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tv   RT News  PBS  March 17, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT

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bring to us. it's that time and afterward he said sth you knew me when will we will eye. coming up what rt almost ninety seven percent of crime units voted to secede and ukraine and georgia the walls in reaction to the vote. just ahead. and before he was going to office while obama spoke with great great aunt of the conspiracy but according to a new report that is ikea still to live up to his own promises details coming up. and a winter paralympic games listen to what happens to the final tally of metal wings. later in the trial. in
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the hello it's on. five pm here now. instead on what we are america. i mean is overwhelmingly chose to secede from the ukraine on sunday ninety six cm and seventy seven percent of voters there opted to join russia. let the president has signed a decree today of recognizing tiny as quote a sovereign independent country the russian parliament will take up the show whether or not to accept crying into its borders leader this week the usa it would not recognize the vote because the police he was carried out under the barrel of a guy the state department wrote international community will recognize the results of a pole administered under intimidation from russian olive tree attention the head of the referendum monitors commission polish and peek at my parish this cost he told rte that he saw no signs of intimidation at polling stations. he said
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the referendum has been organized professionally considering it was very little time for all the institutions to prepare all the staff of polling stations and four electoral commissions. now aunties polls here has more on how the vote went in crimea this weekend. it's a bit tearful and festive need to get in some past a poll as you walk down the streets people away from the russian flag. many people actually have the flag draped over the bodies that or so cars honking their phones and driving down with the flag onto the windows the same dude is being experienced in some tropical and that the cities and regions across crime yet with the overwhelming majority of the text to be joined by cech i was speaking to him and he summed up the new twenty six we feel like going home another woman telling me that people can have four eats be much of the miso and they'd be racing for this day to come. and it has also experienced by the international said this week giving a positive critique of the swiffer they did they say that everything
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went according to plan that they were no reports of the capsule with the snow bjp cuts and that if we think when sweeping the communists nineties has insisted he did gave independence from ukraine this is something that they say they would do maya to the swiffer brandon and a delegation from the crimean continent is currently on the way to moscow. never mind that the main issue now is that the friendliest financial system to russian standards accordingly the use of both russian and ukrainian parents to travel and bandaged him up just in terms of spirit and are probably too i can say this with no problem providing a boy enforcement agencies. a crime in parliament has issued a formal request to the box upon him into taken in the russian state duma is scheduled to hold a session on friday to discuss this the russian president that he was one wants and needs to sign off on it that sent me a face to meet him in crimea where as another cousin's son to death. this is the base date of his life. that was
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our cue course on impulse here. in response to the referendum both united states is close to european union have imposed increase sanctions on russia including travel bans than the freezing of assets. as an obama signed an executive order which targets seven washington for i mean officials believe that contributed to implementing this referendum as an obama gets what he said earlier. to make clear to russia that further provocations four achieve nothing except to further isolate russia diminish its place in the world. now i believe they're still up and resolve the situation diplomatically to wear the dresses the interests of both russia and ukraine. that includes russia pulling its forces. in crimea back to their bases. supported the deployment of additional international monitors in ukraine. engaging in dialogue with the ukrainian government which has indicated its openness to superstore and constitutional reform as they move forward towards elections this spring
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meanwhile the eu has imposed sanctions on twenty one individuals believed to have facilitated the referendum in crimea. while the rhetoric between russia and the west becomes more and more tense art easy go of this going off of course the west turns a blind eye on the whys of inaction the cts with tensions high between moscow and kiev ukraine's way to america listed including even more fuel on the fly. russia is making money by supplying oil and gas to the west or pipeline. so will destroy it yes she's the leader of ukraine's old nationalist movement the rights act the main engines federal securities while it seemed the only guy on the white and i would say it's not enough the cable something else the deal stories are viewed as a legitimate government by the wax that despite all the farms. also cocktails deaths. and the fact that
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the rising cost of wheat a far right extremist our teens elites conversation also suggested someone from the new government was behind the snipers fired on both protesters and police in the capital. the pasta will look to a rather thrilling in west and ten cities unless they had read the novel frankenstein because if they had signaled that the most of the doctor frankenstein created. wiggle out of control and this monstrous backed by the reit sector is in the a grade one for people in europe because of the stuff starts all of the european union's gas supply is coming from russia even before threatening to blow up the bike lane national review police on an international wanted list by moscow for making another menacing statement publicly called on chechen terrorists still two months to launch attacks on bush to refuse to recognize steve's new authorities. business leader or model also known as
