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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  March 30, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PDT

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me grow. when we were the news on jillian. it has states is sending its most senior military officer to israel to meet with the country's defence minister has recently been pulling feathers in washington general martin dempsey chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff is due to meet the israeli defense minister moshe along in jerusalem on sunday there will be the first meeting between the two cc along with the tools that john kerry for his handling of the israeli palestinian peace process and said that the us looked a week over its position on the crisis in ukraine
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geelong has not apologized for the comments in the white house has expressed its disappointment that geelong has not retracted his remarks as you. the acropolis in athens greece was dark the lights in sydney's harbor get switched all the world isn't helpful until it's what's happening is that many countries across the globe are participating in earth hour initiative that was started by the world wide fund for nature back in the stream in two thousand and seven to promote various environmental issues and has now spread to some thirty countries that officially mark the event's government's building schools and regular citizens across the world have been participating by turning their lights off saturday evening from the three pm until nine thirty pm local time. the act is seen as a commitment to preserving the planet for future generations to come
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the youth from each hold twenty three thousand strong in the chest as the minority angel told him lets you can see the reference to borrow for the two hundred delegates from me and taught the assembly and the community has been the ultimate it's got to be seeking self rule. we're talking about the rights of the onion tart people to self determination. possibly all the leaks in national and social economy. we are addressing the governments of all countries with no exception. we are especially interesting are the governments of those countries. the areas of their generations whose borders are determined. so the majority is living with the owner was
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there. to know what. he tells us in the specified that if they obtain tell me they will take on russia or ukraine. he faces a challenge to rush to crap about the peaks in the next the region following the recent referendum which is quick to point to tell some of them the barrel of a the last resort in crimea tries to tear it to be incorporated into the sleepy union during the reign of fire and jason still in the telcos to poetry crimea menu time falling asleep the union but now there is the pre commitment extends the incident once again thousands of ethnic toss those aboard the flight from the finances annexation of the boxy financing to buy the one thousand over the lightning with ukraine to tvb with schools morning cup of tea if the refugees many women and children to just a few essentials before fleeing from tramps you. the village you can solve the northern syria has been seen by rebel
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fighters made up of an array of conservative than islamic groups including the al qaeda linked on the street front the clashes forced most of his sobs estimated two thousand residents to flee some thirty five miles to the city to re emerge footage uploaded online choose a series of order not to be abandoned armenian churches in the region has an ancient armenian presence is laid which is thought to have been spoken by jesus the war has grown increasingly sectarian as hardline sunni rebel groups play a prominent role in the uprising and syrian minorities. and besides appearing for the fhe extremists can empower you for the syrian uprising there were some seventy thousand ethnic armenians in syria there are a tiny minority among twenty three million citizens. estimates show some fifty thousand armenians remain over prewar population of forty thousand in a lot
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like what i'm up. pretence and technology has helped greatly in the feasting in which for staff to create artificial life itself and instead give scientists the potential to make a prayer medicine five kilos and industrial chemicals after extensive work with a chromosome or unwanted scenes were deleted the international team of scientists at york university school of medicine and successfully incorporated this altered chromosome into living cells this and doused the chromosome that the characteristics and capabilities. the ability to produce new synthetic strings at least has the potential to create art in sydney and now we get cancer vaccine thick and creamy for hepatitis b to scientists working on a project for over seven years to piece together clues to twenty five thousand include tied pieces which are considered to be the units of information freaky any nora to create the synthetic stones chromosome i for
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the xian. the two us state department in washington american officials believe in the how of positive speech to combat the rising tide of anti semitism around the world. the special envoy ira forman is particularly concerned about the institutionalization of anti semitism in hungary and greece. so i think there's a consensus out there in the world fisheries and i made a lot of people also feel that the last five years was it six years with the economic downturn. this is probably contribute to anti semitism as well eastern europe greece romania. they're really struggling economically and cut at the same time boosting the rise of anti semitic movement in the same countries. is this something the us government can tackle or what can the us government to tackle these problems that seem to mean. coming along hand in hand both are from
