tv RT News PBS April 8, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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team. regional climates once tried some faceless targets month mark an article like that hopes to change that the huge pictures of drum bass sounds more on this project just ahead. and on capitol hill the administrator of the usa and he finds himself in the hot seat. senators grilled the agency we go for it tends to hit the windshield and for social media. the latest on today's hearing coming up. and what powers have agreed to meet next week to discuss the hickory high says as amal eastern ukraine seasonal
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trying intentions more on that later in the shadow of a i haven't wanted to be seen here deep in your art in america. eyelids are often thousands of miles away from their target sitting in a remote room and remodeling on flying robots camera to make decisions on who will be the next victim. sometimes that began as a nanny cam back in and sometimes it's just an innocent civilian among those innocent civilians become a statistic they are rarely ever anime let alone a faith by artist collective from pakistan france and the us wants to change all of that new privately down a giant poster of a young child with the hopes that will be visible from the sky. the re install the picture and an unnamed town roll pakistani province close to the north western border with
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afghanistan. it's an area heavily targeted by drum strikes the project's website the artist's talk about how they help to shift the perception of drone attacks they said. now when you buy in from camera with an operator sees on his screen is not anonymous dot on the landscape but in anything child victims face on to discuss this initiative along with the latest news surrounding the u s drone were fair program. i was doing earlier by kathy kelly courtney eric and voices for creative nonviolence luck. they hate that i had him and he just shone through and get to know the artists. she is our king and the canadian and an understanding way. can we. a hermit in the it's not a heretic and a year's time by the germans themselves. two geriatric united states. it's
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turning over billions and billions of dollars every year. tonight industrial complex and its penetrating into the harbor there were ten so very important. and people crying. i read in peace with everything and you weren't mentioned in a stage of the word and ways to china together and taking the beans and between the nerves. our capacity to. i have returned he will lead his people just like us know that our children just as much as ours the huge losses. absolutely i checked the latest non related news that we got to congress last week introduced new legislation that would require the president to make an annual report on the number of persons killed now why people find a curious in the first place at the numbers are not available already. even considering a government that the amount of civilian deaths as well
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what's your sense as to why these numbers have not been released yet. many indigenous rights in pakistan where they may be i e no end and then not required. she is content with the regime and state skip classes but also because the united states is considered to be at war and a stunt that also makes an exception. i'm standing. but somehow yen yen and one time and we know we're against pakistan that people think jill carroll said. i think that jamie is a necessary she practiced accountability and transparency in that. it should be broken when discussion. and i think a need to know. a much lower down. why in the heady days of gloomy under international law and entered conscience of the united nations that has
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any right whatsoever and to use cameras present anywhere so car. i highly value targets. you know. ryan and objects in writing. where are their first nations the coronet here in the teaching and told the court when people think are trying to protest against the teaching and using it again then it was the extent of our state that wanting to become a worse now the german operators. maybe a thousand miles away from the warren and their eighteen teams are we bound for sydney and upn united states the president has an actual dress that where the ore project. we constantly being called into the water and chair to explain yet again with the merino. and in pakistan
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and india a in general mcchrystal her apparently been inspected the international security assistance force is being honest and sent it as a team that did you know what they're actually jeopardize its newest security because the air against the germans time is so much anger and resentment and restoration and me. i think he may have been prepared by one ask you about something awfully heard about that just last week a lawsuit that was just dismissed against the obama administration over that to happen eleven drone strike killings of three us citizens in yen and the judge granted the obama administration's motion to dismiss the case saying congress rather she defied on a shield. many countries said what the un did a little cayenne and killing these us citizens you know any american who is the bride is really here again as a target. he said
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that should be left with development and hang out between the responsibility for the tasting is unpacking granted there isn't another country. we had a huge responsibility of teaching and learning that she'd be over. in the justice department executive brendan with the current president and he acted in the legislative system and chicken cordon bleu cooking and and and that's why some of us have chosen to go to the states where did yesterday not treated like a chair or in a studio. there are a stake in hancock the arc and regional and international. when we doing here. yup i'm back at him over the country this spring she stated that we don't need that weren't states ken's everything and something that i think about these easter weekend to claim our right not teaching. all right jack and kelly corridor and voices for creative nonviolence things for weighing and. thank you richard. twelve million people died in afghanistan's
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presidential election saturn and its being hailed a success despite pre election violence in early reports of fraud. eight men were on the ballot for the election but to win on as a candidate has to grab more than fifty percent of total votes soul runoff election is likely for the very latest let's go to tease those he cared not in kabul. this election no one has in terms of voter turnout was estimated nearly sixty percent of afghans heading to the polls. if i can during the winter run up to election day with the cantata by carrying out a series of attacks aimed at disrupting the election there wasn't an immediate indication of the kind of widespread fraud that haunted the two thousand going to look for more than a million bucks to be disqualified but still much too early to take to to make any decorations or assumptions here. counting is still underway and it could take weeks to get the official results in order to allow for fraud and things to be investigated. we did the shortage of talent across the country like fiji that the high turnout also concerns that heart stopping
