tv Newsline PBS February 10, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST
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you need one. when will we will. the us. welcome to your world is one and you know tommy and took charge. here's a look at some other stories we're following this hour. i am. voters in tokyo and chosen the former cabinet minister to meet them after an election fought over the economy and nuclear power where executives announced they will stop making cars in australia with the strong currency and my costs for the position. south koreans will be taking a lesson from
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the salty again. as they prepare to host the next winter olympics. georgia the newly elected governor of tokyo you each a mouse's ole is gearing up to take office later this week. one of the priorities of his administration will be to repair the damaged cars last year by the resignation of its predecessor. did you know to do my best from the people's trust in his administration has been severely undermined by a scandal involving the previous government. i would do my best to restore trust. i must never forget what the people that can be the us is oil on sundays gubernatorial election with more than two point one million votes. he is a former health minister and has also worked as a tv commentator passes away will replace maliki he'll say who resigned late last year over a money scandal. he has pledged to work with the metropolitan government and assembly to
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improve the capitals social security situation and its disaster preparedness. dylan came home. i hope the new governor will go to a retirement home. it's a pressing matter that needs to be telling. the ability to do with why won't the new governor to make the talk olympic games success. boss is away will begin work on wednesday. for many voters classes i was already a familiar face. nhk rolls by combet has the story learning them. muscle is a well known figure not only in tokyo but across japan. nice japanese kill him for his appearances in the media commentator on international affairs at the scala. munce is i was elected to the dying two thousand one when more than one point five million voters for his name on the ballot. he went on to become health minister. am i so i had the backing of prime minister sees all ivy and supporters of the ruling
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parties and labor unions rallied behind him. also i had the backing of another former prime minister to each of quincy and there are opposed to the central government's policy of eastern ukraine be after us another candidate can can see the tsunami are also argued that nuclear power should be abandoned. he has somehow i ended up splitting the anti nuclear vote. any state can get to exit polls asking voters about their first priority in choosing the new governor. twenty two percent of red respond instead be focused on the candidates' policies on energy including new peter heller. but the polls suggesting more voters more than thirty percent made good judgments because of candidates positions on the economy and employment last night at the most votes among those who chose this as the least. prime minister seems so odd thing was watching to see how voters reacted to these appeals to abandon nuclear power. and you can imagine he's been
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leaked to the people making those items did not win. he seemed candidate supported by the ruling party's go down to defeat over the past year in a number of local elections ats to remember. many japanese are still against me starting your new reactors ivy and his colleagues are also looking ahead to the twenty twenty olympics an island takes into account organizers have a lot of work to do and the prime minister doesn't want any disagreements between the two levels of government to get him away. i did. and that was an age carols maya call on bed. but a mortar has announced that they will and was making cars in australia by twenty seventeen. company officials say production has become difficult due to the country strong currency and high labor costs the allentown had to make painful decisions the end of the production of cars by the end of twenty seventeen
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prison. i tiptoed out notice that the share of imports in australia has been rising because of the strength of the local currency trading the tough market environment to attend al makes one hundred thousand vehicles a year in melbourne. company officials said they will help their four thousand employees to find new jobs in australia for border have already decided to halt production in twenty sixteen in general mortars and twenty seventeen for his decision means that there'll be no company making cars in australia after twenty seventeen. the valley of the virtual online currency bit coin plunged after a technical problem at a major exchange and tokyo mel got suspended part of its services. late last week it's one of the largest been quite exchanges with more than one million accounts in and outside of japan officials at the exchange say they have been on able to send a coin to be counts of other exchanges since last
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friday and one point the valley of one big coin drop from around seven hundred fifty dollars to six hundred fifty. the gods officials are investigating the cause of the problem their customers can still come bird that point to the us dollar and other currencies. the officials say their service for admitting the rio currencies into customer accounts is on the affected. trade ministers from fall countries will gather in singapore this month for the next round of trans pacific partnership free trade talks. officials in singapore say they will host the four day meeting starting every twenty seconds differences remain between the united states and emerging economies over protection of intellectual property rights. they also disagree on rules for competition between private and state owned firms. japan was to keep tariffs on rice wheat and three other farm product categories. us officials are demanding that all terrorists be scrapped some negotiators are afraid ttp talks may lose momentum if they failed to reach an
