tv France 24 News PBS March 8, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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knew you. and. one of your worries mainstream crews were at my supermarket in stunningly beautiful coastal one. norway's celebrated unique in the world. what authentic local intelligence and law and common access to the world's most prestigious travelers seeking a miracle district. i do the passengers onboard
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amazing animation and minds might be easing. stalin's of sports mode as handsome as his best he seemed to force a toy and snakes but the weather by seven seconds and then went off the radar twenty four hours ago tensions remain high in crimea ukraine says one of its border patrol planes came under fire places and extended today this isn't an actual feathers are prevented from entering the tax rate for that time. the race around the walls for international women's day will have a special report from cut up reacted to hate when that would mean using the patient to find the dominance of the mafia as our top stories this hour you achieve cos i kept trying to set in stone and postulates least twenty passengers on boats animation and einstein. it's now been missing for more than twenty four hours. the tide is attained when our morning off
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the coast of vietnam on the cotton imports the painting two hundred and thirty nine people are on board and rescue team said stupid that i say they've seen on to boil snakes in the region. malthouse has more scouring the warts is high above the south china sea. such was my turn each three seventy continues following the exact flight landed them in asia airlines jets. it's been a nice rescue planes boats the first potential signs of a crash this photograph taken by the rescue team purports to show a series of oil slick stop the southern tip of vietnam. while there's still no confirmation that the schools are related to the missing plane authorities say the apparent quantity of oil in the sea is consistent with that of the fuel tanks of a jetliner the plane's a call from kuala lumpur on route to beijing thirty on saturday morning but that traffic control lost contact with the flights at one thirty local time. hoff way between
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in asia on the southern tip of vietnam. large number of such planes and boats from various countries have now being dispatched to this area two hundred and twenty seven passengers were on board was twelve crew. two thirds with chinese nationals at the top and i know in beijing family and friends wait anxiously for news. authorities have requested the dreaded sits down thirteen airports hotel but many are angry with the lack of information being provided. they could take days even months before the truth of what happens to fly to nh three seventeen is none. tensions remain high in a russian occupied crime and now ukraine says on its border patrol planes came on the fly and when it returns to the boat. noah was having the incidents me wanted to add this for me yippee nancy happening from the two nd favorite entry proof that time and close to ten back off the russian ships flying
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the morning selves. mansell said the impediments to ukraine's eastern city of nantes the town is a stronghold of ousted president ian credits pakistan denies this. but it did raise it in today's demonstration which was meant to be at the big one the not so high i think it was in the reds' three thousand people though they didn't let it sit still but gets to read outside today but that didn't make to run that just a couple of items that would see the regional administration building which had previously promised to give inspectors have school that was the last night. they didn't do that today it is that a peaceful demonstration outside the building. about the deep end against the outstanding me that the people participating in these debates are aged thirty to the page to participate in the war ought to prove to themselves that something
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that the participants ice but to vociferously did i think it should be the right keys to prove that they will be traded but sadly yet it's very easy but good idea. they disagree with these robots that the demonstrations that even if they thought that the kids. it just did it. to fix it instead. i did. crises the city continue on tuesday the farm minister has been holding talks with ukraine's an accidental sky. eddie's house have been as fun a nice steamy money us president has been speaking to our lives in a series of articles they set today. obama scored the french president also known to the british prime minister david cameron and the italian prime and senate and whimsy. ba says it will bowl and sits on the north korean flag if it doesn't leave his tech am aedt. this tip is don't support in the east when rebels had taken control of the toilet bowl and say that i didn't read on to say. the setup that reflects the deep snow marlene it be down with a cup and intensity is struggling to control the menu says he
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helped mama daffy in two thousand and eleven the hostel it's just a racist incident in a standoff between the government and militants over struggling to be its principal source of revenue oil and its tanker named morning glory is at the center of the current stash. it's been issued with an ultimatum to leave it be in territorial waters for allegedly attempting to note an illegal cartel of oil at the outset the terminal. if that doesn't comply a trip to the unsafe the air force will bomb the north korean flagged vessel for it to be intercepted by the navy the standoff first erupted last july when security guards icky terminal shut them down accusing the parties' of corruption and demanding a greater cost of oil revenues the situation has now escalated to itself through activists in the east locating at least three ports and saying they have the right to assemble and independently when all we do not expect any threat to lose any kind to call it that we
