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tv   Newsline  PBS  March 17, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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and. i do. chu woo woo woo whoo whoo hoo. welcome to nhk world news line and she notes audience of joy. here's a look at some of the stories we're following this hour. i am chinese regional parliament has declared independence from ukraine won the answer residents' there voted to become part of russia the mystery surrounding the missing malaysian airlines jet continues to deepen. as more search teams from around the world joined the effort miami as regional parliament
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has declared their independence as a sovereign state. sunday's referendum in the southern region showed overwhelming support for breaking away from ukraine election officials say nearly ninety seven percent voted in favor of becoming part of russia. they sing about one point two seven million people cast ballots the turnout rate was eighty three percent. law makers in the economist republic gathered on monday the back the region's independence as a sovereign state in and decided to apply to join the russian federation president levy where putin has maintained that he is not considering making crimea part of this country. but he has suggested that he will respect the will of the people. leaders of the european union and the us have condemned the referendum as illegal. they are considering additional sanctions against russia for supporting the vote. a spokes person in the kremlin says presentation will address parliament on tuesday. they didn't indicate exact topic of his speech to lawmakers in
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the country. the ukrainian ambassador to japan as made clear that his government regards the referendum in crimea as illegitimate and on acceptable. for legal grounds bulls ukrainian international. what has happened to moby called for mia was. he is. will be hard to get. a four hour chain grow strongly denounced russia and called for the withdrawl of its troops from crimea we expect zones the european union. adequate political and diplomatic response the ambassador went on to note that sanctions might be useful tool. he called for support from the international community including japan. we as an expert on russia how much is fact western sanctions could have on the country. i feel ca lot though is the former japanese diplomats with more
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than a decade of experience in moscow he says the annexation of crimea would itself be a weight on russia's economy. his new woman in the russian is saying that the iowa state on the murals made fools of osceola sonia alone points in the process. on the flu so it was snow up to six point seven posts and the oh so clear even in the state of most of the nation. and as of the motto on that system oprah told me i will do me in on those awful to say of this rule book and full self financed. the new load of clothing for all of the simple moments of mine to be uploaded to its ppp on the us and russia on the state's budget. of note was the use of both the city hundred ppm dots. so loads of fun than mom on a system that the video of the city of graz a woman from pushing them into the side of school often insists on tight to my steak
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made the up to these two long months of full loan for the sump pump for the russian parliament the top of the smithsonian buildings. so lonely how sometimes when you will see some. and that is the pudding might be feeding on phone. we keep on crying year on independence as a planned a menu most is home sick from these kinds of lists and luke when you go if on some of us pressed to see some old old and gray. of the column below may be its own list and look what santa might become more serious and may. the result case of of the hoax maybe of the eu countries will of the united states. other than able to use. still why didn't you slope of the top of the finest market. ufo's are some companies. he was so awesome companies on though i'm very happy we are raising money. it means i'll miss the financial markets the laws interest rates
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holly's interest rates and fees to buy for. and also of note for some companies have been very up to be using apple sold by emptiness of these onions honest and on the kings and queens eat you on the result he was in it some companies will almost all the muscles are some companies have been up to be a baby to a cuckoo moment business. so far of the woes of the pot to put in his own abode the crimea under some cushion is getting much less helpful in russian society maybe it's a blue mom's salon columbia. haneef and the sample on the sirius me out to do its own is helpful it was helpful to me still puts in mind that these pics and video costs and weaker chinese press issue jing ping gave us president barack obama will meet for talks next week. when they will attend the nuclear security summit in the netherlands china's vice foreign
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minister li da dong made the announcement to reporters on monday. the biennial nuclear summit would be held in the hague for two days from the twenty fourth. these documents in the twenty five the meat in it is greatly significant for the development of u s china relations. the leaders will discuss key bilateral and international issues that affect both countries the situation in ukraine is expected to be on the agenda china opposes imposing sanctions. the geese russia for its military intervention in the country. the summit talks come after the chinese government last month launched a protest against obama. he invited students exiled spiritual leader the dalai lama to the white house. it's been more than a week since the malaysia airlines jetliner went missing well on a flight from kuala lumpur were to be saying malaysian government officials say rescue teams from twenty six countries and allen joined the search. but today not too long in bangkok
