tv RT News PBS March 12, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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off cos i have some thoughts i have to come. new evening warming will the eye. i got one auntie ukraine's interim prime minister of india senior is meeting with cousin obama the white house less than two weeks after ukraine's elected president was overthrown. more on that just ahead. and former congressman ron paul continues to fly to american liberty. the site starting his own news network he continues to criticize the us government overreaching foreign affairs. an rta interview with ron paul coming up. and at washington state prison. the inmates who are immigrants are on hunger strike the prisoners are
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protesting us that quotations and conditions of the center now there's word that prison may start force feeding of the inmates more on that later in the shop. a fan it's was a march twelve walking on the easter to you watching our team there ukrainians have been chosen their new leaders in kiev but washington has already found its support behind the interim government there and the white house has cemented that support by hosting ukraine's interim prime minister. the us has pledged one billion dollars in loan guarantees to kiev moscow says the us would break its own laws if they go through with this on to the foreign assistance act it's illegal to fund the government of any country whose duly elected head of government is did post my cool. but the us doesn't consider it a cool to talk more about this meeting that
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just wrapped up on joined by air to a secure political analysts that stopping pluralism dot com barrichello before you speak i want you to listen to the summit and so on. how ordinary all four of them. we want to play. mr was part of that process. the tremendous burden of guilt. throughout so let's all watch. not while asio as it was a really non violent as an obama has said that era it in your opinion how do you see that anyone about in the wider story and also cocktails and shooting at the police. whoa this is all part of the united states is attempt to whitewash what happened in the forces that brought gets
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in you in the other coup leaders into power moreover it is an attempt to legitimize what the united states is doing us policy in terms of recognizing what is undoubtedly an illegal government and of course it's interesting they gots a new comes to washington and portrays himself as the voice of ukraine as the voice of the people of ukraine and most importantly is the legitimate voice of the people of ukraine considering that is completely out of keeping with the only international law but events on the ground we of course know that gets a new quiz brought to power by the particular forces in the west such as we saw with the victorian euan phone call and other elements that we've seen brought into power on the wave of and the legal porch and now coming to washington obama and his advisors are attempting to legitimize that witch and tried to whitewash the fact that it is clearly illegal of course putin the russian government are not accepting this and this is really the odd that the heart of the matter. president obama talked about and the people of ukraine ukraine have
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the white to choose their own direction for the future can sing kill so many goals in the south and east of the country was seeing the people taking to the streets in thousands to protest what happening here certainly not what obama means when he says the people of ukraine it's a euphemism for us foreign policy us foreign policy dictates whatever the people of ukraine for any other country might believe this is what this is what we've seen with so called the people of libya the people of syria the people of yemen the people of somalia the people of pakistan and we can go on n on n on. every time the united states government refers to the people what they really mean is there people in their chosen interest their political puppets and so forth and mucus is really a representative of that when he talks about the people i wonder if he's referring also to the nazis could seize power. vi the right sector and the r ocean are ruby in all of the rest of the individuals would seize power by force and the legally are they part of the so called people this
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would be the question that if i had an opportunity i would ask president obama eric i wanna ask you about to lift her a lot about financial aid and debt that is coming to ukraine as a financial group remains in so far well what oh what miller tree how can i see it now expects from the us why in terms of mail in terms of military help i think that this is probably out of the question for one there is no relevant treaty under which the western powers could actually provide military assistance to ukraine although i need to is attempting to expand its influence and hegemony in the ukraine ukraine is not a neat o partner it is not officially part of nato therefore there is no relevant treaty under which they could be protected militarily and i think it's also important to note that the military of ukraine itself is not necessarily behind guts in uganda which government in kiev we saw
