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tv   Newsline  PBS  March 18, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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is. i know. denise line that's when semites nineteen side captained by ashley and tell camp. russian president lot of nutrition has signed an agreement to annex kindy and he said. yet time is ukrainian republic is an inalienable part of russia putin stressed historical bonds with the region in an address two comments. the i ask you to adopt this bill is being prepared. it will allow the crimea republicans to join the russian federation's
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you have no doubts of years the does anyone see any green government includes a radical anti russian police is. he said some tiny and can not live in peace. a second referendum was in line with international law. curtin said most of the people in crimea and in his country to support integration. russians in crimea welcomed the announcement. the us about thirty ethnic russians gathered in a square in the central city of santa brought the museum. it's great that he supported this is the president surely everyone here has been supporting us for a long time another woman said as long as clinton supports crimea is part of the key to that. us and the european leaders
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denounce puritans manner of state warned still step of the economic sanctions on russia. if the country and it says crimea. us vice president joe biden said in poland that russia's treaty to take crimea is a blatant violation of international law and a land grab. with a rushed into illegal referendum in crimea. that was not surprisingly rejected by virtually the entire world my house is that the us will re evaluate the russian threat against nato. he said the us would take steps to strengthen the alliance to prepare for an emergency british foreign secretary william had referred to the situation in a statement to parliament. they loathe regrettable to do because i'm using today. choosing the route of isolation denying the citizens of his own country and the primary opponents that with the international community they said there was grave danger that publication elsewhere in ukraine could be
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used as a pretext for further military escalation. he indicated the need to impose further sanctions against russia. french foreign minister downer on abuse also criticized the tent. we have decided to suspend russia's participation in the group of eight to take the other seven countries would unite the progress on this japanese officials are also considering additional sanctions against russia and japan has been urging russia to respect ukraine sovereignty and ted content in a japanese officials decided to suspend talks on simplifying visa procedures on tuesday. yeltsin announced that japan will hold to other negotiations including talks for a new investment packed us president barack obama has as a group of seven leaders to discuss the situation in ukraine on the sidelines at next week's nuclear security summit in the netherlands a white house national security council
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spokesperson said the leaders will consider additional measures to assist ukraine they also likely to exchange views on further sanctions against russia. meanwhile dutch diplomatic sources disclose that the netherlands had received notice that putin will not attend the event. brash has not given an explanation but pretends absence but the confrontation between russia and western leaders of the crisis in ukraine is the most likely reason is to be the first time the president of russia will not be taking part in the summit. hk was a neo con explains what putin is trying to do and what happens next we can come up with an address by a long ride the finance. his most was annexed in crimea has a very sweet. should i went onto the podium and will come to a delegation from tiny and it will make us and we got to meet again enthusiastic standing ovation. his fifteen minute speech. he went on to
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the detail sometime yes history. calling it as an integral part of russia. and that it was well from his country. he requested well made cars to stop legal procedures to keep the system to cram your blogs. observers say the process we'll probably be completed by the end of this week. what do our best announced that the us and european countries have scanned some stunt shows on his country. but he counts to show that he is and don't even buy the thing to master pressure and essential been up to tout his actions. he knows that the economy drives me to wash and it lasts that are so strong now. especially if it's just like tennessee and if i announce that strong the sun sun was hot the west as well. she also said that mr has no clown spot the pass
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of the ukraine be on trend here i don't believe that he has a good idea to engage in a wall in the west. but he needs to sell us from bishan to his own people. he's always had a makati to gain back the stamp set has had in the past. another place pudding was to make is that his nation he says equal footing with the west. and having the new apple monkeys in the optional. he's been skeptical of the west. he's accused the other years of supporting the plan systems could have overthrown the previous ukrainian government. silly syria eagleton ally russia putting that kills his counterpart in the last bus of putting opposition attempts to over fill in the and wish him good bye bye deal. with today's address
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and gastro most was the system. there is no turning back for putting up any him. this is the most critical moments. moscow russia in the us and europe see the end of the cold wall i eye. many afghans are concerned about what will happen to their security after miss u s combat forces leave this here. security has become a key campaign issue ahead of the presidential election next month. choose a successor to present on the con side but insurgents have launched a series of attacks aimed at disrupting the process. he was nothing she said that reports from kabul. nine candidates are on the media luncheon. they're trying to rally support. by promising to restore security and rebuild the economy. what does a limo. let me change
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people's lives. i will do everything i can to change the future. houdini. i'm resolved to build peace in this country. the bloodshed must be stopped me in that but we are going in afghanistan is that the historic crossroads of it means peace and stability board as well as democracy and development. on the table mom got a bit. the election commission is calling on voters to go to the pool the plan. at jcpenney the election is already in trouble. last september the head of the election commission in the mold and probably some produce was killed two mosques gunman approached the committee chairman. they start three shots then took off on a
