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tv   RT News  PBS  March 31, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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the here is what he's showing his lead to a png eyes can helpnomy may be dead just as possible eu sanctions against russia threatened to hurt try to invite sites. right well the french presence such as coffee stuff isn't like the elections of the hands of center right at the end he and anti immigration actual front nine targets in the european banks. i didn't fix hair and it is former prime minister says his country's becoming a place i'll tell you that the plan attacks on your weapons flowing freely into the hands of terrorists knew. i managed
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to become a new book she knocked a connection. non chinese leader has wrapped up a tour of europe the historic visit to brussels. the very heart of the eu and the present enjoyed a night each on the offensive along the way changing things will welcome comes as europe's tries to increase its lead to the agent johnny while at the same time considering placing sanctions against russia one of these reviews and other trading partners bought the cynics yes that explains why tight jeans with his combine pecans the last several weeks toward sanctions has donated a gold rush in related news remember of the g seven is impose sanctions sanctions sanctions cultural events
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going on. make sure that an acceptable actions will be a very serious consequence. so far the slices of the eu and the us have in the snow froze the assets of seven russians and his abounds with all white economic sanctions has been circulating so actually stands to win and lose to the west decides to go for that let's take a look using because of all the world's most ancient game chaps let's imagine the eu moves to impose trade sanctions but that does little to try to moscow which just castle in other words will be the king away from the flat is that if you're a bloke oil and gas deals. the most sensitive area of business russia would instead look to the superpower on its eastern border of china so where does this leave europe should escalate sanctions. it's great to know with a rush of more than four hundred billion dollars would be plunged into doubt. losses like that are difficult to see you without have to strengthen trade ties with
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gas co china. trade already stands at more than half a trillion dollars to get to eu he applied itself trapped on the board giving the practice to china while failing to punish russia. in a nutshell if the eu trails to think ahead in the game that michael was strategically in the end. even despite making the first move. on the thames to build on relations with china means traditional criticism of the teachings human rights record is getting far less attention than usual on tuesday to all of a small. miles and handshakes all round. will greet the chinese president hu teaching pain in his first official visit to europe the welcoming but in a repeat of scenes of pirates just a really awful. european governments like the one here in germany week leading up to chinese industry. this suggests that a little cold so that the ongoing dispute between themselves and russia over the situation in ukraine
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could go back to bite european countries. the fund balance. the sanctions in this whole uproar over crimea it is is simply you for christmas on the part of the eu but the review has nothing to gain by sections of russia the eu is considering sanctions knowing that financially. i could end up shooting themselves in both celebrate on demand decreases i sketched out china too much of a long standing human rights obligations. the eu for the calls upon the chinese authorities to ensure all the old human rights of all minorities are respected germany continues to be worried about human rights violations in china the bottom of the looking and turned into a great event that nine times and pop th and people will panic and held tight to present itself in terms of freedom of speech and freedom of the tenth know though that copy select the business of doing business. take center stage
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europe's realpolitik the very short memory the golden heart the welsh under such trying to cross but because it is expected to become the world's biggest economy next and find peace time is christlike is uneventful but it does remind one ahead of everyone else the use of anti catholic anti pill that explains why china is a keeper the chinese economy has come a long way since being one of the parents countries in the love back in nineteen seventy and is now possible for monetary decades and china is the second biggest economy in the wild. now since then china has either taken your eyes powerhouse gemini and everything to fate by performing including accusations the leaping out of the country to foreign investment and press it got to make and keep going back to tell them achieve is to get to pay. time is now beloved largest trading nation has happened in twenty ten seniors the thai silk that was taken by us all
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the duct tape found as we can see eu banks was to china have now reached a record home ice hundred and fifty a bit and i missed the semi machinery and equipment government of eco sac off and chemicals as well. now what's my life time ac he's basic landscaping to sign up two hundred seat mini najaf that not even calls from china to make it like just you and continue to discover senior he could manage the web and i think writing is well funny chat mexico's coast i say don't wise up. salman khan to enact thousand this time it's the biggest market o'connor a caliphate as volkswagen a recent ten of eighteen point eight. i've been just that for one stock traders in its ear has been at the dc law firm of a multibillion dollar deal was signed to supply china with fuel for twenty ideas in a month and that grace to two hundred and seventy billion dollars. now
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with the threat of scientists from the west the business relationship between russia and china with evidence and crystal and geographically but it makes sense because of course it is sad for the time is already the second largest import of rushing to its second team here at the white twenty eight the meantime it is predicted to become the love the gift of connery am with the sky until he comes. dh political power still to come in a grand time he gets a high level visit from russia's prime minister. the report it was the chiefs' icon on the tops that still lie ahead for rush's news reaches. french prime minister has resigned following a dismal performance by the reading sessions with some nice like the elections. he'll positions and to ride on to claim victory and perhaps more worryingly the nationalists won ninety games. the fijian a meal as well. it really is the story of voters getting
