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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  April 7, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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knew you. we will win . fan the news. bulgarian prime minister viktor ward and has declared victory in elections thing about shows that hungry but the most united nations in your top four but it's classic repeated the big european union and foreign investors over his mouth or policy. and after sunday's win big if that were bracing for another term of unpredictable and for some pop bottle measure but many ontarians feel for them to get your old former dissident against communist rule as a champion of national interest
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after seventy one percent of the ballots were counted election officials rejected or bends with the dead party would win hundred and thirty five of the one at the nineteen ninety two for eleven thousand two thirds threshold needed for his party to unilaterally change the constitution the same production date the socialist led the left below and thirty nine ft wall bar right in a demanding job it would take twenty five feet. the larger protesters have spent the night holed up in the regional administration building of the bath after state buildings and three the ukrainian city receives her during accusations from the earlier the government in kiev the president what he wrote but didn't was orchestrating separate get that order. the protesters stormed the regional government buildings in the industrial hub of the dam and security service often in your bible god's way to russian flags and demanding a minute by a referendum on joining russia. protesters
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also later seats in the regional administrative building in a heartbeat ukraine's second largest city. all three cities like los ukraine border with russia in tibet protesters had prepared a draft they think and regional government officials which got wind of the band to join russia. i the lou news came on. he did. it is. the he knew
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the two. i. team from one of treats them what's two more small rapid now which has played out thousands of months and to not publish a post on the crux of the eighteenth place still more work ahead of the typical that the apostle of millions of people visit with still more to die isn't really a story and begin living with them at some pieces up like a wedged into the country stylings. there's a pit stop because his aikido
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people have in the past he was in place in the middle is from god grace of god he didn't realize this the place with king solomon. every requested to submit to the place is called the beast wanting to blog on here is a threat to finish my pitiful the chief rabbi of the weston will wrap another which must ensure there is enough brain for future trends. so twice he cheated his team likes hundreds of thousands of lights before burying them wrapping the whitsundays to new statesman extract the files in some small amount on the crux of the pool preventing any damage coming to the action stunts the weird but lovable soon it is written in it or not but i don't all to see things i need something the killings i need something that destroys we use one that is not something that the secrets does. doesn't destroy the doctors what they did at that time of the temple and that is what we do he does have a look and don't come. the way school is almost consistently on that
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people keep impress many of the name for which the cowboys cut his top staff all heads to the start of a boost but that which is before kissing the wall when i've finished drying even knocked up read someplace that adopted by members of many fights around the world this place is a sacred place the jewish people and the jewish people's jokes this is the way it is generations upon generations had dreamed about each of these places. the western wall is a remnant of the compound of the second temple destroyed in seventy a day to die. it's time to meet the religious plaza known to muslims as al haram al shop and to as temple mount. you see it that it was totally off cos i thought would last the seven guys running from the fifteen flight crew to the twenty first of april. i did. shrimp ease of given initial approval to appeal to
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the pd what he calls rehabilitation of nazis them that will punish historians denying crimes during world war two the bill was adopted by the duma in the first reading it it uses a criminal charge. knowing facts established by the tribunal regarding the crimes of jimmy need to be a d seventy two false information about civic actions during the war punishment for violations would range from a hefty fine tuning the joke so. critics say the bill would be used to enforce the kremlin approved version of the street and has links in the coming says it is directed against liberals and democrats. the company of regime with the regime about the papal a respected professor underneath the boat was dismissed from the moscow state institute of international relations last month for news. they brought to court in which he compared bush's actions in ukraine's crimea to hitler's annexation of austria and is today to land. putin's regime is made to look to the cornerstone of
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its policies with the province of west and opinions. several politicians compete for team to hitler over crimea easy to view the clinton got to co star of our most notably consumer finance minister will show you a rush of protest to junior over remarks he made like an english is an extension of crimea the gym in expansion and to hitler it is clear russia believes it has an exclusive right to interpret events its foreign minister coming to them should know by saying that the comparisons by him the gross manipulation of the historic facts should do is an influential figure in england locals call it an excluded. russia has this to trust you in history only use it to you the flight from atrocities committed by the soviet union in the period immediately before and after world war two. top and the leader francis it's the integration far right
