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tv   RT News  PBS  February 7, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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the fine arts vienna so when i went to finally take. a loving son brother record eighty eight different countries to sochi with athletes representing their home nations all kicking off the twenty fourteen local competition. look at the first day of the olympics a hat. fannie mae or number hand from his action packed films now stevens the tallest focused on topics like us immigration and international relations will get his take on those matters. what's more in this art seeks to set. our law makers overstating their welcoming conference one
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politician says they are and was whistled for a bill that would limit how long congressman tuesday evening we'll take a look at that and more. michelle and a fan it's friday february seven i want to be seen here again if you're watching art in america. we begin today with the commencement of the twenty fourteen sochi when i won its opening ceremonies just wrapped up not too long ago. in addition to the athletes are russian history sequence was on display called welcome to sochi which featured over three thousand performers and recreations of classic russian fairy tales from the nap let's cut our teeth call scott. they decided to turn the tensions with russia has given the well intended the arts and culture of the is focused on the invitation and a trip to the tolstoy normal on the car and then there was bowling
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darts is a giant rain suspended from the seating now the us spectacle is still ongoing as to the climax without a name the source database times with a spectacular fireworks display as well. i think out the message for all devices for some time now. this being the sole she is ready and i think we're witnessing the top is very much the case that have recently she has to be all and outs of the course of this week and in particular on the hunt else but said the judgments thus it was but that's a little bit rough around the edges these problems have disappeared over the course of the week as we've built up to the site and seventy which is not taking place this evening that of bad news already hopping for sometime now that's the main concern of course it really is just about the sporting outfits the veggies are ready they will be tested too into the snow started the athletes are ready and reverence a guide. i think of a message from all the mines is that they be saying for sometime now is finding mission to the city this region is ready does our t's crossed not reporting. security experts are disputing an nbc report that came out this week regarding the cybersecurity act the law takes the report
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says andy sees richard england using os smartphone at a coffeeshop then rush out and getting hacked with in seconds take a look. are you putting my thoughts on these computers and that's it the new computers now loaded with potentially attractive ghana. we headed for a restaurant where we used a new smartphone to browse for information about the silky olympics. almost immediately we were. when you have pcos and download it. the idea red is actually downloading of peace. now the security expertise on their kyle will play is questioning how the story was told. and he said. unfortunately the agony not the best of the story cuddle on the technical context details. he is now awaiting away keeper to fill in the missing gaps and other security expert driver grandmother on the security called the report one hundred percent fraudulent. he said in a blogger host critique that they're not in sochi there in moscow. and how it
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happened because the vivid olympic themed websites not because of their physical location. he also says angle didn't get half that he clicked on now where and downloaded the hostile and re cap onto the phone himself and the scene responded saying they made it clear it was eight in moscow and that the point of the story was to show that users are more likely to be targeted searching allenby websites in my shop. nbc also says the reporter clicked on the piece of malicious software to show how easily and non expert could fall victim to a cyber attack it's clear the media attention for this year's olympics has centered on security. what about coverage of the athletes as rt zuma stasi a tribunal points out that the one thing that seems to be missing. hundreds of world class competitions involving thousands of top notch athletes. sports fans older the world read julie's it's time for a living gain
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funding gap. we need is just might be the excitement sort of a possible new terror threat to the terror threat threat and world champion and multiple gold medallist from bob scale. the western mainstream media. we olympics is a wonderful time for countries to get together in order to despise each other and or betray each other like crap. it's only eleven one seven two for use in others and not a lot of time. you gotta come together and eighty jobs and the second has gone to waste from taking any little thing that might be off to fifteen twenty minutes that no one that can be coaxed to toilet side by side with two toilets right next to each other just those party. that doesn't spell bad conditions. three million years be exact route one very tiny room that tape that paints a picture i see these problems that come up with the olympic games as though these were unique to
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sochi every olympic stadium has always been accused of being an overpriced boondoggle that was constructed shot away but not really until the very last second. every single one that i can remember a media war against the succulent pics taken to a ridiculous extreme my impression of fox news is that they're just sitting around the office negotiate looks like no one's rush in to get to say that she and i write zuma go eat lunch and that in mind is that the leak were spinning tiny flaws in survival sensations thoughts or actual sports reporting be . it's really kind and pleasant to watch it more to the point it's pretty counter factual as well going so far as to say that the games are being held in a war zone as opposed to what's really a black sea resort. the even though plenty of work went into security his derriere rains the airways that threat of something bad happening in subject from its increasing
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by the day taking the fear of yes toothpaste to an extreme toothpaste containing explosive material in these terrifying alright did you hear all the toothpaste is going to explode and more pints even see james has been hiding explosives and teams were cnn commission does to us. i stop brushing my teeth i stopped last thing i think that might help solve the problem. know how much the media after the doomsayers of the games two things will be toothpaste and nonsense will be nonsense in the end of the olympics will celebrate julie excitement and victory there will be winners. i will be losers. hopefully able to move on without me some snippets of dignity. and on you don't really know me and really truly complete the key for now. why as i see checking out rt new york. he is one of the most popular action figures. the gears in
