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tv   Newsline  PBS  April 2, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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know. welcome to the world islam and you know tommy and tok tok here's a look at some of the stories we're following this hour. i am. a powerful earthquake off the coast of northern chile has left six people dead and triggered tsunami in the pacific. south korea military officials say two drones that recently crashed within its borders may have been sent on the door japanese utilities want to get nuclear reactors back online art operating engineers to use robots as
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they try to be better prepared for emergencies people in chile are recovering from a powerful earthquake that struck on the northern coast. at least six people are dead the tremor triggered tsunami that hit the country shores and prompted alerts over the pacific. an image of the pacific tsunami warning center says the magnitude eight point two earthquake struck before nine pm local time on tuesday. interior ministry officials say six people died. some of them after being crushed by buildings. it was very strong on everything. all we could do was pray with our daughter people in the region have been feeling continuing tremors. the us geological survey says a magnitude six point two aftershock was reported north of the port city of the pkk several fires broke out in the city's electricity supply has been disrupted. tsunami with a height of up to two point one
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meters were observed in the tt in other places along the northern chilean coast. a title change to ten centimeters has observed on easter island about thirty eight hundred km west of the main and a tsunami advisory has been issued for the u s state of hawaii officials at the meter logical agency in tokyo say the tsunami triggered by chile's earthquake may reach as far as japan. the wooden gone. we estimate there is the possibility of advisory level does not mean could reach japan or that of the pacific's i know all the hype all such was the numbing could be home to twenty centimeters. among the top. do. officials said waves could reach the pacific coast between five am and eighty and depends on thursday that they are still analyzing data to decide whether to issue an advisory
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people in japan's coastal areas are taking precautions they are shedding water gates and moving boats to safety. we don't. my house was flooded last time. so i went into this stuff up on it not that into my mind. thank the board. it's my precious asset. i wanna make sure no one can damage. chile is one of the most seismic lee active countries in the world the oceanic and as complete collides with the continental south american plate to form the deep korea into a trench the area has trigger earthquakes and tsunami throughout history the strongest and most destructive quake ever recorded in the world hit in nineteen sixty. the magnitude nine point five quake elise tsunami in regions across the pacific ocean causing damage in hawaii japan and the philippines queensland into the northeastern coast of japan twenty three hours
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after killing about one hundred forty people. in two thousand and ten a magnitude eight point eight quake in chile again triggered tsunami across the pacific. it reached the northeastern coast of japan but caused no major damage. chile's president to clear northern parts of the nation to be a disaster zone i ate happily and content of the country has been able to deal well with the first hours of this emergency. i want to call on people in the affected areas to stay home and into proper construction of the authorities and they all necessary measures will be taken to maintain security of individuals and families that are stunning easy for me michelle back chalet said she would travel to the affected region later on wednesday she said she would send military officials there to prevent looting and
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disorder. i knew. a taliban suicide bomber has blown himself up outside the interior ministry in kabul. days before the presidential election but to be that someone in bangkok is following the story. a spokesperson for the interior ministry said the bomber was wearing a uniform of the icon security forces and the statistics police officers were killed the ministry is encased it in the heart of kabul that our bond has claimed responsibility for the group occurs as the presidential election scheduled for saturday. the election will choose a successor to honey cause i encourage the state a soft renaissance fairs democratic transparent howl at the time of eighth in the kitchen next the attack. like headquarters of the election commission injuring two
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police men concerns about security on pricing as it is protected cost that the next a provincial election comment is a no contest on who was abducted as a night on sunday has now reportedly been killed. ap says that the then as i recall province confirmed the candidate to stand in his diary and eight of the people are dead as diary and two others were reported to the head its new crew has yet claimed responsibility. defence chiefs from asking ten member countries and the united states of holding informal talks in honolulu hawaii the press meeting of its kind to be held on us soil. so nbc news us secretary of defense kept a goal the united states prepares for a time when president barack obama has proposed giving you a chance strategy is administration is facing greater importance on the asia pacific region in response to the growing
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economic and industry in china andre to hawaii a court orders in the team would be an important opportunity to communicate us policy. i want those defence ministers after the reason why. dealing with more clarity about u s commitment to the area ordination or communications here is where we can cooperate more and more and more. and certainly in humanitarian assistance disaster relief. this one the state is currently taking part in international and the humanities and nine james and los gatos to join the operations of the time to hike again struck the philippines. the defence chiefs are expected to discuss how to boost cooperation and had his appointment and cease. seven people have been killed in
