tv RT News PBS March 27, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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bob you you will . is the drinking scene is from ukrainian capital of that. a woman finds itself surrounded by members of the reit sector group. they say it's in response to the death of one of their leaders. more on that and other developments has had. also ahead new developments from the army private revealed the ugly sign to us towards chelsea nanny has announced the legal team for the appeals process and refusing to eat prisoners and integration center in washington state are on
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hunger strike again demanding better conditions and an ensuite and deportations of bond documented immigrants are on the humber strike later show. a new. thursday marks twenty seven the washington scene watching art america. when the new ukraine where protesters had surrounded the ukrainian parliament calling for the resignation of the interior minister. our sense of calm. they say he is responsible for the death of bright sector leader alexandre was each child who died monday night. russian news organizations are i ate novosti said the parliament building is anti except for guards. there are concerns that protesters they tend to break into parliament will continue to file this story as it develops. meanwhile earlier today the united nations general assembly
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approved a resolution that deems the crimean referendum to secede from ukraine in valley. however the lands russian ambassador of the tully church and call that resolution confrontational parties' marino fortnight has more one hundred boats a night in support of this un resolution the un general assembly resolution fifty eight on member states abstained eleven voted no. now this resolution reaffirms ukraine's all uni i and sovereignty and rejects the referendum in crimea meaning it's not valid essentially you go. i also called on all countries. i tried not to recognize any alteration of the status of ideas that might be even in the future and it also calls on all parties to pursue a peaceful resolution to the crisis in ukraine. i on the same unit for many members of the general assembly and a majority of them according to vote gop. i
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support this resolution by that support the greens' position a position that the us tobacco that numbers this year he didn't have to acknowledge the truth brushes and bastards the un vitali church and i didn't ask the international bob bought a potty for seeing the obvious that moth that doesn't support this resolution. he called a confrontational. he also highlighted some aspects of the text he said should be implemented any elected by all parties. isn't he the icy branches to use it against the proposed draft resolution to the gentle simmer. it is confrontational nature of the draft. it seeks to put into question the meaning of the referendum and creamy that it took place which already click user control it would be counterproductive to challenge that decision we think it did after some important in the correct sequence for example the call to refrain from unilateral actions or inflammatory rhetoric which could lead to increasing tensions meanwhile jean revolution in
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ukraine is non binding but it is symbolic it does send a strong political message reflecting the position of the majority of member states belonging to the united nations mission in the numbers reflect back on kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in two thousand and eight happened outside of the authorization of the security council. it was supported by the us and the europeans and whitney i still understood for the gusset that kosovo's independence is the new reality. that's the way they kept freezing. it's a new reality a new reality. russia may just say that crack me up joining russia is now a new reality. that was our teeth marina or china. on capitol hill today congress overwhelmingly backed legislation in the house and senate that would aid ukraine and impose more sanctions on russia. a single bill is expected to be on president obama's desk by the end of the week. but florida congressman alan grayson
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contrast and that he didn't seem to xi'an of foreign affairs committee hearing at the us should keep these crimea is now a part of prussia take a look. speaking about naked aggression where to begin at stealing crimea why are we speaking about bullying for the new soviet union were thought to read what dishes paragraph in what's believed to be one or two. i'm surprised the judge pope didn't tell us you said that i incurred has descended over sabbatical. the fact is that the chairman's recognize this is not some new cold war that occurred in fact it's quite the contrary we should be pleased to see cleans the city when a bridge with blood would transfer power to establish his self determination for a two million people somewhere in the world anywhere in the world. his message sharply contrasts that of president obama who said in a speech in brussels yesterday and crying and becoming part of russia are presented a challenge to the long held view that europe's borders
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cannot be redrawn by force and called for greater sanctions and military preparedness our teeth than a step down. takes a deeper look at what he had to say president obama is viewed while protesters that my god did have a right to overthrow a democratically elected leader. each of us has the right to live. as we choose. the people behind me it did not have the right to vote on their future together we condemned russia's invasion of ukraine and rejected the legitimacy of the crimean referendum according to president obama the us was in the air observer to the revolution in kyiv. make no mistake neither the united states nor europe. has any interest in controlling ukraine. one wonders if us officials at the same message when they descended on the streets of kiev to cheer on the revolution with members of the obama inspiration board decided in private should be in the ukrainian government and who should not
