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tv   RT News  PBS  February 12, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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it was when we will or will coming up on rt going for the bolts day another day in the seven g winter games as wrapping up who was bringing home a medal will give you the latest results from sochi had he and us senator brand policy that the surveillance state. the senator filed a class action lawsuit against president obama and top security officials. more on the fight to protect the american civil liberties union. yet the florida case over the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager draws to a close both sides delivered
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closing arguments in the trial of the man accused of firing several shots into a car over loud music. an update on that trail leader and shadow. a few. might i add very well by the air here in washington dc. i'm liz walton you're watching rt america. the two thousand fourteen olympic games are in full swing and silky. it's the fifth day of competitions here's a roundup of today's winner is. germany is currently leading the gold medal tally but six a and has a grand total of eight overall medals. also bringing home multiple medals canada norway the netherlands along with the us switzerland russia and australia. rt correspondent paul scott is in sochi with the latest on the games. for the big winner
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on days like sunday from a high times pointed he was russia in the figure skates and they continued to humans although the band's with eight gold and silver medal in the pairs event of a gold medal went to the world and european champions. tiana was is often mocked in front off of i have deleted the whole way stage of the they put in a world record performance in the short program on tuesday evening and they followed that up on wednesday with another remarkable and four was displayed in the free program to secure all the gold medal and doubt they would take visibly overcome by the emotion of it all at the end of that performance which graced the relief in sight the ice box cake tin palace the mall the teenage cousin is told about the federal penal came in second. so is almost a clean sweep for russia germany told the wrongs of these metals the identity of gold the rush of already one in the figure skates in a secure gold in the team event over the course of the week ended with these golden silva you
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very much seems that in times of figure skating russia are very much the nation to catch well sweat that was bitter disappointment for american athletes on day five of one of the biggest cause of these games were the biggest attractions but finds his twenty seven year old snowboarder shaun white the two time defending champion lost his crown in the snowboard off like he didn't even claim a medal coming in fourth place ethiopia pulled out of this lifestyle to concentrate on these events to lawsuits he said the migrants would be kate korea defining the gold medal in the twenty you are a large nickel. also it was a pretty disappointing day for another american stop in johnny davis but he was going to try and make history in the one thousand meters speedskating events in the outlet we know how to deal. i won the gold medal that it be the first time that anyone has won three consecutive gold medals in the same events at three consecutive olympic games however he was well off
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the pace in the end coming in eighth place looked pretty awesome disappointing day for the many american athletes what's the excitement is building ahead of the men's hockey competition of course the skin of the unexpected when crowds of russia playing on home ice and this could be many many nations but to say there are many nations you could win the event the gold medal this time around from sweden to russia to canada and of course the usa now the oven. it is hoped the competition as she started on wednesday with some preliminary matches russia's first game comes against slovakia. tomorrow on thursday and i was an interesting discussion of course because the nhl discover the owner break to allow the player to play in the nhl to come get it so she participates in the winter olympics because it's all about might not happen and died for his time in a chair model allow that plays to go on a bright so that something was up for discussion but in times of the auction russia
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and america that first match begins on thursday. ella's argues that paul scott reporting from sochi. now that you may fight against the nsa kentucky sen graham poll today filed a lawsuit against president obama and top security officials over the agency's surveillance program called bully is a program that gathers includes gathering citizens' phone and edit data in france is on our fourth amendment rights are to correspond am near a d that has more. on behalf of myself freedom works. and everyone in america that has a phone we're filing suit against the president of the united states. in defense of the four of them and then today senator rand paul finally did what he and been threatening to do for months it's another politician we filed a class action lawsuit against the obama administration national security agency and a host of others regarding a us surveillance program that collects information on
