tv The Debate PBS February 24, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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it's a nice addition we will see it seems and tomorrow night. guru long will the women the eye we welcome its time to do today for the second time in ten years street protests to force ukraine's russian speaking president from office. after last week's blog i forget the unbridled joy at the two thousand four orange revolution. this pro eu activists clean up the next year's independence square the keenly aware of the challenges that await governments from the brink of bankruptcy and a nation fearful of splitting into. in the crimean port city of sebastian cole sunday tens of thousands turned out against the ouster of victory and a covert some weight. russian flax. russia whose government
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has recalled its ambassador to care for consultations and which denounces what it calls dictatorial and sometimes methods by those who've taken over by a mere putting taking his distances with gannett co which after last week's violence. how he will ultimately react in the face of western warnings to stay out of it in ukraine today in a false and get to the ukraine after yanukovich with is to talk about it from jeff political scientist balancing yet cushy thank you for being with us. we also want to thank a bureau of mines and activists in reno based upon for being with us a french member of the european common household also last week met with some of the opposition members xena in krakow poland. thank you for being honest. and for moscow dimitri the of the voice of russia radio station thank you for joining the falls and gets to date to date where you can also weigh in on the conversation you have on facebook and twitter are hushed i am to
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four debates. before we go to our panel let's get the latest on the search for viktor yanukovich calls but gets done was herbert is acting she has. douglas what's the latest here. i wish yet and i found with him the victory of the cottage is maybe the week e g localized his whereabouts in a lot seriously ah it's gettin rumors swirling all over the place that is where that's the last thing we heard was really thanks to the new interim interior minister arson of a god who basically said to be somewhere in the crimea of the crimea being the sort of southern of southern part of ukraine which is ideal to third to rush the phone. i very much dominated by on ethnic russians in that area so for summer might get a call that perhaps seen as friendly territory and if it's not it's the it's the place where i see with perhaps most look because first of all you have access to the sea of detectable he already apparently according to reports tried to out
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getaway across the russian border in the north that didn't work he was up and we stop for me to boarding his plane in the eastern city of a tiny ants. and then drove off with the security detail now the latest we have is that out yet. ok he's somewhere probably in crimea but his hands and apparently dismissed his entire security de chile may just be with one or two very close aides very loyal aides given me after the fact that just about this entire country at this point including his own party has turned on him as dante and considers him a criminal and then in many cases of mass murder. i wanted man is he said. so we are using is anyone's guess they were rumors earlier today a basra briefly that he may have been on board a russian ship in the russian fleet is based in said that's seven still all on in the crimea but that was denied a ukrainian media actually called up to the fleet and they denied that the russians firmly denied that he is on their ships. obviously he had been speculation the company could go by tse be taken to rush out which are presumably
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would be safe territory although you know that's not sure because this little love lost these days between but you get the ten convicted of a coven of these men are not men who love each other anymore and patina is not this is rather disdainful of the way yanukovich has not canceled on things in russia's been rather horrified at the turn things are taking and as you said that considers the turn of events here to be up. i'm new to me in arms mutiny and a coup d'etat to victory on a cut which could be anyone like you can still be in the east who knows but he is not really given any sign of his whereabouts since a dairy of greek tv appearance in which he claims he was still the legitimate president. i'm that guy when it happened there was a coup d'etat by armed insurgents. you have a chance to go to independence square today. what's the general mood. you know the mood that ukraine is just emerging from a three days of official weeping and mourning and get you know we've been talking alot about the jubilation that the political turn of events
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but if you go down into the square in the past that you know forty eight hours or so. it's been anything but that you've had people you know teary tears in their eyes lots of crying lots of singing the prayer is tributes to the eye or what they're calling these heroes to the new chances glory to these heroes of glory the ukraine ukraine and the response that is glory to these heroes heroes being the ad yes we did eat two people who died after police bullets. in some cases snipers. they're basically in independence square here has been turned into a drawing i made with candles and flowers and tributes. i am the roads leading up to her basic clean lines and need just a carpet of flowers and tributes. it's been a very very somber scene a very sad scene and people walking around literally just paying their respects. it does is harbored many thanks for that update. from the kiev. i would turn to you first in the region and as cute. is it over now seen in
