation but if the in to marry too much you know the details and disappear. and why my boys while there. they go to religious schools as the mormons in the church they're very jewish and many other aspects in life. they like the food they like the culture. so i will never disappear. will matt does when it comes to israel he says it's one of his favorite places to visit the conflict in the middle east is one he is covered extensively during his long career discussing it with american presidents world leaders as well as the israelis and palestinians he still describes the conflict as mind boggling team was clear that he does not support violence in any form. i found very ties between the in the palestinian side the fighting in the wisconsin glimmer of hope feel very strongly about israel but still very strong very strongly anti war
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the people killing people. i stand it says stupidest way to settle the dispute more is idiotic. people killing people suicide bombers people raised in hate. i hate i hate hate. it's possible to say that from a close affinity of bill clinton told was that the middle east situation is almost insoluble it's just cause families. it soon. he totally does it so i am finding all of the lamb. so i feel very sad about the whole situation. she is upset about his career has garnered him widespread critical acclaim and numerous broadcasting honors including two peabody awards and ten cable ace awards. he is also being inducted into the hall of fame for both radio and broadcasting. but despite having such a high profile career that exposed him to all kinds of people the media icon says he's never personally been the victim of anti semitism or that he realizes he's been fortunate
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the mm. india and china two of the world still able to go mccallum houses know what that was the price of economic crisis comes one week side effects of pollution. comparisons are often late that we need daily and bracing for the right song a week sixty has the guts to act but a short td and kept squishing his gifts and words. and what drinks and says around new delhi retain the richest a hazardous levels of smoke of the population scarce resources. peak industry and vehicles or take their toll on the environment around tougher more new cars sold the diesel cars the west phoenician colony in the country has made it to effort to combat the problem since the matron was like that of the decade the carrier. this win said pollution readings have suggested sets and levels of toxins and twenty times higher than the world health organisation's recommended in its daily presidents agreed
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to do that. last year that seem that. jones added that he has been dug up and go to i got back to you. we are i miss it. isn't it. he wants let's say it's time for change now. this is the kind words into action. on tuesday attention given to justify the most interesting and stringent action but getting in comparison. beijing has doors that open the system the devices court in particular the smoky taste of texas fuel and diesel but the same rates. the results of play sets and toxins that dropped by four percent in the last thirteen years which is something the indians placing replicate themselves aye. accenture evolution is
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happening in the indian capital new delhi. each location ten years ago he started his business after discovering a flyer for a draw. now his business is booming. he owns three shops in the industry which is becoming increasingly acceptable to mainstream society. he yelled at tuesday's to be just for bikers drug addicts for those and rock that is now in cities across the country consumers coming. locusts is use to do with the intent to several months now he does a team can use everyday bollywood is playing an important role famous actors including sen j books and watch a gift on the display their taxes and prompting fans to get one. khan show is a relations officer. she says getting a drawing of a
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girl and a butterfly flying away helps her through her life. i debate and delay. and last eleven and they tell him that i for one or going out studio one or two that the senator when the team deployed over texas on dapto that has little to late to do what the memo because it things that stand to becky who seemed amenable you both again soon. these are difficult to predict angels butterflies and floral designs have been popular among women and told recently that some artists a more meaningful designs are known to man. men usually favored tribal tensions koran is getting it into a former cricketing icon sachin tendulkar. you can see the second and third and i'm getting it done because i think i wanted to see him play again. and though i'm a die hard fan like living in
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the media. and i want to go it is to be better for compete to him. one more goal to take it on to what amenities course nobody that he has given us for what the fuss twenty five years if our lives and daily charge between ten to thirty dollars per square inch of picking it back to artists of the g devices clients not to get me mr of their skin as most people end up getting them removed when the worst case scenario trying to find another partner with the same name. he says india still has a conservative ones. but all the good life with the guys avoided because it is something that obviously to take any prayer life the back pocket much of the loop of playful make something of a difficult time in the teeth out that because at that appeal to all the wonderful site and has
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decided upon is that much although many young people are willing to have to choose some still take the pain of getting one better than others. eighteen u s drugstore cbs is stopping up cigarettes from its doors in our minds makes it that the u s thomas the train to take to the cut off the shelves out for the seven thousand six hundred stores by up to the defence that she would come to the conclusion that the tobacco in a setting where healthcare is being administered the astute just don't do it. else thinks but relieved of the drug store chains will be under more personnel to follow suit part of the overall health care team. it's really antithetical as a result have a product of the store tobacco which actually causes these kinds of diseases so that's why it's all for frosting in a stale tobacco products today. cbs says the decision doesn't come with del surprise the company is expected to lose about two billion dollars in the new scientist christopher ask obama praised the pharmacies decision u s cities including boston and san francisco already banned
