tv Journal PBS April 4, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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you knew him. we will . he did his duty is your girl in this journal was going on i've been so great to be with us coming up in this blog. violence ahead of afghanistan's election the surprise wedding. joe jonas has been shot. a classified report on torture and the c i a post nine eleven the us senate says the world should know the fact that one does still struggle to come to terms with the genocide twenty years ago. and. the in
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afghanistan violence and motor just hours before voters go to the poll. a police commander opened fire on two journalists covering the election in khost province prize winning jonathan tobin five in the seychelles and was shot to death and corresponding kathy gannon is still playing full of life and that only bond is denying responsibility know if that is the case this would mark the first insider attack on journalists i need you to the house and her canadian colleague kathy gannon were in his car when they were shot. they were traveling in the province of khost a mountainous region in the east of the country the convoy they were with was just riveting ballot papers to polling stations and had a police escort. but the armed officers had little chance to react. one of the policeman manning a checkpoint opened fire on
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the women. our new new to the house died at the scene kathy gannon was taken to a nearby hospital. i did it with the generalist is about sixty years old and is in critical condition. ah surgical team is providing her with magical and they live. kathy diamonds injuries are reportedly not life threatening. i knew neither the house and experienced war correspondent. all came too late. in an interview three years ago. neither the house describes the challenges the senses in on engadget on tue not seeing it and typing with that situation is the case that you put yourself through it instead if none of my new old creation for this can you take it. that was the most important things to me. and that's why i never clicked i've noticed i can take it this is i can't do it. i need to house search for
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images of calm amid conflict her goal was to show the effects of war on people's everyday lives. she received numerous accolades and shared a pulitzer prize for their ep photography team reports say the killer was arrested at the scene the taliban have carried out numerous attacks in the run up to the elections but they denied responsibility for this crime. so was there we went to mordialloc was over to our correspondent in kabul was the posts written on the way she joins us now via sky. what's with what has been the reaction there in afghanistan to this killing the reactions were really disturbing. i was going to love people who knew onion into a house and they were in shock she has a very good photographer and she did brilliant work. susan wasn't the beginning of two thousand fourteen tuned to this foreign journalists and three afghan journalists have been killed so far. this is very
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worrisome for especially for the journalists but also on the afghans themselves with and what we know though about what happened to me today and do we know where these journalists shot at deliberately armies of the blog so that we was a mistake when we know and i was told she was not deliberately. these officer who shot both of their women and tried to take revenge for the presence of the foreign troops in afghanistan and we do we know for sure that the shooter was a member of the police force there wasn't someone just wearing a uniform now we know that he was a member of the police he was given work at least for awhile now and we know his name and where he came from so its pretty sure that he was a member of the list and what is this going to do to you to trust in the security forces in afghanistan right now the security situation is
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out the earrings on the streets are empty i know they are foreign journalists that the outside. they have told me that they have been marginalized by police and the security forces. and you never know you can really trust. it steamy covering the story for a swap but thank you very much. in him. well as we said this deadly attack comes a day before afghans elect a new president in you can follow me on twitter just as the hymn on the screen for well we'll have more on that palin what it means for the country later in the show also be sure to check out our act election coverage online tv and don't eat the splash afghanistan in twenty fourteen. afghanistan was jumping on a report on the c i a in court showed that the eu with senate intelligence committee was the well to say it is due to dianne feinstein has read
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the classified report she says it is shocking and exposes brutality in stark contrast to the values of the us. the report the town's this nine days detention and interrogation program following the nine eleven attack as did president barack obama also the classifieds of the content is expected to reignite the debate on how far is too far in getting the truth. this is kylie's shake off on its alleged chief planner of the nine eleven attacks. to get information about his possible to conspirators the c i a interrogators him in a secret prison in itunes they will support him hundred and ninety three times simulates drowning as demonstrated here. some of the justice department revealed years ago. but now the senate intelligence committee report shows just how posh some of the c i a's methods were in the struggle against islamist terror the report exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation. it
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chronicles the stain of our history that must never be allowed to happen again. this is not what americans do the list is long. secret prisons interrogations without warrants. terror suspects done to my sport until they told us. off to the taxes that on the eleventh two thousand and one the bush administration was apparently willing to take whatever steps it so necessary. senator feinstein said the us must face up to this post. she said the c i a have made serious mistakes not everyone agrees many americans believe the us had no alternative and that these methods save thousands of american lives. are you thought our washington correspondent adds companies own the story of forest and that's obviously the us president he has to sign off on this before the report is the classified what we know was he expected to say yes obama has always opposed the so called enhances
