tv The Debate PBS April 8, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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knew and when. this program is brought you by. her group we'd from norway's mainstream crews were lies the herd. exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report include counters and access to wilkinson. on her. welcome back to watch is false and destiny of the secretary of state accuses russia of sending agents into eastern
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ukraine to both create chaos france's new prime minister pledges to cut taxes and downsize government and speaking of confidence vote auspicious to race again breaks thomas said as he described the moments which he shot his girlfriend. all all. chavez called it a repeat of the pattern that preceded the invasion of crimea in the country's second largest city car keys doesn't snow in custody after authorities. we took in the station building from pro russian separatist but into other cities. it's day three of a very tense standoff meanwhile washington winning russian agents in special
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forces for the takeover of government buildings in eastern ukraine. it is clear the russian special forces and agents been the catalyst behind the chaos the last twenty four hours and it really is clear. must be the reality that the united states and our allies will not hesitate to use twenty first century tools the whole russian accountable for nineteenth century baby. it doesn't have to be this way. they will be this way. russia continues down this provocative the mosque was eighty degrees talks in brussels and washington the only event russian speakers in the east and south of ukraine are represented. meanwhile in kiev fisticuffs in parliament after the leader. ukraine's communists as far as the boating party. stoking the attention of a switch or what. stability. tax cuts for businesses and households or refusal to sacrifice growth
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when we got from a new vase his nomination. france's new prime minister to the guineas general policies which have a vote of confidence me know if it's not a politician making the move and industry ministry in the wake of the ruling socialists started dropping in a local election and fifty one. plus the noble ones on the spanish exiled savoring the moment it. yet through the windows because it taught me me me the honor of being the prime minister from these amendments velocity. tonight he might leave it there are few countries in the world. they were citizen who was more of a ruler can exploded onto the news of the republic taking the prize the positions of response the billy t when the state adopted me as one of the deep enough for this country to not think about is why i'm proud to be addressing is a national representation here is that it's wrong that is its value. richard you know it sounds i don't know how to live fully. nice to sit policies will differ in that speech but it's certainly
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striking a different home for ms morris the previous answer katherine or strength reports from the french national assembly. se has connotations down and bs on msn on offense the house of common welcoming the speech afraid to hold his hand and say maybe appreciated it as a break with the pasta dynamic way which meant let it bounce outlines his plan for the station if governments using a pen in times of the policies he outlined how spicy you have him saying that front seats and up to the future. i'm meeting the state's economic growth then he announced thirty the annual rise of savings business at the next three years said cuts in payroll taxes and social charges that they have to pay peanuts get them hiring again. the same time an aunt to the left wing of the sights of this county he also announced measures to set up for its workers in from saying that he would announce measures that will give them an extra five
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hundred euros a year in that case that's what the minimum weight said he was trying to be spouses economy but not break its social model. it's a difficult balancing act for him. katherine or strands first ever state visit to london irish president michael higgins is trip follows the queen's first visit to the irish republican since independence in nineteen twenty one. piggins will address a joint session of parliament. our relations gone. we see the irish republican army to mark the units will join the irish president banquet hosted by queen elizabeth islands council. resumes each claimed responsibility back in nineteen seventy nine murder of the queen's second cousin lord mountbatten. second on the stand for soft and paralympics are asked of the stories he broke down and sobbed as he described thinking it was an intruder in the bathroom. he shot dead his girlfriend who locked
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door. returning to his second day in the witness box when she steals my story is told the court he was consulted the three fifteen am and that they were running mate keeps it together. aaron and taken the shot to go friendster qaeda leader killed in his claim on valentine's day nice change. he says he mistook them for an intrigue and then on it and noise from inside its limits. i seem to be somebody coming onto the toy that. when you thought bought four shirts that the tool retreating to his bed team and are keen to steam can't believe that any mentor to him that she could be in the two interact. for instance the sort of started to get the trip were going to do this is the consultancy with rita. lesotho beneath the cross. most books that
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the prosecution tells a different story. keeping history of getting attention i knew i would like to live deliberately. after an argument. and the heron tp the court has seen transcripts of text messages between the council that one might encounter told associates he was scared of him sometimes. we found guilty of land and take his life in prison. about a move that backfired when the pasta kitty clock called a snap election and is riding high in the polls. gold took was one candidates talk of secession from the rest of canada for routes in monday's poll the crushing defeat to cardiff to be loved. gone is it into the new referendum on independence and on the use of email client party leader in quebec premier after just eighteen months in office rushed to decide by voters today auntie separatists quebec liberal party leader you need to yell i will take the reins as the new premium
