tv The Debate PBS March 18, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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one one . connor. welcome back to watching austin kept me afloat in your food and dismisses sanctions and signs and annexation treaty with crime unit for ratification to follow. this is a ukrainian officer is shot dead and a besieged military base on the news. families of missing an artistic innovation alliance to a friend to go on hunger strike to demand a more transparent investigation. in europe or bust after my trip to tropical storm and the spanish enclave of
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the law. ll. all season history. the russian president convening a joint session of parliament to dismiss sanctions and say the west had crossed the red line. he signed an annexation treaty with crimea. shortly after news reaction from the us vice president in poland. most notably hinted that nato military exercises i mean his nose at the last minute or two and nineteen built at an aunt's crimea progressive president defended his actions in a defiant speech that accused the west of double standards the latest the al west and on his head is on the haunted states prefer not to be daunted by the school or in a
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practical policies. the bar the role of the god squad is they start to believe that they had been chosen and they are unique. they're about to start the fight to the welsh open in the bacon to waste the rights to what to do whatever they want. what does this question palin's brand weekend dante's days rest of crimea treaty. the shares offered a variety of arguments to justify was not the more the rule and graham russia's actions in crimea from the eruption of april so full of these fundamental principles and rights of the future all due credit the uk now it was suspending all bilateral military cooperation with russia. he ran in europe say they're willing to impose further sanctions on the afghan mission is to the thrill of sanctions and planned so we aren't limited to when we can go to level three sanctions russia is totally isolated and it continues not only is extremely dangerous tension for the global situation also it will be to its own
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detriment of the simple paducah don't fail my rants and sunday off. if sanctions are now facing a likely suspension from the g eight the west is determined to spend months now and then fades. then reporting earlier calls and tells correspondent in moscow the long bull run gordon who makes it has a job or something sentimental and cynical to have something miniseries but also with an old geezer a try to sew read all these things together we've seen a very emotional after the speech in the red on the red square read since he holds that kind of a spontaneous with golden eyes of tea which there was much singing and oftentimes that as saying that in the opening of weeks as officials also noticed and saying glory to the sword in his speech treat the item away what kind of attention we get to visit them but it was that he carried live on all russian tv channels and drive away but what's interesting to me today you might think that
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there's only one person in this country twenty one boys and only one face again and again we about the new port in saying that the court sentenced two western within their countries austin i was checking us out and it's in russia and ukraine would stay as one. i think i think this was the message that he tried to convey to all of the day the cases where the buck stops. now on and that was about to have to deal with a different kind of russia they wanted to anything of the one and anything that comes in the way this incident i did the lift the veil as to what his next move will actually be. locals a warm flowing everywhere these days she said that he does not want to speak of fame which made a lot of people with a little cheezy a lot of tension was going to be sentenced and of course the markets in russia reacted aggressively going up by four percent of up to. he's there he said that the things that we don't know when he gets a mention that he will continue
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to protect process because the ethnic russians and ukrainians me that soup and a full week since today we just don't know whether that was going to the animal was inside the crate from the russians. was he on gore on reporting on the ukrainian mainland anxiety she and calling up reserves and allowing them to use force after news that ukrainian officer had been shot dead in a standoff in a besieged military base inside of ukraine. many of people taking up arms. indeed in the third and in her landed yet. and i hope shooting range. shia civilians from all walks of life and to get him in self defense training squad. pay close attention as the home was sold to take his third straight through the paces before the next massive train eat the rind eager to learn how to see motivated by the u of a possible invasion since
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crimea but you can leave ukraine angelina rest on sunday in a group that has the international community crying found. holding a contest called for the fist time at least twenty six year old woman is now taking a security into her own hands took some by him up he says it's like to do whatever it takes to protect the family maybe i don't trust russia and so i will take up arms if need be to protect my country and my family that don't offer made and the sign to the anti government protests that sold hosting a pro kremlin papers into the dna could be too late january recruits sign up to join ukraine's newly formed national knights fifty thousand people have queued his since saturday responding to calls to shore up state security was among those due to time signing up for the national league's we need to save the ukrainians to go to the russian uprising to this goal post title the link is on standby if they don't want war but to be
