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tv   RT News  PBS  March 8, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST

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i'm sure your worries mainstream cruz who was selected in stunningly beautiful coast and one norway celebrated. unique in the world. what authentic local intelligence and common access to the world's most prestigious. travelers seeking a miracle. district i know. the ukraine's most extreme far right group notorious for its views put themselves forward for
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president is false reports he's also demanding his followers be handed weapons from government ourselves the west is big on key its operating platform before the eu and us forces freed into the arms of the steer tube sets finance panthers and the west email the batter. that's the beauty of some german parents worry that plans for schools teach children about a sense of threat and family values. an anti gun has become the weapon of choice for british criminals because they are sensible and legal the new. our goal. it's pretty much get what you get a nap with me or even josh
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well stretch run of the barricades and a burning streets of kiev ukraine extremist group rights act during out once more legitimacy to its two year sees the upcoming presidential election as an opportunity to enter the political battlefield but doubtless ambitions have done nothing to stop the group recruiting fighters and reportedly demanding access to the country's arsenal oliver to reports. he is on rise the lines on the trunks of power. yet sooner or later we are doomed to fight against moscow empire the only guarantee of peaceful civilized life for the people's reforming their lives new russia is full liquidation of the empire this is the need to go yeah the leader of the reit sector. the ultra nationalist far right wing group has announced he's running for president of ukraine. he tells the subject of an international arrest warrants issued by a russian he's charged with inciting terror
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attacks. extremist actions ukrainians have always supported the liberation struggle of the kitchen and other caucasian people. now it's time for you to support ukraine. as a reit sector leader i urge you to stop the fight. russia is not as strong as it seems. this money to support the aims and actually recognized terrorists going to cool models. following his announcement that he would for a raise. considering the president's. send this to him that he demanded from the ukrainian defense ministry. the paper finds his dealings with weapons. he apparently made that he will resort to more decisive measures. the government fails to respond the kids some weeks now that the men of violence of the people except exercising. decisive influence over the government in kiev. only at the end of two thousand and twelve
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the european elements that contends peaceful that the posse and said that its values of such racism and antisemitism was incompatible with the european union's fundamental values the present regime in kiev has five members of the posse and there are three thousand members in key positions of power. two we can see that the extreme right financial instruments and songs is existing in a pretty decisive role in europe are simply looking the other way. all around the center is key in the new cult masonry block insignia or of rights and death. the group which is referred to as neo like so since the recruiting. he says roy said. but to find out whether don't like doing you'll be on station military experience the intensity of the peninsula. the office
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until the forum. great section on the leaf alright group operating in ukraine right now. the scene shoes and only has the military of flying the flag is the ukrainian patriarchs ago me useful tools to some of the most terrific scenes of oppression. the country's history. these are all about auntie ukraine. mr asserted the broccoli is a western supporters of ukraine's new authorities are fully aware of the radical influence behind them gets chose not to voice their concerns. he'll do this so called interim government of ukraine is not self reliance. unfortunately it depends on the radical nationalist hundred troops and armed takeover of power and i believe that our western partners are well aware of what they are is the fragile ego to ukraine and among themselves they share extremely troubling account for what they see that what i present for political reasons to remain silent about that and publix the mosque and has voiced
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its salaried after several russian tv channels were denied entry to ukraine in saturday's statement on the foreign ministry's website expresses surprise at the lack of reaction from ukraine and western media it's as this sounds to me as censorship and it shows how hypocritical those in power in kyiv are. the was a protest against a self imposed government in kiev how the non stop to the east and the south of ukraine and this is the city of finance our crowds have been waving russian flags picketing in front of administration buildings has been banned but peaceful protests swept across other parts of the city so called self same squads representatives from the funnest party and other activists set up camps on the main square. among the things that they are demanding is that referendum on the region's status. he also won russian to be the second official language international monetary fund says it's ready to support cranes new government would allow the country's political crisis cost of economically
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but the ins european handball we use the countries on the path to stability. eu taxpayers are not so convinced and some are not happy about taking on another struggling economy which isn't even part of the block policy or has the story. ours was an immediate video. was to drink. financial resources to the country it's pretty obvious previous responses are coming from because they don't. the high commission has he. goldman bridgette i'm not supporting the egg yolks into the billions of euros at this point she might never see this money can be a joke. ok so i just want to get rid of the problems of getting money like it's going to result in them. i think this issue is not the least common economic team and we have some problems important that we need to consoles sold to help
