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tv   France 24 News  PBS  February 22, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PST

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meet wonderful people i've stepped on we will do next just eat them. find out more information program website tensions remain high in the ukraine with cole street resident victor them i can picture it signed despite its promise of billy elections awaiting the punditry speaker a key ally says he's stepping down. the center left labour matted frenzy is set to become italy's youngest about communists at the thirty nine year old says his best party will be to tackle next ten months to come. and it stopped the world's biggest spot french prison francois long sentence that has a good
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photo of it as an aside is struggling to my kids. i bumped into funds bank kept i'm in a cabin sits right at top story coming up new crank and a deal aimed at ending a police who sprayed all the clients in the country is beginning to shine serious strains. angry protests is demanding the country's president viktor yanukovich resign. despite his promise of billy elections. it looks like things to blame for the formation of beginner ski cap and seventy two to grunting and mistakes detained protesters. as well the palm of his budget the changes to the criminal kind to cook say that leads to the subtropical opposites made up solely of two matching card. the pressure remains on yanukovich with these card up and putting trees think i called him a big back announcing he stepped down citing ill health. purchases in the meantime say that now gained control of the presidential administration building in him. the more let's cross
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the doc was there that is in kiev. douglas this is clearly a highly fluid story but the key question is where exactly is present yanukovich knowing that i have to say as he beats me this morning the only one asking the question. millions of people in this city are asking the question everyone seems to have to finance its because the fact is no one really see them. early this morning it was said that he had left for hockey which is the former real bastion of his political support a town in the east of ukraine where they're holding a congress of the people's deputies have of local lot to like it to lawmakers from the region the problem is there been no actual pictures of him going all out from the dinky of a worldwide hit the airport in hockey. people say yes he is scary is there a speaking to some demonstrators on the square. earlier i said you know your president is and they said yes he's in hockey but said have you notice the man they said well no but that's a weird hearing and that's a lot of people in others a lot of speculation people saying well he's not really there
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attending the contest the real me cities there is perhaps to meet with the russians sent from moscow to try to out work out what he does next. of course is that inevitable talking on the twitter spirit of bloggers here that he somehow flaky and that still premature to what it is fair to say at this hour and that is that there is a seems to be of void of presidential power in the sense that his palatial mansion on the outskirts of kiev which has always been very tightly sealed to anyone is suddenly open there's no real police presence around it. careless other visitors can enter and like you said that residential district right now it seems at that very tight police presence that was up surrounding the government buildings yesterday. it's no longer really there or it's much much diminished. so the question is is the president coming back where you see and what next the kids haven't ever putting this link if you get that will be keeping us informed us that a song international reaction to the ukranian jill has been one of cautious optimism by
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the international community is all of the ferry to the veranda. the eu brokered deal for ukraine raises hopes of a way as if that isn't a crisis but all sides are being cautious. speaking in china french foreign minister dora five years said the remains of a lot to do seeing that it may be two winners but challenges remain in ukraine. neither does a country that is divided into one site leans more towards russia will he get there towards the european union these differences must be reconciled with that in regards to honey tongued research at the laugh to see the news that one. ukraine's western neighbor poland was particularly wary. prime minister donald tusk said biden top to stop. the other the eu smith seemed to be working. you know the sanctions and raised on in ukraine. this apron effect on many politicians in the ukrainian government. it may still some people from
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returning to finance. which is the main goal. so with others. washington is also monitoring the situation closely. weis has said nobody could afford it to deteriorate any further factor the matter is. he is in russia's interests. for the violence and in ukraine as it is in the interests of united states and our european friends and of course most importantly the ukrainian people and we welcome the cessation of violence and we welcome the agreements that it can reach base on friday night brock obama and his russian counterpart dr where putin spoke by telephone. for the refried his team needed to be implemented as soon as possible. newcrest palm of his budget for maintenance in the criminal ties that could pave the way the police that the gel opposition leader yulia to shrink. the former qantas was down in twenty
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eleven to seventy is up for a piece of office. the trial was denounced as political bought the european beauty the media to a shackle rose from obscurity to become one of ukraine's richest business people in the nineteen nineties making millions in forging russian gas. after entering politics she was one of the main figure is behind the orange revolution in two thousand and four hundred allied viktor yushchenko was elected president and redrawn elections tymoshenko was appointed prime minister. she had this office twice the second time from two thousand and seven to twenty ten the year she unsuccessfully ran for president against victory and called it. soon after her legal troubles began when she was arrested on accusations of abuse of power and in the summons. it concerns a gas deal she's going to russia by prime minister in two thousand and nine. she was sentenced to seven years in prison in twenty eleven european union and international organizations condemned to a conviction of them is to the mall to visit and said she'd been