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are dealing with for a contracted with. we are not making friends and we do not want to use the force however if anyone likes us we will be prepared to defend ourselves. an indian television channel belonging to a local militia broadcast the ceremony on saturday according to celebrate the first oil shipments already having taken place if confirmed it would signify a major escalation in the standoff between the sides and all oil production is likely to continue to plummet. it's already estimated to be a state coffers have lost more than nine billion dollars in revenue due to the standoff she is now claims is carrying bombs weapons has arrived in the red sea resort of an ox is ready come on bases in itself that i succeed on any this week the government claims the car that came from iran and is destined for hamas missiles in the gaza strip but the run and i must deny israel's version of events costs by parks canada
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families injuries and he says can i pulled in and out and out in full hse to see the surprise. this versatile is truly being celebrated don't like those in the south of watching this operation its own doing is a fake tree for these elite commandos as you mentioned intercepted as bishop in a pretty daring operation carried out in the high seas that now what's going to happen is that so well that cargo is going to be unloaded in doubt hundred and fifty containers which are going to be carefully scanned by israeli commandos those of us here in may and three hundred and two missiles into mention or of course being to be extracted and then those commanders identity of looking for perhaps other types of weapons or ammunition which may be getting a deep inside the ship and this will all of course be presented to the world media. probably this coming monday and an israeli authorities are simply didn't have to decide what they want to do with the ship and the seventeen crew members on board. at themselves and that there are
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many hamas but strenuously denying that these weapons are anything to do that if a child i sense that that examining the contents of the state will praise to the rest of the wild that enron simply cannot be trusted. definitely this is a case in point that he's really up honest opinion in it and who literally jumped on as soon as the announcement that his capture was made and what was contained on this ship in the you can expect more of these types of sound bites by the israeli prime mister other officials were going to tell the world that said this had these missiles these weapons are the true face of the redeemer gene which on the one hand is offering smiles and handshakes to the international community talking to it telling about its good intentions concerning its nuclear program while at the very same time exploiting what in sports at the organizations that is the land which has already been used by the israeli pundits tipping the need to do when you're probably in a few more of
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this happened over the past that that coming a couple of days. our investigation and an acid and on since national winnings to add a design store attention to everything from unequal pay between the sexes to domestic violence and . when the italian region of country and nepalese man had been using the occasion to find the dominance of the mafia four years ago the small town school a swan its link to obama's coin gangs control the migrant labor that is the fact that it would be decided to fight back against the clouds were taking part in its mouth and royals this'll be the one used on the station and i got a death threat after the decisions i took quite important decisions like for example registering as a plaintiff in trials cling to the mafia or during the seizure of a house in which the mother aunt and cousin boston is this. i
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haven't been with me chills the man says that goes away slip into town residents even if the shoe itself is all that and under video surveillance. little did he nineteen people to keep the comments on this or that she was persuaded to enter to win in to work together with no enforcement. it's often the white sisters and daughters of months does it take over when the men of the hoi new laws will be noisy and a collection of protection money. but they can be done. the clash and thinking it was made by someone and to collaborate with judicial authorities as one main object in getting a chance to get children to this idea and feature the hunt for women to come forward so far and it's too risky undertaking. we would have been assassinated and that the right. she'd been hiding to take a close and carriage ride through new york's central park. he then said very quickly. that's because they could soon become a thing of the pot meal that you get the idea has a nicely defined still by announcing plans to give
