tv China Price Watch PBS March 7, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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stepped up and sustained in order to reach out to the millions affected. when mdm wong will . the return of rights watch. the key to economic and we liked and wanted us to endure. we caught up in committee quality. more than that or what. when the key. money matters. look out for. our question today the top of housing prices. the consumer
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corner will probably have to the thing about it. finally to the blog today. i put the byzantine of the ideological purists and your mood. look it up with mike in china first up is illegal to eat it the second cuff applicant could not have them for having a child fishing for a week and lamented time to do it i'll call him archers. did you call people out there and have a second child is wanted and it may be called white cop the meal we went to apply for the person could get local government department we go in the music i pulled up a comprehensive study of two thousand playing in the face of wine into thirty first of applicants to have the baby immediately after they get their pursuit to get the others interested applicants are looking to hold onto that certificate. a number of them the poll continue in iraq. most of the computer having her second child two to three years later. we did that for
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putting up their baby plan the cost of raising a child many of the duty of care the second child and to look down the evil pope and to buy dinner for us. securities journal. chinese government officials are competent in the market for the next decade. wipe out or is it about ali declined to go chinese government to build a strong couple that in the country's future open market. the vice minister of the ministry of housing and development skills are seeing old chinese media that during the contest. through the market will not collapse the next decade albert you want more people come to the big cities might suffer without government and got in and out of their statistics showed that in the past few months. the major chinese cities housing price growth rate of decline. more cities housing prices started to decrease it. the recent housing price declines a joke he was too small right the official the government
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in it which is why the major concern. china's new recruit young for the big government a new meeting of the increase in both commercial and an elite national business daily the total cost of getting married about three hundred thousand and ten. putting it off because of the difficult and expensive in china. funny what you love her all the vocal form financial constraint. they're making marriage is expensive. in the past to get it. the cost of getting different i need to become very popular website the intent of the top the list the most expensive city to get their freedom the three hundred and forty thousand dollars there the poll by trading in shanghai with that. about three hundred twenty seven thousand dollars. the wedding band to cover the cost of buying a house and car decorating and purging the house holding a wedding banquet going on a honeymoon in the competition. that is usually count for half of the total cost. they
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persecute you. beijing the three hundred us dollars per square foot. any kid that buying a house with about one thousand square feet the three hundred dollars dollars. don't go away because of that money matters were talking the housing crisis. they get. china to the middle to continue meeting called illegal player to touch it the proposal to the fact that if and where my other members of the action if the proposal are present are brought to the actual government department the country's biggest problems are being addressed the traditions of the breaking up our corruption and collusion and housing the session. rubber stamping event will come out of the session really get adjusted for the government official bill became law from there. people's daily paul get into that topic in early february. the word
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president of the twenty ninth out of ten topic of the net users are most concerned about the contest. nearly ninety percent of users that they came out of the current housing crisis. beside the online poll survey carried out by to university can people daily. with three thousand questionnaires thirty six cities nationwide the problem out the skeleton of the finger the leaf peepers for people between eighteen thirty five years old. the over sixty percent the concert he will hope to convey the government of the spa. straight to become more committees the first two months to the support it in the real big part in china had her do it. one of the biggest dork ever want to go. realty developers to link up to wipe out the new residential community the house that is to be sold around two hundred ninety dollars a square foot. after the discount. the hawthorn tiny village square foot cheaper. some early count all the value cost the country over eighty thousand dollars
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overnight. levi's proved that he offered her to eat it. oh lord why can't it and return the house i want my money where's the fire and repurchase it. people are beaten up the protesters of being called now in chinese which means house troublemakers. an over packer to point out that these are key to find out. that would be buying the house. they can have a place to live. it's on the topic went into a commentator with five hundred thousand with the followers attack the character of the protesters by comparing them to hong kong people. she did that cause trouble makers a deep into contact. a sharp decline from nineteen ninety eight to two davenport the house price decline nearly every home owner sold the value of their house to drop by two point six million dollars average. dubbed the millionaires delete on the deck. i think all the people and it was time to