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motion picture history. but now the arts expert stephen somalis front and center in another role that avalon forth an officer. the actor is once again starring in a reality series called steven seagal mom and maricopa county for the action films are also has a lot to say on everything from u s border security to sochi winter olympics security. earlier i spoke with steven seagal and asking if he were a concern for safety at the olympics had been overhyped. i mean is that you can never be too careful. i think this close to seventy thousand security personnel and to a tee between the different branches of police officers hostage days that's not enough of spirits nets and international folks are also the area know there are also different. ah intelligence branches in the long course with branches from all over the world there is so the search is going to be quite safe but then again there's no such thing as you know hundred percent
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guarantee of no absolute safety anywhere in the world wherever you go but i think it's gonna be one of the safest places around and i think that tom the president of the russian federation is doing an amazing job to make your stay forever. the last few years you've been working with one fourth and arizona on curbing illegal immigration and what i think he'll mom my ministry team should be doing to really address at a steal in terms of here i think for me the key is to be a boon to do proper background and everybody because you have a really nice humble wonderful ethical moral people. we're just trying to find a better life and then in the mix of that you have. you know that this is the most evil rotten murdering raping criminals are honored that they are doing everything from univ kidnapping two. the human
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trafficking trafficking they're not just murder in but there are you know. doing all kinds of rome were the terrible things to. to the people to intimidate other people as you know and so on. what we want to do before we just give a blanket amnesty is really set up a situation we can do the trick of good look of each individual and see. what category they should fit in sarah. i mean what you see first hand while working in arizona that really start to solidify your belief on that well i work on the border you know in the meantime i'd work from the engine than the width to the union organizations who are seen all of what's going on. and when the clippers for example are bringing people in when you say bring them in they can be people who just wanted to add a comment america to find a better life in you know work with their families
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but oftentimes they'll be grabbed by in a le coup it is so worth it for the cartels in there all given me in a large stacks of. marijuana married to for narcotics and told you know walk with this stuff in. when they arrive were there i've often times there's been told will give us money or we'll kill you in you'll often times you'll see people who are caught up their heads are cut off their arms are cut off their legs are cut off. haiti in norway the day that i adapted dead and so. we know that it's not just a bunch of nice people you know bringing in marijuana on. for you no hippies or something. it's it's it's different different group of people that are doing. a lot of different criminal activities like i said from from murder to to narco trafficking human trafficking to
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trafficking and its. you know it's billions of dollars that are you know i mean it in and out of america across the borders in the mexico uses the cash is going into mexico in the narcotics are coming out of mexico into america but it's it's it's it's a problematic complicated situation where so many people are making money on both sides and knead adding all the more reason perhaps for some real reform on the issue while actor stevens of all thank you so much for being with us. ok thank you. and more fall out from the week's conversation between two us diplomats on thursday a video was posted on youtube in which victoria new land the top us diplomat for europe dismissed eu efforts to mediate the ongoing crisis in ukraine and the conversation newman said at the eu. and today german chancellor merkel called it absolutely unacceptable. aig's marine import nine and has more. boy
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you hear it during this four minute conversation is basically kill a top us officials strategizing about how to form ukraine's new government. it felt like a plane again cast. with the opposition leader's acts as the pieces on a chessboard are trying to determine which opposition leader has the best economic and governing experience to work inside i ukraine's new government and which opposition leaders should remain on the outside i ate a bit shocking to actually cure and to listen to live up to you it didn't completely grasp the fact that they are strategizing on how to put together a government id other country on a set of car freezing everything wet let's let our viewers actually take a listen for themselves. the arc which occasionally through the complicated torch on here i'm especially happy to meet deputy prime minister and can you change one note on
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the troubles in the marriage right now to return again and re drew it up and where he and other stuff. i'm glad to put him on the spot where he fits in this area. no i don't think i deleted it. we are going into the government its weapons which they are going to school homework and stuff the economic experience governing experience to be you know what he needed me to chronicle the ups guy he'd be talking to them what time the week. a highly embarrassing situation for the united states particularly because we've been hearing us officials insist for so long that they're not involved and hide themselves in being in the ukraine to internal search. i wore for the spokesperson for that they left the department he had a pretty typical day on thursday tenth happy with what they do not see life journal is one of the reporters asking why us
