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tv   RT News  PBS  March 5, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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know the eye. new one the eye the nav on rt tensions are all between ukraine and russia over behind me and now the eu phone call every test questions about sniper attacks during the undrafted yet. meanwhile western powers threaten sanctions against russia. the latest on that just ahead. an american politicians seek to influence events in ukraine. but former us congressman ron paul thinks the us should stay out works of ukraine's affair lauren out from the man himself here on our teeth
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coming up. and western media continues its how the coverage of the uk and ukraine ukraine's sense but in their hundreds telling the whole story. and in depth look at that later in the show. wednesday marked at five pm here in washington dc i'm liz wall when you're watching rt america. when begins today with decreases in crimea. it appears that there is any war of words as a leading western powers are stepping up reading sanctions over russian military intervention in the region the last is accusing russia of violating international law. while russia says is acting within its legal framework. meanwhile elites phone call between the estonian foreign ministry in the eu foreign affairs she is raising questions over
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the identity of the snipers in the ukraine. artist peter oliver has more. police could throw me estonian foreign ministry is a confirmation that the police is always full and cole on the stove their own foreign minister as well as catherine ashton the eu foreign policy chief them during this phone call they discuss this apple based people so many people that would kill just behind me on independence square was killed on the oldest in oct of the key of the cool beaches government of right place that he received chela job but on the orders of a fed policy and the estonian foreign minister puts the outfit monty is one of the current man does all he had to be in the current government that does take care of it here in kiev military can chose. at the pp court to face my purse from both sides among twenty seven
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and eight in st. if you have to change diapers feeding people will shut them up. in spain and writing the same type of bloke. it's really disturbing to know them. no correlation between don't want to investigate what exactly happened so the pity is no stronger and stronger understanding of the hunt. my first payment because mo temple beach but it was somebody from the new british though cause he tried to calm times catherine ashton. we spent all the states will the states they don't comment on these tiny booth and the beast type of situations only usable he is the stands i was in a gory that this is what top and bake in a house to change the topic when it comes to how they dealing with what goes on in ukraine seeing as how stiff enough to go in the way that they put on hold its head. we had to treat disparaging remarks
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from head to see a us diplomat said victorian humans. she ripped the top team in. eu during the discussion that he had this week said it over the telephone then said god is the balsam line to the fbi's turns out to be the case. the eu will have to have a serious rethink about how it deals with what's going on here in ukraine salazar sefer all of her reporting. web world powers figure out their next movie in ukraine one former presidential candidate thinks the answer is simple. former congressman ron paul believes the us should say alex and ukraine here's what he told rte earlier. and absolutely i don't think we have any business there. the europeans are involved the russians are involved i e i think you'd be nice to weaken to the ukrainian this time it's their civil strife their civil war and decided to run
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a country should be left of them unfortunately others get involved in things like act irresistible for united states to be involved but that enduring american people right now are starting to agree with me on this issue there's no sense in us getting involved. i we certainly don't want to send troops and russian power of money to this idea they were to start bailing out ukraine ideas and total nonsense that i don't i don't see how we can afford and nor should i wish nor should we do it speaking of a bailout the eu the news today is offering fifteen billion dollars in aid to the ukraine when you think about that. is that every move. when i get silly i think it's just a silly as if we offered it because in many ways that's what we're doing we're offering it because the dollar still is pretty strong compared to other currencies to the europeans right now and today on some of their own countries like greece and italy in places like that. i may have to go and borrow the money we're very much
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involved i think their main goal is to bailout the banks is that i'm sure the ukrainians a lot of money to banks and that's why there's an interest involved by the fifteen billion dollars is coming from the eu is also coming from the united states are probably also talked about the imf. i am in malaysia is not there it makes no sense whatsoever just props of an investment. you know the one irony of all this is the way they do things the money to ukraine and anti eu united states which was to be fighting with a brush to the right now. well who knows maybe the money although the ukraine and they'll pay their bills and pay for the gas that the fact that they're getting from russia so that would be one iranian navy the bankers have that set out but that the whole thing makes no sense whatsoever from an economic viewpoint from a political viewpoint it's all its mining firm for control and i think that's what's going on there and leave the eu the us see some value in doing this if the economy of this kind of a contribution and one as he
