tv European Journal PBS March 29, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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we will win. the answer to a warm welcome to your team gentle coming to you from dw studios and brussels is what we have the investigation not done yet one one two minutes according to prophecy as they did justice to victims of the formative test it. this bike the thing the president the democrats and has to be stopped from mixing while parts of east and europe. that's what weston governance of saying but when pressed on that europeans in particular i'm hesitant to include three
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tough sanctions against moscow. many countries in europe are close business ties with russia and greece inflicting damage to put incentives. all staff are excitable gets woman sixty percent of its gas from russia and many tourist destinations in austria play host to a high number of wealthy russian visitors there be a sin not to leave the austrian government is worried about the tough sanctions against russia might have on its economy to lose. lou this is the valley of dreams for many russian oligarchs. kayla has been raking in the rebels' by doing business with wealthy customers from moscow and st petersburg. do they sleep only in the best hotels. and enjoy the idyllic lifestyle it was. i've been coming here with the whole family for four or five years. we come to ski every winter
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kids feel it's a pleasant little town for parents and children to spend their vacation and eighty pence which proves to be really the russians local kids who has driven up real estate prices. dozens of buildings and apartments are owned by russians. they go for like three places like this one which cost more than three million years. channel ten s of the county to show you around school to be half the kitchen and dining area with an open hoff and large dining table he has always had some guests rather have any family warning to him the real estate agent says sanctions against russia are of an idea. scientists have now. we went on to cannes where we know it would be a terrible mistake to stir up trouble this on to the countries. it's putin says attendant asked and the russians one day and stay away. that's my consent. this
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is that the city speaking contest. the russian gas account for twenty seven thousand overnight accommodations the year in kids. most austrians don't care where the money comes from its ten percent of their turnover this is. it will do this again nobody beazley wants this very closely because we know it can affect us and our tourism. i'm not a politician and tourism director. and i'm responsible for terrorism. and as i've said that the russian guest is important to us the russians are known for spending cash very freely and we have the shops where the splurge. wanted to get on to get it to the zoo the school also has the right banks were russian oligarchs have deposited billions of undisclosed origin. no link with the vicinity of you. the mood is tense because austria known as the tax haven has just rescinded its bank secrecy policy. this is a severe blow to the ruble
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billionaires who now has shifted to tricky deals in real estate. austria's law against selling real estate to foreigners is easy to get around. for example by setting up a foundation twenty thousand oligarchs are said to buy property in austria this way including into two. this luxury hotel belongs to the billionaire eileen about to ring and the wife of former moscow mayor yuri those calls. no one wants to rock the boat the english off a businessman from the roos has lived here for ten years. she relies on austrian neutrality. even if you were to be another cold war. the costs. it's called me to rush in europe. it's something to be given to me that if this was the man who just scrumptious. all these things. this is so appealing and i think. of the american
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system is so talented. his innovations in tune. the suit in the near east countries like russia and ukraine the new red shoes are convinced that europe can afford to do without the investments made by its rich neighbor. these russian speaking ski instructors are confident they'll still have jobs next winter it felt nice to score in the league. i don't think they'll be fewer russian tourists. anyways i'm teaching five languages. so i'm not afraid to. maybe i should be afraid of my age so i was a with a russian middle class takes its vacations is an hour away many people here feel caught off guard by the crimean crisis. tour guide books on that helps the last twitter season tours of their departure. laurie as i have
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relatives in the ukraine though. just my long weekend my goal is clear. it's also difficult to speak. so helpless to do that this buddhist monks doors. i see your bees yes we're afraid if you are afraid they won't be able to get a visa again in the future. when we come to eu countries every year but we like it here. russian tourist in case you have no such worries. they are so wealthy they can enjoy themselves anywhere in the world. and kids. hills residents are sure that austria's government will keep enough loopholes open and russia's one percent and continued to feel bright as
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we owe. at the two macedonian a wet peace between the different ethnicities it seems it is not something to be taken for granted. the fall you suffer has roughly two million inhabitants but i'm a little more than hof of them on ethnic macedonian this one in fall resulting in and then they're out the tax adds the promo on snacks amongst others. life is also difficult and most danielle where unemployment is high and pecan in the week. one in ten years ago the country narrowly escaped a simple wall and now attention is crying again. over a controversial project. one thing that any enhancement tool to do all things history in just three years the conservative christian democratic government has copped some time with some fourteen the monuments and twenty palatial buildings going up from the capital the project called scope year twenty fourteen has taken controversy. in a tiny
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republic oms is any in smyrna and ethnic armenians turks and said to live more next tier down with one another the inevitable question is whose history is being commemorated here. i had a dentist in just under the bus stop in twenty fourteen is a project that is affecting the city's and the people's sense of identity. it is not bring people together. it's quite simply a megalomaniac project menu and a wedge that physically drives the ethnic groups apart. not so delicious that i can die man representatives of predominantly muslim ethnic albanians who make up the second largest ethnic group in the country sees the monumental hearings as an exclusive club of christian macedonians. to make things worse. in december two thousand thirteen the government put up a statue to make people several that some staff and to shun the mikey and having such a case to the obedience. one
