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tv   RT News  PBS  February 23, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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the eye. twenty fourteen winter olympics market with phenomenal athletic performances and two with an enchanting spectacle the night sky is so cheap sparkling of the world's eyes tuned into the breathtaking those instead. with the olympic flame. having been extinguished it would back of the competition record breaking achievements and top notch support for spectators. in other news ukraine moving closer towards living apart the opposition dominated parliament appoint its own acting ministers and presidents of the gop's refuses to bend to its will over the head of state
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nowhere to be back . i did not go on as a very good dad to you with us. the twenty second winter olympic games officially closed capped by a spectacular closing ceremony and fireworks display and review all of all watched the organizers promised to punish oh and they delivered it and poking fun at themselves over that one last spring that was an open up during the opening spectacle the ioc president personally thank to russia for the games adhesive lived up to expectations and more. it was a memorable and pics with plenty of new records and celebrations but also a heartbreak. congratulations to the winners and participants especially the russian home team for the late surge to the top of a medal count. we've been busy here at rt putting together the best and brightest moments of the games our team in sochi presents feel of paper
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the sensations while russia comes to mind that andrew will cover them with him in a fuel stop in a fight with ie holland's the netherlands the dutch ninety one drink sixteen medals table with my life. i got a gold medals all it's the state's minimum of eighteen and one sports car and if so the punishment you i guess i got with a little team title at twenty three days been speed skates and on the other one came from don't ya so it's constantly on the other respects not the color else could it has come from somebody that doesn't define the dutch nx one new generation of russians that we see these in prices in the new generation do well also and thanks for talking to his studies in the opening of the optional activity on a real estate is on the other side enters the fifteen year old keith scott he felt one student who retains many people deny that such heights gone but
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something that ends up putting the best performance of her life. and she is russia's first woman ever to win to his kites and don't mean to feature events the antics of my season ahead it'll take on new machines to enjoy that because four years ago i think wild pigs from a restaurant. vodka. mason on a fantastic night of russian law school is because the american narrative from experience that they got a russian pop stores. what the cabinet with the story of his position as a muggy night initially he wanted funding he couldn't get the funding needed to be restrained from america. rashi taken the auction but they said that the happy about the russian citizen id that you can marry a russian built for the viewer becomes a cycle without making anyone becoming a doctor a happy life. pray and love them and they went to get the full side boasting an arranged marriage and respect as in the midst of battle ready but he mostly homeless likes think she got a bronze medal for it. and it around for
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victory on sunday. this after reading the directions taken to the tribunal before i leave them at night to watch the show i listen to on the final as the myspace agreed on easing the century and played well under way to go to the concrete story says he fell at the direction that happening street scene which meant that we did not seem that the toxin in a rush he said. if you need another country to represent a wee out what the people of funding and expertise he needs to have it down from russia's point. i don't know if we go with a cracking read next. when a student in the pipeline had to do to make it see the old willfully on fb and on. do we. i love to take back his old friend into his eighties when kim beazley weekend and i can speak and what he has become the next step directly into thinking that because during his time in so she picked up two gold medals. which means he's not all that eating thai food. i have a six olympics that's amazing. then of
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course i cannot talk about seeing him russia's number one number one and this is the main reason for many others in banking before you and everybody was safe disappointed to stroll it was a lot of soul searching because they enable three gold medals that was their worst performance ever since the four of the soviet union full of wonderfully ace and i put in the past performances the four of the soviet union that call thirteen gold medals at night time is rushing caught more than last release directed towards the end though that may dictate a pretty day to an article about that says whoa it's hard to say but i think i'll also be found. school is anti human. the preparation stage wednesday night you go to the groundswell of hibernation yet. you'll fly an idea seventy percent of the people watching in a thing. woke up to seven percent were russians themselves i sat up until friday so it's about the big wild on the eighth and that the day he needed to expand to twenty pc stake beyond its reach to go home reach the final beating and he carried on and could say he wanted more than the other guy go. she's also
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the spacious catalyst it can be argued that said the gullible than it deserved and eight from west instead of a gay rights to hunt a plate of rulings by the judges and referees of the games in this and i think of the busy nothing the biggest controversies of these olympics joins me that on a typical top five and i said i was saying that such has been surrounded by more scandal than any other olympics a recent study clue why is it a little bit didn't eat someone in texas are best at ninety nine problems but the olympics isn't one of the number five i five is still pink. overall the kids were very clean and fresh mentally tackle don't see him they didn't happen just lately because the latest technology can detect the smallest traces of any kind of substance pot. we had a german by athlete whose results were known to be had by ukrainian skier who was caught in her sport discounted an austrian skier fact was banned from today's test this morning fifty k on the cross country ski areas right breast of course on