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another busy day i'm not so good that can be done. we don't have conditions to help another ten days. taxpayers are angry. there were no way they once were too cool for a country that's not even the name of the european union. still at school about the idea that as we add beauty secret is i find it very difficult if not here but it's that time. it is something that has taken us up wes is pledging support without any warranty. wait i'm getting ourselves in this case neither do how we going to find a way out. i don't think opposition is adequate the promised economic aid will come to the international money to fund the international committee to mobilize to help ukraine that belies its economic and financial situation. we truly can also contribute to political and social peace. what does he get to commission a second time it provides cairns under the strictest conditions
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the most in team colors don't come to the crease in portugal stole thousands of sector workers laid off benefits and pains and smashed and taxes go up. but all of the skill to put the country's finances back on track. despite predictions of truth because any contact with them. maybe cfr proceeding ukraine kiev may end up in a painful consequences. as has happened in several eu countries. what is he an auntie. ellis break down some figures in show you exactly why many europeans are lessening lyrical and ukraine money. ps rescue package may wind up being larger than a third bailout given to greece which could reportedly be between ten and twenty billion euros. cypress might be a west a little envious. since its rescue package was a near ten billion and a money tree is likely to receive is double what the government in portugal stands every year the us for almost two billion dollars in ukraine gas bills are now awaits and the russians warning it could soon turn the taps off house
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thursday was the due date in kiev have promised to settle its debts to see her now was the key it could start siphoning eu bound gas which runs through pipelines on its territory for two weeks there are alternatives to the north's steam pipe lines were completed in twenty twelve are now supplying europe without the need to kill for ukraine and other projects. the south stream is also under construction under the black sea. here though hopes the eu will provide it with a loan to avoid all back but they are its publisher of business new york isn't optimistic. see the city. is he taking me to pay for its new kind of a princess. some find it in any distance didn't hate what you see to it. the short term credit that the european union is this the two things one the same owner will be immediately struck by
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the cats that he grants us the gnostic the thirty five contents of this which isn't all it's about time for europe's center and suddenly from its going to try it though this is the school's programs but the two governments. let's get this money. this is an essential step in very hot so empty comes a time when you're pretty full speed only happened in those countries gas an ounce or nothing in between ukraine and russia ended in a constant thorn in relations since the collapse of the uses are also take a look at the last decade for example in two thousand rock shows forced to reduce supplies because of the rampant out of gas in transit to europe via ukraine in two thousand and six about the same amount was empty and discovered missing from reservoir is interesting and still won. russia cut supplies again and this time the mini euro fell to three years layered it with the ukraine at one point five billion dollars behind on payments. russia was forced to reduce gas supplied by fifty percent if you've paid
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its bills and in twenty chance. with payments and relates to russian authorities noticed gas was being siphoned off while in transit through the ukraine supplies were cut again and some european spent almost three weeks without gas during winter. well this been an attorney and to some of media ad this week you'd be forgiven for thinking the world is on the brink of actual war pundits are pushing their sides the message whether that means ignoring the rise of fascism ukraine or cheering on calls to boycott the paralympics on tuesday she can has been keeping up with was being snapped the usa department has sent out these bullet points to the media titled proteins and false claims about ukraine just in case some journeys the site to give russia the benefit of that debt. so quarter to the us the department question was absolutely nothing to worry about him to quit. media
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should forget and ignore how instrumental far right national it's a worrying thinking my list to my temple cats in attacking government buildings that have actually helping the current government come to power the first things they did they try to bend a bunch of language. the groups that glorified individuals cleaned the past collaborated with the slaughter of two options it may be a cure has downplayed the role it played on. but there are going anywhere as harsh and threatening as western officials are in their statements against russia. it seems that the deal are taking the extra step the latest headlines foreign dignitaries boycott the saatchi paralympic games in protest of ukraine in the ukrainian team. my soon to fall asleep. while that was a little premature. but still channels held on to the boycott. deadline for awhile. when the mainstream media to invite this man to give his expertise on auction
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and the challenge him on his own actions six years ago you know where things stand in their position with mikhail saakashvili who launched a full blown attack on the republic of south pacific killing scores of innocent people and international investigations confirmed that he needed before rushing into being that man is allowed to sit there on a challenge and more lies about russia's actions now here are my questions questions that i would very much like to hear in the mainstream media and i don't mean there's probably a reason for that too. the eu association agreement that spark might die. aside from the fact that it offered disastrous terms for the ukrainian economy. why did it have to force ukraine to decide between russia and the eq. why did you reject washes all four of the tripartite the three wave of arrangement that would allow ukraine to sustain ties with the book sure why that's a cool free trade agreement have concluded closet of millet reintegration. knowing how divided the country is