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exists century old tradition he says it's inhumane. ips is right the senate is in the big apple. significant cost. the hunting fifty years the same sound has resonated through new york's central park. the canton has given of course john kerry's for years but today her job is in jeopardy york city is home to sixty eight coaches with one hundred and seventy full time drivers and more than two hundred courses. they recently elected mayor know that the ceo wants to get rid of them to christina an iconic symbol of new york in danger of disappearing. no especially people are carried as a likely get rid of the census. this is the new york this the central park this is what. you know. mrs edmond is like the statue of liberty or the empire state building. everybody knows the central park carriages behind this initiative is an
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organization called and white class which wants to place the first on vehicles with electric replica is a vintage cars. the lobbying group gave one point three million dollars to mayoral candidates opposed to the tourist attractions including built in bosnia. and my classes working conditions for the courses are unacceptable these courses are working in midtown traffic with a nose that they can tell i am just not the same time it happened on the concourse that tend to spill it. construction i e if a car backfired as they run the risk of being hit by stds and taxis. the mayor's proposal would eliminate the carriages and the next three years. but it still requires approval from the city council. for now these and all the landmarks can still be seen and heard in central park. we ended an era when the strongest in the six nations rugby tournament. they then beat scotland in nineteen seventeen and maree field in
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its clients are the result still leaves province has accounts of the fast lane in total since two thousand and ten. the monitors has put himself in pole position for the title of the cec cart before the sixty seven. and i found it. but the stitching post i have much more to come sitting on a stout woman in the mt helens thirty eight exclusively to the iraqi prime minister. no mot about the security challenges in his country that's coming up the next it's cos i kept fanny. the saudi and pets welcome to all cough coming up in the shed. it frustrates
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of the day vigil on securing that people made us new show is talk of the pentagon's project has been deputy chef de paris and he's of gas today. he has been instrumental in the establishment of video is quite short form of contempt we are healed yet his work is celebrated by ten hours. i will take you to istanbul it's one of the medications and a test project. a french photographer is yes the swede its broadcasts and go starts now. all of this today's japanese choreographer and multidisciplinary aunt is here a decade you made on his latest project insights will your referral stream is haunted by the mommy says ballet show that turn me on that definition to entice he avoided humid and welcomes
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the sun think it was a delight to work with them as a mommy to use one of the leading figures in the world of dawn's is also of course the husband of actress met people from the moon and then having to assume that he has an mini open mind for the dance nagging is so wide and zero interest for the dance. and so on. she is the company owns as they open minded so intimate reason it is an interesting because it is so curious about time going to do. so i was in ink awful to look in the same. aniston is very different to explain i watched her referral stream is and how he came up with the idea of this impressive visual backgrounds on stage the business name means. and that i started working on that movement other than sense. and that doesn't make
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some men crammed into the center pieces and mainstream note that movement and then these names among them in and makes the movement of simple living also these gym on monday next the city and in the background of that the game is so classic and no outs. one of the performance of your foregone says what this cat. i did. sheesh i usually do some choreographing time and space yet what does that actually mean. canada's stance is on
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me. it sends its sound and movement may extend into the new space and then pulling the choreography is hard to cross checked the feminist this means a movement so that the peeps that it is an enclave the technology plays a key part in a new one yet the pony that taken as it concerns than seems possible or use any region of the assignments so this is interesting. electronic music a mule in your performances yet. i use it that i had to make music that look like the music its most sound science and i was so strong that day was turned back and talk about your career because before starts a new company as twenty new trend is a downside and all kinds of styles friday. it can simply dawns and can pull this out wide range of stall and have a deep influence on you want an ad and say hi to
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connect the main uses none of them in dance lessons but does that make recruiting and that after the nineteenth interested in them see some of the movement. so this makes me down. jesus dying on the dance that i have not yet in some pre dawn says often seen as in the sense that you feel that neo nazis such as yourself and that means to mobilize that brings something different or trucks than you have to agree new towns. i think so because man edmonds has borrowed a nice man told the senate to vote because of this. make into someone and society. and you've been described as a major name in japanese. gaunt your name country japan has always been a place of intense creativity whether it's fashion or design. it wants makes a joke on something special in times of aunts. i think a chain that
