tv RT News PBS February 28, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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action. the message about two zero zero colts with duel with the local internal inquiry into was sold to me on the book and watched by the ministry of defence. and finally music lovers of them paying final respects to flamenco great park with dementia spaniards walks of life. walking to madrid national auditorium music for the lying in state of the guitar virtuoso pocket and cho who suddenly got a heart attack at sixty six while on holiday in mexico his funeral sunday in his hometown of gq us superman is stay with us though the world this week is next the eye kong. now for the world this week seven days for paris based correspondents a one hour with this. reagan called to mention concerns thank you
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for being with us. thanks as well to sa rice was venezuelan reporter and a photojournalist thank you for being with us to go inside the man responsible for all you will find world politics review. nice to see it misuse of the sons of tony is a corresponding shift between london and pass for this at a news channel nbc thank you for joining us the world this week we can join the conversation on facebook and twitter are hatched and tw. tw. india you can say that again department let's start with the cover of this week's time magazine on its front page. this isn't over. as protesters. sydney the caption reads as protesters celebrate and politicians bicker. putin ponders his next move will times cover artists he went to bed a little early because
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it looks like the russian president's through with pondering what would surprise russian military maneuvers russian helicopters flying is ukrainian estates. simon granted to ukraine's ousted president. as we speak unidentified russian speaking gunman the control of kenya's parliament there also controlling of that on a military airport in some gossip all home to russia's black sea fleet the kremlin denies any violation of ukraine's territorial integrity up to grandstand what is going on. it's it's it's been an interesting way to do a soft intervention instead of leaving a large measure of deniability making signaling pretty clearly that amount of discomfort. they said that russia could apply to the two ukraine into the west in general if he wanted to
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we're easing the tension level whenever ones. blood pressure throughout the western worlds and then really the world because the heat. over the last ten years there's been this is the sense of consensus since the aftermath of the invasion of iraq made it clear that it said that warfare wasn't and was really an effective way to get things done there's been this consensus that there's not can it be a huge stain on steve moore. and it anymore. and all the sun we get it and we get this the service at a preview of what it will make it look like and again the kind of scenario where their worm is calculations and where things can easily get out of hand and escalate so. for the time being it's still signaling it still was and i think and
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maybe even the first steps towards a negotiation to success. he set the agenda and let people know what the costs would be but it's still pretty frightening. but israeli twenty four hours ago though it is the same time to talk about this in the studio difficult in hand the panelists were saying effectively dead. what moscow has stood the west does mean is that this matters more russia than it does to the west by and then only can forget that to entertain a good time to in tucson eight and crying as much mind talking to them and touch and so on. there's obviously been to. and this is my aunt and niece comes in because in him and in particular to play next time it sent to the week on the pressure on
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pe we can isolate am put in at the ipcc be speaking again on the telephones yet and she can speak to mess with them i think it's in part because of its eastern yemen. that sounds so on. it isn't far from tonight so it isn't any great song that was the first time. a european foreign policy seems to actually happened there was a german french and polish foreign minister traveling to ghana to kiev and negotiating an agreement to pay instalments and has never been implemented. it's an anime cartoon spent time in fact now i'm telling that to you you can see and do something together as often the problem is that saying don't really have to stick to stuff it took train. it's a win and attended to as they were dixon anderson today because
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am much too big to be integrated the city was twenty six million people it's not easy to integrate and was are these huge economic problems. but it leaves in a crisis things as experian park and then there is something that looks like the foreign common pregnancy one of the viewers saying i hate to say that saying that russia has invaded the region and pieces fifteen thousand troops. it may not be the best reunion of course true to the fact that there is a brushed nickel base in the black sea fleet is based there the meeting crimea that so long standing agreement carver son's attorney our correspondent. we're saying is that there are strict terms into our russian troops may move about our correspond also saying it's again very fuzzy as to who the songs men