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play the role that something that needs to be investigated and it's like a high turnout there were small part to the country that barely saw any other such districts in the wordart province with its hold on hold weight. those kinds of areas can be monitored properly because of the security threats and that means that we still don't have a complete picture of just how the elections went across the country the other issue is the candidates know in order to win the third saturday's result alone. i think a candidate needs to take more than fifty percent of them but with two men in the running. it's difficult to see how much we have been disappointed to find her. he appeared to be our shop gandhi and dr abdullah abdullah should stress that this is based on preliminary an official tallies by news organizations here the former world bank executive who has picked an extremely controversial running mate in and even he described as a known killer with a militia commander general joseph was accused of brutal killings in the civil war the nineteen nineties dr abdullah abdullah also has a running mate has been branded as a war like the other links
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to eat i went in search of mr karzai's former foreign minister who is believed to be his favorite cake appears to be running behind again it will take time to get the official count this is just east of the preliminary results i was what all this means is that if no one candidate has a clear majority. this paves the way for a runoff election likely sometime in may or early june and that means that afghanistan could go to this whole process again. of course the big concern would be with the fighting season underway one but talabani deal it happens and whether security holes. if the debt run up to. i was artsy course on at least half a knot. as western forces prepare to pull out of afghanistan thousands of innocent child victims remain according to the un five hundred and sixty one children were killed in afghanistan's war in twenty thirteen. nearly twelve hundred were wounded when a man is an afghan girl had her arm blown off by a taliban grenade. she recently underwent life changing surgery in the us. our teaser
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mongol uno brings us the story of the children caught in crossfire. tokyo show bb turkey to jump for joy as a going away party in orange county california the overall from khost afghanistan wasn't always this happy. seal and a cry and seemed really didn't like going outside and interact with that many people are chubby peek into the us for life transforming surgery she lost her arm and awry in a grenade blast in her war ravaged land. the night before there was a gunbattle between if the club on the us military and the next morning she woke up with her siblings and a friend. she picked out what looked like a little rock but actually was a creamy. good on the phone and it exploded. a nonprofit brush on tv to the us to receive medical treatment and a new prosthetic arm the chosen of or foundation health branch of the vet's united states to receive some much needed medical care
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unfortunately there are thousands of other innocent children have been victims of war in afghanistan and are able to access the same type of care. there's so many children. i can think she's report that one who came here for so many more children that need this kind of treatment. the conflict in afghanistan has dealt a heavy blow on the nation's civilian population report by the united nations assistance mission for afghanistan showed that two thousand thirteen was the worst year for women and children. last year. sixty one children were killed and one thousand one hundred and eighty five were wounded. many were victims of roadside bombs. got caught in the crossfire of ongoing in search of battles. i hope that's all that and i hope she's okay with that i don't see anything. i know of god that is so she's okay. john beattie says get back to america returns to her home country just days after
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afghans went to the polls to choose a new president the boys are hoping for a brighter future in war torn nation. in garden grove california. from an email archie. while the supreme court this week declined an expedited hearing of a constitutional challenge to the national security agency's ball collection of american telephone records and that means that if you will have to work its way through the typical lower court process back in december of last year conservatively are leery clean and had persuaded a federal judge ruled that the agency's activities likely violated the constitution's ban on unreasonable searches however the judge in washington dc had to put his decision on hold pending a government appeal. and while plane and was seeking to bypass that appeals process supreme court justices rejected his one shot requests to hear the case immediately. because of that decision they could likely take several months before the justices consider any legal challenge to
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the controversial collection program. keep in mind claims lawsuit is just one of two doing an essay cases currently winding their way to the federal appeals system meanwhile line as a whistleblower and worsening testified today at a parliament cheery hearing on mass surveillance of the council of europe and stronger while giving evidence via video call from moscow. he cited the us government's confirmation in recent months about the negative effects of the fine tactics and how it violate eu member states privacy. more reserved in eastbourne. nobody's this anymore. western involvement in accidents that are dangerous. encouraging men and when you want to be a good use of torture in government's desire to construct sentences. then went on to outline how the nsa halftime. a sensitive and confidential
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communications of major human rights organizations such as amnesty international and human rights watch. they lie ahead here on rte on capitol hill the administrator of the usa and he finds himself in the hot seat. senators grilled meat and the leader over it and simply humans are social media. the latest on that after the break. do well this semester all the media on canvas art the government issued actually the giants to five to seventy six year old american. thus all out do you think it is going to create a shiite. do you think this is what's good for you it's also
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the largest database. it's the saddest part. i gave you all at once. just watched by the time to wake up and start talking about the real causes while the team administrator of the united states agency for international development where the capitol hill today making his pitch to lawmakers for more finance and is on good days after the associated press revealed and the usa idea was operating on twitter like social networking site in cuba. i was collecting personal information on tens of thousands of cubans in hopes of possibly undermining the cuban government. and that's exactly what kind of being the focus of today's hearing. our chief political commentator sensex has more from capitol hill the program was designed in two thousand seventy thousand