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night a group of ethnic albanians community among them trying to topple to show my monkey from his pedestal they did not succeed. but the stunts he did suffer some damage. next the commission has found it was put up neatly and it's slated for noodle. in the meantime really stand out. but now he's on the psyche and the accusations of vandalism against pr ethnically and politically motivated the toppling of the lenin statue in ukraine was generally regarded as a democratic anti but now our actions are being labeled vandalism and eight. i can find me close as i see it up randomly putting the statue up here without our approval is vandalism. even when he indicated he is concerned and magnesium. the leader of the democratic party of sets of macedonia would like to see the accused to the eagles
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prosecutions to do it. he says he's aware that the macedonian government supported not only by his party. i am and macy's albanian party as well. a month. there were no idea what this woman says is often though. paul is she expected a seven ha and pension is calculated. in today's europe destroying things is not a virtue all. the opening pitch it to the political deny stations in macedonia have not yet outgrown these radical and extremist methods to the will. the controversy has been fractured the governing coalition the construction goes on the agencies involved is willing to get into. call to ministry has put some five hundred million euros into the projects are fun macedonia on to star in the collectors he just believes the project said the sidelines the ethnic
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albanians. the population as a homeless while. boyd break the odd bout of the project was meant to show that the macedonians are a european people the people culture. in fact the building's a rather dubious not just architecturally the powers that be are using them as an excuse to divert attention from the really important problems like unemployment and corruption. it is not morgan is on a complete nonsense to moan about historian says if the projects she has had really wanted to build upon the country's often to reach the storms gop's own town but the majority of the old as those residents of muslim albanians. he says the new monument in the construction i think is any the orthodox christian majority can identify with. i'd missed and sailing to stay as long as things keep on display there be no peace in this country
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if you want to invest in stock in twenty fourteen you can so easily. you hardly need any permits. but it's nearly impossible to invest in the old town to meet and dine with them yet but come on the reinforcing the sense of national identity. it's gop's twenty fourteen has divided the country religious dimension to the entire ethnic tensions macedonians two major religious communities are in a competition out there and building churches and mosques month for three hundred residents and counting construction due to his own in macedonia. listed building what lesson did he needs when spain was late dictator francisco franco died almost four teams in the country made it to my six weeks to democracy as spaniards quickly banished any memory of the dictatorship is an amnesty was granted to find his henchmen to make the transition to democracy as peaceful as possible to this day many spanish court
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has dealt with the crimes committed by the franco regime. many of those who carried out two orders of torture and that under the spot just a case that the still frame and today the victims meanwhile never cooked steaks box that contained soon. with help from a deceased argentinian wine is not going to take the cases to court. in the entire time the demonstrators gather every thursday evening at the driftwood potentials square demanding justice they are. many here were victims of torture and repression under the regime of dictator francisco franco like the least into the yen her torturers were never punished for their crimes. in nineteen seventy seven amnesty law means they can be prosecuted in spain. i hate
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them or not it. i once came to finally come to terms with this cost. discussing this to redress the crimes were committed on the front yard it was presented by the news they want to change confronted starkey st the years when franco's thugs used the former police headquarters as the torture chamber. lisa shows as the building where she was arrested in october nineteen seventy four. she was badly beaten by her interrogators it's still a difficult memory. repression and brutality continued over nearly forty years. by the time franco died in nineteen seventy five about two hundred thousand people had been killed. they are. he still was a member of the communist resistance group when she was arrested
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the point. in defending the office has kicked on the door of my lunch. i started beating me me deeply they threatened to throw me out the window. this has been sitting on the net and ten one of the chargers was called billy the kid because you to do tricks with his pistol on the cowboys. he was a sadist. obviously enjoyed beating people. the only thing he was a real monster and in some parking. today billy the kid juan antonio gonzalez pacheco lives undisturbed in madrid. so to just another alleged torturer is assuming it is a good eye but now an argentinian judges issued international arrest of extradition warrant against him. the complaint was filed by police and a group of victims. they're
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represented by carlos lee point and ninety nine attorney living in madrid sleep but was also a victim of torture. back in argentina together with a high profile spanish judge touches into his own brielle sleepily is reading legal history fifteen years ago judge gonzalez issued an international warrant against chilean general of us to finish it. charging the dictator with crimes against humanity. a madrid court approved warrants. back then they were thrilled with their victory. to put the entire time. the spanish courts were a pioneer in the application of universal rights and the prosecution of crimes against humanity. it's shameful that and now refusing to prosecute the same crimes in that and country. when the political difficulty of the eye. now argentina has stepped in the judge in the federal criminal court to win sunday's has issued an international arrest and extradition warrant against the former spanish officials