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led the way you think america's interests are in ukraine. american interest in the ukraine time. of course writing is financial means to its control is out which way ukraine's to go to the middle east or west in a don't believe in that self determination. they always want them they're going with a hand in things that have an empire to be held in the fam i think it's not it's a mass idling we should have an interest if we'd had it should be doubt that we should encourage the ukrainians to solve their problems the ones they have a government we should be open to working with them and talking with them and being friends with them and trade with them but no subsidies and the military and no instruction and don't tell people what to do. that's how we got ourselves into so much trouble and got this whole idea that is argued that that we have to. i you know that i've been to the russians or be in doubt blame for violation of sovereignty well that may be up for an
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argument not have crushed the lecture anybody about violating sovereignty. what about the sovereignty of iraq in afghanistan in the anime and the mn and north africa where i'm constantly being about pakistan the use of drugs and mental. so i think that what i'm talkin bout is completely opposite of what the republicans and democrats have talked about of this intervention is compulsion to be involved and to expand and protect the american empire we that's where we're getting into trouble and i don't see any benefit coming from us trying to tell other people what to do whether it's the building is good for national security is certainly isn't good for our financial security. while some conservatives say the president looks bleak right now that he's not being tough enough when it comes to russia. what do you say to that very vocal part of the republican party. unite here that the idea he's looking weak. i happen not to
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be a thing of the president not die if he wants to back off the nannies his goal they said the same thing about it when he's in a city looked weak because he didn't hand out bombings c area i am for whatever reason he backed off mainly because american people said don't don't do it but the thing to consider that we can and sometimes it takes strength to stand up against the bullies who wanna go and bomb people and believe that part of our foreign policy. so i'm hoping as any to do with weakness and an end and bass strait. i think it takes a lot of strength and courage to resist those people who pressure winners from the military industrial complex or for some other special interest. there were so blessed to be engaged. so if he were truly backing off i would say that takes strength i don't think it's that quite that clear the cause. so far in the under this administration there has been a lot of the intervention in ball that
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the use of drones and that our presence in afghanistan so i think it's a false idea to condemn the president because that if he doesn't want to take a risk in going into an unnecessary war. i'll consider that a sign of weakness. mr probably in your position is very clear you advocate small government. nt intervention is is what you advocate and other congressman that advocates that is the former fox me up congressman dennis q senate and he went on fox news last night and discussed this complex in the ukraine oh one and take a listen first to what he sat on the network last night. the us has been involved with a win behind the scenes with the c i a with the national gallery for democracy in usa id to stir up trouble in ukraine. just one asking a response back. i think quite get all of that body says something about the c i and other stirring up
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trouble and i think the gist of that is something i would agree with because you know we have special forces and c i a e involved in. i wanna countries we have eight hundred bases around the world where hundred and thirty countries where always in awe of this team is in somebody else's election and that we preach democracy we finally got democracy as theoretically enough in a jet that there is a lecture and of course we didn't like that person may like this so we didn't go back to the military. so i though i don't lie hypocrisy and link them as the cynics might hypocrisy. for us to preach at one thing in the same time behind the scenes i were doing things to stir up trouble for many many different reasons. now i know that you say that ukraine has the right to self determination that they should figure out that this is their conflict nation work this out on their own. you think that the ug the us should say al. what do you think we should do in light of current events. well it
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did daddy and daddy was more complex because it involves long term history. what the association about and crimea and the ukraine has been with russia. their national security interests earlier different. i would think that that sometimes i may say it was the accusation now is a russian position. he is out you know show aggressive and it's so horrible but i do is die wondering whether he might not have said well why don't we just ask george bush what would he do if somebody did this to guantanamo. you now maybe they want to protect the base in guantanamo. how would we react and so i know i don't think that but that doesn't mean did i endorse today we went to the auburn convenient part of a non interventionist pro american foreign policy is and i don't have to make that determination cuz it is complex. i do know that the people more local have more to study about it just geographically. i would assume that the russians have