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my dung is it time to pack up the squaring go home. now that victor yanukovich is on the run. and lindsay mean the older the friday means antagonize his ukrainian though continues it was indeed far it's an excellent home. it's fair and it's not because that could have ten hundred people dead. today we commemorate them and they can forget them and he didn't find the tree and corey student known that any scheme that packs a two wheeler seemed to be judged to be under the treaty now the bad and evil and today he's crying money and guns. and of course he had heard today he had to look good to look a lot to be in the new ukrainian independent ukraine and dispenser of its input and ukraine is out for action and is created and conditioning system. and so the people who are still camping on the square. should they be going home at this point. i like to remind you that that guy and you need it
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to size and for people staying in va until the inauguration the president yushchenko and it's the looks i can do the logical consequence of the vents. i need to stay on until it filled in my bed to continue. the and the new bikini mass and moved as it sounds and begin the country that he had the new departure for them to you after a few more months then as the elections are planned to announce a date to leave okay a lot of you fascinated by where the ousted president could be you it usually is saying there are rumors unocal which might be in the st nicholas monasteries seventy km from the nets of bounty of the eco chic ideas is victor yanukovich whose whereabouts the main topic of conversation today. mowbray that i don't think he is interested know that two of these interesting to anyone a
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no no. keith barton said. did he strays her for his opponents eighties he screamed no. so now is to use personal story. he'll finish his life. zero o ne. he's not appreciated by anyone here in this country out of four realizing it the emotion than easy. he told me that one idea if he shows up because now the government. oh and the temp so called deputy president. the lacquer somehow all of the galaxy there exists in this facility but as to legality. according to cause diffuse and the need to head the president signs a document that she doesn't consider himself the president anymore so if he shows up. moved to the. it will be meeting that the legal conditions for further developments here
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because now from the fuel load legal point of view the government and the det acting president of problems from the deal opens it and it hasn't. as majority in central in lower western ukraine. the jewelry can be nice to see what is happening fall coming on this occasion indecent assaults is necessary to result. paul neil issues. all right government its legitimate not yet legal jewelry with that dimitri the bench. i love art. meanwhile melt the war. he go at it. burn it in youtube about a week mean that the oral law in new concord the organ. i think i grew up sleeping. the teen novel for that other than to
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be giving him that he would feel. i think that people will feel. i go on over. oh oh that thing. one has lived for the weekend. i'll buy it that in the region i love you. when will you would think he pulled in. i am we owe a lot of legal thing. no one on one album. they look like you can apply to you by it will offer far the body he is when the lord. they went working with wool. will you
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all the time the thing everyone. he thought he ought to go. she managed to hunt has been interrupted because the quality of the line is not the best move in to try to fix the quality of the line there apologies for that. but we did hear your point of what our goals rule is that of a fair point. last week. three western or three western european minister for ministers come. the broker a deal on a russian envoy there was a russian envoy to the folks in the decision was not silence the deal was not the ouster of fixes and so start signing the deal so the russian of a bean ball to the negotiations leading to his team which was signed by the russian envoy first second. he has to do was mostly implemented because it was real was on early elections was not a victory the dean kiely is not about the elections only to
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the festival constitutions and wishful means of constitutions and that's very important election is just the ones that one sentence in the deal and the duties mainly about reforming the constitution that one is not correct. it's to say that . what happened was only because of geopolitical because of cpu. it's the most unique of its boxy itself that was nice of you new coach and tone to the heel position soul. and as it did change a flower. oak is treated in the parliament was done. by the chains of majority and connie form from the study and call each one cost you an easy and coaches you would describe it in the beginning that was left alone. in a riveting tony's back including measles simple terms including security forces including the audi got all the people that supported him was in the structural color of a crane left him. so it's not correct as to
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the northeast and is very fact proves that mr yanukovych and the last foliage to miss you and yet looks all the tennessee by behaving like to do it when he shot his own people. and on saturday after the fall of the gannett co of a former prime minister yulia tymoshenko emerging from three years behind bars to address the crowd on independence square i like to do anything that would lead to a new lease of the key to the iraqi state will see the creation of the rain. i will do it with you. i did viewers on twitter saying ukraine from yemen coalition team mission call. not so sure it's a good idea of balancing character she is a good idea. to have a huge team should go back in the fall ok i am a speaker from my personal position. i
