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tv   Euro News  PBS  March 19, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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knew what one will . least one ukrainian service man is killed after gunmen storm in a live tree base in crimea. i can eat and to wind up the families of loved ones lost or missing malaysia employs mh three seven st preston hunger strike the finns strikes a deal with this international and is on display tuesday announced as the government promises to help states hardest hit by a thursday. at least one ukrainian
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servicemen has been shot dead in crime thereafter force is suspected of being loyal to russia stormed a military base. unconfirmed reports claim a soldier from crime is pro russian self defense force was also killed at the facility in simple call the depths the first in the coming she let things progress jim forces took control in tribute from teak he have to walk or ride his troops to fire in self defense. ukraine's prime minister denounced the assault was a war crime who knew him or do we understand the mindset that this publication and he said today russian ministry representative started chanting ukrainian servicemen this is a war crime unit then little man. prime minister yet saying you're also claim the calm collected and to them in the tree face and call for international talks to prevent a further escalation. from superbowl your knees is sergio kun tony said. the tension in primaries man thing and it's
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increasingly becoming the painters came some alr or at the same could be initiated from a political place to something else that doing more muscular in its nature anyway. with center component pneumonia which seemed to know when. with one sweep of the pen crime it became possible action against ukraine and the west may be a great time and trust in god in a continuous much applauded as he and crime is indeed a sign the controversial pt. well does the document warehouse be rectified by russia's constitutional courts and parliament. a defiant president patron enthusiastic crowd in red square. damien has been in icu. gotta get a russian citizens. he did cry man is so vast a polarized years after long hard tiring to a crime may enhance of us who are attending this event to go to when i was in ratios
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that i know you'll go in sunday sees pcs referendum that some crime is joining the russian federation and being helped into what appears to be russian in the tmp patient that many that support its mind and doesn't his illness as i'm very happy with this project it's a big joy to all of us will have a good education and online ahead of us will be wonderful. i'm pretty happy and it was that it is they use to get a steady income according to the wonderful structure ukraine girl brought the week at the same god. she has said he has no plans to seize any of the regions of ukraine in kiev that not convinced. some have described it in as a threat to world peace. maybe what i wanted to stop locking up people. i wanted to stay in russia and kevin and i cannot touch our people and not told to ukraine ukraine nicknames. what did you vote with their head if he gambled
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for blowing up trains the referendum of the barrel of a god. i think he shamed himself before the home also nothing to hold local and relations with him. in glee over them. due to it's name of the shenyang. and internationally that looks like happening tougher sanctions from the us and the eu against russia are expected along with nukes by various countries to cut cooperation with moscow and make ten has already called the annexation of crime it be killed. this meant this will not recognize it the activity in the anger of no rain periods families of chinese passengers are missing the lake champlain to them each three seventy three cm hunger strike on tuesday with the un says the medical trust in the authorities to call the malaysia's government to tell them the truth as to the plate to their loved ones. it is now more than ten day since the bombing triple seven completely vanished nevermind its relative to the malaysians to contain
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the race we the chinese to counting the seconds on the third breaking point there are so many families coming and going. the mobile radio at the young people can send it to the elderly have already broken down. but the mystery surrounding the jets were a band seems no closer to being sold. beyond precedent it sets knowing compass is a massive area i'm old and seven the novel million square kilometers around the signs of distress india you kuala lumpur and to pay paul held a candlelit vigil in support of imagery seventy. the man malaysian authorities believe someone on board the plane with considerable flying experience. deliberately diet that did it after disabling the jets communications systems. after months of tough to get th in some sense has finally struck a deal with this credit is too many schools and ten billion euros in aid to the state is time to brisbane at the time comes
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without the needed more austerity cuts and a prime minister able to say to the new creed craziness like the improving economy the remedy of his victims the two wickets for one of those doubts that the achievements of the economy or even tried to dispel them. this government the nineties achieved its mission to get the country out of the crises of the premium was good. lovely i made the quarter with the berries. disabled try command is made up of the eu the european sent to county and national monash be fond of may dpa the extra cash is to be used to grace the department's the denim is not likely to please them some of us has promised five hundred million euros will be just to be teachers of course greeks and is destined to triple p not been forthcoming and connections it's really the supreme court has held the two year ban from office for former prime minister silvio berlusconi seventy seven year old canadian man had been attempting to
