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tv   The Debate  PBS  March 5, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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and new reasons. cause i welcome back to watch in full sun just coming of falls and gets team in front of the witnesses the takeover of the ukrainian miso base and disarming of its soldiers by russian forces. this is the russian flag is poised to to do a top government buildings the ukrainian city of sydney heads. russia's foreign minister finally in paris to the meeting had to head with his western counterparts on the sidelines conference devoted to the serious below for him or not. turkey's prime minister quits his job on the line to take their toll on me to step
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down. the ruling ak party pills to his upcoming local elections this amid a fresh ground swell of corruption allegations. it all. despite a worldwide diplomatic slurry no let up in the tension in ukraine just hours after authorities restore the ukrainian flag atop a government building a pro moscow crowd. once again taking it down and replaced in the russian flag these are the images and nighttime images that were seeing meanwhile falls and gets team in crimea witnessing the take over of the ukrainian ground to air missile base no shots fired at soldiers loyal to kiev were disarmed by russian special forces. your correspondent arms to its
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he's now up more recently we've just got news that the united nations envoy to crimea is leaving up for prematurely. this after being surrounded by a crowd of people chanting putin putin putin in the east of ukraine we mention the tensions and that's good. earlier we spoke to correspond gulliver cracking another russian speaking city in the east. is that there is the ahl. we asked him what it was like that. it does seem that once again that if this last point today was then yes it's that people in separate say we're expecting that something similar might have been hit this up today and a group of people from that my dad itself the defense of those people who are in favor of ousting of president of the conviction and faith at all but the new government's guidance to defend the regional administration building against a possible attack by pro russians began to progress a demonstration with only a few dozen strong
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i did state that the polenta down the road from the regional administration building outside the mayor's office assigned to a defense to rival demonstrations but they stayed very very far out and that everything remained a pretty calm separated the two is a place that people are saying is that maybe a place to watch because it's on the city of strategic importance to its eight hundred thousand population and it's got huge high chair and sit down and the supposedly controls but the war and gas supplies to southern ukraine and friday at you. it is that with us to today said that ukraine would never dream of cutting off supplies in order to spite the russians are taken into trying it because because it was a ukrainian citizens so much. and all of a crime reporting there all this happening while the us defence ministers announced joint aviation training with poland tropical also increasing. washington's participation in nato's air policing mission and its
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baltic countries countries once part of the soviet union here in paris. we saw a face to face encounter between russia's top diplomat and his western counterparts is on the sidelines of a long planned conference on monday now during their separate ways now pretends to reach a diplomatic solution. us secretary of state john kerry and russian foreign minister sergei novels the throats of the st thomas of the crucial talks to discuss the escalating crisis in ukraine. fs meeting since russia sent troops to the crimean peninsula speaking in richard leon the folks at the turn is leading the international community for scandal the only book we believe that's the problem in ukraine comes from the international community's lack of reaction it failed to find a concerted response to demonstrations against the ukrainian government protests that's clearly violated the ukrainian constitution. the west didn't
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just fail to react in some cases it even encouraged and instigated the demonstrations is that the digital photos this point if it's for top diplomats of face to face meeting between the ukrainian and russian foreign minister insists on not on the comp that ukraine announced earlier on wednesday. what's the successful peacefully snobbish have to think about it with l and with all it's not the only boat to pray but they told him to choke russia home runs seventy of a sports russia to ukraine to be appreciate all possible consultations. ukraine's acting foreign minister was meeting with french counterparts who often gives me inspiration from the stumps. the oecd of it the committee was going to do all banks to establish and dundalk. to find solutions to these unacceptable situation to shoot to kill. success is not certain that the bush gang did take for us in a g tube it's somewhat contrived
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or two. they are going to succeed. eu heads of state will hold a crisis meeting in brussels on thursday restrictions on russia because the new de escalation european commission launched an investigation into allegations of turkish government agencies misused eu funds. it's the latest corruption allegations of the fall prime minister richard tie at ettalong and throw the scandal over the voice recordings and who has rebutted this wednesday i'm vowing to quit his role in local party is ruling ak party loses local elections later this month. you're an exception. prime minister and him and his ops the states that a key state elections his tentacles into him after engine on himself. on st prayed that i will quit politics if my pots he doesn't win in the next local elections. at the polls to stay with aunt yvonne has been able to maintain the support base running allegations of corruption. in december a number of displays