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regression techniques by the c i a and he's made it clear that he wants to release this up. executive summary of this report the question is just in what form would be released because because of that happens demonstration will conduct a review that includes the c i a having a say in what gets police or not so at the very least one was happier. is this executive summary of the report almost five hundred pages and then the c i a and some republicans who make clear which parts of this report. the think are actually true and not true that is epitome of it is because the five people are to be arguing about its validity there. what impact do you think it's going to help the fight against terrorism. we always have to remember we're talking about events wall that are in the past if an administration the administration of george w bush and pres obama made very sure that nothing like this would happen under his watch in two thousand dying
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so that c i a is very much linked to what the administration wants what the administration thinks of the whole idea behind this of course is that the administration tells the cra what it should do and not to know doesn't look like this report will change anything in the legislative framework for the cis it always depends on the administration which means in theory at least a future administration could conduct the same kind of policy but it seems unlikely because after nine eleven many americans not all of them but many americans have realized that they are not in the same page with what the c i a did that this was against american values it was against american beliefs and apparently didn't even work as the report states very clearly here so is it likely to happen again isn't likely to fall back into that. no it's not so we already have had to change because the administration has changed its policy current men's open fours in washington max thank you very much. the actions of
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the united states on german soil coming under scrutiny at the highest political level a parliamentary committee has begun investigating allegations of the tennessee spawning the probe will look into reports that the us is using it comes to mind. air force base in germany took what makes drone operations around while the use of drones is controversial as civilians are often mistakenly killed in the strikes brandon bryant spent his job with the us army three years ago. he says he wanted to stop helping to kill people. he was connected to as the remix trend operate into the us base at lunchtime lunchtime in the air force base. it is essential in the wrong ward prayer operations. was a riot was stationed in the united states has a total freight or until twenty eleven that he pocketed thousands of missions all connected by
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lunchtime. in total u s air force documents at the palms taken by the date of the costs of the distance the signal traveled from the us by einstein to the mission areas in pakistan and yemen. in the korean and took linked in. employees of a special unit said they also evaluate it like the image is from the friends while working in the sunshine wanted is gemini thrown into turmoil. jimmy's nsa investigation committee is now set to address this very question. the gemini government says that was an agreement with the us that comes to an operations would not speak a monday from gemini. it says it knew nothing of the day to drink sprite describes. always joined by now political correspondent john derek jones knows we could about this story time again. why is this committee and the now just getting its act together you mean the nsa story well it's been of course along unfolding story. and this
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particular aspect of the items off the bedroom walls with being conducted when we see germany as a pivotal point and is an olsen on new recruits to managed about a year ago. with reference to the drone attacks in somalia the somalia and being coordinated through stuttgart which is us africa command and at the time the german foreign minister of the time and indeed the best of emma took up the master with his american counterpart don't carry this and it showed him that said that america was not doing anything illegal but didn't give any details so even if the government would take up the semester again then we heard from a darkened space today that the government intends to two to address this the master with washington. it is very unlikely to be a nice concrete details coming on full tilt and other details why didn't the german government actually know what topics. we'll win of germany
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enjoys nature and in nineteen fifty five intend to adopt. pros call with a teenager troops to shoot and dad that you really meant a kind of surrendering to some extent off of a certain aspects of sovereignty in germany the german government has in fact very little leverage vaccine on the toll to two to find out what exactly is going on at the american based and there is very widespread condemnation open warfare among the general population. it's considered generally. we know from from polls that have long johns is considered to be federally on ethical and perhaps that reason the gems to the americans decided not to inform that the german government it would simply put an embarrassing situation thank you very much for the analysis the situation between russia and ukraine remains a very dangerous
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the remains buried ten says those are the words of britain's foreign minister we ate. speaking as eu foreign ministers gather in athens for three days of salt he says the european union must repair stronger sanctions against most of and be prepared to use them if necessary. germany's largest online says there's a chance now the diplomatic efforts to bear fruit this is the eu can play a role in giving moscow and kiev to school authorities in the solomon are going to say that flash flooding has killed more than a dozen people in what's being described as the country's worst disaster ever. aid workers say that the death toll was likely to rise dramatically days of heavy rains have caused the month and the cool river to overflow its banks in the capital when our entire house isn't being washed away more than ten thousand people. as one in seven of the city's residents reportedly being made homeless. damage to infrastructure is hampering relief efforts