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overturn a conviction the tax court handed down in october. the latest ruling molded and the mr nice ones of returning to the political stage anytime soon. he had hoped to run as a candidate in elections. the european parliament in may. in addition to the lake to sperm from office. berlusconi's appealing sentences for tax evasion and paying for with an under age prostitutes. he denies all wrongdoing claiming he's the victim a politically motivated charges prosecute is scott and black is a painful perhaps these days and if the confused as arguments for and against independence of the unseeded out the full effect and the eighteenth referendum. in the end the outcome could depend on a small group of people who want to discuss case anyone should the european union offices commonwealth country content as long as their resistance in scotland. the scalps of foreign students. the edited
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by elizabeth of austria says he'll vote yes to independence because he thinks scott and could make a good contribution to the european union. we both know. but is primarily the problem of global consequences. it comes to a gemini. an estimated seventy thousand people from eu countries other than christian that in scotland and also has helped many in the general population of just for me and the current michaels a difference. i mean nm. thus chelsea seem to
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the champions league quarter finals after a comfortable two nil win it's got to strike at stamford bridge first off goals from samuel excellent diary can you sing you to expect after a warm on trial in istanbul. not such a happy old productive returned to the bridge but she'll see him and he ate raw file jealousy can fit into an overnight three more on that yet. rarely drink but never in any danger of being sheltered taking a six run lead into the second leg in the spanish capital and selling through two goals from cristiano ronaldo and
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walkabout bar tomorrow to rub salt into shelters we beyond just you know i could go into the champions league last sixteen sec bag again. newly crowned league champions of the bpl cost to milk that would allow them the least bad the news. humiliated by arch rivals liverpool at the theater of dreams over the weekend. us oldies really go for the club been been. he just does not change when that guy the job. i'm finally done with a b did i mention when people would be sold in the season we will root of this present time. put an end the ideas of what to do twenty fifth place when we do things right. but the more support thing just to get nokia is the place for which it did not call attention after a little pr coaching are to play wests tavern in their last six years old trafford. it's easy when the vultures will be adults over the newly named theater
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tonight. as for been although courts at chelsea and spurs boss davie natural lashes agreed to cut to pieces but according to the russian club. the thirty six year old has agreed terms on a two year contract the last ball accept bicarbonate december is to replace sneaky out and spend a team of the italian was by a deft is any loss that last sixteen champions league first leg the conspiracy of goldman and slipped to second in the league. the last boss will re unite with the brazilian strike a whole week to be one of the portrayal. he also could cope with portuguese compact is released next arrow and daddy. the portuguese is expected to begin his tenure on thursday the day after it said the play the last sixteen champions league second leg against courtesy of goldman. i really trying
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this stuff and go back to jimmy and american chris sharma attempt to scale the overhanging roof of the match in the style of jean ktv no ma'am. for the first time at the top to much of this lg ducati to idc in the east them part of the al hunt john mountains in oman. it's the second ot cheapskate happened in the wo i eye. it reached through three collapsed crate is from above the knee in the way to get inside the kgb spy hops a one hundred and sixty tuesday they're on the ground level entrance is for you. act
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the room. despite the hiccups which may manage to reach the surface ay ay ay were. i knew. zz you. did. ch
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is you at least one ukrainian servicemen has been shot dead in crime thereafter force is suspected of being loyal to russia stormed a military base. unconfirmed reports claim a soldier from crime is pro russian self
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defense force was also killed at the facility in simple call the depths the first in the coming few things for russian forces took control and thuggery from to kiev to walk to write his troops to fire in self defense ukraine's prime minister denounced the assault was a war crime. who knew what do we understand the mind to fit this publication and he said today russian military representatives started chanting ukrainian servicemen this is a war crime unit they don't win. prime minister yet saying you're also applying the calm collected and to them in the tree for a simple but international talks to prevent a further escalation from the center of all your knees is sergio and he said the tension in primaries man thing and it's increasingly becoming the painters came some alr already saying it's been a shift from a political place to something else certainly more muscular in its nature anyway. with center component. junior was