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two references particularly i'd say in hungary and greece are very worse and i mean we have parliamentary parties with significant representation in parliament their anti semitic ministry college. that phenomenon we've not seen since the nineteen thirties. since national socialists took over germany. this friday. but it is not nineteen thirties and there are things you can be done. one is the united states needs to come to mind our friends. at the way we combat this type of hatred is overwhelmingly positive speech. so when something happens. oh we don't think you can rely on hate speech law. or rather terrible auto loans sometimes it is a crime you can trust you. was critical. that everybody in society. political leaders
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institutional leaders religious leaders and geo leaders. come on immediately thinking . and make it clear that this society is not represented by its worse elements. that i think is something we can try to encourage and help people get to. and earlier that the french foreign minister said that he feels that antisemitism is changing more into anti zionism. which does speak a little bit to this issue of how the issue is changing. do you differentiate in your work between anti semitism anti judaism anti zionism or to stop all part of the bigger picture. why think they're there are parts of the beard picture i think that one has to confront something. an important point. the us government we believe that israel should be treated like any other nation. that means is wrong can be criticize we criticize the times of our
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best friends. even sometimes criticism we think is wrong the legitimate. the question is where the sack races and crossed the line. we have su markers on that one is when you de legitimize his rule of them right exists. when you defame is true what is truly going to the palestinians is exactly what the nazis did to . when you use a double standard when his trial that is when it crosses the line and it is no longer legitimate criticism. and something is he deeply center special envoy for men does not believe that anti semitism will be solved in his lifetime. that said the us government continues to engage around the world hoping to come back every ball the nature of anti semitism. this is priscilla huff proj and windy at the us state department in washington. users
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the ukrainian politics and politicians are talking extreme highs reached school and from ukraine's presidential race rich guy who'd previously stated his ambition to stand for president. it's good to go visit utah county to support it in and the system patrick moore show and tell you the unity candidate. yes it's great. the interest of ukraine to sleep really. i offered to support as he can he came to the democratic forces for the presidential election the candidacy of actual portion the show you'll make it or shrink and made a fortune from chocolate is reportedly leaving several opinion polls in the presidential race for the euro portion for seven straight in for minister of ukraine as well as governor of the central bank torturing killing pitcher was seeking eu membership for ukraine our goal is the full membership of ukraine in the european
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union is to use. other candidates and election to succeed ousted president ian richardson former prime minister yulia tymoshenko to keep the car looked ok and i'm quite sick to the tree are all the ballots being held in twenty fifth may twenty fourteen the eye. is you. in eighteen eighty three when the businessman note or backed migrated to wa to book a cd of fifty thousand people and the central germany. she phoned judaism was practically dead with only twenty five elderly choose the bush and the religion and in our menorah but decided to bring judaism back to life in my book lists. i decided to be up the key to reshape own uniquely placed to meet
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the new computer to do. it's thought to be in doubt. what the nazis seem to be. food storage. who will it be true schumer. and why don't the heat it's a jewish community and are focused on the down on the canal complicated ideas on the united israel appeal and non government organization which helps to ensure the growth of jewish communities around the world the psalms small is too small communities. our year in contact with israel. yearning for recognition as . and we bring these people. first if old news and updates from israel which already makes in the community think he maybe he is in me. to all the stops the phone pic from the beginning. we stopped to
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read it from the beginning of his stance on the links reading a chapter on site began his community build a nest for the jewish community in my book has multiplied more than tenfold and to date numbers three hundred and sixty members most of them jewish immigrants from the former soviet union tulips were spotted door open. milk milk and mumble in thinking that this away twenty two on that story they wanted to have been hearing the name of more than welcome to stop cool to be jewish in the novel. i want to be mobile. no such thing then he told the court wilson who smoked all. in two days. novel is a different seat. due to disease and his big hitting the board. have this seems
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to its liking the canadian shield the prices of the jewish community built by town on our right to know we failed on all of my book. in two thousand and twelve with the full support of jewish and non jewish memorial was erected on the same site were sent to nielsen co that stood until the moment in nineteen thirty eight when the nazis private memorial sits on my books banned street. open garden with beautiful grass and events for people to cross off everything. next to the memorial was too small because the statute. went to my books and cookbooks night before the anti semitic attacks. a cd out and get my vote. in nineteen eighty nine when the berlin wall collapsed. thousands of jewish immigrants migrated to gemini from the former soviet union. today around two hundred and twenty thousand lived in germany. and they
