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tv   RT News  PBS  March 18, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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do. cheese and one the russia and twenty s i never use the case intrigued enough to present it in the clouds the referendum on the peninsula. that being fully in line with international norms. just when it's been a case of ukraine. a whiskey partners have crossed the red line also in the comments feed to the presidency and the west was uploading the place to government in kiev and refusing to recognize the crime he is right to self determination. and that
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celebration. let me out with seven by the looks of the self defense in atlanta shopped ate. i'd like to win the regional capital the while completed it yesterday that the nazis actually lie without a mosque at you with me about one thing. russia in crimea have sealed an agreement on them to be unification the historic eighteen was fined by the crimean government and the russian president after he addressed and will make it in the comment i didn't even think about what a blessing in the tooth beach. under russian law. the agreement now has to be approved by the constitutional court yesterday ratified by the pollen in the constitution itself would have to be amended as if a new entity was to join
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the federation earnings statements president was in the polls on the new lawmakers to complete. of all these procedures now also said that the main driving force behind all this is the overwhelming desire seen on both sides. the fourth minute to join russia especially meaning the referendum which took place earlier in the crimea which wasn't that simple truly a historic event in which over ninety six percent of the local population of borders for the twenty s to join russia. he also said that the current homes are not aimed at widening ukrainians and sympathizes two goals and how peaceful the quad in the four facilities said he understood why they were feeling this need for political change but change but mr putin said on the fourth only the one on leaving the police came to power and the fact that many of them on oh four trial nationalist makes it
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impossible not only for moscow to recognize them as the king was in the forties though for ukraine but also human to negotiate with them so we can turn of the crew in ukraine. new nazis nationalist and anti semite this can be still to find the country's political agenda. it's clear that there is no religious non executive power in ukraine right now there is no one to negotiate with many of the government departments in the news of myself and officials had no means of running the country i also compare this to waste into porcelain saying that no one is in the minors was recognized by most western countries that created a precedent and safety says the wave of the same countries have been dealing with the crimea is not only based on double standards but is simply cynical what do we hear from our colleagues in western europe. they say that
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we are violating international law. i'm glad that they least remember the international or exists it's a late than never the crime means use cos it was impressive that not once upon a set this president themselves with their own actions and in a situation which is really analogous to the situation in crying. they recognize kosovo or may prove to you do not actually need permission from the central government to declare unit eritrea sovereign state support also commented on accusations that washington is committed to military intervention into the twenty s saying he doesn't remember an example in history where amnesty international be possible without a single fired shots like that happens in yugoslavia iraq afghanistan the other examples of wealth. we have every reason to believe that the old policy of containing russia is still in place because we take an independent position everything has its limits and in the case of ukraine with component of course the red line. they were
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written on professional here's one from a western partners prefer to use the principle that might is right. he believes that they'll always in the rights to the unique entrusted by going to decide the fate of nations they apply pressure on countries to get the resolutions that they meet and if that fails they simply buy it cos the security council. that was the case in nineteen ninety nine due to sloppy. as it was in afghanistan and iraq. and then they just go to the un resolution on the beach. it is not an alien force and it flies in the home country. of course of which he also spoke about twenty minutes up the stressing how important it is to love protect all of the nationalities of living there including ukrainians russians at the top prize the president says that said that grainy and a half three official languages which would include russian ukrainian and tock tock. i'm not a self defense unit has been killed in the crimean
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capital of ten unidentified gunmen deported to a plant with a sniper rifle. nice nod to honestly assess he was innocent of us who follow in that. that in korea v nsa tell us what happend. what does the information that the mayhem at the moment so many conflicting and confusing reports coming at the moment. some sources are reporting that as self defense. a troupe was killed by sniper fire. other reports the ukrainian sources are reporting that a ukrainian minutes the office store the data. a spokesman for defence ministry's even producing names but until now no one has actually seen the forty four of those wounded. other sources the local agencies news agencies are reporting that this life but was firing both on the gradient of offices inside the village the banks and that the self defense troops actually securing different except a round that this is based at the mall
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which is pretty hard to say what what is true what is not waiting for some sort of official of more viable confirmation of this sort of story going on but we've already been to that mimics the base and it seems pretty comical moment over them. but despite still being on the court is actually dead or whether there actually any doubt at all and who actually buy it. the stores even a short four five it will be of some somewhat alarming reports are coming from it with a defence ministry has allowed to be something great in soups based on the crimean territory so you was a firearms if he did so this is free but still a tense situation. on the back double bass to what seems to be a celebration here. i think i like random dungeon as some of ben's that just right behind you they then holding up a kind thing to do that as difficult coming back to subbing the internet trying to achieve it happens that today hint of what's been the reaction of the new thing and it's not because they consider them to know that but out what else did you witness while you out