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are better. right now patrolling around that area near the black sea. house party think this is going to go. be good to go far because this is the key to the team called for caution the twitching want to just let go. and to accept the fate of the us imposed by the protesters i think the wind. the reaction when the cbn. i think on. even the president today in the house to visit them when he appeared he was expressing his surprise embody the stand taken so far by the team but we know that we are competing with the bedding guiding them to this. you never know how he went out and how he's going to. and i think the week. i think if you
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would just accept. on the situation as it is because the pieces fit to russia. and i think the old depends on how the european union union three hundred and sixty ish now. if they decide to. a spokesperson for the sarah isaac and that the protesters while in line to take an hour. i'm a pity because the president was elected. and the agreement was signed to just twenty four hours before he was ousted. and i think i'm puttin would not accept these asserts her as her thoughts on that. i think pretty nice obviously one of the often be most romance right now he had sold a few crises keep that he can't he stands on syria to tae shin and then down the disease seems so
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strong now. no visitation with the mania a spring he mean that in a sort of foam that is the station but he says turn meant and he said obviously he passed tights under the table. so we'll have to see what will be his reaction to do the people in the street into been to the negotiations that will be on what they are convenient and regional centers from busan against expect when you're staying at them at the outset. russia sending so many mixed messages about ukraine. the other couple things around we sat in the end it with both teams said about the difference is that ukraine is actually important to russian strategically economically it's on russia can also afford to win in ukraine europe in the mean if your means in ukraine it's pretty
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bad scenario for europe it sens in china twisted and twist their arms to get economic reforms to get corruption we do now. and it became the means and risking a split of the country. i'm so into an ally ways. europe is and it's really unfortunate situation of having one this this tug of war. it's even going back further yanukovich has become this for the bad guy. and because of demonstrations the truth is. codenamed really doesn't like chemicals achieved it he's been relatively even handing over the years yanukovich in terms of trying to balance europe against russia and not committing to you there. so for whom she's been something of a problem as he moaned actually just come out and inside with russia. indeed
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the european union union. and really force this deadline on him to sign and the association agreement. at that. didn't really give ukraine enough advantages to two to justify turning its back on russia and so in some ways to the crisis that was cause was provoked by the european union eu. many people calling me so i hastened to the point being that yanukovich was was very comfortable negotiating with both sides indefinitely. they came down to a decision for us. why is it that the protein instead of forcing him to choose one or the other the european union could and trying to negotiate for inclusion in and say look we can come up with an arrangement whereby our association with ukraine isn't a threat to your interests and ukraine on monday. use a chemical which
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is not sliver of a mazda three and usually when an ousted leader gets granted asylum. he's told to keep a low profile. not this friday at the cove which was closely the from the well publicized press conference in the southern city of ross told the palm gone. schools that. and can tell you. i am ashamed. the temperatures and it was small i would like to apologize. this is the first to veterans' graves and to the people of ukraine for what happened in ukraine. for the fact that i did not have enough stamps. just to maintain stability in this and allowed his oldest son to take sides. when it subsided. snacks and pharmaceuticals and is very defiant and you can be. in other parts when you think
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just above the mere fact this test comes is taking place the emergence of plant and he tries to move preventing said as the president stayed in power meant to its own human rights i mean you can't see it since many heidi and i see that becomes make and so yes the rest is giving you hate to see me and tried once mom and said i think its time is over and just look at these pictures when the people you are visiting is candace and i mean it's simply that this is and a banana and the eating of russia tries to make and he won't come back so um it's it's only taken us to vote friday. an outgoing president of the gnostic hundred and eighteen. don't ask you sane in other news on the western
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side of her speech before a joint session of parliament tea with the queen who could ask for more. all part of david cameron's efforts to convince the german chancellor to go along with his attempts to renegotiate terms of britain's eu memberships. she was in london on thursday. but it will seek a junior. we believe that change is possible. and a bite of the one i'm sitting. so the changes that britain will secede to build confidence in our membership. all this organization also for the verbal and doable although i have to say when he has said that the joint press conference it seems as though angle as he calls or her messages earlier in the day perhaps hadn't quite see through. so i have some