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are hunted communities daniel synagogues throughout the country. this is what surgeries for two shows for an entire book. gemini. eye lou continue to be cheated nations human rights council during inter city has to read about completing eighteen of the special repertory is my one month after batting and five intense reading resolutions for the resolutions focused on the treatment of palestinians by israelis. anti defamation league has said that some of the resolutions could jeopardize the carina round of peace talks between israel and palestinians the league also warned that one of them contain detailed threats of financial repercussions for those doing business with israeli settlements the cat resolution condemned its release for misty contest and refugees are going heights un stops human rights body the un inter see israel as a permanent item on its agenda israel is also the only
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country to which during hrc has assigned a criminal investigative team. human rights council has cost more than forty five in t's relievers emissions since its inception in two thousand stakes in march two thousand twelve israel quit the body in protest over with said with the council's by its actions at the high spirited children joined after western member states promised to commit the country into the western european bloc of nations. i . israeli forces have shorts and his two aunts common suspected of attempting to sabotage operation with the structure along the syrian border in the golan heights the place of only two da light friday evening strike is the latest in a spate of attacks across the ceasefire line as result of this benighted from the syrian silva will follow in the upsurge in militant activity. idf troops in our order not to attend detaining a new portrait is right to engagement on the eighteenth of march for the israeli
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soldiers were injured on the right side on this night that they cheat during a search for a suspicious person needed the syrian border. it was the west acts of violence from the garden of frontline says the syrian civil war began according to an army spokesman the israeli air force retaliated by hitting several syrian military targets set for days and it consumed explosive device was detonated against soldiers patrolling the israeli lebanese border will but nobody was injured in the attack. the latest offensive few instability on oh four to which is largely being peaceful since the ceasefire agreement was made following the nineteen seventy three arab israeli war the jewish state has always maintained a new co stars on the syrian conflict but was more than twenty jihadists rebel groups controlling the syrian territory bordering israel along with their poles of sophisticated weapons being transferred from syria to lebanese militant group has allowed israel is having to reconsider his position
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after successful pilot needed to open restaurants is officially premiered in over seventy restaurant toronto the jackpot with a top chef to the local crew never seen opening their inner sanctuary the kitchen's to the white the deficit but disappeared from poland israel and the three day ban to open restaurants percent establishments taking part in it and it was only one woman who focused to digital from beginning to end a trip to meijer abhorrent. after very successful. i love that we held earlier this year when i launched the official open restaurants in more than seventy percent over the city then you are negotiating already with other cities around the globe each expense of chris thompson doing that horrifying. celebrity chef i'll prove who was so cool to do with shifting to open a
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restaurant based explains to us when she feels this is the winning form at the front of us and wanted to say spare you and i spoke to kenyon added ten. today sees the return of the actu you know these kind of politics and people of any cues from behind. i'm sitting at the ato you that getting to teach a man can do the cooking of different food for you and say nice to hear and yet he said. that's not to enjoy food as he said he who eats and drinks a day because tomorrow you really are into the police. i do. i know many just what is considered the best route for the elites which did not stop him from opening the kitchen of these establishments to visit is to come and explore the secret behind her but some will think it's very special for us to do that the dvd and it is just for five people in the coming
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understand how much hard work we do to make them when they come to rest and to enjoy their dinner or to lunchtime so we want people to understand how much hardly walk and gardens tended to by foot and mine is looking very hard to be wintering in the restaurant the sleek and it's one of the very few women restaurant to listen to me. but that doesn't scare her one bit. she has fun with all the big guy he's been assembled out of print anything to seeing how it all with the crowd before the highway is the lack of restaurants in on that day the album was leaked like snow would like him everyday but to put the foot of insanity owners of restaurants in manhattan but i know went to sleep. and this allowed the kids would like to d gets to meet emma to unseat him. it announced it in the meantime that up if they
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wanted to let go of it. and in chile beat them it's late and it may likely to lead a small islets and silly and say them into my pants. she success locally know several of the world metropolitan now working with israel to open a member of our end to the important concept in their cities to the gym when i won tickets to an end to low heat i. the pakistan see the role he has recently put forth the ph of the corn and all the buses which have been warmly welcomed students female community. in the muslim country going forward stayed indoors never cared to travel alone as a result of this to demands for her the taking into consideration when it came to the transportation concerts
