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tv   Kazakh TV News  PBS  February 12, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PST

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was reduced to maintain the exchange rate at the same level to prevent the stabilization of the financial market in the economy as a whole the bank was set a new cord or fluctuations and tangy gets the us currency at one hundred and eighty five singapura dollar plus or minus three team he said the chairman of the national bank of the republic according to guide us don't get them. the need to restore the external competitiveness of the cd exchange rate trade balance of context and economy in the support of domestic producers request changes in the monetary policy of the country's main financial institution to my
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bind it with me. the national bank of kazakhstan have decided today to stop maintaining that a good steam tray at the same level starting february eleven which yesterday was a hundred and fifty six point six. as you remember in this regard we believe that the equilibrium rate of that cd as a new exchange rate of about one hundred eighty five t deeper dollar. i want to repeat that the new rate is one hundred and eighty five team cheaper dollar to avoid instability in the financial market the dash that makes any fluctuation quarter or a td against the us dollar at a hundred and eighty five singapore dollar plus or minus three teams. i also want to say that we will continue the policy of smoothing exchange rate from plummeting. this means that the national bank has all the capabilities to maintain the new equilibrium rate of one hundred and eighty five team full of tools means the team. according to guy that killed the head of the decision to divide the treaty was made on the basis of the analysis of the global micro economic factors. citizen which says that the situation in all developing countries particularly in the bricks
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countries generally indicates weakening of currencies of these countries in relation to the us dollar. secondly uncertainty remains regarding the exchange rate of the russian ruble as you remember in two thousand thirteen. this exchange trade week of my seven percent and in january. it also had a tendency to weaken. thirdly concerned the external payments position despite the fact that the current transactions remain positive in general there's an increase in imports. four there were high devaluation expectations in the country which cause an increase expected of operations the national bank was forced to regulate could dissipate in the one exchange market and physically we created the conditions for reducing inflation rate to three to four percent in the medium term we see what's in it liam was so pissed at me and use it to get for inflation according to cut out skill and depth of no significant in shops or just are expected so i bought seven years. of course when such changes occur people of a lot of questions first of all i want to say than us coming together with the government will work to ensure that the inflation rate of two thousand fourteen remains of the rings is sixty percent
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who would try to prevent unreasonable increases in prices for meat products secondly we want to warn people some speculators might take advantage of the situation as it always happens. they would use any information about the exchange rate that citizens should trust the statements of the national bank for stall the long term trend of the tv exchange rate will be determined on the basis of the fundamental internal and external micro economic factors says national bank the bank also introduced a limit of tooting deeper dollar and treating it for europe on the deviation of purchasing rates from the selling rate of the four current teacher exchange offices of february eleven owners of these exchanges who would violate the snow will be deprived of their licences and exchange offices will be closed. the national bank promises to provide exchange offices with sufficient amount of foreign currency the minister of finance and the minister of economy and budget planning of context and spoke about the impact of the new dollar rate on the economy had briefing in the social communication service on tuesday in austin according to barker itself out of the government would
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take all measures to control inflation any given cord or not higher than seven percent this implies close work with monopolistic the stairs are being kept under control as was the responsibility of local government for control prices and availability of crude reserves as it is known pension benefits for increased by nine percentage gainer with first this year this was done and taken into account the average value of inflation which is incorporated in the draft budget seven percent. all the other social benefits were increased by the amount of inflation core door by seven percent has taken into account the work of the national bank in the government on ensuring an acceptable level of inflation this is being leveled up by the growth of social benefits which is provided in the budget in general there is no negative effect on the financial stability months and still has some really cool. these. just beautiful. means testing in general the devaluation is a pos imagine that will increase the volume of foreign currency proceeds from the ceiling you're all materials in other words some will broaden dollars
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the budget revenues continue to increase proportionally according to the forecast and the ministry of economy gdp will exceed forty one trip continued by the end the year. this amount will be significantly less without evaluation. speakers also mention that the russian ruble has weakened against the u s currency from longtime taken into account the neighboring state is the largest trading partner that said it is necessary to level the course in order to create equal conditions for domestic business man the minister but cutting and budget planning also noted that the devaluation opens up competitive advantages for local manufacturers. so there's no doubt that the export of autumn in the revenue will grow as imports was slowed down probably domestic producers will have the possibility to replace imported goods on the covers. it is a very poor opportunity for kazakhstan accompanies this will ensure the normal process of import substitution. with that. a connection with the devaluation of the team's prime minister said the croc get them urgently requested the governor's to prevent
