tv RT News PBS February 14, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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a new. friday the court seemed to five pm and washington dc and carrie and boring you are watching artsy of me. we're nearing the halfway point of the sochi winter games and other game wrapped up in a rush and here's a look at the medal count norway and the us topped the total medal count with thirty each the netherlands and russia are just one medal behind it followed by canada i in germany. for full wrap up into the events in a preview
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of tomorrow's backstage usa hockey match. here's our team to call scott and sixty america's mains cutting team won one lost one on day seven they secured in a fight victory and the gemini floated out with a seventy six defeat to russia meanwhile the women's team went down nineteen to denmark to defeat which keeps them reach the ball to the table no buttons that johnson's own progression to the semifinals. meanwhile america's men's team are in the final of the five thousand meter short track speedskating. that's despite finishing fourth in qualifying. another reason for that is that there was a collision with the south korean team america actually finished fourth in the second situation is that the referee's discretion to decide who was a full for the code for the collision he decided to do with the south korean teams folds and that for american progress to the next rounds in rather intriguing new job and no rocking circumstances
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elsewhere the excitement is building ahead of saturday showdown between the usa and russia in the ice hockey of course the two old fierce rivals guy will head to heads in that second group match on sunday often a delightful time here is auntie late teens. i'm short and enjoyed comfortable victories in the lightning got fixed a rush of things for the neophyte to watch the usa for seven one victims again slovakia on these us dollars the nazis might say that they're expecting a tough challenge against the host nation. and on top the gains can be against russia on their home turf and their own so so um it's going to be but they only need to be fun but the game certain it will be a pretty interesting. it was from when the russians and then with the one thing. and we had opportunity play canon in canada. i think that's always a special thing regardless of who to give an opportunity to play the host country. erm that's always a
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fun game to be a part of it just as follows there's so much excitement and energy into building in them. we were lucky enough to do in canada now we get a chance to play russian rush or something with special steel of other things. before you come over and not really sure what to expect the dog even been great so far i wouldn't spend on food accommodations in the center of the village his paintings of the cleveland is that that from the outside and going back to moments of calm. not sure a lot is going on proportion but on this pair is beyond to disney but everything's been great so far. for our t hall scott. a former congressman says he wants currency for former nsa employee ad for it snowed in ron paul has repeatedly praised snowed in for exposing that national security agency spying program. i know he started a
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petition to demand that snowden is granted clemency it would snow who sacrificed his livelihood. citizenship and freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the essays worldwide spying program. thanks to one knee and courageous actions americans know about the reintegration ways the government is spying on ryan hall is hoping a petition to urge is the government to take action before snow tins amnesty in russia expires one to why thirty first of this year that deadline is still up in the air after russian lawmaker said last month that the country plans to extend his silent offer. snowden faces felony charges in the us. now those who were involved in giving him access to the classified government documents are seen of repercussions for their actions till three people who worked at the national security agency the korean
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contractor and active duty military member and an nsa civilian employee had been implicated. according to an nsa memo sent to the house judiciary committee. the nsa civilian and made it to fbi special agents and yell out to mr snowdon to use his key infrastructure to access classified information the million was not aware that mr snowdon and tended to unlawfully disclose classified information however the nsa states that by sharing his passwords. he fell to comply with security up with the states. his security clearance was revoked in november and he resigned in january ten the other two employees were indicted for their access to the nsa. as of last august additional punishments would be the responsibility of their prospective employee or sth. as i've been so out of the nsa spying program has again been revealed to be even bigger than what
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previously dots. former german chancellor gerard showed her what some fridays to find out that the nsa with spying on him till one in ten years ago. it was due to distance the new of course that they were always spend the activities going on but essentially no spelling activities among friends are out there and enemies. that's a good since it was surprising for me to find out what extent this kind of time to play. according to german news sources. schroeder was put under surveillance do his opposition to military intervention in iraq we hear about crying and corruption flooding our story. this is the moral compass and office is across the us has also been a bit off recently the look is on the top corruption cases over the past year when the enemy or worse the lawmaker eric stephenson was found guilty last month and taking more than twenty stealing thousand
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dollars in bribes in exchange for drafting legislation that would have given a monopoly how working for businessmen who operated an adult day care center. they said that the paint fifty five years in prison and sounds like the new york legislature could use a babysitter of their own. the four spyder crushing countdown cases to virginia for former governor bob mcdonnell and his wife which aren't the last month with aching bones and gets in exchange for helping promote dietary supplement makers start scientific. the civil case is ongoing but authority of the alleged that the couple to try to clean ryan's of all ex wives leave the times used golf clubs and more totaling at least a hundred and sixty five thousand dollar is the mcdonald's pled not guilty to charges and requested a jury trial scheduled for this summer
