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tv   CCTV News  PBS  March 13, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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that time. you knew you were when will you . this millennial leads to an attraction to newer has never faded. it's a test of physical appearance irresistible spiritual the sixty three goals was to explore his trip to the east over the last century. in it
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the end. this week. it was nice to the king. hom. he says to me. you can see. it's cool to shoot me. in it esoteric buddhism into shoe the first time. it's huge the temperatures to a place in greek i know . see into his mysterious him on a new student people's imagination and as western industrial civilization began to spread
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in the mid eighteenth century curious listeners began searching around online hewitt teachers and two the twentieth century nevertheless small and breathed into it used to be teachers. you do. western port perry is always tempted to explore this. it's rich vegetation. the plan for its exotic customs take visitors by surprise. a recent essay competition for resources it it is an. it's the humans
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the rooms. it's going to come it is. roosevelt's herbert students from britain's royal society joined the expedition stevens let you know. film footage and so nice the important mission i was looking for the mysterious kingdom and the place really seen by outsiders. i i meaning name. it seems. it's
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good to see to it. to see wod the scene. are you saying even two yet he went into shock golf ball the news the austrian american shows we've been there before stevens. iraq was the first four knicks forward into the area around smoothly
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these travel notes were published in national geographic magazine. cold cold day in july. that scene the snow with the tickets it is indeed evil look so cool to me. art scene opening the larceny year these are only to ensure he got caught with only one on wednesday the twenty two and up. me and a label with the tv show when gentry and on occasion local call the shawl so i need to buy a new one yet. the more you'll encounter nineteen c in a lot to me all means let them cook five minutes and walk some treasures in. authorities in the seattle scene. next article in the kingdom and we had an unexpected consequence
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many adventure lovers looking for paradise were encouraged by the possibility that election issue. i'm going to be true. his article also piqued the interest of stevens. he was an adventure seeker boat expedition to me he would meet him as well known. before serving stevens meats and to mr. i texted. reading with great detail. because it will become now from miles to my next test the east is calling me. in the ot. it's instantaneous i need to feel dead to tackle too badly which would take to have
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reduced me to this day ancient customs. i separate it from the wild. choose to leave. what's important social. it extended beyond the long river in the east in one. you should read for this. its unique geographical and is responsible for its extraordinary care. with surrounding mountains and rivers. two hundred years. in nineteen twenty. stevenson expedition. and in southwestern. ruth donnelly d g and some of the city's inquiry into mr ripper
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the you them. stevenson who crossed the trooper be long term interest like you. i was we all take a nap times and department would charge to ma this retrograde to be a long and tiring process the unremitting you it's recalling all. and if you can be squeezed onto the mattress russian border. but while the dollar spent. star intensity. this made the price is even trickier box office apple trees in the street was fined the company hits and three mm mm. this field. we crossed
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the river. in sixteen men's journal showing other foreign exporters to cross the street or she does stevens and his team mates recently legal theory to the opening of the river. everyone's spirits stevens was finally able to appreciate the ancient singer see you know what to expect stephen just tossing them into one of them. some of the others with him told him the local chieftains in the area often full of resources. it was all fours
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the stevens began to realize the risks that you can use him as he and two . you can live in lehi. students on school and will go into more hopeful and optimistic the eye. welcome stevens missed you. accommodations for all of them. when stevens and to his quarters. i did the ghosts. two recent testing in the quarters
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provided by the local chieftain the eye. gord which is to succeed. stevens and it's always interesting study on an island in the middle of who can leak in its own fuel for a few days. ch. the i am moo moo moo me know if they wanted a wii. all while. bob
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bought it. piano. we did the little chick been known to do with it. external door documentary. you know the suspicion is huge the most powerful man on me in nineteen one in the meantime it's the summer it's all a little cheese on a chase achievement. i didn't need to go. i do shop for a short time be summoned to see the ones we're only human input so that each one. our genuine consumed by the wheel well. i'm sure she's gone
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only when you read you should see her. when she and took advantage of the openings location organizing a risk. increased trade with you such one in chico. he also worked to improve relations among ethnic groups in the area nineteen twenty nine warlord struggle for power and social improvements. warfare to you when what a m she the surrounding turbulence the only remaining piece thanks to my ownership and governance eye. several days later. the island to the eye the story. she and warned him the dangers. his minutes were rampant on the roads. he
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provided him with a guy stevens gladly accepted. what insurance is teacher's day my face along the road. the t word. and the we glued least was it research was on her dream of yours. these two weeks. you can use this one unit i see you enjoying the students and one in the mountains. your approach
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we just picking. bring to this posting. people just use the thunder took up my. gone are the rest you need to keep reacting to the morning. you never show any of that. i'll be checking the underground case i settled down i can. it was told it would feel raw and six. the morning. it is stevens ordered guards to prepare for a possible locally recruited to our storm door and went to mt to look very professional making students feel more confident
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i am. good use. the story terraced fields planted with color and surrounded by trees showing the topsoil was deep originally the treetops strategist and separate into two provinces. to make it to me. bluetooth. first attempted to visit the kingdom . all clothing the lovable. tonight he got
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up to one of the new opel are sincere. the cia. i'm sure not to do when we on the cheese yellow. yet in all not a newly eligible for a good element in its usual based on a unilateral we knew our business this year soon only on the lonely on that day that. the i'm sure a sign to say. on sunday. could be injured in the middle of winter. the two slowed recently on. she is my question could be a whole lot to me and i i i. it is a condition called land of the alumni. it was published in national geographic magazine and created a sensation around the world missing a practice that continues today. most distinctive characteristic