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extent. let's ease the pain that way if for every parliamentary form of the european architects of which was sentenced by all kinds of minutes of kick to the british witches. i'm afraid. back in for disappointment. and there's no mistaking what she said she spoke in english as well can you have to use that often i think the rest of the reference to bed to match the messiness many key ending was the main invitation understatement we surprised she was that long. not mentioning any names he's gone from being pragmatic and to direct and so my message is clear. he wants to keep the u k in the year and that's no question and ten an index of thematic approach to reading this. come on denver's front seven is very different approach so it's in
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parking and a nice unknown to the uk nice mine too if you live and ten. it sounds like gemini. so nineties and putting things back down when it comes to spencer riots in uptown sam. that was the season and manners and sixteen units and so on. i think it is in particular some members of the opposition. assuming that to you. one night when beaten in a position to implement on him if he proposed and to an end to this random and maybe never happened. this is great in the clinton in this parliament is perfect because the british parliament's is pretty direct and when the prime minister's out there feeling questions they don't hold anything back so it is feared to get in the spirit in the british parliament. the thing on america when she goes around
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europe is that. and everyone wants something from her sister goes to war signed a one day to be a little tougher with the germans he comes to paris. they wanted to be to loosen up a little bit on the catch. on the cash machine the ac goes to london in a new one so that it is and if that didn't give him a pat on the back and see the happy feeling to come and walks through to the nods and smiles and says i don't think so. in the us economy's everyone it seems he very gently and nicely. doesn't really hurt anyone's feelings but you can really say yes to anyone in europe and what what that does it say that you are. well it's a video piece in ad in the a man sought the game now seduction this year same and that rhino
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is to seduce and america believes that go into that right now passed that this to the dt and the sandinista to learn spanish. a total bonus cuts has been built by day as the colors. so a pass me and wait for a long time and it keeps me in that way so they tried to dance with hair in no way did she keep deviance certain things the mixing since it's been a thing because it looked upon him to come would be very disappointed and the person who can walk into my mind. if you keep the united kingdom independence party. because he's barking on these kind of position. the british people don't want these kind of kyoto. seventy over seventy eight percent of the people who devote to get out of
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the european union com two thousand set in seventeenth because that's what common cause. reduce the speed and power but steve the quiche whether they are the cause of it is the most powerful orbit of the comp. the referendum is an uncommon thing to beat each week one of the european union as it stands today is they don't like it. one final point on this before we move on. for a customer called back in berlin this friday and dumb. she had a visitor comes in the week and we can show the tv images here. of this visitor somebody you may have recalled to use to be popular here in this country united has an unintended and as someone would be very very angry. watching these images is going on because the day
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and auntie c she's a part that stuck with me during his campaign and an ongoing one and it was a very very difficult stock. as of the french and down relationship unknown and unseen. getting on and two a m we had a chance to meet and was surprised by that. and surprise the agent says that she is sleeping for the texans to finally get back to the computer is up with the ever known. not an intended to and they were known to not really get along that well mean is that what i was definitely in the blanks and in french politics he's he's a private citizen. it is a city with the same with the consent of the ban on consented to and if it's a fun night it was then defeated at the beginning
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because that meant he was seeking new standard in the beginning of this cause i have read the essay seem to get to know that his pronouncements today ventilated don't so much angela merkel he said that the dup mis pronounce the protection of always been removed and re regulating everything and trying to rule over everything. he also said that he is known. compromise on either the union. on tv our friendship confrontation. so he's stuck inside me. we don't trust certain decision to split with its sheer coincidence that he can get the job and today when she was. i don't know but i think these these these it was beyond twenty four. but the tune it's a pretty good too. it's going to come back with a lot more
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here on the world this week including a look at those protests that the biggest since the death of coach robinson is in place in venezuela stay with us reports. we don't meet its full release of some political prisoners the reopening of the house of cinema since the election of president of the army has begun to mount. its goal was to present a more acceptable face of iran. with ratio cold wind is still resolutely opposed to calm the mind is the wrong ingredients may not work just fine tonight reporters. this was the captain and was led out the car. you'll love the sunsets the saints to see a gentleman still see them or the middle because you lack one or else he'll be on