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the some quaint and peaceful here in the essential listen to what people are partying in bars and restaurants across the area he added we see scenes of jubilation coming from the city of stars and city of delft in the south of the peninsula where the people to good use of a rush accepting twenty s as part of its territory they happily so this is pretty much adulation scene and has been a very sensitive issue for the peninsula out of one point five million people who were eligible to vote a referendum one point two with even more than one point two million actually voted to join russia sold for as many people here for the overwhelming majority the sentiment is like we are coming home and they're pretty much a celebration of the pops. just kidding p diddy and celebration they just behind it they will leave you with fantasy and tested them imported from china. wes and the nation have been petite condemn moscow's decision on crimean washington as well as that in
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germany in front that granted it's a land grab which they would refuse to accept that they can listen to that. make no mistake pres obama has been clearer and clearer. there will be a cost attached to this landslide the new executive order that expands the scope of our sanctions in force to a russian leaders have responded with a breeze brazen military incursion sixteen matches against twenty one individuals russia's actions in crimea but in the future all due credit. there will be additional and far reaching consequence is. what does the same token that is in washington for us and has been a funny reaction from the white house. as the cfa not make obama administration reacted to all that's been happening in the news that in russia has now finally accepted my knee and back in its mold. the kind of rhetoric that we have been hearing coming out of washington dc and the west in
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general seems to be fitted with a crash course the net on how to apply a short term memory loss and apply double standards any more than a language that is being used not so familiar and should really apply in so many ways to the most recent history of the united states itself that sometimes when you're listening to these that statement it's hard to believe that they applied to rush at first only heard from my us secretary of state today talking abt him continuing to tune out the door the fact that the west that they will be more cost for us to international law is that term is being repeated over and over again. we've heard kerry say that unilateralism leads to the international was not eating anything which is shed you said that sell living by international law and that if something bad what does it expect others to do. we've also heard doubts that saying along the lines of america is exceptional because we do exceptional things i had these are also not sentiments
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that were echoed by albino earlier and came out of the white house lied to speaking of double standards we did here in terms of this international law violation accusations we've heard from the russian president putin saying according to imam roundabout but two thousand and nine on the western international criminal court basically stating that a declaration of independence by leasing now and not international law. these double standards and some very discrepancies and seven was asked to lead over the cranium referendum for independence we continue to disseminate stories stevenson allegations that are worth being broken down for clarity purposes first off the perennial referendum took place sunday over the weekend we sought thames trickling in to discredit the legitimacy of the vote. reports about armed men allegedly kidnapping a priest a legend feeders of the gas depot
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taking place as well as accusations on russian troops trying to enter its territory close to prank me. keep in mind none of these allegations were ever fished the compliance or supported but the actual facts on the ground. the us supporting the interim government in ukraine has repeatedly claimed that it sees the cranium referendum after we go see it as a violation of ukraine's constitution cleaning brush up for it ever taking place as well as all of the events unraveling in ukraine for that matter that there is a constitutional crisis in place. this election for all the better word over time. the court to reach. that is not so good where did that. the shortage of people living in chretien came out to support a referendum for the economist the to meet ukraine over sixty percent of its population being rushed and
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us officials echoed naturally by the western mainstream media for trey to vote as one that took place especially at gunpoint from russia the and this images of celebration and she hears not making headlines in the west no surprises here and happiness surrounding a result of the referendum doesn't fit into well with the weft america. he minimized the damage is awful aged russian tanks selected russian forces a belated russian city of the border with ukraine. more than enough times tried to explain that any actual military option would only be regarded as the very last resort despite the statements are up obama has dubbed russia's pacific nations surrounding ukraine and the threats to u s national security. been quite curious way to describe left lutheran it's not like russia is next door to the west exactly that and it's not so surprising. every time it seems the west gets involved in a crisis anywhere in the world. it's either because of its own national security or to protect human
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rights. whether those reasons are based on facts it is a whole other story meantime there's a us navy destroyer in the black sea. next ukrainian territory place there as a result of the kenyan crisis this for some reason not in violation of anything. could it be because the vessel in question is america. go figure. i see church and eighteen washington dc. among the potential penalties for russia s don from creamy and happened to paul said russia could be suspended from the g eight percent on flying a merkel has not played on this case. let's discuss what must we can expect a with the economy and the body she's of this defense on international affairs at the university of buckingham joining us live from london he lived with us the ninety meant that the us and canada west and media nation said that they don't recognize crimea rejoining the shia