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millions of u s citizens at a press conference here today paul spoke about the magnitude of this case this we believe will be a historic lost it. we think it may well be the largest class action lawsuit ever filed on behalf of the bill of rights we've had three hundred and eighty six thousand and twenty six people show an interest in having their record protected for the last few months potential transaction signatories have been volunteering to be a part of the lawsuit signing up through websites like the political action committee website brand pack him through another website called defend the fort dot com. another group that has been trying to push support for this dude is a libertarian organization called freedom works. now mac can be the president of freedom works is also a plaintiff in this lawsuit along with senator ran home now it's important to note that this case will be focusing only on the nsa
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surveillance of phone and data not e mail communications. can the court will not be looking at whether section two fifteen and the patriot act is constitutional. rather it will be focusing on whether the nsa is controversial program. also in line with the fourth amendment. we will ask the question in court whether a single warrant ken applied to the records of every american phone user all the time without limits without individual station attendant in a league virginia's former attorney general is serving as the meat council for the case he says this trial will be different from the federal case late last year in which a judge ruled that the nsa is mass collection of phone data is constitutional. here's the yen to say most times this question has been addressed overwhelmingly. it has been on what's called an ex parte day basis. that means there was no one to argue. the other side. there was no one there to defend
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the constitution vigorously detailing one on to say that this would be one of the rare occasions when we have a good eight in front of a judge will then be able to make that ultimate decision. both regionally and sen rand paul said they were very optimistic this case would go to the supreme court. but that he could take several years before it reaches that level and washington during day that rte. meanwhile states are doing their part to fight against nsa surveillance and merrill in the home of the nsa to post a congressman introduced a bill that would literally pull the plug on government spying they would do this by cutting off water electricity and other support to the federal agency that fall the fourth amendment protection and senate supporters say the bill is aimed at blocking the nsa from monitoring and tracking systems and state here's the valve that prohibits the office is a and employees from engaging in certain activities relating
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to the collection of a certain electronic mega data data and added that of a percent. and it doesn't stop in maryland this legislation like this in the works in other states like washington and utah and missouri. for more and the state's night i joined earlier i was doing earlier with a shower head to the car. the executive director of the bill of rights defense committee. in maryland in utah in particular it would have special force because the bill essentially denies state resources to the nsa and in the states with the nsa has data centers like maryland. like you thought that would include pulling the plug on utilities like the water that the nsa uses to call the servers amounting to two million gallons per day in utah up the block still use the data center as well as the electricity that they use to power the servers so even while congress decides what to do in the courts decide what to do with the president continues to step closer. you know one hopes towards the positions he espouses the campaign
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candidate back in two thousand and the states to take matters into their own hands and that's exactly what we're seeing in maryland you saw and a dozen other states around him and as you had mentioned marilyn is a big hug for the nsa there the staff headquarters were in the protest at what is the particular significance of this bill happening in maryland where the nsa primarily operates in ubc in various states state to adopt similar legislation are or think about enacting this kind of like when it's gotta have the even more of a larger effect of maryland's to describe it in metaphor and if the domestic surveillance is a dragon and the effort to find it in cities is one scale at a time in congress is chopping off its head. going after the nsa data centers in maryland in utah is like taking a swipe at the jungle and we could quite easily have been to the extent those states see fit to step forward. stop this or to the enterprise whether or not the washington institutions wake up and remember what the fourth event celebrated ideal as you
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credit bill like this now when the note that i as i understand in california so it's hard to get walls like this pass that guy is a more a symbolic move or would you think i don't think it's a mulligan on what actually will queue up the night to my knowledge there has been a veto this bill a name and the country at them i did a similar bill in a different era but the particular challenge the bills like this will face are lawsuits alleging federal supremacy with respect to foreign policy. they'll say that the nsa is a foreign policy instruments that states don't have the authority to make their own foreign policy and that's certainly true the weather not states have the authority to director of utilities is a pretty subtle question and there's no actual legitimate argument that would suggest that the federal government has the right to comment here the state resources so actually it's like most constitutional law. two very compelling interest against each other. the state's primary authority over its resources against federal supremacy with respect to matters left by the constitution and federal hands left out of that