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don't go down into the tsunamis. that said it was a baby. easter eggs. ward the show. ice. by this. what did he missed the contest was a vision of cats a dog. just because they are still in the twenty three was music to listen to what has been so great about posting. many people look at me with many different languages and different team. everytime he walks. poor i did the offer looking back before reaching the world to speak to a sample of the stories will be phone free at the top of the art unidentified armed men control the tarmac of thought to mean a military airport in crimea this is russian tonight's violating
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ukraine's territorial integrity meanwhile as leaders in moscow in for with their western counterparts ukraine's posted to leader stage is a lengthy and defines press conference from russian soil. france's president calls on preserving territorial integrity this time it's all up. they also told a meeting of french troops and the country's interim president. sunday's oscars ceremony this is out here in paris and cinemas answer to the academy awards eye. call. welcome back a welcome if you're just joining us this is the world this we go with it so we could call came in. finance reporter also with us our ice warriors venezuelan the reporter and a photojournalist to the start of world politics review which you can find at www world politics with
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the attack on the smoothness and sends it to the london based often here in paris for saudi channel nbc from algeria. stop for just a minute dodgers will of the president spending a fair part of the past year recovering from a stroke and france. so some were surprised and cultures prime minister last sunday announced that he said this into a ball is seeking a fourth term. just begun appearing on national television monday in the company of kuwait's foreign minister. but what's good news no statement in front of the microphone. your thoughts about this nice new run for president. by the speaker. you know i presented myself as a competent for the election so as to the city on the flight today to running for
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president yet has a job there y because of the vacation citizenship. why did you like to do that. i want that today's because hes off as so many aunties who have caught up with. nice one the chicken pox he got these component to this case nineteen fifty four the nepean division of the evolution and they stayed in power often independence and the house key and i'm excited to have ten am. with an ice pop impossible not to part one part dvd nigeria and thyme. i believe all the aunties got fed up with these pm they want change meat and otago. and on. why is it once again put up again for the relay i don't think that the ecb is up to
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bountiful toulfill. his entourage hearing publicly. a lot of mud slinging which is unusual mud slinging among the higher ups in his beats the banal polyps but in between them and he's on to college the term ministry who are asking him not to fall for the term. and the beats all comes to who. conte roads the ipod which is the money the picture on the way. and erm i think he's in them that it has made the mistake as opie we did make the mistake of ducks at store for a full time. i think he should leave our mt i was against the ideal scheme turned into prostitution to stop a few years ago when it was only two terms for which
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the father please you does he he he allow himself or so to him. under the moon attention all pretending that idea in the team and jillian it's the bbt i didn't seek unity and he's the man to put it in and when one saw one final question on this and algeria. make a soft landing. two more political pluralism. or is that impossible under the current circumstance. this is easy and you are on standby but i think we are heading for home the formal tie it into the situation and i think the uprising we come soon. if the regime doesn't take into account the auspicious of the youth because the studio didn't reek of culture and the thing is talking like these he and emma contaminate the area because when one
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side and sweet as he can win in the kitchen makes mincemeat the eu and its healing tools and seeds inside of the events at him and then there's this opponent ahead of the antagonists onus was on sale over in the nineteen seventies to go check them the conflict between the sauce and then mediation know that in a country that tunisia when for the first time in the arabic states with the equal rights for men and women into the constitution and the fact that so easily fall in net income and resisting and gma everything seems to be blocked and as such a paradox it. that's a change meant to snap this country is so rich and the land revenue is in london and on the menu has his high youth unemployment
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so in keeping nigeria have no perspective the sky and theh of the country. as in huge problem and to defeat as of this is in the last lesson was a great tool to fix these problems. he was gone when sony kentucky are gone when the house. julia to the angle its foreign debts of the force to be the new house they bought us many good causes. had acted in terms of speed into some hope to be astute to the people in them thank you tim. some don't some bucks. he can retire on the top of the woodland edges of you when you are you're asking a soft landing him in there too to problems in terms of it in terms of this regime and a soft landing
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