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tv   Kazakh TV News  PBS  April 8, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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ch do what what . education in science is one of the most important issues of the country this year the government located one point five to continue for the sector in particular but at the same time did remain a shortage of student places schools in disrepair internship teaching applied enough to soften the zoo by a meeting with the minister of education and science as part of the sheeple in this regard it is necessary to follow the vast lisa funds for the construction of facilities including within the framework of social responsibility of business emphasize the president. he also noted the need for a clear understanding of the principles of autonomy of
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universities education and is one of the most important issues in the development including innovation all of the month of august. but true the presence of the cast to develop into education. it means education together with business in this regard we will develop a series of specific measures to encourage businesses to work with professional detective organizations that you're forced to move you toward your business. which is so you shall teach me thus they discussed the issues concerning the opening of the nasa me see him because true aspect of the corporation for expo two thousand seventeen the image to the reason mr costa with the head of the mystique that it's time to come in the glow of the expense of the meeting noted that the number of theater visitors increased by fifty percent condition more people begin to visit museums libraries the number of visitors concert halls is risen by one hundred percent as the number of cinema visitors increased by almost four percent following the meeting the sultanate to my outline several hearings which were to be strengthened it is necessary to interact with civil society to
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continue putting in a creditable network of centers teaching because a claim which within the social order is necessary to intensify activities but all creative genius award association of comics and the ball shot program regarding the socially significant literature is necessary to pay attention to the release of works will call your content is interesting to the ore production in kazakhstan reached a record level last year amounted to eighty one point eight million tonnes this was announced by the minister of oil and gas was a bike on the violin at the government our vigilance on monday that the main focus is made on the large fields such as the news agenda. in the pentagon next quarter mile was accounted for more than seventy two million tonnes for the first time has extensive ties with two thirty countries the largest fall in exports with the countries it is italy china netherlands france and austria the head of the ministry noted that the modernization of the three refineries will be completed by two thousand sixteen. this will enable the country to provide domestic market with gasoline diesel fuel and jet fuel fuel for your bystanders. however the minister discovered assumptions about the construction of
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the fourth oil refinery at a target not referring to high cost us for the custard enfield oil production is now suspended due to the malfunctions in the pipeline infrastructure oil and gas minister assured that this did not affect the state of the industry pool. according to the results of the pipeline examinations the house was such a pipeline to have some micro cracks after the ultrasound shows the possible risk point we can investigate this place they're also possible or is that we should examine according to the executive secretary of the country the ministry of agriculture the final food production amounted to nine hundred and seventy three between teams in two thousand trinkets that i might get me of recorded everything in the center to the kitchen service that other producers fully provide the domestic market but such products as rice meets flour and bread cover the producers need to increase the production fun of certain types of goods articulate their fruit and vegetables poultry sausages butter and cheese. the state is ready to support farmers to increase the production of one of these food items for example fifteen master plans are
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being implemented within the agribusiness twenty twenty program including the development of puerto koch and poultry meat that is expected to cut extended production of cheese fruit vegetables and whole to meet the demands of the domestic market by at least eighty percent by two thousand twenty one this month and with every new book while the men in law was adopted jamie was seventeen inches the support of processing enterprises to increase the production of cheese butter and milk powder at present production of these items should be increased with the method of teaching is to get approvals book. a favorable to mark the death or the movies rentals. a sitter. maths was the mission was called walker the president of the extent of salt in the semi emphasize the need to introduce a dance to go she's in the agriculture industry has addressed the nation in addition he noted that more attention to be focused on nuclear development rational use of resources in the creation of investment attractiveness. he's covered since farmers began to abate outline passed immediately one of these farms is commissions quit. it is
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located into an icon area the enterprise based showers increasing the production without increasing the number of livestock did manage to solve this past using creative ideas and innovative technologies farmers admit that the nation brings good results. although a new window. but a loss to australia. of course the path we want to improve the quality of milk at present when he launches a six point six liters of milk everyday. we need to use new technologies leading to increased employment outlook of the leaders avoid trouble this was a little widget holiday special attention is paid to the breeding work enterprise in cooperation with scientists working in the new breed of costs because it stays in general more than fifty innovative products with sixteen billion seen you haven't realized in sinessman topat gion are in antipatio signing the agreen the establishment of the eurasian economic boss of the regulars and scientists expressed an opinion on the work within a single space according to them working conditions for exporters will be
