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tv   European Journal  PBS  March 22, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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realities and women's organizations are working to highlight. when an exhibition about minors forced into marriage is staged in gun is a magnet for teachers and pupils. the girls know what it's all about. the girl of mine a juicy with a boy she sometimes taken out of school in maryville. my family's not like that they might need to finish school. a lot discussing music scene. this is also when the exhibition her own marriage was a nightmare. in this deeply religious region. green marrying even for love is not allowed because the child bride remains a child cry for life. the eu and the us reacted with disbelief when a few days ago the citizens of the ukrainian can is the crimea decided to join grandson in a referendum
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the west isn't this the referendum as eagle eu and us politicians said russia is effectively and mixing crimea. the west imposed sanctions as a reaction against russian and crimean politicians. but no longer allowed to travel into the yield to the us and his accounts are now cruising bought those sanctions hardly seem to have impressed us as president but he made to st he has been dreaming of the bigger russia for a long time. he seems prepared to take big risks make a stream come true. i don't use the obsessed with what he considers his historic mission. we see taking cold blooded advantage of weak opponents in a geopolitical blitz chess game. this is simply a macho megalomaniac or is he still traumatized by a difficult childhood as a skinny boy in petersburg the death his ego with martial arts. dimitri of rest can use to be on its human rights council believes
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clinton is a product of his childhood. cody apostles or was it was seen as the psyche of the st church. grow on a st petersburg. but when cold areas. we can become honest when ukraine slipped away from them. he had to react to in order to not look like a weakling but we will continue with the cook to death the european union is aghast that he hasn't ruled out sending russian soldiers into parts and ukraine beyond crimea is the only thing in the clip we should decide the company's defence of ukrainian systems. i'd like to see the ukrainian soldiers to shoot women and children when we are standing behind the states that the us. and then couldn't simply deny that russian soldiers were in crimea my other first and a soft though cos he agrees that put this worldview is a product of his life story the nurse knew but foolishly if it's not only childhood experiences but also his time as deputy mary peters for
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them and that's where he learned all the tricks of the criminal million. because he was responsible for its contacts with the municipal illustration soon is that it's hers. it is thought that russian special forces without insignia rbis teaching and over running regular ukrainian army units and that russia is provoking deceiving and propaganda icing on the west seems paralyzed. the war with each of his political experience differs fundamentally from that of european politicians but we wish but for him the more brazen altar and hard to act the greater your success was to remove the mall because they think gordon has recently been obsessed with his future place in russian history the beak is thursday the proposal is open to is that god has for what he wants to go down in history as the leader of the ukrainian back to russia as his crib the disintegration of the soviet union was a historical tragedy for putting when he was a young
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kgb agent. now the occupied territories breaks international law and risks a new cold war. all three storm russia's former power. this is the tulip onto the scene phenomenon is his history are complex mirrors that of the russian population which also still suffers from the collapse of the soviet union for you. even german chancellor uncle american criticized the unusually harsh on thursday for the rapid alienation between moscow and berlin. that's dumb. one book will of course cooking. we wanted to get through. he was wounded in his childhood and even now at the pinnacle of his collar with only the sky above. he has to hear hurtful words and that from people who don't even have atomic weapons. his pardon me but who has germany think it is he didn't lose the war the lovely new. meanwhile fourteen years of almost
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unlimited power have shaped who you are closest to him are not wife and children but military men and secret agents who have become fabulously wealthy. as his male societies fixation on violent obscured his view of reality. putin and his powerful friends control the media and us opinion in russian. the two to two months of massive tv propaganda have transformed the image of ukraine for my brother nation into a port a fascist despicable slave silhouettes corrected by its interests. any bit of nonsense can be turned into social reality wound new year the russian people can be manipulated at whale opposition demonstrators are no longer a danger for that which is debatable but it's the quickest route to the psychiatry describes the phenomenon of the seas are complex. when you encountered no resistance for years. when you think you'll never experience any ever
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again. it's been a roman emperor caligula for this course a senator and now it would invest twenty places in crimea and says didn't you in the west always say i was capable of anything to do is deal with those of you. his last inauguration in office back in the kremlin. putting gets what he wants those who know him say he has no inhibitions about taking drastic measures. dos cannot handle life awakens on the continent and this in a scene of the series europe by tonight to take a look at what's happened is that every pit stop. everybody knows the satellite images from space. the wells big cities are clearly visible pores that night because of the many sources of light that you are at last it sees the light stand tall for coal