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equation than what i think will resolve those issues ultimately is the forgotten relevance of the fourth amendment which quite simply makes this government enterprise illegal in the first instances of the states taking action to advance constitutional principles will be interpreted very diff to me by a court in the state taking action to restrict knew that meets these are very concerned for the many concerns that the states are are trying to bring to the forefront here. meanwhile channel privacy expert review the nsa surveillance program testify before a senate committee here in washington not too long ago it's a panel of members of the privacy and civil liberties oversight board. they took questions from senators about their findings about one to take the last to listen to a member of this group regional grants. this has been operating for years it's been the subject of numerous judicial opinions it will be like del the bill ultimately beer salt in cases that are currently pending in the courts to just check me as gratuitous and unnecessary
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to also say the program is illegal because it has a very demoralizing a negative effect on the intelligence committee. in the beauty of the u s intelligence agencies to aggressively protect the mass was a career within the bounds of law. he don't tend to be timid and scared at the right thing called out from under them and then this is an argument that we heard from senators today saying that this board while they should provide some oversight might have gone too far and it's not really there are really met to discuss star or find our rule on the legality of that what you think they think the senators and his branch and probably read the nine eleven commission report that recommended the creation of this board to do exactly that. i think they're making this argument because the incomparable of what the board has decided and what the board has decided is the same thing that the founders of our country decided to under fifty years ago which was at mass surveillance is not america. it's that simple actually it's not a critically complicated question. and that the cod was well within its ambit of its institutional authority
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in reaching a conclusion about the legality of these programs incorrectly decided that they can't possibly comply with the fourth of them interesting. mr bates are great to have the lot now wish i had that are the executive director of the bill of rights defense committee. all outrage over the nsa surveillance program not just in the you what's happening throughout europe the european parliament and create called for increased protection of citizens private data members are also calling for more protection for whistleblowers. he and journalists. rt is polly bleak now has more. this is a retired delta minister hinted if they are men so they missed in europe in fact this is a fast and that comment inquiry into the nsa scandal that has been a major bone of contention in knots to what extent would sit in fifth and euronext has been grinding ago whether the whistle that i should testify to the commands he is responsible for the report considering he hasn't raced
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in the fast pace it would make sense not consented to european continent are against a while and with nathan's latest say he's unwilling to testify via video link. the issue of watching ndp is rejected a proposed amendment that would call on eu governments to ensure a steady ten of his safety if he would succumb to europe. there was also appointed in nineteen twenty one the us not to prosecute would snake in which they didn't make the cot. instead the political fray international protection for whistleblowers but it was mentioned say to him by name our goal of the jenin green connotation he was gunning for this nation amendments to stay. and that's considering all that snow has been presented at the world that is about labels that maintenance in the fast pace salazar teens poly bleak now down to west virginia where there's more trouble for residents drinking water state officials are
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scrambling to contain a coal slurry spell into a creek and it's in the same area where hundreds of thousands of people were told just a few weeks ago. not to drink or touch their tap water after a toxic chemical leak. i keep making milk as reports. crews are working day and ninety in the aftermath of a major chemical spill in west virginia. i am not talking about the thousands of gallons of torment the psychopath st methanol that spilled into the open for last month. a completely different league is now the top concern of westirginiar than free ministries in this one came from patriot call just eighteen miles away early tuesday morning at the company is not like people have plants near when a friend at west virginia when a valve rupture hundred thousand gallons of coal slurry. what did you feel the creek during a three hour time period. lacking six miles of the creek as well as half a mile of the canal or