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consider that the president's speeches ihe present situation. the illusionist ution but it's not so easy to implement the solution i can't explain why i consider this. i can compare the present situation in kenya was the only presents movies and six jason in both people the media where for a new collar. the long stone evolution in the case. though they control the old colony in one of the politicians are talking about in the parliament. it's something which is superficial. behind them the masses of former fighters and will be impoverished people. cool with them for it. so the parliament can do can do only in books. these people the mom from them they can discuss within the previous exam. but in the end it will
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have to succumb to the city's two months. though. so in this situation when the new meters when new heroes in that it negates the worst i've experienced. very often they belong to a very old with ideologies of national socialism of the kind of peasants own citizens. all ready to go and you're awesome the physicians not tolerant. you must include isn't squeeze a very experienced and balanced politician who is very good relations with russia vaguely racist with the west. well she can scoot she can harmonize the situation and i can compare all i can give an example what happened a couple of days ago when you that you mustn't that came to kyiv just on the eve of that the nile acting president said the acting of speaker. i said ok it's time for all
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the automated cities use other words the people to them i dun do well. what matters. ok the os hopefully jason was good to his old the situation in a way it was understood that they want the petition of the two solid for most of them five and jordan when she came to my god she's so what is the situation that these people will never go away without the eighteen months to be met she said no you'll new leaders have to be built with the site. so to appeal was to the social protests so she is admitted to conduct those social book of the stick policy. she has a great sequel and it is tying the knot. vivid colorful who opponents are wrong with being the evolution of the oak was an evolution and if you're looking to many of you know that the opposition duty. what you're saying is the opposition on the opposition. now the many publications with judd is
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connecting disconnecting the consent of course say ok you will have a limited time to be on pensions and even a shoe that her cause her to come on demonstration policing old former foe of active politicians all who top civil servants do not have to be the bearer in politics or you just see it is a saying by the dean said but by some radical politicians anymore article some of these being the notion of a uniform and all opposition press barons who draws the eyes of the recon i do not everybody agrees with you. apart from the same hole. tymoshenko will not be elected. charity had many chances to create a better ukraine. the reno this about your thoughts come to be the next president ukraine i hauled it to be the only person first of all his unit us and this is a dentist and getting candy that and then defended she was in prison in nineteen oh one each. it's only due care and gives her a
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lot from my scope of the merits of today. back to aids defend these days i think that it's dependent on the next three months. local happened and hope to keep it to see a lot happened in ukraine. the problem of mine government used its heat and it is she an honest person is you say you use. she's been associated in the past with it with corruption. yes it's a problem that season. i can see the trend of old generation only teach an elite team. happily keep mentally keep women and then she is in the same generation into a tizzy iniquities and use the comp and a carry the problem is that the antichrist is this the cutest designs on stakes in ukraine land and people believe that it's been in default of the most incompetent back to there and steal into a lot of people to separate spent today in ukraine and especially on stage it is it's akin to my account and didn't play yesterday. ahmed also was in a new face review which could
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take the mantle. um well it's always difficult in these kind of transition is very confused in me i've seen quite clearly that none of your position he does the mm has a force people to mbeki go on to missouri to the people. he could get a full two new tools for school the unknowable your research but the noble to keep two of them will connect you to approach and the two of the sport and inshallah the gruesome communion and sold in all the problems with the icing and most ukrainian people to believe that. so that we might have them all connected approach and that was also the spirit is a demon that was broken last week was the eu envoys and the russian envoy which was a collective detroit to have and to his government and looking a winning threat to israel. take a quick break we'll be looking at how a deal can be implemented now going forward stay with us
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sites the r i. most american foreigners to be false and get to be to sample the stories will be falling for him at the top of the hour here on false been doubts to rest for a cause of ukraine's ousted president bush announcing the program and calling its ambassador we leave for paris ap the senate prepares for confidence both for its youngest ever prime minister thirty nine on the till receipt pledging to curb the upper house is ours. as part of reforms he would implement. uganda is present ignores his western donors and signs into law a bill that could mean life in prison for homosexuals. i know. call it. welcome back welcome if you just joining us this is the false then get debates with ukraine after