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seen fiddle put on. the tough against the ancient athens has finally struck a deal with this credit is due in the schools and ten billion years in age. the slate to start a brisbane outfit that comes without the need of more austerity cuts and a prime minister able to say to integrate with him despite the improving economy the monday of his victims the two were hit by an honest outfit the achievements of the economy or even tried to dispel them. this government the nineties achieved its mission to get the country out of the crises of the premium facilities. not that the core of what good is this a photo i commend this made up of the eu the european central bank and the international honesty for a dip in the extra cash is to be used to grace the department's the denim is not likely to please them some of us has promised five hundred million euros will be just to be teachers of course greeks and is destined to
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cripple peanut been forthcoming and connections it's really the supreme court has upheld a two year ban from office for former prime minister silvio berlusconi seventy seven year old billionaire have been attempting to overturn a conviction. the tax court handed down in october. light to school in boulder and the mr nice ones of returning to the political stage anytime soon. he had hoped to run as a candidate in elections. the european parliament in may. in addition to the lake to sperm from office. berlusconi's appealing sentences for tax evasion and paying for with an under age prostitutes. he denies all wrongdoing claiming he's the victim of politically motivated charges prosecute is. a japanese to this insurgency in the north caucasus the pumas up has been declared dead on the group's web site described as russia's most wanted man he's believed to be responsible for several deadly bombings. the snow and
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howling mob ties but the website said the rebel leader had already been replaced. a full listing it coming is part of the show from the nineteen fifties has gone on trial in hungary chartres war crimes prosecutions support ninety two year old finn at the school in the top of the suppression of the nineteen fifty six nt city suprising his claims he wrote the shootings of civilians during protests in budapest. canada's best in conservative finance minister jim cox he is stepping down enough to state the country's economy says the global financial crises. the sixty four year old has held the positions they chose is returning to the private sector. he's counted on to venice to the sound financial footing ahead of next year's election. it is the largest collection of james called never been to was on show in an exhibition in london's covent job. in over fifty years of saving the world paul james bomb has hit in what becomes of the most iconic movie motors
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the awesome awesome dt to fight the critical thing is done for and captured the imagination of a generation system has his own view. what is it about dublin oh seven and aston martin's want to get a character whom the people and still remain we hear there's gonna be a new bond films with a girl that was the car i think all depends on the cars for his survival. part of the drama of the film. all the boxer show with the ever cool and unique equipment. it was then that sits back with gadgets thanks to cuba to send to the film despite them not me the awesome awesome citrix end of the mobile has never been seen in building an annex of the spy movies stop it is here. the actor daniel craig in the p a with a cop stopped. here leaders will
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meet again in brussels on thursday with a view to toughen sanctions against russia. everett annexation of crimea. jim and council and the medical his leg eu calls and russia must for the school so it's ukraine policy. a serious economic consequences. but the animals can have a lot to lose trade between the two countries announced the seventy sixth inning errors according to the gym and national statistics office. but across the eu is a whole the european commission says trade between the balkan moscow amounted to three hundred and thirty five to ten years in twenty twelve dependency on russian energy however there is pointing across the twenty eight member bloc. some eu countries such as britain and political exposure to russia's oil and gas sector this is just the baltic states and permanent rely heavily on such sales. it means that the ukrainian crisis on some of the gas wall. it could from the cone wreath think of europe's energy policy. yet how far
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can you go and we assigned sianz given the strong economic times with russia in theory news put that question to judy dempsey the head teacher in chief of the strategic europe alone she's also a senior associate at the comic europe think tank. he'd ever seen any signs of being with us are wondering is that this must stop whilst he recalls an eu summit that starts on thursday. identical talking very tough on the issue of sanctions with russia. she thinks she's going to match his words was real concrete action. she's already conducting the brick and concrete onto the fast pace of sanctions. i think no shoes no choice but to conclude this thing will go on the topic russia to back of the now would be to undermine his face the suspense of the european union unity and cohesion once the document a relationship with kenyon thirty three to complete. you see a sign that the end the relationship was done in russia is fundamentally changing because jimmy has