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to my dear friends at the time of being divided as ended. reconciliation is upon us it backed up with the kids are chosen economy and jobs that the tories. eva was chosen to open and honest sydney was that there is one of respects my strong profit and gracious people. yet the obvious here. d kinda club began the campaign with the lead but opposition parties gained ground after saying the plot would launch a referendum. the provinces held two previous referendums one in nineteen eighty that was heavily defeated. and another in nineteen ninety five that narrowly lost. this time around voters didn't want to take that chance nearly two thirds of quebec citizens were against holding a referendum. christine party to the quad to its lower share of the vote in more than forty years. on relations between burma and the outside world proving a boondoggle for art lovers in your priceless hindu buddhist sculptures on display for
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the first time outside the country. then as he didn't as it meets the math the strand ancient cultures across the board of the fence ninety three. bt state of new york's metropolitan museum of her very own of the new minister for culture in the government of myanmar consists of two of our requests to bars and enormously important old tricks. the collection piece about the old days he didn't he stop attacks like these to the beach on the fifth century fuel costs kids the scope to looking at the dome i showed it is the probably the oldest is fixed. go for the exhibition it probably dates from around the false entry to a t bone and it bears witness to the practice of both hinduism and buddhism comes to things book co existing in what appears to be in a harmonious way. it's often less than under a mini cake the cake to sleep until three years to get them right in
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the presence of political and economic transition. one of the spices come to this is another sign of the country's eighty two to the outside well. next week's edition puts together some one hundred and sixteen pieces of ancient asian art including some from behind and non canadian. alston said today the eye. all are. in eastern ukraine all the same pattern as crimea. this tuesday authorities struggling to regain control of government buildings in the cities of long's park even though he asked me as a political base ousted president victor gannett co bench. he's moscow making the move or simply piling on the pressure is to consolidate gains. pressure in the pipeline as well but the head of gazprom announcing a forty four percent price hike for
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ukraine ukraine which already owns the russian energy giant one point seven billion euro was ken's coffers and his is now up to your opinion us to pick up the time. the show really shocked that i put it into two weeks packing moving in early two thousand and nine. it's got all his energy policy makers scrambling for solutions on this continent but short term and long. and if that means alternatives to the natural gas that runs through ukraine. and who gets the last laugh. russia with the west in what becomes the ukrainians of course today in the polls and get the bait. after crimea. is it onto eastern ukraine was nice to talk about it from vignettes of calls and can correspond gulliver cried be joining us shortly. joining us in the studio. igor recipient of the euro might done collective which have since november has been camped out in the streets of the capital and in other cities of the of ukraine also
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joining us on time cause love who teaches at the american graduate school of international diplomacy thank you for being back with us he advised ukrainian governed from nineteen ninety four to ninety seven taurus nine and teaches economics at the university of the best that a mr apps and march in his overall the director of the polish institute of international affairs in time visiting with us. the falls and gets a bit we can join the conversation on facebook and twitter are packed and two for debate. khartoum the months that doesn't yet have the sudden occupation of government buildings on sunday. stoking tensions in the russo phone east of ukraine overnight police move to dislodge protesters in car keys. there were some seventy arrests reported from that bbc the map. with those
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cities. two former amateur new retailing is due in part keep a few weeks ago. it is indeed yes. who do you think is he is behind all the archbishop and his administrative buildings while i'm there was fresh isn't hard to crush and returned to shoot i've been doing for some time. nothing is quite clear the way they have been instigated from outside. you will need to say that up because i have them in all the evidence i salute my own eyes meaning that they went with a rubber small number of key preschooler. i prefer to call them to stream the money fast and they will carry gold is ponderous the slogan sinker for and doom i'm saying the duration and when they were being goth we were with us the mcrae new friends we owe them a lot what is it. will they won't referendum for the awesome never complete it also the honor to be auctions of the people who are speaking with some of the market in russia and some
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of them were not. it was clear that these bombers had with them where would prefer it that it's worth. and for you. it's clear that this was simultaneously this was staged effect in on sunday news the occupation the killings in three cities all at once. while there is obviously an element. office of the pro russian some porridge with him to sit this and pointed arch one between twenty two for two percent which is know when you're as big as in detroit is in crime unit cell. so various i'm in addition his element or to support his condo but end up with certain lorries which have been fuelled by. i think mistaken the decisions of the key of governments for example respectable in which all the color of the will also have been fuelled by a surgeon from our condo which goes through the tv channels from russia which portray my mind on all the changes in kyiv thursday where kobe no