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physically miss trees and present threat the room aiden protest in which ankles portrait has been a constant presence the door from the main messages of support to protesters tymoshenko in that it's sad to leave prison following a bill passed by ukraine's tournaments opening the way to a possible return to politics the iron lady. but an italian center left politician that evans is due to be sworn in as prime minister at sitting on the democratic party leader will be pleased youngest given time. it comes to either hold the jobs market and the tax and education systems in the next four months food bank at cynical to ryan has been any ambitious agenda. he's hoping to deal with tax reform in need of reform as well is full of haunting be the type of administration and also dealing with the quiche of the natural law that means a massive overhaul taken that even consider the fact that that's what's meant to his
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greed of government to begin with this coalition. so quite an ambitious agenda and he hopes to deal with all of these might be not troubled attendance not happy the way in which he caught his position. the fact that he was not elected to parliament in the index to teach connor it's a nice prime minister but they feel that meal but that's what they have to deal with the elites in this cold say some twenty seven percent of the targets would be picky me is that right pleasant to deal with the city's future right now. that's a dose of good he said it didn't take anyone told. singletary putting different than us secretary of state owned kerry has contended that that is banged up and have a security crackdown following weeks of violent protests meantime has become mature and has called on washington to hold every school. who is seen as a surprise ms often days of accusing americans that walking is a threat like luther and donald week president obama. let cool for dialogue between venezuela and the united states and its
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government. i called the thought of now i accept this challenge. it's in the state of mind of a time of the mets put the tree down on the table in the top. and that is told from escalating anti government demonstrations now stands at an eight. more protests expected at the weekend henry brown has small. that is sweet and troops on the net and gaunt patrolling the streets of san cristobal on wednesday. the town has been described as the walls and play residents could run schools between protesters and security forces forcing businesses to shots the government announced it has deployed soldiers then to restore calm. elimination of the paratroopers battalion to take your estate has been ordered by the way for asylum will reinforce units that are in the main routes converge on the city limits or an astronaut. the poll squeak thousands of demonstrated in many cities throughout the country. when president clinton to go to resign if they knew for sure that each
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of the secrets and services high inflation and crawling tensions boiled a broker or positioned in the opal that it is turned himself into police. being held in caracas on charges of arson and seventeen points. pre test has accused the police shooting at them. why then not securing young people find them and then i studied in this country. it still said it may mean if you check this country. opposition leader and bt capri this excuse is illegal armed groups of teens use one of the government to taunt the protests is. good is evil today i ask for your present window will to disarm illegal groups in the acne and it is not only the police who are armed. they had a pleasant night. the country's booming scenes of camille slippers and president need to raise the kids counting since he took office last year. a middle position and is quoting from us brownies
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again this weekend. it's unlikely the final instalment into unseen. take a look at what's happening elsewhere in u s has the right obama has made the exiled tibetan spiritual leader the dalai lama. the american cousins out strongly support the protection of tibet and human rights in china trade amazing but china had been urging us to cancel the gathering saying it would seriously. relations between beijing and washington the response china has summoned an american diplomat in the text. the un report has found civilians in south sudan with the main type of race and it was likely to press reports that thousands of couples was subjected to write up a tree or breaks and torture. good offices that shocked the funds have deterred many by forces loyal to president suffocated and apple treats goes to former vice president reacted in shock. hundreds of protesting the american city of phoenix at the bleacher section of the twelve if the sun has refused to say gangs from
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which its rates. this type of discipline. all i resign and has pasta with the cats protections from discrimination lawsuits to individuals and businesses it is now calling on state government to the type of extension staying at opens the door just to manage. and here in paris a french president francois launch has just been the fifty first i could coat with it. but ecan has made a tense climate with many friends from this family is struggling to make ends meet. dr because from the world's four thousand animals will be on show this year and hundreds of thousands of christians are expected to pass that on silk is covering this type of thing kept dash of bone given the french leader. what made the same as being the nice friend to the french town as pelosi treat at this time well when we did wonder that we've gone on to present an aunt is going to be treated with more blues the news when he arrived here this morning of the sun on them i can see
