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tv   In the Newsroom  PBS  February 23, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PST

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shea. this lp in british courts that he came from behind the three thousand who really would. one goal the first time in eight years. the bush king queen kenyan ups were to talk to her last olympic games as now
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we get a frog i don't feel up all the excitement from sochi russia. reports and his son had to search on russia which has been we can rejoice that is open to over the canes to deliver to some key scenes too. the whole world went wild over this so too good for wimps. and because appeal to become rich we have high hopes and expectations. come talk with her kids which will take things for your sleeve twenty two. it looks. report cards and you brought us some good tips. i did on tv is now available across the us the satellite service provider directv. until now i don't eps in the end of the mobile and some parts of the cuba. but last year. he was chosen as the first korean broadcasting station to the attitude to read the piece of interest
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program mine. service began on between twenty. roos who work in the united states conduct of mine and delivered the next. im hoping that this will be a stepping stone for spreading the korean way. one is korean dramas and keep up to reconvene this it is labor unions a family separated from the korean war took place over twenty. after a new link me up afterward. i did on tv reporters covering the whole event the preferred to his teachers. the weekend in seconds. when you went to slp till he come when it comes to deepen for the first round of the two years. and bonus live coverage but to more than eighty south koreans were getting ready to go to the north toward the she also captured the whiteness and excitement
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of the protests. on the twentieth recorder cute young runners coverage of the significant the union of separated families which will be held at the mountain resort in north korea. fourth reduced from twenty two. bbc north korea's movie that are separated from us. all reporters will review all the details of this meaningful event. until the snow the thing. she performed since. what you ask the us. who wants answered this is why people do to beat the colts news correspondent. how would you
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lead units. gratuitous about the realities of what it's like i don't eat the so called news correspondent usually office workers are chained to their desks doing this time of the day. but she wonders if the future. she's a phone for me. i know ill is hammering on the door. which is all encompassing the day finally the text. you don't pluto. boots. he looks great or something else that cos she wants attention. lol in the middle. one unique for a
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total of less than criminal when my little online and you don't. that may not solve the climate. it's the fact that this movie was made by the seoul metropolitan government to approve the known directors. call you can. is he. you want to know. i got really wet. no pattern. it was topped with him. toll on our long term and i have to sing and
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laughter from the cash it has still been there since phil coke to everyone. she's become and i'm ashamed i was to me by. this includes an interesting images that i didn't deter the new me. i don't think your question by citizens and visitors. and it's not about to read and it carried the past week matches to help people. i can live their lives are still nights and there are educators to reassure the poet. i made a lengthy think i am exactly that. a lot of people have two different images of school. in an awards ceremony is held for the participants percent in the video clips the round twelve thousand video clips came from all over the world and the reason diverse twinge of recipients as she wanted us to view
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their stories to each of us not that bad. the city in the midst of us soon. well tuesday was a happy day. also may view is worse chosen. i'm going to say was a surprise because one of my cutie showing something not very nice about so we're sorry. i said when i sent to die so this one can of green licensed as an interesting choice because it could prove that they eat. they were weeding to choose something that is not especially pretty but very interesting about this exceeded its always changing. ji won is also drawn to a foreign couple friends and he needs to win i'll pick you up. as for whether or not. so why should i decide to participate in the project and how does this tell about it. stop by innovation showcase a chair rachel connecting the refitted be a great idea she was pregnant at the time
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very thing. and soon we started taking some video and i said maybe this has tended to this meeting so i was one of the tactics. he's made in so. so it's a graph from there. as for this entire movie. it was wonderful rather coaster of emotions and we were glad to be a part of it. chela disperse the steely alleged that the sky from a french i could stop me happy d a professor at every element of him playing in sight. i'll show the fisticuffs holy and he was surprised himself because he thought. and this tedious today she couldn't consider that because it's not something very picky about colic. so i get my hands on some types because that sound like clearly shares that this camp roddick share something that would normally would expect and the show ended and healy lays out his couple are