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battle call cost a bomb that would be to go there and won't want to expand it to the scrap metal shell it happened on wednesday afternoon in a residential area of northern bangkok construction. i found coleman want it to the scrap metal shell. on monday and i'll be the pick up the construction of the kids wanted to cry and what he wanted the money seven people were killed and twenty others were wounded add the lemon and we think the bonus issue back to the second world war and it weighed about two hundred and twenty seven kilograms. it seems they didn't know what it was so big my stitch using a gas torch while trying to cut it open. the ball may have been dropped by allied forces trying to disrupt japanese apply its cheering well told tale tie down and out of the japanese forces to use it every tree during
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the climb takes them an unexploded bomb was discovered three days ago fifteen kilometers away from the site of wednesday's loss it was hounded and it is the piece. to wrap up of thing is to not attend the unacceptable and un cool north korea is being accused of some high tech spying on its neighbor. south korean military officials say two drones that recently crashed within its territory may have been sent via the north on reconnaissance missions. one of the drones is found on monday on pena on islands west of the korean peninsula the other was found a week earlier and i do. near the border between the two nations. each aircraft was equipped with the camera containing aerial photos of the presidential compound in seoul and a military facility on pena violent. the one time anti jew was about one point four meters long and painted blue with white cloud like markings. the presidential office spokesperson says security authorities are looking into the case with
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the view that the drones came from north korea the drum sound on monday may have been sent to check on the south's military response to a fierce cross border artillery exchange that day. pulse japanese executives expect prices to rise to the next twelve months but they don't think inflation will reach the target that central bank officials have sent the bank of japan for the first time used its quarterly conference or beat as business people about price trends executives predict consumer prices will rise an average one and a half percent over the next year. excluding the effects of the consumption tax increase. that's lower than the bank's two percent inflation target in more than half the business people the banks surveyed say prices of their own products and services will basically stayed flat. the head of general motors says she
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cannot say why it took years for company to announce a safety defect. but mary bar and says she and her staff will find out. gm officials have blamed it all falls in the ignition switches for the deaths of at least thirteen people. tcm will do the right thing. and with my sincere apologies to everyone who has been affected by this recall. especially the families and friends who lost their lives or were injured. i am deeply sorry there are justified before an investigative panel of the house of representatives energy and commerce committee gm officials knew as early as two thousand and two that the ignition switches did not meet safety standards committee members peppered her with questions about why they kept using the devices barron said she wants to find out if engineers take part in a coverup. i became
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aware of an issue that was being examined. i didn't know the specific issue in december thirteen late december and thirteen. iran has announced a prominent lawyer to conduct an internal investigation and she said he has free reign to go where the faxed to the gym gm officials will face more questions in front of a senate panel. the world's two biggest car bomb makers are again locking horns in their long running court battle lawyers for apple computer accuses samsung electronics of infringing on five patents owned by the us for. they told the court in california the apple one cents on to pay more than two billion dollars in damages. lawyers for cents on the q's apple of violating two candidates they're demanding about seven million dollars in royalties. apple lawyers told the court the us company created innovative designs and functions the sentencing increase sales by infringing on apple's patents sense an attorney shop bag by claiming durable developed for
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the five packets that apple sites in its lawsuit. a single uses a patented its android operating system for mobile phones. media reports in the usa the path in battle between the rival american and south korean firms could turn into one between apple and google. i eye. an investigative panel set up by the swiss based parent of japanese firm novartis pharma has concluded its employees manipulated tests of a new leukemia drug. executives of novartis pharma have admitted their staff interfered with trials on the drug known as to cigna the university of tokyo hospital in organizations conducted the studies. the panel report says the employees and to the geese guidelines and worm will have a chance for the planning to data analysis stage. the panel concluded the employees got three of the relevant documents last