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officials are interfering in ukraine's internal problems now one week. i've corresponded said point blank that the congress. new government in a sovereign country can actually bring officials buy in from the un to seal the deal. one thing us officials had not been there way out of the profanity and dismissive tone in victoria when he used when referring to the european union and its involvement in ukraine for that and apology was issued he's been in close contact with an eu high representative ashton also many convey that i she has been in contact with are you counterparts in and of course that has apologized to us but with people. for these the reported comments of course to not confirming that the college are cute shoes i'm just not in a state and private diplomatic conversation us are tired but i'm obviously speaking tv content of the report. i miss out. he also tried to make somewhat of a joke when she was in damage control mode. i
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wish she was referring to day use of profanity when they came to laboratory in you and the assistant secretary of state let's take a listen you may know the story of how she added. when dani russian boat for about eight months and she was twenty three and she learned how to perfect perhaps certain words in a couple of language and so perhaps it speaks to that more than a pervasive viewpoint of you not suggesting that she has a predisposition against russia no i was suggesting that she learned russian curse words and curse words. sitting with see i was making itself of the terminators are a ton of fishing. the aclu as spokes person died trying to make a joke out of a situation that is not white candle is not quite embarrassing not to work any on high and high officials in ukraine are laughing at this moment after their experience in selby conversation on youtube about you and the united states strategizing how to build a new government in the us
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offered country. that was artsy correspondent marina fortnightly on. we're just learning that british intelligence has a current edition that's been using questionable practices for seeking out enemies of the state that's all according to new documents released by former government contractor adverts no end the documents which were obtained by nbc news show that brings find agency also known as the gc hq and infighting activist groups like anonymous and will sack with cyber attacks and malware. and the british agency has been doing this all under the guise of something called the joint research intelligence group or the gt r i n g. according to documents the unit has ceased distributed denial of service cyber attacks which are better known and d d o s attacks. they've all been planting nowhere to disclose the identities of hackers and presented their communications and most countries adl as attack is a criminal offence for example
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in the u s person found guilty of a cyber attack would be charged in accordance with the computer fraud and abuse act. in another tennessee document obtained by nbc it was also revealed that the housing units activities are not just limited to computer network protection but that the unit has used cyber tolls to engage in computer and phone jamming for each e mail accounts and conduct false flag operations. ensure your command had been freed from prison after serving twenty one years behind bars for crimes they didn't command thirty nine year old anthony are vile and thirty seven year old three full senate where arrested in nineteen eighty two for a triple murder. but new dna evidence suggests they did not commit the crimes and twenty thirteen dna evidence from one of the victims was linked to a and murder that happened in new york in nineteen ninety nine starbucks and wilson were already behind bars than that crime occurred. yet all was just eighteen and wilson on
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the fifteen when they were accused of murder. now both claim for a planned attack this place and into separate interview rooms and co worst false confessions from the two teens who were later convicted in separate trials the case was just one of many from the nineteen eighties and ninety is being reviewed for wrongful conviction in the brooklyn district attorney's office others are being re examined because of possible coerced confessions and witness intimidation. and still ahead here on our team one politician things some lawmakers have overstayed their welcome in contrasts now he's pushing a bill to limit how long. lawmakers to remain in office will tell you more after the break the nation's wars. the finish line. air con. the us. at
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the hearing. you are in a band having martin to agree to it because they are the network. it has not been getting ones. i'm getting information you need it. new bout of bringing his work with the ravages of my ideas and consciousness approach to assist them to him and what can be described as angry at the restaurant. a single. and qantas and make me bawl no money. our goal this week that would amend the constitution and impose term limits on members of congress the bill calls for a maximum of twenty four years of service for lawmaker is that would break down to a maximum of twelve years in
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each house and the senate. in this email was a congressman small bonnie wrote this about the new mentor. believe me twenty four years is more than enough time to serve in washington actually push for much shorter terms of compromise. at twelve plus twelve in order to gain the support of additional co sponsors. lawmakers are up for election every two years in the house in every six years in the senate the introduction of this bill comes on the heels of a series of polls that show congress is becoming increasingly unpopular amongst americans and the latest gallup poll put out in january just thirteen percent of americans actually approved of the job congress is doing so could only see this never get past it discusses a little bit more i was going to earlier i christina told and founder of free and equal. at first asked her what she thought of the twenty four year proposal i think is around then and that advocate for most members of congress having a not much more time in office
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because the people are ready for a huge changes in sentiment and am america and awareness and at the polls are saying very strongly that is high in the notes replace that a member of congress and democrats republicans alike john and john f kennedy once said you know let's not seek the republican and there are the democratic answer but the right answer when they write the answer is that a lot of independents are going to be running from the life i want to actually get to that little bit later but afghanistan in twenty twelve i commend senator jim goodman proposed a similar amendment that would place limits on how one members of congress could serve the senate overwhelmingly rejected demands manager voting seventy five to twenty four against it. so is there any reason to believe or terminate bill would pass now in twenty fourteen considering the state of congress today. book and i miss the way i like and they don't even really helped us because people who run for office and that their term limited out they just run for higher office or even a