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now to the downfall of the former leader of the city and now in crisis. acts detroit mayor kwame me kilpatrick what's in it to twenty eight years in prison for corruption. last october this is one of the long distances at her hand into a major us politician that he was not in racketeering bribery and extortion was worse and that the city is the financial crisis is that right filed the largest municipal bankruptcy and our country's history last year firstly kingston mayor kilpatrick. the new baltimore twenty seven correction officers and a maryland dal were indicted last november for helping with the lack of the left and leave prison gang at me and across the whole drug operation that while incarcerated in the city's jail. most of the attraction of the murderer bombshell accusations about criminal activity is that the baltimore city detention
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center. most of the corrections officers to assist in the gang members in keeping their operations going. why behind bars before when he was smuggled drugs cell phones and other contraband into the doubt by their hair and body parts additionally four of the women became impregnated by a brigade leader did not know why it's one of the corrections officers they even got his name attached you on her breast. union representative for the correctional officers is calling for tighter background checks. but for now and those guards can be finding more permanent position at the jailhouse. in the top off our list of the reason corrupt arrogant and i knew you when the santa ana california the immigration official with the bride. the catch tootsie rolls and a sausage in exchange for granting either us citizenship or permanent resident status for entrance to the us
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the admirals cost about one hundred fifty dollars and were needed for the party win was happening. the sausage was finished. the affidavit did not state what it is for ray nagin junior the former new orleans mayor was convicted this week. add one t it's two zero counts of corruption. taking home the award for being the first of may here in the cities to live in a six year history to be found guilty of her outfit megan was in there before and during and after hurricane katrina hit new orleans. we now know that you call people who wanted to help clean up the aftermath have to pay him first the lyrics but with the rockwell the founder and chairman of the nieces and cds. i first asked them what survives a politician to accept kickbacks and the expense of their community pool because he's a politician. and especially not shocking at all when mrs municipal government in america i'd argue as other kinds of government to all
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the cities of grantham is a corrupt. they all take bribes the snow with the city's runs in the town council and so i'm in the spring when the shocking all the ray nagin is corrupt. i like and dislike of the big city mayors. the question to me is why was he singled out because of course he's corrupt of course he was taking bribes and before i get why are you single out um i actually argue this is preferable to radiological what's the deal the blahs leo who thinks of himself as some kind of semi one in us the wedding was to do new york city don't want the economy or you want economy or was concentrating on on line his pockets pain of his friends and so forth it's a far less harmful practice among them the socialists and the fascists of the weeding you don't recover more of a manual in chicago and some of those kinds of guys are four more dangerous. but i think what happened what what what did megan gets an electoral sense that that's the question since the corruption is so endemic
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what is the talladega single out. my guess is that he offended somebody and the mom or some other federal agency who was capable of setting saying don't get this guy while but with different we all know we was correct they're all corrupt. well that is going to go rescue him and this is. this is municipal government. small towns and cities around two in one of shock anybody has a civics class version of a government facility all are well while it is true that there are many people that are responsible for what happened in new orleans during katrina. i've been in this phase is up to twenty years in prison and they enjoyed the lifers in response moment you think the punishment fits the crime as is and i know i'm a nut tonight we should know i can see he owes money. finally anybody belongs for twenty years and a government cage i think that's the end of the visitor will find that you mentioned were aware about the corruption of baltimore prisons. and although don't you know those prisons are all full of criminals on one truck had been about that either. and
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all the terrible things go on their sibling. to me for twenty years in prison and investors to arrange a sense but us a course of the prison capital the world as the gulag of capital the world with far more people in prison per capita than any other country in the world and the sentences are getting longer and longer because as a prison industrial complex of corporate has businesses in connection with government they're all making otago off putting people in cages. it's a terrible thing and that's what we are to be concerned about than that we're concerned about government corruption we have to reduce the size of government. you can actually change the zebra stripes. it is to make the zebra smaller low bass will give a concert. brandon president has a whole another issue that we dine at time to get to today but how do we get crushed and out of politics to mention them in a government run out with a wealth of you i mean i swear to god but what is you can't get corruption of government i mean maybe once in awhile there's some good person in government. ron paul you mentioned earlier he's an
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example of baby thomas jefferson didn't take any bribes either orange or more and more. but with the suit will the government decides that it is nearly that of the slots into the pig trough and i'm horrified that the figures come out the need so as all these programs all this spending when you have truly isn't really live dollars mean taking from some group of people given to other groups. and when just changing a few words and a government document can give you a billion dollars or take away a billion dollars from him. of course there's gonna be corruption and the addition of government corruption is entirely utopian and makes us think about the wrong sort of science. we all think about again is cutting back the government a government strangling us this email as the killing people all of the world. the running he campaigns against russia over the olympics right. didn't we can go to many of the things they're doing. and they're all evil. so the cancer rate of decay he alerted the moment and emily's this