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agreement by spring before campaigning for the us midterm elections in november gets underway. thai police have arrested an anti government protest leader for allegedly violating the state of emergency. rosalind of a volley and bangkok is falling the story. this is the first time that a protest leader has been apprehended since the government imposed a state of emergency in and around bangkok. in january twelve seconds. police have arrested some tea and sharing a tiny town on monday the country's criminal court to approve the best ones last week for nineteen protest leaders included some tea and and former deputy prime minister supposed to buy the once were requested by investigative authorities the state of the emergency anti government rallies have been banned. but protesters continued to demonstrate in december the court also issued an arrest warrant for six on charges of inspection but police have not yet have
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asked him to stop the government wants to avoid demonstrations and turning violent. sunday as unrest has prompted a sharp response from the protesters who say they're acting peacefully tensions between the demonstrators and police were likely hike. the fathers has rallied in time demanding that the government poll done for the vice purchased under the controversial subsidy program on responded by his support base for the administration block however recent demonstrations by foreigners could further complicate the unrest sparked by anti government protests the better supported by the urban middle class and on . the justice ministry on monday. the two defence ministry says. i'm still
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going into the printed text we don't have money for daily expenses still be calm cool and tell them to give this to me. governments will guarantee you the stripes is about forty percent higher than the market value the government is running out of cash to keep the tax which is now piling up in the warehouses. as well as her brother and self exiled former prime minister it seems a lot. a lot of support in elections by pledging to a former policy is that promises help them secure overall votes in populist northern and northeastern areas. hinds but the nation's economic growth. watch their central bangkok. the two nations' rights opponents the farmer. the government is corrupt and is forcing farmers to offer tea protesters say a little exercise policy amounts to a vote buying a tax funded money. they say it's hurting
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the country's finances analysts say that protesters are keen to dilute support for the botox and block by winning for the farmers parliamentarians in the calm ahead of prime minister the selection axe or silk live on that comes after years of political uncertainty. now the ruling coalition aims to protect the new constitution into effect within a year. this is what i was on the extent of my job to support his selection comes after that it's confidence. this can call the congress. the second largest unified marxist leninist party. mr power sharing deal. amongst its monarchy in two thousand eight hundred in a democratic republic coming decade of civil war. parliament was dissolved in two thousand twelve. well it was still in the midst of trying on a constitution. the ensuing political vacuum lasted from one of the year before a national election was held
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last november. five years this has resulted in the nation in fixed costs the talks in asia. in the country. the election of its new prime minister. party leaders now have to talk on the weekends. last month with copics. on the list and on the sensible funny in bangkok the olympics in sochi are only a few days old. but the organizers of the next winter games in killing chair and south korea are already busy promoting their river one hundred fifty members of the organizing committee have headed to sochi they've set up a building to showcase their games and a lot of them there over the weekend to introduce their cold trip to visitors. south koreans are looking for ideas that might help them as they prepare to host the games this year olds on a jaunt has
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more. from the world are following the winter games in sochi this here said its research team coach on that paying particularly close attention. i'm so excited to have the olympic games come here. we waited for this opportunity for a long time i hope our country can become a lot stronger in winter sports. how is one of the rules just needing bring tourists to its known by many for its ski slopes that appeared in the popular tv series. sonata. the royal college has a population of a little over forty thousand annie's about a three hour drive from saul the people who want to host the olympics can get very much. almost ninety percent of people living in south korea. so wouldn't that be. d i hope
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for a second conversion will have more chances to study english. celts the zoloft for athletes in two thousand include weather conditions in that area are expected to be ideal for competition. three of south korea seventeen ski resorts are in the region sports facilities of a bpo are compact and highly concentrated allowing for easy access. the all designed to preserve the natural train as much as possible. this ski jumping and a swirl of contents and then marks the hills center one hundred twenty five meters and nine eight meters high and they are built using the natural slope of the mountain to the athletes candy that's affected by doing. and i are still shooting on twenty wins and i were committee members and so too are learning what