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allies are detained in a grump k pixels three cabinet ministers resigned when the sun swim instead the opposition pay testing feast on authenticated recording the need to save the prime minister or treat his son to get into tonight's sums of money during the investigation and alliances the recording was files and a nice delegations they did this is blackmail this is a trap to take control until they want whenever they want. to my tunes and some officials are forming a parallel state headlines comics constituted an accusation this common sense in the last two nights at him and responded by thanking the police and judiciary in his place and then i'm shutting down private schools. a key source of his rivals in town it demands popularity was also a hit last inning. riot police to use force to
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the transcript and see who gets the park. the expos and that demands on t is still ahead in the main connections significant drop in support the bnp of batik instead to run. one opinion poll just cause he just thirty nine cents after it won fifty percent in twenty eleven like threatening to resign and to my knees trying to crawl back debate is pivotal to make sin. he has less than a month to win back support on france twenty four dot com the story of a top advisor to former french president nicolas sarkozy who tape recorded all his conversations according stated now been leaked the ex president. but he seems to be plotting a political comeback reportedly furious over what the press is now calling circle weeks thompson explains behind the scenes of the costs of casey's presidency. hundreds of hours of secretly recorded forty eight made to join the form of french leaders two thousand seventy thousand twelve ton of links to the press. the protest was made by one of soccer's
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useful let's hope needs to be sold. like the lazy comments he's the head of states weekend retreat to the site on wednesday weekly newspaper like an alternate on the websites have something published extracts well my daughter. among the conversation school taunts me. discussions about to happen the reshuffle replace you with all know that's a poet is only one person who could replace view of the moment that's uk. i get along very well with that out. while the spurs news of the tapes existence and fabric. it's revealed he still had recorded all his conversations with some crazy isn't it. it's been concealed in his pockets. according to the full advises moya the tapes woman society for his hustle all kinds. only gain or another of soccer leagues in the cycle sees the release is illegal to teach you could actually did and what this is a violation of a bill that would be among think someone is still the tapes awesome on fractional she made
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the vistas that punishment to a heavy punishment. hopefully they'll be an investigation into this absolutely scandalous thing the revelation comes the greenest mounds of socrates and tension the stunt in the next french presidential elections in twenty seventeen as his most famous music all day on npr hosting the belated eightieth birthday bash for many phone calls and world music greats still going strong. it weakens the us billboard charts with his nineteen seventy two has sold more concentrated yet i do this without god. it invented continues to stay with us the false again today. eye aw. the last in rushing here
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and parents represented at a conference on eleven on by their top diplomats the discussion of course entering. for a long time speeding and planned on the serious below what it means for refugees. one million and counting inside the oven on and the announcement of a saudi money to buy three billion dollars with the french weapons for the lebanese army saudi arabia and russia to nations that holds some of the carts in serious three year old civil war. will the standoff over ukraine softened are tough and moscow's stance on syria also see if the players in syria in lebanon a few the effect of that almighty round moving along the gulf states saudi arabia the united arab emirates recalling their ambassadors to the farthest wednesday when backing out of various shades of islamist rebels inside a scene from today. in the halls and into the routine shifting sands in the middle east for this talk about it and thus of a man
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whose new kitchen installed former spokesperson. welcome back to swell to our divine on the ice monday announced an attorney thank you for being with us from beirut retired lebanese general ish time job there. the middle east center for studies and political affairs thank you for joining us again. and from then on. david roberts lecture at king's college in london. thanks for joining us the postman gets a date with you to join the conversation on facebook and twitter stack. death to four debates the start of the star review of david roberts the us secretary of state's up in paris so is the uk foreign secretary. french foreign minister the german foreign minister and the russian foreign minister um that talk is on the agenda is about livin' on the course ukraine overshadowing things. a
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question you and it's one that he'd been asking ourselves all week. um is the standoff over ukraine going to alter moscow's stance when it comes to see it. she lost in a is to be used by russia. it depends on situation unfolded use it's that it is to see great potential and tyrants that they offer. she could be a state that they use. hands on. the shoes. it plays out her marathon in one space and to speak in fact the brush is going to give up a lot more now when it comes to syria because ukraine matters more i think that the exact opposite. to witnessing today pursuant to the russian education crime unit is about launching of the new cold war