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considerably simplified but the violation of customs inspections a normal duties are there still remains a difference in the last kazakhstan russia and the most different apartments in different markets imply extra costs for the standardization or certification. therefore entering the eurasian economic team will be another step the way to simplify the export for domestic business. police carried out economic sciences in law article the canonical. there is a purely economic integration which promises growth of trade turnover and pre sell the products the competitiveness of our business will be increased the size to benefit from this integration will fill some areas including education health which came with the transfer of technology access to russian embellish and social services. the tomb of the papers that the business is coveted provides services and if your hotel and interacts with religion and has even gotten the core development for those ten years be enough to ignore his open an office in russia and the from us custody services there for him the creation of the eurasian economic union one of the further expansion
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ramadhan is the more that one of the community due to the customs obstacles will be removed and we see already within the customs union many documents on war between entrepreneur from different countries are simplified said publication of the prestigious will impact on the consumer eventually this has all the benefits. i think in the next few years will see the results were. yet i didn't go. the new method of moving them. it didn't open scientists and businessmen agree that for a successful business. the teacher union will be open only to new opportunities for beginners or small businesses within the eu will be an opportunity to develop business highest in its bid to move into the middle class called for new rail. ceremonies to mark the fourth anniversary of the best of april two thousand ten are going to extend a record meaning to the memory of the shares he died. i want to swear to tell them bishkek the president to do stand out most to them by the prime minister to march on the bias in the parliamentary speaker said that instead of participating in events recall that in april two thousand ten after the riot police attacked
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the demonstrators a peaceful demonstration turned into a seizure of the government house seventy people were killed under sniper fire within three other people received was a very severe to the former president of the pic but you first went to the south of the country and they completely left the state received asylum in the water is all those who died in the event four years ago one could seriously awarded with the title hero of the april revolution. both of them all of them all today we honor our fathers and brothers four years ago did not spare their lives to defend that freedom force and our children if they remain in the history because they were in the front line of fire but did not flinch in boulder when its fate. i loved ones can be returned but the memory of it here is a more always be with us and with those for whom they've made a brave act. in syria the besieged area homes at least twenty nine rebels were killed in a car bombing there are two commanders among the dead. it is unknown who organized explosion because of armed conflict between government forces and opposition fighters and syria has continued since two thousand and eleven the president rushed outside with it use to apply force
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against civilians refuse to leave his post. the position during the conflict was split into many warren group alignments some of which are supported by international organizations. more than one hundred and thirty thousand people have died since the conflict began parliamentary elections that will continue until mid may started painting the eight hundred and fourteen million people are intended to vote that is one of the ballymore compared to the previous selection. the main struggle for the mandates will be held between the ruling party indian national congress and the national people's party also known as the party for nationalists. the main slogan of the election campaign is the fight against corruption inflation given the scale the election will be implemented in nine stages the counting of votes will begin on the sixteenth. a few days the welcoming of course keep my ballet world and will be presented at the scene of the national opera in london coliseum. this event is especially valuable for the first time ever the main character in the russian ballet takes a ballerina from kazakhstan. i get him pick the type of cheese a graduate of the law to choreograph
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it's cool to one of many international competitions the lead element of boston opera state theater. this is unusual event for this tapas traditions of the monster you're a talented dancer considers his performance a true sign of faith a great responsibility. artistic director of boston are prone to distribute to leave considers the performance to be a great harbor any indicates the professional levels caused by late august which skills are as good as the skills of ballet dancers of leading theaters. we caught the ballet had already been performed with the success of progressive scenes of new york paris moscow in budapest. for the latest news is that three w dot cardstock stash tv got kate said. in two thousand fourteen the world like the market moving to hit the brakes in its volumes of sales will exceed three point seven billion us dollars increasing by three percent these are the forecast of experts regard right here it
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is comforting. at the same time sales of pcs tablets and about devices will rise by four point three percent over the years three to six hundred ninety seven billion us dollars the fastest growth of six point eight percent analysts are forecasting for the enterprise software sector bodies of citizen which is expected to reach two hundred and twenty billion us dollars. among other trends developing a cloud technologies has been no teeth. to put him in a sleepy to be these expectations are set for a couple of years in advance and cloud technologies are bright example of the private corporate solutions and private solutions are going to give away for personalization server technologies are also living in the direction of cloud solutions at the same time mobile devices will be more client oriented the catholics that hits the market is also falling the world and in particular more about the prices are pushing out the season notebooks with a market leading space for tablets and start the ball so tough competition for this year the market of licensed software and the fight against piracy are being observed. yet overall the iq marketing has to stand aside
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from such a thing is still experiencing the effect of the recent currency adjustment measures the boom boom roar or both. a pervert eighteen indicators that should have shown positive tendencies will slow down somewhat. the categorization of exhibit stagnation. they show slight decrease and those that already showing negative tendencies will continue to do so in my opinion there will be a catastrophe for an overall dates the market is not going to collapse may need it to nominate products entering the market eye the government of india according to various estimates the bottom of the feedback he has instead been ousted as the daily news dollars in the mid term perspective this segment of the economy will continue to follow the trends of the global economy the authorities in china have presented a set of measures they are the best in
