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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  March 14, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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news. as diplomatic and six bc need to de escalate the ongoing crisis in ukraine russia's ambassador to united nations has told the security council that moscow does not want war ukraine beat on each weekend was responding to a direct question from ukraine the interim prime minister and senior senior open the dvd impassioned speech the council he said russia's behavior towards ukraine and demise global security and the implementation of the program of nonproliferation nuclear weapons. the good weekend ahead of time the team to new
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safety of state john kerry and russian counterpart sergei lavrov in london meanwhile in eastern ukraine seeking the next two people died in violence between russia and ukraine protest as tensions over knee high ahead of sunday's referendum in crimea which most of them will need to be gone as illegitimate. palestinian militants fired at least eight iraqi success of an israel on tuesday just hours after agreeing to a ceasefire most of them were aimed at the western negev area between trees of damage will cost two of them were intercepted by trying to buy cheese seventy eight israel the truce was agreed after easter came and to fight on wednesday from a ballot of profits that beat this attack since november two thousand and twelve a dead heat with planes and artillery fire and closed border crossings with gauze and prime minister benjamin to know who is said that if there is no common the south of israel will be noise in the gaza strip israel holds palestinian
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group hamas responsible . i knew the routine use of june more. the rule the conditions . as of
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the hour. is you this was the cheek to match too so that when it's all african government has decided to drop the sun the highest tier of the african nation so that championship. instead of just a week to the pink team is tournament. but still is friday tennis coach for any mood and the middle east visit to south africa decency silly to not clean and fifteen as i can really shine the stamps is from beyond the ash in this academy haunting in the miss teen miss mason. they also had the opportunity to gain from an internationally reputed cottage in purely to buy one of them not just in its development at dance for children in the molds
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firstly i put emphasis on me making the kids to sleep in the cruising nineteen. he said he expected for stage in the second element is that because the footwork and a man can get them going to get them back on her feet granny says it's too silly to the celtics from talks between tina south africa it's my assorted teas his real tennis center him in his room was built by immigrants from south africa. and so it is a natural connection of the people who built his rules that the dissenters all over israel. to this country with more than fifty thousand tweets it just ends amounts will and some will cost a is seen as candy can send it to a well in school in south africa. this gorgeous with the hogs to develop new tenants and sixty each are being saved for the pair reached and why it's used to come from the courtroom and is the food turn to coat
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people who couldn't help but to pick up the torso. this is to target youth over from distance. so much who can only attend this dinner here was joking. freshmen. and the food center to start teaching the lessons and return us the alchemist the issue. then we went to propose monkey's the computer and he seems to have too many to make an impact in the approximately two weeks in spain and south africa after it meets me at campbell said pulis it meets the eye when amcor to tame means babies and baby seems that outing about much more in the eucharist to me it's the cpm on him. call it trinity getting teeth. local input in useful feature for feature for the rest of their lives. all the bad. i read it
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to me. he's a cool tool and needs. lou. you should do next when it's for the coaches from the resort so to go off to israel and to spend a couple of weeks at the tennis center. your mother sharon in israel the men were talking about exchanges of top players. if we didn't get the top thirty players from israel to practice to train together with the south african players either here and select or in israel. i don't know maybe we can find the next to serena williams are stuck up there and being a foaming davis cup national coach. many of the oldest has a concise and he did this advice is. the senate race coaches and players. and use and enjoyment on what they do symptoms of gdp in twenty two. qantas and focus on specific goals. and by doing those four things. at the time. this may not be the most obvious connection
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between islam and south africa. but it does seem to offer. i do not have picked angel for cooperation. i'm not going to catch him silly to forge a new one . a few honestly a sixty five year old czech catholic priests has been awarded the twenty fourteen at templeton prize for his efforts to affirm that this spiritual dimensions of life. leach who worked underground to promote democracy and morality in communist czechoslovakia use the advanced to criticize letting your poetry and erection orthodox church over the situation in ukraine. i know. on this one this time with you. for democrats and
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independents. you can be no one is that the occupation and i don't miss the weekend for a kgb agent has. also does all the action. in realistic dreams. it's also at having to re do. who knew him and we are. decided i'm going to criticize direction orthodox church which he can constitute an axis of former kgb man who rose to power in the late nineteen nineties some more. and yes this. is this. it's the creepy side of power. it is. since nineteen eighty nine comedy cast pursued his mission of a dialogue with other believers and nonbelievers to his check christian academy. his work
