tv RT News PBS April 3, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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we will . probably not one hundred seats the mid eighties airport and checked it again. an iraqi war vet goes on a shooting rampage before taking his own life the latest on the violence just a hat. on capitol hill senators vote to defeat the fine more his help on a controversial cit torture program for years bush era interrogation as an intelligence gathering were kept secret but not anymore we'll tell you the very latest coming up. and the american political landscape is changing voter registration for the libertarian party has
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gone soft. so what could this mean for the future of us politics more on this political shift leader national a fan. it's thursday or i can watch. i mean your tv watching art in america begin today with the latest information regarding the shooting that took place yesterday at the us military base for attacks that this morning we've learned that the shooter identified an item lopez what the raw corn better and being treated for mental illness. he opened fire at fort head killing three people and wounding sixteen others before committing suicide. this attack comes just nine years after more than a dozen people were killed and two thousand nine at the same texas military base to discuss this some more i wanna bring in our teens are
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going to let go. we're not happy and are seen in a press conference on the incident just wrapped up. we know that he was a master in dealing with mental illness but what more can you tell me how the background. sure the edges with few facts about what we learned in the press conference that was held just a few minutes ago now the commander there. for it said that there was a strong possibility that there was a verbal awful turkey shoot with another soldier before before the specialist lopez opened fire at the date of the commander also said that there is strong evidence that nope this was mentally he's unstable however that they said that there is no indication that he was targeting anyone's specifically they also said that up for the first mammal long haul. it was only four minutes later that he was confronted by a female notes to a police officer. and then i took this to his own life he also mentioned that he purchased the weapon they use in the shooting back on march first now his timeline as far
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as before he came to four that he was only move there it seems that way before that he was at fort bliss but no word on why he changed faces and as you mentioned in his introduction he is an iraq war veteran was served back in two thousand eleven as a truck driver now yesterday the army said that he was not involved in combat situations but being a truck driver in iraq can also be quite dangerous truck drivers whether they be in the military or contractors have told several stories of being involved in it. or having to deal with improvised explosive devices and many veterans will also tell you that even if you're not in a combat zone just being deployed you experienced quite a bit of traumatic experiences. so just going back to lopez in the situation here. he purchased the gun last month he was also evaluated by psychiatrists down to a base last month. who said that
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the he didn't show any sort of signs that used to be hurting himself or others so i'm sure they'll be taking a look at that whether there's any sort of gaps in the evaluation period of time to connect all the dots here i know that not a thing brings up a lot of bad memories for people who remember this was my fears about the fort hood shooting high that took place and you think it's likely that authorities are i am really trying to figure out how the security on this beats the same base with copper mines. sure will. there were safety improvements to the two thousand a shooting their worst. there was training to deal with active shooter situations and today we had that debate between the personal calls and attend an open shot himself it was only four minutes and the armies that supports the safety improvements that they had made. now there has been some criticism as to the bass strait gun regulations on military bases soldiers are not allowed to bring their own guns on two
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bases unless they register at first and so obviously when lopez did was against regulations as well but this morning the army defended those regulations so that an indication whether any drastic changes will be made to security protocol at military bases in the us back to the root cause of this because if you walk in and the office on the perpetrator of the two thousandnine attack at fort hood. i know he was an army psychiatrist dealing with soldiers coming back from war is also likely dealing with some form of ptsd. he talked briefly about his mental illness and how they fit it's really become. sure there will still be in position goes on to miss his will it gets that job is his mental state when that had anything to do with the shooting many veterans are treated for ptsd angle want to live long and productive lives but this issue of ptsd and psychological problems is
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that the epidemic in the military in the show academy of sciences says that up to million million veterans are dealing with some sort of psychological issue and many of these veterans are dealing with multiple psychological issues we know that lopez was being treated for depression and anxiety and of course for that it is unfortunate orders for the high rate of soldier suicides there so definitely something that the va has had a hard time keeping up with just because of the sheer number of soldiers that are coming back from a decade of work not just with physical wounds but deftly mental ones as well. alright will continue to fall the story are cheaper if i'm going out thanks. did that. the senate intelligence committee has voted today to declassified portions of a report on the cit eighth post nine eleven controversial detention and interrogation program. us officials familiar with the report saying it provides a harsh critique of the agency and