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facilities. accommodations logistics and management. so we can succeed in killing turning it to be. here are sharing their olympic excitement as the festival to coincide with the opening of this she gains. you have the chance to speak here in town for the games will be held on for years. it's the race is now on. kel tec has some major drawbacks there are few tourists attractions to lure visitors from abroad. ill have to make major improvements to the transportation system. we also need to prepare more than a hundred thousand rooms in the next three years. many are now learning new languages and also how to prepare for indians was on
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the kitchen table with his online company will hold all of them and get stereo. and i call the nation to construct official now it's sold out forty days at school how tough place to retire councils turned to welcome the world in forty years officials here have done a lot to prepare but there's still a lot of work left to do it. not junk nhk world and. leaders in beijing say chinese soldiers full for the first time take part in a multinational darrel and thailand led by us forces defence ministry officials say seventeen that military
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personnel will join the exercise codenamed cobra gold they will engage in humanitarian relief activities. they love and a drill will start on tuesday japan south korea indonesia and other countries will take part chinese commanders also plan to send the hospital ship and other vessels to all multinational naval drill off hawaii this summer. the us led biennial exercise is called ramp and analysts say the nation is trying to stress the transparency of its forces as its military buildup is raising concerns among neighboring countries people gathered at a high school in western japan to remember those who were killed when a us navy submarine ran into a training vessel thirteen years ago the bow from legend of fisheries high school the eighteen am i was sent off. why this tree was struck by the uss greenville non japanese including students died in the accident the air
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a forty three am was the exact time the two vessels struck gold in the old recovered from the sunken boat was running nine times people present observed a moment of silence you got a little that we will hand down the story of the accident to future generations of students so it is never forgotten. . . . i knw participants offered a chrysanthemum and a prayer for the victims. railway company in northern japan is facing a criminal complaint government officials accused hokkaido railway company of falsifying data about safety inspections. a major scandal emerged after a cargo train derailed in september transport ministry inspectors found workers had neglected track defects and failed to carry out repairs inspectors also discover the railway company had systematically falsified data
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on safety inspections the government says the company made false statements and altered inspection data to cover up its own negligence. police in hokkaido was set up a special taskforce to investigate the allegations. i know railway company is also known as jr hokkaido. he was born from the private sensation of national railway services in nineteen eighty seven. people in japan are noticing a tasty trend in communities across the country. more and more so called farm markets are sprouting up. there were seventeen thousand of them at last count. customers love the cheaper prices and fresh produce managers of one market have found a way to ensure their apples are even crisper and greens even greater. every year more than a million people fall into this car parking to noumea north of tokyo. this is one of japan's busiest foreign markets. let's hear it sold
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over five million dollars with the prudence. is it you try to get fried vegetables all sourced from one to three pt local farms the baked rice price. most items cost ten percent less than an ordinary supermarket is it really is. it is such a great variety of shopping then in different places. i always end up coming back here the secret to the market success. great selection of produce that literally farm fresh. things left to chance each purchase is montana headlines at the kent register. he is concerned to read to suppliers. farmers themselves. he kinda supplies more than thirty varieties of vegetables to market. even in the fields. she stamped in blue it's from the wa market
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the peach farmer gets to you on their sales sent to them by text message once an hour he punches and peas and greens. the more astray lane right away that even starts calling out more if the greens. she and her husband the human conscience and then watch them over to the market. this is how the market always keeps its produce fresh in my testing supplied to meet demand in real time the change in quantity. it's really encouraging to see how much i filled each day it's great this just in time supply system was set up by the markets manager is it about small talk. smoltz who has overseen a sharp rise in business. the slide years a number of visitors has risen
