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tv   RT News  PBS  February 9, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST

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team and some cheese in full swing with the way to meeting the twenty seventh on the disabled list. as of last season barry. she did and it toppled over into gay the center breaks of store bought. something bad happen in such. what's the need to assess their own bell ringing of the deadly bakes racing says one last question is what the big party and criticism on justify that last week's headlines. email
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on eu. our batch before santa comes from the novel from the u s assistant at stake at state street are immune and i'm sure the local churches were full price of one coupon rate of any phone call. this way some do some reading on what to keep born as an hour's has become too but on a controversial bill introduced in the front lines the welcome to our seats notch twenty ironies of mind for months that means huge honor. thanks for turning its the competitions he snapped at the winter games in sochi with eight sacks of medals on all grounds on sunday. he's a nice now is keeping abreast of all the neat to see the developments from council to see. it's the second day
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of the games and as of the vibrant spirit here in the winter event that capital there's certainly an atmosphere of rivalry but first and foremost a very festive mood with everyone enjoying the spectacle. but on the cover was a breathtaking opening ceremony on friday right behind at ten fifteen am here with a dazzling fireworks at the rate of national teams highlights of russian history and culture. as for the competition so far norway topped the medal table but it's the best athlete who is still there so last night see figure skater you it meets the eye in her dazzling performance in the ladies short program. the fifteen year old showed her the goods to win the gold and whether she takes the podium or not she's already been a darling now sunday is a busy day for the sportsman in such a luge athlete skiers and snowboarders are among those hoping to back gold in the next twenty four hours a tease and two parties in
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the olympic boxer engine with a busy schedule there for tapping some great shows of force and sit there and are set in eighteen sixty eight is an ideal end of the eighties to eat essentially the russian teams given a very big helping hand to the gym and spending her life and that is nice with the spine and film what happens if the kidneys equipment that they used to pad the race pieces and each connected by the heats of the tops of the team's lead can you help agnew and use your equipment for the second i'm a pop from the russians he said go ahead. help yourself. it was a very magnanimous tx get one great depreciate by the timmins and teaching. i am angry or when our team have never experienced up to him the special edition of certain kinds of folk fair play. the russian friends will cool off for a prostitute in the us. they gave us an off handed over the key. and this so it was possible that our team effort
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campus keys to the us team the russian teams that good night. here are the keys and that's whats a moral as unbeatable. i love t managers discussed is to offer the other teams and they said no because the view of the terminals will be stronger with its keys and the russian team off of us support office also comes through. to go. let's say it to success. still we can't see that stuff that they beat us at ben's incidentally in the plant is the winning seven of them to springs and that gives them the right side is stating that russia does have a couple of white cells plasma tvs over the chain kept under six seconds of the haul flight stakes and the fact that he's the guy as does the team the kids dates and events russia currently leads to say think it's cos the week some items on board a flight the end of tonight's foresight to die we would get off this glimpse of crutches
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to the likes of the winnings team that they played each innings incidentally some unexpected kindness is tough is that many sweeping catching up with barry county skip the rest of the cap to the net sum and seven. while the older golden wattle is some talk in what women alike can do it. i think any team sport is interesting in hockey you also have ice hockey sticks to his increasing in strikingly est marrying surfing beach is still pending on your disposition enough to be a feisty go to relocate to fifteen thousand women a consultant and then of course when not wearing our uniforms and no one can tell when hockey plants. when we're out if and when the meantime we have two decent outfit him a week ago says every athlete's trainers need to be a decent pace but not everyone can make it known everybody makes the national team. come on in nz skoda with american you have the misfortune it gets missing and it's getting chilly so she uses her. bray co begun his full time study to follow his trial to them and pick which in twenty
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thirteen to ten and to participate in real life get any painting olympic ceremony he decided on a sporting activity of cross country skiing. he competed several months of training in australia is the linz austria and finland. i've been skiing on glaciers be aware of the snow. the real thing because i need to get as much exposure to the skis is possibly never been on skis and a wedding a month ago like he was to walk at the same ways as a participant not the watch is a fan so i'm there. walking in it and yet we like it maybe five or six friends carrying the flags in a twenty thirty forty f isn't their thing at skylight bittersweet to the air but not quite there. sadly he didn't meet the qualifying times the use of this year's competition. so he's here in solitude to support. it's been. a winter games held in the war zone under the threat of terror with shoddy hotel and stray dogs roaming around town. that's how the g twenty fourteen has been betrayed by many western media outlets