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as the story. the foreign teams are focusing the absence of a wide swath of any of the trend in east and central asia and two more dinesh and australian prime minister ten he added on monday offered to take responsibilty for the southern fact of the said ch. abbott said he was responding to a request from the nation prime minister najib result that arrived shortly before the parliament's question time. australia will do its duty in this manner. who do edgy. to ensure that to tell such a and risky responsibilities to find time to not build. signals picked up by sasa i indicate the aircraft could have thrown between northern india china and central asia. what towards the southern indian ocean and the haitian authorities across the united states fronds and china which
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operates intelligence capping satellites to provide them with any information that could help. data show that off to disappearing from break out the missing cat climbed to nearly thirteen thousand seven hundred meters height yet and that between seven seven seconds months and then flying altitude before plunging to about seven thousand he says officials say is that the abnormal fight continued this unfortunate five minutes as the plane flew across the many things that i intend no class. a few hours of the area at the minute you freak out and track officials say part of the cross communication systems was turned off and get ready before fine no contact with me. with traffic control that is often more than a week and the asian officials are still no expense to figuring out the whereabouts of them is seeing between seven seven second chance. campaign has begun for a january election in indonesia as the largest
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sikh when any of the association of southeast asian nations. still the eight ball nine there will be a strong indicates that the outcome of the presidential poll showed killed for tonight. there is also the parliamentary election will be heavily influenced by the new thirds of the two hundred and fourteen million people in indonesia about thirty percent of them are in their teens or young jack young indonesians have been courting for an end to corruption and all authoritarian is an nhk was talking to she shares our key reports. there is a old expect dish and the initiator sony's upcoming election the close of six thousand candidates applying for a five under sixty parliamentary seats. he noted to be the country the resistor addiction the last morsel parties these two t of trees santa claus in the states. or are amenable to keep us in sports
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so ross distorting to multi party is to buy present awesome job on my new crayons but it's facing up to buckle you do know and that the cobblestone purity of kosovo which is a small artist it usually only physically but the postage from running for some. he sold his. the justices so cody came into force two reams of prisoners or action it's part of the meal was some indonesian democratic party of struggle is gaining ground. it's headed by former president fidel is complete on friday. surprisingly this was the most. also competing to feel the bond of circle or you can. it is a search on a piece of your previous rules the country and the laundry known as a joke
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my estate to party city to get his puritan to reduce the harm in it. so for this are candidates include former army general. double ski and two and the owner and businessman of resolve awkward. but to repeal the law remains a favourite in opium wars. keeping in insurance i bought a house people more than three decades on tonight and eight under the portico of the brutal home offers and so on the day. duke will we do it showed as the miserable commissioners importance of cultural when it comes to decision making and of course would carry him. he is first to walk for ordinary people yes let's get back in va i would like to focus on the general election in april in the us is one that we were aiming for for twenty seven percent of votes. party its leaders and volunteers have to make maximum effort into it as a kid. we did go to
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suspicion. hope you all and honorable. he also has the support of the pool that is the makeup look the part of the country's tradition of them is the country's years of the kami cool. did you see the beanies you to death behind yep that's me. still wanting more corruption. like the most important issue was how the indian economy can develop. we don't want to go back to two mission including cars experiences to the post because of the snow to resources and these dodgeball but is facing intense completion from oz awesome nations. now with the parishioners was of the nation can establish a stable going to cause of phones to call it a go. this is the key. it's pure wool carpet. don't wrap up the place and i catch any of one inbound call. s
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government says the country's economy is recovering at a moderate pace. the recovery is supported by last minute demand ahead of a consumption tax increase in april the term moderate recovery has now appeared for the third straight month of the government's economic report. government officials and private consumption is rising with demand still on for automobiles electronic appliances and furniture and corporate capital investment is picking up as smaller companies are buying machine tools the head of the tax hike. the report indicates production is also increasing that's an upgrade from every as carmakers and appliance makers who rushed to meet the brisk demand. looking down the road government officials are conscious but they do expect the economy to remain on a recovery track even after the tax hike monday was the first trading day in the chinese currency with a new wider trading them they you want fell slightly against the dollar