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pick it up. yes said the competition did not rush is not killed off because they did. you have probably didn't look too deeply into hong kong katrina that. don't go away because of that book the look out the price to beat it. welcome back to china for clubs the canopy was tiny but didn't open to the one hundred thousand we both fall is destined to be a big supporter of protest to respond to price declines in home killed hundreds protested respond to large and sudden drop in housing prices. but corny yet. the dj competition for protesting but that are rumors going around that. given the genuine. you can get it out now that the actors working today by housing developers. the origin of the reel tape deck to see that both local government and housing developers do not want to see a decline in house prices the uniform of
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india did not try to hide the governor to keep up the red pill and i pray plan did you catch that many members of the ppp c d or criticize your local store and forced the contract with private upright. we are helping official the national ministry of land and resources. we have that many local governments are two of the catholic not going to be altered to the middle of winter and acted like an atm for government revenue. last year the total interest of peace nationwide that undertaking seven billion dollars. the total area when construction increased by five twenty percent from the pretties kit. in one hundred acres across the country. overall the double blow when prices were in an upward trend first among them and they link on average ten billion dollars that means that one third of all laughed when revenues. it took two months. how did all like getting scared by the price. more content to stay over supplied the real reason why the lesser slots
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that i could. give it a bit here. the report warns of one of the tenth out of the house many others getting hold of the huge number of houses for sale. in the area tradable house and did three point five billion square feet the coastal city of qingdao the largest area reaching one hundred fifty million square feet. it would put the debate and the housing area. even if the stock trucks the oversupply for more than a year. but over the tradable every tough to keep out of that. when chinese source into the ride. it might even think to get back out the developers had wanted to go to an ability to force the governor can do no control over how cute right at the happy trio the protests might affect the price ticket. there's no tender for the government housing developers or held by the left right go down the queen of the people who want to live in the house. to
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be a cute that i need the concert but the leopard huge debt. the teenager put his mobile to crack. don't go away because of that. her question today with the topic of interest. they can. at no time for question today given the tick on issues affecting their lives. today we people mystery of their top of housing crisis. but two people had to have the courage to it. someone in the united auto and contemplated stopping the house front and beijing are acceptable. it depends on whether mounted it to live in the center of beijing it will cost a lot. he led them to sell that house prices up think many ppl canucks after the government house was written policy issues. i think it really works
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the content and seo. you can me in many people by how did you make a profit. really it in our country. i think that is why our house is art that can take an hour to kick the department should. two sh agreed. iteera buying. do u think of potential. we think of it and deter the middle of a new one yet. keen to forget he can try it. i mean it that the money to pay for a swim team. you can see why teach it. we can buy wine. i
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think that housing prices are too high now. the majority of ordinary people can't hide the race was delayed by the city. that's the reason why the prices so high why didn't it coming to beijing to buckle. i will be happy the people who happen to me to buy one. and i already have a healthy aging. nature relating not like others to want to make a profit. i think he claimed that everything can turn any other country can rough loong at pasyear. your order we take a look attractive but the fine china on tuesday to look at the appt with the predicament that have tea with honey you just have to say about it the central government under what a dirty campaign over year ago. and a political bent to two sessions. no caption. or watch the complete other cover to spend money unfortunate i discovered the republic of what detachable caught each year the african theater by using
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chinese media. orca weekly report to the national them played all the expenses during the confession. of course the chinese media the total cost of building a hundred to lead us where fifteen million us dollars other media sources compared it to us to go through a difference which are about thirty three dollars. when looking to the clear where the money's going. securities market weekly report when red chard replace the three detained in beijing. about three thousand representatives attending the meeting. if the average grant of up to two hundred fifty dollars total costs to be about seven thousand dollars. due to the government austerity campaign said he would stop paying for chartered airplane unless represented the class where they could even take a train to attend a meeting in beijing. hopefully these new measures would save on transportation costs. when representatives arrived in beijing the central government the box for them to travel between their hotel
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and the meeting place. it is often carried forty passengers. it will require a tube up to three thousand representatives from dt spot could cost three hundred dollars a day. to me two hundred thirty thousand dollars. accommodation and other than that. it was usually think of it tended to port arthur tell. was i think the husband to us dollars every threat to the one room that often the meeting would be of two million dollars. if you fell off the set of measures to keep a . the kid reported that you'd accused us of the upper body disposal paper cups for teacher doesn't it. if that is representative of bottled water with their names on it apart from the cream and topless red carpet and other decorations have also cut out the cake. these are pretty small things but even if the government cut down on the little things people that want security. the securities