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and this means that every single party involved in the cia that is going to get more and more entrenched in their current positions. this means that russia would be less likely given them before embarking on any kind of a negotiated settlement instead they cannot stand by as her even more than before why do with all the ammunition he needs all the moral support to the needs of the most mundane and on reviewing our impressions we do speak as you need to use them. much more adamant than before. now it's about positioning influence in the area the americans have been confrontational and two reconstructions to talk about sanctions. it's an impression we've talked about even joke that never off the table. in this current time accused the russian be inclined to become much more amiable towards the less than two or even produced a score for us he said all this is going it's been confusing never getting these makes it most
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because dc said gay lover often john kerry shaking hands together in the same room. it's a big world and these are world powers they are obliged to do with each other in the cranium after only about ukraine. it's about energy. it's about european dependence on russian gas. it's about the least. it's about russia and india. maybe tomorrow will be made to members and supporters so there are multiple dimensions of this country. it's not only about me. it's about. that's really a subject is about power and in the entirety of these including southern part of it so the speed at the beach is credible. the sound of it you agree that too. what's going on in ukraine means that moscow is going to dig in its heels even more when it comes to syria. there's no color. i think i need to have them. on top then yes. or if they want to reduce the influence of law school. an opening act with a mosque on a position
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to into these. and it's the middle. it has hit yet this does he have yet to issue new studio because i don't think the school. i was ok and antibiotics in fact i think an opinion to the rise of citizen in respect of the stalls. in some respects it should be ok and i about to happen. all fresh on the front yet the same time indeed the most cool we get up to the old put into this even if they are wrong penicillin on the second and sunny and it totally agree with me ask again where does it leave. we've seen images today outfit of the arab league un envoy in october he me or is it leaves those geneva peace talks we've been focusing on so much. these
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attempts to get the syrians to speak in the same room attempts have been pushed so much together jointly by moscow and washington. to add what is the union of two and then there's the sale assistant states that diana in and sponsored by an invited guest on. the and the us as the as the senate today is not sent to the winning team in geneva to and not deep into a new anime that has been to an ounce down on and on to it like it did what was the outcome east to announce nothing the only achievement with the lads having babies and ideal position sits on one save and not even one single thing you say you say nothing there was that. humanitarian corridor of the city of homes their wealth is that when i made it to geneva to discuss going into this was going to
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meet and dad. since ella. i mean dvd meat dairy and an angel who are trying to coordinate this us allies same applies to the end. and this has the housing unit features. yes this was said and the need to continue the two thousand and two including the outcome of the two dominant and two is nothing beyond the achievement of presents and the ea as having babies and i haven't even set foot for the first time ever with the opposition recognize the opposition now was the outcome. sola. and now we don't know what's going on and on and sit down and out of things can happen or not and i think i need to be still and not give up on sudan on because it's a ton of fats and in the key to key card that plays in indonesian so it's all about positioning rephrase the question differently to them ok do you think that i'm having john kerry and sergei lavrov working together to try to get everyone around the table he's important war. these
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improvements just a waste of time and it's not a change yes it's important as long as they have settled for something if they didn't set so we cannot sucks though because i mean. he follows with the task and linda thompson once they have an agenda that they follow an insane for the most of the opposition of necessity be undertaken as i'm not that bad and that it says and does that make me follow soon and it did that day because i could not separate and that's the easy mountain ash and palate with second on twenty two team. the sunset there you agree. yes they do already an agreement on on that score as well. i'm going for though this does not bode well and spirit unfortunately the tragedy of the syrian people who come to know beyond all these talks back to politics to human lives there the people suffer and the bases god knows how many hundreds of thousands die in the next two years it's also about how it goes
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beyond scary. we're seeing people have been taking steps today. the confrontation that goes beyond a hunch it's about the wrong it's about russia weaving its influence and thinks it's about this i would in time to resume their own forces in the area and they have been stuck in the mail. and what's gonna happen tomorrow and the issues that you would probably talk about rationing day about the conflict in the gcc is that you have two different versions of islam and keep posting them soon one is the anti aggression which is primarily based on the muslim brotherhood aggression on deadline is the saudi version which is in the divorce i love you and they are fighting it so the more than concentrating on the regime troops. i'm using any kind of commitment to detain the man had been passed on. we should not also forget that this ukraine would also have unintended
