tv RTE News Six One PBS March 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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the tree. welcome the daughters of somebody and gave them a chance. in ireland. i think you see something of. the great united states. i must say that in united states. two variants of you are. sons and daughters. twenty five million. in fact for something which greeted the time. links between ireland and the united states are dong and enjoying the time between teaching us presidents name irish heritage chilled to the bond between our group. all ever president reagan and kennedy descendants were trying to move into the united states
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today because not doing so illegally. i am honored to represent detainees ratings for the million other americans were buying groups there should be held undocumented irish living in united states because of their status. they are unable to return to london to visit family friends and neighbors immigration reform initiative in the us senate us house of representatives is a real opportunity to transform these honors. my great grandfather left here in times of stress. seeking to better himself and his family. so many irishmen and women from every walk of life played a role in creating the treatment the better. i'm certainly proud to be part of the great irish american tradition. o bond between our two countries runs deep and strong and i'm proud to be here. in recognition and celebration of our times the irish lobby for immigration reform and all of irish american to hold
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the polls and life with and who was living in the shadows to reach their potential coup in two between the united states of america the show speaking as an irishman summed up in approach to life other people he said see things in statewide. but i dream things that never were can i say why not the bad quality. the quality of the irish. remarkable combination of hope optimism and imagination. that is needed more than ever today moreover for i do. it's six
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won fourteen euros with grind up some of the chevron media law. mr budge off this island chopper apologizes to the dog whistle blowers was never my intention to stay inside the super pit. i apologize to both stores to its mate. but no let up for the opposition who insist on unstoppable step down. she could on this occasion. take the right decision. make your friend martin cullen on presiding you've overstated. there were no longer fit for office the father of missing teen
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amy fitzpatrick has been charged with her brothers brothers who were there david knott has been remanded in custody two nights but the fatal stabbing of dean fitzpatrick president of windsor castle and address to parliament and the royal albert hall on the chair. one of the key connections use the huge number of irish people to cope with country to contribute so watch this great program to highlight that was huge. you will welcome to six one five months after accusing the god of whistleblowers of failing to cooperate with the investigation into the penalty point system
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minister for justice on shoppers the cb admitted he was wrong and has apologized to the two man of the political pressure remains almost a shot or treat older boy he knew nothing about the reporting of attention of telephone poles to garda stations on to yesterday minister has said his officials of the department of justice where it forms a month earlier. government ministers and again expresses confidence in the shire. but the opposition are continuing their calls for him to resign for the first awful to see him in his op physical cause problems. david dutton park michigan most of the cabinet there to support him out and shut her up to the chase inter node are the incarnation of the more to get the use of horns use of his earlier judgments in rome. i therefore wish to correct the record of this has to do was sew those who did not cooperate with god investigations that took place. i tell it to the statement was incorrect was never my intention to escape the home side needed to focus. i apologize to
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focus most on statements made apologies though protected by the opposition parties that our readership the suspicion that you all the game is over korea. help her pass a judgment on you i knew decided is that you're going to come in here. in a last ditch efforts to save face and to save your own skin even though he defiantly finely. on the right thing and give an apology toasting man. he should go. he should resign from your position the other major controversy today. most are the recordings know the subject of a judicial inquiry indicated that the government had effectively dismissed the garda commissioner the hobart and ask him to the shoot to confirm that market rather than to be officially informed of the shift leader of the pulpits. i am. given the nature of the information that isn't to me. thus
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the commission should be made aware of the gravity of how acceptable to some institutions. he was such a sucker. i mean speech. why is it is with us but of course to its ethics and six is appalling. i would shudder in the opposition's side to get into cecil to explain that we have been killed in the practice has pledged to soak report criticizing it last year. the simple truth is she's up to the french reporter mentioned that to me and i'm advised that they did on friday should try department officials will begin to write to the top this attention. she saw no doubt can confirm that. goals for his resignation on this issue to minister to miss out on one case might be regarded as unfortunate to miss time go to my tok like carelessness. books in this town but five six seven different serious scenario sweetie means it's time for you to go on and choppers act of contrition removes woman problem from a desk covered