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what exactly does that mean in practical terms i'm trying that one. we have to distinguish the legitimacy of a u boat in international law a unilateral declaration of independence from the legality of secession the international court of justice just four years ago declared a unilateral declarations of independence were not illegal in international law. this is quite different from the legality of secession secession is that require said it's well understood in modern international law that's the section requires the permission of the seating states in other words ukraine must eventually give permission for the photo secession. the power of attorney to determine its own fate so how can that happen
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it is in ukraine the situation right now politically in terms of being connected to people in position. they have been beamed. that tends to be they would campaign on team in the crimean sense that this is why we do not recognize them and hence we went to eat because a democrat to be elected in a different president has been removed so how then can they still ask people what not. would they haven't built a fortune off of what that mission. if you would have to wait until the full political processes in ukraine has happened to the election to create a new government and then of course there would have to be negotiations between and. it was a cd in crimea and the government of ukraine also i presume in conjunction with me haha so when justifying the legality of the referendum of president putin has cited the example the possible. do you think that parallel is
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bennett. since it's a moment to remember that the situation that you had was kosovo a territory of serbia. the successor state of yugoslavia in the same way that to ukraine. it is the successor state of the soviet union. he is an area called crimea and the possible need to level the creation of independence which was recognized as the snark illegal by the international court of justice and on the basis of weeks. last tuesday the courts recognize costs we must recall that at present. kosovo has been recognized by the hundreds and ten cents. the g eight we've been hearing that united. thirteen european countries saying that they might want to extend rush out of the g eight to present it in authority said moscow. i would be affected by that but in terms of their entirety of
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the group will they still have that warm the snow kept howling in that time how is it going to be balanced. what you wish. what seems to me that you actually have to do is to go back to nineteen ninety two to the bad ensure commission. wasn't that into commission set up by the eu which determine the rules of the successor states to the soviet union they were very strict in not allowing the territorial divisions in other words a regional administrative territories had to stay in tact. but it seems to me that that's where you want to go back and wanted me to think that. you want to you what to think about territories. police seized a large ethnic minorities with an saf that majorities in the territory that wish to be attached to it continues to bless me
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think that i mostly think that going. the name of a canadian of our visit to the presidents national peasant in a bid to buckingham live from london with us. another ten minute trainer costly than certainty across the country ceased and publicists losing regions have refused to recognize the self the cake government in kiev. and in the wake of what's happened in crimea calls for independence of going strong. dante's of publicity and is has a report for life in crimea the contrast to the senate races in kind a canteen just in ukraine islam is the same spot and he's not talking to people in attendance with an activity that they're hoping that time you will serve as a textbook with a win to be held in the midst of the country in sixties. i did next. he also social media suggest that he has had to happen more thing to say to people in eastern ukraine would vote for him to be
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united with christ. is it that the russian president that it meets on tuesday denied two charges from his critics that his intention was to cop that you take a minute race with bespoke diving teach the ukrainian people. he stated that thompson who speaks it is not my intention to harm the ukrainian people. ibis takes pains to that already take the team. i do not wish to see who makes you crave and at the same time. i mean it will be the last people in the region said friday. these and forty and cheese. kennedy is typically not feeding it that it has been a crackdown on going places up to see if it is he does are being rounded up and detained speaking to people they say that they teach in an earful of this government and hypocrites extremist elements and its fascist leanings is a constant care in eastern ukraine. the eighteen danielle and not in crimea now beans peaches and that we have freed him from the heart of what awaits huge crowds gathered yet to celebrate the country's reunification
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with crimean of the hundred thousand people flooded to red square. the sa side of the men of course we backed repeat what scientists including two to the state and conquest in the tent the people all creamy and hussey celebrations have been breaking out across the wash at granny's up landfall one and eighteen sixties from vladivostok to the ending got confident the missionaries support to waive the russian flags and chanting slogans against the spotlight for things that now holds such influence in ukraine. jaime and has a huge historic significance significance for us to an end as reflected in recent polls showing that ava ninety percent of citizens away in favor of re unification. late as eleven savant in ukraine and just a head's gonna see. eye. i know
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now why in my arms. is you born as extended the help of my scheme to twenty twenty daddy says house prices will only rise from here to eternity and david taxpayer stands behind while chris was talking teddy bear sleeping properties but delay. the two language. you'll know it news programs and fifteen mintues and spanish. max's to you. breaking news will turn into bangalore kittens stories. it is. okies. for no
