tv RT News PBS March 28, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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something new on going series of seventeen ninety two election campaign. lou we will forward . latest audio tape yet to cement relations with them every couple i liked was the story of the game something that meant one thing for you to find anything out of the death sentence if he returns. today is not to the root of the country. but this doesn't stop the cough my cue from one of america's key trading partner with lt boylan on deals worth billions of dollars. the uh the uh. that
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didn't attack the guest house used by foreigners in kabul as mine. presidential election. right hotline at the age of eight ukrainian parliament tomorrow the interim government that the country's interior minister. the i welcome the new ticket after death the nineteenth nationally last week about nothing president obama is in the media to be a show washington was the longtime ally of its continued support lisa issues on the table but the sensitive subject of kim and mike and i like the tv least i can enter to japan is the funding to visit and join the live now. i am so full from the west than it looks like got it for anything that
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was a dinner. well come on president obama has a right to change up the list desert camp this friday he had dinner with the eighty nine year old king who was breathing with the help of an oxygen mask. thank you sorry saudi arabia's been nervously watching washington's negotiations with the tube on saudi arabia's long time old washington is very anxious to meet or saudi arabia but the talks with the bond will not get in the way of the kingdom's friendship with the united states. they wanna be on the same page on syria until the study linking been pushing us to get more involved militarily and take to get the green light to fighting searing vocals with more advanced weapons to saudi arabia is the biggest fight of us weapons society with the remains one of the biggest fights of one of the west but with the us now protecting its own resources that dependence could diminish in the future but for now the west wants to make sure saudi arabia's face the fact that in saudi arabia still invites record is taking the backseat when u s interests at stake with
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the following developments around a specific case that involves that for a saudi diplomat dolly up my theory for use of both the employees of the saudi consulate in los angeles found out that he's gay. saudi arabia strip the scenery of this diplomatic passport in insisted that he go back to his homeland in saudi arabia being gay would be punished by death. lashings or jail time. that's a wall and when saudi and us he returned to the us government for simon he and his supporters never thought washington was turned down his request especially in light of guaranteed persecution and four. but after this day ali up my concious guidance remains of the beaters instead series passed on. this statement was saying the last four years the last four years to be the hardest of my life expected that the case would be finished by now i still even on certain situation or face deportation to saudi arabia where i will certainly lose my life i'm deeply disappointed in obama like writing too when he was elected he has shown that he supports gay rights stops in
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saudi arabia. my earlier spoke with andrew bond has been campaigning in the least support. i asked him what this be the biggest roadblock in the way it is to see me getting an asylum here in the west. here's what he said such numbers on the new jobs and at home and see. trying to think that miss thompson's case is going to be a pump house if you were the leaders of the saudis really don't care about this case whatsoever. what do you think that the us government perceives it as a foreign policy issue gets better it's obvious to them about the idea of it. most of sunday silence of the saudis will be kept in some of the foreign policy way off rich has happened good and surprising. this is going to drink a case for obama to kids with economists look at another table. and then you
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know nothing whatever to him at all but instead the doctor says it is the sign outside the capital in the top contenders although still is this what causes this case to become a comment. on top of being gay. this former saudi diplomat has openly criticized the country's unquote. witnesses told of the ball about twenty called militants the moms in saudi society. if the radius one of america's best friends and we stand there seems to be not much courage on the part of washington but to advocate the support of people like the scenery there. i just again and finally obama said that the saudi arabia as well as that bad case of the vegie at how the diplomat. one of the diplomatic afraid to return and sexuality in the us epa carries the death sentence. health land up in jail for criticizing the government even on social media. yet this month to
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sunday's received a lengthy prison sentences just took me to think out loud. i will get some cases this automated and had the idea not with human rights watch the nikkei has a human tolerance policy towards other faiths which i mean jail time for non muslims an inch and he gets one thinking mind body like a tick for forceful shall ye know him from time to the theme for camp and some canadian forces invaded rules of conduct for women who are banned from traveling and driving. we think looking to mail in the nevada test and in some cases subjected to domestic violence human rights activists they found an old sock. randy any form of defence as terrorism and with that enough kind on the dire situation caused cakes. no accidents paint auntie. this road is enough it's not there. the content of the distortion in lubbock
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and that the way the crowd on a title. this event. he then told him not. why isn't that isn't useful because i don't think this'll be the local government into one continued overnight from florida. do you talk to them open to doubt this is gonna happen. well it appears the iq scale pool gym and a light smack and hats and costumes to finance a business with washington. to have been enjoying very strong economic times. the us since the end of the largest trading partner while the gulf state is one of america's main export market in the middle east the sixteen billion dollar arms deal back in two thousand and ten was washington's largest active with the us selling huge amount of weapons to saudi arabia a huge amount of auto is coming. the way to the then eleven on that and the out of some kind of