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prepared in case it happens like these men who formed a part of the retreat group treaty to ban the use of the country's sovereignty the ukrainian government missiles to take an extra security measures touching twenty thousand national gun troops and twenty thousand reservists to protect against any russian movement along its eastern border. african migrants in iraq or twice again storming the spanish enclave of movie you of more than five hundred making it through. early this morning let's go to my office couple of op and correspondingly oh now that's on sister station radio france international there are now mainly as a choice target for african migrants. he wanted to study and crazy talk and territories were interesting to note that it's located near the kitchen door won't open up the milk and she is
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so easy to parody. pray for the epoch of migrants who i will be a great weekend to enter for your needs previously the work of more kicking goals. detroit also to work is short but it turned out to beat him up to be dangerous and so after going to be worthy to be on the northern shore of the local. and they've been around so i see more than several hundred. he is according to two years. even the local mall to achieve the top two hundred and fifty migrants arriving around the world for two hundred and ninety two minutes to cross into media. they are more likely to actually teach to the teacher to be loved and taken to the hospital. you become a doctor who wins from their attempt to cross the border or you can do with
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the veto of the regional community. i shouldn't have been to the validity of the group in europe and africa and the location of time you know so many thanks live update from my office capital. china vows to do what it takes to find that disappeared malaysian airlines jet eleven days on the boeing seven sevens disappearance. families overrule there waiting for investigators to solve the mystery. for the families and friends of theirs missing the plane's disappearance is a living . tuesday is a deeply human chain to make semis officials was tense with the explanation is all wrong. it's not kind to you it didn't help this woman ukrainian business said oh she wanted. the truth. that said i want to know where the plane is a new company announced. there was also seventeen and on tv. it is
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practical action most of the relatives have agreed to hold the hunger strike in protest. china is critical of many to sharing of information and as he communicates the south of cape york korea on tuesday of its nationals will lose it all we can bring about the possibility of chinese passengers being suspected of involvement with any kind of terrorism or activity that would jeopardize the plan you just read the two hundred and fifty nine passengers with chinese china has now become a surgeon is intended to try and find refuge. seas to one of the most puzzling aviation industries have. all right to be more news later. right now no time to post again today eye. on. the after
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the surprise invasion of crimea. fast forward and referendum there. another blitzkrieg move from moscow this tuesday. the enemy is our common heritage and the most important factor for the stability of the region it would. in this strategic territory should be under strong and stable sovereignty which today can only be russian. this is true forming a joint session of problems he was signing and did in fact in front of them. that treaty and to glaze the way for the annexation of the crimea ratification to follow becomes us in twenty four hours after the wet slap sanctions on kremlin insiders what's next for the fast moving russian president he's an improvising. what does he have a client. would
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he need to move on eastern ukraine were some russian speakers also want to sever ties with dad. you can reach extend wherever their ethnic russians. it's not just in new orleans in ukraine's capital. distressed think nations like moldova or nato member lafayette. then of course there's the west's next move. europe's leaders chalking up their miles. she has to brussels scrambling to keep up with the salary the timetable set. it seems moscow today. bb calls and get to the routine of putin's power play with us from brussels. czech social democratic member of the european parliament the board rejects that many thanks for joining us once again. he was a georgian is the european affairs minister thorny tigger i'd say today with the institute of higher studies on international defence and disappeared into the match. oh i almost died
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many thanks for being with us. i welcome back as well to aunt uncle calls lot of the american graduate school of international diplomacy and she writes for the russian edition of vanity fair and to be noticed. and to consult him though and the salina and the observatory of the block goals and mediterranean seas thank you foronest the apostle again today we can join the conversation and you pass on facebook and twitter are such a contest to four debates. edmunds st george's hall the setting provided here put him to sign an annexation treaty the snow be ratified by parliament and russia's constitutional court with strong emotion at times in his voice when accusing the west of cheating russia and ignoring its interest in the years that followed the collapse of the soviet union. western partners headed by the united states