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disillusioned with the economy in particular the high unemployment rates on the country's press are making sure that the president knows all the products they saw the headlines in the name used for such is all set to stop in the face kicked in that comes with some albeit headlights daring of fronts for all and today he is expected later in the day to go on tv live on french tv and possibly announce a cabinet reshuffle. i will take nothing away from the fact that it's his party whistles this last one hundred and fifty tonnes across from statistic notes the silver lining for the sufis and four s will have its first ever and female marriage is a stewardess on hidalgo. so god is something for them to some but not alot else up the moments to tell you what the european elections in a year can be very interesting indeed. but as you are destined for monthly losses full front spot on training thing. the fifty five tonnes
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but the translations has a nice doesn't have an active center right ump politicians bought at least eleven times and i've given by members of green the pens far right national front of respect to me than the pens eight he says people have made a conscious decision. this is not a pro to start anymore clearly somebody which is being people who tend to be heard on other subjects and indignation and security social economy. she was. it's like citizens more and more i want to give us a chance and ruining it. as do a bit shocked at what has gone from the right to partake in. here is the general trend across europe for the ticket. ortiz has a cold. candidates who would bet that there will be a massive result in the next election says he believes monopoly with us but with our future lies i guess. it is full of prime minister is concerned in the country could become an al qaeda
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thanks for any potential attack on europe and elsewhere in the world he says there is an uncontrolled flow of weapons that is what is rampant the zionist extremists and auntie sue yen each. yet reports. for extremist groups looking for weapons and resources may be a place to the western backed former bp and prime minister ali zedong has warned about the whys of all kind of thing he fled the country after these long misled parliament distaste and early this month stimulating to mention three years ago. let me be a wash with what it's told from her talk about his arsenal and those provided by coalition countries to help topple the form of the day the uncontrolled will harness the scenes help you carry throughout the region from syria. all the way to west africa. it is too huge it's good. nigeria. northern
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mali. the key for us. he screamed his will that affect the site carries. the snow you will go through the code the day and we would see its effect. mostly it on and egypt in the next few months prior to then someone at the actions you would see more violence he gets one on one of a lot of the weaponry coming out from india because the ndp and egyptian borders reports. this central government has little control over the leash it's the best claims different parts of the country for themselves we have evidence that we've seen and the media is becoming so the dapper don stomped on. all of africa and north africa specifically farm groups have seized control of league is keep boiled words. earlier in march u s special forces captured a north korean flagged tanker with crude oil that one malaysia though it
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is so independent of tripoli tripoli to national airport is also under the control of gunmen. most international airlines have suspended flights there after it struck a one way. while he is warlords are fighting each other to the chaos of the scariest that works to grow trained and tested sites to be had because of its size and remote areas. isn't that the sort to plump for al qaeda to make it safe haven it's march and it's good to its location to exit with access to egypt and europe and today a lot of african sorts reduce the price of gas during the chaos in the media has long spill over its borders and now poses a threat to global security it seems everyday the country stepping further away from the democratic path but the west and its allies in beijing when they helped topple crumpled up the three years ago in washington check out our tea. well
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the top four hundred weapons stockpiles in the dlf golf and afforded good athlete of the dublin ca we can show was just like the center than address the split between the estimated one thousand seven hundred minutes agreed to operate in the country feels to have access to thousands of anti anchor off the silence. well what are we missing from mommy still causes and stay connected. i ran into the league and has been done in countries ranging from money that went to syria from the post mortem this case he had to get your kid a picture of what is happening in the country. all for the fortitude to tv and litter rate went up seven falling and isaac just been registered in the slop oil production has dropped like seven times west of paris who were looking pretty good bloke on tracks and i'm having serious trouble. he did every minute since i helped him to the saudis did he admit least expect to contend. the west has achieved in libya is looking
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out what is known by some of the shield or maybe a mormon gadhafi was way too much alcohol it was so impressed that sickly innovations of the hydrocarbon industry in india but there remains a problem for the western powers which is trying to get these unruly militias of deaths wants to pursue the tape with oil exports to their own coffers the agenda in tripoli can't even control tripoli. it is actually the distance to ostensibly held hostage in tripoli by at least four major death squads including those which are not busy time. and also held them hostage briefly by means of a grenade and hadn't gone in one of his officers to reduce this to the end of the rest all the people who come to power up literally on the wings are all made so seemed just ridiculous. and on the one hand that i live with the stats course i'm in