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the russians in london took responsibility for various attacks on the forties and civilians including the two thousand and ten moscow metro and the two thousand eleven villages are looking for actual airport bombings. over seventy people were killed in these two attacks alone. plus putting off from energy supplies and calling on attack or show wasn't enough once we re still on nuclear arsenal it will be a very different conversation. iran a deputy from the somewhat appointee said he would take if less than a year to build up a nuclear arsenal. we need to see respect for the conformity the well house now to know what's happening in ukraine to look at the changes that went on. i too really a focus on the seriousness of the problem now with its ultra nationalists in power in ukraine. the changes that they pose to the beach to the region got to europe as a whole. it's hard to predict what sort of threat may come from a new way when political elites in ukraine. what's clear. so for an eye towards northern means that any new
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facts on the foreign political support in the west the school fourteen. moscow in kiev ukraine's new government called the referendum the circus and its parliament approved a measure to call up twenty thousand ultra reservists and another twenty thousand national guard members the smallest increase its military budget. for more on that line. o'neill reports from paying its ukraine a citizen said in the nets following sunday's referendum on the reports of a marriage that activists stocks and achievements. all soldiers and equipment. you could do the two of the machine bought it activists from the self defense groups of people up to about twenty trucks were carrying soldiers as well as nurture equipment including a regular bed on the ministry vehicles. you used to produce or about fifteen to twenty only includes seasonal and c'mon this zone was there on the way to manage the trail
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to the we realize that they were heading towards the russian border. lightly toss and turn back. there are a couple of hours of negotiations with the pretend that. so it really did ask the locals the railway lines to stop an excellent places to stop the transportation on the train ride to which the equipment including tanks and other locals to have been told that part of this equipment is up from the training exercises with us the report circulating. and that i haven't achieved it with the honey pot made their way to the russian border there's also a growing suspicion amongst locals there. there is no achievements and tried it yet designed to provoke the population to drive in front of what is already a very tense situation in the region. so with these suspicions. along with quantum stations across the region that will suck up from the week. it's only adding to what is the very essence an intense situation there in the city plan ella's why don't you reporting. now president obama met with palestinian leader mahmoud abbas ago at
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the white house today the deadline is quickly coming out for the latest round of diplomatic talks between palestinians and israelis. so little progress has been made art piece arabic was pondering the bubble. hyundai reports i tend to ensure that the negotiations with the palestinians and israelis are on track. president barack obama met with the palestinian president to adopt us at the white house if any which comes weeks before the it rolled out lying to complete the so called framework for peace between the two parties on the wind and the road ahead would be challenging but it's time for both parties to face the difficult decision but we made shirts that this topic nobody understands the yellow ones. what a peace deal would look like. all that. territorial compromise on both sides based on sixty seven lines with mutually agreed upon swaps. that would
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ensure that his role was to work but would also work. it helps to have a sovereign state in which. they can achieve. the aspirations of the old stone wall. making the case for a palestinian state. the palestinian position and as all demand that the palestinians accept israel as a jewish state some of his nineteen eighty eight and in tonight the team that had been extended time are there that we can be a bit better and lasting peace since nineteen eight. in connection with the defeat it was done and dusted nine and this was that they cut it
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it's not an end the best chance at a palestinian acceptance of the jewish state in as well which gary had declared during congressional hearings as a means of some people to be raising it again and again as the critical beside or other acts that you adapt to what the possibility of us ate in peace. this is us on the ground remains difficult including the continued israeli settlement activity is in the west bank into a slump. this builds over whether israel would agree to the palestinian demand that to respond via state capital and questions over the right of return of refugees. this meeting comes less than two weeks after obama met with the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu at the white house to its annual blamed the palestinians for failing to reach a deal as the remains unclear whether it managed to convince the palestinian leader to offer more concessions and agger to achieve peace the intended time when obama has to face a pending crisis in ukraine syriac and the diplomatic standoff with iran. only analysts a tad and hold between you and political impasse of the list i quickly that peace process that requires experts say. i
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made a transition that passes both parties to achieve a comprehensive deal rather than financial support that keeps that danny keeps that i'll be running in the palestinian territories and diplomatic and financial support as well. that puts the country in a position not to offer any concessions. now the good news for id and he sits in a recent law posts the company says it has not relinquished its customers a day to the national security agency. why in the statement read. ibm has not provided client data to the nsa or any other government agencies under any surveillance program involving the fall collection of content or metadata. but it gets better you see not only has the idea not least use of data. but the company also promised to take on the nsa if the agency asks for. they get the pulse went on to me if the us government were to serve the national security order id and cocaine data from an enterprise client and impose a gag order that prohibits ibm some notifying