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the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies across the u s cigarette sales for them to the touch the sand between two thousand and three and two thousand and thirteen according to research company here a moment in touch. zai eye. xian. english football legend dv victims bringing soccer to miami after he purchased an expansion team in america's major league soccer mls commissioner made the announcement in miami. so i'm thrilled to announce that david beckham's as exercise his option to purchase an mls expansion team. and so excited that he selected miami as the market the move will want to bring some of the best class in total insult to miami to play in
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the same. see what happens it seems when you bring great plans in. to combat the heat. when the rain i went to the franchise out that you want success you want people to be about etsy and yes we will bring great blessing to just say that's the fortunate thing about my career and it seems i'm late for the last five played with you know what is or would he checks it didn't come to miami we wouldn't want to live in miami and to plan my image. the former england captain said she's only going to look to the private sector for cash to build the future home of the miami team. we don't we don't want funding we will find this lady mass else someday. it is something that we. tom have worked very hard to get to the stage where we can find this late in themselves. we wanted we
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won two of c we've had some great work from the manner and don't but not see the commissioners and the support that we've had so far has really been incredible so we wanted create a sleek him with one to create some say in the football club. the eyes of the postal got this info is that. the complete sucker for seven years at los angeles galaxy were he proved he could bring a lot of new friends to the sport proving he is a well establish peace in america. he was just featured on the super bowl commercial last week at the victim is hoping that he can use his popularity to bring in new sports land rose red wings has gone. i sit writing section of the chengdu joint kind of reading research and to himself was tall and as she climbed the province the nineteen month old had to include the elder brothers and sisters to attend
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the training beginning trying to get such a young knights poses many challenges the level will benefit the creatures allow them in toilets. new ingredient so when the girls that were comparable with people. if we have the more we can give him medicine to say that if the temperature from the beginning. sun on its lexicon has already tapped as the dollar amount you would like to to the chilling time most of the red kind of weak sunlight into the eastern himalayas on the southwest and helena are expected to be less than ten thousand with the population continuing to decline the sale threatened by punching track when tyson on how to tie knots. you can the eco color chart brodsky yourself to be thirty five and single. she decided to make a short documentary about her unsuccessful quest
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for true and lasting love to her surprise the video went viral. not only in argentina and the united states but also in afghanistan. it's just being an argentine woman from a traditional jewish family over to eat a single feeling that something's missing. they are all in all your friends mary and her children and when you are going out on how much pressure when she turned thirty five was the grilled me make that promise if i do a team we take that toast and eat the icing will be sent a copy you see us and bring to him and he knew i married the sake i hope you'll have to do so and so this dvd that i should and i tried hard to expectations candidates need to tell him of making films for fear she and prince charming. no relationship lasted more than two years for projects for the future ended up in a box
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of so many years from the pad the open till standard. to tell this story in a shortcut command tree made by the new york times that the deal she tied the single went viral fs it was as i said sending us the gospel expedient in the dust so it doesn't take it but he knew it was a guest at a price on the west. many less i actually feel the tendency to pick it up got out and lead generation of people in and out into the vet's thinking that she's been reading ict and then maybe we are still struggling and we don't know how to make a new model. we don't understand any way mean to do because we just we don't have a mind of one of our parents and we didn't meet anyone that gets. allison discovered that she was not alone in her loneliness men and women from different parts of the world reacted to a video on twitter facebook and youtube. late last week maybe it is so funny is that at some point that's why many of
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the ateneo in that situation and seven. many people is that they are oh so fitting arena seems that reach an annuity the movie and ice then you are not known that they amaze me just knowing this and the senior menu when scientists me out of every ten people and security are single psychologist and the second half when he says it's the universal trend especially in big cities where men and women to keep most of the time their professional careers at the end of the day due to tired or stressed to look for lifetime partner. they don't make the effort to build a solid relationship. stuart who he takes time to do the very first eighteen years a lot of trial and error involved with a snowman allah says she's learned to accept yourself and feel she's one step closer to finding happiness on her own terms. for mr right to come i was working on online version of thirty five and single. the film and art in time the american co
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production should be ready by the end of the year. this is monica and ikea for j him one and when a scientist. eye will you. do. will be. to me who are i will do. those are
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the i went the eight the ch
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i do. it was the day. says china taiwan and monica trying. the new legislative session will open on the twenty first the commandant caucus has designated the cheers of the cross strait trade in services agreement and articles covering sweet gum and demonstrations on as his top priorities of the democratic progressive party says it will take


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