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by over twenty five percent the summit and sometimes we try to look at it from the customer's point of view and given the service they want. we're always looking to improve the way we do things there's another factor that helps to motivate the farmers what's the growers set their own prices for their produce tn percent commission everything else comes to farmers. all farmers ornate closely with the market stand in deciding which vegetables to grow. warriors only cause us to assist in age between december twenty seventh in the thirty first we were about three am to get eventual financial and stock up on all new all time thinking of selling some after my tomatoes. according to three hundred square meters. that should be about right holding regular
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meetings like this has changed only the farmers think about their crops michael collapse and they started working the land something years ago now grows six kinds of carrots. these are new for me. he never thought of before. you gotta it's really fun coming up with new products to sell the few ways to create a market for them susan's and more. i think the producers feel much more involved as participants in this business from the field to market and then straight to customers it's an approach that works for everyone. a series of storms are having an effect on the uk in other parts of europe our meteorologist robert spencer has more proper. yes this is actually will we have been seeing out here it's not just one
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particularly strong storm system is is just relentless line of low pressure systems that have been moving across the british isles and much of western europe for that matter and will were seen as another storm system come through in dumping more rain on what is already fled the school at issue is a video copy of somerset parents of the southwestern portions of the uk to the rail line being washed out there that is really his cross many peaceful but here is the seal of coastal flooding. today's win over a hundred km for our ways as well bought seven meters high the river thames also seems a very significant significant flooding as well and severe flood warnings are that thousands of people are being asked to back away and unfortunately legacy of the crown sorry saturated that's the problem. it means that brown stock and you will soak up any more rainfall when it does also works by five thirty to fifty millimeters of rain the next every two hours i noticed some light lot but all that's been going to practically here into the river system that's already on to some
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urgent law to these coastal areas plus a look at the outlook across much of western europe though they also talk about these winds up two hundred ten kilometers per hour in the higher elevations down towards the iberian peninsula cross the pyrenees he could see about twenty to forty centimeters of snow fall also pop another coastal flooding over towards portugal and then in italy separate storm system moving through here this spring and some pretty fall weather is well worth seeing is some odd heavy rain warnings actually affect the pajama pants look in the higher elevations that snow fall yet again no eastern europe are not sharing in on the severe weather and that's good news currently the olympics going on up here but in my school a high of one some snow showers there for you. cabbed six can like a set down court so she allowed in there for your high on your tuesday wednesday at fourteen thursday's not to feel like the winter when dixon on the east and the city getting up to eighteen degrees there by the end of your work week and deftly isn't much warmer but a lot colder there in somalia's outside the city where love these events are taking place as he was going
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on over towards japan where well over the weekend we have a very severe winter storm move through you see on the satellite picture that's a one off their course nor its moving away still talk about some see it but still cross parts of northern japan no additional twenty to thirty centimeters could see the scene around hokkaido sapporo yet still festival going on right now so it can and do wanna care for you meanwhile weak low pressure system is moving along the pacific coastline. not nearly as strong as we saw on saturday this is a step or a meteor rain snow mix raw chicken coop on monday night going into tuesday morning after the move off high pressure will be moving and korean much fairer weather and clear skies across much of china over towards korea in japan as well seeing some increasingly a better weather out here now by friday in the saturday another lo will be developing in there's a chance. the possibility of soulful yet again across tokyo thing as strong as we saw last weekend but i do watch out some more white stuff. temperatures in the tropics high twenties the low thirties. i guess it's a chilly there in
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the north quickly add the lemon tarts in on what's going on out here across the americas where in the west even seen some heavy rainfall really on the appearance of the northwest see up a storm system continue to push on short some of the just the high winds and heavy snowfall but i think this is indeed a big problem maker going into mid week in a new storm developing around the gulf coast. freezing rain is likely all the way in from of the southern states had a goal which was the carolinas along with some heavy snowfall for the coming days the forecast i am to noon and. it is the eye. do. as
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it induces. religious teacher to move into cushion of prefecture. here at the foot of the mountains people dead long live the life rooted in the bunches of much. years ago the secretion when you tear accident. due to radioactive contamination whole villages have to evacuate family are still unable to return. this is the assembly cool. teachers use to get together and relax with a sweet film streams a
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