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the legality of its intelligence gathering tactics. rt political commentators can fax brings us more. even after the senate intelligence committee vote on thursday to de classify the findings an executive summary of its forty million dollars sixty three hundred page report on the cia is post nine eleven torture program. there's still a long way to go before those findings are made available to the. that's because it will ultimately be up to the white house to review the report and determine what to really use and what not to ruin us. when hayden the spokeswoman for the white house national security council to the white house believes quote that the executive summary of the findings and conclusions of the final report should be declassified with any appropriate word actions necessary to protect national security to the question is how a liberal will the white house being with the black ink. the administration has already been criticized by the senate intelligence committee for withholding nine thousand top secret
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documents related to the torture program. and from the get go. president obama has stated that he doesn't want to focus on the past when it comes to the torture program. i also have a belief that we need to look forward as close as postal looking backwards. another question how much of the reduction process will the white house to outsource the c i a cid director john brennan has already indicated his agency will conduct the review of the report after the senate committee approves its classification that the white house sees much of the d class petition process to this day. the agency could move to read that many of the most incriminating findings within it to an end what will the learn from what's been touted as the most comprehensive report done yet thomas day's activities. after nine eleven some details of arty been released to the including findings of the cra routinely miss led government officials about the torture program included consuming details about the severity of methods and taking credit for
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critical pieces of intelligence that detainees had in fact surrendered before they were subjected to harsh techniques investigative reporter marcy wheeler believe. the report will show to what lengths this day with two to mislead congress were to learn that not just about what the intelligence to god but also on whether the c i alerted congress and all that they were torturing her to learn to take it in order to learn to be repeatedly told that the whole congress things that were simply not true about the conduct of torture. chairwoman dianne feinstein is overseeing the hostage crisis in the senate intelligence committee. she is at odds with this today over allegations the agency's spider her staff as they were compiling the torture of a court in she said the conclusions of the report showed the series program was quote brutal and on america does that mean following its release that people at this day will be held accountable nothing is ever happened to the eye and all of this and probably the reason why is
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that the opposition to torture program. as cheney just said it came directly from president bush so if you're going to start holding c i a responsible you're also going have to acknowledge the president's could be held responsible for the torture that they signed off on and i don't think people are ready to do that either is true there's still a long way to go before the will actually get to read the pages of report. we often are the republicans on the senate intelligence committee who are more sympathetic to the series methods plan to release their own findings that disputes some of the conclusions of the committee's official report. even after we get all these new details. defenders of the cia in the bush administration will try to reopen the debate about the effectiveness of morality post nine eleven torture program. washington dc same socks are too. according to the bureau of investigative journalism. the strikes under president obama has killed an estimated twenty four hundred
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people. in an official count conducted by the administration the new bill proposed to change how that representative and shape of california and walter jones of north carolina had introduced a new piece of legislation aimed at bringing greater transparency to the u s drone program. the bill would require the president to make publicly available an annual report on the use of cards that people forced outside the united states they also require the decade to release information on whether these were so don't miss one match and fatter been killed if it passes the government will have half the count strikes but to actively starting from five years ago. while human rights organizations support the bill rep schiff admits that this will not make the drone program go away in fact the congressman is convinced that increasing transparency around the drum program can actually justify it by showing what he called excessive claims of civilian casualties well we frequently
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talk about red states and blue states when it comes to elections in the country. but there is a political color spectrum outside of the two party system impact when it comes to party identification when learning that left the identifying of registering with the democratic or republican parties at the same time more people are registering with the libertarian party according to ballot access expert richard winter libertarian party voter registration in the us has grown by eleven point four percent since two thousand twelve. the state with the largest percent increase and libertarian registration i told my domain nebraska and louisiana. so if the libertarian message going mainstream to discuss this. i was doing earlier but carla howell political director at the us national libertarian party. at present or to explain why a libertarian message is really resonating with the american people