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december after learning of any cheese coverage of the issue. the report says staff are deaf patient data is obtained from doctors. a possible violation of privacy laws. the panel said their managers are responsible for failing to provide proper supervision and for allowing their involvement in the drug trials the night. it is going to have great faith that the company has been contacted in korea but the company. penalties could be a lot of the called involvement of the staff of polling. novartis pharma officials say they take to study seriously they are paying special attention to the findings and evidence of a cover up the advil take measures against those who violated ethical codes to present the novartis is scheduled to hold a news conference on the matter in switzerland on thursday fourteen people in japan are suing a beauty products maker for skin damage. the class action lawsuit seeks compensation from ca mabel
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cosmetics for what he calls the effective and unsafe products. lawyers say their clients develop wide launches on their faces in other parts after using the company's skin whitening products between two thousand and ten in two thousand and thirteen the plaintiffs are men and women in their thirties to seventies from chisel tying yellow machine pre pictures each one is demanding damages of five million yen or about forty thousand dollars for psychological suffering. in addition the plaintiffs are expected to seek compensation for medical treatment. total damages could rise to over seven hundred fifty thousand dollars per point. to the ground. i miss the consent of that went on my skin condition can be cured. i won an event to prove what went wrong analysts say the minute you spend that last part. you can the problems with the company's new skin whitening products came to light last year carnival was forced to recall over half a
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million items from japan and ten other markets including taiwan and south korea. this is the first class action lawsuit against the company annabelle representatives have declined to comment on the case saying they have yet to receive the suit documents but they say that as of this february. some eighteen thousand people in japan has complained of skin block is caused by its cosmetics utility companies in japan are working their way through the long safety checklist as they try to win approval to restart nuclear reactors their plants must comply with tougher regulations and be equipped to deal with emergencies. so one thing they're doing is investing in cutting edge technology to be better prepared. nhk world nara kolkata shows as well you walk slowly and methodically. that he gets the job done. he has the mining hall two minute
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late. we will confirm all blacks did you think you pretty upfront in my genes step one step. they perform we can make alterations of the strange affinity company that operates new queen of months are funding the projects. guiding them all but the proceeds in texas deal. and it's difficult to judge situations based on the new law lawn close the doors and steps like these. through trial and error. we've been trying different ways of giving trouble to live through such obstacle to you. utility companies have applied for permission to be stopped their new queen of the octaves. only forty eight of the tip end of the actors are currently offline. each clump month posting decent honest people that own mind
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he did eat my native state while most will allow them to respond more quickly and effectively too much into it and begins with the same time. teaching people how to operate the device is only the fastest at i should end of the dc mundine she has demonstrated over the edge of technology. indeed be as open it they still come a long way to go to give them up to ten machines. so when we were using robots to the development reviews and other purposes. if we bring them into how close we have to find our own way to modify to suit the needs of the nuclear nations. we have regulators have ordered all paid as to the majors in place to do with all stages of an accident such as the release of radiation part
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that makes you feel drugs robotic technology is just one part of the week wasted recall caught up in a stairwell in tokyo scientists from around the world have recently discussed climate change the united nations conference here in japan. part of their report warns. rising temperatures are already impacting how we live in aged care world's gold combo she then traveled to greenville to see some of the changes to our environment firsthand more than eighteen percent of green and is covered with clients. this will lead it supplies to covering the entire round. scientists report that it's been receiving more than ten meat is good for you. it was covered in ice. ten years ago
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but now with the ice has melted and the ground and roped up completely exposed residents there aren't enough of that. every summer when the ice melts. this reveals quilts. over the last few years that role has been a dangerous levels. two years ago it was horrendous and me too i preach suddenly all the contests between the two bridges just washed away along with it. this is called ocean. we all were hopeless doing the cinema. according to the ipcc the real fight fat milk over the gnostic it is six times the amount of supreme spirit. experts say the ice is melting or on the items. the changing conditions opposing a strict
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ordinary people. we use names for transportation. we dvr. i am pleased with. there are many areas where the ice is from child to him. it makes it more difficult to use the slang that was heaped with a veto. the phenomenon that the rising work a little sin and is pushing shoes chunks of days have i seen through the skin. from here we can be tied down to guys that like that. it's about pundits meat is white. about the size of ice you stronger scientists point out that i spent a push by more than forty meters per day greenland is changing faster than me. two things are happening one year closer to the milking. the atmosphere around the world is getting warmer. the other thing that happened to my head