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the philly. because of these deaths will threaten their lives. the nazis to al qaeda types of grace died on the new changes in syria is on the citizens report to the capture of christians it seems foreign and rival campaigns and in nh months ago we thought that the settlements the eye. now i am in august the news again my winter break and try me. he called it a priority. according to
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russia's prime minister he's on a visit to the region's capital on that song stuck on teasing refund option. most gold will make tiniest actual economic say we the tax breaks for investors. as far as we understand that russian and korean is what we heard from russia's prime minister defended the movie is a bit jaime is capital center open to die this winter and is not to accept that we can all make sense to force this month this decision is expected to help boost the original one. it has come he and his top economic development and wrote their integration of these new beginning to russia's political social economic and cultural life is to make the system in concert at the door we tried mia's russian authorities but also local resident estimates it is a very significant want because trying to say it's the first russian high ranking official to visit have a street in alt a
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historic referendum two weeks ago here that make nice piece of land cost of the russian federation the drinks that gold is it like it's trying to calm the mind central kiev a suspected member of the rucksack to creep is reported to be shown free people in assisi st it will at the concert tonight the infamous ukraine's me a nice meal and had a nice presidential election of the fittest the teeth remaining silent about the actions of the action is western nations and i'm seeking to contain them but is on pace to any legal age to report it might be to god my wounds. the real estate needs. roy's to this point is that brady will destroy anyone who comes here i will hang the syrian minister of and don't lie. he clings to his nationalist groups of lights in the last leaves in the recent coup in ukraine oscar has been found in time for some fine food now
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western officials appear to have gotten the memo. i strongly content oppression accidents on the rights act to have surrounded the building of the day holding them are in ukraine i call on the right set to end on the potty seat train to refrain from the use of threats if i was right next to perhaps best known that the ukrainian onto rights groups has racked up quite a record. speaking of improvement in kiev and seventy six. violence and loves to drive. armed with weapons. most recently presidential hopeful good three hours. so getting around town in the luxury onward they can be used to belong to ousted president in the courts decide the right thing to confirm this year with the comment quote do you want is to buy cars during a revolution. why has nobody in my life. some experts believe the timing of the sudden change of heart can be easily
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explained. when it was mr yanukovich who was in power the european union didn't like him and said it supported the protests and fat in the light of that saga that was in abundance on the phone to the excesses of total international the lions came from the police from the security forces which are the people who were observing what was happening found incredible. now when the government is a pro european governments of these forces. i have suddenly become a massive concert maybe removing rules colored glasses now. it may be too late to hold back the main force behind a bloody coup to overthrow the government in kiev. no it has been leased it was going on too. we discuss the threat to the ultra nationalistic bag to take place independent in this monsoon some reason he believes the west bank the rise of radical creeks in the country. one reason the government and this is the sole rights movement in ukraine. he's very strong
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relay team. they say terrorism the past and possibly in the present basically i couldn't tell was that the working very closely with the scripts so that from the goal of the liberal protest groups of people in the streets demanding the facts of life there also is promoting and supporting cold that made things more militant groups here's what greek testament records. what a treat of the chevrolet is not anything the ride the course of an extra kind to try new things and icons but the main goal is to dissipate from the building. naughty bottom actually strikes that secrete you can read the full story about the telco. amin was in serious side al qaeda linked rebels seize control of the mighty christian tenet is that al qaeda flags to be nice. on the new cherry cheese almond essence and i said to be friday fifteen cities coastal province of solo piano off the forcing of
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two thousand the means to feed items prisons claimed the attack was supported by more to font from the turkish border for the difficult however have been denied by ankara. several hundred families tuesday shortly before the celts beginning given shelter in a christian chat tonight the team and to speak to several witnesses given that i have two children my husband bless his and he would join hands and prayed nothing from him. i don't know when he is multip bombings taunted in the morning. we struggle to save us some really laying on the ground because of the heavy bombing. the boy and me just state that we could take nothing from on high and occasionally bring on the news. i want to teach them to school. last year. we just met with more money will let him the discussion when i joined an eye on them and putting in a piece from the armenian national
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committee of america. thank you very much for coming on to pry them this evening the attack has led to price cents in the us naval to be cool school and international response to us. this is what you think will happen next or be likely to see some action from a pro. we sure hope so we'll discontent is no sin so that i'll kinda cleared of militants attacked the success of which is one of the turkish border. we know those attacks came from the direction of turkey the wounded were carried off to turkey that given the job or feet of the region to replace that those of salts perversion it out was from the turkish side as results over two thousand armenians were too populated out of the last remaining armenian town of the former territory of the other part which is a tragic thing for us is armenian street firms around the world. our syria gave safe haven to our rooms after the armenian genocide and to see this last push to talk to