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western. i'm a horse and activism and you know if i choose to feel i can sew up the bbb not to obese people in the inn is your friend is very different to those in the west are cranking up on some causal wanna know why it wanted things coming to a head suddenly in eastern ukraine it is the teachable moments. what i think that coming. some things going on for quite awhile. i think it is important to keep in mind and do all this is the situation in kyiv favorite one to one and twenty one and disagreement the worst was signed agreements and bite you love each and the opposition didn't didn't work. we chatted to clean up so people some people on all of the haiku from guns and those are the facts. russian speaking provinces of the ukrainian people from for example don't speak russian speaking ukrainian to get people to share
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the opinion speaker speakers there but yet to determine the fate of the ukrainian identity is fairly weak in terms of the boob tube granted to them do it is perceived in the western ukraine. so it's been going for them al rashid simply trying to complete some games and they are up clearly. by that because the instigating the citizen when you pull the strings. it's only words of the us secretary of state has been saying a short while ago john kerry testified before congress but would he have to say. it is clear the russian special forces agents been the catalyst behind the chaos the last twenty four hours and equally clear. must be the reality that the united states and our allies will not hesitate to use twenty first century tools. the whole russia accountable for nineteenth century behavior. it doesn't have to be this way. but it will be this way. russia
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continues down this provocative. your thoughts on this to your. you thought someone use it as stated in on someone on some sad about is less of an allegiance to camp in eastern ukraine and there isn't a thing. i mean there is still an allegiance to ukraine maybe not in the sense of the central government. but there are wary truly their own region so it would be hyped imagine people don't it's not liking donetsk so the media like very sian and they aren't fond of this don't bust area actually i think they still want to be in ukraine because the not so many of them we do want to be with russia they want their rights be respected not this true. i may have been many faced in korea where a long time. i think what he is strange and what changed recently he's not easily the stations became aggressive. so for the top it's true there were people coming up the streets for a long time now but suddenly there's this
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organize the things going on in several places in ukraine and suddenly they become aggressive. and so for me that was quite surprising. in the sense not. ok we did expect that weekend was packed and we were tweeting that she would try to do something but it didn't reduce an actual belief. and it seems that also there might be in the completion of the local wouldn't say twenty guards like a messed up because they are also trying to pull the strings and now i'm dead. he's a lot of talk has been described in this case is attempting to mediate between a yes he's testing and education but i think in light of started becoming too much to produce if they did in the escalation somehow it's like the people to go there because now he's the mediator and he also can renegotiate some things for himself. because now it's clear that she was fourteen the previous regime and the new government in ukraine
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is in france was going to talk about the pick up on a par with our correspondent correspondent who reported to us earlier that touches the city's it's also on the borders gulliver croc filed this report maintenance with his ukrainian army unit close to the russian border the soldiers asked this not to say exactly where they work with the set with white shorts. with a well in good spirits the main thing is our morale is high. saddam that she didn't get anywhere intensive work with lights when you can see. local residents those bundles of interest. russia has the strongest all mean the world. it is stronger than the toe. what screen compared to that. our army has undone the equipment has another new technologies
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the village's aren't expecting an invasion. she's tiny and the russians are protecting they compete against the nazis in athletics any on me. the team didn't just decides he wants to take it safe and i asked auntie karen's different. it was peaceful and quiet. i am the gop when living in these ordinance has family in the other side. when you sneeze too much unusable money into sheets. one problem with someone instead of that money to chase an on going to happen because of the route that the t3 can damage is visible. ukraine's of thirty to make much of the stringent border defenses that evidently does not only sets and locations. a week enjoying dollar credit he sent a report he is now in
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and done yet. oliver. ht because bc there that the locals at the same time very mature russa phone identity but if they do this when it comes to how they feel about moscow they are still very friendly towards the city to the russians and that made this pretty and local people are in all the villages and countryside it was around. it will stay the same thing they don't want war and the baby bonus they find it almost inconceivable that these people are their neighbors in most cases the family. now suppose to be considered in the andes. what a people as it was that the defendant contends that just in need of people who pray that each and every once in a house that caught on camera. and tell us about the situation right now we know that in part keep there was this intervention there people under rest what's the situation right now in the nets and nuance. i