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to go in there. we are going into the government has introduced a new and old work and shop. obama has suggested with the us into iraq was not as bad this time the adjoining workshop. we did not claim for an ex iraq's territory. we did not grab its resources for again instead we ended our ward the left iraq to its people a fully sovereign iraqi state. they can make decisions about its own future. the iraqis died according to the united nations five million were made into refugees country was ripped apart five thousand americans died tens of thousands have life changing injuries. can you compare that. what happened in iraq to what happening to me at the last two weeks obama has failed to mention that the us left in iraq which has become a safe haven for al qaeda al qaeda that
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was not there before the us invasion. the president about a possible white could not keep his opinion serves as a precedent for hunting and the reader in to the people of kosovo were systematically brutalized and killed it for years but he did not specify how the us seem to be. bypass the un security council and bombed the former yugoslavia photo and a half months killing almost five hundred civilians. serbia's capital belgrade still bears the scars of that tension you're confronted with the belief among some that bigger nations can bully smaller ones to get their way recycled maxim that might somehow makes right the american people. it's kind of we have a new generation that sent the finding of the word is no country that has a similar record of militarism and intervention. so for the united states is a one hour big countries can police montages that belies their own record and still in
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the record of the oven to two hours. in his speech president obama has glossed over some of the most controversial pages in us foreign policy and biden believe that he seems to further highlight the double standards in how the us is upholding international law and the words in washington on and check out or tea. and recently released letters how the manning the supporters for their attention and fundraising efforts. updating them on his life behind bars the army private formerly known as brett dean manning was sentenced to thirty five years in prison by a military judge last summer the leading thousands of pages of government documents rickie weeks she says she is spending most of her time exercising and doing legal research. but the letter also revealed a new announcement about her legal case going forward. art easel and the france has more. as housing manning searches out the first months of a thirty five year prison sentence a rigorous appeals process is being prepared for new financing and new faces legal
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team and a letter to her supporters posted on the private manning support networks web page. many routes of new lawyers. i met them in person last month i feel they are perfect for doing this case we're all excited about working together. very good representative for the military cards the federal courts and perhaps even the supreme court in the letter many points out that the new attorneys nancy holland air and vincent ward have achieved successes in complex high profile cases fighting to protect the us constitution and civil liberties through work on one time of the gulf coast oil spill and more. beginning legal experts have pointed out that the case is fraught with grounds for appeal after being arrested in april two thousand ten for leaking classified military documents to twenty weeks. ten months of many story here pre trial detention were spent in solitary confinement without proper access to some light exercise. experts also point out is biased court martial and an amended charge sheet by the prosecution after concluding their arguments
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the child came to an end in the summer of two thousand thirteen then he was convicted of twenty offences including six under the espionage act. bringing the governor requested sixteen year sentence thirty five unusually harsh punishment for non violent crime. if manning strange clemency request is denied and the findings of the court martial or approves the kiss would be reviewed by the us army court of criminal appeals next year. in washington. the difference rt. the month actually announce today that he would seek legislation to replace the national security agency's ball collection program when the new system that takes the data from phone companies and a more selective way. well on the road in europe obama said that the data should remain at the telephone companies for the link that i could read as witches eighteen months and then the government to request those documents via court order brides and has already released a statement in response saying it supports the president's plans even says in the right to receive the ballot requests for
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business records you'll respond in a timely way the company should not be required to create an alliance or retain records for reasons other than business purposes. and in other nsa related news and a recent interview of president jimmy carter was asked whether he would consider clancy fredericks now then and here's how he replied no because you can find someone who hasn't been tried and convicted. and so i think it would snow too. i would tell him what today would be to become the united states in place. the actual violation the wall that the proper credit. if found guilty of not well for surgery. our enemies were sentenced to death i would care to consider before yes so he says he would consider apart and although she doesn't know if you would ultimately granted without having the information regarding the damage that's been done to national security. all right well
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the tsa is now recommending that our personality present at airport checkpoints during peak hours of passenger traffic is all according to a new report released wednesday and amongst other things suggests security fee increase that to encounters another area as an airport for passengers off to gather the tsa conducting a nationwide security review after gunmen opened fire at a lady's international airport last fall. killing one tsa officer recommendation doesn't go so far as the tsa get a chance but instead when the airport police officers providing the arm security at checkpoints to discuss this latest recommendation and its implications. i've enjoyed earlier by farouk. i gave on transportation policy analyst at reason foundation. i first asked him if this was a good deal considering it stopped short of arming tsa agents. i would see considering the options i know and we cure the tsa coming up with