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recently an attempt to mobilize the military in only a tiny fraction of the military actually showed up for duty on in loyalty to the so called government in kiev we've seen high level defections within the military bureaucracy. we have seen countless by individuals higher high ranking individuals who have sworn loyalty to either to crimea were to the respective regions or simply refuse to swear loyalty to kiev to the question then is when not to give talks about military resistance resistance so called russian aggression who exactly is he referring to and quite frankly i would also ask what russian aggression is he referring to because of course we saw last week gets a new kit making the outlandish claim regarding russian tanks on the streets tanks which do not exist which guide to which there's no evidence showing any russian tanks outside of the hour. did that the treaty the same time the east of us still cold days. so again we're talking about not see it in his statements were really
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talking about the statement said that the of the united states and the state department. those who brought the obscene you into power eric that i will probably make it with me and willing to see a battle of two principles and international law if you will one of self determination and dan now the wind on of the state sovereignty know what you think is gonna happen. over crimea. what still difficult to say because it looks like the ukrainian government which is already move towards independence and de facto independence from ukraine and possibly moving towards i'll quietly certainly closer to the russian federation era means to be seen what course is going to be taken because of course the united states in the nato powers of already established a historical precedent. not only with kosovo but also with south sudan and a number of other instances where the united states when it serves their agenda supports on self determination and god is not particularly interested in
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the sovereignty of nations that oppose its policies however in the case of crimea of course washington has already dismissed out of hand the notion that crimea has the right to self determination the crimea has the right to independence. so it is correct to say that there is a certain conflict not only with international law but with the precedent has been established by the united states in the western powers and of course it is utter hypocrisy for obama in washington to deny the right of crimean people to determine their own future while having a vociferous lee argued in favor of the right of kosovo albanians to determine their future of the people of south sudan to determine their future. again this comes back to the question of is the united states truly interested in democracy or does the united states only use democracy is a convenient pretext to further its geopolitical agenda certainly i would argue the latter. fairtrade situ political analysts that stopping carroll isn't dot
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com. crime units are preparing to vote. this sunday on whether they want to secede from ukraine and join the march on washington is dismissing the upcoming referendum calling it illegal while many crimean say the change in government in kiev was illegal. and former congressman ron paul in an interview with the u s news and world report said the us should embrace crimean self determination. citing the anti government of altering their agent and syria he says obama missed russian officials are being hypocritical and only selectively interested in self determination. aren't these men below its earlier caught up with ron paul and has been very critical of the administration's foreign policy in general to discuss the pullout of us troops form from afghanistan take a listen. we are about to draw down our troops in a major way from afghanistan and finally ended the war in december where we go from here. i hope only for
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the unity of the dam is making fine they said. while we do spend these umpteen millions of dollars developing a pizza. that will last me in. the in that hour in the field for three years the boy that's a great that's a great idea sending the troops out there so their pizza will stay fresh for three years. now you all. we were not really going to leave we where it supposedly not in iraq nowhere around iraq. we have an embassy in the rank and push comes to shout were to be back in in spite of all the tragic circumstances. healing is going to really drive us home and forget about all that will be the destruction of the dollar and a bankruptcy which is often which is possible. maybe even a piano the shoe year. you know the motivation that way you wish it were to leave them last. karzai sciences to agreement with this. with the agreement is nothing more than to protect our group our troops against a you know any
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charges of crimes main protect our contractors. we might not have military but were left thousands of contractors and we're going to have a lot of influence on the contacts and it's now we're gonna be involved unfortunately unless americans are being killed not what we've left in those countries is a lot worse than a hammer before we started i knew as bad as saddam hussein what is. the killing continues now. a lot more than a ways before we marched in there and so many people died including you know i'm into war. over ten thousand americans and don cheadle said that he does want to register forces by forty pounds and that i'm not a lot of backlash from different and military leaders and whatnot. what is your personal stance when it comes to reducing the troops. brown and cut more than what were we going to fight. in my comment when they came out