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believe in god. isn't it recent issues with the abuse on with the love of christ will try to restore that. as soon as possible. we get a reaction we're told that gulliver is back over two years. and it's okay you're telling us about the situation right now in those two cities. blue sky that is that the security services building is ok byebye direction no separatists to demonstrate to them and holding people hostage. in that and i just read. you got it gets to spend much of the austin inside due to its regional administration building the building is occupied by the separatists and the notoriety of people in but didn't drown. people are rules that require similar to the team but i was talking to
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t. four months of protests against the candidates. pretending that they think of corruption and that they want democracy and that somehow they seem to associate to getting rid of corruption and democracy with the visit to russia and possibly even joining the russian federation. that seems too i went to the earth so tickled that the summer that has been to every impression that they would soon see it despite what the government you might be telling us which is that they're all papal that this is a russian special forces operation in what i think has happened is that the russians and the people who stepped into the stands when judas how could he succeeded in any case and what of people in these regions on site and you can see good reasons why that might be the case is that the interim she ever need a house in a single mate in the depths of this region since the ouster of dictator that sits below. the now it's into the front with us and
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yet seen it three weeks before even greater things in russians and right to speak to the deepening the region's people there are very worried about the economic impact of iron it does show that humans and if you like and who lives with me to write a post by the russian media on top of this constantly said. when people hear that the people in power and you know basically fascists. of course when you're a daughter pregnant he hasn't spotted any special asian studies spa lot of setup ukrainians and we have to look at the station over the meaning of festival the prices you said gas released by more than eat authentic you almost five hundred dollars at the taos minister square to square the qb and also the titans will be exported off ukraine to rush to the station is thought to be difficult for this region economically speaking because the people of working exporting goods to russia it's really on the situation
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is typical for this the competition and after two years off deck and income each government pays no more moaning indian government there is no mo money but because everything was stolen or misused. so it is really a difficult situation for the population. this is why there is this has been a several big political missteps that was first used it. there was this issue of rolling back russian language which was quickly dropped the bit that create a fairy and look over just as effective leaders haven't been to the area it is to speak to people. i think that the major problem of the ukrainian political system is that tom point here is established by the pontiff regions there was no comfort that the nation either in the west either in dense east all this was organized by q league are controlling the votes in each unit at the iran nie and the way how its structure its meaning the main units that out there it's the people elected liking it it's just people
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that have been wanting to get the votes in the eastern region was like that some people are fed up of the system. i think this is that that distinction. how does this bode for ukraine's democracy going for march well we will have elections coming up. in may. we have some interest in today's harsh little bum included in there including shoplifting contribution to team teach and who incidentally is the eponymous taking his first of all russian speaker right. and he is from a farm in central ukraine. he was a minister in double coverage government the time he was a member of part of the region the region's only shows up you today with a part of the region so the four of shankar who was a full pro western and modern prophets and to support it might and also financial. and the ppv counter president of any heat could be visiting chelsea a
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shame. i figure if you like because they become a campus that involve parts. but i mean the wistful the broader question about. the and and i'll be the future of ukranian the democracy first of all. we've got to ensure that does is free and fair elections and doesn't require quite a lot of support from the west in terms of food providing natural observers with the plot the country both surface from the media i knew we got to make sure but this process is transparent and clear this is all the firsts that because we'll sew. it is only as above the election of president but we wouldn't have to have a new column and the selections on the schedule gets a visit or important that they will become the case. aren't we at sea would frequently come back we'll ask our panel can you be thinking about elections when those government buildings were in our occupied in eastern ukraine stay with us are watching the polls until today . the neon business
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the drop in manufacturing job and some say it makes the country nor the need for a beatles are less secure. in beyond business with a link to treat manufacturing on national security. comparing prawns to the office things are. beyond is this all posts link at the bustling capital come. it seems as windy as well. they did it but not seen the best of luck. is that one. just ahead of the season due to the gills why is that the model is that. this beast. but