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japanese society has deemed senses and eighty ppm sons of the man to man and he's been collecting tins is content so that makes me than my mind has been changed in one piece. mike got beaten in their new class of the troubling however is assigned to the zoo everyone to mr khan sometimes sometimes specific route they will now stay with us because we've got to report i'm sure you'll be extremely interested in because of course he was in the world vision loss or site. paris is the pioneer is hosting a retrospective honoring american video onto it. do you know it conjures visits is into mysterious worlds and voicing them to reflect on the meaning of life and death inspired by classical and renaissance art. this exhibition offers more than six hours of video works mark thompson tells us more
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plunging into the dark and mysterious world of bill viola. when men and women of all ages can breathe underwater. the office console. it's a very possible installation. he almost drowned when he was just six years old. that little moment was the beginning of my career because he never forgot them all out beautiful that was so i was seeing something that was deaf because i could've died. but the same time. but the thing that was the honey was beautiful looks. your beauty this retrospective the field tests for tea at the consulate of life consequently in howard's includes the use of religion spirituality. and that seriously is he feels it's important not to get bogged down in the mold wild. i think the most important thing right now. it is not technology. it's the human
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heart. it is the human heart is the place. whitley to cite the difference between right and wrong. yes this is of his philosophical questions rather than suggested on says an approach inspired play old monsters like geo tool and cleo. we're going to zoom in but it seems as though most of the unthinkable. i saw a sales associate and then sends it to surpass it many tackles themes of family courts on youtube don't all go home. the low will be creeping recent success across the atlantic can be replicated in paris in september the metropolitan museum in new york to extend his installation going to be astonished by six months due to the hype of it along here are a document that what you think of the village as well
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nineteen eighty p and i have seen on to his own bread and bananas and then then then to visit these pictures from our unit rather than subjects. as yet. if you have the time because i'm actually a very busy review. i feel. a cat let's not talk about if it's over for his friend she's cold. she yes she has asked people from around the world at two ish and the stories as parts of the inside out project to phase in psyche to mariah moore and tony got director of sydney's school that for two girls with and pasted on walls around stumble it's in the streets in a rundown area of this emboldened to take the job but told a town where he was looking for the base is behind a series of lost more trades in total we are the same with me smile. well like what did it inside out what bridge on tuesday last week sees knowledge prints exhibited in spaces more than a hundred countries still sell well. the rain
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the weather. the people that children need to all discussions of them all the things that can happen to them in the streets in one way or another. all these things mean that christians were lost see the last little while but all for good. they were lost when the senate today that that the young women the elderly children of light portrayed soul real people cruising in everyday environments with an emphasis on diversity. so that's this area is very religious and multi cultural their cattle and all of his cds as you can see we live together they are muslims. our guys she is and since i live in peace. the on court dates and relax in this temple is golden rule is taking place in the area goes through periods of regeneration. many locals with teams take on. there's a bad situation here but they're still happy we can still smile. and people should see this. you can use some of them. i'm convinced we're all equal. and i think it should be emphasizing explain to people so i was
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happy to take austin is hard to completely covered. unlike the liberals it is under threat. regeneration is forcing up friends and many residents are finding themselves pushed out to the area. smiles like the ox will not assert the law school. euronext you may die was great talking to nancy tunes you'll share this awesome yen eight dollars project to a song that gets the shaft in paris it finishes this summit and very much thank you. plus it's a good day don't forget to follow us on all social networks adult son can go home. i leave you with a sneak preview of an exhibition called these as its own and not say in the south of frocks. it brings together most of peace is my pick as a magnet its matches at the wall the music of this clip was pink oil producers on the phone i make a habit and to enjoy the season. you only
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read this. the notice of twenty nine two thousand fines. the tune of some that you see i know i'm going to ease into chaos. now he is on construction continues as the sea and the striking with its roots. but new to science is never far away the new pumping stations are ready for action. you are the three arrested on false but got tossed into the car. in