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she plans to hear testimony from another delegation of spanish torture victims in december here is the mothers of the pluses in my own demonstrating when dishonest every thursday calling for an investigation into crimes committed under the dictatorship. they are the role model for the demonstrators in madrid he is the duty of the species has to punish the crimes committed on to front and then we'll do that here in argentina it's an important challenge. we feel kinship with them. things like i'm over it. the navy back in madrid where refused an interview with the ministry of justice the spanish government prefers to remain silent about the franco era. tories put the dough so it is a likely place the heart of
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madrid. but forty years ago this building was a place of fear and terror. it released into the yen and countless others were tortured in the cells of the police headquarters. i went to date there is so much like to remind us of what happened here. gail has planned a surprise. i want to make sure that all the victims of finally given a voice samples to see you. i want a soul to find justice. finally is this office. like justice doesn't seem possible here at home. so now she's getting her hopes on argentina it was thanks to a camera on his helmet that investigations had a pretty good idea of what happens when former formula one's stomach as she looked up at this today's ski accident in late december that the tapes from
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the camera showed that to look lived in constant anyone when taking a big risks cameron's own helmets on to something awful form of protest rally drivers and found him races. in europe's highest being retained by a couple of sindh province state control authorities have noticed the dangers can be added to his house key with cameras on the helmets that they can get the best top of fruit and citrus. in this latest fad is posing a safety risk his life. anyone who's the french alps this one is for him to tm with friends. then the mountain's top of the ski lift arms. we interviewed him on three thousand two hundred meters thelma golden stool that we are all up in his return to normal. moving around in the mountains with cars about mine. but the ultimate good together. we developed our steals step by step to the point we're at now. free writing in every train with
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them and we skied with cameras mounted on the helmets. this is what it looks like. the summer where construction. when tiffany and livelihoods for the video below. the cia which is sponsored by company. sorry ths post labels sell dreams with these images more attractive to put in. the mo money people spend on equipment and skiing vacations. this year but this is the mystical some impressions that sales of sports equipment and also of media cameras now available in most sports shops themselves and be accurate. and as such cameras
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installed in recent years the integrity of our incomes are hundreds of skiers with them everyday. getting people to and not needing to be called sixteen. this lo for one two of your orders and i will send it to my friends at the man was talking to me speak differently with the camera. you try more spectacular things you might not hear do without the camera. some offices to admit. nope us to follow up to you to the end of the photos to facebook. i show much of that would like to talk to the social media about this. he's responsible for safety in the french skiing area of the bones this is how my cameras have greatly increased the number of skiing accidents. the most the camus change people's
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behavior if they tried to imitate things they push past their limits skiing much faster and taking jumps they seek danger to show how great they are. he will show open to more picky so soulful vacation is on increasingly having to dangerous places off the mark slopes seeking the cakes and tea time soon the good amount to much about blasts masses of snow from the mountains just to be on the samsung. he says it's crazy that many hobbies to take this as an endangered it is his greatest test to get the best pictures. for the last ones this man wants to hold his friend. launch the world's down. oh no where are you. the herald who could taste becomes a horror movie. cameras have
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documented many accidents these hobbies your race directors lease of life they're going to have invented in japan and other people down the valley. you don't have experienced great day duties. there was little the good of the tundra in avalon she didn't see anything wrong it's not drowning. you want to read it to mouth is full of snow the three ex pats here are a number of sites with awesome weekend shopper. the beastie is going to schedule it. this us open. this is the flipside of what we do. people want to try it out themselves. we can any woman that you need lots
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of experience and background will the lead role in the morning and education that's what you command me to do many cute on. it's from this national appellant research institute and gives lectures in schools and scheme cups. he says it's important that renowned free riders who take the steps like poker machines. also appear in preventing the pianist. t here is a more credible than our allies in elections. the visual look of the little ones fatal accidents. the camera manufacturers and ski resorts advertising the glory of deep snow makes me angry. thirty six people died in avalanches they should act more responsibly. who knew you his friends say that means showing up sending this in the bed the adults. the bill say what doesn't work towards
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mr. with that. sixteen days like in the ads interest even to friends like them. did you use the middle of old tourists should just cancel this evening for us it some awesome way to get even a few moments that really no coat it often takes months to put together a cool idea and it has nothing to do with reality or anything. they say the dream of inspiring snowy mountains this medium that haven't experienced it consciously. i use the camera. for us to give up cameras to break it into a full fun filled time when we bring to a another edition of europe in general. thanks for staying up because they can't
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into which the agency saturdays. in the city. all finalists. i want. he noted that before. but the military effort. each. are you the one in the world you were ever you go. he asks for your own tablet access program schedules on demand video. my name is picked over by play. each skein. detroit the us versions available to secure the marketplace today
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to search makes the network you knew knew. the show hello and got upset and welcome to after ten president kagame who is nearing the end of the week long trip that's taken her to the netherlands and germany from the nuclear security summit of summit talks with her american chinese and japanese counterparts the president's schedule has been jam packed on today's after attending an in depth look at her
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