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the client idm will take appropriate steps to challenge that get ordered through judicial action or other means. also attended by demanding greater transparency from the us government as well as a debate over this type is today lesson is necessity this is just the latest company to fight back against the government then took the reason all of id and the largest technology service provider. but like many other us based tech companies ibm has suffered from a severe drop in sales internationally as a result of the atlas no revelations sales in china fell twenty percent in the second half of last year alone. all he promised to be the cousin of hope change and transparency hope and change might be difficult to quantify the lady comes to transparency the obama decision has cracked down as they look before a new associated press report found that the administration has censored government files are outright denied access to information more in the past year than ever before says
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the present took office. our team for spontaneity that has the story. the other meaning more to commemorate today than just good old st can take it easy yesterday actually marked the beginning of something called sunshine week a week when news organizations promote government transparency the freedom of information and as we're learning this week there are quite place it is when the sun doesn't shine particularly when it comes to government records according to recent analysis by the associated press the obama administration censor or denying more federal freedom of information act requests in twenty thirteen and a grandstand. you can see that reflected right here in your range showing that the number of denials has steadily increased every year since two thousand eight. now those denials include the inability of the agency to locate finals. in addition to projections for in proper requests. the also includes an area popular reason given
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to withhold that information and national security of course. according to u s governing day then national security was sighted eight thousand four hundred and ninety six times last year which is a fifty seven percent increase from twenty twelve and more than double from obama's first year nonsense. in fact mean look how the big picture the government's efforts to be more transparent last year where there were seasons as an obama was elected the real talking about withholding information. news organizations are also having difficulties with the length of time it takes to the filler arc last the government says the average time it took to answer a records request range from less than one date nearly two years. that being said most agencies took longer to answer requests in twenty thirteen and the year before. for example the pentagon reported at least to her class still pending. after ten years and is being revealed it was still working on at least four requests for more than eight years ago. now one of
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the things these agencies can do to pose for the information to be released sooner rather than later. for expedited processing which a move that newsworthy requested the final line. nas were finding out even that has proven to be very difficult here's a closer look at the rate of denial for a few of those agencies the environmental protection agency denied ninety eight percent of all xd i did the last sip received last year. the state department denied ninety seven percent can the department of homeland security. and i ninety four percent of all such requests. the numbers provided by this analysis are a far cry from the words president obama delivered back in two thousand nine as the marks on his first term in office to collect. the way to make government was possible. although the coming in a way to make government couples make it transparent so the american people can know exactly what decisions are being made made. however being made and whether their
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interests are being well served. the old rules said that if i was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the american people should not be the slopes that era is now open. now will my house and denying the claim that the administration is withholding more information and spokesman eric celts tells the ap poll over the past nine years federal agencies have worked aggressively to improve their responsiveness to for your plants. applying that presumption of openness and making it a priority to respond quickly the obama administration says they received more requests for sensitive information last year than in years prior that assertion may not be enough to quell criticism of the government's lack of transparency in washington an irritated our team. tennessee now with the state attorney general says prisons teams use the electric chair to execute death row inmates. if the state runs out of the lethal injection formula
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attorney general bob cooper released a legal opinion last week saying that the electric chair is a viable alternative to lethal injection. if one of the two scenarios occurs first. if lethal injection is found to be unconstitutional by a state or federal court where seconds. if the commission of traction certified so that the wonder that one or more ingredients essential to carry out a sentence of death by lethal injection is unavailable through no fault of the department found that first point the reason lethal injection could be found unconstitutional is because there's a lot of debate right now for whether or not this process should be considered cruel and unusual punishment european countries are getting in on the debate even boycotting the sales of the sedative cocktail or a king that. this is not with these drugs are meant for which brings us to the second point even in the us does not find the practice is unconstitutional suppliers of the drought might and they can stop selling the drug as it was all causing a shortage according to the death
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penalty information center seven states have along the books allowing for the electric chair but keep in mind. tennessee has not executed a person since two thousand and nine. thank your wondering whether or not to electrocution is considered the two main. the answer is no. the most recent polling on the matter was in nineteen ninety seven by the united states court of appeals for the sixth circuit which state electrocution has never been found to be cruel in the unusual punishment. my team aired in court tennessee lawmakers are currently debating a bill that would allow for execution by electric chair watching out for the paralympics just came to an end. here's a quick look at the final medal count russia heavily dominates the metal blanks with a total of eight medals not mention having the most bronze silver and gold medal wins a second places ukraine with twenty five total medals. the us is in third place with eighteen medals. canada is in fourth