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the effect of it. every where this will work for citizens labels seventeenth algeria reduce the polls president aziz was to pick up points were forced to. get the a league president is an almost invisible presence of the political stage. faced with a system that refuses to change how curious alleging civil society is getting organized sentence. bought from spaces a new generation is making its voice heard on social networks you will see journalists intellectuals and opposition supporters of beginning to speak out report says. my calf. i can't go home. khan. will
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connect before using the false and get to the disabled the stories in the icu be falling for it at the top of the hour a vote of confidence. for france's new prime minister menu and writes in his general policy speech before parliament pledged to cut taxes and downsize. us secretary of state tells congress that lush up sand beaches and eastern ukraine to create chaos this standoff in several cities for russian separatists continue. and a strong victoria street store it's again breaks down the stand the paralympics start spreading the moment sean has broken the law. haa all are welcome back or just joining us this is the false again today. we're asking after crime unit is its
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eastern ukraine and next and this is a pro russian groups simultaneously sunday occupied. administrative buildings and three eastern cities in ukraine were talking about it. with corresponding gulliver crackers in one of those cities to enhance were also in the company. igor worship the act of the bureau of mines on activist group also with his aunts uncles love to teach that the american graduate school of international diplomacy. um um were joined as well. by a forest nine months of siege the university of paris contained was an advisor to the ukrainian government backed nineteen nineties. and to march in his honor on skype director of the polish institute of international affairs. the garage at night right now with the situation as it is. is it great to go to elections is now the time
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the team at elections. i think is important to me to organize these elections because not all show that it's mean and russia will no longer be able to say that the government is in egypt because if they are connections the president is elected by everyone and people have to just move on the kits were important not to meet organize the presidential action leslie said buckley is also where you couldn't organize all the introductions because actually treaty needed to reboot of the elite force base will not change at all every person in the government but to want us to understand that this parliament was supporting the regime for unwary long time. and if people are not gone they're still there is just that they decided to switch sides of course the moment but nobody knows there might be just undermining things anywhere we have one viewer who's asking for another election today saying in eastern ukraine people a referendum clearly you want to promote democracy a referendum is
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the best way. well for the next aid station right now is that when we say ukraine doesn't happen all on the regional referendum. and this is the problem of what happened the crimea because it was completely condition that to the point of your ukraine. so i waited in a principal. in principle it could be organized i think i need it could be done as it is the risk off the cliff has to be organized over long periods that ousted the organized may be over two years. when people explaining to the local inflation what it means to become a federation what it means to pursue a mixed session from ukraine in nineteen two and russia because the problem right now and crannies that the people the voters for something. and now that i zealously time to stand for what they actually built it because the population right now there is leading a horrible situation because the doors in ukraine and russia are different the legislation all the acts of proper keyword ukrainian
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and b are no longer bonded over and the neck piece there's a transition period there. and this is quite kill together and organizing or a friend to me in the situation is right now he's in ukraine is up to question. so yes it is also noteworthy that offend them with a pass to be done properly. drawn to track what people think or you are the assailant people think the house into a referendum in an insulated people today who are demonstrating in order to root for. and there are any old bait and switch to me kinda sad. an indication of the people in this region we want a referendum. i couldn't feel it from people who just don't see that the demonstration will generally be it in the villages that we went around the east but so too is the one percent to the idea that they wouldn't stop it demonstrating in favor of a referendum insanity yet completely spontaneously
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the writing of that kind of resent the idea because again as i said it seems to be that sort of soul has been done the government in kiev to the counter argument to explain to them when needed more stunning. i think im gay parade in front of me as this context against you if you have the russian army of the border. if you have an economic pressure on the country. if you have no money in the budget. i mean of course organizing a referendum at the moment. a three d designs for us again you'd have to organize referendum in a process where the station is stable. there is no correct. on the border he's not any kind of referendum you make a success i think unfair. i mean you don't coach was dawns on you had and it is what's going on to the army's it to get them out. we've seen the map is cocky if dani as the guns