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viktor yanukovich for this talk about it from camp political scientists bouncing to the net to shake here the studio euro my diet does he mean at least the part that. french member of the european parliament. i don't don't don't just back from a from poland where you mix it with opposition in one of those working on the on the deal was brokered last week a deal was partially implemented the peak of six who insists that it was meant to be since the president was close to stay on until early elections and dimitri babbitt of the voice of russia review station and joins us from moscow glad to have you back up. dimitri. umm was a question that a lot of people been asking. these could be ukraine split into two already before the leader's crisis came to had three months ago. ukraine was split between a western ukrainian speaking part which voted tymoshenko in two thousand ten in the runoff for president. and to be and i was finally which was partly
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on stronger in empire and he stood solidly backed the attic on which the last presidential election. one of the article which is strong holds up to now the eastern city of donetsk which today you might say has the jitters thomas waterhouse explains things that black smoke from all the horizon. the new system shoulder to shoulder with coal mines of fullness and steel production for the sleepy its empire the industry is that the wearer into next. it's part two is still supply the nation. a witness to me was how their entire lives we continue to produce things that people even the captain was just taking every ounce of repetition now more than at the sets and locals say they are favorable to the country being stripped of it that we've been in a seminar thing that federalism ol' autonomy in some regions might be the fascination for ukraine because maybe he wants a war
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between the west and he's been doing it. the industrial sprawl of the net is barely a hundred km away from the russian border the region only accommodates the tenth of the hole with ukrainian population that produces twenty five percent of the country's wealth. in the city center better on the meaning of three cars that run the football stadium at the beginning of the nineteen nineties to the fourth to save the union several ukrainian aunt return has flourished. now million as close to yanukovich and his political movements the polity of the region's with the recent ousting of energy to these pro russian politicians think the answer in the president's move towards europe is a mistake his bosses to this island imagine you have to make this woman writes only laugh he can't be friends with one and an enemy of the other but we were just too stupid to get that though. russia's prime minister has already said that she doubts the digits in a sea of his new neighbor and calls the west's recognition of the revolution and operation between. i was also a new answer to that member of
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parliament there was the guy who said that to having a neighbor on the right to middleton is left in the e u he does it cost to the east the story right the ukraine does not choose between europe and russia ukraine used ukraine that independent sovereign. anytime you can have with the nation was most neighbors eu and russia. and what you propose. last november. he was not an the team or ukraine. he was signing the kind of a partnership agreement which was a trade and investment back. it was an awesome more in tune asked moses to ut against ukraine because russia. you're the author of the eu was not a contradiction wheezing ukraine's to working with russia. so i think it's the it's the rise of the presentation that the offering the train back to it to a country such as ukraine independent country
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again i was too gentle a small school. it speaks to rewrite the story. all right we have of you are telling us to debate is biased or ignoring the russian point of view dimitri of touch with me let me ask you to respond to what almost all soldiers said we have go ahead the dimitri i don't know what the thing add cumin oregano. what if i let it go. playing with the link the fighting the subject line. the light deep in the league. but
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the thing i love it. we would love to live. he got out of the world. financially when the indigo you. european union. it's been going a bit greener. you know that going fine when the euro. you sing in the siege of time dimension to the people around him wouldn't that you will you will. we like them i will be good for him. i only can work a lot you can they were. the lip thing he said it will go on. we thought it was going to do
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the problem the good life with little to eat. while ever had people with it the line i'll break it all the party. the club at the new one. click the get go but luckily it will be open the opening. we will treat you a majority it didn't. so i will also have that info to you only know one good thing i'm afraid that explains why so few people are engineer or a view to be calm again these new ball and the fuel dock the evening and mystified it is true that some of the far right the nationalist right he's