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place with sixteen s followed by germany france austria and slovakia. for more on the final days of this year's paralympics art easel in say france reports the combination of the festivities here and saatchi and last week and more festivities and spent the whole team has a brother named in court records. it was a record set back in nineteen eighty four when austria on which took over seventy nine all smoking russia is taking home an eighty s thirty dollars and twenty eight silver and twenty two bronze is also worth mentioning. i bet as of today ii and tier us to steer romantic his cough has. i'm officially taking home six paralympic gold medals. he now holds the title for that everything has gone off very well here and saatchi on from the weather holding nice and bright to lead the organization all the facilities that are
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surrounding all of the art competitions and the festivities. of course to take my word for it. let's listen to the athletes and spectators. it is this the eleven year reign. once the razor and racing with the singing of these. team and the lighting isn't very hard to beat everton awesome this is amazing too. so it is all smiles and was used to house some emotion. it's a pretty good. in addition to security in the water to top thirty on the topic they are on the net else this is also about a legacy that the paralympics are leaving here in russia and its that of wife beating adversity and ending up on top. as our respondents difference. now to los angeles where residents woke up with it till this morning when at four point four magnitude
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earthquake struck the area around six thirty this morning. no major damage and no injuries were reported as a result of the earthquake however it did scare some local reporters who quickly remembered their emergency drills every californian learns in school. doc the problems for an average player. yet when the highway the six after shots were also recorded the biggest of which was a two point seven according to the us geological society the earthquakes epicenter was in the san fernando valley which is about six miles north from los angeles it was the largest earthquake to strike near los angeles the years. though it only lasted a few seconds. and before we go don't forget to tune in at nine pm larry king now tonight's guesses musician steve grant. and this clip larry asks him about the hometown reaction to his coming out in a music
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the deal. posted a news story about the first time he went to terry kept appearing on good morning america. yes um well after that you cannot hide is on good morning america up within days of mc and and and so on. no there wasn't much mystery often my town and out. i'm on the final day of. you know the last mass i ever did the priests insisted that i say something so i was like ok will you discover you're ready for what i say and there's no way i was going to get out there without him saying what i said which is that you know i know that most of you know that i think i'm a gay man and i'm proud of that and i don't think that there's anything wrong with that. and all i could think about was the fact that im not even ten years ago i was sitting in the same seats and i can't imagine how different my life wouldn't bend. can someone stood up like me and for the congregation and said those words so tune in at nine pm tonight. karen our team there. that does it for
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now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash our team erica and check out our website our t dot com slash usa. you can also follow me on twitter at kindy underscore our team see you back here at eight pm things to watch there are the once again. i've never had with her daycare former model. the allusions. i think
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wine. they're on. why is it that the hearing. real
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the deer. race day. this guy and that means just suddenly stopped in december. because the us military decided to leave granny and her little hundred straight problem nest and operating procedures document or so keen. the us military very clearly stopped using the term hunger strike and started using the term detainees and long term non religious. i just hadn't started referring to detainees and hunger strike at the end tools when brute lots. i didn't know that there is also some genius rebranding its conduct in the comments bit of detainees with dreadlocks. and it was the third time the us military team stats hunger
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strike calls at one time only twenty thirteen in march and protocols require prisoners to wear masks over their mouths while they were shackled and missed reading chair for as long as to how is that i get to know. so the military's operating procedures when i'm talking about masks and shackles in march and talking about defense and drew lots in december. i didn't lie to the lake. retired army general steve and i guess that isn't very clear that the new standard operating procedure is about dealing with hunger strikes. even a lantern in her youth. he told by his back and try to get the impression that it's not about hunger strikes. very clearly just a disguise the standard operating procedure also spells out the detainees with great lots will be force fed. despite the world medical association procedures for how to deal with hunger strike in prison the wma protocol say that when a prisoner of sound
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money and with the new pool would say he or she should not be artificially meanwhile an attorney who represents more than twelve current guantanamo prisoners said that during a recent trip to the present. i told them that they were still about thirty prisoners on hunger strike there. it's easy to long term non religious fascists. you hear about that anymore. and why i did the landing. so while we are so clever to talk about our own personal brand has been at it so sadie to discuss the branding of some business men qaeda member that. i didn't encounter when it created an even when there isn't i don't think this guy and the sooner that sheep's clothing and faster speeds that's the way into the mouths of the wolves i talk about that. i really
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needed but as ever. ch. all the love continues line at the cheesy much a team from casting comanche and still count on to present the name ear pierced and has defied warnings from his counterparts in europe and the yule lads he still recognized by me as a sovereign and independent country. he signed a decree one day after people in the autonomous ukrainian republicans voted to join the shot. putin would deliver a speech to members of the comments he sent explain his position and outline


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