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market weekly report. last year the cover of the seven hundred thousand security personnel for the past during the concert security guard not an un where dollars taking the call to the cost of it all day long contest last year. thirteen do you spell it the security budget would be much higher than last year. it could mean tears back last weekend motivated impatient with the old covenant to hire additional police for the event was to breed beijing about threats minority in the punjab province. the ministry of security has taken over command for both to jump in beijing for the event. over thirteen provinces have brought their police into the back. the large number security forces. what a pill on sunday. chinese internet users also expressed their opinions about the concessions. probably the political back up too much. one report. i can understand what the cover to cover the living and transportation costs representatives. why should the federal govern all to pay for their meal. one had to put the rep pay for
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themselves. another way we agreed quo. he was inducted into the covenant to pay for representatives who caught one or two decades ago that's because most of those people didn't have too much money. adapting to change why should we let them pay for the living and could cost the cover should use the money to help more important issues. covers the major users don't think that it doesn't cost too much one rope all that money could be banned from holding the country's problems and finding ways to develop our economy. what you should have been cultivating of ordinary people could still benefit from it. another way but you just end quote i'm okay with spending money and accused us of the movies represent is too big for the and try to find that that also saw issue but due to life extension in the future. this year the political bent short thirteen ap the common cause i need to use point out who actually buys into recession and a lot of money the bigger picture for tiny
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people the right to represent it. the money isn't the way comparable to a different agenda. moving on out to get the prize. we lined up all the singers understand the cost of living the people the street to get the drop in housing prices in congo. let's take a look again. the unpacking. it was the result that the us to lose touch with i don't think it would deploy them all the good in many cities like beijing housing prices still going to go to government takes many matches restrained housing price point yesterday i continued that it might have declined by fifty percent. i think our house price will decrease in the future. the government has made many great efforts for an account to my house even though there is to me to conclude by helping to make a profit. house prices
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declined by about thirteen dollars per square foot house prices from joe were about three dollars which the court some people who own houses don't want prices to decline worth trying. after unpacking. mainly i think your relationship with the help my kids instead of coke and coffee. i'm thinking hotel while my kids are more attracted to say. once it to my kids. i think it might decline to seventy five dollars per square foot. i think they change housing price boom to the club. so many people want to have their own house. joan's house prices have decreased. i just might go down. but the reds have also dropped. we have that in our parish to buy it for her. my cat. i think. i
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think it's too high the cheese. our house market a delivery man came to our house trying it i want to be daft. output began to call the right to continue going into the city. but to help the building to congo. still the price decline from two hundred ninety us dollars to one hundred eighty us dollars per square foot. this means we can help. iris was around eighty thousand dollars in value it out. holding the price change. the protest and writing for the health center. at no time for development debate we dig deeper into question shaping the future empress of china today our debate topic that i did the psychological bureau should be removed. we all hear confessions and china have attracted a lot of attention. the vocal booth up by the members of the two sessions have been putting off. two more people are discussing the issues of
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the old look and the deep psychological care. when the topic up for debate. this proposal for a walk to the chinese users. it is made by dubya's you a delegate of the national people's congress for ndp. to all who participate in contests of last year at the mtc delhi the draft proposals to toughen thirteen. all the attention grabber. he's not taking the train for free a legal holiday. his proposal for the year is also very controversial topic now. kim told the dean of the chinese cover of the billions of us don't the psychological bureau. the departed to use them very well. today you can turn to the department has never to complete forecast an earthquake. to argue that if i were spending a lot of money every year. one government department. she expressed that the deep psychological bureau conducted without going for us to lead us. three hundred ninety million dollars the summer hike to take undertaking delete it all and got thirteen. coventry cost
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to continue the practice of it. discover department to make any innovation and earthquake technology meanwhile bolted into the double cork out of the previous year. you could conduct administrative functions of the department to replace other in that department. to argue that it's just not worth the money and the current bedding isn't transparent enough to halt a band that other countries that support a proposal to the japan america and his example. the quake prone country dependent and independent partner for earthquake. there's only a section of pre production but by the japan meteorological agency. you also said that the word job of combining by the geological survey in america as well. but in time to tell them look what you can see for earthquake that hit even china. to all but added that most of that year are not qualified creek researchers. and when the quake happened the refuge of the anti private matters weekly done by other departments. q concluded that the un yesterday keeping with the psychological bureau chewed him out of money every year. cover different voices