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the integrated coming up with a return to afghanistan where the presidential elections are taking place tomorrow. went to study in germany. and you still have lots of questions. you'll find all you need to know about studying in germany here. information on courses admission requirements qualifications costs and much more. w don't eat study in germany. the first port of call for anyone interested in studying in germany. i i i i journalists bloggers and internet activists are
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fighting for freedom of expression and human rights nominations for two weeks that was turned off towards the bay. i was feverish steve dawson fourteen. now on our website. to top story the afghan police commander has shot dead a high profile german photographer in critically injured a canadian correspondent. the pair was covering afghanistan's presidential election which will be held on saturday noll that the taliban denied responsibility they still bound to cause chaos that is all if it goes ahead however it'll be the first time in history that power is transferred democratic despite time and threats to disrupt elections. afghans are still attending on to register to vote in the last presidential poll five years ago the common cause night's victory was considered a
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foregone conclusion. now that he can run again. many afghans feel that i could count. we want reconciliation in our country. we wanted government to fight injustice and i want everyone to fold then there can be no rawness but democracy is weak in afghanistan. the human rights commission is forced to hide behind thick walls. it takes half an hour of security checks to get to see nasa mas office. she'll be monitoring the election but one reason not to tax. she sees the maligned as a good sign so they are unable to take risk. the attitude. may be christine. teams can she. of course assistant in a way to go. i think it's a good sign most afghans want peace. i think the government is to rot. that's how presidential candidate and shotgun he sees things even though these
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informants to himself the former world bank employee is promising economic reform and he's optimistic that a reconciliation with the taliban could succeed we've been to peaks. this is the door to it. if it's rejected. the would be stopped. tuna and tuna was the runner up in afghanistan saddam's presidential election. michael the other major candidates he wants international trips to stay in the country. jonas is that afghanistan faces great uncertainty because president cause i refuse to sign a security agreement with the us. so my whistle with the afghan foreign minister and is a close confidante of comic as i may be because i could retain influence through him. despite the range of candidates standing no comment here in kabul has no plans to vote because he fears they could be repercussions. this mosque received a threatening letter for registering people
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bogart prototype but all in one day i had my veggie garden much. the taliban have threatened us if we don't eventually they will run down house with the heat. not soft and has hinted that other than get to and from the camera. the warning is clear to win the rights that puts that life can change it the men to come but we're not interested in elections and democracy is brought to nothing good to our people with what that's why we will not allow elections to be held in our country. do the interview. these threats are not going to teach them many afghans who is determined to buy it. then now hunting for a peaceful election day. and the choice that is it's free and fair as possible under the circumstances. oh and for a reality check. the western countries that don't carry says washington is considering pulling out of its role in launching the middle east peace corps as the colts on the brink of collapse. israeli media reports that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has asked
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the army to consider retaliatory measures in response to palestinian efforts to sign up internationally for a palestinian state on a promise not to do that is one of kerry's grounds broke ground rules for negotiations the israelis had pledged to release the last of about a hundred palestinian prisoners palestinians clashed with israeli troops in the west bank on friday. angered by israel's decision to hold the shutter release of palestinian prisoners the future of the toll says in the balance. palestinians say they have made concessions and it's up to israel to show more willingness to compromise we have come a long way where was this that the missouri right to exist among visit seven we have come a long way these negotiations. but if we think to hear. one israeli official ahmed if i mess up and have to say. i accept the state of the spine disease is the nineteen sixteen lines. during a visit tomorrow and us secretary of state john kerry said washington was running out to
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patients with israelis and palestinians dragging their heels. this is not an open ended. the effort never has been the president said at the beginning i said that many times including in the last few days. so it's reality check time. and we intend to. other. the value is precisely what the next steps will be. the crop is taken from within and that the monster dined on whether to continue talks but don't know if you can remember the forty five min of the devil to get out of my head. hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered or one to twenty years ago and it was only because of their ethnicity of the world has been remembering the awful events of the genocide in the east african nation on this anniversary something many would rather forget but something the international community needs to be reminded of even judges