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book we certainly can cut down on the evil that we can make the double over shorter and less powerful. great thank you so much that was lew rockwell the founder and chairman of the nieces and scale. and a couple of weeks political leaders will be speaking at a pack the american israeli affairs committee conference is an annual event hosted by one of the most powerful lobby groups and the u s s the meeting garners a lot of the tensions in to the high profile names there the headline is a growing religious movement in the us away from the strictly pro israel views the chair of the conference. rt correspondent lives while reports on how members of the movement to lead a more balanced foreign policy approach to my commitments to the state of israel crucial juncture of the way for tomorrow. it's a command in us politicians are compelled to me. if they want to be elected. and for those appealing to christian evangelical voters. devotion to israel seems mandatory. he
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has turned his back. other people. and as rick santorum bashing president obama for not being pro israel and not at the annual apec conference the american israeli affairs committee is the most powerful pro israel lobby in the us. during the two thousand to call the election cycle almost every republican presidential candidate spoke at the event. touting their support for the u s ally and the who invented the palestinian people. but there's a movement among christian evangelicals and the us away from the political norms associated with the group it's a movement away from the staunchly pro israel stance to a stance that is more sympathetic toward palestinians. there's no question that the fact that is a common belief most popular american christian view. it is over and the historical christian view
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that that doesn't see that is the case. john scott grant is the president of the reformed theological seminary outside washington dc. he observes a trend among his students to a more balanced approach to the israeli palestinian conflict. we see a lot of young evangelical. both aspiring pastors and the folks doing other jobs in the seminary come through in sc that there's an increasing interest in a reading of the scripture that sees modern day mondays really stay on as a country like all the other countries in the world. the movement has kept a low profile but is gaining popularity among younger evangelicals in america. religious leaders say it's happening for theological reasons. i can also be attributed to a disillusioned with the one sided pro israel rhetoric. i think and found the mini christiane christians found themselves to the republican
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field theological view being appropriated and used an a more on the divisive foreign political position. not all evangelical groups agree with the direction of the youth movement. christians united for israel. one of the largest pro israel organizations encourages american christians to support israel. they declined comment for this story. but palestinian ambassador my and hairy cat thinks the movement is a step in the right direction. when we see that also among the american jewish community. i mean the younger generation do not feel at all and by the political convictions off you know the old guards or the parents and grandparents the birthplace of christianity the holy land has seen in accidents and christians as the religious minority there often caught in the crosshairs of the israeli palestinian conflict. now christians make up about two percent of
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the population in israel and the west think that millions of tourists flocking to holy city is laid out plan in jerusalem. each year the region can eventually be led down a local christian population. many christians have left. but instead opted to zito bishop nineteen sixty seven. and the you know the conditions are deteriorating in different parts of pakistan especially in and around the land the birth itself the uses of christ so it is august was submitted to the beach up to them. now some evangelical community is our inning to bring attention to the plight of palestinian christians by organizing trips to the region. when you. you learned of a lot more of a region about peoples and their or their relationships with each other in their history. it causes you to reframe the whole way that you think about things the hope is that greater understanding of the conflicts can pave
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the way to peace in the middle east. in washington as wall art tea medicaid head of the thousands of residents have failed to live with the new law that require gun owners to register all military style rifles with the state. in response to the seahawks school shooting that resulted and twenty six beats are these the past when the strong is gun control measures in the nation is estimated that only fifteen percent of gun owners have applied for assault weapons that can take its name the remainder can be read soon and become a classic in the balance earlier spoke with brian krause quite the founder of second amendment dot org and her staff at why these gun owners are not complying with the new boss. all i think the issue in connecticut is that the gun laws that are currently within passes too wary of her very confusing of their stupor way that you were looking at it as a way of civil disobedience because these laws are
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constitutional and sick of all there's people just don't understand the law. a special ten to twenty two realm of rifles. so there is probably estimated about fifty thousand people who are not complying with the lives do you think this is civil disobedience. will i believe it when we look at what's going on there's been some surveys done by the fcc dl in connecticut and they're saying that people are coming out in the civil disobedience because this is a law that doesn't go against the crimes that are going on in connecticut scored against the law abiding citizens who were who have guns. they said that this is unconstitutional as some of that matters as a legislator said it's not getting raises and a beaver killed go to oxford supreme court. not sure yet on that guy that something is being debated right now in connecticut and the senators on the safety committee she said that if you pass laws that people have no respect for and they don't follow them then you have a real problem. how do you think
