tv Arirang News PBS February 7, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PST
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the un the guidelines but the grand opening of sochi twenty fourteen just in your hours away. we can expect for the most expensive olympic games in history the reunions of families separated by a korean war as it did take place in two weeks' time. south korean officials across the border detective danny and facilities there. a matter of time before the korean version name of ec will be used next to the japanese version of csi and its school textbooks in the us state of virginia where the house passes a related bill the stories and more banks
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on prime time. welcome to primetime years as friday of every seventh year in korea one from saul and it's an uncommon thing is so much for joining us. well preparations for the upcoming re union supported by the families are under way with a team of south korean engineers having visited the north to inspect the facilities of the much anticipated exact but there's no guarantee that the re unions will take place as planned in two weeks' time the communist threat to reconsider the agreements the unification ministry correspondent on some key reports. with less than two weeks left until baby unions for families separated since the korean war sixty four a south korean officials
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crossed the border on friday morning. the facilities at the union site in the north the engineers will make sure that the electricity and communication lines at the mt condemn resort are up and running well in time for that the unions. the teacher vs confirmed that a lifestyle comedienne and ninety four north koreans take part in teabaggers. south korea syndication ministry explained that some family members elected last year are unable to make a trip this time passed they have passed away or have fallen sick millions of koreans were separated from their families during the korean war more than six decades ago. around seventy thousand south koreans most of them by now in their eighties are on a waiting list to see their loved ones. one last hike but now the unions take place outside erie twenty into the twenty fifth as planned. just a day after the tree as likely to receive every unions north korea called on the south to halt
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an attorney i knew a military trial with the united states and threatened to be considered the agreement baby eating and each one sided seoul and washington scheme is all the exercises which began in the last meeting of the area every year. south korea said that the annual military exercises are purely defensive in nature and reiterating that he would deal with the north's objection to trails separately from the family the union. north korea has a history of pulling the plug on such meetings in the past. just last september. kenyan canceled around the family the unions just four days before the end that's disappointing. hundreds of people on both sides of the border. if held a list being the first three huge bags since two thousand and ten. and honey i can use the president has urged north korea not to cause any more sorrow for the families separated since the korean war by canceling an upcoming
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round of reviewing its singing at the presidential office of torah day on friday the price and said she was delighted that the north had accepted souls proposal to resume the re unions but warned that the north could cancel the event of war change the schedule abruptly using vessel washington joint military drills as an excuse she emphasized that obstacles have appeared whenever there has been good signs in your korean relations in the past and said the south should remain on full alert for any possible provocations from the north. and you can now add us president barack obama to the list of people calling for the release of korean american tennis day who's been detained in north korea for over a year now. it's the first time the us leader has ever mentioned this situation publicly. this is damning reports on the efforts to bring him back on us president barack obama offered a prayer thursday for the quick and safe release of the team korean american
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candidate speaking at the national prayer breakfast an annual gathering of lawmakers in new york state leaders obama said they ate christian machinery sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor in north korea should be set free and the us will do everything he can to help them. this family was all united states will continue to do everything in our power to secure his release because evan bayh deserves to be washington has already offered to send a special envoy to north korea to secure base released but tanya had seen mustered up a response. it was the first time obama has nation canada they can find the state department is taking the matter seriously. the was arrested in north korea in november two thousand twelve when he was working in the country as a tor sky the north charge him of crimes against the state and attempting to overthrow the regime. at the gathering obama also said i know should do more to recognize the freedom of religion
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calling it essential to the country's national security. but they were china's leaders. we do a lot of business with china. but i stress. realizing china's potential threats of upholding the universal rights including for christians and tibetan buddhists. and we are muslims see sam and i didn't use sometimes new revelations on north korea's rocket development. recent satellite images indicate that the common state is nearly done. upgrading its main rocket launch pad and that means they could complete construction by next month for april citing an image on its website thirty eight north the us korea institute at johns hopkins university says that an act of the eleventh level has been added to the launch pad in front of me at the north west coast saw him on sight modification would allow for a long range rocket about to fifty meters in length which is larger than the thirty