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national front as in the school cafeterias will no longer offer non pork meal options and eleven towns one biker party in local elections. henry started the debate on the substitution meals which target primarily muslim and jewish students from pork is prohibited. she says there's a reason for religion to enter the sphere and religious requirements in the school lunch menus will not be accepted in an effort to save secularism the national front was founded in the nineteen seventies by entering the un's father wondering what in the party has attempted to distance his policies from the anti semitic and racist comments made by her father mr le pen has dismissed the holocaust is a new detail of history and has also said that the occupation of france was not a humane. she took over and took the lead. hislop and declared the holocaust is the ultimate act of barbarism i had. the pundits had
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gathered at the cathedral in rwanda's capital kigali to commemorate the lives of the eight hundred thousand people were killed during the nineteen ninety four massacre a week of official mourning to mark the twentieth anniversary of the genocide starts on monday the seventh of april six nineteen ninety four one hundred is it's waterproof cast with the two governments in extremist militias orchestrated the genocide to terminate that aussie minority ethnic group moderate youtube are also targets they were slashed with machetes by members of the hutu majority. throughout the country neighbors terminator hacking each other to death. the bios march following the failed any of the plane carrying one does presents his loyal presidential guard unleashed a campaign of terror against the tide seems to be accused of being behind the attack the fighting ended in july of nineteen eighty four one eight as he led rebel group
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marched on kigali and took control of the country the eye. the false dawn the two milton has played to the jewish wife of france's new prime minister. my new battles influenced his opinions on the controversial up an old chest of thirty five year old former west brom striker out that he had to foul swoop. but this much energy into fixing throngs of gdp in viking weekend to donate the inventor of the widely perceived anti semitic with no texture and a week of cold fronts is mantra news that the feud is why people get the phone to quinn ella's anti semitic than it's like claiming the priests of paedophiles and all muslims are terrorists and no korea to write it he wasn't anti semitic and they have no problem with the jewish community. mind your bowels has been married to violinist and grandpa since two thousand and ten. during his
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recent tenure as interior minister in a post it on my mechanic to take a lead a nationwide campaign to run the chicago or the browns the world jewish congress recently praised balance to his entirely dismiss measures to restrict free speech to protect the community for racist incitement last month you'll say said anti zionism these anti semitism during a speech commemorating two years since in a jewish school in the southern french city of two years. i know coverage only to fall in the window during a double celebration against a west ham in december the english football association sled down the five match ban and eighty thousand pound fine last month but it sucks when he's really come for christmas. meanwhile could only keep your eye system which has been convicted seven times for hate speech and was banned from entering percent of the stock to marry british celebrity chef nigella lawson has been prevented from boarding the u
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s bound flights and now must re apply for these appalling astounding truck compassion in a recent court case the fifty four year old was she to catch flights from london's heathrow airport to the side's innings last sunday but was time to lay off checking in on costs and security according to which each media. the rejection could jeopardize the recent entrants into the american tv market which is carly and judge on the cooking thing to tell or show it to taste wilson is reported to have registered with the u s officials prior to flying acknowledging she did not lead to ten people convicted of taking illegal narcotics she has now been invited to apply for visa which the us embassy in london says the hand or retaining and expeditiously. it's expected olsen will have to come together to talk his assessment to pray she's clean and trunks. us officials maintain the right time. it is the drug offenses even if they have been specifically charged for the offense. jeff and i think it's the domestic gold it's
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off to one of the books and has a decent cooking drifted on to it. she snorted or kindness or more times and its pledge cannabis in front of the children the confession came during a trial by jennifer and her ex husband's house of his coma i could face charges of defrauding a couple of six hundred and ninety five thousand pounds a media storm when she killed by stories of twenty in drug abuse and extending the trial came at the end of it as it cools and the divorce advertising microsoft's the last july of two for two trucks most with his hands grasping hand neck of the london restaurant they were once one of the highest profile jewish couples in britain during the ten year marriage. eye loom. the jewish national fund's recent major conference in brussels