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consequences to his connection to them twenty four percent a quarter of all europe's gas needs comes from christ. it is called larsen i was going on. they are one of our i mean you are willing to buy out its dependence on russian gas and one of the existing options. not much to also have implications in the reno kitchen. means i'm gonna find themselves hard and more evident than in adopting a stronger position against the west where are the americans industries where is the meeting and try to bring them as quick as possible into that counts is what you mean you guess which is the largest reasons in the world according to bp to talented team. benchmark report to be the alternative to russian teacher and also with two looking at a conflict of multiple dimensions religious jew political military as well as me. and of course not to syria feeling the effects on twitter. we have this common levin on the scene a unified strategy to syria refugees
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one million and counting some press reports say those numbers could quadruple the way things are going refugees that is of course high on the minds of those leaders that have been meeting in paris this wednesday the french president speaking at the outset of the conference the international community ms beam over the eyes of lebanon. that's what it's doing today. each movie does on three fronts that the refugees in lebanon first yup something some swell already agreed on. dennis be given fully and increased use of it. did it. the support of the second priority is to boost their liberties economy get yep you read this a priority. the need to guarantee that and security the lebanese army must be equipped with the necessary material prawns on saudi air arabia have contributed to that of vicar said. a lot in
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that stated but also on the fort of events and the radiologist on it. talk about the refugees for one second with his tounge out there. he showed up. i know yours is a country where you have a delicate balance of power instead. it was set out long long ago decades it go with all of these refugees a lot of people are fearing lebanese people i've been speaking to say they fear that that balances can be completely upset. are your thoughts on. one minute left in the company which doesn't have the condition more. i'll admit when you go and destined to find one stadium and they do today but he is then once again one day you are in fiji stadium for his campaign didn't know this i thought that it goes missing and atkins is the big problem
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for all those different. he did so with proper condom program and also second to grow. we knew it he made that whole livelihood to have one of the young man wouldn't that be considered to be up and down to those right. can you imagine. the site provide weapons to both cd and guantanamo. andrew woodhouse. today was sleeping in the gulf state law that day out with daddy she often baffling identity he said the problem. i've been given the government. defeated that is really sickening the problem. besides the economic problem national long term would you say he shunned the top the constitution of weapon on is under threat by this influx of people love from syria is that we don't know
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when to act as we would have envisioned that they may do we do expect more if he's in no maybe in that day. insta who wound up maybe to meet him. this time that old thing and then head east. i probably don't have the money needs to this. the queen and the economics book. and maybe ordinates maybe what they do not. and also and as we sit him up. the sudanese army and did a mini city services they are dropped in on this time. the dvd tool of old clothes are fitting of a fraud. especially in the town is that. it is ok by the many many many pages of the benefits and also that there were kids. we should start doing thesis is that all the nations the end of
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the time this video for fun and i did not understand the need to get done today one team. how would they had been admitted to me and annie that i needed. he never does it all. i'm on its own and it is all i need to install any of the patient on the side. with all respect no log on to the zoo pretty important countries. had that became combative and we headed to uncle ron said that it would have gone on activities that we would be equipped with this so different. and we don't know yet. a lot of the weapons that panel. talk about those weapons ever bred have to come at the break i just wanted one final point on this issue of the refugees but david roberts. david isn't really an existential threat to london on him to
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see the hastings. and so she can. this potential problems and won't settle this thing i think he just goes to the very basic numbers that it is just as mentioned in the shia. refugees is two already. he said. it begins saturday. there is a very well attended the incident was serious the context i guess. i think the men in france and the soup and desserts reminding him that it happens and the fsa like that happens is the fx london on sunday and it is your question and fifty are indeed the sanity of the man on his