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in. the all in. i can says. let's rock this it is once again seeking might be of the violence the violence in iraq is also the result of the war in neighboring syria the country is preparing to go to the one for the first national election since he was tall and are given by minister nuri al maliki will talk about it with the kids with us in this edition of this post it here. it takes place in the past like that spokesman capt dot com. i'm actually meeting him cos i can't understand a top
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stories this hour. still impossible as he strides he passes his own organization and einstein has now been missing for more than twenty four hours. it might disappear without warning on the coast of vietnam army component ample it's a great day. two hundred and twenty nine people onboard and rescue teams set to complain say they've seen it on to boil snakes in the region tensions remain high in russian occupied crimea ukraine says one of the border patrol planes came under fire at him when he went to the court that no one was cut to the incident the mother sent this to be european. i see a happy contented and change it actually fits that time and postage and faculty rush to get my morning starts the cfs and the crisis peacefully contain a vast estate tea farm is set has been holding talks with ukraine said that moscow notes from the meeting
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meanwhile the u s president barack obama has been speaking to his allies in france the uk and spain. abs said. balkan states on an austrian bank. it doesn't need its attention immediately. the sickest of the hole in the east when rep has taken control of the oil for what they say that lead to leach onto the scene. it's kind of reflects the date of writing it yet the government accepted a stop to consulting says he helped papa wanted to see. seeking israel claims such as wild claims is chemical weapons has arrived in the red sea resort of the dots. he said the combined they seized the vessel as it stood on a day this week the government says the coffin came from iraq was based in the states and across the strip. iran and hamas deny israel's invasion of events. ten knots and the win instead they've designed to draw attention to
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everything from unequal pay between six fifteen domestic finance and write several readings to place in paris today. they do not let someone invented that all political. in sports and i went for frogs in the six nations rugby tournament the scotland nineteen to seventeen at my heels. this was the result means front seats to the top of that that's going to win and sixty thousand said they will have to be fine and that it had cut deeply into it with a sixty seven. i've read and stuff. that's all that substrates examples like that i have. i did. the country's close its own friends twenty
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four. during a baghdad the prime minister's residence in with mr new rail molly kate. mr prime minister thank you very much for cleaning up this interview will thank you. mention should take them all sit on the sun going to start with the security situation in iraq. it's there in testing the scale of one thousand casualties everyone to know god has acted up in the pms to two thousand thirteen was the busiest year since two thousand and eight. talk is it possible to contain the violence in iraq one up our plan. the show from the no on this quilt is indeed a security conditions which is rather complex in iraq. and you rub is that on the phone later. enough of the personalization. one of the doctrine of some movements. the paparazzi religious movements. three sectors contributed to this
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situation. all right already present. you know the kind of civilization into my space in the nelson city and also impacted the situation in iraq. goes to create the longest to get to see her and rock you and that is the so called political move the tree. the fund set up some countries in the region realization. while they go plus much more. locally the use of the iraqi army to advance to the members of the tribes in anbar region to which pulled its forces that's all that we successfully foil and allow all those other things that i can avoid the trials to be extended. we do have casualties due to problems on the markets. well here the end of term and those crimes. baruch later. like those depicted in the city
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the hyena the initial payment from the litter that is to create a state law said an autopsy to talk of iraq. this prove that can spoil. can we control the situation. and although i can think of film included that this later but still missed a prime minister were here in baghdad. your car bomb explosions practically every day here at school and ended up with them and are you concerned about a new possible the possibility of a new civil war in iraq though. probably a loser the situation. this will be in. between them organizations and the iraqi population to those who cry in spite of those operations homes in the office of the lot. most crimes are running past the case we don't. consumed by the use of