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the growth of prices for socially important products ahead of the government during a conference call to remind officials about the press no responsibility for the price situation ashes of its greatest goodness sake in our times together with the regional governors and there is a must and i know maki is to ensure stability of the situation in the region to prevent growth of prices for socially important food products which it a retail outlet on the statute or to provide them with necessary products together with your trade organizations and working groups to check prices in stores in shopping malls this one should be conducted not only regional centers in cities but also every populated area. you see new book that the cutest those of us something a bit of a money making that there is no missing on the phone commercials on the prime minister gave a commission to prevent an increase of the cost of a high of ninety two petrol within one or a half months until the depletion of the stocks purchased for the previous prices. all that case the price increase at the stations will be investigated by relevant government agencies the same measures will be applied to the exchange offices for
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speculation. his phone again the community there is a set limit on prices for big oil products and no one should exceed and today those organizations which exceeded will be deprived of their licences. fishing in the tomato by these estimates has made a decision. there is enough currency exchange offices are operating stable and it did not comply with regulations that these exchange offices should be closed in accordance with the decision of the national bank. this is not a quest for the governors of manners this is a commission to organize efficient work the book causing infections president of products at the park expo exhibition in moscow. the start. purdue is intended to expand existing markets in russia and motorists with the customs union. every year this authority the international event in the field of group gathers thousands of businesses from around the world in the russian capital. the exhibition features the best examples of products advanced designs and technologies companies from sixty countries participate in the exhibition cover for
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the experts highly appreciate as extended products the taste is good the consistency is not bad. i think it is a very nice product. major cause of producers as well small and medium businesses enter the markets of russia belarus today. according to our continuous integration and initiatives of the president sultan that survives open up great opportunities for business development. if possible. abc context and had only sixteen million consumers. but now there's a large market including russia campbell rose lee to work and strive for the better. below is a joke our son ryan who is accused of committing a attack during the boston marathon us to postpone the trial to september two thousand fifteen. this is stated in a joint report by the defence and prosecution sunnies lawyers explain this request by the need to examine thousands of documents and evidence relating to the case the prosecution did not express their wishes regarding the date of the trial however in previous hearings prosecutors expressed the hope that this would happen in autumn of two thousand fourteen the document also present an
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estimate of the proposed lengthy proceedings. it is expected to last for three months. it's our knife was found guilty he will take another six weeks to determine the punishment. the attack took place in boston in april two thousand thirteen during the marathon three people were killed and over two hundred and sixty injured in two explosions two brothers joe caught in time are lots of night are expected of involvement in the attack. the latter was killed in a shootout with police. angel caught was arrested so far he has pleaded not guilty on all thirty charges against him the government of china and taiwan of the first topic since the end of china's civil war in nineteen forty nine aged france presse reports. negotiations are being other nineteen and will last for four days at the negotiations taipei plans require the provision of guarantees freedom of speech to the chinese press as beijing intends to conclude a free trade agreement which the taiwanese parliament refused to discuss. in addition china will continue to seek a completely new petition in recognition of
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taiwan as a part of its territory by the way the united states promised to speak in support of taiwan is necessary and this is despite the fact that washington doesn't fully formally recognize taiwan as an independent state. it should be noted that in the recent years relations between china and taiwan have improved significantly. in a scientific and educational magazine parents of the museums of kazakhstan was presented today. its aim is to promote courts are headed to cause extend the published information on activities of local and foreign since the magazine is published under the auspices of my current context and the republican committee on the international council of museums. the committee which unites the museums of cars extent was established at the memorial complex map of cars extent of the american last year. another new magazine called to a heritage of austin are also gives information about all poetry events of cars expense capital city. posters interviews of artists comments of critics and viewers opinions will be published in a day will be published monthly with a circulation of one thousand
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copies with the support of the local mayor's office with all called to institutions which caused any offense can publish information about it in this magazine you will be useful for not only residents of awesome. also visitors as well. you will be available for everyone as we will send it to all called to the parlance of the city restaurants like steel. put one of. latest news is that three w dodge cars out that stevie got kate said. and the winter theater development fund is expanding the range of services that provides the start of interference. now the perkins is the spread of twenty twenty includes a project called senior seniors. within the framework of this project internationally known expert on south interference free of charge. this time dr prem have ended this week as expected. he spoke about the music melodies of the greenhouse industry. you