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was to him this is good idea this reduced. this reduced rate. of course i consider him variances sierra mean this is all politics gives congress won't let that happen in essence sort of fluff but not what you wanna reduce heat it can do that on the military when she cut back on the military intervention is over the indo foreign policy and foreign policy and to change if we're to be the policeman of the world. why were we so involved in ukraine. you know it's it's it's not like you think you rock. so we have to be involved in our promising one billion or fifty billion in the four hundred billion and the inn where we are involved with and then he is not you know you were not capable of doing that. so our argument is that we should be should even try and out on the second we have to read change the foreign policy in a new can have a much smaller military. there is room in the republican party right
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now for anti war stance it's all absolutely you know that's been it has been a tradition and the amazing thing on the thing is samantha republican party democratic party. there's a vacuum up there for this position in both parties and i think philosophically. both parties are controlled by philosophy if it's pro war pro intervention and trophy and. it's going to infiltrate both. i'm both parties. so i think this hole is a shoot he's not too much. injecting into the republican party injecting these views into the general and that's where we're having a lot of success because it was the general they finally sent a message to washington about that mr present wheeling is a good idea to bomb syria and i've even had an effect so we're making progress there but it is a large majority american people don't know about the federal reserve. they might not conclude what i've concluded that we need to radically change the monetary
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system and have a goal back into the currency. merely saying we need to audit the federal reserve and federal reserve is very important and they are responsible. so when making a lot of progress there. but that yes there's room in the republican party. there was a time when the republican party was a much nor in on interventionist party. that is there room in the democratic party to because in in the last several decades it was thought that progressive democrats now more than on intervention is an anti war people but they don't do such a good job. i mean they are there is as aggressive as the dam as the republicans are. dr ron pollack the rom com channel thank you so much for joining us. thank you the small sleepy town in north carolina called a room that graphics may bear little if any resemblance to kabul or blogged about before is the part they now has its own mine resistant ambush protected vehicles or am wraps so no police department
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in many other towns and counties across the us. all things to the pentagon so called ten thirty three program which provides air transfers syrup plus department of defense no equipment to state and local civilian law enforcement agencies without charge georgia congressman hank johnson is about to introduce a bill that would rein in further police militarization as earlier joined by michael shank associate director of legislative affairs at the friends committee on national legislation few quirky also worked on that bill i asked him what is the driving concern behind the legislation. we've done several concerns as a cause concern to snack on unduly concerned as to call troll concerned what happened to america's main streets the miller tries were becoming more and more representative of a war zone as you mentioned you need but there's a lot of waste fraud abuse potential here and misuse. so in response to wall street you see these armored personnel carriers
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an increasingly assault weapons. increasing the drones aircraft being used by very small town police chiefs to me is very much the boys and toys. you see what neat that they really don't need in the local community. and especially with those military vehicles why are we doing that at the university campus in the octave at the university of iowa's understand that you decorate the city center. these are weapons that run six hundred thousand seven hundred thousand the market. three small towns are getting its weapons this machinery and wrap them and they have to do maintenance on it so not only do they have a machine that they can help keep the machine that openly that don't need to build a mansion and johnson's bill when both bands and routes coming from the worst onto small towns in america but also tantrums an aircraft and so this would allow things to come across like you know michael is to use in the end a war zone cynically seats minute is for microwave refrigerator door on our vehicles he played at creating bigger than that of bands and also
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does oversight committee is no inventory additional accountability so please teach in indiana and illinois are still in the money they are giving them to friends so what is written under wraps but they sell weapons to convince him to france on the new pizza due to no accountability system in place to go above and that is quite alarming you talk about gross and police departments are now acquiring those elusive but the argument is that the drums allow them to patrol c gets better. how would you respond to that are given great service to surrealism and i knew sue johnson terms of surveillance in the arm of homeland security's. homeland security's actually contained in a dispute with ten thirty three per cent are keeping terrorists in grants. they've given thirty four billion so far two police chiefs all across america to essentially catch the use of it once they're awesome finds out what surrounds her. perhaps other from theirs once its arms and then there's accountability issue and of course wishing to my earlier point two one america becoming less and less safe lower social couple people feel unsafe in the sphere