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the victims. those operations and knowledge. the direction of the structure of the iraqi society iraqi society salon and she asked does it again the two posts in the last adventure of the charisma is that it triggers a religious dispute that didn't happen at all. don't yell at us just know it i would like to talk about the situation in the anbar region with very large region with the majority of sunni residents will walk in the past month and then the tension financed the government just until tender beans sometimes violently off of it all in order to put an end to the us protests the situation all the reporters out of control it was out of control in december of two points that you have big cities in the region films and the regional capital rome monday for local call him under the control of the rebels. it changes the gospel. there were in military operations there what's the situation on
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the anbar region says it's completely out of control tune up none of whom are typical of the harvest was just that. read on the run on the ball. its inhabitants day. we haven't even cleaned and serviced by the sea cadets will subside. and he was talking to one but oh what a good experienced troubles that is in the control of its inhabitants. yet the treatments to try to use the controller tell you straight to the tropics. none that will be issued today is that the rakyat he should come back though. the problem is no pollution. a serpent that if any of them. if the idea and it's a nice home soon and then some inhabitants of the year the u
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s in the heavens themselves the bracing themselves for the cause of type one or two of the problems comes back to normal. this made it in spite of that. don't you think that the government soon has done enough. followed up on the past two years to reach out to this soon. this time in the amman our region we'll take you to regret not having made it soo nice to work on the phone and convince them that they're a part of the fact that in parcel. because the country stamp the other. other than dom the bubble paci in a monotonous. this is small so home. soon the aunt whom amy and i wouldn't loose tooth and the flames of religious tension. also in the attendance and he spoke with the religious ones the study of the team. i'm told is coming from the road noticeably from saudi arabia inevitably some not so nice
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to live. this impression this idea is that the senators in the results are reading this no problem it was sunny and shiites sunnis kurds and the gulf. had the presence of the podium. in the autumn nine ministries. the leaders of the army the local level in the summit which are no problems with the sun though still in the top onto the costs in the east the laurel leaves. kind of ghosts on the couple will fly to take. they don't want to share it with a new one. what is the issue. this is one of the money to the european union. the media consider that some are awful rest of the fact that sunrise are essential. yes the base of the election the results that
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we'd know when a silly you deny or representing an anti sunni governments. though she on authority that fact that those who see that. basically lying. absolutely absent in our lives so that we are hopeful that i don't mean little. she oddity in that one. those once after the shiite militias that were monitoring. and above the get up in the shop he said locally the government can post them on leashes. in the us and the beauty is the center is among the scientists who wish to propagate those names from all the wrong lens most of the film only to talk to the good suv pathetic on all that stuff about the impact of syria into the senior of your increasing talks about young european it's going to syria the country's awarded to see them coming back. but in your country there is the an impact especially in the western part of the country. have you seen in
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a riot she had this project is to list them all snuggly from syria and iraq. it was but also from western countries including france what of it that the god of the sneakers and came up to be around to it. one does not do so yet ellis are due to the syrian process this but it soon cause that anyway what's going on to the european union. it's that sense of confidence that they didn't notice until he went off on most roanoke i consider it. in spite of that they supported the position i'm awful about it on the publishing date that position would be an attentive to the assad regime you weren't aware that this position can on the mountain that has cost the city and people that have the right to choose for an openness of those officers criminals off
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motorists. the financial community feared by delivering weapons. and we moment on. riches of the hippie and that the leaders stating the obvious and weapons possession. these homes and weapons into the hands of al qaeda and in the hands of an almost rock. through this almost restaurant. on sol seeping into iraq that is why this a condition that it didn't dry. you can do what was coming from euro from the other countries. was given to syria and getting to iraq through syria. this time of the tensions that have rolled. does this change as i said previously. due to the legal position. doubtful the syrians crosses the objectivity. due to the support in money and weapons at all. it's the nearest thing to do or weapons from syria sleeping in kuranda. it was hard hills
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so that is a foreigner is a donor on in iraq who waited to cross the border and perpetrate attacks in iraq that toppled hawk. none of us as i can feel the interests of the more critical than the pharmacy and sad to see with the sticky from minnesota genus french weapons a mannequin with them russian weapons coming from libby and carson. and we have shut down and rested several individuals off the discount was the country's muslim countries and also some volunteers jihadists from european countries that came to fight together with all kind of hero. like the fight together with caiden series well all i got to talk now about the snow to reviews in the cars roll in syria and in iraq duke was what the accusations are you mentally against them she is use them up and sliding and