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that is a cause for great love for me and run the world not swat were mobilizing so aggressive. and he touched on and you thought was a lot of evidence suggesting taking my opinion polls not only getting seven trucks transporting weapons was the song the way to syria from ten k on the way to think they maybe had the easiest part of an escalation to think of what was saying to his involvement actually that clearly turkey has them. the split small the militarily with the sharia. just recently youtube video was released of the turkish foreign minister of plotting. military intervention of prime minister had a lot of protesters opposed to the youtube video but never denied. it's a ferocity. so essentially how ba the turkish prime minister to stop acknowledging that he was his cover was planning an intervention. i think we saw the intervention on march twenty first of june the results. we have talked to our government the us state department on the subject. we welcomed
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the fact that samantha power the united nations in the state govern itself condemned the violence said they were deeply concerned about the miles. what troubles us though was that there was no home no taking of turkey to task. turkey was given a free pass on this so this escalation of the culprit this violation of its obligations. we got from the state department was either the house long turkey's the aisles. a journey into a dough with more than nine decades of turkey's denials of the armenian genocide we know what that smile is worth it's an option. why do and we need to mobilize folks from the world and in russia and armenia and in the states canada mexico south america on trial for ever the armenians were mobilizing on this this fact safe test of time. it's because of the stranded around the world without the support of share and compare them and many celebrities to help draw the attention of the photo for years. this issue itself
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i think we need to search on the spotlight of scrutiny of what turkey's do it. and if there is justified. yet the techies looking perhaps for a full scale war to be unleashed i've been avoiding series. i'm speaking more generally to the armenian sector tell you that turkey has an interest in destroying the last remaining vestige home on exporter which is the atomic test out of it i think they also have shown a bird or string and have tried to calm the waters in straight back to them via the opposite which is to escalate the conflict the question i keep coming back to his own. if the first ten years ago this is the talk in washington was white as in turkey in the european union. i think that the talk and crucially in the city is wise for keys still in it. it either so that should tell you from pursuing a lot of common interest. i think that those are the ability to trust
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the bush years. i cannot thank you very much for us to the filth or send us out and got him from the armenian national committee of america and tea. thank you and things travel agency is using a simple yet glycol questioned and exciting denmark a promotional video entitled the myth of denmark links to help the country deal with the aging populations are among the key for england frightened any couple that i'm praying they can sleep while on holiday will get more than just a bundle of joy. nine months time even longer than he was from the company responsible told us why europeans are getting bored in the back. that's the lowest number in twenty seven years and it's been an actual around sixty day period and not with the meantime we're having a nice enough to support the elderly and people can close but that it was sweet ally this week the doctor and the city with a specialty in
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insects and she said that part of the answer was that people were to be seen in their daily life and anything to get away to recall. of course that we can encourage people to take a break from packing my life and have some romance. i can't let santa come into something usually seen a london on wednesday said that they should just that europe is crisis and play keeping the population projected to fall by fourteen by twenty fifty the numbers or sunshine becomes it is getting no detail the sixteen percent of people up and i began to fifteen knots compared to forty one percent in african under twenty five percent in asia of people in the middle eight represents sixty seven the son of the population while myers they are at sixty five he's cool motivated is predicted to every third person forcing pay attention. up next is the world placing another cold war peace nevada on
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tuesday to discuss this topic he talks to. i was. i will. i don't like fake scandal source of the article to read killers of letters child army all i knew i was in for treat them like version of the article which has been less alarming title tilt the shocking truth of the bear creek sports club which trains young children in very effectively with taking wrestling and even using firearms. firstly by letting their child army they must be important but the thing is that this is not that local government rating still exist just one camp and there's nothing on their site materials to indicate days ago but facility or the pulpit they can't do it at all. furthermore
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the soviet union or the universal military skills class taught in all schools called ndp who really wanted equal child army and created a program that would be a lot better than a private joke last twenty kids in it secondly the friendly young people want to learn that use guns or russell street killers is liberal nonsense these kids are treating the kill but to learn discipline and how to defend themselves if need be. and guess what we never would like people in it you could face up to that fact and learn to defend against it or submit to it that's your choice. this article is journalism at its absolute worst purposefully misleading the reader. i mean would anyone seen call the police come to america obama scope of child stormtroopers. of course. that just might be. i rmb. you need one. one will
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the eye. on thursday of the studios are real and welcome to the gym. and i've been doing great and be with us. coming up in this show today he is on the french president was long gone the socialist government has resigned of sunday's disastrous local elections except for its biggest strike action in years. most of its flights a week that sold later this week the veiled warnings from the united nations un climate change report says what needs to take urgent action to combat global


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