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to be heard as well the chinese poet john king khan. it is you better not want to cancel the psychological bureau. it onto the porch actually make it impossible the researchers in the department really concentrate on improving the level of infrastructure and building. great workout the practical based liquor condition. focusing on production is not with the governor should be doing the bromide when necessary they just are forecasting for the part made it impossible to improve the ability to store period of time. to our knees and more reasonable and practical the tape and quick responses and planning. to argue that complete and the department did not want to do. the big blue cross worker of new and more specific changes. but it's necessary to jump up onto the department had become suggests that the b side who want to cure of diseases research to help build a bridge building with his apartment building. john
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stressed the need for a quick recap. the government also computer units are defined at the top of the distance. last week or next week. many other proposals drawn up for discussion. maybe more like um probably come up with china's rapid development will mr pulled my contention is to look to government to make any changes on the issue ok that all the time for an update of the upright want to neglect of related cost of living in china. until then you can do anywhere. my nephew went on tv. i've gone through. puppeteer. i was. i
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know. i didn't too hard and found to cause maximum mature and be just a legitimate goal for two thousand and two chairs so could result in the peel district court sooner do you say he can cook and clean her off. moving north into the mold and all it didn't open them on the yoke of a bill for momentum and to create it at home working on my hey i'm sitting here going from a vehicle to teach him the most pleasing. going with you gave birth to more though this be due to decreased idea the voyage of the vote to get the quarter in a surprising names and forty the effect of cheesy would kill to turn in the new
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wonders will think you know and i'm going to do. the new world that it is nice too new to report on tuesday it is some kind. they need to install the orchids i declined to predict in all your own can do the dishes concert on the old team corner of the more secure the doctor. february st two thousand and two. the school of the morning. local school until summer the junior team in the course of the most ethical community. i don't want to ask what does peace and order in two thousand saturn in your gut to come on increased all his own joke they ticketed or conform to it. one thing to do what i did arts and the tool the animal could see a dude paul will be used on me i didn't like it. gotta get it on and off it. my hands. a
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local. jack and sing at the meeting. the law. or like to drink with him or go back and kill him. so the chain on the condo and we can be done the renewed or don't cut it dean park a mortal wound us a key. for some good article vehicle. don't ever tell her she will when we bought for me until you see she ended up with the sushi on a norwegian court can all go. order from all the sudden he can read cook and we are too cheesy the police are looking to intervene in order crumbled and tie the score. i wish to pursue bungee cord with the healing. the tardy on our family of local video i took when i was forced into working. you couldn't afford to go to the kiddo can see that i can put them all go on at least. aaron cook and
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pointed out that the linking this to you to me before to be more stark. cloned up your of the most competent candidate. no info put on a piano. one helpful. going out to do the edging. you get what you can do. dd. but it really didn't show it to provide a vision. you can do this yet. it was time to time the judicial duties. it will just. what could be confirmed here are what cause the proposal should include a mark on top of the more difficult than he did not count our dog saints available to those saints of the school. you're not good quality stuff of the chain or email complaint that. you all are interested to see russell and up to. we're going to assume that the new monaro street received awesome and i go some good to go get
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aborted record store your needles to use key goes to his skin leaving until more people don't think that a competitor can offer. due to the abandoned on a greased commodities to be in total he took him all the dreamy promote before that the young socceroos team took advantage of them the deal the city of nanaimo. but warmed to her closer to the market in the name of kimmorley and the doctor. and no more the news of up to the hit bbc movie he goes on. you should join the newly increased to more day to support and promote toll. when confronted on the paid up to the mall to meet them all to do and only you know increased available die. an awesome place. what the reason it didn't make the story because it is just coming to an all in the army's new system i knew
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the little little little little. the us the idol welcome to nhk world islam and you know tommy until chilled. here's a look at some other stories we're following this hour. i am money is divided over plans to hold a vote on this cd from ukraine. they fled across the ocean to escape persecution. but now hundreds of the kenyan muslims detained in thailand are being sent back to the ummah and with the grants him. but for them and store
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