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coaching the tigers. essien what i mean i accuse them of support and then politically and in the media to support with money tend to buy new weapons. what they call them a detriment to the end of an obama stepped it up and accuse them of leading an open law against the iraqi government is up while i accuse them of loosing but the leaders of locally though oh and to experience the trauma this is limitless to pull them from the political continuum visible than in the media. it was all set to continue those countries are mobilizing. this all the tools to hide this coming from you all coming from belgium from strong smell the country's european countries could roll them here. those on commissions so the commission's all the knives in all this to
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track. this tool them to get them into a fight in iraq and since so the radiance of day from its citizens to travel to syria into iraq they turned to the western countries of the arab world and two euro to attract new fighters at all. so do blame them for it to his speech attacking iraq through syria are attacking iraq directly so you think that saudi arabia and to tell our kids that are trying to destabilize the rack directly so it will thicken more bloodshed but they are attacking iraq through syria directly. they absolutely say that the war on the wrong side visited the lawrence area. looking at. the what reasons on religious and political dissent on. those trees are concerned that iraq will become strong because
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iraq has all the elements needed to become strongly what this is why they're mobilizing or less and spend lots of money and all possible means to weaken you the crisis on iraq i mean the religious atmosphere is security crisis. this crosses the article is due to those two companies for some form cut off from work to do with these two countries. it's the support of western countries including the us and iran on francisco. you think that western countries flop i don't mind i known what you're describing flower actually called this is the opening soon be reviewed in two hours of action is to opt in iraq and syria would other countries. although all of our garden in the surf sun and companies that have turned a blind line unfortunately the can of all
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the little car that you are indulging with those countries. those saudi arabia noticeably the past few years. oh and look at and it is usually do was sew the ribbon position the company is open to it namely still the radiance of colts are more talkative and terrorism against the world syria iraq egypt only via the web and even from other countries. other than the countless little mayo of some european countries in the states so close to most of the crew has a little we have seen as recent changes at the level of the decision sent his son arabia is due to the international pressure so that this confluence bolting and mobilizing terrorism for religious reasons political reasons will it be a walk to school he knew in his hand as a country to retaliate against sen arabia that happened to target the two according to the eu would be destabilizing the country directly. not
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the noted analysts and we don't wish to live in the room confrontation with the letter box. we are telling those companies that fail us. you can't fool because the supply of terrorism will turn against you because you socials. you can leave the trade off for the loss of religious tensions we hope that saudi arabia. top with a chance that position. retaliate that we don't wish to do that because when the sun the flames in the region. and with two if no measures against those countries when the ship with that though we doing with just the point that those behaviors. when those actions. all of the bullpen. we called up from the world. so that there was a good impression on
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those opportunities stop supporting terrorism. we wish them to revise the policy. i woke up because they will not be shed. sheltered from terrorism. all in all of a lot of topics you all know about your relations with the wrong film. there were articles saying that you will lead to sin and nations from her on a honduran government denied those reports it's on the snow of the venture buy weapons from iran desk second is that something that you would consider doing that. consider in the future within the claw away from the top. this year on the top is abiding by the resolutions of this exhibit the council regarding sanctions. thus goes the pony wrong. home to ban weapons in school. this is why we didn't acquire weapons from iran a crowbar to blossom into generations
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around the issue regarding company. that's why tonight's version google to stop the weapons that most of the iraq war and weapons from iraq with what our goals will wish to acquire weapons from all the counters in the world because we're here. can we meet with us. it's an equivalence between didn't acquire weapons from iraq yet haven't yet bought a new future you wouldn't mind i will not stop what i spend a lot of its own sanctions will be in proust by the seat of the council will the others it will not apply iranian weapons will acquire weapons from countries which knocked on their ascension. drying off on them and would like to call out to do with the situation briefly before talking about election lancaster question about your relation with the curd region. all we know that there are ongoing negotiations about the sale of oil produced from this region. are you optimistic that a deal could be paying between the central