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the podium in that. and then the most recent war hockey as well as the hockey player will be sanctioned for his results and tonight in the gold medal game a swedish player wasn't allowed to play this was just breaking news a couple of hours ago because of his doping results. also the full number four is now it was one of the biggest dive criticisms coming in well played at snow. all of the major news networks showing the beach down here no one bothered to show the beautiful mountains we have to see our fat away the snow is here. was great weather lots of suntec to create a bit of a frozen trying to pull this look so blue in short sleeve version is shown on this day many days that people wanted the ioc the rest of the completed the certificate for completing her during summer. but the snow was last seen. we had a lot of false when it comes down to the athletes and the ioc was very happy with. with the conditions there was a backup plan got a couple of fog delays but overall everyone skis snowboard on
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the second snow of the three number three is lgbt youth versus the yen that he is eleven years on heights that debatable whether or not it should be number three but let's have a treat tonight because it was a huge scandal leading up to the olympics it's in the maxima during the olympics got to work any kind of instances purported of discrimination or any kind of promise for that matter. i spoke to many many athletes scores of them that were very happy with the way things went. i'm one of the basij a big issue when capt sometimes the world cup was about as illegal as of course to course mk six is over where we'll be the critics go now had her sanity went to kentucky sailing and much much more severe. it was there concerning coloring station and city mention though ironically the same time as these games. all of that the noise about about russia and anti gay laws in the united states now resort to zone out during the games
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the law was passed which basically allows anyone to define and cutting service to someone on base on their secular and tasty because of their religious beliefs to disappear into two that moving the goalposts hundred sioux hockey that i think it's fair to say the most exciting nights of the olympics the usa vs rocks out of course longtime rivals goes way back to soviet times really. i'm there wasn't all that was there would've been the third point could've been a winning goal for raw so they scored. i according to international hockey federation's if the goal post office banks. the goal doesn't count the ref on the ground was american that is a problem for many and social media but up in the box. the ad be the judges who watched the tape did say that according to the rules that goal does not count the many unhappy rush defense especially on the internet get out most of the club's top the list i still ride number one media media spin leading up to these olympics
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we heard about. such a being held in a war zone about toothpaste bombers terrorists and terrorism terrorism of course that's no joke security was a big thing. i would read about hotels not be done notorious black water i insist no just a tremendous tremendous media coverage really not about the sport not about the athletes but it should be said that once the game got started it did become the top ten and that was what the organizing committee wanted to their overall satisfied hoping that so she could have broken some of the westminster style spy scandals thanks for telling us what you put a button the right you put them in this amounted to nothing. she is truly that didn't really break from the islam rivalries to a plethora from ten finishes the witness was forced to give it the role that identify themselves on the podium and the bank not useful skill to spend the day since i just decided that as i did tell us about the pipe full of first moment it begins its second thoughts
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about to the intensity of the competition's the people taking part in it. yes she really is a fine ladies in at between six cents on friday a football this joyous mind means that we sing spare a thought for those athletes who have now really missed out some success via a fraction of the second in some cases the margin between six x the idea that we enjoy and dispatched by sonar that even the latest technologies consecrate the competitors take resemble the women's downhill skiing for the first time in winter and in its history the gold medal was up to the sheds to meet jason and tina maze looking identical times when even a piece of tracing paper could separate them when the men's platform must offer to multiple taught was going for some t hat trick. he was going for his coat made of these gangs he threw itself over the line the desperation that was now in the stout upwards now he edged out in the fight to finish by norway's and though a policeman center not to expect the full top on who can forget one of them all humor sa climaxes and
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finishes to any racing winter olympics history came in the men's ski cross not the fault in fact it says three of them felt the final jump they will solidify the line in exactly the same time in different positions in shapes on the ground. no one of them knew exactly what was going on site as we celebrate the sporting success his appearance on to just take a second spare a thought for those who do i not only missed out by a fraction of the second goal is is it raining hard work it comes down to the blink of an eye because not all the contents to stay in sochi were expecting to compete for gold. no context is here and so she needed to fight a finish to determine the final position in the standings the rules. some athletes sochi twenty fourteen and was simply about taking office take some cooking dinner is actually the cake that is commitment and sports highlights by his training regime. winding his way down
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to stoop down tracks for tossing going to minorities along the way. no one stood silent. yes he may become thirty seven to thirty nine with a hint use more study following accusations of corruption. indian and the committee was suspended by the higher seed in two thousand and twelve. was it did during these games. you can shape and could finally compete and installations wasn't it a lot of rome was expanded with the flag of india which to me and mom to many people but bowman on the road. but to know that so far. that's a testament to everybody. and the one thing to do it. one of the more colorful characters that these games was preaching but this would lower it the fifty five year old is a descendant of the four mature memorial to the state. he's also a way to top it off on the pop star who goes by the name of oil to sell stuff these are his six hundred