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just very close to the border shoot in the majors. so everything at the moment is under such pressure. daddy's chest to me did the things to do is to tie him down to find that up an economy that opened for the region. this is the very thing we heard the word ds going on over the last month. on monday the white house telling the russians to stop provoking and to de escalate let's hear the response it came today out of moscow. i'm not certain that these remarks to meet these pension isn't it. we are deeply convinced that i may be the answer if our challenge this conviction that this situation cannot be calmed down and changed into national title. if the ukrainian authorities go on ignoring the interests of the southeastern regions of the country local militants even the new listings as you wish you all. ignoring
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the interests of the south and east of the country. i mean what was saying really while he's basically saying about the healthiest most of the russian and you can offer a tissue to accept it and i'm the one to go and to give it away and in essence is a slight edge of your present government was trying to rush and you know churches and the people and understanding really want to be part of the country. the issue to issue resign from that. so are you saying you agree with ted which says this is all a prelude for repeat of what happened in crimea and our finger at the end of this is an obnoxious things to say by a foreign leader to army and two time independent nation next door. some thoughts on low for so i think it is important to keep in mind that this kind of origin so will the situation to go back to. ukraine's the first interest in signing integration to do with the u
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of entering into the custom union. up the east of ukraine has a close economic ties with russia. because in fact it is part of the more industrialized or part of ukraine inside their car the saudi economy to fetch with is a great deal of economic integration to different parts. in fact it isn't part of ukraine has stayed close to the freshman comp. so the russians of course they want to maintain dose of contacts and those economic exchanges and some would you make of the prostate and is he basically with the love of this thing is that the russians want our our constitutional reform and a one of ten realization of ukraine. and that's why does their goal and the reason for that is that once ukraine is going to be paralyzed and they can maintain moral as free economic ties the week they want and they make sure that ukraine will never join me. this is another important what do you keep in mind. so i think it is an important
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tool to understand that they've got their interest whether there was a man that's another discussion but didn't have the interest in trying to put their agenda based on assumptions. i need as much further than that i've done and veto home a toll. membership for ukraine arch with those not want to turn it on. none of the leading politicians says that this is the goal of the bill clinton is not in favor. this is really not the show this point in time as you said yourself everything started to trauma from the issue off the eu association agreement. sir d be rationed. jen governor is not only be trained in april but is also be trained and links with the european union has also be touring actual independent or is that koreans think. more soon. i think that this is exactly the situation is that i get moments. in essence no problem so it's also connected to doubt his new
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home on a people to buy the support series using propaganda repression ukraine has a need to know i tend to regress. this weekend he was saying that and he was out working the way that they too should be stopped by deputies and soak into my repression is coming in russia. and we have to ask why he needs a crane to do this refreshing what's happening as big as last election. it was so much that demonstration in russia still has the most recent is that the result because the result was of course not up on totally honest and he's the three year pre op movement and russia at the moment as it was an open mind and this is the color the situation. the other thing is that he doesn't want at the election on the twenty five in ukraine. obviously this is for the oppressed and he doesn't want a democratic process to happen in the neighboring country. my iconic river with a common for one euro saying the future of democracy in
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ukraine depends on president on national elections. no i think the first of all our course put in his move of bringing one more repressive lols but i don't think this edition of right now up in ukraine has direct bearing on things been going on in the making. it is related to the fact that we can be and she is the immediate circle there afraid of the so called color revolutions and the sea ukraine has a very good example of that. so sharon and she has the been trying to grow up to some of the tutu to stop the presses but it has been quick to keep in mind that from the purely legal point of view what happened to india on of vote every twenty seconds twenty third and i'm busy all the legal foundation. and that's the point of the day of the russian foreign minister been making over and over until the stated date it's the annex b and it was only twenty five so we'll if you will win the election it's fair enough. it happened
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this is a complete misconception. sorry go ahead of a crime. it's had abandoned his office he has a twenty dollars to sign the agreement she was voted out of unemployment didn't have enough votes according to the constitution of ukraine and the beast and has no legal bans the sale of the east end they just let them know that the president is able to win the eurovision i won't breathe the ukrainian constitution there is no point in the constitution nor the constitution defining this particular case. serve with the idea is that the president is allowed to go and not to spread out on before the end isn't about it at that time. i have to write to. i mean the cuban prison go of old ukraine on to the city of kiev. he was still in ukraine that nothing she said that he was nuts the opening is cheesy. i mean come on the throw up. we have