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the well to criticism. i doubt now that the torch is lit and the games so that part is that it's dark and it takes a lot. i am. hundreds of small club competitions involving thousands of top notch athletes. sports fans older the world read julie's it's time for lending team won again. i see the excitement sort of a possible new terror threat to the terror threat threat and third world champion and multiple gold medallist from bob scale. the western mainstream media. we olympics is a wonderful time for countries to get together in order to despise each other and or betray each other like crap that only live once every two four years in others is not a lot of time you gotta come together and eighty jobs and the second has gone to waste from taking any little thing that might
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be off to fifteen twenty minutes that no one that can be coaxed to toilet side by side with two toilets right next to each other just those party. that doesn't spell bad conditions. three million years be exact route one very telling you that take the pain. today's problem was that. every olympic games as though these were unique to sochi every olympic stadium has always been accused of being an overpriced boondoggle that was constructed shot away but not really until the very last second. every single one that i can remember a media war against the succulent pics taken to a ridiculous extreme. my impression of fox news is that they're just sitting around the office negotiate looks like no one's rush in to get to say that she and i write zuma to go eat lunch and that in mind exactly where sting tiny flaws in survival sensations thoughts or actual sports reporting be . it's really
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kind of unpleasant to watch do more to the point it's pretty counter factual as well going so far as to say that the games are being held in a war zone as opposed to what's really at black sea resort. the even though plenty of work went into security hysteria rains the airwaves the threat of something bad happening in subject from its increasing by the day taking the fear of yes toothpaste to an extreme toothpaste containing explosive material in these terrifying alright did you hear all the toothpaste is going to explode and more pints even speaking tests on hiding explosives and teams were cnn commission does to us. i stop brushing my teeth i stopped last thing i think that might help solve the problem. no matter how much the media after the doomsayers of the games two things will be toothpaste and nonsense will be nonsense in the end of
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the olympics will celebrate julie excitement and victory there will be winners. i will be losers. hopefully able to move on without me some snippets of dignity. and it all. you're really not funny and really truly completely get it for now. why is this teacher cannot rt new york it's true or not to let anybody tell our lives here on the black sea coast with the eleven schools in many athletes become stars authority are like globally renowned violinist vanessa mae speaking part in the dying following been competing for home country of thailand. we asked her what are your chance to take to the slopes this time and not say. i'm incensed by the deadly scheme and the date carried days but it's what's right to drive so my sticky and invited them to get a candidate's case but in the days when i need to hop on a plane after a break and had a sudden they say and i
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have to say that please any diamonds its may meeting. i was going to be a fine it's from a young age and it was something that i was seated single minded that i am serious when i step on a pair of skis but i get it to myself. under the same at french representing my country is the response of eighteen but nobody thinks taking a podium for me that's the way i can be indicating that he's gonna be getting the news and entertain people say how it's going to play out for an estimated four thousand says slopes here and are such a studio at the center of the winter games will continue to bring all the updates and highlights of the olympics. a nice an hour from the heart of the winter antics in starchy and the aussie team is of course is chick lit stapling the sporting spectacle for us and you can keep up to date a nice honey by noting on top official kiss the ground page. these areas and potential and become so join us on inside from telkom slouch on sea
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and of course but also keeping and the recurrence of these on the selection and loopy and it's lots of cool tri state dinners and punks routine the metal folding the reaction and brainy it all the aces and eights on and on a website that is a mosquito. once in twenty fourteen from us and ultimately an exhilarating now i make every now and on the west of ireland was taken to sochi twenty fourteen. all the arts. this week at each phone call between justify months has revealed new details of washington's involvement in ukraine's on guarding the nickel price is the recording apparently featured assistance to states victoria news and discussing could form a new government in kiev and beyond the distance can be used on skis or in africa and
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the reports. in ukraine. we stand for the principle that all people have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully. and i have a say in their country's future as it turns out that washington is it just hearing from the sideline. the in this video posted anonymously on youtube. my understanding from that call us assistant secretary of state the torino winter and the us ambassador to keep our herd orchestrating ukraine's political future playing a game of verbal test with ukraine's opposition leaders i can't yet. the economic experience that opening period the guy you know what he needed me to chronicle of the anti he'd be talking to them what time the week he and the rest of the conversation goes from bad to worse when washington senior diplomat drops the f bomb while dismissing the european union so called eu three. that would be great to help with this thing and at the un health clinic and email on to you. this