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was the distinctive yellow worn during summer months lee and to port sixteen sixteen. each soul. eighteen on the top piece yes and it leads you to all. to whom they can lead to some of that feeling that i'm old. so you'll find it on the human and can lead actor. more units in hunger no more yuan a share. the action live on mm mm mm that you leave the territory of over twenty thousand square kilometers but he only had one hundred thousand competing in some circles i was always in the lead against outsiders such as stevens and his team
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in the eye. almost four thousand years. we could see large trees and a small lead with a bucket of water the ez e a k a. this entry is here. three thousand six hundred and fifty eight meters above sea level. seven of the trees here. three times the rate of the anton is and how amazing the toll they are truly miracles of nature. it's a way to be destroyed if it decides to the people and three. it's an eye. letter to the king. when
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stevenson to really report far from the king. i cheat i see. we're at war. so prematurely ending the expedition. she is to speak. it's amazing really stevenson in the too small he was too much too. it is much lower price. i am. in
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all. in the stealing. to reassure stephens local people becoming mixed. i am welcome to my columbus. be seen everywhere the head some research on rocks descriptions and moody. there were three large ones recently the last three years
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new moms. are you. we choose to accept them homeless. this easter. the students. he said each ward to hear the eye cheetahs weeks. loomis. i was just granite rocks request to visit. unexpected. just a few months before stevens ra ra riot and lead to the third time. i the ay ay ay. he watched an old could do so should i say don't receive the only all. jason will push is a scalpel action it ended in acquittal on the action old people. being a newly decency. last will not go
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gentle with all the know. and julio. normally on the middle column. and i mean. mail look i've seen. it was almost one point nine meters tall. it stands behind his imposing appearance he had a great curiosity about the tricks her into trouble are we. lucas. the character of the king. i knew he was totally mesmerized and it will increasingly him. oh ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ay ay ay ay for instance forests and lakes to the area. he tried
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his best ideas. soon we are on display. when a secluded residents in the lead was discovered. i read the king would deal with this list she's protection was needed for the team security. its western intruder was confronted with a sudden crisis. it seemed that he would appeal to more troubles in this isolated light the expedition. join us for the next part of journey to peace. i don't i. ch. ay ay
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ay. the european union spends more on agriculture and rural development but it stands on enticing option at a time of crisis when the new speech squeezed out of every year of spending. it's understandable that the common agricultural policy which the ap as it's known could come under renewed scrutiny. this week in the parliament in brussels the dpp group has held a hearing to look at the european commission's latest proposals to make the c ap points patients
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undetected. the keywords in the commission's proposals is sustainability. farming communities the environment and production. it's a reflection of the fact that bombing is at the haunted your culture and history agriculture commissioner touch and cello part of the ppp political somebody told us why his proposed reforms designed to support your citizens. and it's going to have ct scan because the vendor is timely. put security which appealed to the cost of the core of good management of natural resources. it would ensure that put security sensor would not only in the short term but in the medium and long term as well. spending on agriculture and rural development the council always tops the eu budget making sure that money is spent in the most efficient and effective way possible the essential michael murray and john are in the steel is vice chairman of the gpt group and responsibilities of budget and structural policy
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he wants to various stakeholders in this debate to develop more common ground in order to ensure adequate eu resources coming policy in the future. we own the discussions around the top of the moment of the budget you an overview of their members' fees that they want to cut the lead in the budget would be very dangerous for cp to the who want to have a close interest in him. among the key actors in chief be because that would be some of you for that too would prove to be sin who say are you going to burma parsons has no poker wise weaker fuelling interest. to see ap is divided into two circle cutters and just couldn't relate agricultural markets for some products are regulated to what a cool common market organizations or she and coach effectively a way of stabilizing markets for example by paying homage guaranteed prices for imposing tariffs on imports the commission is now proposing to roll or she
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enters into one. michelle's on top of french mep is parliament's raffle to all the single common market organization. he told us about his approach to the commission's powers. i think it all appeared to be harmless close to the team in the house median of them are up against the tall man pinkish and eucharist the starboard surprises in the market. so what i consider and weigh in because it is that the commission has not gone far enough. he's giving farmers the power to organize and chose instead to go together. in order to stand at the beach you choose which of course much bigger than that it was changed and cucumber to know that she can have that to the article world development plays a key role in the territorial economic and social cohesion of the eu and in the protection of the environment. it's also the second pander to c ap the commission wants to make communities in the countryside stronger and more sustainable for targeted investment creating new long term employment opportunities
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austrian mep elizabeth coasting to a still from a farming town in his column and shot the report on the rural development aspects of cakey. she explained how she thinks the commission's proposal can be strengthened i think it's very important to point out that the new development once the sauce approach on the show. we also want to. what did they tell are matched to create new atheists how to make schools that teach how to make yet coming back to my keeping my nest. and then this automotive want to find and they could pick which ought to get them to bring books to read too much notice supporting agriculture and rural life that is at the heart of the dpp station for a dynamic and striking countryside and to operate the commission's proposals. a generally a step in the right direction towards consolidating them. more information on which policies and activities please visit our website ppp group. don't
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you. thanks for watching a she you again. new name moving moving. i. the eye with the bw caught a show in this edition of pocket rocket with coalition and the sun though. an italian classic fbi be no spider. most of all the latest news from the geneva motor show. i know spring slowly descends on us the item ordered steamed the stands of geneva. eager to see what the year will bring. at center stage proportion. this time


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