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meter high three rocket that was launched by the north in two thousand while the institute said the new nine nine the slightly larger model could be launched once construction is done but that it will take the north years to build much bigger rockets and this is going to be a matter of time before the u s state of virginia school textbooks use the korean name ec next to the japanese name sea of japan for body of water between the two countries the lower house in the usa to virginia has passed a bill in the state governor's signature is now all the bill needs to take effect as mock up of the hair has to detox. starting with the next school year students in the us state of virginia will very likely learned that the body of water between korea and japan is known not only by the tactics of the sea of japan but also by the korean maine east sea the virginia house of delegates passed a bill by a wide margin of eighty one to
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fifteen on thursday for firing at the state education board only improve. i use both names. virginia house district bella get our team explained what the bill for korea. when they opened at the textbooks of their children. these are that a map. the reminds them of a depression. reminds me of the invasion. reminded of that body of water that was caused by the japanese to come an annex the nation for thirty five years the state house and senate which approved a similar bill late last month will now send the bill to gov terry mcauliffe for him to sign into law. during his election campaign last year the governor spoke in favor of the korean un has indicated he will sign on the dotted line. the bill will produce a seemingly minor change in school texts but the korean government and a large korean american community in virginia aren't willing to revision as they consider the capitals need to be a legacy of japan's
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materialistic past japan happening to suspend investment in virginia if this the legislature approves the bill to home on a tiny wee house to celebrate the passage of the bill and o'connor about one hundred fifty thousand korean americans and with the victory. this is the first time such a bell has been passed by a c legislature and the united states. the bill also goes against the state department's policy of only using one name in this case the sea of japan largely for the sake of clarity korean media outlets are reporting that the bill's passage will give the korean american community in its proper lights. i have. before your dna. and another begins. get the latest line from seoul
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any expert analysis from ages fourteen with a viewpoint on the covert its global network and why on arrival that. he always on standby. south. it was while chris suffered its worst ever security breaches klein information from three leading credit firms in order to prevent similar data leaks from happening again in the future. the government is considering an overhaul of major identification numbers including the country's resident registration system all you reports on the martyr the cost of security. starting early on this the government will ban agencies and private companies from collecting and keeping resident registration numbers without proper legal grounds. in addition president park in asia orders this past week. trivia the national id system due to recent security concerns. lee
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who gave it to look at his home. to me the look on the last eighteen. that has seen a pattern. cannon on the go. hp to have me. this week the new security measures come after some twenty million korean citizens have their personal and financial data stolen last month. korea's current thirteen digit personal identification number has been used for decades because the security risk since it indicates a person's birth date and where they were a bore. it was the resident registration number itself should not be such a powerful system even if you only have their registration number you are able to infer offer information about a person the ministry's security and administration is looking to new certification and that they will better protect personal information. some of the measures being explored include using secondary id numbers for authentication purposes such as driver's licenses and military serial
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number is. other more drastic options include scrapping the current resident registration number altogether it all whether it's issuing other numbers with respect to different fields were assigning other numbers. i believe we should study and review a wide range of alternatives. over the next week the presidential office will receive government reports on ways to improve the national id system in order prevent future abuses the personal information and strength in privacy policy. audio units tanya motor korea's fourth largest automaker may have to reinstate more than one hundred and fifty workers were laid off five years ago after a court here roll back their dismissal was in ballet the seoul high court on friday ruled in favor of the one hundred fifty three workers overturning an earlier ruling after they filed the suit arguing that their dismissal by the company in two thousand ninth was un reasonable pest
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management did not making us efforts to avoid the layoffs and ninety thousandnine the company fired about twenty six hundred workers after it was put under court receivership. following the two thousand a global financial crisis the plaintiffs will be able to return to their workplace if the ruling is not helped by the nation's top court. be on the company plans to appeal the case. you may remember curry tech science through some sealing a deal with google on patents paul the electronic sign announcing another patent cross licensing deal this time with cisco systems a worldwide leader in networking to minimize legal disputes and focus on innovation. i can see on the snow. the intake chinese electronics has signed a ten year time cross licensing deal with the assistance of the oakland a's after semi green is the team's unsung in global and another the changes go in global the deals are expected to give the firm's more room to
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innovate without worrying about legal disputes over intellectual property comes i went to court thirty times last year for patent disputes and its legal battle with apple that spans more than ten countries is dragging into its third year. thompson has won the largest numbers of times in the wealth with around one hundred thousand while cisco has around ninety seven hyundai angola fifty thousand local needy alec sinker esa thompson's recent cross likes the deal will give towns are in cisco tying to prepare for the latest trend and the tech world the internet of paintings which products ranging from cars and household goods are connected to the internet like tiny devices. cisco is one of the team companies in eighteen ten and us agents john chambers says christian in a studio set last month during his keynote at this casino male iconic show the internet every knee will forever change our dealer you buy it for business this chamber said it would be nineteen trillion dollar