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vancouver mine in ourselves the very war zones where it is actually liberating trying to protect the theory. what if out to depend on sorghum and that that's the way for them to recycle and basically request. i'm sure i dictate they don't put it in those exact words but it is whether this is your torso were bringing back twenty thousand amounts from the worse and so i would push back and say our strategy at the beginning whistle until five fifteen thousand maps that we have to use what i can put into preparing an arizona summer um so there's a strategic thinker but we could decrease recycle it. i'm just currently no audit of pentagon uses any of this the pentagon has been on it will be out until twenty seventeen twenty eight teams of israel as a taxpayer issue as one sees them around to different police forces that want to use no more sun again this is great for defense contractors cousin they can get new contacts to build new machinery for the next words out so there's there's a cost the taxpayer. michael what
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are the chances of a bill like the one that you are proposing actually passing a new congress and in defying the pentagon is not exactly what congress is known for great is that contractors contractors runs counter to have a hold on congress as as does the pentagon. i think it was great as every member of congress to talk to republican and democrat are some quirks that don't want to main street america to which christ. it isn't there's a swath of teaching has happened to read about the great celebrities she says hundred fifty swat brings a day. members of congress to reporting to the constituency and americans don't want that kind of cool friends not just cause for these kind of militarization of u s police forces. it does have a chance to pass. absolutely we expected to pass the house for talking with the sun goddess of the community think think think my question to buy content that would associate director of legislative affairs of the friends committee on national legislation
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washington thousands of inmates were now on hunger strike at an immigration detention center could be for spec if they continue the us immigration and customs enforcement spokesperson says he'll do it only if it's called absolutely medically necessary but this was his lawyer says the prison is using intimidation tactics such as threats of force feeding and efforts to isolate strike meters. for more details on the story and spoke earlier with our keys were among the lingo in los angeles the first act. asked if he could explain the detainees goals for this strike. jewel is hunger strike started last friday with reportedly some twelve hundred detainee is going on hunger strike announced yesterday that never got down to five and this morning eyes tells me that that they are total for people still on strike but basically what they want is an end to all deportations across the country and really an improvement to their conditions rain out the pacific northwest detention center which is run by the private prison
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contractor geo group now going to these detainees are paid a dollar a day for the jobs that they perform their own. as i mentioned this story on friday on sunday a new list of demands came forth from the detainees advocates for the detainees talk to me a little bit dirty about it if not now. the wind out of nowhere our bonds to be able to pay adhesive bonding get out of detention center so they can continue with their civil proceedings outside with their body's aching their homes. they also went inside in case this to be sold. in the creek hundred people have seen some of them have been dead for years waiting for a side note cases the loss of twenty shooting that they have due process be the one to be able to actually see a judge to dismiss them. according to these advocates for these immigrant detainees doesn't
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these detainees are being isolated for you so that they can. courtney with others strikers at the end. as far as i demands ago. it's so far eyes hasn't made any of them create make this one is the prison saying are they actually on the fact of being force fed. lawyers spoke with the ice barrier today and they said that as far as the hunger strikers go. they are following protocol and now they see that there are four hunger striker still be in a under medical evaluation and to this medical evaluation they are informed that it is they refuse to eat that they could possibly be force fed now there's no confirmation that that that has happened yet and they wouldn't give me an official statement as far as whether that threaten anybody what they did say that was the only official statement that they have released two us into other media outlets is seen that since friday u s
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immigration and customs enforcement officials and detention center management had been communicating with detainees. several issues that have been brought to management's attention are being addressed including adding more items to the commissary is exploring ways to reduce prices. ice for respects the rights of all people to express their opinions without interference this hunger strike has highlighted the issue of the immigrant detention in general has it the us is now holding thirty four thousand immigrants behind bars and the zionist and it's required by law to keep it at that level he tell us more about this. yeah that's right back in two thousand six said so funny. tough on crime not a republican legislators really high in this quota to thirty four thousand saying that immigration detention centers had to have thirty four thousand of their beds filled and a debt for the things that these activists are trying to fight let's hear