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the new directions program sought to stress the importance of advocating for israel in the eu. we as a bit and use a non we can't forget to check in on all issues that interest on a basket inside of the passages in my memories to sustain the bbc. it's now these people it can freeze and have a string of baby want israel to be presented in fairway it's a mix i think it's a lot to do to keep it to be missed to approach it in to say the least and what you like hearing my kids and use the current crisis comes from a different for different people. kyle has been doing a great job since the foundation of the state of israel and renamed it doesn't and we would really like to contribute to death and killing all seven os may have developed several ideas for hands on projects which i find now being implemented piece by piece. we aren't very good staying scripted by and ask them to the eye sustainability when she found
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the car is qantas and a pack of cards and aunt florence and also in the context of coaching style of pants on the quotes him as a mosque so to have a win win situation. reducing friends inspiration from mia from the rest of us and i also create steam train and then she would disown of penance the new generation section of the conference helped participants discover what leadership is about which skills are essential for good leadership the jewish national fund. my intercultural exchange is learning experiences. his confidence is important on its knees and getting to know when you went on to little avail. she'll be noted. and to share the same age in helping to give me a week even a stint of things. it extends to many men he has ever done to you it cost us a new beginning for all the fuss because let's face it the pagoda set to go with what to do with the next thing you know when they presented a huge donations
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for these countries into implementing gospel just as we share with you. it is not what you can not leave him to make it more than five hundred and sixty five. what gives you give me give me that the engine was saddened to hear the wind had other plans. you're in you. many real full of seeing the police station to sit in the battle command. peel focusing in about four months and it isn't education and continue to sell its soul politics and culture the mill was in any other country has gone toward becoming familiar to us how to fight his own well to you as it was up to fight the time change and how to tease you and your niche your own conscience which way now for the jewish national fund. on this or that the commitment enthusiasm shown during the conference may well be blue skies ahead this is james drew a giant mall. in brussels . jim
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johnson a thank you michael has said the minister's comments comparing russia's annexation of crimea to the seizure of jam and speaking of czechoslovakia douglas attention from ukraine's a real chance finance minister wolfgang shopper to cause controversy late last month up to suggesting russian christians of lebanon putin may tend to center court reached its ukraine under the pretext of protecting its citizens using such methods as he used when he makes the region today two months in nineteen thirty eight below still serious but the comparison of some of the german ambassador to explain the publication now in what is to be an attempt to de escalate the heightened tensions between the west and russia. american spokesman said the federal government putting away the russian people suffering in world war two and that the government has no different. wow it's
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been making different school athletes. don't miss the twenty second of those before we get sixteen states hillary clinton paralleled the tins and bake in the aggression a prominent russian professor was also a fact from a prestigious moscow university up to making similar claims about the media pundits disagreed arguing that the modern day russia is nowhere near as powerful as the previous code and its movements. now some say the kremlin is not a match against the mitre and economic might of the west whether this hasn't stopped ukrainians showing similarities it is the kitchen and hitler has become common place including on the front and time magazine on which the al saud the russian embassy in kiev and even on key is to his tree which still remains in the sand to square one and anti government protests which began last november for the eye i chased me until
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the lot was beset with controversy even before it premiered it in this interpretation of the famous biblical story. the film has been banned in some muslim countries and to get some christian and jewish groups the jewish film critic in london says people are taking it all too seriously. this is after all. hollywood's. i know of but not like you seen it before. the thing is religious story tells of the great flood which washed away civilization with only noah and his great start to see the animals and start a new life afresh. hollywood stars russell crowe emma watson and jennifer connelly were at the european premiere of the dead. this is epic was that did not break the tie and a bit easier. amongst other countries for its depiction of the car. no i really don't go into making a legacy that included with it
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in some countries countries that the quran states quite clearly that shouldn't make any representations of the prophets was a prophet in the slums. to say that it expected the summit that would be absolutely true the company. it's a sad sad ate at. people talk thompson you up to its interests of the celtic league clubs devotees and special effects which angered some traditionalists. but jewish jacket and an honesty is taking it all in his stride. it seems that no such thing as bad press. the film did well when it opened around the globe. he says after a half century it was time for you what it is epic
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it's been years since the eleventh. some of the greatest stories ever told. really it will be reduced. chile's film critic jason sullivan gave them to be a positive review. it's already been discarded jewish the entities that may be saying that because that's the thing i know it you're speaking world in bolivia there is definitely a new http biscuits did get my act and those who actually abide by the traditional images that's it i keep the peace is reputed to be skewed to draw mostly unused in the pasta into the box. we should be priced at. now reached number one in its opening weekend in the united states topping over forty five million dollars the film is now set to double the amounts until june on sunday by two thirds and one. in london. the iconic