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living in seoul who assured me that there's a person all the years courtesy of eric and eating them. there is to get a child and so on i think this couple is having a good soundbite was a postal anyways. they'll connect still am packing up and console. so i tend to choose him and he leads her team is very different aspects. she won the moves quickly to a different area. he has a one on one interview with the producers of the movie she gets to meet famous people in the open auction for some of the perks of being a coastal news correspondent. owens was going on. this includes the line. we have more contests in nz. i'm soo cool
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the cougars to a double because the tomb. it quoted walked up to you. for more than two or so. just think you could squeal. this whole scene. for all carrick is among the dead. that it was an endless. and that was to do a student in and get it i'll call him. i want to complement of youtube. that way. we went to the wedding and will. while. or at least
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in on him. there is also quite so soon it was you up tyson and the next time. oh heck wants to achieve. know what to do much. all the cool tool for cultural course on a patch on reports and tells us how we can watch it in a statement. the first ever craft stores in downtown seoul has just kinda nice i had ten duke said he wondered if the kids and the more historic and complex aspects of the cd only to buy the backs of the people and carting home the message of the article has become the master system itself which is peter's the soul being back on the air sweden's cliches in the night's show. even military times self
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protection team. the opposite times of happiness and its main use is fleeting. after tends to be most needed. kind of painful comes again and back. a few shelves so i wanted to share. delmar in each regional. the guest writer film and it was seen crying i went to shape my view is that you don't to get out in times of packing list is coming along even though you are in the midst of her she was news coverage continues in an exhibition the exhibition has colic prior to and function of korean traditional march evening. it's a small scale exhibition. the captivating tube. it is because of
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the one here is a gentleman named robert moore who was a collector of korean traditional. john was going to listen to me not to let it carry an arts sections and you do. sure certain things particular. our natural spontaneous and me to be used by everyone including the court. most humble people in a major london different kills them. they can be very good don't they can be just ordinary things but very good things as you see in this gallery. are special and that's what attracted me and that's why i've been devoted to it. tell us a little more about it. he actually stayed in touch. why are you like try to correct answer. i think some of the arctic which means that you choose to stop the kids that job
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alone the need to beware of money about the sixties yelling through the tickets and a vest and tie. looking around to collect the items were added to resume in automotive sales. marissa goodrem in humans. chase scene around looking for korea and iran. i went to the missionary home is ireland to diplomats homes. i went to auctions every antique stores or any place in every listener might have something intervention usually focuses on the art pieces. she won says that at times she's drawn more to the people dental appts people and called for co existence to us. i was very interesting to hear. he's just one expects to return from the us during nineteen fifty in korea. i've got spring he began to realize that the beauty of korean art and to spend the day to
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correct our curry and art teachers still. for the past several decades he has spent his life correcting are hundreds and thousands of korean art pieces and was now one of the most well known western collectors to an austrian art show at first i went to meeting your needs you. listen to stories and healing to me that in one article. in our shoulder and snare sound i hear is i'm not very familiar with. on the korean guy. i thought this might be an interesting news article. second please she visits the rugged big thing. approximately a hundred artists broke down the periods of time the genre he got together for a large field craft speaks of. she won tickets to see inside
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this march. it is. i know. i teach. worst of all cheat and lie. this is just a little pork lease which evil the us news correspondent. she needs to develop and i can see top pieces that are both impressive and of the story attached to them. the one who is only a month. for those times. i've been so nice to
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do with citizens are among twenty one. you will tumble but i want. it's been done with it. on the list was not going to do. studio. tracy ca ching you want to go see she is due to its diligence. have you rest. we had to attend to share stories. they can carry it for some unique aspects of korean collector. chill for a that's because we can't lose two exhibitions both of them i deal with pakistan korean oh collector. so i thought that's interesting because people eyeshadows can react do not normally she does touch of exhibitions in their countries shoulder when i cut machine produced in my stories is when baby the show the curry and collectors beauty and uniqueness to our feelings for coco correspondent up to one s more. only. she wonders
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busy most days if she tries to one covered different sectors on iran. she finds satisfaction in doing what she looks. we do sth passion and sincerity. sean price all month why has this great passion for art collector and i hope i can share my house the list. i also hope that our reviewing stand. the more passionate about collector clutch it to me absent or slideshow wants. and these instalments on it. children's book my passion for an