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leading the cardinals which is experiencing a slowdown. i think when using its reports the government has promised to offer more tax concessions for small businesses to speed up investment in infrastructure particularly prospect of relief as well as provide funding for the treatment of housing facilities and low income families last year the gdp of china grew by seven point seven percent which is much less than the previous years this year the government expected economic growth of seven point five percent the most economists believe that this figure may get much lower. that is of the eu parliament has voted for the cancellation of charges for routing services on the character of the european union. starting from december two thousand fifteen. this initiative has yet to be approved by the european council the year commission percent of the staff lined up some of last year after its approval and once it comes into force. clients will be able to use more about services and internet feed all the countries of the european union for the same fees as of
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the territory's of their own states. the council of loan ton ministers of finance greece for this moment the traffic increased almonds the first one and a bout of six point three billion euro will be made at the end of april. greece's fulfilment of all the requirements of the agreement with the european council european central bank and the imf was a prerequisite for stephen to pursue stalin as it is expected in june to let the tears greece who also received additional two instalments of one bill in europe. the eye. i want to
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undefeated team germany with the score eighty two a success and performance of meeting him and sucked on them what to do pre scheduled victory of austin up i want the quarter final stage of the world series of boxing the fight of heavyweight posts on this entire thing and they're quite true also brought another victory to kazakhstan. in the semifinals the current champion of the world series of boxing us than our lawns will meet with azerbaijani baku fires which defeated italian built in gabon are coming from there the first meeting of kazakhstan and azerbaijan the teams will be held on the twenty fifth in boston on the return meeting scheduled for may second. the bicycle races could not reach the top ten on the prestigious one
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day tour of flanders. this one day classic race was won by swiss re's if ibm cuts american the team truck factory. olympic champion in two thousand a four time with cheap in one this point start in the neutral start so they can go to boise from austin a protein to the head of the two went on until the last kilometers but failed to qualify them for the decisive got income and finishing on the forty ninth on the sparkle also. it was at some of them is when pierced twice and forty kilometers before the finish line there was a gold record for the mountain. the group was divided into three and then we caught up. there were no cars in our research cheese to relate to such a situation that nothing depends on you the opening item on this was the best parts of it. some of the session was his village i know. sure or scolding
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the book is a rusty so you can talk show. two of the market decide. speed is director since two thousand and six. still makes show up all the students arrive on time with liz i still get to it. one last ditch bid to show good people in austin he has this issue the local cpa which developed a severe blow one up on it. gonna start as a scene that improvements in its educational services before the fall of the top bunch who doesn't want ot pt thousands of white meat in children's court where carriers. this is international intervention beginners reason to eight
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million including premium price. but with five million children still out of school the government is working hard to provide the much needed ox is the dish. well for his adopted over the top of the song well it goes up through. they all put it though. the chip. the upper central issue. to be affected due to the digi and what not to know what yet. she does the view that the decision about television that that that is that the bottle last night. and embed it in a two stroke which includes classics at least receive arcs biology and a beach in
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the short course code has been able to provide education to men and women up to forty five years of age or some of them squirming so once in a lifetime opportunity. but the photo above it says so that it was it would assess the pool but they did i break it would do well but then even more to that. that was monday and is no dummy pass the interview he said. post it here. that's what the cheer for them but then he says. private spending. horsemen. you can hear the terms and to listen to them. the man woman and child actors. it was a candidate. since our maturity it's going to stick to my best to step it took us to
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him. but the ticket sales same. the small adult. love you he or she let it be known as the sun will sure be even more tony shepherd of the body. how about that. i get on a budget in increasing numbers of tourists and poisons close enough to start minister that the patients biggest challenge is currently facing debacle trained teachers. essential equipment. unluckily and structure. nevertheless mr martin's ice as prospects for the kitchen in the country are talking out loud will chew on it. he was eleventh of august. so if you don't know the speech. it was israel's top scientists are leading the charge in developing alternative energy bio fuel from one of the world's most abundant
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light winds. algae. fossil fuels like oil rapidly disappearing. finding the new energy sources is critical that's right touch of weeks more of an eco energy is finding ways to help local and international energy suppliers and infrastructure companies go green the lg is extracted because not only reduces costs and outside and smoke stacks. it also doesn't compete with cops for farmland. algae as a biofuel could just thirty times more oil per acre than other crops such as corn and sugarcane it will also be non toxic jason also provide context and that i don't agree quickly the dpp group and the ppt the market the twentieth anniversary of the eu single market. we're also looking at the future of the single market and how it can come to fiji. europe's economic revival by creating more jobs and strong regrets perhaps the most promising