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magical week to do with that of the forty six billion dollars. i didn't think the chicken on its contract to the relationship the marriage of convenience between two partners who couldn't be more different by its offices to track was set to grace the love relationship but that it was a strong and stable married for many years. to have grown quite used to each other when you quit said that israel is that the first day of the u s i know we are able to say that the kingdom of saudi arabia is the third to second stage of the usa with despite that the union between the western saudi arabia has recently hit some bumps. washington steps to negotiate with iran felt like and all three to the saudis the blessing of our cool in egypt as well as aiming to strike the assad government in the area like a betrayal but sitting in a separate bag from the saudis is not what washington desires and us president is now set to kiss and makeup. president
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obama has decided to go and visit saudi arabia and clark to reassure her that toppled the united states would remain in his own line of solid added. this is obama's first trip to the top world with a producer since two thousand and nine. i don't think they'll be breaking the news to her ear is by using the word oil. all this back to the fact that sixty seventy eighty years ago nobody cared about me and washington. and i opt not to possess the largest foreign reserves in the world as far as we know they they are a close ally of the united states. but it's much more than twelve that's keeping these two glued together the saudis have influence in the arab world in washington as the guarantor of their military security the monarchy is the only arab nation that consistently remains in the top ten countries with the gift military budget in the world which has tripled over the last decade. because both
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kutcher dollars stories of that by enormous amount of american products primarily what. hse as a result american corporations have made enormous profits from these on sale throughout the years most recently canadian subsidiary of the u s arms maker announced a fourteen year ten million dollar weapons contract with saudi arabia the relationship is not without some investment of course. despite any saudi human rights violations and other forms of oppression that would be typically unacceptable to the west the west remains supportive of this house and chooses to look the other way. we got to start to wonder whether the state should be the best little friends elsewhere in the world. seems like the saudis can get away with just about anything with this understanding so we left the shares on issue the saudis are adamant about the wars between the two is
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not in the cards in your future especially with the west seeking fresh steps to make sure it's temperamental partner feel special all over again. this is sure to succeed washington dc. still to come to proclaim the state government to stop into what the country's standing with the eu limit. so intuition beef. that's at the not jeopardizing the future the self healing. as of yesterday it's up for next week's presidential election violence in the country is speeding up foreign guest on the monday decision to attack in the west of the capital kabul on friday. tom i'm kind of spontaneity for the assault in which a tunnel was killed on to things that have not seen the afghan capital. this is the third attack in tanguay is now against an upscale neighborhood the car the attack was against
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the guesthouse those you both afghan and foreign citizens i then folded about four pm we were actually about eight hundred meters away filming a police checkpoint when he heard a loud explosion of glass and some dark smoke billowing into the air the town hunting responsibility for the attack according to afghan authorities. the insurgents detonated a bomb outside of this foreign guest house meant gunman entered we were on the scene shortly thereafter and for several hours we witnessed a prolonged gun battle between the time on insurgents holed up inside and afghan forces what a ride on the scene the force afghanistan is heading to the polls in just about a week to elect a new president and this comes as a violence has spiraled and escalated in the country not just across afghanistan but here in the capital on tuesday. insurgents attacked the election commission office here in the capital and just a week before that about that ten days ago we saw a very devastating attack against the highly fortified hotel cure this or we never
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tell in which nine people were killed including a prominent journalist could tell by how the forest threaten to disrupt the selection of innocence that actually first ever democratic handover of power and date is another data shows that these insurgents are certainly depends on making good on that i was promised. the station built in afghanistan in our teacher is painful the upcoming election. don't miss our special coverage from reports of the sea captain on the ground beginning april first. i told her. on the twelveth of every month another democrat. the red eye
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the return of twenty two loss to washington in a tone of the mosque is a serious security threat. mommy even claims the situation in ukraine is worse than the ill fated venture in iraq the west drive to capture you pay for itself comes with a high cost would be making much of an enemy is part of the equation. eye. hearts. is you. i posted total attention you can't. well it's different the last repeat the same old job. of course him. ex girlfriend. stupid tear jerking poetry. he kept
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nor it. we post on what we just don't eat your face you see . the international cast of gui is looking east to head into an economic lifeline to try an initiation paying isn't in germany and has been in grants finance number one trading company in asia. i just cannot report the delegation coming from china includes two hundred halt the country's top business executives they continue to try to make an impression of economically as well as did the month that we know this comes up to chip in it but strong sanctions against russia. the sanctions could impact on the thirty six billion euros. that was done in phases between jimmy and russia last year loan also three hundred thousand tulips and jimmy our