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now however many women are coming into the society they are faced with many problems the bus project has been launched to combat the courtship and harassment of women commuters in the country's male dominated most of them concert society with a text and often run the risk of being physically in curbing the abuse while traveling on transports previous attempts to introduce women on the buses in other cities in pakistan to fail. at present fourteen buses are not enough for the women traveling between the twin cities of islamabad in trouble. indeed many women choose to opt out of jobs due to the problems with transport. however some pakistani wouldn't have been trying to get rid of the downs and elevate their status in society there are more and more females become the teachers doctors dollars in government staff across the country. a special series
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of concerts in los angeles' a good weekend. together these findings made by renowned constraint need to continue study of audrey. among the most famous constraints in the world the ones who trusted in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. you know it was time to watch you can hear the difference with the play was ninety five islands. i conclude my eyes to the experts tend to agree that the band sound comes from findings made between seventeen hundred and seventeen twenty. margaret hodge at least that they missed missed one strand of arias and for decades by the twentieth century by lynn is making a new start. her love affair with this island from the moment i first bought from all those years of listening to the site has one of the year. especially when i started to play this i really felt his soul coming through. throughout his life so instead of barley can't
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experiment in changing and refining his technique each of these incidents has a different police about six hundred and fifty of his creations some point today we can sell millions of dollars the lou in the sephardic jewish tradition songs have had many functions of the empowerment of women to the teaching of rituals. one easy colleges dispenser professional life visiting the sephardic diaspora and documenting the songs and sent his past to still performed today. it was a fun team. spain over five hundred years ago creating new communities across the consonants. despite the huge division across time and space in many cases the same creed and songs sing along and says the net by each pack includes beating the kiwis music the citizens
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of jerusalem all the fault is it in these communities to make the country coatings of the song where do you seek and twenty and one of the nativity at stake and education of june shy. but of them. those with a bit more he gets to these funny quotes but the bid that would compose the readings taken at the desk but when the obliterating even having used it to said by in on tomorrow. the songs are as old as the ops miserable sitting a function it means he teaches how to perform rituals or you can watch clueless. the little tradition was also in power into the helix of its population alone and none of whom called to the street to the next coconut sesame seed have been important. it may be that nice in a fit for wagging and one thing that the fed the to the sin that is the vp. the cost loans me
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but he was the leader of the community. for those that tend to create a data source a senior who led the remaining children so that fatherhood commonly known here we seem to be school class in specific http frightening but the cost savings have watched what he made fourteen. so after explaining who to bring their families. the content of the feast so they understand why they say living space can be traced to a party waiting to see stuff to read on tv is a few games. he even has its spacious songs themselves far it warned that some foreign help to choose a husband who has songs that they have stunned when a dollar east is in it. later the news she recalled the times when diligence and attention to it interesting since means to restrict the movements of
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the moroccan heritage was in attendance and gave us life example of the old tradition she licked by turning a child the eco runner. a day time. and it meant was that this cent for the in thing in the news about that describes all of the body of the bank i was in her nose in developing and if we give it a farce of the good things good face on the sound emo rock or anything so new found the man he knew all of those who are humanity's me in his seat. so didn't doubt it if thompson's have practically the same. well each of the sephardic communities has its own unique songs the ones which have survived to fight and it is that the diaspora of kosovo one fundamental reason because they remain relevant to the juicy today this is paul's day one. in spain. i. the rule. though
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new routine. i would do. to me. rudy. and we are. we do will the is yes. sch the cz
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the china says a deal the eyes your lecture the moscow state university in nineteen ninety four he prepares this initiative at a time in the former soviet republics were experiencing the consequences of the collapse of the years the side of the negev and it wasn't unanimous support for the safety and the head of state has consistently defended his beliefs on the right to discussion platforms. in the image was as a new shipment of movement but also doesn't i've said in nineteen ninety four before the students of the moscow university. this idea of the eurasian union. it was timely. the th


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