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the group that stocking along here in the middle of the night is armed. suddenly the men and women take up positions in the center of hamburg in front of the church. the guy you ready take your place is like son it's an ambush with delight the christchurch which is usually not illuminated at night. he's effectively second scene. rude. aye. what are we when to draw attention to his place to this building and its historical assigned it to the effect would probably be very different if it were eliminated professionally. but this is what we can achieve with our laps. he's a remote weapon in the beginning yet often i dream of. nine time the new priests are called to really liking the new lighting designers organize these events flash mob style. they
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get the lambs choose their targets and film the activities they've raised the question of where light can and should be used effectively. really liking is the revolution with lights in the city of hamburg on the message he started dispatching people like this man to check out how bright the light september arate night. some shops have signs that really burn into your eyes. if you like it. you can measure the light and sixteen candle as a square meter. it got to the measurement for brightness as perceived by the human eye. your egg in a light density of three thousand candle as per square meter three to four hundred cattle as per square meter would be enough to draw attention to this apple logo of some type of fruit and cream. it's a tie. for two years and wrote letters informing them of the light pollution. the company refused to take action. our
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own inquiries to help will get a similar answer. no comments. in many cities there's a real lightning war underway in the competition for customers attention. but most of the light shines on words. from space we could see that street like a particular shine in the wrong direction. the result is that you can hardly see the stars anymore in cities. with our light pollution. the night sky in hamburg. looks like this. it's not just about seeing the stars. it's also about the health and wellbeing of urban too well or sth. researchers at berlin's some tactic hospital are studying their patients sleep patterns. during a night shift. the doctors use themselves as guinea pigs subjected to special lighting situations moon. after the light exposure. the study
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their own sleep patterns. aye aye aye aye. the new small amounts of light which were exposed to every corner and daily life can lead to measurable changes in physiology. including the structure of the brain when this becomes. the list of diseases caused by artificial light ranges from depression to diabetes and even cancer. the high probabilities of four people who are already predisposed to developing these illnesses artificial light is the thing that tips the balance one another. that's why he turned his hand or to see the lighting adviser is calling for intelligent concepts for preserving the darkest night. aye aye aye. so to speak to me
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the lights are not turn down an evening in the eye is much much more sensitive to light draws a lot of insects. that creates a level of light pollution which is not acceptable. i miss my tears from korea love my team are looking for the next target the flights and therefore precious energy received elsewhere. other parts of the city could really be seen in their best light racketeering drug trafficking forced prostitution. the mafia is behind many different crimes in the city. but in recent years they intensified their activity and one economics text and the mafia is estimated to make more than eighteen billion here is a yet which illegal deals on dumping waste. the rates income tanya is one of those that have family in the crypt of the secret societies linked to the mafia. is it looks like if i eat tons of toxic waste in the region. a
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form of mafia boss of all people is not speaking out and acting authorities to take action. we are in southern italy. on route to a top secret location to visit mickey mafia witness. for the first time ever. kosmina schiavone is talking to german television about toxic waste from germany. when he greets us and talks about his organic garden. it is almost possible to forget the blood he has on his hands as the former leader of the notorious cost and easy card. he only eats home grown produce and with good reason his clan very toxic waste on agricultural land issue with a bullet though i don't even eat canned tomatoes anymore and i mean even the few. as a lazy clan is the most feared in the area around naples schiavone has traded in lebanon's and speaks openly about hundreds of contract killings. at least a dozen of
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which bore his personal stamp so you me me. we started with pistols machine pistols and other times and we dissolve the bodies in pasadena the show and we also strangled. or rather carry them in places where they still haven't found too those in cohesion. there are they schiavone shows no remorse for the murders he committed. but he is less pc with the fact that people have been poisoned as a result of his clan contaminating farming land when he tried to stop his cronies getting involved in the lucrative toxic waste business. they betray him to the police. he has been a witness. ever since i am twenty years ago he confessed to his clan having illegally disposed of millions of tonnes of waste. not only in landfill sites. but on a large scale in the fruit and