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prospects is the digital single market sector. abbas potential to win hearts our lives. on the prosperity early this year the european commission tabled a proposal to reform what's known as collective rights management many artists and performers use of organizations collecting societies to myself that what the commercial uses like tv stations radio stations and online music service providers. collecting societies also collect income on the hop band members in the form of royalties reforming the way the society's what is a major focus of the commission's proposal. mario got a fringe member of our group is parliament's rapport so on the commission's proposal and she's in listening mode just yet but some typical aussie a critique. i'm looking for it to fit into a bull fight that this debate. ppp has organized the hearing and my goal is to work together that the affected countries which are sometimes taken a negative view of collecting societies. and to avoid
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disputes that we have previously hands for some copyright issues. we need to work in the general interest and in particular in the european intact. i need on the condition is highly connected to the wealthy out of puff piece. collecting societies themselves acknowledge the need for more transparency and the need to adapt to the new opportunities and to months of the digital single market sf represents the swedish performing right society. our structure from our western society is to not act on a purely rational basis test of all the bases but seem to seek partnership with other societies. each time you repeat services. that's the debate she cheats for that yet. all of us stick the commission's proposal is being driven by the possible economic benefits of the pack to manage digital marketplace but also by the sheer depth and breadth of europe's cultural heritage. a decade
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on the market is enormous that is in comparison with other digital markets such as america we have an extraordinary cultural diversity. it's an economic factor that's very important for jobs. i don't regret it we need to get me even on this to achieve a satisfactory result software costs also a dual grateful for the most in the btc will be added to that or sexism the commission's proposal is part of a wider strategy to develop the digital economy within the context of the eu twenty twenty strategy to build a sustainable knowledge based economy in europe. any piece of home being champions of the digital economy for the benefits it brings to the citizens they represent at this be a guy is a kurdish member of our. it's very significant to the proposal. apple corps said it for my plea to a group e g pete bought specially i think we're close ups. the ngos say and this that are looking proposal on from the european and a
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commission. specially not of course looks performance and publishers. thus becomes us cause you'll always be awful to watch the ppt these digital content online wedding on. you see the next few days in a sixty eight to compete at any given. and this and often on the tv and the skin by this time it's the vandalism of the cba science one astute signing him on his feet to get to the state. white city of hope that those who have lost inside pity she didn't get beaten on the basics of cooking it just so that he can apply for jobs in the private sector. it's a nice pickup for the kids get sick of it gets to watch it on the tube system. but what did the month. yuppie computers. the foundation for growth and prosperity with
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the world economy so closely connected. having organization with a mandate to keep the international financial system an even keel is more important than ever the international monetary fund has warned from the lessons leaders took in the great depression and the global conflict the fallen. membership has grown two hundred and eighty eight countries the imf is a forum for discussing policies that promote stable economic growth. it's a form of credit unions whose members contribute money can buy when they aren't. major broker the imf has helped prevent crisis and resulting when you are. so when the global financial crisis began in two thousand and eight. the eye mask policy advice was to good use for countries to create what made the local response. the imf also provided funding and an unprecedented scale also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. it's believed to be the worst second largest coal reserves
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and eastern afghanistan minister of mines way to sri it was money for mine here in another size to be used to rebuild the country after thirty years the war for the first demanded to know it total lending team to beat them to detention the optimist there was the nation's mineral wealth more than three trillion dollars. russell shaw just wanted to explore the country's mineral wealth making the eighties but the primary obstacle to the destruction was a lack of security. the problem that still faces the knesset today now he sighs heavily guarded by afghan security forces to attract many foreign investors who are competing on beats for mining projects one of the abilities of the open government has to be sure that the revenues coming from the shoots reserve will creates revenues for the local community. in two thousand and seven. the china metallurgical group corporation no one intended to mine copper at the site and i'm back south east of kabul in fugitive you know
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what will work on like youth projects in each project speaking to chill. pretty soon it's raining the day before. to ensure that most of what to do in the needed to get a little tough. will it be nice to get up off in it because of the kitchen china is not hilly country investing in afghanistan india pakistan and iran are actively seeking my exploration deals offering enormous amounts of money that would also be for power plants and with a roasted them at afghanistan with south and central asia the neck excavation in the morning minerals archaeologists have discovered three but his modest restated from the first of the seventh entries. it's been described as the most significant archaeological find in afghanistan. the reached a no call for runs a rifleman in it so the artifacts will be relocated block but looked a purpose built museum nearby and in the future will be taken to the national museum in trouble and has them on
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these minimal i'm so going to get him back. both coaches who can put a good boss lady and was going on with governing in theory the growth of the mining industry should ensure canadians into the crippled up an economy. let there be many allegations of corruption regarding the awarding of contracts the minister says is improving transparency by closing a number of bank accounts and publishing all financial details online these are big challenges but the thickening that's mine with the help of the tough contest on into far more prosperous future. some of the twenty nine act has done is done for the nick of time
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the new. yours. i did the rope chain atp new life from north of the latest update on vietnam's to do a count at lights. i did not involve gabrielle was operation. the international


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