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with controversy but serious questions remain about another. the abrupt departure of commissioner martin cullen in the extraordinary tale of surreptitious car the recordings did the double doors the news biz for us the sessions and inspectors have said they did not know what phone calls to cut the stations were being recorded and retains more than ten thousand recordings have been gathered from around the country the existence of the tapes the marriage doing civil proceedings involving a new baby who is suing distaste for wrongful arrest. if the recording to return to telephone calls to guard the stations all over the country was widespread devastation supervisors of sergeants and inspectors say they didn't know about it the representative association said today it was there was a policy in place for accessing i'm dealing with cctv footage. no such process exists for telephone recordings we're not aware that the practice existed were unaware of how to access
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the information were unaware of who was listening to it in fact i'd be amazed if anyone is to stick to it. it was introduced. back in the eighties and i stayed with crosses and continued more by accident than design the former garda commissioner martin cullen and told that the prophet of justice that the recordings the snow prompted the government to establish a commission of investigation grenache to tapes of telephone conversations which took place on various dates during nineteen ninety seven between garvey and a witness in a case that the guard the working with me and your recordings between guardian that same witness as well as recordings of journalists contacting the car the seeking information the recordings came to light a spark of civil proceedings would be in baby is suing the state for wrongful arrest the mission through with it a second telephone call that don't for a criminal prosecution of the gift he opened it on to the minister for justice is required in the gaza written you in the ministry can do that so that's the you are you going
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to use a foreign criminal procution. if you're going to get a phone call which is so great about this happens everyday in terms of malta business where you read all of device tells you that if the call to the market for a forum for training or four cups of water purposes that requires the death of protection regime the ombudsman commission said today its report last year on the recording of phone calls and waterford garda station highlighted a specific aspect of the specific case and it was not aware of this as a commoner a widespread practice. an issue arose in the high profile couldn't run more for some time ago with regards to the use in the midst of idiocy all recordings of phone calls in and out toward the garda station on certain phone lines at the close of the investigation. we published a report thus make it available to all the interested parties in which we suggested that the garda commissioner may wish to re evaluate the practice of recording
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calls in that manner. o two thousand four hundred and eighty five tapes are now being analyzed as part of the report be furnished by the interim commissioner to the minister for justice ultimately though formed the basis for the commission of inquiry it was understood to be the first court case affected by the garda phone tapping revelations lawyers for two men accused of ira membership of successfully applied to the special criminal court to have their trial adjourned. small societies as the full consequences of the phone recordings on the legal process are as yet on here experts believe the essence of course cases could have come under scrutiny as a result of the film according to the nations under irish know it illegal to record a phone conversation with economic impact each one part d plan and the minister for justice gives permission to do so. all he can the criminal to confess that in therapy when at the tobacco for his final where someone has been accused of murder. they say
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that they weren't in fact responsible. you would have to raise a christian whether or not recordings all by their weaknesses. b the word privilege. darren and i was available and it comes to life at such recordings where and are now available. this could cause a change. new evidence. i did leave the situation susceptible to being overturned repeal of particular concern to the whole society is whether or not a privilege to phone conversations between people in custody and appeared for the future of health and record it here the abuse and may is on the front of the courage and questions would arise and in relation to the safety of their convictions i'm not at all saying that every conviction is going to be on say some people do with the start but the question certain your eyes and they would have to be addressed. the revelations have already been felt in court. the kremlin of course
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today during that time of two main types but i remember after that only means of avoiding the venetians. men had driven wine guide. she wasn't able to confirm today that the telephone conversation had been reported that the judge during the trial until tomorrow. shinseki to know what its position is tomorrow the full implications of the film according to the many couples that the ninety s no blues defence lawyers will be keeping a close eye on developments when tina for clarification on the extent of the taping diana connor fourteenth the stepfather of missing dumping teenager in the fitzpatrick has appeared in court. jace with her brother is married or four teeth removed and david knott who attended classes on time and at uconn center and dublin was addressed as in tonight's this morning but the merger of dean. it's actually in may of last year he was remanded in custody dean fitzpatrick died after he was stabbed to our nails