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to do the women on the terms of the numbers of balance between visits huge mosaic between sunni and shiites in the sentences long. different groups. the men on the same complexity of the antics of the stick pan and into the senate site so it's not as the same as any. and that they're similar in so many cases and you know what we say and then stand and then and once it gains on saturday open your umbrella and so once i am the meanest on economic and aviation shipping the past during wars in lebanon in the knees effigies qantas air and this is the first sentence and effigies go there with them because they don't have any and in any other option to keep them in as i was like stuart let down is when the sin of many intro to take a quick break ranks. so this is his little seat lebanon can short sell up and protect itself the shunt of their star matt stayed with us more to come in and asked him to be. i on. as well. last thing
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that keeps you up to date with all the latest from the world of sport. all the action. all the results all the emotion chilling done anything for his all round. muslims like and don't know. our eye. looking back are welcome if you just joining us here in full swing jump through to the falls again today. as for monitoring the situation inside of ukraine visit diplomatic flurry from last year in paris. first tell you that sat inside of crimea husband gives teams with losing to take over the ukrainian missile base in the disarming of its soldiers by russian forces. this is the russian flag is hoisted into a top government buildings the eastern city of tuna. there's a saying here in paris. ukrainian russian british and us foreign ministers of all right now at the french foreign ministry no word yet on the talks
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that it takes to take place there. this is taking place on the sidelines of a long planned conference devoted to this pillow. the ban on series but for now. it is turkey's prime minister quits his job on the line that had been a long time to step down the ruling ak party fails to win in the upcoming local elections this minute fresh ground swell of corruption allegations. venezuela protests in their fourth week is wednesday the government supporters out in force to mark the first anniversary chavez is death. eye. all up welcome back to welcome if you just joining us this is the false and get today looking at the shifting sands. in syria and lebanon on a witness to talk about it and assume a non former spokesperson for the syrian national council based in paris art of on and near us
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money its many and analysts the tyrants of lebanese general. he shunned job there is in beirut he is with the middle east center for studies and political affairs and from top to the heart which has been in the news today we'll talk about that little bit later on. david roberts lecturer at king's college in london on before the break with some apples shifting sands theirs first russia and i can dig in its heels when it comes to syria to join our panel saying yes in view of the worsening of relations with the west right now and we're talking now about this conference on up eleven on that's been taking place here in paris and said the center there was bemoaning the fact that there weren't many big announcement it will the one announcing we did get was confirmation of up to three billion dollars worth of french weapons going to let in on to shore up its military the three billion dollars coming
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courtesy of saudi arabia news reports say. in the o weaponry. when to prop up the lebanese army to protect its borders of better. he shunned the job there. um this is a good thing the saudis bankrolling up to its new quick been set up for the lebanese army very badly needs a lot of improvement and if we didn't go down as they embark on a foreign government entities at me as being four runs in four uk from the phone from defeating a frosty day. i'd love to do jack that is in the nineties and had a problem with that off with a band that has left the band who provided me with that box
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and now we face a facial quilt for the ivory bill would be that dad would be that mr said the fundamental than we are going door to me for the friendship of god but the question is what kind of flow and essays is that it used to provide everybody in all activities on me. he thought he did it look better and fidgety at the fence to that which doesn't object they need and maybe you have to live the b fifty two met at a cost and you don't have the navy. the question is that for a commitment to provide abundant whitman said yet all have different risk that is taller than he was headed on a sophisticated maybe i think many of you that he might to defend believe that france would not provide live on with it all started when i was reading reports here in paris seems to be suggesting and that's because it's quick and on towards anything they could be used against israel. so with the weaponry if it's of a more conventional lower grade type each time job there isn't enough to protect
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the border of syria. if on the wall to see it yet the leeds defence weapons and defense with less than a little sick that day out at the fact i don't think why wouldn't want to. they make it tight against the anti gay and who would not let the fun out of the fences the book i'm worn out and they said would not be all friends again. i'm a country. this is the problem i see that either the government. i'd hoped would not be under the pressure and dance relies on his head and department of an uncle of what he needs otherwise i will go the facts. a little french word that has distilled the beginning. whatever it is and how to live when that money to buy those were down from five countries. you know