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part of the movement that said indian independence for the past three months. come home much do they represent the opposition. now i've known since is it and it's sad day very important part of the moment. well first of four and then it became denounce him on the rise in domestic politics he can cut the cake in the same aid to all the country and that ended talking about spring and maybe cause riots. it's not like ea and fittings for the color i'd scoop with a the people who have money in ukraine and it leads your eye teeth to prevent an ukrainian menzies for example it's j dilla tickets you need to find two that she can get when the same time. and bad e g as in this contradiction to the european union in brussels there is only some people who is four ukrainian and the thing that ukrainian european union will be the ones who keep that day and they add that we as his
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ukrainian and top as it gets soft grass and culture and its people their own denied them the day don't seem to get kids and most important sings the most important sense of the mind of its presidents to stop the player auction. its was bought and woman today. this is humble and it looks like a lot of eye appetite and stand because the people also fired into an egg in the nice people nice people who give them money from alana money from the nineteen bucks for my liking but tonight from the cops and they can become cheap and it's full of the fight for and not its not to demean and there i become a sinhalese to engage could be seen from rocks and i'm going to talk about the person who acts out the tv and then make a lot of time and talent of attention on their eyes. i remind you that you have always finding new base in ukraine. i mean on the ladder on some ability and a maniac and thundery ten days so if there is the thing in the dumps and unions can
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tell this country. nice and he carried on to our non human was in and out. so let's ask i need though but i'm i'm i'm in need of a decent amount. and as the other neighbors. outside of just a just russia but none the less known seen yet chic the up. in the past we've seen that to the russian government upped the ante at times the cutting for instance of natural gas up what you see is the next step the next reaction of moscow. but admit that in a house to the same questions we might call it it's awesome because i think kicking some that they were cool. ideally i'd be owen's eyes like you're awesome cool the floor somehow naive as my ukrainian call it. so as to who the essence of the present ukrainian devotion i may say that eats at ntu all
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the cupcake. and she can drop some anti ross and nissen of the stick. evolution and in a new toyota tm slogans up will be tested so. and in this case it's very important to make it not only academic that not only ideological but professor no idea all these costs. and i would like to cost. both researchers and see if politicians nor ideally the zionist hindu wins in rounds in breathing space for that to analyze why it happens quite nice tragedy in ukraine has happened. your guide to playing roster. my usual blame on me once i start with what happened. in the beginning the current s o b team and association agreement what it contains. i don't want to be an ideal insects. i just asked is your resource for example let us
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ask me says many independent experts. she will not be a light to any all fringe political parties who needs to be taxed and say he was trapped for ukrainian economy and for ukrainian of me that she be the simplest out some of the pro european to mr up till college has retained all his promises to russia and two russian speaking people here. i can develop one bit but it's not the time he wanted from europe to most things yet to lead his regime exists. don't touch and don't like you and you mustn't leave from o from reasonable hospital and a second he wanted you to be in financial means the euro was getting the knee was getting only six hundred million dollars for during long period when uk urgently needed much more. it also. one week before signing day. the team then he and his
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friendliness to read in august on what that means i'm there. yup that was between us expats here discussing now that he's dangerous something is real it in the illusion that you can get yours. ukrainian experts call the most pro european and national debt. i would like to ask you to him. experts let us start from the beginning please let us know in this research because it was this kind of policy you can lead not only to the situation which is both in boston and herzegovina with the same kind of boat again and nothing happened in this thrilling sight is a simple bow sentence including a did you want to have a say in eastern and southern ukraine which is steel industry lights no cost and docile but industrialized western and central ukraine in the that is old and he didn't just relax and ease of reading just to the west comes in. their ages here
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they are not committed to introduce changes the government was detained last month rate due to any serious the ball is his life in britain for example i've been researching this article in the minivan just an open ended up blood. it's our last kiev the ukrainian government said we don't have plan b only those signing big name and then there's frustration for all the people we want when people's psyches of the week on what's that. the stupidity of the government. if you can check in staff not to put you before you craig for your own as well. you have created though the problem here of civil war and not with updated results in the snow of the ants much. it's much more difficult. both problems may arise. you know again i react to a supine on this don't show weakness due respect peace agreement has been negotiated for five years. he did not happen overnight convenience. five years of negotiation so i'm sorry but if during the five