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prefer neither policy to be guided not by international law. by their sense of self entitlement. they started to believe that they have been chosen and that their unique but they are allowed to decide the fate of the world finally they are in the right way to do whatever they want to be tasted it's been the case of ukraine our western partners have crossed the line. they've acted prematurely irresponsibly and professionally. this was a moment savoring his he could say ensembles offer the russian president. well i think she did what he felt he had to do. oh and there was impressive member back in two thousand five incidents and the collapse of the soviet union was the biggest cataclysm that that vision ends in tragedy the nation faced and twenty cents to twelve years to do geopolitical on our drive today is designed to share well yes but i think of right now in the crewe
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station was right for him to grow border with what you want to grab cranium. i'd printed off it is going to go for more than that. and the beaches the heat heat yet to determine the russian foreign policy in general is a reactive disgruntled proactive and therefore whenever the circumstances allow all russians moved but i mean they will never create the circumstances don't always follow. or does it you agree that the russian president is reactive not proactive. no we sow the last few weeks to meet soon western communities. reacting to reports. i will put pressure is to do in ukraine and die. unfortunately i don't think the end of the russian president would stop with creamy and a creamy was not the final objective from the very beginning of this crisis. the objective is to change. the pro western
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governments that the snow and plenty of time to put a more pro russian gonna put that pressure of course nice creamy oh this is one of the cars that may be the first page the civilization of the situation in eastern ukraine. i don't think there will be an immediate increase the military region of the sunscreen but the movie loss of potential discrimination in this part of ukraine. and there the following step will be that it is callous in ukraine and the only change if off the government in inky. this is the president of the pretty specific predictions what kind of timetable pc fall in the pants on. also i'm on the west and reactions hopefully the west would react with the time being we see that all the sections that are designed and launched a heart beats it completes its because of the new russian president is moving. costly antics. first a joke for all for new
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sanctions that have the most cannot say it could not avoid what was going on now we need for much more reaction and it's it's unfortunate that we only know the west is thinking about how to shape the sanctions until all these periods since the war between georgia toes and feet. nothing was done too to think about them to to to have a much more. it's a proactive strategy towards the course the russians on in addition sections of course it's essential to this conversation the first island you're just back from moscow yes we know that opinion surveys show that putin is up in the poll ratings. you heard what he said about the last minute quick we just played. today was a big moment for sure. hey i've talked to some people and there as well as seen on the map on the situation and it's it's it's a moment certainly for rollin iran's national pride in russian national pride. it is
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the move really cool. we have to ask ourselves what kind of the galaxy is this referendum first in who's in charge in crimea. we know you have to go back to his gc to see the origins of you know cranny at and how it was handed over to ukraine nineteen fifty four. of course it didn't belong to worsen since catherine the great took over in seventeen thirty four so it is a long history and if you look at the ethnic and linguistic origins of crummy it is russian. speaking of self. this was the moment promptly and of course we can't forget to talk about the black sea fleet in sawdust upon in crimea. we can also talk about energy pipelines running through premise that it was important given the change of government in ukraine in kiev after the refusal of the association agreement and then to secure work russia's position in crimea
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because the state government in ukraine my kids i might say well you know we're going to take over the black sea fleet although it has a lease until two thousand forty two to distribute one short phrase when we're talking about the history of creamy and ethnic composition of this region is enough and it's creamy and context are absolutely amazing the only right that you took to the completion of these snaps region that was the port it's an absolutely right. just think you need to recheck for work. we're talking about history because it's important so i suppose for a missing context and when you heard again at the outset. my dear prudence they basically it has been disrespected these past years. by the west do you agree with them as props europe and united states. i didn't grasp just how much crimean meant to
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moscow. you've heard it today and we'll be leaving for many many months and years for us he's frustrated. mr putin said in t thousd and fiv rushed up too the former soviet union rules its empire and the russians see the stars huge humiliation. but we have been some buzz that mean in his time in the british empire's also cut the front and from its former colonies so we just cannot cannot get into those endorsements. a study was mentioned in the magazine. he was hopeful the oro imagine if germany today sporting sons clayton cutting out pieces and russia where will we be the will be back to where we were in nineteen sixty eight and nineteen sixty nine. so this is the printers. you are opting to work we have