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as chaplain at parks charles university and is seventeen books translated into eighteen languages. he joins previous winners of the prestigious templeton prize. this is the dalai lama and south africa's archbishop desmond tutu. once predominantly male oriented society a profession based and it's like knives and physical strength has been taken on by one and forty five year old mother of three cows bizarre kylie is banishing iran stereotyping working as a butcher. a new tree for my husband and managing her family's expertise since this all started becoming a butcher they used to think i could never be a butcher but things got an honest to do it now i kinda nice but felt yes that was sensitive and i was done the hard task of being a butcher's complicated by the dt she's expected to perform as a woman iranian society. everyday she must wake up at six am for morning prayers and make breakfast and rushed to the small butcher shop at eleven and
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soon as they began to run back home to make lunch and then to return to the shop at three pm before closing time at eight pm. the beginning she carries has been said he was concerned about the negative impact of the violent and physically hard job on display through school but i wish i wasn't into it. i told her that this job is like but not to let it change your attitude in the heat years later i noticed he didn't change your behavior in any way. then i thought i would have us here on post of the community of strong women in high powered jobs that have turned environmental protection organization in sydney and tech are serving as the country's first female vice president between nineteen eighty seven and two thousand five. fall of a young french and kill with a
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more toward syria. so it's to support great for the parents of radicalized peeps want to test flight in syria lightning francaise typing the wrong approach to the problem of young people joining the islamist rebel groups. sixty year old dominique bombs discovered lost in thought i would his son nicholas us the two year old come but to islam and the lead in the suicide bombing in the syrian city of homes just months after his younger brother up going dotty of twenty one was killed in the fall extinctions had joined al qaeda links clinch great islamic strike iraq eleven once posted again in frequent contact with the sons of an ipa clutching a crime and a clutch of roy spoke in a propaganda video coaching brothers to join this point in syria the moment of the book with a view to the watch many the views of the mujahideen in afghanistan have listened a lot to shake out glass out of the scheme is love in our hearts the village of eighteen. the will be
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retained in the mortgage of america. nicholas jones on your palms are among hundreds of youths who traveled to syria from fronds to join islam is great in recent years amid the expats that is growing and has already drooling more than two thousand volunteer collectors from around uluru the french court system is reacting with toughness hunting down jail sentences even to potential of the photos. meanwhile owns his own was the so called grey for the parents of radical escapes the shape of a professional on and would not stem the flood of young people traveling to syria or stop the process of radicalization. i did them wrong. the goal is to rest and get the family is to bring them a little moral support and will often bring them to give it to become strong and take the right to action tuesday i hit number of songs. parents in the creek a great big your pain. governments need to find wise to fight radical islam other than frightened young people in gio what i will be ex ties to radical islamist preachers and hardened criminals. sometimes
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the desire of snow was beginning to meet it reinforces the adf to go back there. i don't know where no one care in jail. if it's an slr in the eye into contact with other prisoners. maybe it would turn out good when they come on time. i have something going on. and she is across the west continue to rely says hundreds continued to come. that is llama and tooling minutes and grapes which concerns running either the return of the detroit just to the west in the netherlands but he refused to issue travel documents to use wishing to travel to syria on now according to the confiscation of top sports stars involved in the simple goal the united states have to admit to national athletes to search for the assimilation claimed that disappeared almost a week ago. across the gulf of thailand. your sister where
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aircraft are doing a shift from both countries to scare and nineteen thousand square kilometers in area the size of hungary to search for the missing boeing seven hundred and seventy seven sky news agency said its outlay it just sits and suspicious floating objects on the thirteenth of march car and get things in leasing planes searching the area found no signs of it. greed or bring back the wall street journal u s investigators suspect the big aircraft stayed for about four more hours after these in contact with air traffic controllers this raises the possibility of the aircraft was totally unfair that people avoid toppling over two thousand miles and then to pakistan police and authorities are investigating all causes for the disappearance including a possible hijacking after officials discovered at least two men boarded the plane easy to be legitimate sports able to immigrate to the west . mm. this area of