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olds always been very soft cover the countryside. but as every old that comes to us americans but due to a stop motion sick people to test took office in two thousand and five. instead of the destruction is and that she is seen especially over the last two years and cooking again became constant hope the court situation and russian security agent you need to become like this. i think the quran and ukraine crisis. of course and had a talk by the russian intervention in crimea. i think and we're just going to for them to consume that increases its journey. i can put it at the scene a fundamental shift in the german russian relationship. act coach and risks losing germany as its main ally in sight the european union sources of sanctions that would be looking at to think when there's some talk about canceling gas contracts for eighty eight in russia in the pockets as hard as possible and that really
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stick. the festival it is a peek into account that comes to the zone can contact the dentist appt to continue contributing to come see her but if you can click on the verge of cutting off your contacts that i should mix too short and eight. you've got it done with einstein's compete at the storage facilities a very very full and be able to fix the east europeans and the axiom very much dependent on russia this crisis is going to concentrate the minds once and for all of the political mood of energy and that would be some serious end of the appeasing all of a kind of energy relationship we need to have the pressure. i think it would take a back seat yourself on this energy competition for one to the basket and pull ups provided the europeans have full backs a very good time but then the email had to stop thinking bout it to the gas contracts are counseled to lead a group he wanted to be more impactful the problem is that putin and russia it is already calling
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and gospel has lost all of that. if the states it did last season. ukraine crisis of it. the sky says it lost about ten billion euros respectively. it's a lot of money lost. the key question is soo late in the good times this week and the page. such a long time. the question of domestic gas prices have been heavily subsidized. this is an increase in efficiency because the spunk and reliant on best in europe and europeans by the gods. any reduction in these kind of man can use me for speaking to me think about his own energy policy. that's an axe thinking this could become very difficult for him apologies to want to see what former sanctions take on thurs and friday thank you very much to soon to be patient. jealousy scenes in the champions league quarter finals after a comfortable two nil win against outside so i had something great
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first off goals from samuel and sewing to retain your seo it's great. after a warm want role in istanbul. not such as how the whole productive returned to the bridge but she'll see here and he ate from god. jealousy can fit into the overnight thirty one on aggregate. rarely drink but never in any danger of being sheltered taking a six run lead into the second leg in the spanish capital and selling through two goals from cristiano ronaldo a ball of fire tomorrow to rub salt into shelters. beyond just unite to get into the champions league last sixteen second leg against newly crowned league champions of the bpl cost to kneel down. that is a least had the news. humiliated by arch rivals liverpool at the theater of dreams over the weekend. us oldies brimming over the club been she just does not change one bit the job i do is done with
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a b you can actually keep going. over the season. will root of this present time put ten. the ideas of what to do twenty fifth place when we get to enjoy. but the more support thing just to get lumpy on his plate. will we get the call that issue after a little pr caution are to play west avenue that my six year old trafford it's easy when the vultures will be adults over the newly named theater tonight has been been. i eye. and. his
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eye is you . . i am. each
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petite the da. joel. when long will it use the word dude he is actually more showers. some of them harder i just want to do so they were taking someone's force
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this is. sit or sleep. some of them are. this technique some of my good mate. it's funny. i see him with. ite is represented by what you and i know what the western world knows as the us. the change in scope that i'd chase that's the philosophy the art. i teach more beans traci. it's a thai boxing the piano. you mean you know we have it on. so it's basically a martial art based on. a full house stuck on the stage. i know ruler who will do dvds . the president
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with the meal. once an agreement to formally putting money into motion a wild and windy and shooting lights out that the ministry sites. it was a section of the missing malaysia airlines flights cnn says new information from the thai government adds to the belief that the plaintive ways of communication with maths chinese leaders reveal a plan that


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