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that i get in the men's last couple of bad ict health and habits for warm welcome aig's a farmer is due of treatments is that there is a struggle at the moment. me and i think that the welcome was warm add to the farmers that the cheese is here where clamoring to see that see me so long to unseat ms in that space stairway and serbia that wasn't alone is able to taste a little um and then you visit the festival on that puppy up the right word that you didn't have but a month and today it's not just that it's not just a photo opportunity for and if it's a working day. he says he is here to listen to farmers listen to their grievances and to work with ben steele to solve the problems they're facing. so from international tuition for one why is this a sign in well at the agricultural sector it is a very important for france in general makes its worth seventy billion euro the year to the french economy that front is actually the biggest agriculture producer. i mean you're gonna it's also at
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the peak is set at beneficiary of these subsidies was more than not be the most important thing is for the farmers to hear our extensive presence of visitors who can see that or is that of the sun don't like the concert at the sweet counties are speaking earlier to add to the farmers' views and breezes these beautiful as a guest on hats at the time standing behind the thin year every year for twenty three years. time to frame it that a ninety two nieces colleagues have but i think that the visitors the most important. i once was is very important a friend's farm is that while other countries are meetings with maybe with a frame it's just realized at finding such as france is still very proud of its territory is part of its regions. for the farmers do they want to show off their region. it's funny to their products idols a very important that the young people who come in here. bake in a commune with the animals here get a president really understands where to add if you don't replace its coming from. chiffon silk reporting there from the ia agricultural shy which is
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just type in your past. on that cincinnati is a change in posting. off. did you do today. since down to earth sch i was. he's weak on down to it. she's a political solution. entrepreneurs should go to the mall. we went to that effect. that said you up mostly of mine
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did. inflation with the unnecessary frills stoop down to his chief of the big time. with this is my idea. i might get away. still easily mixed welcome too afraid to get this we can strengthen or longer and decent bounty. but it would be open all day. on the health costs for such a mission because the tickets the these weekly dance routines and your nation that he's no stranger to innovation in the sydney school teams ensuring an aptitude for a particular type of ingenuity. finding low cost solutions to what are often hide take problems it's nine as a frugal in a bank and with comfy to understand how blacks. this then you go to malta last. he was delivering be on the tv
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when he comes he asks to hear from the people he's met with only a novice do you have any ideas how to improve your business for a new way of doing that. my son a new group jury seeking to use another for granted his promotion to constitute twenty five. this time he's eighteen and quick return qantas quiet street in st has increased the right keys into the well. i think that the bulk of thousands of kilometers across the indian countryside. one thing that precede any gaga's to look sloppy two people whom others it's the knowledge needed for the money the essential point is that both of them that not one of the sauce. the couple in mind. the imagination. so when such people the right to find solutions to local problems within or ingenious me go out and i discussed but then say you bought as he today for the te kiri has been visited sodium footing here. claire de da sorts in
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religion at boston city was making the secret to mention other than his last seven days of vitamin e as has my mind did. among other things in play the subject of protests on my cadet on the wagon and back starting something that you need to see to believe that canard that it was undoubtedly dates and times on the magician was by his kitchen. we're down to tea leaves here are the largest house in history not long ago that he was a pool closure of the most intriguing in two thousand and one earthquake that shook the state to add to that. and i went to the season and see he's going to lead a freaky many critically. he let out maybe this is an easy goal for each use dental records and has entertained by me
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even just wish the writers in sudan's oil and add a lot of her first test of evaporation inside is about ten to fifteen percent lower than the outside that i cannot see that because if it takes to fit inside space. the myth that what you think these vegetables into the aisle and it was actually taken a hit for seven days yet the vegetables they crashed lee is still sitting in a friendly because it doesn't need electricity. yes to guzman on the ancient technique of eastern creek wants to keep little cool in hot climates. thanks unto the son kieran modernized it today he speaks to you if age is exported to sit in countries around the old sprinkle in inflation is not the head of the puppet tool that these mud on the navy's chief minister and that the zodiac percent the doctor would take monday and today uses mature my students. but the design input a much higher. he did the designing been since august. designing been since august. affordable. new employees dozens of family dvd as a member state to kuwait is more glorious than
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vehicle brand. the new changes brought the full push a while. also accolades from around the welcoming breaking the shooting of phone tag is a new subaru when watching it happen again. he and most fall for him to know. he and i would imagine that you would as a division of the aisle getting the secret to me mildly snail meeting all about the only thing i like that any human should be a good job. hurry hurry and you have fifteen minutes to give an idea of ie click the i'm right at the end of the canal can anybody give me any mind to an insect. the density data due out tomorrow for your mind it's a non magnetic a big day now says that that had guessed. the bigger problems than it had been in just a few minutes the nineties of slowing. it's often shortened to obama's close to my down time