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been a tsunami and the daily they would be a candidate from the regions are obviously right. and if the people vote for the region copy. will be like that. i think it's turned off before i mean if you don't want to have the political process when there is a huge crisis in ukraine. it's obviously that you need. as with a new generation to come in power a new kind of all of strict political structure and because it doesn't work anymore. you know how was this place become station ukraine went and got it wasn't all work no more money for nothing. today it is open to the men are igor the me ask you when you look at the slate of candidates coming up. is this with you protest and forces the month of november well it's aei the problem is that we can choose the critical key to long day. this is true so it's true that these elections. unfortunately we will be choosing the single best worst. we can say that
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but let's say that we are more waiting for and therefore departement reactions and hoping that that will change much more because it due to this weekend because she's onto something for ukraine is more of a parliamentary republic right now so the president has much less power than unocal beach. so in fact it's more important to how the parliamentary elections that they are also well organized. then things will advance and i would also like to return on this point of civilization i think the other reason why putin is promoting it is because the apple to create some instability in the country because we know that case all belgium where they have some problems because of the those different parts of belgium how the different likes and who are acting independently because if ukraine now holds good position actions in the parliament elections novel was attracted to me maybe not direct the preaching but did see
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some other soft lights countries where the also how dictatorships in the end. for example the garage is watching the events in ukraine where he closely because their results to the attention he ain't going there is a dictator and there are lots of people for not liking don't agree with you don't want to have him speak it's also a question about minorities and that the present kazakhstan has remained a concern on the fence and up over this i'm the one comment from a viewer ukraine gets put in means to distract russians from slowing economy corruption inequality all this bs of course. two new town of de stabilizing ukraine. i'm just likes to read in less than a month a forty four percent. as he did increase so far the rebate granted to us to present viktor yanukovich well and truly over. everybody remembers two thousand six two thousand and nine. when you're there was the topic was shot all of europe had to
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scramble to figure out how to wean itself off of russian gas at the time and then a red line is that natural gas pipe that goes through the ukraine. the man's gun is more margins number of ski the natural gas that that the fight over natural gas the reason of the rates in a way. russia get the rebate to write think they're about to scrap it. i'm afraid you might say but i think she did a lot of money right of thing than one cm. what is important if anybody had any doubts whatsoever. russia is using to know constantly oh four and the favoring an apology cool joke local agenda operation of two thousand or more. in a different way with putin did you pay two hundred and ten you can offer and you pay four hundred h and is as
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overnight to. so that's been a politically motivated and economy has nothing to do with that whatsoever. so we did we know but that does is use geo politically a month and it says its is being made very very clear now. what is however important is that ukraine is able to be self sufficient in energy and energy means it has enough cars to two to subsidize its energy sector so that she just hops is on its own to deal with the west to stop subsidizing. it is twelve progress in the term spike in and an a in prices was part of the deal with the imf. so unfortunately one of the ukrainians was she for some time now is the area david deals will learn a lot is that the essence of the problem. do you deal with the west means the purse strings attached you cut it wean yourself off subsidies
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you've gotta tighten your belt you gotta make sacrifices. a second ago that it is always the beginning of american officers transition visits will we have in my country in poland in nineteen eighteen nine. we tighten belts for about a one year and ever since the economy has grown. but it's true that initially you know you have problems. and you just have to sports will be with hizbullah and installed with eating the real well. a view not a need for you all the time hoping that gas prices oil prices will be subsidized and at the very big with uncle cooking will give it to you for discounted price. he ended up in a kind of him as your now meaning that interview you should do that i know once result in court. and you may well be open market price which does not encourage people to save energy. because the big problem with ukraine is that energy efficiency. because god's own is so cheap to pull people over spent and industries over spent. i'm
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very vague as i said baby actually it would be on his own to decode is of sufficient if they were saving up. how do people there feel about the seeds from the imf showing up and telling him to cut down on their energy consumption. it is detected. this is awful it was compounded in the nineteen nineties and to deal with that. sean and his vehicle that the dead and seated at. liberal capitalist economy and so much suffering as reforms caused those people and they call those people to vote to ban full season as the british comedies but unfortunately by that time well or less than a credit to the democratic transition continues in parliament today and insisted that the event's success. we want to put it up and didn't rule it out to visit the day was pretty good and they did. russia