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international defeat at me and dupree has also co hosting a conference for his thumbs. he also had the wood up this meme are ongoing nineteen ninety four when to stop going around the divorce their salt you'll cry and then i'll suddenly be had and where you know these days the internet. these international thousand at her and begins a couple of weeks and each individual's yes of course mainly populated by technocrats and then there's the rest is history. back then this is all real estate auckland prop up a different country now when i was meeting two weeks incorporated into us. this brings us back. the question i put you did. the european union and washington underestimate how much it meant to moscow. i don't think we underestimated it we have good we have a safe community because of the stable. russians are repeating the same that while the pope to cry and if you look at the divestment is totally different state the key of minerals people
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said up to no more than eleven years ago in kiev but it doesn't mean that topshop has the right to you know comics makes key of course makes the entire city party of ukraine. so we can of drink or not they can even dos principles. you see the handwriting on the wall though when he was the overthrow of every twenty seconds. did you imagine that would come today so quickly we need to go. there were some signs you know there were some signs that before and so what does what is needed now. the costs of crimea is one issue we should also know that the ukraine proper. we don't talk only about the shop and the west or europe united states bishop also opened a situation in ukraine when ukraine needs is what we call it being cool is that government where everybody
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with the mid eighties christ is so everybody knows the ukrainian speakers and russian speakers at the top of the government and to find solutions for the entire country because that's the only one of the straight to dvd. instead the people of ukraine can be preserved. let me ask you to question. i'm an adult. you heard the authority to guard dogs they say that he feels as though it's going to stop there. do you agree or wheel drive should perhaps try to claw back a bit more land after crime yet perhaps and secure. some parts strategic parts of the pain in salute of the peninsula had been a lifeline for staples such as water and natural gas. and it's why i mention you cry and ukrainians throughout extends into the big texan who depend on you crying and storms and here i mean
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friends of color. today the second crusade government in ukraine to go whole country moment it would be the probe the west from the styles northeast from a russian speaking of do it together. each of these doesn't have been sudden and i'm afraid to branch out to be tempting to further so nice to be a reshuffle. what does he knew what he needs to have to have elections on the internet so so reviews and the presidential elections. the parliamentary elections. because the person who could be i will overcome two years is a mini skirt the edge of the question for such a huge country in terms of territory was on duty at the diversity present in the bed. some sort of sums above the central easy it is a cement to some extent although some management again we have things on posting in europe a small country such as austria. it
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sits on iceland is on his principal scientist in the same would be a solution for a country of one decides to take a position to ukraine because of your thoughts on this and will move there. i couldn't stop now or is he going to perhaps on a parts of eastern ukraine is that just a strategy. as is the amassing of troops what he calls the military maneuvers near the border well she is so foreign minister of local include declared that when you want is to have um poll includes an inclusive government they want to have a constitutional assembly. they want them of the russian language being so are you pray don't think they're going to date. but what's written here. tonight is the fact that the independence of premium denim demonstration that russia is completely go from international duty of international law and that is
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for her soul. the problem is not a real importance next move to integrate ukraine by the sea change them up once we are put in front of the fact that russia did finally did it that the system of international law. and it was bully him to an aggressive manner. i think that is the real question is whether russian troops are going to i don't think it will roping brushing is in the position today to to wage a new car for three solid georgia that the clock did not get turned back when it came to places like a costume the shreveport clear parallels between what happened and those on eight and was going on in some protein and maybe the main reason why we happened into some fourteen is that. in two thousand and eight. russia's sovereign government in the annie any price oh four oh one was nominee was over the head violation of international law and occupation and the fox twenty three. it really was. and
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that's the few who feel it practically states an annexation of the stool forward to when the georgian provinces so there should be the antichrist went on the contrary the west trying to appease our show and try to propose a recess and we selected the oscar was nuts the original photo pro conciliation and the concrete with a move for pressuring interprets these kind of stands as a weakness. and the local tv news today that west is weak and mr obama is weak. that's why he's going so far and he will go as far as he can. the police not to stuff our egos of courses that it is the question we have a reaction on facebook that the whites in the two content and he says crying is not in ukraine. people wanted to join russia and to democratically as ukrainians are invaders. russia has the right to cleanse them out of the crimea. this the show's lead the situation inside russia
