tv CCTV News PBS February 27, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST
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solution to water for farming hi this is our tentative and she was saving valuable and interesting. when mdm. the us leave for ukraine's new government percent of the people in here as the government to stop things like neon. it's like a bargain is to finally sit still for a court hearing got to the negligence of the government wants up to
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the program. delegations from the chinese might live in taiwan signed agreements on with that and the white on the korean cooperation twenty one members of apec he's been on the society its agenda and put forward george projects. all were warm welcome to the subtitle sixty three the new design was marred by getting the ball was stored for you shortly but first at least five people have been killed and thirty two injured after a fire broke out aboard a bus in the city of quite young in southwestern china's quake show province about fifty people were on board when the vehicle burst into flames around one pm local time firefighters rushed to the satan put out the blaze up to two hours. all the injured have been taken to hospital and that investigation is underway to determine what cole was the file. not to ukraine and reports eye on them and have
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sees the regional government building and the parliament building in the heavenly russian populated area of crimea. ukraine's acting president all incentive to cheat off has appealed for calm off to the report and seizure. the russian flag has been rezoned both buildings ukraine's acting interior minister has confirmed the seizure of the buildings but did not give many details clashes broke out between pro and anti russian protests is in the region on wednesday meanwhile in tn but no money is for ukraine's new government were presented to tens of thousands of people in cairns independence square cindy outset all the dots in your beef from the former prime minister yulia tymoshenko his posse received a mixed reception lot was said to have is prime ministerial nomination but the tone by parliament on thursday. president viktor yanukovich was ousted last week on for three months of
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andreas that were triggered by his decision to scrap approach the eu deal ukraine's parliament has put the any coverage on an international wanted list the murder in connection with the deaths of around one hundred people during last week's questions. so let's say get the very latest from kiev and the crimea away joined by now cos wanted to run iraq and the crew is in the ukrainian capital welcome rally. sorry it has a lot going on there again today we understand with the column and fun seeing all the nomination of the unity government. what can we expect set from my thoughts indian and honesty of the live pictures coming in but i understand the parliament but his voting now i can actually hear the counter other two being the displayed a large screen here in the square so that's happening now it is likely that that list of candidates that was put forward by the new parliament will get past because they have
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the required two thirds majority. again this was the opposition that is now leading the government the city is the new ice any continue with what was the head of that than the opposition of course leading of the parliaments of a member of his party is of course speaker of the parliament in the acting president only time that the channels on so there is at least the support internally fort that they came out here. last night to present their listen as you mention it was mixed reaction eyes of some hits and it even getting booed by the crowd and one of the reasons they say is you know we've heard these names we see new faces we need to change the system that was one of the central demands of the might of protesters who say they will stay here until the presidential election at least until may and eight on the twenty fifth of these protesters are very keen on seeing some of the changes and up and what they stood and it was quite important for these leaders who are themselves but not really united remember they represented different opposition groups that have now come together it's very hard for them to get the blessings of my dumb protesters at least one of us
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oso one of them has told the thirty odd that if this interim government if you will have their being viewed by dozens of old isn't isn't performing well these protesters will hold them to account as well so a lot of activity here he kept this morning. yes every one you were talking there we were showing some of the pictures for the coming through from kiva back to me sing in the or assembly of the parliament's i will keep abreast of that fight outside a kid from the thai government and parliamentary buildings have been seized in the crimea. what more can you tell us about the situation there. today there was the stand off their debts when i come in but to tarzan die and of course the russian speaking population there which has some of their sympathies lie with the kremlin with maths don't put in of fighting some scuffles over the russian flag. i've been in touch as make up about ten to twelve percent of the population there they are if you will an ethnically religiously different than the protesters
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here but they were getting some support by the by those in crimea. in it in the various cities there who are loyal to the might of protesters or so but some different interests there but we know that there was a seizure of the of government buildings are often in crimea and a band of men of interest in some sort of uniform identify we've identified uniform with a shield of protecting were now inside of those buildings so still unclear situation there. we understand that the us the acting president of blogs on the two channels of warns that any additional russian movement of any russian movement in the crimea of the arms of the black sea fleet would be perceived as an act of aggression zone is lying coming to us but here in the last hour and this of course is also tied to what's happening here in kiev that the new unity government based on the demands of my mind on protesters will not include anyone from chemical that is party of regions which is the party