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government and the curd one the new look away because it's a little mo sign this agreement of the top contents of the liver oil to get seventeen percent of the revenues of iraqi law who becomes the main producing areas in the region and the sorrow. refuse to deliver while this. carson will deliver its own. if you wish to have something percent of the revenues of the oil. you have to deliver it your all a lot of it. it's a simple equation and it affected us on some wall of honor accusations from a political leaders with withdrew from political life has its not that sunday that they did this crime to cause the tyrants become. take that into a dictator. my oh so vital to the southern us what insiders say ease themselves into command of the wilson
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house. it's an individual who is the new common to politics he doesn't know the basic rules of all the thought of as the teacher let us hope that the constitution doesn't mean a thing for a supper he doesn't know what it means call you to go line by the constitution and those around him. seems all quit so in the human rights organizations have criticized you about a lack of respect for a position party opposition parties and human rights iran. they were against the rocks. or you think that they are indeed not everything's perfect in iraq and they are promised to be made when it comes democracy was not sufficiently little bum up the ability it will look to leave them to nationalization in another line on the net told you must look at the beginning while the shoalhaven and it's a load of all the thousands of
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mostly casualties in the streets of iran about the ability of how blah blah the eagles a good position at the time the terrorists denunciations and names them there is all. she told iraqi side than maintenance organizations human rights read on a schumann rise from the point of view of the criminal was arrested and never say what about the rise of the victims of the families of their wives children are innocent and balance to the positions of some of the national been as each gender lines. visiting know very quickly via the make and this is scheduled for april thirtieth here's the question considering the ongoing violence in the country and the idea on by province in particular to continue carrying out see chris's of expenses that the election will be held on april for years. everywhere in the country not. yes this decade. so that i set up on the look the elections will
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be held at ten eleven twelve out of me. and you feel the way up to the situation of iraq during the past election day. you may say that the situation today the top is set to go for lecture. the top. the book is happening and explosions and was set in the media. they are ignoring what's happening in the daily lives the drip lines and the administration so the elections and deed will be held as scheduled chef at the end of the most of them and they will be absolutely transportation and other didn't cut it because we will have the right equipment mobile equipment on them. anticipation will be even stronger than previously the result of those elections will change the policy was that the quantity of chop up a bit out of the building to be transparent as i said what's up with dinner. elections
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will be different from the previous ones. so you're saying that the election will come up with something new to what you mean by that. this kid again are you hoping to win by a lot to do that the pops up. the show than in previous election loss we're now home. in the background or religious tensions. this is going to steal it back via the previous elections. also photos of homes in the little slow. the korean troops within some of the front of the booty that the people what would it. the ones which is to build a state which would testify to his lady who wishes to stop the militias and criminal organizations whether it wishes to make two thousand and two. religious tensions which is to build a strong state can a strong regardless
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of what it is clear in saying that the new prime minister of iraq will be new or a monkey. it's right. let's wait for the outcome off the ballots and i'm guessing will make you very much mr prime minister for having answered our questions. thank you for watching exclusive expect full sun gets its major interviews program forty eight in baghdad thank you very soon soon. among them. does. it is. it is
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will will will will will . no cameras allowed several crews of russian journalist are denied entry to the ukrainian city of donetsk where anti government rallies are taking place the russian foreign ministry says this is censorship by the new leaders and here. this is just the beginning. ukraine's resurrection. europe's resurrection. we started our ride on. radical reality russia says the far right groups to have a major influence on ukraine's self imposed government that is after. the reit sector nationalist organization said he's looking to become of
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