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vegetable heartland of companion. particularly around the sun dipped in japan. the mafia still varies the waste dumps it on the streets around naples for such a delight the contaminated area of toxic fumes has been dubbed fire man. you don't you'll find normal garbage and toxic waste in every description including nuclear way. people have less than twenty years to live before it all grows up. go here too. studies indicate an increase in the incidence of cancer in companion. many local children have died as a result of tumors. their mothers blame the nuclear and toxic waste. they wear pictures of the top ones all have their names tend to lead to their skin. it's the only way to keep the memory of our
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tool to life. i practically every family has one member with cancer. it's not normal that so many people under the age of fifty have to work on the state can't just pretend nothing is wrong when this is happening on our soil he has no end. in nineteen ninety seven. schiavone and formed a parliamentary investigative committee about highly toxic and radioactive waste in the ground in companion. he reported that trucks arrived from germany during new year's lunch which was emptied into garbage cans does the trail leads back to germany. back then the italians lunch the mafia or so to the german authorities for two weeks and he was interrogated by german investigators in a bavarian barracks. surely there were no cigarette butts on
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the ground. she went to work garbage cans everywhere but it is you're still claim that it was almost disgusted that it had never seen anything like an adult human. i was staying at our hotel and there is a swimming pool has no interest in what way last time we hear tell him please the government of a regiment that was that anstey it is the police officer and key witness expert who interrogated schiavone during his time in germany. to get the mafia such a time he spent time getting to know him. iran announced in two weeks after the official interrogations. we would go out to eat together or go to an event occur on a city tour of munich to investments. and you also went to the casino didn't you. the skis i can't rule it out. tivo nice precise testimony led to several investigations and the risks. he's killing me. i consider timing is still going to be entirely credible
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that is is that set it up the royals most of the germans about the radioactive waste a huge payday. it's just a moment and we would need to check exactly where he made those statements. all i can say is that it was not in my interrogations human needs both the state criminal police office and the federal intelligence service say schiavone did not talk about waste his word against theirs we asked nuclear waste expert for some a shot back if it's possible the mafia got rid of radioactive waste from germany. despite this it's very possible that the mafia disposed of german nuclear wastes to consider you can unload boxes. about fifty or sixty centimeters long and about in this high and this was done. judging by the description of the letterboxes. it is likely to contain highly radioactive
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calendars that is material used in industry research nuclear technology medicine for by the army supported by the need for the next pm here's a little boxes from germany had an eagle on the radio. i the former manager of a refuse site tells us how illegal toxic waste was generally very the waste arrived in the early morning and the gatekeepers to fifteen marks and riots. some of them showed up in cars that cost twenty times their salary they did it the people. when a police officer roberto mancini has been following the case for twenty years. he and schiavone went to where the nuclear waste is supposedly buried. that could explain why he has cancer which has now been acknowledged as an occupational illness. but his report was left in the drawer he knew it i advise
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the parliament but was then repeatedly demoted and two i was doing office work. is that a coincidence. and schiavone statements were dubbed secret for sixteen years now contaminated vegetable fields have been seized and the search is on for hazardous waste. where to begin. it really is worried about what will be exposed and even the former mafia or so is a free. i take my own bread. because the bread in the stores could be contaminated. i think if we were sitting we not. what wraps up this edition appeared in general we hope you've enjoyed the service thanks very much for staying on till next week i'll feed asean and spy for now. i did
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the ou to watch to see world you were ever you go. which makes the apps for your own tablet. access program schedules on demand video. my name is pete over by play each. reuters the u s versions available to secure the marketplace today to search makes the network. if if. ch the new. i know. in
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one. the rule. i know do i. i used to eye i mean. in. the i do. hatch the fiddle
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don't need to cover any of the inquiry. read your troublesome when he exposes them. locals too intimate to me. we'll also get a good player that didn't like it was totally shock and awe tactics too. through him it's no sin to screw you who don't know how to be simple several intersections. job well done. it also tasted it
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you knew and wingman the eye the us. the room


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