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years ukrainian experts oak one expects when the table to realize today was a couple months. he chose us to observe they were really stupid. because five years of negotiation and tons of time to realize. and i don't see all there was the first five years of negotiating with the idea of another assignment on his needs and you. i don't see any points was a call by reason of mostly ahead seventy nine ukraine absolutely no point so that we do we know the siding and humans was both made them into giving the boys awake so that i would like to stop to have these kind of easy comparison projection boasted to go now you get what i was talking about when to middleton grange and the twenty first century. when tolkien who are not talking about ukraine and soviet union in forty one. i tried it for most courses comparison the full two one what does it mean that using most of the scene with tariq sides in the cities where all this on his enemies with
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fascists. is it to waco. i don't know where to look. we headed to the west linger in the noaa report to the doctor and he loved going to a new kind of . the russian stupid to grasp to forgive someone and let them know they want is you really are two of them will today get better at night when the negotiation between the viewer the new ingham of walkway here everyone needs to borrow the european commission. or if you don't have a preference for raikkonen who he is no longer want to go to kiev. so whatever we know from the european oh and don't know why negotiations between ukraine and russia
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knowing he will be changed into agreement on a single dual role will be given to you praying to him and he gave them names will report back within fuel from these they use to teach us about the presence of the german foreign minister warning that a bankrupt ukraine would be cold too big a burden for you to rochelle for the eu a tune to it and there can russia and brussels still work together. our green or gray hair. director actor the european union has it that the russian record for letting us know. and when no one suggests that created that will begin with and if any concrete proof although it does suggest that have brought them more when you fall for each other the european dead victims included people i had a mongrel. as for the event is going to be that violate the agreement that they do pray that the european union russia have nothing to do with it. about these is creator who is playing the role because russia already had a free bagel with cream. so you're the bestest
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of fish the demon inside ukraine will have three great though when you let your average rock. this is something rotten. the doctor for the cause of ambiguity in the twelve years old the trio all the way to idaho. this is the reason why this agreement was still there for us. and why what has happened to you every one of the company or a doctor who because we did not agree to have a great day though with the uft and the people who have the faith though only with ukraine these border was interpreted by the new routine going and that's the pressure one who prayed at the table right by letting them with them and we have this propaganda campaign which the state. he just recently eleven hundred pm for the future of european newspapers. if you look hard enough for him. oh well why not let that happen in your deductible to the fur. we know we understand that for
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chinese in school and some huge t mobile who will do well against indians were shocked that he has to be frank and its b a and that's ok we can to roll i mean they're awful sweet between russia and the eu. there are every six months on it. so we have time to discuss with us until occasions to discuss what was at stake this time was a deal that was a crane negotiated for five years the ukrainians finally decided it was not in their interest to sign fine okay but in the tub and pasta are also a kind of a bike made from the school and have been resolve the country's top and weasel armenia. if you want civil exactly the same way so you cannot make as if everybody just call it that all the nineteen eighties. it was a long process ever seen was on the table there was no hidden data whatsoever slicing through a shop which is a very important cog in a week it is very important and tok till we have to talk together we have to negotiate
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the negotiation doesn't mean good enough to recommend all the time and it doesn't mean that russia should be ladies of the team all the time of the worldwide local fascist and i don't like the sweet or eat like a red chinese is besieged by old fashioned stand in for two one for his two great hits. it's ridiculous it's not the reality of today's world earlier the russian foreign ministry denouncing quote dictatorial and sometimes methods. the statement echoed by the prime minister himself the blushing in capote it was the cutest kid doesn't leave those agreements that comes disappointing responsibilities will be fulfilled. we are neighbors place nation's only counts if we teach about everything that has been signed house to be implemented. but strictly speaking today we didn't have anyone to negotiate with its new government in ukraine legitimacy of the entire governmental machine the things of that raises big doubts. station on him. some folks i knew it was a late
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push a summit in you. are on i went to the rhetoric demeanor would you think will be moscow's reaction what is most of it. i just folded it into a moment and in the alfresco and analysts don't know i am meek and just hold and then they can and russian polish and don't do that because the agency just had to do to get into real possibility. val takes to leave before it happened went to a new card is hungry the best in ukraine. i didn't know that the kids had been accomplished athlete happened and it's an idea that it's nice to hear the dollar to the handy tips are sheeple from my russian colleagues due to meet united can you see moscow's reaction will be the appropriate response from moscow to what's unfolding where is your typical outdoor current prime minister knew there were too afraid. it was actually a very mild and you know they