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opportunity. and yes i need and use. the current shipbuilding industry got to a smooth start this year of blogging the most global orders in january when the sparks and research services said friday that korean shipbuilder has won orders totaling nearly one point seven million compensated cross times last month. he'd jump of more than one hundred fifteen percent from the same period last year the figure represents more than forty five percent of the total global shipbuilding market. a tiny set builders won the second highest volume of orders of one point two million cgt scored thirty four percent of global total. the pickup is attributed to korean shipbuilding companies wedding more contracts for a larger more expensive ships such as container vessels and a lindsay field trips. we
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have about three hours to go until the olympic torch is lit in the main stadium in the russian resort city of sochi and for more on what we can expect from the biggest ever winner gains we have our olympics correspondence and his son joining us in the studio. well that he gave me the keys on the competition may have already started at the sochi games but was still really get started and told her about but the opening ceremony so my sister what we can expect when it actually rolls out what can i get time is money matters and you think cla will stockings tootsie at eight fourteen pm white twenty fourteen like this year. acts one fourteen am on saturday morning series hole. now we have some pretties for you from the rehearsal hear it and the performances with extravagant costumes and grand pianos means they are important for trade the past present and future of russia and the classics like tchaikovsky's swan lake during this eighteen. now wait until we find out
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the elastic area which is dusty and we have the answers were for the opening ceremony forty eight speaking countries. graceful with the first and host nation wants to be the last to step in. according to what the tradition. two cor eleven sixty s ten to fifteen pm based on the alphabeti the rue the planned their freaking cool realy did so in effect thirty six the role the spirit of the peacock a sikh families in was participating in the last olympic games. you heard that there are going to be news sports added to this olympics what's gonna be different about sochi. while this hotel and he is past the most part programs as with the most new one disputes that mommy's was having an excellent if this here to take a tour of nineteen gold medals up for grabs. take a look at the stokes valley that for freestyle skiing and snowboarding. it is combination clear obstacles like males and boxes had the chance to dance with the twenty fourteen with the false claim that have
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meant snow myself up becoming the first event of such a levy on thursday the enforced if he is also new is tootsie and so is doing speed jumping and at least asking for half price the queen flu athletes taking part in that event as well. speaking of tim curry and tell us more about some of the athlete so we should look out for and their medal prospects white t for teen queen gold medal is what really matters and the splicing forty seven oprah finish with at least four gold medals stay in the top ten for a start the second with three teams the foreign press their case be even better result for the team korea would at least five to six gold medals. that same number as his file itself back in cancun where three is gap. now all the smells are unlikely to cover the range can be and from then never what a game bowl champion figure skater kenyan aunt is the fifth race winner taking the experts see as difficult to see up on this peter cook and bought for her triple triples and the quality of artistic
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expression. speed skater he's come on has been used her own world record last four years and a fellow with his love is to come watch at the age of five hundred meters east england with this thought our store text heater is that the bolts able to five and ten thousand year basis the speedskating trio and the short track skater is looking after basis. right after this opening weekend so be sure to test these teams ask the first nuffnang team korea may come from eastenders. and as a few days before the closing ceremony he is getting licensing and i'll be getting ready for what's expected of her cooking. however on this and that this team every year she's helping him once again tougher global becker and played her last free skating program that ten hundred learned a few teasers for the olympic preview and will also talk to you again back here next week to as the games are underway. i'll get ya the results and the skittles next week. thus
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the excitement of the opening ceremony of the senate seeking seeking place and just a few hours let's not forget about sports from other parts of the world for that we have steven j standing by hello there tasty ac on. well i can't wait for the winter live baits to begin and will have all the updates and results for you during the next few weeks. but let's talk about other sports are now starting with golf. the brown one of the att pebble beach national pro and four remain open and there was a beautiful day to hit the greens. the pro side pga tour rookie andrew little bay leaves after shooting an eight under sixty three while stuart appleby and partner charles schwab cup the pro and leaderboard. play was called into the darkness but will resume on the next day of play. now moving on to