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the people's bank of china doubleday you once daily trading range against the dollar. it's now allowing the currency to rise or fall of two two percent from the official midpoint rain breaks the previous limit was one percent on monday the u one briefly slipped about zero point seven percent from the midpoint market players were worried about china's economic slowdown. workers at two plants operated by a total orders of scenery in india are fighting for higher wages. there are adopting militant tactics. so ted officials on sunday camp early and walked out the workers from the plants due to careless car motor off officials as saying union leaders provoke some employees into holding assembly lines and threatening supervisors the officials say they shut down the plants of the city of bangalore. to protect employees and managers. they don't say how long the lockout will last. labor issues are major challenge for japanese firms operating in india. workers at a factory operated by
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the indians consider area of suzuki motor held violent protests in july two thousand and twelve. the plant shut down for over a month. here the latest market figures the eye. it is south the appearance of a woman abducted by north korean agents have met their granddaughter for the first time but agents kidnapped me to be open to nearly four decades ago. her parents say
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they're overjoyed to buy a re union. the man doing now. it was like a dream come true we phrase for this for years for us it was their masculine see. she did and psyche open comment came own guilty last week in the mongolian capital of the torque psyche a yoke with that c is a resemblance between her daughter and her granddaughter. her husband says skin has grown up since he saw her on tv years ago make me a book i gave birth to camp after she was taken to north korea in nineteen seventy seven. in two thousand and two north korean officials said. you'll want to have died years before they provided remains they claimed were hers. japanese officials say a dna test proved they were wrong the open tennis say they didn't ask their granddaughter what happened to me to me. they say they didn't want to make the meetings political
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japanese government officials say at least seventeen of their citizens were abducted in the nineteen seventies and eighties. eye japanese health officials are looking down the road been trying to steer clear of the crisis the decades old universal health care system is under strain and things are expected to get worse as the population ages. some government leaders are looking at transforming one of the most expensive parts of the system hospitals and hk world's julie cohen has the story. on the eye. at any given moment the zookeeper in japan i use in the healthcare system for alterations. for vaccinations or just for a checkup. running it cost four hundred billion dollars
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annually. found the bill goes up by nearly ten billion dollars every year. japanese leaders so worried the system will soon be unsustainable we need to reform our medical system to ensure adequate distribution of health care resources healthcare in japan is funded by central and local governments. insurance providers and the beatles each medical procedure has a fixed price that won't change but members of our government cars to say other aspects need to. also something to the report last month to the health minister members said there are too many postures with too many nurses caring for retelling ill patients. who i know there are three hundred sixty thousand beds across the country. the council recommends reducing that number to two hundred seventy
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thousand over the next two years. that would save six hundred million dollars the council members suggest foster's become more specialized in terms of the care they provide. they say patience to change foster's he got caught in st that conditions. those who just received emergency surgery are considered to be in the acute phase but as they get better. they can be transferred to other hostages or return home in situations that acts of patience in recovery would have access to a new stream of funding the council also re commence more doctors and nurses be of elbow to the comfy seats. she needs you most of the post war baby boomers will be seventy five or older by two thousand and twenty five. we must start now to improve
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the health care system. this medical effects but agrees in principle with the plan to reduce hostel that's what he says it may be difficult to do in practice. he says the council will be the del free thinking ali khan sells postures are unsure as to set the cost of medical procedures. mini titled the panel for web as a bowling the pages of additional know if you don't want to rid the country not top italy tony and his word dumbed down into the incentive to make improvement. for the portage and how does it cost. you're just health care system has been in place for fifty years and he's continued to evolve some say if it's going to mass into the future. it needs to become more efficient so it will be better at what to serve the country's aging population. to my collar and
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a store of tokyo japan's emperor has offered a ceremonial welcome to visiting vienna knees pressed and trying time the sun and tokyo's imperial palace inter aikido and in this meets go along with crown prince that are still greeted the president and his wife to be enemies leader began a four day state visit on sunday about two hundred fifty people mostly japanese and the enemy students were we being the two nations' flags. the participants spoke for half an hour after the welcoming ceremony presence and said that ties between the two countries are stronger than ever that bilateral exchanges of various types on the rise the emperor replied by saying he was pleased to hear this on sunday the visiting present inspected agricultural facilities in it but at the prefecture north east of tokyo. we had a strawberry greenhouse officials explain how the fruit is grown so that it can be picked more easily depressed and tasted the strawberry named. he