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don't know of any team can one expect from boise punishment which makes him any different from the eu all of which there are immediate as i prep an infection up a double poetry few of the fall of old signed a deal that they want to crawl up on him so basically i think the pressure that is what they want to brag on him. not a single arrive at the time being to feel the breath to go for it. in november although the brand and on and on the european tradition and the state of mind in the us. and victorian went from the state department that will get to the soulful protest. one rushing into it to them if anything worthwhile on the list of people here only been craving them from the ukrainian government. kuwait face of the soulful and one of the cast of style interface i am though i didn't actually look at the movie in your immediate reaction. i
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think the rest of the middle of the mythical will do more with it. but that he's been talking to the internet for the love in the industry. we ask that you need in these particular case. i think that when pressed again in december when it all with the only key to earn a parade the goal for tomorrow in print on the wall. so the state increases pressure in basic different for stuart russell told by american goma born in china by the american government want to dive into crafting time for the american government. we know what i will call for the team for attacks that were there were a few months back as well as that the issues in the past with with cutting the gas that we ask about the unit the unit when it was important the basis that they may you and your book you could look like appropriate pretty overrated and that you'll
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read before. at that critical the wrath of the lovely degree the standard because there was a pretty busy here that ukraine will open at top of the us internet that let you know who boarded the top of the internet that could be a concern for the guests good old interpreting in and pay for it for many years ago when i was hoping desperately to get them for what you are he said he had brought the open and fair to the stinking for thinking yes twenty s quickly that the west responses were running short on time. the us tv acting finance minister of ukraine says he needs thirty five billion euros facts that i do don't excuse me the spokesperson for the german government saying it's the arts through the ins of me to do this now a review of the stave off bankruptcy here. one little scene queen and is entering the postponement of the summit easy sure you know it's like the overnight the ukraine we get done for the crisis in ukraine is continued seeing
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the economical and financial crises in spots was the reason why people protested. and because of these systems is worth an economic system. for many years in human form of read before you know cause which is not the only won the game team that let me be clear about this entrance we were just talking about the eu has never met her. tok about sanctions because of the ukraine book signing d association deal the sanctions would only be mentioned. and sweat them after the visit was the clashes and we tried this and two people dead and people will show that the government's policies. it was almost blown off the extensions where there was no mention there was not sanctioned or before there was no sanctions and told his guests before that met her so it's not true to say that you would have sanctioned the crane into greater good of signs until you couldn't do it signs a deal too deep and it was dissension from
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you. we said ok you don't sign the deal is due on the table when if you want to sign it. come back to us. if you're going you don't and that's what's happened oracle going to have to leave it there is a lot more to talk about no one i wanna thank our power to kill those optional getting on the stoke identity to the bench for joining us from moscow and from a kit ballots and they get pushed. thank you for being with us here in the polls again today. or
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silly tv can be recycled as economical it's good to make so i headed to the seminal dc couple house. brittany on france's west coast. this pioneering couple decided to go. on top of the skeletal structure made of wood the cardboard twenty five centimeters thick. thirty leaders are bound together and protected with water resistant steel and effective
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material for installations and it can be re used some of its advantages that can be recycled seven times the distance is tomorrow a house destroyed the material gets recycled. he can be used to when you want. it's an environmentally useful material. it's all that cars can be seen in the pouring being tested here. and what doesn't. he invented to withstand storms and extreme weather. cardboard is not surprisingly cheap it cost thirty percent less to build a carport holden than conventional ones. whether in buildings or makeshift shelter. the material can be put to a wide variety of uses but it remains to be seen now with interest over time khan. japan's high speed railways for one nation one that was denounced it as
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proof the house. nineteen sixty four. the shinkansen bullet train was will's first place people. it's technology that allowed the strains to vomit up to two hundred and ten km run attracted attention worldwide the issue to celebrate set the maximum speed of two hundred and seventy km making the one hundred and fifty kilo with the tiff between tokyo osaka and just two hours and twenty five should you frequency of these core speed trains also continues to retreat. during the trip to russia no one train that leaves every two minutes. the news every two minutes thirty seconds. we