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the washington dc suburbs is all pretty great in jewish life. but this particular neighborhood may be buried at the center of israeli jewish culture known as the little kid books. one of the best ways to gauge the culture and the aspirations of the little components is to visit the schools here at farmland elementary at least one in ten students comes back from israel. we ate in the sand with more than him. i was home to the case. so they can be close to that tuesday's color man on top of my own face. his tone the cotton agency and block them. plus can cook and increases the pico stupid tuesday's coop selected mvp. holman when the need to come home in addition to farmland which is a elementary school the privately run jewish day
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school is just one of many jewish institutions a short drive away. at the heart of the neighborhood its cafes bahrain. one of the few fully kosher restaurants in washington dc area. we specialize in patients and sandy beach pain inside me that easter bucket of slime off an awful the study patients. a year on the weekend. it's understood the addition of law the fate of washington. customers come to cafes for a renewed to peek at the taste of home including familiar it's really dishes such as falafel sure of the salad to the salad and hummus with pita. it's one of the centerpieces of the little kid that's what it comes from israel as far as i know they start from him. and that team because they feel i get home it's not have enough friends and fascinating this area. and i know that the school is this idiot that kids go to bed maybe get from a spell of the kids the hubby can del should know she was one of the early
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converts moving from israel nearly forty years ago to work as the secretary to the passat to shake at the israeli embassy. she raised three children in a home filled with eclectic jewish art collection. yes i have to know two women who went into the mix and had a nest in the conduct of the people of good will deny it now. crawling is lying that they can afford a panicking the houses and on the stallions me. because of convenience because of the ot in the coastal when the prof who is an awesome to be close to schools synagogues and intuitive to communicate. i loved. in a no fault state most of the diplomatic move in i now can move into this an outstanding at schools and the jewish community center of greater washington. ari brief walk down the street enabling the community to keep the sabbath which can be a rear advantage in the car driven american suburban culture. one of
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the attractions of farmland elementary is its program for speakers of other languages the teachers here are especially aware of the learning differences for children grace speaking hebrew. in fact the entire community attempts to honor there is really transplants for making sure is the answer not scheduled to complete the jewish holidays are readily available at church that this is priscilla huff for jane line in rockville maryland. the kenyan crisis attracting international attention the cleaning task that has started returning home to show their support during this difficult time some are working alongside local street if i can hear my daughter nicknamed the sea of independence square one campaigner from when police that as a member of the d abstraction us down to the people in suits chairs as a member of the ukrainian gas. i think that sounded
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really helps the company to compete for who paints can't really see us can. i see our cousins handsome posting them and just couldn't imagine that we are him. another hit for them. extra supreme protest is empty and its industry leading his family received from ukraine are a wonder i didn't see that christmas he was overwhelmed by the protesters fighting for their rights and freedoms undaunted. it needs to be free to have prevented the incident were damaged in the country. as we have new zealand or england australia it's very important that we can understand that these people need help. the biggest influx of the main entrance was learning the names and early two thousand sqm in the economy was at its lowest many fled the country and settled in spain and italy approximately twenty million ukrainians in and outside the country creek related statistics and return to the screen while congress many of those unclean expats in mind that coleman
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estimated nine billion us dollars was sent from writing two thousand thirteen according to the world bank report. this makes up almost five percent of the country's gdp can get in the united states had a decent clean jasper communities which can trace back its roots to the nineteenth century when thousands were leaving due to bad craving for settlement and russian aggression the i a. missy it was getting sick and match to sell to bring this up. the government has decided to drop the sun the hasty of the african nation so that championship instead of just a week to the pink team is tournament but still is friday the mistake of any move any new to the east the assistance of africa decency. silly to not clean inflicting as much rain or shine. these dances from beyond the ash in this
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academy haunting in the midst of tennis the same. they also had the opportunity to use from an internationally reputed cottage in purely to buy one of the largest in its development at dance for firstly i would have his own making the kids to sleep in because the ip in the city inspector for stage. in the second element is the physical and the footwork and get them going to get them back on her feet. granny says it's too silly to the celtics from talks between tina south africa this friday at forty cheese is real tennis center in missouri was built by immigrants from south africa and so it is a natural connection of the people who built his will stick to the centers all over israel to this country with more than fifty thousand reached since the disappearance of months will and some will cause today is. this can be consented to a well in school in south africa. this