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which. as i am going to be able to talk about that today many mass media and everybody believes that one out. i'm pretty optimistic and i'm not that good mood today. most were friends for a fact god we at least general. i guess that impatient and talking about cvs to get yet. now we have to do the deal would see it yet. the relationship between seven and see it yet. it is they the coffee cake that is starting to get your copy is a democrat the economy. we have that debate without wanting to see it yet. we didn't see it and i went on to. all are. but on what the we had to use you would see the island. but his government has to deal with the sudan government and on top of all it ought to be teaching the use of automatic
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route to the kiddies this won't be going on. don't damage. so are you suggesting that in other words they don't know. they don't need to have those so that new weaponry to help the army patrol the border. why why not i mean he said. yes we are told that fifty two. you can let the kids and read about on etsy yet holds barred doors. we have for vegan days. and in the garden gates. this book that is on the road we cannot talk on the city as they have. i didn't get one alan mcconnell and yet i seem to many is oddly nice. a lot of weapons to broaden its market drifted off guard. and also so that he is. this area. you know
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after that. sliding on this course we have to side joggers. a niece of the state should have whatever minute recruitment is deemed necessary in order to assume that home security today the question to ask is how much would be billion dollars by it. in the arms and not much. i believe that he is right and says that the naga getting any friends in the aviation for the enemy in age they were probably get enhanced rifles and write operations on board. thus these two billion dollars given by much of my ability even on. he has already sold its acute issue with israel anderson's has been well within his troops on the israeli side that is based not upon some of the time some knitting going on again. that being said i wanted for neighbors of the city. and as soon as one of the most sophisticated to come in. armies in the world and the fact that they've managed to maintain a core of the country to spread this
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around so well that goes on to conclude that israel is for the most powerful armenian cds is three million dollars. not in the senate returns for anyone. they have in my opinion they seek to achieve goals. provide control over the medium plus if the cheese inside lebanon and protect live in on some tears from the arrival on the chaotic bases in addition if you cheat and may be unnecessarily. so we tried to up the capacity of the lebanese army against hezbollah. not so scratchy not destined to go abroad to invest in particular remains foreign countries. it's about law and order maintenance locally and maintaining a balance between hezbollah and even his. i mostly under equipped to purchase an ad you feel about the weight set up to the general just as in normal for it to be on french weapons paid for by the saudis one day when the french president when to riyadh the talks of two
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hundred million dollars of context and sentenced to a friend. the french do them even with these three billion dollars to purchase posts to get from the saudis for the purposes of. the lebanese are stuck in the end of the site that's coming out of france as a consequence i will outline of the french foreign policy on this note is today that's her gums most of them. and i think i need to highlight and in my opinion there's one point not only had to go and get the weapons me we need to understand that the deed to the news on his mind it's by no way in the intelligence unit and in the news on me is this that is basically practice has done enough so that is the risk that that this weapon will be channeling beaches and i think this is that this is an important point to highlight such an understanding and then the bike down by a light salad is now paying for it because it's a bite sunday monday and i think dad did it sound is following us it's that despondency in and entities who would have to find or to be a rival and
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counterbalance to the sheets and as i answer to something that has the money time and a donkey. it is back to back my attention. sola and i believe this is a seasoned and this is the reason why in the seventy s to show its supporters and the men on that is the link something and friend and the fourteenth of march now has to show that ok i'm working on helping the suffering sovereignty of the manhunt. so this is why i'm helping the dominion sunday so i am again thinking and one more reason is that includes a new gucci chanel inducted into the indian foot slips and see anna and owning a new negotiation table one of the expenses on. sony's who've been making them use up bits of wednesday. they have up with two recalls their ambassador to the torso has. the united arab emirates of the route with guitar which seemed to have been
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patched up. last november differences over. the over most notably according to abu dhabi based is paper thin national once again they were upset that only last friday that the sermon on the taree based at the tv out to zero by controversial preacher use of our current tally of more broadly the argument over which attitude towards them awesome brother david roberts the concern that the eye of the storm there and so on people are surprised by what's happened to this wednesday. it's a significant step at a publix. sometime it once was. he suggested it and it is a sermon given by all accounts it has been since nineteen sixty four. it was great. thanks for being a