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because they call media are now controlled by the time and central government. and there is a very strong nationalistic the identity via the use of the morning final seventy five twenty two percent of the population of course. the smooth because there is no decent forces and they will be less and less these places in russia because the nice air goes in parallel with that wouldn't have known inside the country when that would rate it even diminution of the author of seven in the two sets and i think that the population of crimea with very soon. we'll see what is the difference in living in at our mall estimate that the jury were going to talk more about the new couldn't stop going for three to take a very quick break. we got to watch uniforms and get it the african union. your eyes on the day. we need an exit from across the continent. ms
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african youth. cos i got to come. the odds of this. take a new look new. eyewitness accounts from those at the heart of the action all over the work. exclusive videos you've never seen before. all verified art journal. the acceptance of cos i kept the posts link at the outcome. r i. before using the false and get to be the center of the stories we're following for you at the top of the hour here on false and kept russia's president signs the annexation treaty to try me and said to parliament's anti constitutional court must now ratified this is a ukrainian officer. the skill to get this huge military barracks on the peninsula
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families of missing airliner from a malaysian friend to go on hunger strike. they demanded more transparent investigation. i was the migrants storm up the spanish enclave of movie this is hundreds are rested to serving the attempts of this desperate attempt to breach the european union stone's call to tour australia and new zealand this after the apparent suicide make japanese girlfriend defection to sunday school and stopped those stories and more to stop the radio expected to the eye on. the welcome back
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are welcome if you just joining us this is the false and get to be. on tuesday when the russian president in the kremlin's st george's hall. assigned an annexation treaty. with the crimea we're talking about a week from brussels. check member of the european parliament to leave or rude to welcome back welcome back as well to georgia's former european affairs minister thorny cake or does it. who teaches say it again i'm sorry that's the message of the national conference is to match the fence to hear unpacking it comes to tools and that the french petite sizes tools books aren't on cause of the american graduate school of international diplomacy and loss of rights for the russian edition of vanity fair and no muscle in a political consultant and top with the observatory of the black gold and mediterranean seas. i'm just before the break we were talking about the new queens
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perception of the west as seeing it as we begin. when is he going into next week's all for instance. and lets me know that i'm there ambassador to austria said that in addition the passports can announce to the one third of citizens and once you are. russian ethnic russians. this crew is included. because for economic reasons. this statement was made. there are statements. today for moldova is president of morning rush begins considering any move to annex his country's separatists to trends in yes to region. how far will try to go. this issue by issue passports. it's been done before. and if you consider the cost i think too and we really talked about the costume of pain these
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pensioners pensioners for example even in kindy at work the kit comes in a considerable cost and time pass up the only issue chávez and disturbing passports we sell it and in your case in georgia as well it's really dividing the population and ask the population to choose people that live together and live together on a daily basis. we see this divide and rule sort of policy even in ukraine and even in the eastern part of ukraine um them that they can pitting people against each other. that in and creating move was for national division. we talked about consensus government. i think that's probably the solution and not getting the citizens against each other with live together in two generations together. and ph in the east or in the west or even in moldova. i'm. there is also other issues i think it should be considered as well such as energy at which we
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haven't talked about much more in depth about the us with the eu response to all of this and how far is it enough to get people passports in them is that some sort of protection and then what. and does it make them now i don't know if it starts to be in at the national passport here in france too. some border regions. what does that mean again and as the way is nice and cool. in the pool has been there since two thousand for instance look at you know this all for that since been attracted to get ukraine to enter nato chair of the actions like this a red rag to a boil i believe that the us position for example that has been weak as we've seen from obama stands for presets with russia which was no breeze at all. i'm what i think the west or maybe the us and in general i'm speaking for myself. nom. we
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need peace to strike. ok do we need to have a new more singer. our defense by just ten minutes' time. we either go to a welfare state or the military sort of cheese state that is there too becoming in effect in these crisis is if we say that we are now mm going to stand up and responds to responses of the invasion of territory annexation of territory based on ethnic and linguistic lines. where do we go next and i'll be going to fall into little panties again where we came from historically in europe so there's going to be a great divide and i think this cannot be attributed to globalization in general where people are losing their identity and they are hanging on to their cultural and ethnic backgrounds that they shouldn't be pitted against each other within a sovereign country which borders a common history. i'm not. this is something that should be avoided and maybe from