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and i visited some greenhouses and studied what plants are grown but this knowledge is a use in genoa i was stuck with a desire for kazakh still listening to this i see people who aspire to exchange experiences are critically thinking and use new technologies. ditto the state but has more than ten per dose of non financial support for interference perhaps the most popular of them is business advisors during the training interfere study topics such as business management marketing and legal issues of starting and running a business. recently another program gained popularity among interference. didn't you. it gave people a chance to get that. this tiny their other programs of non financial support winter for years after attending business seminars on building business relationships receive a certificate of completion in business communication project is being successfully implemented since two thousand to eleven. supreme years of crazy case of feminists within thirty days and the nurse these are certificates. click to visit
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my spacing out of politics more than one thousand five hundred recruiters to proceed to kick the kids in more than two hundred people have undergone training abroad due to three years of the business communication project. most of us is the oil company x and momo to become the second most altho company by market capitalization before taking two times fast. apple valley at four hundred and seventy two billion us dollars is still at the top of the list apple making the most of the company in the us in august of two thousand eleven with its market capitalization surpassing its own although in the following year's x mobile repeatedly overtake apple's position but the secret to die from akermanis retain its title as the most out of a company in the world. speed is planning a sweeping reform of the team efficient tax system financial times reports changes in the tax system will complement their list of summer from each of the labor market and the pension system financial times notes that the chief joseph tax reform are not fully operate again
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however madrid has made it clear that it seeks to simplify the tax system and improve tax collection the reform means reducing marginal tax rates and income corporate tax deductions time to be balanced makes mention of the tax base that it hopes to support economic recovery of the country. but tax reform and strengthen the government's chances for reelection in the next year it is expected that the reform will start this month and will be adopted by the spanish government but some changes are to come into effect next year. central government debt hit a record high of nine point nine two four trillion us dollars the total debt is more than twice the nation's nominal gross domestic product which in two thousand and twelve three four point five billion dollars. this is a new record for the country. for instance the us national debt amounts to seventeen point three trillion us dollars for total debt to gdp ratio of approximately one hundred and five percent. the japanese ministry of finance predicts that by march thirty first the end of the current fiscal year the government debt will
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exceed one trillion us dollars the eye the eye. and
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the this is our story. it was a time. what amazing things which are the well. we still used today. every new exco was once too. so to the future. for students address the issues. new solution. expo twenty seventy in the future. see ya let's
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go. most are. twenty seventy all. the stone. mm mm. i do
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i. . the new. do the air
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the row. well all. state of the art is these are intelligent features the latest energy efficient technologies five when spy or vertical axis wind turbines from the us were installed to provide clean energy and demonstrate the center's focus on new green technologies. a young girl collects water from lake george uganda. it's a common sight here in one of the reasons this district is shown in endemic pattern of color over the past several years. color is a bacterial
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infection and intestines water contaminated with human excrement. in areas like and clean drinking water and proper waste disposal the combination can be deadly. last year collar infected more than five hundred people in this area and killed about a dozen people. this woman nearly lost a daughter. boys electricity. i know we're out we made my daughter was getting water from leaking out into my lane that's how she got sick. now we're buying bottled water in store only using my warm home plate clean. i mean yelling at them. so one episode and look to link up with the family sought treatment for her daughter. a health worker advised him not wanting the bottled water or at the very least boiling despite efforts to improve the situation. the cases in the dense keep mounting. i especially during the rainy season when waste is often carried into rivers and lakes
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that people continue to collect drinking one. he's the one issue the window dressing. he's the behavior change. he led us to build dispute with coconut what they think of a quarter of two comparisons to do something happens a free meal pasta to his core as with the news. will you be a treat to be posted as a neutral fine. seoul the top think something that needed to fight with the opening to the households of whom or what ensues is a disney support to local governments with the basic logistics that can help to increase one what a scientist i do we'll po them with items like what the storage facilities. what the purification onto material. we're providing them with um so so port to port to the work of sauces to be tough currently. unisys is helping spread information throughout the community about proper hygiene practices. unicef is also exploring legislative action to protect people from eating contaminated food as well as require each household to