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strained but also reputation for safety to believe tone in his tube and it was between zero cost to retell it the unique japanese teachers to improve passenger comfort you can see that sweet little face the direction in which. i restrained became first italy's problems into increased. various new technologies were developed to combat it. the train passes to a tumble. it pushes the call over there in front which makes a very loud noise when it emerges from the opening to reduce this effect should the trains moment such sweetness. this runs smoothly over long been streamlined. it should say resistance by thirty percent significantly reducing
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the leaves. the major source of noise is friction between we listened to. pulling we'll cover that will post the pics speed rail technology continues to make the stripes march two thousand and eleven. to view them and teaching dance. i have this state of the art technology allows this new train to operate at speeds of three hundred and twenty kilometers per hour this is the clear teaching dancing. the ways this was achieved was to redesign the campgrounds. no pics. six in between. poland
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has always been a significant source of billings the shinkansen and simple perhaps one to two dollars and three. the city uses just two. the season. police told them just to keep the home the secret to the new designs. the prices on the lawn shaped like a canopy has switched to a point in history. to retain constant electrical contacts the single. i can only chew uninterrupted power. with the reducing its sensible the air. the site. we start making the passage of
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the train much point. i am liam has a resource for students to treat you the new blossom street on the trading tuesday. team spokesman point six. one of its extended itself is passages considered the greatest things. due to take the magnitude that he takes two tickets to a more practical study its critics i strained when he reported the maximum speed on a company to one kilo which is corrupt. so to speak to. i mean safe. extremely focused
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the bond streets be drilled into it continues to leave. i did. she don't shoot straight into coaching. outside a small city and to tell. some of the world's most advanced aluminum processing plants he walks the machine into any shape you can imagine using techniques acclaimed multi dimensional drawing didn't want to cook. regent street. makes you don't deal with everything we've been friends too soft drink cans she can or aluminum processing plant was shut down by the disastrous march which damaged its machinery and equipment. however christmas with teammate from the plant is now breaking again. aluminium tube stop
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making of the country's extreme since when has plunged into specialized unit the tombstone pizza for tea rooms and beyond. but that will always be some minute degree of distortion. after processing the tutors will become virtually distortion free. in two neat and fixed it the company developed its own technology to achieve its world leading position. cross sectional tolerance isn't measured in one hundredths of an addict when bruce's team technology used in this pond is known as the story the story is the heart of the going price. over eight thousand dollars are used each one producing to this with a different shape and thickness the two stalls are inserted into the doors and
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secure. your eyes are on the beach or practical is to stop the crime. going off to new limits distortion. it also changes the mechanical properties of the loop in getting the tubes great riches the accuracy of the joint processes into it by unique techniques developed disclosed to control practice such as growing strength and direction from the mountain to be thinking or what the result is aluminum tubes that searches for the highest accuracy requirements and one choose to come the rule materials essential for manufacturing high precision components such as camera lens. but also provide a quiet your ability required components like those huge high speed train. distortion free. with precision aluminum tubes for him to come the new zealand. leading
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interest in supplying blue comply with environmental change he's too with extreme to me to tune into to carry it through the three thousand meters below the surface to kill a policeman. we went over and says are essential to maintain a one millimeter gap between the two attempts on specific issues he bonded with each wanted me to link the two and a distortion of less than zero point three million. thanks to the decision of the students and their ability to withstand the freezing of fun dealing with smooth. cool to the first ever eight hundred thousand euro and lifestyle i am. some of the points decision to limit imports made it to a single interest in history to toe. this meeting is japanese to college. place an essential role in our everyday lives and supports manufacturing industries in round one. and
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nm morning will . yet the extent you are twenty four one p m in washington d c e i has and you are watching artsy america. after two weeks of fierce competition trying to feed and record breaking a race is the twenty fourteen olympic games in sochi russia have wrapped up with a beautiful closing ceremony on sunday the final medal count the two weeks of competition russia cannot on top of the medals for twenty thirty three overall including linda kind of thirteen gold
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