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pics too much knowledge abt skis the mexican right. he's never won a medal. maybe deserved gold. the pl. fry the rice. they should have hired a pr person like me to make good of the art of war i mean you know it's a great way to get on with all of the cool bananas. it's pretty cool. it's just the positive life over to europe into a magnet to listen to. and in the test debut in these games would have been on the wings in the luge to his real name minds as part of a sponsorship deal the changes name to not have an underwear company. he told me he was three nine for the sporting prowess. divide in white cotton and a wooden panel what names and say i think is the most important thing than a tripod and train rides again. does any winter olympics complete without the jamaican books leading the main attraction for preston finds great in there and funds to compete missing a connecting flight losing
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their luggage on coming second last. still the dump and the hearts and spirits proving that in amongst all the sporting excellence there is still grim the sports to be fun. fool's gold. i've not seen such a thing. the ons i was a bit inspiration for these games because it seems that we take upon themselves to enjoy the experience of the photos from wacky outfits to some free soul vocal chords as well. the league takes to be remembered as cherished the seventies martin andrews reports that the standouts from the crowds. we'd just seems like it's not as passionate die hard times you do anything to support the chosen country. this array of characters. i had to go to consider the tf sports heroes to some it's taken two months of preparation
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the position that an impetus to finish it as soon as it was announced that the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics would take place and saw she started getting ready for her a lot of things i prepared for this helmet gloves posters flags. for others it's the first time in a set of free space in extreme outfits of the only accepted for all that i am spread the love of the fuel inefficient so she's been on a stick. it is the great night. it has been a great time. gratified that the kids all did feel a call. their bodies friendly. for some teams i was house located inside the lid podge is essential. i instructed him to see him walking ten thousand. i was coming here every day. sharing emotions issues discussed were ceased to race and was taken to his life for a nap and told me a
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long time. well as the rescue team and bob thinks his gold gold. what better to have you prayed about taking in here in the rush to find a house that also carries other locations where you can pretend to participate in various when tapped on it explodes. others are invited to participate in physical conditions. courses on to compete to try to hunt some olympic sports equipment it's also told truth squad is told from hoffman pics when it's late. one hundred and fifty sporting champions from previous games with guest appearances so far house is the day before or who are interested. like the games themselves. it is to give a extreme crimes included. really it's less about living more about society to embrace the sport he died. even if you are dressed what entries. so she said. the reality is that the amazing closing show so quick i just admitted it was
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a really strange moment when the fillet and extinguished the usual intake flag that had such a journey to get a resort low lights up with the beginning of all the summers excitement you so that is on people's eyes are on the weaving. they don't merely touching the plan is not selling out. it's essentially the start of the paralympics this is what is that you know means for the live export subsidies over seventy but for now let's concentrate on a closing seventy s that it's really unfortunate but it's always tough because we were unable to show that all of us daddy was going on inside it because it restricts the end of the copyright rules. it happens like that every time within the pics is nothing new. however they were kicking. what's the deal as it was phenomenal. this fellow was very different in the opening center certainly just as grand. i can then went back through the deep breaths and history this time it was a focus on the eve of
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the story performing arts that we went to the various keep the bugs theater dance he was there just just that the very end. i'm very famous russian conductor conducting what the white house chorus of may. i essentially and some are saying out for looking beautiful fireworks ups really tremendous allied people work for lots of people crying in the audience people very proud but stressed that it's coming out on top of these olympics breaking so many records since its predecessor emotional moment when all come to an end i think people are generally happy but also that it's at right now kosovo's that it features to the paralympic ticking off of the seventh but also of months that last for just over a week of may. then just reminders asked about how remote the pupils can happen to the majority of these sites often with well there's a huge help that this will be the future of absence preston's did not. their
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worst performance ever. we all off. there's a whole thanks for that to the potty it looks that takes grace what is the top of that glorious yet. but to get cut you can see what he is the backdrop of a spectacular ready to be of great games the most updated on things and they were going basis but the resistance. world. it was i think. today they realize that they didn't need to read the play that well that means something very important since the four directions across the country. just what it will show very quick
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online. the supposed also putting up despite being so close for us to get the opportunity people are reading all the friends of the robert wood up so i feel very lucky to be. so to sochi twenty fourteen winter games are over the olympics provided unforgettable uninspiring sporting moments will be remembered for a long time but will switch gears now over to the news after the break stay with us. your honor i am. it's me again when an awful lot that. we all sang night at the traffic light thingy. it really calms
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me. guru. you know. i did murder in. am. the twenty three minutes past the hour now we're taking a look at some of the day's other top stories of course topping that list turmoil in ukraine after the most turbulent week in its post war history