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government still such a good summer. it is no chance money wasn't. what makes it all the action. when he came back just makes that he can see competition lines. this snowy streets. i didn't even use it. don't be too long to teach me she said. there's no smoking gun x and y and led to some particular day she is smaller in achieving national issues. his is an amazing speed throughout the conversation it is easy to use the keyword the current account. it's a lot the country. so that's it it is just like to be written star number and get the number of tickets not to have things in many ways. big
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leagues. venus. this is a useful in at auction june st this is the basics it is constant inspiration last year in the air guitar step down in favor of his son. and that the new wave when one sheet i mean became the new year. people in our chart upon you were here we are discussing their sales this is going to be a change of stance on the part of that that ours has anything changed. we got a ton. those are also tasty seen its name on it. see list. she is on hold. still it's a girl. a number of months. it's been the policy is continue that momentum he said whether it's mean but that's how it's
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changed things. yes that's me not. there is still around. i don't think he's looking on the shoulder and remixing are anything like that nevertheless they only need thirty three year old. in humanity's last few months. i think it's a full week at the expense. trendy people to reach the sea. this is for us it says that it's based on links that by the late fifties and sixties as i say so. it's much more difficult she plans to create a site that has been although it's in all it's a great teacher and supplements. it's exactly what the original recently she is on the bus. two men sent to different sticky dough so it seemed so the two trees that change up. eric
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if you are people who don't follow the intricacies of what's going on in the gulf it's kind of hard to follow when you bring it back to what's going on inside syria because they seem to at certain times of the past is always nice to be supporting some of the same groups that are fighting ensued. no snow egypt is the case that this should not forget that the muslim brotherhood. when the election. morrissey first democrat elected president in history when he came to power he had the absolute support of the guitar god. who ended up getting a loan of five billion dollars to maintain the regime. and then what the ex nutrient ha of the egyptian embassy in saudi arabia in riyadh. since it was back when it snowed the cool and too cold for each. what they did do was immediately to disband the muslim brotherhood. and to create all the fuss that we have and cannot ever since
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so you have two different versions of islam sunni islam flanking the future. but the muslim brother. with this internet on ramifications that's what mothers is no reason do we. because the muslim brotherhood has each of these countries the presents. the lee government to arrest dozens of uav of muslim brotherhood it's in now would be put in jail and put them on on trial because of the efficient and smooth. the same thing as too in saudi arabia however facilities support and defend another version of radical islam that of the side of the movement of the lobby at the moment which basically speaking are the most extreme versions of islam and the different islamic groups are fighting each other. it's not a subdivision in syria are representatives of these different groups. represents the toughest movement throughout the islamic state of eleven represents
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the modern versions of saudis put it of course the guitar is going to be included if they say that their governments don't sponsor of the is the money come from where does the engine. when the cat's body shape showed up in hamas in gaza the next day to begin shooting in israel so they can say today that there be on the school lets out an independent non it's been some on the beach and a new holiday dates and that the south beach the happiest girl in this area and to send out any any other. but that's where the internet for a repeat of the muslim or that they are not something that the asa did that because the saudi government. inside the government. while the other aunties at the combine cheese and sour gate to the debt finance finance the dd. the tenements in syria. the sonics take the fat duck and then move on to chairman shy since his
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eyes etc isis grow. i still think alex is it's the month as not feel it was not separate and invited so he's been supplanted by fundamentals in kuwait. due to what you're saying is that the senate the government has not officially fall. however style would be in the visuals and sound interesting to find days. but in the window. but then they would be witnessing is that you have money coming from one of the country such as saudi arabia and the top you persian gulf countries funneled into difference in the various islamic groups in syria easy. it's about power it's about control of the opposition unseen. maybe it's it's it's it's it's a cross border. it is the tv show. we bring in the shop job there he shot. this argument that's going on in the paintings in the gulf finance limited among the gulf states. you can feel the effects of that in levin on and in syria. yes yes yes
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i don't think because the company that cost them a note. as they have influence it was time to study and had to go clean stadia. let me give you my opinion of the conflict between the us everybody knows that so didn't get was not very happy to see at the drop off which was given. and then last weekend which is used twenty percent bigger than the size and so dad and yet did not commit golden eyes. he he you know that because i make the same case could see the end of the top. and dependaineteen forty three. this expedient to get that organized. and that company go to the bottom and do stuff that go up the commission s and thinking i don't think so d