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effectively that was propped up by people in areas like turning us all of this of course connected in a very critical time for ukraine. my cheque robbery and will keep in touch with your full story russian been reporting to a swanky evidence of bribery was mentioning of the activity in russia the foreign ministry there it's as if the tensions wise feather in crimea. before defend the rights of its compatriots in a strong and uncompromising manner the ministry released a statement on his twitter account saying that lonsdale human rights violations in you crying. brooke calls for concern. crimea is the on the ukrainian region with an ethnic russian ridge rc. so we can get more on russia's reactions to the crisis in you ryan. this time we joined the lineout calls on the daria on to choke in most car. i did aria decide what what has been russia's reaction to ukraine's new
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government's way of various some manners is sola possibilities of maneuvers to which of the d a new person was talking about school had awarded this or anything you can confirm about to back to take emma. developments. well of russia has indeed launched stamp the image a jail cell for the western pa doubled its army and it has been put in thailand to come but so far this is just the trails of russia says this has nothing to do with the situation on ukraine in ukraine and on the crimean peninsula. i know russia does have a naval base a large naval base in the city of sanaa still put them in the crimea on in and sit down past the keeper he only sent to twenty twenty four. now the dean of the ukrainian president has warned of russian troops were on the station said to remain
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within the boundaries of the territory that had been agreed to bounce between russia and ukraine back out when the lease was signed silk and if the russian troops own efforts to move out of the staircase that could be viewed as soda from nst on ukrainian state. so there is a very tense situation than. and as for the russian action has been so far but reserved and then the chaise lounge has been taking a pause on the calming to me a fish in it until this government was formed and was waiting to see who will be part of it but the general duty on the evaluation he had been speaking to some experts they say that um they are not quite sure that is given for the fishing and britain are presenting orleans face for ukrainians in particular the russian speaking majority getting any on eastern and southeastern parts and in the crimea as well. tom also has seen the sun ctc you in crimea house being on
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expressing openly pro russian view was and i have been forming self defense units to protect them and to protect the entrance to the cds this picture so this situation than in the state's hands and of course the tension of the building not that into it daria of those experts even speaking to a given the increasing tensions in the russia majority crimea peninsula. from what i've been talking to you how likely is a numbing this is the question is of people wondering how likely is it that russia will take action well they say that it isn't like a rational to direct military actions and said boots on the ground according to russian ladies can protect the interests of its citizens on in their countries outside the shop that means they have a russian military including russian military but is patient and calm but are they saying that russia will soak up most likely non elitist
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human ear this to the sound daft military activists here to read reels of but they said her mother russia is unlikely to withdrawl from that spirit to race and despite the pressure from the canadian government on because it was cause it as it's monday and it only help us. one of the few outposts on in the well outside the russian territory. this naval base in to bust open what the area many thanks for that the variable that reporting to us from most car now we're heading to thailand where events there are certainly moving quite quickly once again with the prime minister yoon auction was sensing our legal team to attend the hearing charging her for a government run subsidy program. in that hearing comes as anti government protest is continues to the mom that she resign the charges were brought from the national anti corruption commission about
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the role in the one subsidy program is held between the buzz of millions of thomas on his accumulated losses of at least four point four billion us dollars and has been dulled by corruption allegations. payments to promise of being delayed by months. if iraq is found guilty of the charges he could eventually face impeachment by the center's all criminal charges more than three hundred government supporters gathered outside the commission. calling the hearing of thinly disguised told to remove the huge box from office meanwhile the anti government protest leaders such as how god talks about has stated he is willing to appear in a live tv device with a huge auction a lot sis have says he's ready to be the people's representatives and talk politics with her he added that he in iraq should be the only assistance being not responded by saying she'd down to the device would and anti government protests and allow for elections to be . and to give
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the vertices on this were joined by our cars on the boston globe in the thai capital bangkok. tie them up and i think swimming with us again so that the hearing into these claims that saying much and what i ordered the gc and running. this one subsidy program has begun how much criticism as she was saving. the eating of course is being besieged by pro government supporters say that likes to disrupt it and they've had some success but it seems to be moved away from the headquarters of the anti corruption commission it wasn't possible to edit them in the tigress of the two sides at a meeting near by now this. excuse me is the number one issue which is polarizing opinion in thailand it's been broadly welcomed in the northwest of the palm is out of all is about to overtake but the anti government protests to say to perfect example of mismanagement and waste and corruption by the government now with that as you said that the promise that only at around four billion dollars