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more to chew on it. he built home ale. stay with us. yet the nineteenth international the united states has announced it's the spending diplomatic relations with the syrian government the scene and the sea in washington not know what several confidence across the country have been a case with diplomats and all non americans stopped old team. a teaser of what can i add to what's behind them in the obama administration has ordered the syrian government to suspend its that diplomatic and consular missions in the us and not include saw an embassy in washington d c an honorary consulates in michigan and texas. the white house as that this move comes in response to a decision made by syrian president bashar al assad to suspend the consular services for syrians living
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intatement that us special envoy to syria daniel rubenstein said that's how i feel that we have determined to find acceptable for individuals appointed by the dot regime are free to it as the sa government to conduct diplomatic or consular operations in the united states i took lookout while lock me out. washington's ties with damascus continue to carry it by the us says it will continue assisting the syrian opposition seeking to overthrow the assad government to look all that complicated endeavor considering that extremists tied to organizations are fighting alongside the opposition in syria. this series of bloody civil war as we've gone for three years in that time. a reported one hundred and forty thousand people have been killed and six million displaced washington's latest move comes as the syrian government has been accelerating in stock chemical weapons disarmament which is expected to be fully completed leader died this
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year that deals were struck by in cooperation with ross said no telling how this you're either a is going to react. i see walking back to washington's latest move like so long that sometimes led by millie easton is caring and felt he recently returned from syria the tabby with as many live on itunes national team had any idea why that venus and i decided to do this now another ten am. i think it comes to food and when studying in the stock is to just guess that is her new crop of july st to st and not on the investigation he said he wanted to make him if he's not going to change the approach of his stay in the distance from the oven floor andrew and i think it has plenty to do with hesitation without a tendency to spend with patients being washington and moscow over the situation you pray do so
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what is happening in ukraine and it's happening. syria is closely connected. i say i think it's that too. they tell you it was the nail on the case of syriana but this is something like we have seen over the last week what's the status and the thieves then expelled and diplomats but he came back to bed that doesn't mean the suspension of diplomatic relations with the country is the contradiction there oh well they call was to his dying the u s envoy from the syrian people actually am raising them what they say that is scaring people the head of the hebrew words into the image presented by the national forest in the mountains and the united states has not officially and he's talked to him to a syrian official said on occasion as i remember
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correctly they will include wind that was leaking of the land use and exchange of words extremists to carry him the foreign minister of syria lebanon and the band officially say i'm just talking with them ask permission and as they say they are very intense and soon people. so this is a consultant to the office ten people at all. only three percent. he has been asking permission. many of them. ah yes deals behind the scenes and behind those doors and washington should be interesting to have direct talks with the syrian government and they are anxious that the chemical weapons food and chain smoke the son of the event and they even say that should be implemented soon to know the customs area so they must end. lay on the other to talk to the city government. karen i was actually just been on tv ad box at how this completes me and denali have
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a limited time a month left but at ge thing before me and abide me that she did she won with the other. i don't think so my pc on the grounds his mouth and is said and he to know that in the lobby groups the tsunami and is going on in the news from the book is actually in court today is that the syrian people and so my mom is going to stand and this is why there are some of you don't teach ins spending on over the place no sudden three times in the nation probably keeps talking to each other. don't get it out the entire three one at the same entity in the country can actually did write a thank you very much for your time middle east and has just returned from syria showing us had experience with us. in my household next the nineteenth maximum and i i live. eye. room. i
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want to be good to force a trade write these opinion pieces but ukrainian milk out hits really close to my heart and affect people i tell her i see obama gleefully talking to self elected new ukrainian prime minister just burns inside of my parade. he's throwing hypocrisy gasoline on my fire of contempt not only the elite phone call from the story defence mr claim that the key of opposition use diapers gives both sides but how the former ukrainian chief of security confirm that the sniper fire into a building under the control of the protesters at that time. also the lines currently in power and kim clark for germany and useful than cycling shoes and russians through the night so america's first black president and nobel peace prize winner was selected by waves of color optimistic lefty liberals is smiling and chatting with a leader who supported by white collar right winger groups that use the murder of their own members to oust a democratically elected
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government. here william nightmare is not my friends but that just might be. ay ay ay. a few laughs. berlin the cities of us and i speculate that happy with us your headlines at this hour bloodshed in crimea ukraine says one of its soldiers has been killed and a military base but mr advani at kenya says the competition teams of military gauge local buy something terrible and shia days after russia at the bottom and with no time in signing a treaty to make ready a part of project due to the west that blocking the entrance. in germany and the united states had to dance. calling it unacceptable ari


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