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ideas edges are armed police officers mr french. but what they're doing here is they're suggesting that one inside the airport before the security screening to the police local police of the city are allowed to operate the airport. we have a bigger presence in the airport in basically the ones that were made into a little bit more with security. here too for the tsa officers is actually a good idea. the part that recommendations are pretty limited in scope and it would not require hundred more officers on the re offending officers on duty and it would be concentrated at checkpoints in and take the honors. but then again an attack could theoretically happen anywhere in europe are some of this recommendation and even be enough to be fully protect airport dollars when i think the answer to that is you certainly need improvement. i don't know it is possible due to some of the largest airport staff of the hundred percent totally
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protected. but what is basically guy is easy allows the airport. police officers all the places that are going to be the likely targets for your spirits or individual that is rife with more force and between airports are doing a lot of useful right now if you look at one of the challenges of what happened in los angeles one of these officers they are a nation state anywhere in the right places. he had a radio system and actually didn't allow them to talk to each other would be very challenging to get to the place they needed to be with his individual so decided to start firing at the tsa officer. so it's not a perfect solution but it could be a good man and realistically with the one that will probably not as good as we can get. i can admit that if they would increase the number of their buying for my turkeys me squads which is the visible intermodal prevention and
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response squad on his heart out what their role is expected to be irresistible that they play now. writing an accident when they are planning on doing that and i'm a little leery of exactly how this can work. basically what they do is to go around the airport four people or situations that they think the tension and basically going around and it is in a suspicious characters and ninety dollars were issued here. they don't know how to serve me well trained aren't you that i don't know how effective is this we really haven't had a report that basically say whether the stations have been able to stop and one. so i know i hate it for what they are doing i would rather the focus of the security and happens to these officers he was going around rapid increase in tears japanese units which i'm not sure really cute to watch. that was the reply again mom transportation policy
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analyst at present the nation los angeles every car on the road is under investigation. that's the argument made by the lapd and its legal battle with privacy advocates. but organizations like the aclu and the electronic frontier foundation say or not so sure that's the case. now they're still the police department and effort to find out whether of license plate readers are violating our rights our teens were among the window has the story fan as millions of los angeles drivers battle traffic. their movements of the track. no follow up to privacy is something that we need to be very alarmed about. the is mounted on patrol cars in the light poles to photograph the license plate of every passing car. the license plate readers can let the license plate as well as the time date and gps location. revealing valuable information about how you live your life. that dna
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stored in a central database or anywhere between two and five years and is shared with all of our worst thing agencies within the metropolitan region of quasi angeles electronic frontier foundation and the seal you have sued the los angeles sheriffs and police departments to find out how the surveillance technology is being used what we wanted was to stare at flight seventy seven days worth of data. so we can see where the cops were focusing their efforts where were they doing more to the house with a spread out over different parts of the city or was it in minority neighborhoods with them is like the ones at this busy intersection to capture the image of thousands of cars every single day whether or not that it was then involved in crime. privacy advocates worry that the information of innocent civilians is being kept in government databases previous worn more use of farmers across the nation are blessing and a sort of technology. one presentation yet that contains details of the los angeles sheriff's department slice of the readers are supposed to
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help catch criminals information captured can be used to locate stolen vehicles and monitor area suspected of gang activity but most drivers don't fall into those categories there's no probable cause so basically our constitutional rights had invited the boston police department was forced to suspend its license plate leader program after it was discovered it mishandled data in focus its surveillance of the week and it's super rights groups fear technologies like predictably seen an automatic license plate recognition will each profile. when daddy and that's just how tall the government should work in a democratic society. we don't have a pre crime system of justice. lincoln's a minority report is more police departments embrace the license plate readers privacy advocates will fight to the limits of the technology that could eventually track everybody all the time. los angeles
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from now legal. archie. and now to tacoma washington where about seventy detainee is a privately run immigration prison have refused meals wheel reading the hunger strike that began earlier this month the protesters are demanding improved conditions for the thirteen hundred inmates held at the northwest detention center in tacoma into routine was deportations of immigrants but entered the country legally. the original hunger strike that began in early march mosman and ten as several steadfast inmates were separated from the general population and put under medical observation the detention center managers say about seven hundred and fifty detainees participated and that's right the attorneys for inmates eight was closer to twelve hundred at the park to discuss what these detainees are demanding earlier i was joined by mark moore ideal pre season epl congo founder of latino advocacy efforts answer to tell us about the conditions in dc knees