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offered nice entry the tickets went on it or its rampage time teaching tutsis and moderate hutus the scale of the car is still hunting for us today justice incomprehensible is the way the un passively watched the genocide on phone jump on and remember the massacre. it warned that foreign inaction had made it once in a sudden once the international community failed in the u n peacekeepers were pulled out of rwanda in the midst of violence twenty years ago the logo and a dozen or so the lessons of history nicely and that was the message of the debates and speeches six months the ministry intervention when necessary he minds the international community must learn to speak more often with one voice that's the only way we'll be able to help and conflict to the arcade meet to decide the best yet as i've now come by to take a look this debate should be the teacher's
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lessons for the future. we must be able to say there will be no more genocide when is a new cafe. rwanda has been slow to come to terms with what happened. one hundred days of official remember that starts on monday. the country is still a very long way from genuine reconciliation. ryan chad has begun with joy give soldiers from the central african republic nearly a week after peacekeepers from chad they are opened fire on a crowded market. united nations has published results from its investigation. a un spokesperson says the pack in a capital d. but for the civilians dead and another three hundred wounded was unprovoked. chad says its troops. if i don't post my personal reason. this is the story demand for german products is on the rise german industrial orders were not for the fourth consecutive month to his release full february suggests growing momentum in europe's largest economy
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kennedy's federal statistics office is that the domestic demand is driving growth most orders came from within the eurozone up six percent of us did. in contrast orders from the rest of the will drop sharply the three day strike by lufthansa pilots is going to eclipse the first flight has already taken off again from singapore need to pray for the most flights scheduled for saturday are expected to run smoothly departments union called the stoppages to demand better pay and secure worth generous early retirement benefits management nearly four thousand flights were canceled. the two sides are no closer to agreement relatively strong job's done a mini united states for last month gave european equities a nice non student that week his goal from am on its correspondent in it to my stop and think that. if labor market report meant done pretty well so that they invest this year and the german equity market as it shows once again that
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the economy of the worry is recovering and that is very important also for john incorporates web and much depending on exports speaking of exports. diana had the best mom in the history of the company as sales on picking up again also in the eurozone countries but also elsewhere in the verdict the new models are actually getting to the taste of its cost them as also the end of the year before day and a surge in sales in china which also meant done pretty well the ten best and so today was a positive day that backs the bench not the next ian gemini could tackle point seven percent. let's check elders market numbers for new clues in the hegemony of the dax up in positive territory up bio was the third of the present yourself to fifty. clinton by a similar jump thirty two thirty the number there blitz the keep the camera
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does on the eyes and the dow jones fell a little on the day sixteen thousand four hundred and forty points this year are down and is no one knew when still a thirty seven zero to three years after the second picture well formula one legend the show schumacher has been in a coma for over three months now after a skiing accident in france and now they've simply been some encouraging reports of what's been described as moments of consciousness and awaken finally what could be some good news for uk to mankind and his fans manages to the neck came told reporters that he sang the first signs of regaining consciousness. she refused to give anyone the taylors in order to protect his family eighteen months now. have been reducing medications keeping him in an artificial coma. customs and killed in an accident hospital says that surprisingly known as the new handset is long but this isn't how it normally
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goes up to such a serious injury. mumbai's of up to get this one soon so i know when aunt joy how quick he would receive an information night at home with all the smokers though it is this news could be a few days old or even a few weeks so the government will support. schumacher has been in clinical use university clinic since his accident in december the chances of a full recovery. a student who has been done i'm done yet. that brings us to the end of this pollution in the journal of the delta king joining us. as the duo will be back again at the top of the next hour. to the eu. i have. he is. i know
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name. dvds dvds the eye. you see. it is. the eight story each day. excludes any team that works. to top story was today's most intriguing topic as told but it makes the premier global content partners back to back in english. it's one am in washington london and you have a party happening here in philly this weekend is here. right from the event with me. the advantage that i can say that stealing is just too new and it makes the networks to work on in each seat. he wrote continue to share with your friends on
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facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks windmill new living room the tree. though many of the daughters of something that i gave them a fair chance. the island. i think you see something of what is the great united states. i must say that in united states. two variants of your sons and daughters. twenty five. in fact for something which greeted the time. links between ireland and the united states are dong and injuring twenty two us presidents day my irish heritage. chilton keen on returning to rome. however if president reagan and kennedy descendants were trying to innovate to the united states
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