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river near the town of chesapeake. now river is a big body of water that runs through charleston and next to the ohio river which continues on to indiana and kentucky and the knots. also connected to the canal and river is the elk river which is where they can see a standstill happened on january nine the slurry is a mixture of all the stock market and chemicals. luckily the company discontinued its use of ncaa champion at supplying just last month as a result of the freedom industry still and very little of it was in this batch of slurry. otherwise in on the vacancy hm what happened. sometimes i hear natalie that contaminated the water three hundred thousand charleston presidents laurie and this slurry include highly toxic metals like arsenic lead and cadmium tore me up on your net nanny is aluminium and nickel that according to the environmental group the flight to safety projects us virginia coal association
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spoke with our teeth today and said that the spill of coal slurry is not a danger to west virginians presidents since the sydney water intakes immediately downstream from that plant that ants. the spokesman went on to say that the association will work with the department of environmental protection once the cleanup is complete. how will this still happened and its environmental impact. and that impact can be significant. according to the dtp. they were not only could affect the surrounding area and might contaminate groundwater. now for its part peachtree poll says it has fully cooperated with investigators as the looks into the cause of the spell and is aiming to rtm company said quote can seem an activity began immediately act the site and is continuing in fields creek and is our top priority activities are underway and will continue until the state regulatory officials determine this bill is for mediating at the vet's as a link on how men can find much more quickly. the plan sets
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the alarm failed. as for west virginia residents this latest information is just another item to add to a growing list of environmental and health concerns in washington at magnum up as artsy. unfortunately it's not the first time residents drinking water has been contaminated in the last. not many people know about it but it happened in camp malaysia on a military base in jacksonville north carolina if the sight of what is not to be one of the largest water contamination sites in american history. between nineteen fifty seven in nineteen eighty seven hundreds of thousands of marine corps members and their family members were exposed top layer containing toxic chemicals. during that time people living at the base and drink n beans in our water. it's believed a chemical leak from underground storage tanks gary and seminary a career marine who raised his family at camp lesions how's our teeth about the death of his nine year old daughter while
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living at the base the contamination began the largest and worst contaminated drinking water system on the base which was that not going or what the marines called referred to his name to i mean nineteen fifty three match verified by the strs for the agency for toxic substances and disease is registering their water model confirms that day. as mayor is in the capital this week meeting with lawmakers to spread awareness about the problem and get compensation for victims still ahead here on rta high profile murder trial hearing in and both sides gave closing arguments in the trial of the man accused of firing several shots into a car over loud music and a day like he's right
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the place. who knew. i i i i i. al mansur the so called love loud music a stint in florida. the jury heard closing arguments today in the trial against michael dunn. the man accused of shooting seventeen year old jordan see this inside. and
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as you ve done is accused of murdering the team over loud music. the suspect has testified that it was all in self defense. hitler's home they told the jury today that deadly force is justifiable you don't believe he was acting to protect herself i was losing the war. you really believe that. you have to find michael dunn not guilty of every count. indeed god in every lesson included you don't even start a discussion between that there were beyond reasonable doubt but the prosecution sees it much differently they argue that there was no reason for don to think his life was in danger the band and shot killed or any event there was no time in that way. there
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was another day. there is no bad that no. the there was no god. rt vehicle is bella donna been doing this earlier with more on this controversial murder trial and what happened inside the court. well it was a nine day of closing arguments in the mark with don trial we could prosecute to say that the dod and the shooting was just simply that target practice prosecute a barrie molson was in charge of delivering the state's cousin argument. she said that when my cord on pull ups of the suv with jordan davis and his friends wept as he sat listening to music is loud it really started to boil all beazley the state is trying to dictate the picture of michael dunn where he was some way triggered by some sort of irrational hate towards a certain kind of person. although there was some sort of pre meditation in his actions on the other
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hand. gonzo is depicted the forty seven year old cousin up in care and father that was literally scared to death and acted in self defense they are full of very different stories that we have today jacksonville the evidence that we've heard throughout this case as it comes to a close knit to last because as we have mentioned done maintains that he opened fire because he felt that his life was grand the evidence backed that up well actually that is the essential question here and in self defense cases the line is extremely thin how can we know if he really stole something. octagon and feared for his life we would never know that goal that we have to say that the medical evidence presented in court suggests that jordan davis died in the car. then in a defensive position the truth is that when god himself testified he told the court that he thought that he stole a gun and a vehicle with jordan and his friends were all the sleep we now know