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football term in the d bundesliga outfit together of video of the ten best goals by koreans in the history there are at big goals from former league players like the legendary tough on going ons of wind and the junior title the two current players like someone named to the one and squids eye chart. paul cole had three knots on the list but it was tied to these laser strike against warming in all six pack up the top spot. meanwhile over in major league baseball the colorado rockies bull owner of one of their all time greats. todd helton i've retired his jersey number seventeen. and fittingly ill had been on august the seventeenth when they host the cincinnati reds at home in course they'll help then the retired at the end of last season played his entire seventeen year career for the rockies racking up a slew of team batting records. and heading to the nba hard core tube broke when that bill by a depleted san antonio spurs won all three to eighty nine to finally end the nearly
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four year sixteen losing streak against them. alan anderson dropped twenty two points for the next with this first trail of tim duncan tony parker and manage an oakleigh all sitting up. and on that note let's end with friday's katie lx it first ttc takes downtown psalm eighty four to eighty three in a close one but now we go on to the game of the night it's the third and fourth place teams the lg seekers and people and elephants battling melting glass ltd with thirty in the first before going into the half up twenty one points second half team and can't buy a puppy knows he's with the date mentioned in the team high sixteen points as esteemed wednesday eighty six to beat the night. and that does it for me here to sportscenter this has been stated check check back at midnight for the latest in the world of sports. i am
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the other mild winter day here in seoul but some regions are seeing snow at this hour. for more let's go over a cartoon book down at the weather center. again what's the latest in a nissan and c had the time wondering how people feel provinces under heavy snowfall advisories and self by old for twenty centimeters of snow has fallen in this city of kunming in the window and more snow is to come through
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tomorrow. over sixty centimeters of snow will fall on the mountains in one account. clara and one and part time high tones difficult province twenty to forty centimeters of snow will fall in the central reasons and we know and tropical isle in twenty oh three study the days that forecast so it won't be much clothing on sale our satellite map in a sin is at the end of high pressure system that is moving eastward which is why we're seeing the clouds across the map. now keep in mind that the snow will probably stop by tomorrow afternoon but rhys it later at night so please be safe to have an umbrella with you and be careful to kind of feel like the lead temperatures will rise at the contract today so no worries at another cold snap. other than that the dry weather warning is a land bank is fallen and from the province taking the lead at tomorrow's reading to solve that topped the day at zero degrees with high for the mud cake when consumed take stakes holding on to their pre teens love them and
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the reading taken from tomorrow morning thursday afternoon but at a time high at eight degrees and it will be a cloudy day on the door and mountain tops out at night setting. love hope we have a wonderful weekend and i'll see you again after midnight. iraq s on this friday nights and using paints all times online thanks for watching will cease in the week. the icing
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uncle's an actor. i was so years older than my mother saw an ad in the news paper about doing saw me in kiddos looking at the royal dramatic theater in stockholm and she said you wanna try to address that yet why not. am well suited for me and said well you do get some couple hundred coolness and in. for every show. i was just thinking about that and remote control car deck and i said yes let's do it. i mean and then to just roll on from there the answer for users from tv or radio came to the theater and i started doing some. as a kid the lead up working in the city theater. up until i was twenty one i think in the mind to stop because that was a moment where i thought that um. i was beginning to think that this is my choice or or or so stop doing theater. i did some film speaking i still enjoyed it but. i stopped yelling
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gauging and i'm really trying to get to. to be interested in more jobs. i started doing music instead of eating them i was six four with a band and two thousand and five we had just released. our first single and we were doing some some promotional exam in some parts and distance. some are bad news and i when i'm onto the stage first up today introduced the band and there was about thirty thousand people in the audience caught the eye felt like a rockstar and i was. those are really cool moment because i thought this is really really cool. but still i was a dj in the back row and the other two guys rapping and singing came on and i was looking at them scratching and i was thinking that. they are a sexy way they want to be right now and i was out it was more like a hobby to me and him. and then so that's that was what i
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expected to step back in the night till the guys couple weeks later that i wanna apply to the to the theater academy and the night i was accepted so i left stockholm. there are four different feeder schools in sweden. the is one is unstoppable. but i know like i couldn't be here because i had so many calls like paco de da de da tonight or tomorrow night then. and i love it so pissed off i still know what to say no but i need to leave everything and then moved to mumbai where unknown nobody in it so hopefully difference. seal of the city and and. so i started in this. in this class of people. cool and knew nothing else but theater which was very odd to me because this had all the life of all of them. the nightlife and the music. i guess i attended my way. the school as well. you knew wounding
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ruling will lead . the i could say it will be one to tell the grandkids as being the listing down to the opening ceremony of the twenty second when to add in the gang's showed this i will be even more spectacular than the torch relay perceiving it. he says the competition is ice and snow double the pizza got the clearance aisle she will be giving out before she'd always had the wood for that dates from about the weight of what it'll cost seems to be overly bright and just downright bizarre. i'm glad it's the wild unintentional pe
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