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opportunist can be delivered the risk to mind the points for decor i have to do a better reporter and that the person that i haven't checked it be that actually some one or two during such a scary . laura. and. what if i'm seventy two. it is very comprehensive from. that's what i hear it's the most intelligent most. dating so
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what are some of the eye of the possible conflicts that can be in there and ramifications the establishment of criminal and i'm seconds. in. the it's an outlet not scripted was back to the violation can expect. i'm against milton keynes was more serious crimes it's a fun this time on its national who now chairs the commons motion is the crux which is what he's done. the important thing is what you love the muppets to happen here. all that has been a week. yet for most of all his stuff is not just in before the defeat them. very very concrete holding out on the twelveth pick in over ten years discussions were korea's national assembly to pass this very apt. sprinkle
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the dry facts on what they bought the ticket because with two counts and if he went. as in favor of establishing tips that will combine with the opposition are. but with more on its belief system and its baking cups and then so i was no consensus and in the national assembly but not with the kids so i'll be the opposition party that now's the time because of the train connection with the in and out snowboarding typical camp is that it's not really cannot step in. if you were conscious of how the photos for free in yet that's to get that works and is so complex problem as the police report with more focus on human rights and the civil and political rights that come the opposition parties to the concert in hopes of people prizes. because the people in treatment on people's bikes. i'm pretty much my view human rights
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this incessant crimes against me because the kitchen eating peas had to purchase fifteen per cent in the first place. but because of expense and a bit more this time that has been entrusted to us. this is what you get to hold her own. for someone and think this is all wrong and false the two thousand less likely to lead the prayer meeting but we think it might be all fine but we're working on a shirt and it was calm and asked if we pass this law. it was not effective. it's the fact that korea has not offered as a consensus on what is being done in the mosque where and what should be done. i think that's fun. i love her
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the us. and executions of the state's south. topic a few before. well personally i think it's a piece he dug them out the two forge a consensus on how to deal with it. her office. ch. it's been
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the aye aye. eye. each the us. it would be too weak to walk walk. dying. tv entertainment. shortly after the two turnstiles in
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the ocala. she should at that for more. what can she afford it. i have been lucky we get more wood in korea. if you're content to let it go i wondered. high. this is why santa. next comes the next step and fetch. that was east. though. we can win peter. i do. you couldn't do
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it you'll want one. the tour continues through whom we preach to you. corporations can screw you the team to some. she says when all she has to cope nation. what a lot. it was the catalyst for letting me add to our ceiling due to the team. in addition to his yum. there were no kitchens. hum which occur in
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the new computer. he is. when terrible. does he need anything. jason being the paranoid here. well overall. she lifted from one hundred. i will forgo due to the senate i am a he i been best of intentions is one of germany's influential contemporary german photographers. or are they that be. germans and all levels of society. his work covers the period from
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the end of row twenty three it would be in education. so it sits the range of german society and how it has changed in years. each day as well and people in german society. standing before us and hide the dvd flights but the greatest of the people and yet also in comparison to history at times. she is significant that humans were all good just what is. it will stand here and find a page that they felt best for themselves and then just it's good to take the kids to what i felt it was ready to buy it so i can tell time that series it is also. people just want to be seen in history. these are the best
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in jeju do. here is that it's worth it. sailing just are the sheer east and west are people everyday life working at a judge the trio on it again with a bow at a textile factory the other are people find it. if you are in the photograph as a result the guitar also smiled at the trinity just needed to fill the inside jurors and eight. with that of other people. the people gia not always where they would only see it. leo and japan but isn't it so that guests should ask the people. only
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t problems of everyday life that is just too good to you will you the eye the canterbury will welcome senior teams and were coming to you from tied to the listed years in pretzel suspected to have you with us and his bubbly happy today britain house alarms no washing service helpline brown's wide deep sea fishermen are coming under pressure. lance collins as fairytales like to be the most part. for several weeks now britain's headlines have been dominated by the city of slots. since christmas the south west of england has been affected particularly badly by


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