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why the west need to pick the people of ukraine against each other like that. in washington on street parking thus the last week a man called anti escalation washington sent one of its navy's the stores close to russia's shorts. they hiss and straps and has entered the black sea via turkey and is in an hour and a visit analysts believe is intended to send a message. michael prisoner and the expert america's of america's military told us about the tried and tested tactic of gumbo diplomacy. this is what he called up to seven others actually a long history of the u s foreign policy the absence of gunboat diplomacy. which is in action the diplomacy at all times is just using threats and intimidation to try to get within one. this case of a little bit comical because i don't know how intimidating but this one ship is going to
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be back to the people but they are trying to intimidate but ultimately this is a move by the united states to say the rules of this new government in ukraine. we're committed to making sure that they retain power. that may have retained but this forward march that they're putting ukraine on to integration and take you up at me i am. exposing she still has the station's music by the mainstream media workshops in brussels will feel my belly this alternative reality. projects the most. the independents. i checked on the cheek. while everyone beyond their years has struck center and find out what else the us has been trying to bring and to the black sea at thirty dot com where you can find all the latest developments about cramming its bid for a change
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i am. he thinks he's pretty sounds like that. i forgot that we all sang night and breakfast type thingy. free coffee. guru. what kennedy
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your teens today are rover's future the eye i know what seemed rt international standards as well the president is seeking and meeting was either a south american leaders to ask for help in resolving anti government unrest twenty people have now died in with a report a sniper attack killing to use in the vo latest outbreak of violence the country's government is blaming an opposition minority in for the bloodshed gregory will part the co founder of venezuela's and houses dot com also believes the opposition is to blame usually you know there is conflicting reports and tried it tonight so that's what happens and suggests that somebody else to shoot in its
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narrative of american voters think the attorney general's office has been called according to a good job actually been investigated on exactly who is blind to all the stupid . and don't know if the concert will be good fodder for juanita protesters or oh four it is intended to be innocent bystanders caught up in the conflict. and there's more and more investigations into the details of how it went into a new cd. it has twenty two. from there on a two zero two two the site of the opposition demonstrators to move them out of the most responsibility it since. yes the returns this year in a refugee camp r t dot com don't hide a breakaway group returns to damascus facility housing mostly palestinian evacuees and it begins at the wave of abuse. the next president and courts reportedly warrior the phone on the former french leader nicolas or tuesday to be tapped and the claims his election campaign was partially funded by the late
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review president monica down see. first day of competition in the winter paralympics in suntec and some als have already been one of sydney tales from our team's leaders of france is there for us. i leave the city did tell us out what's happened so far and what should we be looking forward to. well after a spectacular opening ceremony last night the athletes got started bright and early today on black swan in alpine skiing so far russia is coming up. calls for gold security so far competitions are not yet over for the day now of russia's got twelve medals so far for gold in existence at its east germany accept two medals both of them called out now. colts look like that's when this plant on high the standing and visual impairment categories both got gold
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medals and then the gold medals for men is back on as well. and standing and sitting on categories the silver medalist time alpine skiing brush also got a silver medal. and this is something that at that at the games four years ago russian metal and starts looking good so far the alpine ski know it's not over yet. i watched it for the russian athletes who got those four calls because guess how much they get to take home. eighty one thousand euro as a piece that's four times more than the gold medalist from germany that sell as i'm sure those four people are very happy right about now. we like it if we compare how the paralympic team is doing to past years i in two thousand ten team russia twinkle and it's got three calls the peril and the ends for team russia got twelve this year two thousand fourteen team russia to call the twelve called on the first aid competitions russia's already at fort sill is looking at bikes these are all the sports
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that russia has historically done pretty well and coming up next a fine curling sledge hockey which light is a first for russia this year and then add tomorrow cross country skiing comes out tuscany jam packed with action. hopefully rash that can keep this momentum going well i surely a very very impressive start dear liza think is too much for bringing us this update and as you said there's a lot more to look forward to it than to friends. reporting from such for us. the other stories now here on rt german school skits and teach children about minority sexual lifestyles as part of the curriculum. the plan is already met strong opposition from some parents the only one kids taught traditional family values. ike is this account. this explains. he has shown to cause this much of a star in southern germany fight is brewing over a proposal to teach sexual minorities in school the initiative won't go into