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the country seeing a complete government overhaul since taking over the reins in the capital the opposition's been hard at work establishing its own order there are keys in the skin off as more from tia the situation here resembles more and more cool since the president's fled the city along with some of his supporters those deputies of dollars cost a dollar from opposition parties and they have been oppressing was like a freaking price of the leaders include oak one of the acting president and to be bad off a russian as the second official language in the county even though in the east up to fifty percent of girls living there are ethnic russians. i keep this going to the full control called crow the protesters the summer the former official said in a rested awhile i duly appointed one known for their fly right to you we sent it to say that events unfolded with the kids all have seen nothing. for more about how things went on and what's the situation if you like on the grounds that there's a report by my colleague arctic sea of ssp all was breaking loose in
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kenya on tuesday after cooper was receiving reached for the seven greatest capital was plunged into the worst climate system so far homeless hundred dead the central streets of one of europe's finest he's looking like a war zone and straight shooting for world stores including our crew what we have now is that you have to read the cow had elements that we have the ready come all the mini ten small banner which is somehow spirit and that prevented by especially sad to see two using snipers and so on. which is no one told me that by the bed in the hope of the sun knew that by the way it's the tyrant we saw everything went out of control just two days late it was that all it didn't seem to resonate because concessions yet i hope we can only lead to an opposition led government and agreed to
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a parliamentary republic the four greek war of the film has gone by he's the president does not buy any. golden arms. i just wonder. woolworths added the words nothing that the storm. will the police were gone. the report is completely lost control of the capital. residential district building which is to be people be the most protected governmental building in the hope vi of the biggest fights in the stages of the protests happened yet. now if you can see we are taking on an extension it is no longer controlled by the police of the government the protesters have opened by this building as well this means that the sea of which will never get back out as a pest. reader has retreated to the east of ukraine with our defiance even after receiving news that parliament seems to recognize him as leader by an overwhelming majority and announced an early election soon as it is an old that is happening now is the most part to spend the least crimes. this is my strong doing it. i will do everything to prevent my country from splitting up
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the stuff that lunch we went from bad to worse. parliament resumed our normal human emotion to form prison farm in relation to the downtown square. yet the trend seen in the points that changed everything here and here and there is the best of this country has one who guesses are in high spirits into the distance of the country soon. so governments and constitutional power the twinkle in the country mix your shirts. these are the people who keep ukraine here's a map that shows you just how much of ukraine is refusing to follow key is currently the standard province is home to more than half the country's population regional leaders gathered heart of this weekend to express disapproval of what's going on in the capital. to date medical authorities are rechargeable political decisions on the ground in these regions. we have to
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protect them and we think that the central authorities are powerless and that the decisions cannot be considered constitutional but the ordering yet not the only thing people use of the country are angry about many say they feel abandoned by prison yanukovich after he made concessions to the opposition and fled the capital. i'm so disgusted by the actions of the president. philip even betray the ukrainian people michael but he told them it's the end. legal expert alexander were curious tells us that gimmick of each his own policies during the crisis may have turned as people against. i think mr yanukovich is a political corpse. we seen people in the eastern ukraine. saying how often has a big field on him. that was of the release today by the simple he was left of it gone to the regions which accused him of betraying the ukraine auntie he's an awesome display the team and he's made threats to his metaphor
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this includes the keys police ando him who runs up until almost the end and he cut deals with all positions. what quietly sneak out since the nineteen kg and no longer in control. all the crowds he has said he's truly seek the leadership is being dissolved this and i think that he's ready noise across the whole country after a short break eighty pill being has the least and to highlight in venture capital stay with us on our dinner. aye aye aye aye. is you. i am. judy cox the utah mother out of spite but an entire line of t shirts popular chain store at the local mall for you that you bought that was because she feels that the images of nearly naked women on them
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violate her local towns d c code. she wants to make it clear though that she feels the stores were to sell this type of shirt does not display an exterior window ultimately her plan is to return a shirt on day fifty nine of the store sixty limit let's hope for her sake they don't have a no return policy i bring this up because this is a great example of a non violent form of protest that actually works. it caused a scandal in war partly it will make the company lose a few dollars. technically the girls on the shirts are even fully exposed. believe me i checked early and i would even call them are raided the local communities have the right to be more conservative than the rest the nation if they want to be and is good that you think i actually did something rather than just sitting at home when they are coping about moral decay across the country. if the housewife was small mormon committee can stand up to them and what's stopping you. but that's just my opinion. i am you knew you when you win
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the us. eye. stallone is very warm welcome to the gentle key of g w twenty two crazy. these are all top stories of this and left. in ukraine a close confidant of former prime minister yulia tymoshenko has been named is able to read the president's going to quincy games in seoul she have officially ended. this point all people as winning the last gold medal. the seven game losing streak is over. the train stopped for the new coach is booked for a goal


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