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but in a full here. this being hostile and up to ten million american dollars on their a widespread allegations of corruption on arguments that money is being skimmed off the number of levels and isn't going to do every second that there is no suggestion that primacy of love is involved in corruption all for taking of any money but she is being accused of planning to make sure that the scheme is probably brought in a position as that as prime minister atal said chairwoman of the national rice policy committee. she's being accused of negligence and dereliction of duty. now you look askance at this by saying she's not guilty of any wrongdoing. she's responsible for the policy of having the right set to be a pompous but she say she's not involved in the day to day running of this game that this is a very very serious point because if formal charges are brought against the prime inner city and it's very likely that she will have to stand down from a position as head of the government which opposes one of the main aims of the protest movement. what's
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the story is prowess of them like this violence is concerned there have been more of the incidence of course especially during the past a couple of weeks what slices you can tell it's there. yes the very dangerous place there and i let daddy outbreaks of violence and the body of a young man in his twenties a snobby not recovered from the main event the rebound off a chap cry a river. heat it seems was beaten to death a nice body was put inside a canvas bag before being turned into the ribbon up for the site he was found with a whistle around his neck which is one of the main symbols of the anti government protest movement here. i'm the best judges are thinking it's not up to the current political instability that is as follows that i have many outbreaks of violence not last night for grenades were thrown at the headquarters of the center for maintaining peace in more depth at which oversees the police operation here tonight to get the rug out of apples that four separate locations. bangkok is still reeling from five deaths last weekend in
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protest of islands four of them young children but now the head of the army he and general i'm pretty used to know chad has warned that thailand is sitting at the ball close to civil war and in an effort to counter that he supported the setting up of another one hundred and seventeen all the checkpoints around the city to stop people i checked the weapons so obviously a very a tense situation there and back all ready thanks mom and my mum reporting to us. from the thai capital the venezuelan with the death toll still rising there the country's president is calling on business religious and opposition leaders to a so called national peace conference at the presidential palace however the cctv is not a mark of its reports. key figures did not attend. lee repeated attempts by president nicolas level that we engage the opposition peace talks fail the violence of this was a skill that these thirteen
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people and has left hundreds injured. the opposition leader's it is two time presidential candidate in pq company has refused to attend a peace conference sponsored by the centers for president on wednesday. the scene of the most calls are insincere and they will not attend and the government and its heavy handed crackdown on protesters. this will president expressed disappointment over the snob about to press on with the creation of the commission would investigate opposition leaders over their alleged role in the recent political unrest we need to support the truth commission at the national assembly designates so they can put together all the evidence against the aggressors in the murder the ongoing classes have rattled the international community while the missiles warring factions have yet to sign a peace deal. the missile is trying to repair its relationship with the united states. in a symbolic gesture the vessel president propose a new ambassador to washington to try to kick start talks between the two countries but who has accused
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the us secretly backing the opposition protests in order to de stabilize the socialist government and the third in the syllabus and they can be a loser. with this nomination the president sends a clear message of the level of importance of political and diplomatic relations between the two countries. we consider this essential to peace in venezuela. it's both countries have been without ambassadors since two thousand eight. on tuesday washington ordered three venice when diplomats to leave in retaliation for the expulsion of three u s and its workers earlier this month. tensions are still high in the two countries the washington indicated he may be premature to treat ambassadors and as i said i'd leave. we have indicated and have indicated for months our openness to develop a more constructive relationship with venezuela but again the recent actions including expelling favorite diplomats continue to make that difficult as this will use an entrenched along political
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lines. former us president jimmy carter announced he would travel to the country to promote dialogue president carter has mediated in the deeply polarized nation before and won the favor of the blues mentor and predecessor stephen chow it's more a part of its cctv crocs. their cooperation agreements all weather and the earthquake my training had been reached in taipei via negotiators from the chinese mainland and taiwan. many have called the achievement the signal of deepening and expanding cooperation between the two sides and a whole two days of meetings that culminated into agreements that will help save countless lives the played by destructive weather and devastating earthquakes for centuries the chinese mainland and taiwan will now operate in monitoring the two logical patterns and seismic activity there have been frequent
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exchanges and cooperation on these matters for years and now there will be given support and the official level. the game changing agreement the two sides will now work together to better protect people's safety and their property. one of the most important responsibilities of iraq stands as cfo is to receive gods of the vines and with that of the people on both sides of the taiwan straits with the essence of mind to doing the pasta six years with the craziness of preconditions and sorted on patience to achieve that. at a press conference after the signing ceremony officials said the next round of cross strait talks will aim to settle a dispute a trade deal and the possibility of setting of cross street offices. and more is expected to attend doing the head of the chinese mainland delegations as he agrees that there should be more cultural exchanges across the straits as a visit to taipei palace museum on wednesday. at the same time local media in taiwan said talks between the two sides could extend it beyond