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have a latrine. cholera is a household disease in infants to be defeated. it must be defeated at the household level. traffic congestion in china is really truly phenomenal people are moving from the less populated parts of the country into the snake students may know the number of mega cities is really much especially with developing parts of the world. at what happens then is that the transportation infrastructure the road infrastructure cannot accommodate that many hearts without people ending up spending a lot of time sitting in traffic congestion let's just think of us go but the problem china spent about twenty million cars on the road now. and by twenty twenty that's expected to grow to about one hundred and forty million. there are about three hundred million
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drivers about the cost of the traffic congestion in europe is estimated to be about one percent of their gdp. four hundred billion euros or yen united states for instance in western europe in some of these newly developed cities the government's right now are very keen to use those spaces because they know they can feel their way out of this crisis of confidence roads are built in the physical space is limited to just build many more rows in an instant. i might have to be able to get more capacity at existing transportation infrastructure mrs itu computer technology comes to play but they can do is better utilize the existing infrastructure but it's facing the things that i do in a more optimal schedule. fleming better base of the net so that they would have a shorter strengthening the less. used the ghost that lives elsewhere. we gather the sensor data on
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the different but both but what what is the situation across the road network integrate the information about my sophisticated analytics to track the critics and when you can predict traffic into the future. then you can also opt to buy so that you can do to mitigate traffic congestion before. really it hurts. a new new. and the netherlands were able to do what i like technology to optimize the rolling stock the traits of the railways in the netherlands and also to do demand forecasting and to optimize the schedules for the trains which means that we can get no extra benefit from that existing capacity that makes much better use of the infrastructure and they can reduce costs the netherlands is actually saving tens of millions of euro. this is interesting. to place the following list of books except the recall petition that makes going to see was set at an all depends
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on what teams complete in that last run around corners however the compacted elements doesn't come at the expense and friends the woolworths would think it was a political position the other. the friendliness and the collaboration between the teams of the film along with the remaining patients but people side of life helping develop software from other teams. this last bit of something that that once the masses can be given to another team to get out of trouble saying and really has been fantastic with hostile when it's complete cost pressures create his own strong runs from the korean war and sharon need to feel put them into contact with the top process went very well. rewarding to give something back to him. you can even put it last night until the twentieth am preggo pic. the good fight to
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gain the rule of them something happened which has been in transit across the full. so end up with a sexy know. who decides to treat it very good and evil can decide is what is going very well. so where they came in the competition the entire experience a great opportunity for the students what they take away from this is not just the technical knowledge of how to make a robotic submarine. so what they have to do to even get to this point to create a team that gets them on site has a chance of reasonable success is that they've got to assess the challenge that we laid out for them. did god create of the skill sets of the resources and the capabilities that they need on their team. which means going out looking outside of their own comfort area to find students with other disciplines and other skills and indigo put all that together they manage this project raising money finding someone to write the paper and communicate what they're doing. so really what time they get here and on this one time they've created in my mind a small company. it says it's a very large aerial activity and not once did on to this for a
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year to the mill and exports of robotic submarines but the really ready to go to be hired away by companies and other resistance of a work in this film profession. it's a lax up to makes its commitment to encouraging young people in south korea isn't science and technology by giving them before ten pm to six at the end of that day the weekly taken into account when you get this to be known it to. to take it all wrong. where is this year's team competition in europe. if you're on the yet they may not be willing to first say thank you to all the nannies is done because he has been a great experience on that week that stands the concomitant other things because everyone performed really well. we have been and will cope with all my pics here. why wasn't
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it because less of these yet you are watching seen stunning. i will put ink on a path for its color is kind but was worth it. of course needa for the complement of august at the pool with the beacons and medicine from the bus bombing. what's the process begins with the continued when he asked us to use it is tossed into a piece and didn't expect what to make alike. the demands of the gospel to him would you like focal point one six gets caught us by the smile of what the school for one point two eight. so let's put it like he's on board when he did pretty good quantity of india would go into to make the country. sa. and one
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the us. two thousand years ago. there was a fierce and mysterious people called behind us the twenty twelve an archaeologist travel to the presley and sixteen g of looking for traces of its existence. in some signs of that civilization were to stop. wakelin such a totem is county in eastern she and jim is home to a bqu


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