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writing was his idea inside it. the four wheel drives and at the time that a western name. everyone clapped for the if you whisper you too would separate the pieces presents home team looked to be disturbing thing to still manage to clear the bonus nineties the band guided by pumping the bed. that in mind all i can die by dag bits that day. yet the man reading she will come to some successes and chico peace and youtube i may not find it by now you will have triggering inflation every night and continues to be the right. howard was asked in every scene he's in secret it's not really a grassroots level. all the way to
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the very top. in two thousand when looking for to mention how a scotch and i just watched the men and construct a ball bouncing souls. it was designed to be the world's cheapest car and succeeded this fall with a price tag of the eighteen hundreds trained replicated by general electric the portable electric ideas and count it among the pieces seem to be teaching a section that close to the task of listing went away to attend to now the heat's least thirty shiny bright and sunny and mild your blog to me. a fraction of the ordinary course. in return. not one of the mice i pray file examples of sprinkling of banks and have
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the technology issues out here is that the applicant and sent them out one of the beholder nice to me that directed the traffic the secrets of a lot of success. he's beaten to breach nazis considered as much a financial accomplishment as a typical monastery. the total cost beastie five million euros or one tenth the price and acetate. tracy mummy she conducted shortly i'll stop letting anybody before the object in august of last saw and mission. this is the cheapest. this is a fast and anybody that tempting to reach maths with minimal mom on the proportion of women and the guy moscow cushion that is fourth in the system is being maximized slutty to tp. so we have been so fun they were tied to the request form and with minimum expenditure of sudan doing more with less and it is the same goal. this has reminded his innovation by the now made it back it's heated brings together
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the crossroads nineties collective of intermediate units. let's make it to market. inventor. it is though it was light of the sets and the word that enabled the teapots on and covered in bits made it a plus but it is due when the pentagon the neighborhood the animal rights in any of these marks on the titanic this doesn't mean anything no financially. he gets a second he didn't jot the gators my behaviors of our club nights getting or not. rules and conventions more than six hundred and two final. the sunday before moving to stitch stitch making these homes to finance its bid to buy from them for themselves what they mean by that nobody would be do we teach wealthy but as saying but life seems often to discuss what their baggage in unbeatable enough for
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the fight to get back to say i'm boxing. the source. so they combined for a long day but local people. nobody. you can give us the donation march. probation so fun went to knott's cooperation. bowen said he supports. no one ever thought about buying three fumble. the indians seem to have a complete your talent for triggering the nation. i think partly because they have other budget has gone to one of the list of semi humans strive for the boss so they don't emit less. get more out of it. kitty and onion approach. dani was extended to let his light sold through betty is the venue. twenty seven says that about two mm but it also means that i'm the smartest or the boys a spot. the term ended in june. the nation in the face of strange and striving for growing as a shield i'm still in its
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interactive content. well beyond india. sandra's house while he played for multi award winning defines after watching his dying climbed up the struggle to irrigate his crops. i was in sydney as the swiss internet and i was thinking that i must use is imperfect analogy. i saw the invisible most of the fog was. invention and mobile based remote control for water pumps. it's known as nana gayness. there's a simple ui is electronic device. along with them all but one inside. moments when it sits off to school. by putting these more miles long ahh weekend good order. what a poem from a distance. so this god has been established now. to know the camp in the woods or perform in a time and it isn't a listing of war from the dawn. so saving off you and want that kind. it's a big it the tv to find him a long journey to and from his home several times a day. often at night
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i couldn't i get so into it since installing and then again she's not science lessonf port. he's had more time with these and add honey and bread the third debated or not but i don't have to go again and again to feel that i'm the only one of my own. or even from here at home. i can just use it. how i am. i just did he say if this device is activated. it's a peek into the change of my own lives around the web. i think he's bored. he thinks. stop reading right i am. see the detail. off. and. i know
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moon. you win. the road today from friends twenty. a live debate on top of the day one day concert at seven pm optional. i chopped off. and all that don't. to find a way
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to stop and a squeeze play the process. you wouldn't want one the eye. yesterday state controlled government headquarters in kiev as a crisis deal fails to appease radical state threatened more violence if the president doesn't step down. not clear who's in charge didn't hear the president has left the city for these for the country or regional heads are meeting to mold their response to the crisis. in the hallway and not the complete set is sitting out the door outside where we live in villages like him in this whole ws


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