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clearly people are disgusted with the deliberate with the government growth that that's been scared of the room. future economic prospects jobs continue to be a problem for most of america not here in washington dc area around the country people are hurting. and people are not mere their worn out over war. they have heard this story over and over again of why we have to intervene in this country is at hand. people are finding more than one of our troops to come. interestingly there were four states were at the sa major surge in idaho wyoming nebraska and louisiana any idea whatsoever why it would be those states where are you a few more of a pro war. well it's a somewhat random. i don't think that it is really indicative of too much of anything because it often just a matter of the ballot access laws in those states with a particular activist in the states. it also has probably correlated to the fact that those are more
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world trade center were more world states are more libertarian and big cities tend to be more big government penny slots and why was it a look at a recent political article i find it very interesting to focus on grandpa. it was written by a libertarian and he was actually quite critical to the prospects for libertarians. that program called and my ears and more than a few of his enemies believe the country is having a libertarian moment we have these moments before but each time they come and go without the elevation of a libertarian i bought this for the advancement of libertarian ideas. the point why haven't we seen some of the month and can translate to the ballot box just yet what we're up against tremendous odds the elections are not there in america you're reading a lot of ways to gerrymandering is campaign finance laws ballot access laws. and just general treatment of the mainstream media is generally hostile to libertarians and other third
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parties so that we've done as well as we have that we over have over three hundred thousand registered voters an over fifteen thousand million votes in two thousand. well for them to tears is remarkable given the obstacles were up against an out if the sa governor gary johnson did very well the fuel question about senator reid hall because a lot of talk about him running in twenty sixteen what do you think i'm the know will be the biggest challenge for him to winning winning the primaries. because if she either she's going to sell out completely to big government and really the ineffectual was casey has a chance of getting the nomination. for a miracle occurs. that's possible or if easter liberty. then he is going to be attacked by his own party. this is what happened to ron palmer says what happened during governor gary johnson and many many other republicans running a primary throughout the country and was asking lot of confusion the sa governor gary johnson will be
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the republican party and gone to the libertarian party ticket. the thing grandpa mom called did not do that is one strategy better than the other and cheaper for that grand hall leads the republican party and when libertarian party mean what would you prefer. well it is the libertarian to me he would have to stop endorsing mitt romney another big government republicans that's not acceptable to libertarian party. but i think both trends are a good thing it's good to be fighting on two fronts. i make sense. and obviously midterm elections are coming on twenty fourteen or hearing a lot of buzz about the now back to the candidates outside of the two party system. the end of the key issues that driving the libertarian platform. this year i think it will be jobs as it has been for many years because we continue to be in a recession even if technically economists say it's not a recession you ask the people milled tens of millions of people who don't have jobs and i'll tell you where in tough economic times. that's a major driving issue of
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foreign policy is one of the issues people don't wanna see more war they don't wanna see in syria or ukraine or anywhere else. it's time to bring troops home. civil liberties national security as the eighty eight act and that is absolutely another issue and that is going to be the key issue to be the revelation that were being spied on. is it isn't a concern and politicians are maintaining a potential how it's coming out the infected if the house to play aspect that carla howell political director at the us national for libertarian party things for joining me thinking there have been a number of threats of attacks in afghanistan ahead of this weekend's presidential elections. no need or don't exist over whether security personnel will be able to prevent them from happening ortiz was the capital reports the country afghan police and soldiers on the alert. everything is fine here in afghanistan. i didn't really feel the tension in
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the air. the presidential election. at the weekend traffic. don't be an urgent making good on that. come and go. don't worry about a definite deadline the end of twenty fourteen twenty the combat forces to withdraw from the country after fourteen years of fighting in certain cities. reported that many people who'd spoken too much to the plate the book the soldiers for comment the wife of the high attrition rates more. ford it think billion dollars for your the xf nation in thai
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your budget. on the planet in twenty thirteen the united nations reported a sharp right turn toward the gulf between the afghan government. moore said. here women and children. but decade. i mean fourteen percent. the one. was it thirty years. what went into the story of mike. labonte america and the like the doctor put it off with the death toll was achieved the engine and refinement now work for me rats adjusting for the us government program. really had a clandestine tech startup you the sense that in cuba and execution by
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the associated press find that in two thousand and nine the agency for international development. why is this simple twitter like social networking site in cuba when he sent a stern of political unrest in the country the social networking platform called sunday mail allows users to avoid internet censors and communicate her cell phone text messages. they also allowed u s officials to party users with messages from abroad. ganguly that if the road users and with non controversial topics like soccer and use it the program could alternately health activists organized mass gatherings like political demonstrations and do it at a moment's notice. at its peak the social networking site had forty thousand subscribers. of course the users were provided no information that the network was financed and operated by the us government to do this to us vip used a network of shell companies under eighteen and i'm thinking county to the government's