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economic issues and the more dialogue at different levels nice to be arranged. tell you a cctv. senior officials from the asia pacific economic cooperation on the scene in the eastern chinese city named for him to john province and the pain that is shaping the future for the asia pacific partnership. during the two days of being born senior officials from the twenty one member economies will promote pragmatic cooperation in advancing regional economic integration and innovative developments economic reform and grunts. lol sorry focus on spec think comprehensive conductivity and infrastructure development china is the twenty fourteen hosts member and plans to hold more than a hundred apec meetings and related events over the course of. the well the asia pacific economic cooperation or a pick is the premier forum for
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facilitating economic growth cooperation trade and investments in the asia pacific region and twenty four he mocks the twenty fifth anniversary of its establishment is now the highest ranking the most influential regional economic cooperation mechanism in the region. and as we mentioned china is hosting the key they pick placing the cia is the second time the forums been hosted he asked her to tell reports established in nineteen eighty nine the man has twenty one member economies located on the size of the pacific ocean as numbers account for forty percent of the world population fifty seven percent of the world's gdp and forty six percent of world's tray. it also includes two further enhance economic growth and prosperity for the reset. to start in the asia pacific community to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers across the region to promote
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inter dependency and the member economy and enhance the multilateral trading system the government that operates on the basis of non binding commitments. i like and equal respect for the ceos at all members. china is testing the key apec meetings this year. hu hu hu hu. china is willing to work with elementary economies make me successful. we want to bring chinese elements into the meetings to show china's confidence to share the bond market opportunities in china we want to inject more vitality and create more space for the development of the asia pacific region china hosted the meetings for the first time in two thousand and one including the nice informal leaders meeting in shanghai. bono the lead in the fifty is a tradition the hosts can choose the theme for the meetings. after negotiations with relevant parties in long consideration we've come up with shaping paw
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well hold more than one hundred meetings activities and different cd throughout the year at the twenty second in from a leaders' meeting is scheduled to be holding base and from november tends to have less than its course without cctv. part of its commitment to grow its clean energy economy new york city has on bio dome and a roof top solar installation incorporating new technology if successful with ceci says the site will be of good friends of the politics of correspondence korea cuba as the story. this rooftop in the bronx. not only has a stellar view of manhattan but is now home to the city's largest solar installation. it has more than forty seven hundred solar panels which will generate in excess of one point eight million kilowatt hours of clean energy pre year it'll end up running over thirty percent of our
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time electric usage for the building of the post peter clare otc senior vice president jan term cash and carry a large steel food service supplier and invested in the project. he says energy costs at this two hundred thousand square foot location. among the biggest expenses. this facility with all the refrigeration and freezer that we had to take substantial the environmental protection agency says the installation will likely offset more than twelve hundred tonnes of carbon caps and emissions free year. and that's not the only benefits. what did the guy about this i am back in the first solar installation in new york city to use the technology known as a stay at which stands for supervisory control and data acquisition. the technology allows the local utility company. con edison to monitor how much energy to facilities producing in real time. that's crucial because any excess energy is fed back to the grave. if there's too much back flow that can clog
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the system right in remote land. not that one of our burgers that they feel that something's wrong. there's a problem with how much electricity is going back to the red. robert time but the costs of the company to design engineer install the panels. con edison i believe just wants to be able to ensure that they have some sort of control. especially in certain kind of instances cited as a brown out or that people working on the grid lines and the speedy system has been performing well so far. khan and is paying close attention. experts say the technology could help prevent shutdowns like the one that occurred during super storms and the weenie you where cctv new york coroner's report brings to a close this up based on cctv news time in with my life in the company. is you the city
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incentives to live the dream to build a ten day trip had incredible views of the break i don't cheat and ninety three to find what mary and became customary kind of chance it. still working on that they would lose ninety eight cell. to find the itch to go the way to the beach became its th a tourist attraction we tasted the buildings being used is called cascades choking to increase its ok still snow even cooler was one of the brick buildings. exterior design. it's just didn't want to remain unnamed. he can shoot off script gets an etf for you to teach him how it is a model for these cupcake needless to say that his creation. sadly it seems the street and design star incomplete. the kitchen tap she's coming down to
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the once and for many and today is a top tourist attraction in north wales the eye. new new new. the us in. the well i'm scott thompson are welcome to after ten. reunions for families torn apart by the korean war more than sixty years ago have finally resumed. might this be a first step toward improving inter korean relations. today on the show we take a look at the reunions themselves and what happens after the dot
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