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editor. with the simple life and other countries. and then gone. would that make the cut they had known he had on hand. is that he's in my opinion. not the sort that india was always to your goal and look in the muslim brotherhood with that. as suspicious. in all but they didn't have to teach and with more to what they have got to the power. the light thing to do that to the dominion aids and other things will get it a bit difficult for them to go though we know that he entered his mind and is against them. the tube and then puts it. that idiot at that. between that god loves me. it's only an api and the other. the site. i think that would lead to a dental today and wednesday. it's the toll road. ed called vegan on equivalent to its size. it's a lesson that the invitation saying that r
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will be humbled david roberts what you see as this knock on effect of four. what's going on in syria and is it that the end the day strengthened. on the sides we just say so at two point eight the state s is so happy to have a small stage this is going to cheat me. did you know this is absolutely fundamental time that it will take to the states and the united states. his lines and lights and siren. we took our silence on. this led to a study with you there. you know it just sucks. the two thousand to one pm us to believe that in two thousand and eight. in two thousand eight hundred cars. some
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phrases in it a day the concept of tolerance is a small state. they realize these dances. call it in the nineties that there wasn't much to do about it today. this is the fact that today. i think the bbc also mentions derry city security i nominate. i did notice that this is reasonable and it's usually at about the angry at his own business in addition to the assistant senate. no support in his seat. it is not suspension was an extraordinary serious security issues that are in dc is known as the innocent this is the key. prada a it's a nice meaty taxes and a difficult position and on this is just. or so. so i'm
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hitting the wall. to date is the table and phrases in only in private. see i don't suggest that indeed he is taking on base the concerns that you will see my eyes larry unusual step of taking all three an unusual step of taking all three of us is the way. one of the ways that we receive is a split second chance. these are serious you know exactly understanding how and when i was in a pretty crude linux is basically impossible. it's all set. mom you know the name of this strengthened the hand of her son since the backers of those who have weapons are fighting amongst each other and that of course this only works there or in the interest of a and i think that the senate by committed by a team and today was spent with what's going on big as the then again we and the opposition were. mimi
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when dividing the team knows what to do that and then this might sound of it than that i mean personally i'm not aligned with any of them with any of the ashtanga is because previously i sad ending for me personally sounded like when i got the leader case addicted to my another like they didn't gain any and it's a truth that counted as the ocean although i wasn't for him and others i know that it wasn't that marci and then the same time that that is disappointing to find the month goes on and then we have because they count that the ideal position so and i think having both sides and an end to sea and sand and the opposition. it was was a very positive. it was raining at that. i'm having an effect on the opposition itself. and on that of the ocean. but today i add that this would result in more fighting along dvd opposition and demand and themselves and this is this is another good that both groups. not only a month of
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positive mrs julie. come in the studio. hopefully though cooler heads will prevail more thing to most of the month for joining us are the bomb on their slimy he jumped up there for being with us from beirut and doha d roberts thank you for joining us here in the polls and cast it to pay much more news to come. the top of the aisle. russell says those three million refugees have had to choose between battle of warrants it. forex most of threat to neighboring countries everyday hundreds twenty two entries in the face of such an influx eu border controls have been reinforced turkey this week. follow these illegal migrants the jovial
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finance in overcrowded unknown help the refugees caps. behind the scenes investigation into the european focus. moore says. all thoughts like that i can not come the new. i knew. and. there are. and
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under. it is. and. i was win. and. the do. i love
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the sun sets the scene since yesterday. downtown slc more than the norm because you don't i'll still be on. don't cotton to the tsunamis. it was a baby. scientists warn the show. it is. by this. it was a vision of cats a dog. i think it is because they are still in the mornings. music to listen to what it felt great about posting. many people looking and twenty nine which is a different team. everytime he walks. i
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know the eye. new one the eye the nav on rt tensions are all between ukraine and russia over behind me and now the eu phone call every test questions about sniper attacks during the undrafted yet. meanwhile western powers threaten sanctions against russia. the latest on that just ahead. an american politicians seek to influence events in ukraine. but former us congressman ron paul thinks the us should stay out works of ukraine's affair lauren out from the man himself here on our


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