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are facing. well many of the conditions include the leak out of that treatment prototypes that means he shined on us getting on the today show. they also happen to pull the king of the output of the receding they have complains the selling and no not me they will. but that they should not be there to test the system. he cares or stones. yet that make actions the study. to that. training for medical treatment and tdy people that have some kind of feel misery they are coming into detention centers receiving treatment treatment includes tuesday
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the fact that they work for one day. and on tuesday sadly many of the people working day i feel the impact of not working the detention center. so they don't get to hear that they can provide him with her auntie city the kitchen so i need to be they come to me saying i did do something. they feel obligated to work around that day. it comes to me. i wrote an extremely high. they tell us that they had to swerve to the radio so they they know what's going on outside him there were cuts. you can contribute on asking the outside inside. twenty dollars that's incredible well of course now we know that and have collectively made the decision to protest those conditions. what do you think instead that they chose hunger striking and their method of protest. well
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obviously. dani. they had inside. they are told. that can be treated as such although the civil proceeding. did he not aroused years i've been told that it was cute and something happened. there are told that the key to it and i'm happy that the kids where judges will say that the path to the kitchen cupboard a case. they are so i'm told that a dedicated teachers will be. a counterattack soon and that she actually got to have in your soul. people adding in sight training has been completed. he'd be a rehab center to hold back the besieged with annie and i are going to continue their civil proceedings outside. an end. you have exploded exploited the apogee of the poker craze. the people i
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e that the owner. isn't it they decided to collectively the hunger strike. the work stoppage. we know that the house with a stop. i want you mean they eat in execution. loopy as a janitor and services. while i understand it admins at twelve hundred gt needs participated in the original hunger strike that began earlier this month the fence as to why ultimately died down i were any of their demands met. she is dying to go down because of it. i do feel i'm starting to make it on d day yesterday when people come to you wouldn't understand it when he transferred to use that baby nobody being shot at the time it actually happened there in the morning and when people are thinking when they were
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caught they sold out their and their brand of two hundred to win it'll take ages will come back and get their talents with the wind in retrospect. agents of change and a unique corporate ladder. they didn't do that we need to install all the awful effects of style team. so there were different techniques that i be if it didn't the end it again on tuesday when the idiocy of the people i'm trying to quantify that the minute details too soon to depart immediately. a vehicle in its last four scheme. so i'm going to hawaii. the youth at the beginning kind of died down. what happened afterwards he does. because we know that i have been able to get these days the story out. we have been able to get comments. the people he wanted to be a good chance
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that we were able to get our money. i feel the hunger strike me well so it worked again on thursday it to the teachings of the state and local level to grow the detention center. we were also able to establish communication with eye to the immunizations and we were able to stick around when i get a treat. to discuss their demands. that was mom or more of the upcoming know that latino advocacy. mendoza for now i'm here again. and. that
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way. we are using them to have a ladies luncheon. then to not answer your every move their parking lot. actually i'm beginning to feel that the organizations that would kill you. we feel are just too good. but think of all of the area of my time. now it is at heart. i needed to do something about it. he treated privately get. you can buy products to help you tie up all the crying through ninth in the eye. i don't like the chance to win a medal pleaded for that shields you from the surveillance used by the military. london ontario finally neighborhood looking for the activity would know where all the people at the compound until the end they didn't. your broker where did that. for me. and i
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dreamt that i will take you back twenty five hundred baht about the men would consider the that battle only caught the corner to eat our court hearing. i cannot for the company for three hundred and fifty cow but if you're that guy. yesterday when he died. the gift shop the factory from multiple why are they thinking of entering and exiting. that pesky drone hunting out in looking for inside your own teeth yet. you'll find it the times that i didn't get to the site that inspired people to the private key which is actually the meantime think about in today's world. the poor. it has a private key. now with more applications and roads become the writing. unique way to preserve our private beach. the private chapel
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when we will ah . the he's the next friday night's twenty eight and calf ankle and she and tokyo. former ukrainian prime minister yulia tymoshenko says she will run in the country's presidential election in may she announced her candidacy at a news conference in the capital kiev and she said no politician understands the challenge is keeping faith is better than she downs. tymoshenko took a hostile stance to a r
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