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a moral justification being concerned about what's happening in the naval base in the crimea. as as compared to united united states and on god and for this reason i am typing it out. i know there's a bit more in the more the outsider stay out of it. the font they would be nice if it meant i could wait no i don't like the cake just like the ukrainians the side that what they wanted to and europeans and americans walk away from finding a minute that's not likely dampen the only thing that i might have an influence even on the unofficially government anymore. my advice would be that we should stay on it and i'm not the opera to suppress it the europeans that i want to negotiate and then deal with russia. i think that's in there but in their backyard that theoretically i like small government of somalia that the government and self determination. and if you had a referendum reflecting that you might end
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up with three countries that were there may be loosely tied together maybe they would have a confederation that maybe would have an east and west ukrainian you might have crimea and diane make it go their own way i knew i would think that that we should always like to see smaller units the gum and i loved it too and that the soviet union broke up when a twelve other countries is the notion seen him for the soviet union. still i want the right of secession and the breaking up and self determination and emphasize local government and down the world would be better off or unfortunately the money in politics and banking interests and militarism again involved and they get in control of the strings of out of government and the people lose out on these issues so often the people who have to fight two wars and diane who tours. they are they are the victims so it's a restraint of big government that is my goal i think we would have listed these kind
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of problems around the world former us representative ron paul. still ahead here in art it's been a blitz from the western media on events in ukraine. but our news watchers getting the full picture. a look at that after the break the asians i know. finish line. they're gone. bill. why is it that the hearing the moon. i
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married going on. impartial for commentary. only on about santa the city. they don't like. if you don't. did you know the price is the only industry
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specifically mentioned that's because a free and open price is critical to our democracy should out of it. oh well in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government we can hide change my handphone possible transnational corporations that will profit by destroying our founding fathers on the market and on the show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going i knew it will be on a couple of tracks and rational debate no real discussion of critical issues facing america. ready to join the movement. walk with it. i was. well how is the conflict
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in ukraine playing out in the media arts a correspondent on the stasi a target it takes a close look the us media showing down continues against russian steppes in ukraine cleaning moscow for the crisis in the country as well as accusing it of an invasion some american politicians are speaking up. it's not so simple with the us having played a big role in events currently unraveling. former presidential candidate in ohio congressman dennis can see speaking with fox news host bill riley basically said that was going on surrounding ukraine now is due to the west during the pot with behind the scenes support for the mess. when i do is none of us at aig and the national number for democracy which reviewers taxpayers' money to knock off an elected government in ukraine which is what they did. i wouldn't
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try to force the people of ukraine into a deal with nato against their interest or into a deal. the entrance of course the bill o'reilly is fear mongering and he filled position on russian politics is well known so i he would have none of this as a response to finish had this to say bill o'reilly the leading cause and effect them and what i can do for you. the congressman believes the western state out of ukraine's business and let the ukrainian people decide their own future which according to him has not been the case at all. the result is understandable why neo nazis are in control on the ground. i mean the likes of bill o'reilly not understanding these concepts is not surprising considering the tsunami of misinformation that has been making headlines. if you recall a major story in the media have been and that when an ultimatum from russia. i was actually never mean to ukrainian troops to surrender or there would be an attack when russia denied this no one wanted to buy in the mainstream media but even military personnel in crimea have confirmed that no such
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ultimatum was ever issued an obviously nothing happened the media moved on to spin the idea that there are sixteen thousand russian troops deployed in cranium this is even more interesting because the pudding to agreements existing between kiev and moscow russia actually have the right to have as many as twenty five thousand troops on the ground. the naval base there for years and out no one had jobs that innovation is unclear what has changed considering russia's president has not issued a command to deploy troops now what did happen is approval from russian federation council put in has explained that an actual deployment of the russian military which only the very last resort also seen reports concerning the presence of russian tanks but according to ukraine's own border patrol however no russian military equipment and coming to ukraine and really did take place a week ago but that was on russian territory and not ukrainian again this is not what the media have been reporting russia has never said it once more with ukraine with its interest in the next ukrainian but that's nowhere