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the police never found the gun in bolton in the vehicle that it is true that the that day in court it will lead to seem right after the shoot him basically don's version is the unity of the teens to turn down their rap music and the good old estimated from then that remark with don said the jury in the pace to set in and exchange with jordan it was always told and davies who kept estimated the situation to the point way he had really no choice and it is very important note choice but to defend himself and it was basically a life or death situation. i can't convict and what sentence is done they say. racially diverse jury formed by ten women and six men finally find my cord on it guilty of first degree murder will heal to see faces up to life in prison. don also faces three counts of
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attempted first degree murder related to the other three teenagers that well with jordan davis but that survived the shooting one of them was a survey of the engine. so as i say he's facing life in prison. re enlisting in the same estate aware the very controversial tram on martin trial took place and we saw strong reaction from the community they're really come together in protest. nickel is what reaction are you seeing on the ground air and to the death of jordan davis well the day to see him at casey's we are stopped in to see protest outside the courthouse in jacksonville i remember live coverage of the reactions off the back tray but not too bad that i can tell you. there was an outrage when george cinnamon was appointed to the truth is that it's inevitable to make both cases both in florida both involving seven year old african american kids apparently on all the bead show by middle aged men
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the stadium is holding that there is a problem down here in probate in florida the question now is is a social problem is that the racial won his legal problems stand your ground gold is beginning to almost twenty six deaths them up down in the state of florida many of the zonal we also heard attorney general eric holder say off to the tray but not the case that this daniel graham goal is basically a dangerous expansion of the concept of self defense. others like singer stevie wonder the state that he will in all but over the state of florida and to list on your ground to the bill comes to an end. i can certainly it's hard not to drop those parallels between these two cases make us appreciate you staying on top of this was our t's make a list with donovan the music is sometimes used to soothe the soul but there's a rare instance is that it's used for torture at the marine interviewed one artist who found out that music was used to torture inmates at
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guantanamo day. abby this group skinny puppy house of down your interview with that yes so the end of the new vocalist over time. i found out that he's actually a huge fan of the show shocking enough to cover the fact that they had to send a literal invoice of us got me a big fan of their music was due to torture inmates and i'm on the show is an amazing interview. he has talked about what they felt like and what they did in response to find out how. ah let's hear from him. their new album from where we actually are research all the frequencies for torture new narrative with songs and how fast facts on with a booklet with no sale now and put it over wanted to start music now when reagan in certain subliminal some different dialects talking whatever of him saying things like that in all although this music sounds horrible and terrible and scary please understand that in our countries use to
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fight the very useful the amazing there i mean he's talking about how they wanted to on a noticeable all messages in the end the album what i found out through this is it wasn't just not that spark than to be a political band and political for for decades there actually one of the pioneers of the genre called industrial music and have this huge call only. and they really just insert political mentor in clinical some of them in every single one of her albums to call attention to a variety of issues i went to their show last night. they gave us a shout out on the shy of the i reckon this abhorrent. an amazing television interview about the subject is incredible. everyone check out tomorrow i know air at six pm on friday that the new component to lay things out into the badlands break into sent home with abby market as a free now for my mr is the common good or youtube channel youtube dot com is like carrots america. and at our website. rtl confines usa and follow me on twitter account when small. well there is a clear ep and see
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that the eye. i fear. shh shh shh. i don't. the cuts on this edition of news line it's thursday said gary thirteenth and catherine comanche and telltale delegates from north and south korea have met for their first high level talks in use and the first in south korean president of finance his office just meeting suggested the me want to work toward better times the delegates walked away without making much progress senior officials met in the chase village upcoming film inside the doula time


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