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effect until next year old to teach students to be tolerant of different lifestyles relationships. according to germany's largest family planning and supplication nonprofits understanding and accepting differences is what it's all about. one to one in the world is confident and that's how it should be presented to a child. after all some classes have students with different factual or impatience could be excluded if only they had chosen to model this time that's why a teacher has to explain that while most people even had a sexual partnerships. some boys and girls who are attracted to the same facts. conservative state of cotton were cheaper that's the message some families don't want their children to hear we feel that school is engaged into indoctrination of our children to the values that we disagree with and we have no way to avoid such indoctrination all three of
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the end of the family is planning to get the coverage from going into force. no one knows exactly what will be taught or at what age. that's because the education plan has yet to be finalized but that doesn't stop the families along with more than a hundred ninety thousand people from training in all my petition in protest the one wearing the boots to that need to introduce my children to such a subject it's still a very sensitive page and i wanted the chance to teach them traditional family values. since i bought it comes to certain parts of these sexual education is mandatory for students skipping class because of religious objection isn't an option. ken lewis couldn't see the family camera to the good life. after all children communicate with other children at school if i can assure any conservative family that her feelings developers account grow. no matter the family's beliefs this is a mentality someone to talk to the school should stick to its main function is
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to teach children math history literature and soul children don't grow all the same place and only parents will know what is the right time to introduce their child to stop it the center of attention of children emotions understandable run high different families may disagree on what values to teach their kids and at what age the look was controversy surrounding this issue was a sign that the sentences won't be easy. yet despite that's the plan curriculum isn't likely to change. according to berlin for our team and use it for now. they're all the deer still deadly criminals in the uk on the hunt for anti guns and an shortage of modern weapons according to police and an even more attractive because we don't need a license to own one rt sister celia has a story. this piece dates back to the late nineteenth century and is classified as a collection of peace. now there's no formal requirement for a new registration for this but when the museum we are in a high security low profile forensics laboratory of the national ballistics
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intelligence service where i saw these pieces are analyzed in order to help authorities understand how they end up in the hands of criminals and also to be able to cut off supply source that in two thousand to eighteen thousand thirteen the gun crimes have fallen by more than half in england and wales. there's been an increase in the use of antiques from our own to become much more difficult to tying in the uk criminals have identified the fact that there are a loosely much and no restrictions on antique firearms. therefore if they can obtain in mt and mt carle they can then use the skin crawling. theres no actual definition of walking and take law romans not too late no teen center over the ammunition is taken away from. as no longer viable to the ob regattas and take a rewritten diseases as the two pistols study for my first cycle low will. they would melt your account is then takes the sissy focuses on
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forensic work scientists here same markings of bullets are key to identifying exactly what types of guns are out there on the streets to find a freebie from crawling thing and in each of a crime scenes include the common man to make three bullets began to sing their own fondness and gone. we neither side got most of the news was treated as crimes. the scientists do to contribute to peace about puzzle in tackling the decline. the problem goes back to the fact that the mole was not identified was sent to eat and what isn't. the e learning and and the thieves break in step with eddie martin the air i. holden iy. savingse the capital. that is the basis of capitalism to get a double but doubly get
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double the savings you have stated that it is a good shots and tidied up the shop so zach sample based there was a media and the injured seen for a while. last year i don't think so. really courts courts. russia is a great thing. i think it's the delay last suggestion all along was one of my show was screwed. i'm screaming. it was due to the country's into its territory. fresh fish and a cauliflower is it suggested tomato taste the sand and then imagine that the nato would collapse altogether. i
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married him killing me impartial. very conservative only on the back. is you today i am you can go to school. use. nor did it yesterday. the devil to get into a new design. tsk tsk tsk. nm. dvds lulu long
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ruling will. the us. to relax i liked it and here is your goal is to come in instead. i then welcome to our likes dislikes this time around happens to include the following top story pageantry. why the venice carnival is one of europe's biggest frauds. shake the dust settles three d printers may soon be changing the way we build. like finally the area around lake constance offer something for everyone the travel all over europe right now but nowhere does it happen stately elegance of a house in venice


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