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department has shifted into damage control refusing to confirm the authenticity of the audio while admitting that tutorial and has apologized to her european allies for the profanity she's apologize for coming to sch is not admitting she me which is itself a confirmation that the comment was being made. mobile she hasn't apologized for his defiance in the white house in other words he's in his apologize for cussing out the new bush is not apologizing for trying to overthrow government and kept calling its popular democracy the diplomatic scandal he has remained a ride to ukraine for her second visit in less than two months back in december she was seen walking around keeps independence square handing out snacks to protesters. this time around the assistant secretary of state promised to keep the country with financial support if necessary political reforms are implemented at a press conference appealing to refuse to comment on what she called up by the diplomatic
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conversation. this isn't at devastating revelation and a very important revelation because it shows that washington is not only manipulating the washington is dictating who shall be in the government and they've taken the power away from him reno for non artsy feel. eu officials are bold new approach would be the most shocking levels of corruption across the bill. some expats find it strange that long delays within the bbc's financial decisions are suppressed in on this story just ahead after the break the aye aye aye aye. shea science technology innovations all the latest developments from around
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russia. the future the room the moon. i married going on impartial and. for commentary can fit it in my life. only on the back. i knew. i am. we
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cannot seem to national anthem got him some money is making headlines around awhile. the tank and once in these parts with hundreds of demonstrators in istanbul was maine's class offices used water cannon and take gas to break up in three months but testing fees the government needs to impose had formed into the junk mail allows the building websites for privacy violations without a court order. but as the increase chinese as it tends to get into position with the band faced with what he means by anti government protests during demonstrations last long the when draped around three thousand percent says the waste lands and eight on his journey to run again stalled phone calls a separate from china and spain the spaces are unhappy with the government's recent posting of legislation
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allowing for texas to be framed for filming pace and anticipating an authorized righties have all these groups teamed up to overnight to practice again scandal switzerland is heading to the polls to sled on a dispute at the wellington wing proposal to introduce quiet is on the countries in the grounds. if accepted the deal would jeopardize peace fleece easy treats he on free movement and critics say the country's economic prosperity has a stake besides he's a nice account and purple. well today is the day that swiss voters decide whether to put up new immigration barriers to the european neighbors of all that could trigger the country's exit from the single european markets nationwide referendum could count the number of eu citizens to get residency permits here with what i'm doing this and deal with that let's listen you nationals who freely essentially an open borders agreements. and what's really behind this initiative we do have to look at the numbers. switzerland has a population of just
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eight million people has seen a massive rise in immigration over the past decade in fact an estimated eighty thousand new residents come here each year. one fifth of the population is foreign born than simply too much according to the right wing swiss people's party which has pushed this referendum forward. we think we have the responsibility to tell the people we have to change our constitution. we have the rights of switzerland controls immigration again and that's what we can do now critics of the nsf say that it sends a message that foreigners are welcome. he also warned that it could cripple business as its us economy is actually blooming just three percent unemployment here. experts believe that it's because of not just bowing to foreign labor especially folks who have skills to work in fields like health care or internet technology. if you look at your bibles from the eu between for example twenty ten and twenty twelve a large majority sixty nine percent in fact for higher the skills
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now there is also the issue of brussels switzerland isn't a member of the european union but it has signed onto one of the blocks policy in order to gain access to that single morgan mentioned earlier were switzerland sells half of everything that it produces that axis of course could all be at risk you'll adhered to the terrorists use problems in terms of labor equipment and what's even more threatening the ability to endure until the relationship was the european union. this is is this initiative is not compatible with the treaties which us on the move to switzerland in union. so he's the only two and goes to the roadshow he's rich pickings. it will be the stamps and sentiments and is buried there and we were
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with us this week because it depends highly on the european worked well for now opponents of immigration are still a minority but opinion polls have shown the initiative gaining traction. the can of course only to be a surprise at the ballot box and will simply have to wait and see for this evening's results to find out. according to zurich switzerland on the seed capital. the commotion and danica sweeping eu member states and brussels claims losses to a shady deals amount to hundreds of billions of urine. estimates of the corruption costs in the athenian him is no less than one hundred and twenty billion euros each year. and that is the equivalent of a new idea but it's a tool of money we're talking about she gives were revealed by the east affairs commission in its last annual report the agency's chief to see them most trying hold the phone and breath taking and warned it was. and if it plays an mep for the lunch rush this process as one of nineteen twenty three on a national level the abortion mills in brussels overall and