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the united nations secret in june of nineteen seventy two agreement last week weakness of the effects of climate change. she was out on being content is having on the living conditions for local people and on to careers as a whole. he may not get willie green and his soulful voice. we don't have much time to set these crazy tuition is a serious education in the cia is tragic. at the same time. she nibbled was the site. on the nominations. you can put it kindly checked experts predict that the allies and bring them into this little thing i have counted rise by seven meters. scientists are urging leaders to take action now before it's too late o'connell set up as there were two green then. severe weather is affecting
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the central us. our meteorologist michael mori is here with more on that side if i haven't really had people from attack to think of the ohio river valley could be affected by severe weather on wednesday and thursday. this is the area when they read the families are colliding into each other one is the gulf of mexico it's quite good and cute at ten point one trial and error from the pacific and career from the north all the climbing over this area creating a risk of a severe weather. this is california wednesday the worst hit area with the town in arkansas in these areas fall and eastern parts of oklahoma and on thursday with incoming call there in the upper atmosphere conditions but can it even worse any area of about twenty weeks and even into the ohio river valley the risks of a large scale back his feelings tornado and flash flooding are going to be a very high concern across the area. in the area is due to the quiet cool their beaks
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into the wintry mix over the midwestern us from late wednesday into thursday. this is a quite chilly even on three minus three degrees ft high and with it that night chris and amber back to ten thousand extremely well and he'll be thirty degrees in places like oklahoma city. hehe stands and columbia and washington dc at twenty one entries. now in this place the national cherry blossom festival is taking place the cherry blossoms are not appearing at this moment that is supposed to be at fault when i'm next two weeks till then click for it to that now across the year but that was very still thinking over parts of the enduring pain is not the few across the western areas we haven't seen clear skies over the past couple of days because this has enhanced the lingering across the area now it's now starting to affect western parts of the practice well. you become a high pressure is expecting its dominance over much of the center areas of the year brings some alike want and bright sunshine and actually bring in the next round from
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the high desert. lol invisibility in places like france. that between germany and cars at the end the year and i'm stuck in the low countries and southeastern tip of each athlete is violence. now the temperatures are as follows find one in many places like bean and twenty one peak least twenty degrees for burning and stable must defend him tick and comparable rate increases are running about. and then when it should be the time of year now across asia have very bad conditions are still going over the eastern corner of china and this is a comment here letting workers and that carries the possibility of heavy rain and thunderstorm to swallow tail in the next couple of days and has been one hundred millimeters of rain is likely to end things like the competing in europe are staying friday that will grace the predictable flying month mice. i could spend the rest of the keys to a shelter to twenty one twenty degrees in eighteen twelve the clintons felt and could kill at eighteen degrees and rainy weather that because of
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recent or not. cherry blossoms are in full bloom the many places including at the end of the prefecture has become accustomed to from this place even eating for three main types of japan the one thousand cherry trees are blooming. in addition to marry him he'll feel the master of platters are also blooming. visitors are enjoying the clear part of the people but the stars the room to move. it is. is
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it. we close this edition of news lined with a snapshot of tokyo tower people around the world are marking world aunt is an awareness day people seconds has been designated by the united nations to mark the anniversary. then marched
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across the world have been lit up in blue representing keely and hope more than thirty towers and buildings across japan have adopted the collar for them. i should i didn't have any chance the tv. and if the light and airy covering our ears. this edition of a second the feature a young man in the philippines from his cart cluster. he's using it to teach reading and are ready to target living in slums it's a documentary on
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saturday took it to your path to greatness try. gross try and ease and want us to have deep connections to the far left japan and japanese brutality today. what's in there. these are inspiring places of worship. ideally a special program on sunday travel stops again. one independent in two thousand eleven thousand and has recently been driven by civil war. with many many dead and tragedy. men are now stepping into roles of authority and proposing ideas for addressing stops against problems. a subject i went back. i can't get you in your time and date it's nhk world
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tv the eye. which of the q tip to dump truck. it is the chilled dough and a brand new waterproof has installed original mr said. today was for one of our two part series the punky the most cosmopolitan area of tokyo the circle with a reply. is located in central tokyo making it very easy to reach one possible by train everything of interest include minute walk of the repentance process


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