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tight under wraps. the ap also reports and sons andy knows computers for tracking the messages and demographic information on the user's help us the aggie target its other cuba programs. earlier today white house press secretary j carney disputed claims that the program was covert he was not a covert program was debated in congress who was viewed by the gao those kinds of things don't happen over programs it was a bit of assistance program about you. increasing the level of information that the cuban people out and were able to discuss among themselves. while carney said the efforts were meant to increase the free flow of information and the unsecured tool box on the program the social media program ended abruptly in september of twenty twelve when a government grant and that yes i announce today that will be suspending much of its work with the russian space agency said it will continue to collaborate with
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the country over international space station operations. the decision by now for the whole dating agents with the country comes amid heightened tensions sparked by russia's absorption of the crimean region last month parties' guy in a checkout and more yes that is how i will say and that if i were to come and teleconference is what the deal this is the second time in the operation the meeting was held outside of art that means. this affection are not precluded under the guidance. we understand to what you can entry to the us astronauts are currently on board the iss their midst or not we understand the want to
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use the kit. watch it and thinking of giving doctor because of its finding different ways. this one is that expensive science at nasa scientists who spoke to her side. the condition of anonymity said its nasa's goals this is one of the first major action to have her on what's happening at its two stop signs and out of the collaboration kit telling me there's nothing better to send us to spend it it's like it's what's with the soviet union at the end of the nineteen seventies but the national certificate was not even started yet. now some say it. this moves the god lead. single handedly on my cooperation. support tirelessly to build together for many years. in washington on pentagon. well it seems some people are thinking a bit of the things they say it was the one hundred and forty seven percent of adult now say they have changed their
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behavior on mine. why when the poll said they had everything to do with the national security agency's snooping programs now according to data security company called eset the company surveyed two thousand people and more than a quarter of men said they were doing less banking on the twenty four percent of them even said they were using email last polling shows the numbers were more exaggerated amongst young people between the ages of eighteen and thirty four the company that did the pull said that while the documents keep meeting people like me keep leaving those old habits behind. we asked a few people here in dc if the nsa something has changed their habits. that really concerns me but i am really tired but i do. i was always generally concerned about privacy so i would say that of the revelations of us really change how life easier not
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give a care in a few things going on spying on each other not too concerned. the hive that's just a small sample of people we found here today in dc. dravid for now for more on the stories we covered the youtube dot com slash rt america. what's a r t dot coms that usa the council follow me on twitter and in your data. she said. and. for it. within
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the department of defense has just created a window on to this land. the futuristic me. it's called biological words the opposite of what bt out and cover lots of amazing program. i'm excited for a living crap out of the union he went. and how you look at the new agency will deal with programs. advanced research projects agency or darpa which involve combining with beef stock and technology but released their youth and
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vitality. britain. over the budget programs aimed at understanding the brain in order to develop hybrid though actually integrate with the near misses so basically this account allow the gop did create grow people. lots of work at a technology that allows him to control robots will open with their mind. down the angle out tightly controlled drones with their money. seo will oversee the cortical processor program which seeks to recreate the can drink the stimuli in the sandpit and he was back to level the impact of the atlantic computer comes with a baby it's going to be able to make that recognition has befriended that person away bt i would also oversee an effort to recreate star trek tried quarter which ended in green and diagnose and i hit the bed. why would
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the meeting told the doctors and citizens around the globe men wanted for the military and that pbl would like to buy technology and progress argentine military budget you have an advantage in some more. roses need not mean he has no biological or twenty outfits were part of a help if i need to be the worthwhile work the part of our military. martin government looks at it. so i don't know why our government and others making all these other agencies. not really one of the agency of war. i thought that i wouldn't trade it at the residence. check
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the ch. you will . old and welcome to new store at my april for a friend catherine clashing in tokyo. strong aftershocks rocked chile's northern region following the massive earthquake on tuesday residents were forced to evacuate to higher ground and spend another sleepless night we found shelter in hk was no way to achieve a report from kiki came both cited little in the middle of the night. twty
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