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motorcycle. the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack that ever so musician called the present selection of pots. it aims to establish its own government elsewhere in the country they sounded supporters have also being attacked the violence the scattering villages away. the season for the registration office in the northern province of basra. that aidan he's a role in forcing the area. police are on high alert. ok so disruptions. only a small number of city leaders have turned out to reduce them they're always runs the show continues. people getting the previous prison show election five years ago. it basically everyone what in the country to be more stable i was very glad to vote in that election bought things at different this time. and
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that i bounce and geese but they made it to be a nice presents. it says we owe warning you not to vote. if you go to bolt the road kill you. the roses to sounds and the cable to take part in the upcoming election. but she has stopped them from registering to vote. i easily get in with anyone who goes to vote this time is putting his life in danger. i had an hour of live art. i really want the election to take place so we can elect a president and restore a sense of stability. but if i vote the taliban will know. will storm into my home in the middle of the night until my entire family. many people feel the same way about fourteen of the cells could be called into question people we know god has done are hoping to pull the chance
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to bowl for more secure future. but they may stay away from the polls. i was there certain that the simple act of casting a ballot was how fake the results the psyche saddam. it's the lord. kabul. it has agreed to help improve vietnam's maritime policing capabilities with an eye on and china's increasing activities in the south china sea. they'd be maintained during time speaking japan's prime minister shinzo on that and the enemy's president did turn it on sunday in tokyo in the us japan and the amount of steadily build relations of mutual trust. i want to take my local target one step further. so the two countries can become strategic partners in a wide range of every us. i'm delighted by that relations have strengthened the comprehensive manner that might be competent and the ties between the two countries will be stronger
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and deeper and wider. the two leaders agreed to dispatch a team of the japanese inspectors to vietnam with the cia to supplying the patrol boats to the content of japan will provide nearly one point two billion dollars with nearly an hour to vietnam and construction projects. peace to some degree i still breech and a choice of north america three years after the earthquake and tsunami in northeastern japan. people along the coast and found a concrete war i shan't even a container with them motorcycle inside. some japanese university students recently traveled to canada to stitch the pieces of wreckage an hq at center back was that. given that a small district of about sixteen hundred people dead on the west coast of canada
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vancouver island. the man and tsunami has been washing ashore here in canada's western coast with nearly two thousand twelve. among the typical pacific marine to recount here. locals have been finding japanese fishing boats and number two japanese houses. earlier this month seventeen japanese university students around it they wanted to volunteer their time to comb the beach he is very hard. robeson has been in charge of clearing the beach. she explained the situation of the tsunami did to the students. mother's day. he will be march two thousand and fourteen. harold canto sachs co its from inside the marquee. one of the cities hardest hit by the disaster. more than three thousand five hundred people died and over four hundred are still missing. i was at
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his high school when the tsunami engulf the city he lost a dear friend in the waves. at a time of despair. he was encouraged to see many foreigners turning out to lend a helping hand. i was very thankful that so many people helped us. so i thought when i entered university. i would like to pay back the kindness we received. so found pieces of wood that appear to be from the japanese housing the chaos. also found the loading platform from a fishing boat. the japanese breaking indicated it may not win still a minute. so when the group collected seven tonnes of debris in two days she uses too much on my thumb i was thinking maybe some of
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the west from my town scandal i was happy that we could use our hands to clear it from the beach. on march eleven exactly three years after the earthquake the volunteers held a commemoration ceremony and observed a minute of silence the goal. you'll recall after a few. to work with their japanese partners to make sure that the trio cats returned to the folks in japan. so the pieces of debris reaching the other side of the pacific are stark reminders of the pack of events. they also symbolize i'm set for its peak in the past. the baron. nhk world. the crew that had about. a japanese american writer drew on the disaster in crafting her latest novel
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chris ellison keys where cats be nominated for the man booker prize. i sat down with her to talk about her writing and what inspires it an event to promote culture exchange student are sure to please and tokyo in early march. the tokyo international literary festival held fifty events such as readings and my hysterics and fantasy ends twenty five hundred fighters from overseas. it is needed in this possible. we're supposed to document the festival and engaged in a lively discussion about her new novel which was recently translated into japanese the title of the book is curtailed for the time being the story begins sometime after the great east japan earthquake the novel is planted to harry that appears to be washed away during the tsunami. the artist in japanese carol need it now
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thanks to carol was being bullied at her junior high school and contemplate suicide in her diary. now this is gradually drawn into now's world and becomes concerned about her the story explores the idea of two people searching together across time and space for what it means to be online. it is very attached to people who are teaching them were looking for each other and find each other through books through books and turn right. wasn't he began writing a novel in two thousand francs. she finished her first draft in early two thousand and ten and beyond the great easter patty cakes try. i am today. it's been three years since the league in snow. in august in japan how has what's happened that the teacher reading. i have on friends and family in both tokyo as well as in some kind and that eli was of course first concerned about their