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gorgeous with the hogs to develop new tenants and said the team each are being saved for the pair reached and why it's used to come from the courtroom it is the food turned to cairns. people who can help but to pick up the torso. this is to target youth over from the students to work but who can only attend to hear what you joking. for freshmen and discontent or to start teaching the lessons and return those are the ultimate submission. then we would propose monkey's the computer and he seems to have too many to make an impact in the approximately two weeks in spain and south africa after it meets me at campbell said yes. and me swoon. meets the eye. when amcor to teh means babies baby seems that
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outing about much more to the eucharist to me it's the cpu on him. call it canadian be getting teeth local input in useful feature for feature for the rest of their lives. this all the bad. tony piece of blue to land weeks. who did she do next when it's for the coaches from the resort so to go off to israel and to spend a couple of weeks at the tennis center. your mother sharon in israel the men were talking about exchanges of top players. if we didn't get the top thirty players from israel to practice to train together with the south african players adherence to a torrent israel. i don't know maybe we can find the next to serena williams are stuck up there and being a foaming davis cup national coach many of the oldest has a concise and he did this advice is. it's an effort coaches and players. and use and enjoyment on what they do
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and symptoms of gdp. what they do. qantas and focus on specific goals. and by doing those four things. at that time. this may not be the most obvious connection between these two rounds of africa. but it does seem to offer. i do not have picked angel for cooperation. on monday in a catch in silly to forge a new one the seoul the u s national store tea i can see on a mixed it would start in tuesday's concert like that secret is the american supplied its operations addressed a crowd of textual dollars at the state's south west southwest intro to festival snowden who was already living in russia and ten prius all of them did not appear in person the technology conference in austin texas to participate
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to remotely via video link from last time when he critiques laws cover and i'm for my ns i had them rolled in calming and snack on national security in the us when asked if he was sucking on his decision to the consulate and science might and snowden said. what i do this again. beyond is absolutely yes. regardless of what happens to make this is something we have to relate to non took an honor to support and defend the constitution. most older the constitution was violated on massive sky ears. posters calling for peace in ukraine blowing the street leading to kiev to independence class old molly done onto some of the forty countries have come to be a trip to the exhibition boredom elyse by police is the piece you crying in the song is an artist collective. the strong
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messages and colorful displays of the st exhibition which ice is on to the eye to this day was timed out mulligan attracted the attention of many a possibility. exhibition or go is a site that receives hundreds of posters from aunt it's all across the way of sending them messages of peace. would you not that we're very keen sense of community designed to support this accidentally managed to organize a contest that exhibition in the sand to keep it to you. the crisis in you crying seems to come to the solace of people across the world. hollywood's oscar award winning george clooney in january but seeing supporting that angelic politician you via tim ashamed of wearing it takes to calling released at the time politician on oaks was like a microsoft founder bill guy has a business card to richard branson a post i will cope gone with its support for the troubled nights. top supermodels. i'm
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breaking into hiding and soon had showed off the tree secrets two thousand fourteen summer swimwear on the roof top pool in west hollywood this two new designs including online bikini top slightly bottoms and cropped floral tops. tracy and in fiance and i find an item or greenpeace me who sometimes can be consistent and rise as the straight and stop communion on circumscribed the tunis. standing barefoot in the cleverly decorated rooftop displaying her sculpted to seek after having two children embracing me some tips on how women can the contest for the beach and pool. what makes it beats reading stephanie like getting the word to us and sports outside eating here to get a guy likes the beach or the bones is like texting will it be an exercise to lags says i eat healthy people lying to my kids now and now my delightful it seem like face that's how some fruit so keep it on the right size specimens summer days
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victoria secrets swimwear line is available worldwide and the company's retail stores. will you. do. will he be. to me. will. who are will
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group. zz you can only think that he stands. the second day of the sunset in that sense and yet yet. it seemed ok by me. see that. warm using noon. y'all. it's the dog to sit down. note the clunky and not the end of the main any team as you go about the meeting. that is the scene. zai . this is
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china taiwan and like a charm. falling a little dance presentation taiwan high speed rail corporation held a board meeting and elected tony stark's replaced all that is currently chairman of the taiwan futures exchange in addition uni airways chairman james strong was appointed chief executive officer of tea to src


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