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square apartments northern coasts of dublin's the high road in may of last year this morning his mother's partner dave man was charged with murdering the twenty three euros. by the tellers dublin district court in a statement by appointment. by the station at nine thirty this morning. the charger merger was put to him. he made no reply. this is a ger michael stains till the course that mr management authority by appointment for all interviews and kept in contact with them throughout the investigation. he said he'd also returns to ireland when requested to do so. i was on disability benefits would be applying for legal aid. don wanted the date. he remanded him in custody on till the second of april and is due to appear at clover hill district court. however he made it onto the high court today. victim's mother audrey seen here on the ranch was also in court for their partners brief hearing. her only other chance fifteen
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year old amy fitzpatrick went missing in spain in two thousand and eight when the family was living there the team trainer rte news that dublin district court buckingham palace and arsenal trying to finance the tenth of presentations a four day state visit to britain next month the first such visit by an irish heads of state president a consensus might be met with stats windsor castle. a buckingham palace last night queen elizabeth what to whom for over an hour chatting to norman's not so well known members of britain's irish community. last night's reception was an indication that really is and wants to be involved in the teaching office of president lincoln's return visit to the uk the president and his wife would stay at her official residence windsor castle the flags of the two countries online busy streets and the guests are accompanied by the queen of the duke of edinburgh in a horse drawn carriage house to be a state banquet here that night and a new city
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the queen will host a reception with the northern ireland team. the costume on that idea to visit. on day two was was making the british prime minister a downing street. the president will address both houses of the house in westminster this is london's university college hospital. and it's here on day two the president will visit to recognize the contribution made by irish people over the years to the nhs. it's a fantastic honor to have the president of ireland coming to visit us here in the meantime. they come in the hospital here i'm very pro and i'm very honored to many hundreds of letters stopped working the hospital and greatly through he suffered as a deputy chief nurse to to have sustained stop nurses doctors and therapists this is excellent and even read your work is a great reputation on the evening of day three the president will be guest of honor. cos it. the royal
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albert hall the famous theater with a capacity of over five thousand and four or she looks cleaner program on the canoe back nights. you official goodbye east windsor castle on day four the president will travel to stratford upon even the place of william shakespeare. on the final event of this pact program would again acknowledge the role of the irish diaspora. it's funny that it was a case in coventry where he woo i'm nice. a group of members of the arts community from the coventry area. this will also be an important recognition by the presence of all the significance for both our countries all things large and diverse arts community here. becoming cooler astounding five asylum westminster and tell me your assessment of had this and if this is a lining up some weekends like that for sharpening as all the stops i suppose shown it would be kind of nacho that we have a
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great welcome for our status but let's look at the evidence of how the forsythia is the first of all it's a four day visit that's thirty six thousand greeks it was when the queen came to light in three years ago. the thing is chosen the president's dean of windsor but sold so interesting. the plea not to be hosting two events the twins are also significant. the preparations last night the perception of buckingham palace it's quite clear that the queen was reading moves by the warmth of the reception she received in ireland's three years ago and she wants to reciprocate that kind of welcome. there's no nation on earth but her first and say exercising power of diplomacy at all the indications here and under the seething about the next door neighbors are going to get our royal welcome here in a fortnight sky. i'm going to westminster thank you. second level teachers have voted overwhelmingly in favor of industrial action over concerns about the government's proposed new junior cycling program
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members of the countries to post primary teachers' unions posted by eighteen eight percent in favor of the acts ten forty five percent of the sti members voted to the teachers' union in diamonds turner's was sixty two percent. the joke was swift number cafferty and connor cruise o'brien has the appeal was included in a new publication called the books that defined on and publications looks out the social and political history of run throughs this picture. russell interesting inclusions and exclusions justice brian funding instead laugh and think they discuss books the way of the peak to discuss politics with a pepper together a list of books station for the seventeenth century tuesday to find items seem to hear what the great irish folks were here but the great irish novels and of course the great irish novels the girls and very very important books ever. york is mostly non fiction ones here's a youtube social impact. all have need of something as defined eye and oftentimes in some way. many