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to be seen in media headlines being a war drums in an already very complex situation in ukraine. our team york. the opposition the men in ukraine has many faces being trained in ideology and russia points out that some of them are in the far right's of the political spectrum. i see cars on entering an honoring of the notion has more the day. he's assembled the new monsters of ukraine dealing with the one to just be had in the revolution the burst into local parliament session in a town outside kiev. when we knew for his masks and t shirts with nancy singles. see the lake and then on the features of ukraine group one of its leaders he'd gotten mostly choke was recently released from jail as a political prisoner by the country's new appointees he had been serving seeks
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here is for preparing a terror attack. he attempts to infringe on ukraine's territorial integrity will be punished. the authorities can't do that will handle it we'll go to the crimea unlike before they'll run like rocks while there is evidence that he spied to restrain the five rounds. a close associate of the patrons train me to yemen with people. key position in the ukrainian security council. his group the reit sector has been described as neo fascist by the western media the idea. another prominent member and examples in this two thousand and seven bt and pledges to fight again is common these days and ready to sit for as long as life lies in his veins it's a sentiment dampened by his father is the next add the rice and scum. in this nation with issues of veterans know what fascism in
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this year with the nuremberg trials and recognize that the bill. still we see it being supported and glorify it. missy available from the hand of an air force veterans since he is one of many ukrainians who i worried about the rise of these radicals. we met to see the inside bus stop when the crying the mct that we missed some of the bloodiest nineteen eighties the nazis in world war two. their second circle road renault interested in destroying ukraine. that in a onesie russian ukraine whatever he wants a division between us this guy walks in while inside the stall for the seat in the air intakes mentioning glory in the fight against fascism. it commemorates the danes who died trying to protect the model and their families. ferguson could eulogy of thousands to take this region and the world over. today almost seventy years later it seems the principles and values these brave people fourfold
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big and in danger while the force they died fighting maybe making a comeback bridge ocean on an aussie from crimea. lastly dollars he made international headlines and whenever he turns one on the record instead of russian intervention in crimea is wrong and indeed as a reporter on this network i faced many ethical and moral challenge as especially me personally coming from a family. his grandparents my grandparents came here as refugees during the hungarian revolution ironically to escape. the sylvia force as i have family on the opposite side on my mother's side eye that sees the daily grind of poverty. and i'm very lucky to have grown up here. in the united states signed the daughter of a better and my partner is a physician and a military base where he sees everyday. the first hand
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accounts of the ultimate price is that people pay for this country. and that is why personally i cannot be part of network funded by the russian government that whitewash is the actions of two and i'm proud to be an american. and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why after this news cast. i'm designing. i think that no one can clear the resident max. i want it
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i was all like experts have revealed the words no work for the first place. now that i feel. one reason and was able to get material could be the government in the attic system for running background checks and now suspended their side trying to change select a good little outsource or that it hit the us government's highest security clearance contractors to do background investigations into the people that considering hiring. currently these contractors are allowed to oversee and improve their own investigation there's no system for checking the background. another way does that make the report found. i need from the federal government. so yes lah. jack is really good about getting to report. i especially think no one
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bothering to check their work the case of a background check contractor called us investigative services the department of justice the light at the us has proved it so it into three investigations in order to receive timely his own bed might be right. considering the less i asked why the factor that can back into the background check and yes edwards noted. another one here elect a government worker who shot up in the yard. great job guys justice continues to investigate us i asked the government office of personnel management announced to be doing at the low quality reviews of background checks. but this new law in place at the issue the few senators just introduced legislation to prevent security clearance contractors from interviewing an approving their own background investigation which seems to me that it is right after seeing what just happened. here's the thing that legislation. basically they need to jack that our
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background check or is it because we don't trust them many people we hired to tell us. only weekend's draft that's how the government works people. so i'm sending it out. now in toorak itself by trying to get all played around with it. the knights but not too bad that my battery and put as the president. i don't. oh
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and welcome to newign it' chene canchnd tellsnd camp. us secretary of state john kerry has criticized russian leader's day after day for their intervention in ukraine. now he's brought up his complaints and face to face he met in paris with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. nothing fancy i that time. caring and love ramen for the first time since former ukrainian president vikto yanukovich was overthrown two


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