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from them now. do me some by their skis around although being egoistic resignation after the ride on a weekend conference monday in for a couple of years now that i should have. thirty four thousand people became presentation any given day that's why they're going around trying to make the score to the movies but i just came down from congo as wheat no real understanding of what they were doing and add sauce and every song by toad april it. we're gonna reach to new people to forget that's right and right now all federal spending on immigration detention and deportation to stop trying billion dollars every year and you know the beneficiaries of this early these private prison corporations such as the geo group and the corrections corporation of america led very large contracts with the federal government is transported to house these immigrants and who have spent a lot of money loving on washington for these tough
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immigration measures that we've seen over the years. i think every report that was art is ongoing bill from our ballet studio. noun admit it you've dropped food on the floor and use the five second rule break. you know the role if the food is on the floor for less than five seconds you can pick it up and popping a mouse without worry like germs. guess what you are correct according to signs the leading a group of biology students at aston university had the task of determining if fully century after it hits the floor and you can imagine the longer the food stay on the floor and the greater the amount of germs but the tire before it turns out you drop your food on also play in the wall a major role in how much bacteria will transfer bacteria has less of a chance of making contact with food encore ink and is more likely to transfer on the laminate floor tile surfaces. now that was some news that you can
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use. that doesn't turn out for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com i slash rt and their care and check out our website our t dot com such usa. you can also follow me on twitter and hanging on to score our team see you back at eight pm and selection. i knew. i know the offing. the systems that are supposedly i'm about to make this the fortieth country in the law but sometimes all that crap add that to arguably the exact opposite of just a case in
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point. james norris the convicted murderer of seven people was just awarded about a half a million now as for taking a beating today in nineteen eighty three in the body with the browned chicken and pasta restaurant in chicago area to commit a robbery. towards the end of the west ended up shooting and stabbing the two owners of the restaurant plus i haven't fully intended to marry that guy flat called seven bodies in the address bar and pool or in freezer in two thousand through the doors he was arrested and began a long legal process but when you write to the prison of course he was beaten by a prison guard. he suffered facial fractures and had to get metal plates and planted it with me. the guard claimed self defence and was acquitted of battery charge but the court he filed a civil suit for the beating the poll was murder trial was happening so it was finally convicted of
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the murders in two thousand and nine and sentenced to life in prison. seventy years after it was a rest day that's how long the trial to the justice system the murder trial over the doors to get back to the devils did against the guard who beat them keith has concluded and of course was awarded four hundred and fifty one thousand dollars. so he can about a half a million ballots for getting beat up in jail. while the seven people and killed just because they get and their families get to see the killer kevin giant amount of money. just as. according to the northeast later the very picture of it. she said. released after the proposition that our rightt on the sliding scale for some people. we start going down that path when the slippery slope where all of our rights are in jeopardy she's got a point there. we let in jail guards or any authority figures to be the one that no money we make it ok for them
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to be anyone. the justice system we have here. blinded and that and protect growth and killers in towards the huge sums of money you'll read about what i do know is that. whether it's worth making. bankers taking crooked rules for crude and rulers squirrel in this aisle to aisle and in this country it seemed like the bad guys are the ones that always with me. i forgot about that i babbling and would ask the residents. ch. the air. i
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don't. oh and welcome to the sign it says there's a much their team and captain comanche and telltale politicians diplomats and bureaucrats are lining up to put pressure on a russian leaders over the crisis in ukraine. one after another they criticize the russians for their intervention in the autonomous ukrainian republic of crimea. now japanese leaders have sent their top bureaucrats on the national security council to moscow to make in their position knownhe
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