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the station new forward in bringing these tens of thousand people back in compliance with the wives were thinking of her time to make of this packing plant specially when presences are he said here in capitol hill with a president who is changing the wall switch he's breaking be in the federal laws. everyday when was the stance that he's taking on different legislation sperm are rarely as healthcare palm plant so people look at that and say well why should we abide by these laws if the president is breaking the slopes. what an awesome the ash ala out that the deadline has passed a register there aren't people have said that they're scared to come away because they could be slapped with criminal charges. so do the deceased antique i'm in the sciences of steps they need passing their legislation or no i think whats gonna happen the governor knows very well that this is not enough. this is a work in a major one before. and there is twenty thousand laws currently on the books in the united states on lost and currently
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crime to steal. criminals who are seasoned criminals who still i use guidance. it's not affecting them at all it's only a second that hunters and sportsmen but there are some people really think that these types of stricter guidelines actually unique residence more say well that's that's an opinion. while this is why i wanted to add to the entire time shall had set about. and in dandenong your twenty two times were likely to use it on yourself or someone you know or love on suicide actual shooting domestic abuse. i promise i'd rather than sarah palin in favor of tax cuts that they are so high low initial rates having fewer guns in the home on an strong gun laws actually do and protecting the citizens of states with strong laws given that these essences that says she just decided to use the best of care alliance we can say. actually i don't think it doesn't lead to
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the statistics you state is true but that's where we're coming in those organizations who are pro second amendment to educate people on gun safety with an all. and that's one of our goals is to be able to provide the educational process but at the statistics that was spoken about was that forty purse forty times more. a year are forty times more year is the keyboard using guns in self defense. that's not ever talk about and so that's a critical thing especially when one point five million times a year guns are being used the organization second and then a dot org you create your own type of registry that people all over the country are signing up on and he tells clear mission this is our mission overall for two who is to bring consumers and business owners who believe in the second minute to gather sewerage turn over ten thousand businesses the last thirty days throughout the united states to support the second amendment. and arianna forward with any or both. our goals is is we have a lot of
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movement here on our organization were trying to understand where we would take is an organization says we are fairly new organization but our ultimate goal is to bring together all of these consumers and businesses alike is to be able to support them and have a voice here on capitol hill thank you very much. this is brian krause by the founder at second and then a toddler thing. four fire workers that with content dairy farm had been charged eleven pounds that enroll in the us. an undercover investigator with the in wall rights group mercy for animals at his job and we see brother's farm with a pink camera recorded the videos you see here at the police that the beating and using the paddles the farm as our inbox at least one major contract with the chief supplier of jordan's pizza. the news of workers will be fans of march for babies the maximum penalty of nine months in prison is worth noting that mercy for animals method of sending undercover workers with hidden cameras into these facilities is illegal
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in multiple states. these add gag laws as they're referred to park at prohibit people from kiki videos or photos of a factory or farm with out permission. wisconsin had similar measures in place the weather probably remember what had been brought to justice. first the nsa was spying on notts county and a piano or the national association of police organizations doing the same thing. tonight whether to laugh at how local leaders can spy enhance your files at the di and. the i knew. i'm. in the us. and
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the happy about everything and then into something called the slightest privacy protection. that meant protecting people's right to know when their private information with the motor vehicle department is accessed by it did file paperwork and the girl whole process but still keeping the question no weeds police officers are accessing information and when they're doing it. it turns out there looking at your information for improper reasons. at twenty five hundred dollars plus legal fees. so the ones with the payout. so yet. not happy about this amendment so while chilli tomato is now allowing listeners to change the minute you walk a fine flour milk and language and its contents to do it over and over again for
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the issue. only one season victories at the top with accessing the information with the intent to make money effectively. so i could still access your information to save par at the viewer for a new word that goes without like what just happened in florida. how sad this information to another granted one of the chris beattie and then suddenly she had the crowd around that ever lived free phone calls drive by their house and threatening messages. she did this expert who was looking at information to figure out how anyone got her address and phone number. he set the bottle for a three month period eighty eight law enforcement officers from twenty five different agencies access your information. more than two hundred tiny. so i went to the lord that means i get fined twenty five hundred dollars every time. by collecting information whenever the well please. you know what if we could try to do that truly was the architect. even with no
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scientific fact that they don't always do it for our protection so that twenty five hundred i find lose our ability to feed when they access their information protection against that lying in the right to die we had the right to make sure that for a legit reason to make them pay when the lights talk about the fact that our leaders but as the residents that does it for now you can follow me on twitter at kerry and easy the eye. eye. i am i used one. when we will
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