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wellbeing. but on the hill at some point i realize that there's some events that are so catastrophic date almost on time. it is like the jaw line in time and the book that i've written is really irrelevant. just that. make no sense i detest it was a key company did to connect your fiction to the wheel well. just drastically change the framework of the novel an addict herself as the central character who finds it to me. two females words clues comes to empathize with her team. i would give me a way of addressing the issues and the problems that arose as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. krishna. in japan to suck it. i feel in a way that is. it's part of me and so one of the things i wanted to explore and has been this particular book two was on
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the know how. as citizens of the world how do we respond to this tragedy think about this unit. and that was a question that had a particular kind of urgency for me. what is it that you love the kids to take away from nearby. i don't want to be too prescriptive. i wanted readers to read the book on on their own terms but having said that even our very far apart. we're still connected with each other and we still are inhabiting the same. in the same pond. on a silly if we would take away a sense of disconnection. the man that would make the fair the city as she hopes her work. twenty three years to be flanked on the value of mine. japan's economic recovery has seen pushing up land prices in the country
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governance as prices in three major metropolitan regions have risen for the first time since the global financial crisis hit the country the land as he conducted a nationwide survey of land prices and more than twenty three thousand locations as of january first. in a tokyo anomaly and was at the metropolitan regions the average price in residential areas increased zero point five percent commercial areas shared at one point six percent gain land prices and cross the country fell for the sixth straight year but the declines were slower than in two thousand thirteen the average price in residential areas edged down zero point six percent and commercial areas zero point five percent. missy officials say more people were encouraged to invest in properties as the economy stays on a recovery track the other know the consumption tax hike next month and the present low mortgage rates help spur housing demand. but opinion about the future is split among expects some pretty cool and prices will show a
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moderate brian's father c housing demand falling after the tax goes up. home price isn't going up in a major cities in china but the pace is slowing down i knew possible sign of the country's economy may be losing some steam. officials at china's national bureau statistics say the prices of new homes went up in february of the previous month in fifty seven of the seventy major cities today. prices in one challenge and it was zero point five percent and those in shanghai is ten point four percent. the increase in decline in many cities when compared with the same month last year. the chinese economy has been showing signs of a slowdown recently the manufacturing index has fallen for three consecutive months. the latest and trudged on speculation that china's slow economic growth may be behind the small increases in this housing crisis. now single again i
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might be the case. i know south. it's an outrage and kill the bill went there with my showed you my good morning in keeping an eye on the storm heading to what the philippines. what's the latest. the morning cafe and we are tracking the storm system the waters are anymore and it formed a tropical depression of their lottery
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is crazy so the philippines this was going to be steadily moving into two wars the westerly direction of getting in the southeastern coast of the philippines into next seventy two hours bringing heavy rain and thunderstorms this. any developments. i expected it with this tropical depression but its not be aware of this is consistent for the next few days. the system that have formed over some time now and on thunderstorm warning is in place north of the unsavoury ever had the rename on the train will come for shanghai area as well and i will make its way towards western to send to japan into the coming days this looks like i was going to be dropping the temperatures across much of japan as well. and also another factor with the yellow sanity an indication of spring isn't covering much of the korean peninsula we have really he's the conditions here it is likely to pull into japan some awesome things will be moving it into japan into the next couple of days. high temperatures will be dropping took a free sample from fifteen degrees to not be kerry's as needed winter temperatures is going to be a
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very bumpy ride. our eyes across a sheet pan. note to the europe we go on this earth so the pictures northern areas are seeing very wet and windy conditions very unstable with a heavy snow to be found in sweden and independent but on the other side that says james calming my nerves conditions and mimicking at some summer temperatures for example in munich at twenty thirty degrees on your thirst and continuing into the twenties on your friday has set twenty prop twenty one s in june night temperatures so please enjoy their wine and beer in your attendance. i ran over to america as we had a winter storms landing the mid atlantic states including dc due to her video coming up from him today elise this allows the atlantic region on monday bringing significant selling low temperatures washington dc was the hardest hit area with about thirty centimeters in some locations. the storms that federal offices and close dozens of schools but children who were unhappy with the twenty seat. tonight
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is known by its like fun. now of people in dc are going to be enjoying this spring festival that national cherry blossom festival will be coming up on your minus twenty eight into the april thirteen and a peak periods been issued for this series april ap the trough and interesting fact is that the people and gain is defining when it's seventy percent of cherry trees aren't in the states and japan its eighteen percent of the summer interesting trivia that hailey was only just wanna pulling into the upper midwest bring about thirty centimeters of us oakland had the a spark from nebraska and didn't it was constantly have a warning for winter storage on their side here cost texas and also new mexico we have fun hard boot. we have desired to have that due to the creche with fine conditions with the notion that the tea and a corporate setting on the weekend was the suffering in the top sandy condition of their glassy conditions. so on and violence ensign has been at
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the kid that bought critical fire weather still make sense of peace to watch out for your flammable items the kindest affinities with the air is heated to twenty six degrees with twenty of the sunshine on the side of the world we think this minus two for a high playoff race in a park in front of. i do le. the tour the latest
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in a park in front of. i do le. the tour the latest edition of
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