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breathing down their necks and they had wrongly. it will all to the democratic committee. i think that school class that they haven't you cried and prayed that it was nineteen eighties to go to the same kind of tough economic reforms and belt tightening that i had to go through the nineties with much much less favorable political and geographical conditions. it is rather bleak than anything. church from our opinion if you view correct but it is harder because of the oki of the geo politics. and it is hard there also because there's no former first time but ukraine is having its charms buttons for the third time. poland had its charms once in nineteen eighty nine and use it well. yet others to mind ellison's ninety to nine gdp per capita in ukraine and poland where equal. was pretty much amiss in daddy's car and clean clothes four times bigger than it is a new car. chavez is kind of a unit
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numbers of people we should be showing to the ukraine publishing scene but over after twenty years you can pick and if in a very different country what one commentator as he had decided to close in the eastern and southern region should have went for self determination says. erm are wrong on mars bring on the media. who pays for that one point seven billion euro deal for him to gazprom easy to europe in the united states to pay. and he knew there was this funny joke in ink in fact saying that and the russian government's aim to complete the kit does not deal we don't recognize the new state so we don't organize the agreement up to the dentist so he knew that we don't want to respect the integrity of the cream because it's a new country and so the decree and say ok if we are new country in this case that that does not even ours is the one up in the vt will be directed to castro so
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i think it's a job and they knew that. when you have debt it's the case of most of europe in the country. what she do that you have to as it was said by much and you have to read scripture and change to police the progress of the email that would repay it i'm with you. it is in the interest of dust from the date that would be repaid but the police he did is doing the scum of the moment this is a contract like this take it out to be immediately you have to tweak with the price has almost five hour drive. and if you don't pay then we will have doubled the debt because we will make it retracted and top young if you want to do that to be repaid on time. you make the things easy for me to recreate progress of the rights of the nest on some costs of today the imf revising downwards its growth estimates for russia one point three instead of one point nine percent this year how badly does russia need the cat. one thing's over it
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you'll be less than that because russian economy is in bad shape of its political speculation in russia the ruble is falling in and goes up and the most physically pulling up so the pressure he is in the state of economic political decline. certainly in law can grow up and i don't think that's why the debate they will not invade ukraine who will not start with the camera for a seat. bought today that they didn't catch them in russian economy given the mood in the economics was august and posturing and it's all going to settle down at some point all i can hope simon said it would take his problem is that he keep you right into the pool to read. oh by the ukrainians by the united states and someone by the europeans are bought and that's what they mean oprah knew was there to to to to be granted he did. certainly no good. the legality of this operation is highly
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questionable. nevertheless he did and then it's the sydenham on the weekend the speed of the tightening economic depression is not in a position to wage a new me cheer up of a war confrontation with the west oh and for eastern ukraine and i will be less optimistic about it i think that these kind of compilations where national pride comes in to pinch a picture or idleness and then made a rational basis. and also the austro russian dolls that future cancer research which which might be useful but for me not a penny even in invading to crimea was and is held our expensive operation and will continue to be very expensive to subsidize premiere for a long time because it doesn't have the lancome action with that with russia at this point in time. i need it and he did him and his fusion popular but people love it. know what
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i'm saying that one thing was to grab of the chromium of things to start a major confrontation over his team so to support his submission which is just that at the door. i think also the fact is that the russian economy is much more dependent on the gas and oil prices and much less than whatever. imf reports or whatsoever i need and that is what is given to all center in place so it depends really whether the state sorry i mean i wonder what other countries are going to do with the ones where this energy market. so actually if the prices of oil and gas stocks to rise. he can do whatever she wants or is really the question is whether cute and he's gonna do it for some reasons which are not always economical is so much for puppies. much more political will can actually get there. i wanted thank you and your recipient for joining us. i want to thank as well dollars a month of march in the summer of ski on some cosmo and all of her crackers covering events in eastern ukraine out of the city of ten years. thank you for being with us here in
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team. regional climates once tried some faceless targets month mark an article like that hopes to change that the huge pictures of drum bass sounds more on this project just ahead. and on capitol hill the administrator of the usa and he finds himself in the hot seat. senators grilled the agency we go for it tends to hit the windshield and for social media. the latest on today's hearing coming up. and what powers have agreed to meet next week to discuss the hickory high says as amal easternkr
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