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little rough this up as another trick into thinking that this can help fix things when in fact if the people on on the feather making is the main bedroom not the lies and making it to or not steering a romantic interaction right now we have a way bigger issues than term limits that you know like election fraud and the media effectively voter fraud conditions really not a selection from the hat you know that close ups of seven stops that closed source software and an all visit and things to gerrymandering to the electoral college and so on and we the people will drive factor out the united states of america in the world to take our government back to the vintage of ourselves really not that an event that the distraction will concede the nasty about something than that. durban has said he doesn't fall when the senate was voting on this a common voice in opposition was senator durban. and he said about term limits he said for some members of congress two years in office it's too long and for some members of congress twenty
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years or not this is not long enough. who should make that decision the constitution in its wisdom says the voters of america make that decision might stand by that constitution and its language and if the good sense of the senate resolution so. do you think at some point then ultimately meeting at up to the people. i think that you can trust the darebin in size it can throw on the menu says the guy that doesn't represent the people he represents the money and the alinta few dozen people that use the two party system to the north and the mainstream media and fell on tantrums and can't sleep at five s i across the world in a stand and conquer and so on be known that we have the wrong people not this weather we have had the no term limits are not the people that are not as representing the powers that be. and so that being sad that here three new collections that many of the lever for the rt back in two thousand problem the hosts of the presidential
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debate moderated by larry king in myself and or a tv and so on many many others and i mean guys are really amazing bring about awareness that you know it's time to replace every member of congress and will clear the one i wanted to win just one sack and because i am the person wanted to mention something maybe you've touched on which is that congressional approval. very well on its standing at thirteen percent and of course during a government shutdown it was even lower than that. so tell me what you think that says about the frustration and add american people right now well that's the great question and they see on the people are fed up with people not this and the polls are coming out very strong that independents are rising as well and they did receive a huge commitment of independence rising and taking back our government and again you know the people in office whether it's at this and thinks her mom as they should be talking about the nba national defense authorization act the patriot act again and that was snowed in in the sunshine amazing and officials like that are doing to rise and bring the truth
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out. either way bigger issues that members of congress to be speaking about an untidy of all is really awesome lady named marianne williamson she is running as an independent for congress in california thirty packs of spirit off their thirty years has been writing books the art at new york times bestselling author and now she's running for congress said i see her really igniting and infighting and many more people to run for her the last because perhaps term limits old will gain that isn't human and sends it to some third party candidates. unfortunately by that time but christina tub and the founder of free and equal binky so much california fire fighter was cuffed and detained at the scene of the highway accident this week after an argument with a calm over where his truck was parked firefighters and police than just a rhyme to the scene of an accident in which a cd uk and concrete construction barrier and rolled over injuring two people in the midst of the first responders efforts of fire
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fighter allegedly murphy use the officers order to move his crew's fire truck from the center divider of a freeway. the firefighters said that he needed to check with his shoe and purse because they work on a chain of command system. but i wasn't soon after that the officer cuffed and stuffed the fire man in the back of a police cruiser and three he was detained for about thirty minutes before being released. most likely the last thing the fire flared thought he would be up against one out trying to save some lives. and now does it for now from warren stories we covered the need to back contests the charge in america. check out our website our t dot com slash usa can also follow me on twitter and enduring d then was he right back here at eight pm things for watching my name is maria was ready and then our streets
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the kids from here on. i've been thinking more than ten years. i'm asking you to see the team on tuesday to the store. my guides. i couldn't imagine be done then i can think. it's all its npt to the music. give me some jewelry nineteen twenty the communication something i had just bought the two pink and then finish. i don't know then i can use the area i just get out of my system i forced written on them and sickening and entertainment two on and on. and yes he may as well. here are the navigation or teaching sen constable park was being honored language. you know he's east northeast of their own beat. notice in this
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country through the sand and muscular tissue. that he had bit like is the right field to hold a variety of costumes oh and can then goes to women who would be today some of them has the torch and some of them have the opportunity to pursue the dream. well some of them now. four dishes and i can use it. my goal. her bow to the young shaman are the senior and he said. it just to continue the hard work and be brave and i made this face right before against it. it just to show up on the war. the our father who is to have it. the deep other food authority behind him said. you will. one what
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was will. this wine. that guy in to help athletes and spectators from around the twelve cupcake top sixteen days of sports it is the gathered in the russian city of sochi for the opening of the wing candidates athletes from ninety seven countries and taxis two months into the stadium in the lord of the russian alphabet. following tradition the third station was grace japanese and it's second to terrorists. idealists helena kennedy and planning piece taking on in half and a link to games as in the end of the women's winning team


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