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the west i don't know if the sanctions are the right to the solution at all because if you look at for example the uk as investments russell investment syndicates nine percent of gdp. tom and as you said maybe they're following. and not leaving with a strong response. you mentioned they go. georgia was in as a trainee crap. it should ukraine follow or should we had agreed to this that stays in knots. ask ukraine to decide if the two go east to west is this the holy see right thing the new speaking of ukraine the more richer and your reaction to the news of this killing of a ukrainian military officer see as putting forth an announcement saying on tuesday that its allowing its soldiers in crimea to use weapons to protect their own lives as an ultimatum for friday. it's not over by any
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means inside of crimea. at this point. what shows that the european union to doing after this latest news. we could do he said. in terms of international always know we can never out of the comics page. on the other hand however we have to be this coming tuesday to age and was seen crying now and in eastern ukraine. they also asked that we did in discussing it in a week you'll have to do the supply of electricity water gas and from the summer everything you can take the time frame and takes four coasters or scenes from ukraine. so the top or tv shows that they have to be talked about and what we need he said communication between kiev and moscow because of tamil bosco is and will continue to do. the stinky at a nice thing to do that. it's also wrong because the storm
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kylie and more. it's probably the entire situation because to me and i'm not going to war. ms creighton in a lean and mean and i'm on mc so that some of the latest article kudos to make me me and tried to call negotiating a skylight the international organization to touch people with tb. so these were everybody's top of it the eu countries it is to cry and rushed up to it. these organizations where create a tool to have peace in europe the corporation sony has used those organizing due to their faith because otherwise i'm afraid we ended up in its vio was correlations and nobody knows what reason. he mentioned getting moscow and kiev to talk. well listening to russia's president in that the speech he gave at the kremlin earlier on. it seems as though you know he said he's got no further designs on ukraine. he certainly not ready for any
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kind of conversation. it is clear that there's still no legitimate executive power in ukraine. there is no one to talk to their many state bodies have been seized by and postures in on top of that. they don't control anything in the country shortening. his bargaining position or aunt uncles who all is wonderful and she's going to refuse flat out. to speak to whoever is in power and kept wanting to ensure that the two parts the solution i think it is the position of perception to justify the annexation of creamy it is important to demonstrate that the government to keep it is not legitimate the imposition of russia from the start the promo you when you pull each to lead the new government. oh and i went to make two points of the same quarter in georgian war and regarding the pope's upset of
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the national up on horses to pursue all. it is very important to keep in mind that in many ways russians had been reacting to the expansion of me. in georgia and here. and this reaction is cooling the two of of kosovo conflict which started peeking years ago and didn't have any human baby and we know that the nato alliance that attacked serbia montenegro. the cost. and then we have also the invasion of iraq which had no mandate that was basically illegal according to natural or another have the station in bolivia which is kind of borderline because that was amended but certainly it was over state by far flung wide the different disciplines of the operation so i think it is basically his his game of uno with respecting international will say well why should we do the same. so i think this is something of the important to keep my distance from the outside of international law. but i didn't read the first one as a side they are reacting and
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david always reacted to go up to the russian foreign policy low over the past are used to always act. he was cast the first stone. and no i cannot say except humans for several reasons first there is a huge difference between kosovo and and creamy. this is the central element of russian talking points to to make the analogy between kosovo and to me there's a big difference first difference is that even according to the u s law constitution last meal was the prosecution costs overall i don't seem right as for the rover comics off if you put money in a way to have to say that without fail this afternoon along. they have the right to organize a referendum with the heat and indifference to me to get bigger differences with regard to the nineteen nineties and it was a bitter pill to swallow. though not on we're talking about the comparison between kosovo and community and cranny that