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dependence on trade with russia. so to tokyo a bit more about this chinese visit unto him by the financial right to michael m ross michael thanks very much. no we're looking to the visit from the chinese leadership from those business admin that are included in the delegation how much depends on jimmy dean able to make a good impression. nope just diplomatically but also in the ad business sense from this meeting is in very important considering that they're talking about imposing the sniper sanctions on russia. i mean they cannot switch from russia to two to china in the meantime indies and economic ties to the efforts of russia has grown to include us to take the mall and to ensure no doubt that will be able to substitute his economic ties with russia. it becomes distinctions i mean you should test his trip to laugh because a look at china for example the many many reasons and impose sanctions on china when it comes to democracy tickets for example all when it comes to freedom of speech
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you can name it so i think these is that the bp cut with that opening in china no way can substitute with what was going on. in economic deals with russia russia is our coast of russia and secure the only way to deal with this problem has to come together to stick to come together and solve this problem. a dope beat at the meeting is the high profile biggest tree in the german and chinese leadership but these meetings come home the bucket the news that the first time in flight gets to see the large slump in business confidence came in germany that space to make a survey that looks at seven thousand of the country's top executives there looking at the situation is going on potential sanctions against russia. not knowing what the future could hold which i got into suggesting that they own competence in the current situation the region the problem into a tiny bit of time examining human rights watch me so this ought to come in and describes the conditions most chinese people even as i'm calling it
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accuses beijing off camping down on press freedom yet this list that i need your opinion in fact the foundation of consent. a trait she said. the balcony to do more to attract new investment. beijing has yet been ahead of us to get put into global financial markets expert at it. europe is ultimately desperate to trade if anybody possibly can eurozone unemployment is stocked with an incredibly tricky twelve percent the problem that griffin is the effect of the euro has been cold enough and they fall they have the arrogance to believe that they were ultimately superior capable of economic growth pattern in all with a few old socialist mobile old corporate socialist governments are not what happened is ironically with all the essential management degree of capitalist culture of the ship. china has made this incredible march and ultimately that's very very interesting because all this
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week china has secured commodities that allowed it to become much more self sufficient and not of course we had a very interesting situation that of course china is in germany today they're looking at the idea of wanting to provoke the new silk road as they called it the ultimate tree and read all the way from china right through to europe but of course was the difficulty with it's already one of course the problem is that western europe seems to be doing very well and alienating the rush at the moment and as everybody knows that house them up he can't manage to get to china with michael to russia. our team has the full stories for you lined up on minded and science writing and math maintenance and the moral high instep. another. i like it. more details on the nature of human rights reports that the us has long been trying to act the house the finding getting that off the menu when they played well up until it's like to
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find out why he should be at the apple isle downloading will not have it. thus the rich and the alms and manage the crib and she was left behind in twenty mm bases prison and has on and on sale the weapons and hobbling to get into some from aig's with the notion of who is that they are now on the us the company to the former ukrainian bases in crimea. well in to easily edit all ukrainian service men still loyal to him had left the crimean the region i will say here that they have been allowed to take their weapons week than with her and that's pulling the mixing of the treaty russia's present climate posing with the country's industry and the tongs up to several reports from ukraine's new running down the trees that a two percent of all the grain industry personnel may steal on the peninsula to the russian
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side at this month's kit president putin has also thanked all russian entry and special services on a recent job as the leeks into war the russian leader has to say bout that. are you. one of the most serious tests with the recent events in miami and that which they have shown both. don't you love the non posting on the way was once so personal to you click the button from the soldiers of the black sea fleet. and of the units in crimea. when asked what the motivation and professionalism. so political that patients go to state the new violence and provide conditions for a free referendum. seventeen years ah what to eat his hand and a chronic be described as a sheriff transitional period and gold turns youth are and is offering now tt's time she
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wore in college he held the strange and integrate into russia's legal financial culture not the fields. it sees am only to guy but he's the region is on its way back to you. i've seen them. we have an awesome big enough that it is happening out there. in twenty the activists on the ultra nationalist my sites i keep the grip on the ukrainian parliament was second day pushing on with the demands on the very people they help see two column in two thousand members of the group attempted to stop the building thursday night to hand over the killing of one of the natives. the wind in the two of the country's interior minister and had a full investigation into the alleged execution. i found that means each bow at the hands on security force that is putting anything else i'll find the right of the country's interim president relented and agreed that a new interior minister must adapt it may not be pleased to have been calling