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six. problems in some member states are huge and widespread. the problem within the community although the member states aren't danger of being contaminated the bike this problem because when you are in the eurozone for instance when one of these member states in the eurozone as the corruption problem well this problem will be felt by the other member states within the eurozone the problem with police for instance. so the problems in one country are becoming more and more. the problems of the other member states would i find surprising or what i find interesting at the same time is that the european commission has made its report on corruption in the european union. but it didn't he make. and within its own institutions and didn't have any specific information about corrupt run
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with you on the protests. i bought just for us to actually get into this sounds bad on the door anymore ships approaching us nice time for this adds on to home for the full story. notorious anti immigration go home or face arrest campaigns and find blades boss telling details on all fours the uk immigration minister to resign is just a click away astonished life interrupted by a subpoena on a british couple of finals he kicks addition to the u s phone chargers and see stance on scene and went to see that the natives has been lines of paint and obsolete down by a panel. one morning fourteen months ago a life changing knock on the door with two policemen who called me on my feet wouldn't have this feeling that this time and we've come to rescue a new husband. since then they've been out on bail and are fighting extradition to
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the united states to await trial after claims from the governor's former company in the u class and then basil more than one million dollars in a legitimate expense claims. something the couple say they are without merit schilling is evidence that they've gathered that the state are not afraid of file but there were feared being sent to the states is the possibility of being denied bail at spending he has behind bars. apart from one another simply waiting for the day before. if you like discomfort tooth tunes on my father's ninety four for two counts he was in costco i would comfort him we would win. because we are innocent. so we would end the but the tide is an accomplishment has been known to extradition. mom can you imagine coming back to this country. in korea for years like that. on my money my job and you know me in the next sixty to sixty his life. in trying to rebuild her life
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and kind. controversy has long surrounded the us uk extradition act of two thousand to re sign to the wake of nine eleven critics claim the payment is biased against the uk. you access it from one to bite the uk government to have a higher standard of evidence that you need to provide in the us. also at the u s citizen you have a tendency to go to the u s court to plead your case. and i'm pushing for purchases since there is no such opportunity have you all africans tested in the uk court for you expected. they become friends and family zealand twenty eleven found it to equal does not operate in and on balance matter. but this contradicts findings of the parliament's joint committee on human rights which called for a renegotiation picture british citizens get the same protections as americans conservative mp who sits on the committee to look the nationalities of those extradite did and found a thirty five britons had been sent to the us sixty thousand
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for versus despite the us nationals who made the opposite journey. that's seven times more but for every argument on this side of the atlantic the counter is thrown back. the treaty multiple requests to god a relationship. i would take it down. this little comfort to the thomas and others like them to teeter on the edge of desperation knowing it's their lives at stake. from the mind and made this fun applying home woo funds and the rest of it into the can't miss the cut. mike just a silly rte london. coming up and running to the radio scene takes a closer they get drunk and he's on the streets of the sentence. i i i i. i
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do . it is. is you. i am recently an online poll but the little polish tv channel that training which has caused quite a storm of rage across the country. stupid on line poll cause russia white anger for the pose the question was defending leningrad from the nazis worth it because retreat in their opinion could save hundreds of thousands of lives. it was offensive and culture the culture differs a lot from a russian perspective fighting to the bitter end to stop the german genocide machine was worth it. this is like if a somewhat popular news outlet. the poem or luther king's birthday asking what slavery really that bad it was a bone for the economy but why would someone creek this poll is because the people who voted are sick with the disease a part of its total self infatuation egoism and greed. in other words we're in generation me
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me me. these people could never imagine sacrificing the great and wonderful me for any cause sacrifice me to the nazis of blasphemy i'd rather kiss the boo to learn german. but it wasn't for millions of russians put their self interest as a distant second. all those great and wonderful knees what if it worked to death and shot a death camp at pains to make a few sacrifices for society that's just my opinion. room you you you can use it. at that point. this was the difference for the third correspondents across north central and south america. i did well but i don't yet we
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traveled north and south to provide the most comprehensive coverage of everything. here in atlanta will open your eyes to the changes taking place in cuba. a place closed off to some fascinating to watch and everyone is talking about brazil with the correspondents across the country. top with bills but its advantages as it moves towards the twenty sixteen and then takes out the off. our coverage goes well beyond standard treatment of drugs and immigration issues. as we reported a nation just beginning to unleash her friends. like every week to the citizens of america and south. i think her city are biting at me. he played for the lucky one. just a thought what the bog diverse america's cup. quality end up reporting from north and south beach diet advice from
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washington is a ctv news seek the death. new nm moving more. you eye to history gets worse every day because breaking news on wednesday. so much the eagles to play. for itself. good news


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