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there are many other many other many other differences that you please let me let me finish on his consolation because the school the seashore where we're talking about all the time let's take a half minutes to two intakes plan was to be trusted with the possible formation of independence and its the eu to be the invasion of kosovo by giving the tool ten years between these two events. here we see in two weeks everything he said. and you realize there is no emo looking international community in kosovo we had to opt in poland international community and doing ten years we haven't gone that was the orange crocs. basically it's the moment but this was before. again it was the kosovo independence the teacup and ten years off their long while with her for a moment. there was a no no to things of the road two advantage into the hands of an intimate and there was talk of condoms to kosovo in nineteen ninety two when dominic random to stop it another difference is that it
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did make it. the majority was repressed was not the case in point and will be refreshed from russian speaking of majority in creamy. this is another big difference. again we saw today we meet in a very important speech from the russian president. where did the things for the first time the president he's using terms like great to russia historical territories these kind of things that are quite new and one week you are a citizen of kazakhstan twenty three twelve and premium russian speaking population or to the closers or mobility really should be scared today because the key is talking about. in all the open country it's like the killers were talking about folks can awesome introduced to me all the principles of international law are today in existing literature review here today the us vice president in poland talking about military maneuvers tomatoes keeping its a good
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idea. more and got to be on the estonian a ten year old orphan with the new states in both the eu and nato now nato member states but i don't think that anybody wants war because the people by trade a post about me and romanian and saw a bit worried of these messages ride a bike stopped running over poland and the true meaning of that students do that every action has the reaction to purchase behavior causes it unfortunately irish have a new cold war we have to wonder about people fourteen years was enough to just leave them be just enough to be just cannot sit and wait for you know he's going to see if needed and nationalism our borders we cannot do that the sanctions were talking about increasing them
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new is the g seven convenes next week that's a return against india. two to the old basement. russia is not invited that sent the request of the united states and to the french. so far still inviting the russians to d day commemorations in june for the first time go. they are openly thinking of canceling the order for two helicopter gunships one of them. aptly named sebastian coe. see that it recently continues to act the way she does. we might consider canceling the sale of a helicopter carrier ship. but because this will be bad for friends. we also ask other countries like britain to take similar sanctions if they were example of assets in london who led the world to russian oligarchs everybody must be knit together when it comes to sanction to home. we were in check. these europe together when it comes to sanctions when you are always together
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recently to monday mandatory administer the meds i think we will see it. the end of this week and over and the prime minister's meeting with me. so yes i think the euro euro eased into the euro in speaking with one point. sometimes it's not easy because of the main supporting stunned the city of london has been so content from this contest. the texan chairman to be the new quest of times caught in depth reporting to come to an indian restaurant so we have to take his infinite power. i think you know we need to have tonight did you not to punish enemies be good for his recent tri series of french foreign minister hinted perhaps scrapping of the deal to deliver those are gunships. i don't know what i was surprised on orkut to know from speaking to some extent was on did some work is under some some criticism that it is providing us so we
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did what comes out i think the best of italy have to go through our allies or our relations g seven ot pay for most mentioned icing if the russians going to be part of the international community. they have to be raped or beaten to death to dinner or something financial commitment in other words you know makes it a piece of another country so they can often as i expected the euro and the enmity and the japanese the canadians another that they will then need to just sit and do nothing. i think about stuff i said no one will be dead teens. the receiver doesn't come into question. nasa has that using to accompany one of the onesie and in and doing nothing to do with the sentiment i feel totally has the best and pray the minute you stop people call it the soviet union twenty five fifty years ago is much weaker position than when the soviet and animals in economic terms and in political terms and in
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the job for the content and so on. mr gore does or does it for saudi agreed that russia is weaker than before the school hershey's weaker than before. sherry has very few. international friends no exceptional few concerts like to see me in a round this kind of states even china. the pizza. reheat i paused to react to. i mean in relation to what happened in the crate me up. i don't know if former soviet republics even the closest allies of fresh windows media or kazakhstan didn't support us we're going strong stock market rose today i know the rule was tumbling to. but vegan of course that means when it comes to those sanctions. you mentioned that the tree on friday. this can be this that the sum of five and that the annexation of crime you will have been ratified by the russian