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paintings but the world renowned artist claude monday and christie's impressionist and modern art sale in new york next month june eighteen oh seven pm to one of the least valued at thirty five million us dollars is part of a collection of masterpieces by bringing art to cast an informal featuring a year in hong kong. morning for two days of this exceptional quality didn't appear on the auction market very often. what's doubly excited that this painting is the fact that it's been hidden from view for nearly eight years old by the presenter in nineteen thirty and not seen since three of the race continues while in the scoring in the eyes depicting his card and france are part of the collection from the estate of william andrews clark america's richest man in the turn of the twentieth century the haunting works of art can only conclude that those invited into the apartments of clark's daughter and amateur artists to pop them in nineteen
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thirty. there's three more masterpieces by french impressionist care of his trademark from the clark estate auction for lars and i don't play is valued at two five million years dollars present a most valued at five point five million dollars and is great he is a lot older now is worth fifty million years calories christie's abroad highlights of the screen you precious to more than a sport content free up sales to hong kong because we have a strong and growing collective based here in asia. i think there is a city the stroller and known tradition of collecting in this world whether it is wasted on school will all want to glow. it's an area where we are expecting increasing growth over the coming years. according to christie's is fifty four live auction is expected to raise two hundred forty five million years dollars to ten and sixteen winners dollars heist can still party for such art since may two thousand ten the air. i . to
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me. it is who in the morning society but we wanted to find out how different the two state fields towards compassion at the end of life although the laws in place of patients with the incurable diseases can manage it with peanuts or six beans resistance by medical staff of implementing the laws which is going to the christening last days with her late father so she decided to do something about it for others and started the petition that will one day hopefully become a new israeli law. i am fighting for this in the name of my late father who was a great time and he's entered in the sec and the guide was underneath the head and wheel it and i for those saying that she doesn't want to
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direct these back it up unfortunately i couldn't try it and i went to the south and fight sold by the close behind me there is no one. i am doing everything by myself just to fall he's wasted that i couldn't follow why he was and i i think of it is that it has a great message to the weld will mark progress and even then they detach and a couple weeks and i think come to most of them can come the blessing photo of ohio to die with dignity usual. this is the deal michael by don is cut to the very unique. it's just been any faculty alike to suffer some extent on the university's research is contesting the state's control the ethical medicine implementation of modern medicine on ancient jewish alaskan clauses. they set a specific law against a victim leaving chile. dr judicial all the fats can be channeled
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by a fence technology the possibility that the two might be good for some people to die. such a statement is a very strong wind. so the blaze be god the deposit eve tradition on the neck is killing. as a technical problem. and if it's really good so the pencil to die in the us wishes to die the baddies. promotes many of the blaze promote illegal tree kiddies and tactical objective is to go to our base. this idiot is disposed to get the value of life so please the gap between the face of the body's the movie the rabbis and the technicalities of tuition though. and what they actually prescribe to the fall was in private counseling. as the dig up only at the end of my pieces levels above the bowl she was conscious of the major issues that we could make the snow
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a bill to legalize the use of medical clinical psychologist at the town's hospital. she's the one who is called the context of the patients and loved ones about the options which are available to them if they choose to move the bed the dog to kick the bucket were talking here about the committees that were established hospitals in accordance to the logs patient desert communities in which the nationals doctor's advice. radio percentage from three major religions in israel muslims and christians are meant to see him eat and sleep. the eulogy it turns out even in touching matters like personage of israel is one of the most modern liberal countries in the world having already in place legislate laws to help patients at their end of life putting one on one jacobson in israel. i eye. rule. i do
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rudy. in the room. to me tea. we are. we do. poor
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the in. . in the dáil. one
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will have twenty days after student protesters stormed and occupied the let's hit the beach on the streets of a wanting the message of uganda's president wanting to read if accompanied by the ruling and opposition party lawmakers made his first appearance in the assembly hall. to be entering the legislature. he urged the students to return to their studies


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