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recent books cover topics also known to us from television coverage so busy in of twenty four hour news and the scene is a student from hurtful and non fiction book i know that another set of studies about how we absorb information and data from the movable protected me thinking. the terms ill spent this is a quick because information that that that we see everyday. local hopes people would buy the book and would lead not just the book but two regimes. you know the importance of tortillas we don't strike in a paper trail for looking. will be no chance of defeating should make roti quilty news. this evening six wins from as a team to take place over the spot. weeks. don't call
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six all rights are projected to have a very bright future in two thousand and fourteen it's probable ban on feeding on to the gold tv also preparing the body music recording studio symbolic of faith as croissants more reports. irish country singer and songwriter and pd is attracting increasing recognition that recently appeared at the bridge country music awards where she shared the stage with charlie left for the public's builders. that woman is well known and worked in eagle has enjoyed a busy year to conceive her release her debut album my songs to you and dd though is her stage name. where is the comedy is her real name. she explains in rural areas. nicknames are often incorporated into everyday names to come in you
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know the stuff i was the same surnames adults who are always things i'd like to know what i had a family member. they grabbed him and he told me that i absolutely that the babies really are gorgeous and the beast has worked in which its pharmacy for the past twenty three years actively looks for work of beating the colts but in the evenings. music plays a big part in her life. some hours plus and i always enjoy things that upset him. i'm taking many years tells us who want to tell abt them on then after that. i then attended your seatbelt is a segment on the teachings are gentle humor. i could ever need to use his arms and back i was always a little pup tents. i'll stop now. awesome awesome for me to know i will succeed at that end. when i have. what's missing. i began to force said. the summit of
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music. she got a number of ventures on her birthday and use it to villages to do with record her first cd on the banks and packing. that means us to catch them so that you know that i have to do something themselves. i'm not the first cd. puts me in my soul mate and they left provisions on and i'm trapped bake in a race so that i contact you. it's not often that i don't know. but ended up close. i sold that maybe not today. he said. he economy the team. stood
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the test. he needs. that's all that. the stuff that made it to be just one of the omnia one of the city looks so cute. people would say to me constantly thinking of even thinking of me that you ask you can take a minute or so and so forth. that is dedicated to her mother. as i did not want to make this all came to an appreciation to let him know we have a piece of gum from the past and still continues today. on standings. this was. payne each. each. says. he sat us
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all. it's not just words on them the teacher that he has a mind which is taking office all just the medicine taking the year. its announcement. i don't think that's that. joe wants and that's it so bad like several types of music has also been influenced by the british people. i did i say. as my number one. itis dollars to ten years. in the sand and the rest of us i tell you today to go to their lives basically she's been very helpful with ambitions to get a feather to get to know that he said there was one of them did say that some restaurants it's not on the street to see the sights. people like dogs
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you know me and that just like to be installed to country music that i wasn't enjoying a surge in popularity. students and was always confident that the likes of nathan kept a day late. the only one exception was my kid watch it you know what to sweat crazy togetheheheheher but tnd saxby get all that these are busy times for pdp sturdy his will through every weekend this weekend for me it's that i can i you know. gates. i'm setting it at least an hour of category is a good time this season. that's awesome e mail which is a light in
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the ice fact that your topical. it's a joy that i get yet didn't she. sixteenth the campus the joy he goes on the back as well as doing local peaks. she has made guest appearances at the melbourne functions has been considerably busier since the release the album with her new song. she is no traveling no further afield including a recent appearance of the film but to ensure we get the whales. the last few books she's had a number of radio interviews of a national basis of interference chill bumps up liking the panel so you too but the social media has helped to raise her profile that's why i have the seat vacant lot. it is. knowing this i say see this guy. tb is a big thing. so i think that what ever you look into the future. she'll take
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