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for greater transparency from the government. often they can anyone out of the problem it's still a chance here mothers don't know what the signs on the disappearing we want answers so many people died when i'm being told anything. why would people be shot next year there were not being told to the tories are just waiting to be any answers to call reno for corrupt officials involved in this matter you just drag it out so they can remain in power the elections meaning in ukraine politicians and the ever increasing and so on to beat up but not yet covered with a pissy and taunting the shaky alliance which the opposition to pop it in revenues to the undies into picked up by the flashy the css he imports. they stood shoulder to shoulder at my gun as united opposition to president chemical which is regime only among sponsors his ousting of the three fingered hands of the new
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intolerant you are failing to see eye to eye. let me give you a few examples. first up we have is that the kid from the pontiff bubbled up for that to people with violent storming into upgraded to his offices and the monday demanded his resignation that incident was widely condemned by the other members of the new leadership put him on the fact is that the g ma step down and face prosecution and that as we know did not happen that we have this man also from the thought what if i did what a cute book is a full book of bundled them i dun know he has ukraine's security defence counsel his itching for a visa regime with russia that has been rejected by other members of the new collar protected by the prime minister who said that it would not touch russia but rather calm though spring is a strong economic ties with the northern neighbor. under the cherry on top we have the former heavyweight champion vitali klitschko and now presidential hopeful that may have been due to his condition to lead the country offer some other reason but on tuesday hit him on that
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that the interim president belongs to this party must step down. he also blasted the interior minister from this haunting and the former defence minister from this party. we haven't even had before this political infighting ukraine has been ever present of the last two decades especially the closer we got to elections on the now the situation is different all together considering the circumstances which brought the street about work and with people industry's growing more and more frustrated. it may not be long before ukraine's revolution person to appoint all kick starts at the mike dunn at least judging by what many ukrainians are already saying online. the political tool in ukraine come to be fantastic on to stuff everything from a russian bank fishing was that a thing of the development of an actual payment system. now that the cia is nothing to offer made in rubles all week and is already not define american bands it looks as if the comfy presentation and announced once again his salary by the end of the sea
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the new one. but fresh wave of anti insurgent attacks us to get across the country have made in class and education cuts and rising tuitions fees the demonstrations at inventing the anger at the government are responsible for imposing what they say the unbearable majesty of it will stop randy imagine it the protector so once again taken to the streets of the spanish capital madrid has found its thousands of students who are protesting against the reduction of us dollar ships and trucks among professors as part of the latest study measures introduced by the spanish government. first the students are taking to the streets of madrid just on the wednesday around fifty people arrested after the block. so what the local universities burning tires and not allowing anyone inside but frankly. madrid has been rocked by protests starting from last weekend when thousands of spaniards
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the courage to get in the center of the capital protesting against. economic and social policies. seoul the twenty six percent unemployment and what it comes to these ads you have to be totally up to around fifteen percent unemployment and baby are forced to leave began to look for jobs elsewhere. after the graduate is also reported that around two million. the bengals vijay singh and banks are told that if additional pressure on the economy while that sort of international creditors or demanding even more job and salary cuts the same time forget any private ages. in this economy in the next four years the last time last weekend the major protest rally ended in clashes between the purchases on the abilities with some rocks being thrown around and rubber bullets being fired and injuries on both sides this time so far it's been pretty peaceful. the sun is
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up next. i know the air the rule. in unofficial milk unofficial referendum eighty nine percent of residents of the misanthropic area code for independence from other italy but baffling with the majority of course what the legendary city to meet part of both the eu and nato i wanna be insulting these people but to even understand what the word independence means see what role telling you what to do would take your tax money. brussels the super nes just you can also upgrade of the bbc there around one hundred us military bases of one sort or another all over italy including around venice so you want independence but headed for military bases all their new country is just fine. although it is written
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on a lot of bumper stickers expression freedom ain't free is very true for best to become truly independent coming up very high price dumping the euro saying goodbye to kneel and dealing with being surrounded on all sides by the eu who might want to give it some sections are nice democratic bombing until you get back in line if you're not ready for real independence the ball like yourselves to stay with italy but that just my opinion. if i were you. we didn't watch any seaworld you wherever you go three innings he asks for your own template. this program schedules on demand video. hello my name is pete i play ball. throw in the us versions available to secure the marketplace today to search takes the network you
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knew and didn't know who the city is hitler. this is the joy of giving us a ride the money contests coming up in the show. germany and china fought a long term strategic partners. that's the message has invested huge and painful spots with all the math. what's happened to flight and acacia trees that and how it all day softball sit in the news that's that was missing out on. and after thirty nine years of silence br
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