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backed his switch was first cultivated in the prefecture he then moved to a nearby town to inspect farm machinery and emma on man drone aircraft use to spray agricultural chemicals officials from the prefecture in vietnam signed a memorandum on stripping agricultural cooperation. the vaccine will send to agricultural engineers to the southeast asian nation and accept farming in terms from the country. japanese researchers are warning that if a leader to step up measures against global warming will lead to more floods. they predict the resulting damage could construct and four point seven billion dollars a year around the end of this entry experts from twenty universities and research institutes spent four years on the study. they say is nothing more is done to stop global warming of rising temperatures and an increase in rainfall will bring more floods. the report also says the number of people suffering heat stroke. could
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more than double across japan in addition the quality of rice may deteriorate in many parts of the country and most mandarin orange producers will be able to continue growing the fruit the report calls for the reinforcement of river embankment as well as the introduction of heat resistant crops to limit the damage hot air is blowing on to the japanese archipelago making for great cherry blossom season our meteorologist roberts pen as for robert pss holy area be seen over the next several days after leaving warming trend here in the forecasts in by next week in parts of cool cool farewell concert to see those cherry blossoms come into bloom so deftly some good news out there but others wonder whether it's become a downside right now we are seeing the sunny skies across the most of japan belittle all coming in from the lesson that's really me pumping in that subtly low level jet. pushing in that warm air needed cole qc on the highest temperatures yet here for two thousand and fourteen it aside to cool down later on this week and
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that's because as is pushes by its belittle the relatively cool they are also widespread rainfall across most of japan. be leery as much as thirty millimeters eating up for so kindly sees much as twenty of thirty centimeters. tokyo asian miss the most of this at least or tuesday. one says can to clear up the big crowd by wednesday is a yellow sea and coming out of northeastern china along with amp's korea and much western japan you can feel the impact spite of that and by thursday a new low will be developing here in the committee the big rain maker body of the week not just for japan but also create included this new law to keep an eye out for as far as her temperatures though well they look like this awful home but we keep our eyes guys tonight getting up to the low twenties as well taipei at twenty six manila thirty two do wanna watch out though. the farther south than the mindanao in its eastern parts this size later on this week also those of the global pressures and will prove to be a big dream maker there for you off the air towards
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the americas well elise into the middle as some fairly decent weather this past week and still look at high pressures some clear skies and the reason why mention that to be here in chicago you enough to enjoy this i know looks normal outside of the river yes every year chicago partner for its dyed green environmentally friendly granted and don't worry about that but the filly very interesting sight to see out there celebrate st patrick's day southeastern us and you're not sharing him with a fair weather though and it does look like the risk of flooding in the parks forests and severe thunderstorms being triggered off their awesome snow fall the higher regions of the thirty seven years farewell possible into the northern portions of the appalachians about the move down through the day here on tuesday. the idea another cold front is diving in on the northern plains and still called poison or but as it pushes by the south can become more of a dry cool from what i mean by that the most recent asia so she let you all are going to be seen the difference in temperatures behind it. warm ahead of it in very gusty winds we get dry and warm
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there were some of the risk of fire whether that's to be one the major threats here but not just fire weather also dives towards the take up some of the series could see wind gusting up to five hundred kilometers per hour so that is giving me a big situation out here for the next several days warming temperatures use in monday's high sixteen but by tuesday actually going up up to twenty six western europe you've been dealing with more doctors as well unfortunately and it's accompanied by this high pressure which has been sitting in place for almost a week now and that is caffeine any pollutants out here in place and that's why in paris on driving restrictions are placed transportation is being knocked out there for free because the taranaki people off the roads and unfortunately there's not much in the forecasts sister of the atmosphere where you are seeing eye when so isn't that germany in two parts of poland. i would advise his place up here some heavy rainfall the nova corps of baltic states are to see some snow is forecast i wound. i
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do the eye this means lines the sarah jane of all the ins all this year and nhk
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overall. thanks very much for joining us to live. the offer half. use chicken sole
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survivors of japan's two thousand dollars in the center and transport to and beyond. its. marched with his second jazz artist bob j safra the message of hope for miracle. march twenty third been the key in the war. you sick for two more common. i need to. keith. dunedin. it
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is. goosen the prefecture there are still many areas when people are not allowed to live. ukrainian journalists. she and her lineage and visits one of the desire to villagers holland said here. look at them. only turn. raising these are abandoned homes i know you're in control of land in numbers grow i


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