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parliament how fast and how far should sanctions the problem is that true european union and the us cannot opt to a squeaky as russia because there's a fundamental differences in how all these countries function and power shift optimism in russia. yep the one you do with the site's almost. the last truly everything with a very close circle of decision makers and these decisions can be done in in an hour and then did he replied the next hour or so the student doesn't exist in european union with twenty countries who have some idea from a to the diplomatic and to also do hope that the process is to apply the same thing for him for the usc there are some things that cannot unilaterally decided by the president the nation needs. opra are the fundamental differences between and did that in democracies and two retiring state. but at the same time now. everybody understood this as the american appeal of the road to mention. the new
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rope and the us that we should rethink ultimately aware relations with russia it will take time but snow that we cannot hide the way to the fact that russia is now a revisionist country that tries to what you find it in the world the lord of the closest established after the end of the cold war it will take time and i think in the long term medium term russia will pay a higher cost and the west the west will pay a certain cost also did it since it is going on now we should do and we should be ready to escort their costs and loss and two with the ukrainians now. it's all good to stay here for democracy non apple was the next step in cantwell will entice me on a map showing off their skin have to be um plans to pay the loans this can in the old these kinds of austerity measures its content by its gonna hurt. it is this the ukrainians want. well the thing is have to move forward. mine had the privilege of traveling to ukraine several times and was
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there just last year there's a lot of reforms that need to be done. and the crisis needs to be engaged if ukraine wants to survive economically i cannot continue down the path that was going. and it economically it can be helped but there's so much in just the one billion for example just to pay the gas bill for his alley strings attached and that's daunting well it they will forgive me for my system or in the dye economically. even politically. you have to have to diversify their economies is perhaps a very rich country to the country the population is aging came in to that end the need to move forward in the home team a single wall in the economic community and this is where the west against it and give them a tool box that they can fix their system which is corrupt and his top down and their constitution dates back to stalin. so they need to diversify the economy the need to open the process
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is you were saying one of the colleague said it's got to rewrite the needy consensus government to meet a representative government and democratic government having to go towards elections referendums etc so it's it's going to be a long process but they have to do it and i think they're willing to do it whether they do it that with the west or the east addition the to decide that the question she even stepped in and work with the west and b that the eu or the eu as other partners. in the country can only ponder as in sports and concert on the reincarnation of the season. it's the number one and the russian from the inherent structural adjustment and go. it is the key and there's a huge difference between a painful reforms that the day have to do with outside you have just individual sport just just pondering and it's the least one country to learn and there's a huge difference i'm sure the previous eat and eat it and throwing money at it is suppose to be this up the money they needed to
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restructuring. i like france wants reform decrees to go three forms. uniforms. before we go the rejected to be getting a ton of my dear prudence motives and intentions going forward. to see him as someone who has a master plan. or is improvising. the nation no balls. i was neither the us must apply in this situation allows. yes the move. he wrote music that was until recently he wrote. two debacle the beast appointed an hour the whole of our estimation is driven by a notch and autism is driven by it. what they perceive other stocks as investors have been a dangerous precedent. so it's a combination of both because of who i think she is adrian has got a vision in his wisdom. i think today's extremists. i will call nationalistic its imperial and eurasia. does the dishes
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have therefore it is not all core european and i'm sure the only guests here. and i knew he must go lots of russians agree with that the tops of the pups were prepping dinner there unfortunately today with devastation russia one of the milk up our key reaction in ideology has taken root in the russian society and is being propagated by the end of the state propaganda machine that is their portion in the open. i mean he does have others who does have a mastercard commercial sure i'm sure it has got some ideas. they said he is one active with the circumstances and i will continue to follow circumstances that era as we've been saying you've all been very fast he didn't even wanna thank you aunt on cost or think according to the rides into a mausoleum and also the need to recheck for joining us from brussels thank you for being with us here. more to come on this story. here are concerned. it
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you eye. coming out as the increase in the washer signed a treaty to accept tiny ants about dublin as part of russia after residents they are overwhelmingly voted to re connect with he kept coming up. cbn of it all and nasa study warns of our civilized nations potential to do the wheezing behind the warning comes out. and in the nation's capital the operations of the syrian embassy have stopped. what's behind the move. more on that
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