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eight. at that time. that said the legislation that cracks the purpose of the program. our idea was it for this specific program i've read the legislation legislation to say anything about setting up a mini idea in cuba love with twitter accounts and all. it's up to the cubans would be so easy to to discover who's idea was this specific program to go to cuba. all that was the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee overseeing usaid funded senator patrick leahy demanding to know who came up with the idea of the cuban twitter. question the administrator of usaid are correct you shop couldn't answer me this sunday. as it was supposed to be a boring hearing about us its fiscal year twenty ten budget instead it turned into a debate over whether the agency is working outside its primary mission to
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indonesia in activities that are endangered stop but could ruin the agency's reputation around the world. off to the doctor showed defended us its activities in cuba saying they fit well within the law governing its democracy assistance programs in the bishop's though congress has given us to roughly two hundred million dollars since nineteen ninety six for democracy assistance in cuba the lawmakers say they weren't adequately informed about how that money was being spent by us that chance when some are accusing the agency is running a covert program. senator leahy also mentioned u s government contractor allen groups who was arrested by cuban authorities in two thousand and nine. while on a usaid mission in the country to distribute electronic communications equipment some of the equipment was illegal under cuban law gross has now been in the queue been jailed for more than four years. he's begun a hunger strike to protest his detention. us senator leahy arguing that usaid is currently deployed
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in her purse is a rest the agency is putting more of its workers address by engaging in these sorts of missions we're having. usa idea book. do this. something that anybody who has any knowledge of the cuban secret police. work is going to be discovered. doesn't that came all you have said the boys around the world as spies. no doctor or future also testified for the house appropriations subcommittee this afternoon. were you received some similar tough questions about cupid and twitter. then he'll be testifying as more hearings in the coming days to discuss usaid funding levels for fiscal year twenty fifty whether he wants to or not he's going to have to continue to defend his agency's tactics. she claims are in line with us its primary mission to end extreme poverty and promote
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democratic societies. with one of the agency's workers a cuban jail and reports of this cuban twitter fiasco in the media. lawmakers say usa is behaving more like a clandestine and c i a operative. rather than international development organization. the couple hill in washington dc. since socks are too. and on to guantanamo where today when yemeni detainee is having his teeth down awaited by periodic review board which could grant his release from an nasir al the honey is the thirty four year old yemeni who is suspected of having fought in afghanistan for the al qaeda extremist group according to u s defense department prisoner profile of the honey had never been charged with a crime. despite this i think he has now spent a third of his delight after military detention center. now the honey walk out of guantanamo. annie's asking not to return back to his native ghana in saying that
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he would instead like to get away from the turbulent region still rattled by al qaeda. our demands are being presented but we don't yet know whether he will be released or charged. in other gitmo related news there are new calls for the release of the last remaining british detainee at the detention center following news that he has now been diagnosed with post matic stress disorder and is called falling apart schottenheimer has been held at the detention camp in cuba for twelve years without charge. despite twice being cleared for release on mars layer and warriors have now filed an urgent motion to the us court seeking an immediate release on the grounds that he is gravely ill and independent medical report has declared he is suffering from lead and mental and physical issues including ptsd and debilitating headaches yes the eu and russia have agreed to meet in europe next week with ukraine to discuss the ongoing crisis in
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the country. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke in moscow today about how to form an inclusive ukrainian government to collapse. it was due to this blog is to live with not just government told ukrainian people that need to be spoken to it and leaders of political parties in the country that represents all the major groups in ukrainian society need to be in a ball. he has to be inclusive constitutional reforms allowing the interests of all people in ukraine to represent while the us agreed to the top secretary john kerry said the us and eu are preparing to impose more sanctions on russia today continues its involvement in what the u s calls the de stabilization of the country here's what he had to say at a senate foreign relations committee hearing. will we see from russia is the legal and the legitimate effort to de stabilize a sovereign state and create a contrived crisis with paid operatives across the international
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boundary engaged in this initiative. this all comes as the trial continues in eastern ukraine over the region state that are more outspoken journalist graham phillips on the ground and don't ask. last night so i think she's between tokyo and had to rush activities. i did today we were able to speak. i deduced from the pro russian scientists. when showing little cocktails thrown in to build the thing that it was because activists who provoke conflict. in reality. women who introduced themselves as police moved into the building and started attacking unarmed there in stunned grenades and rubber bullets. he never showed the right. the remaining injured among them. he pushed the soapbox. he made molotov cocktails and threw them in sa and trying to snow tomorrow. unlike them we never attempted to hurt them
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we've been meaning for the walls. later the song reinforcements arrived in the building. matt has been a more peaceful. since russia activists stormed this regional administrative building on sunday that formed the people's council will call him for a referendum before the presidential election is held in kiev and practical saying that they declared him and republicans over the state the up and events which doesn't endorse doesn't like it on the validity of the key of government and of course we admitted him to dance. we also sold among buildings the storms on those calling for a referendum came from an atheist to make interval to receive the bean my small it is there a technical high schools the scene of the deployment yesterday with the pro russia activist i was going to win over tank engine. the call to artists on the east of ukraine. the referendum is the degree that the dollars they should. graeme phillips hear on tv in the next. and before we go don't forget to tune in at nine pm for larry
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king now trying to get there from the comedy series and with it. here's a snippet of what's to come. this post to moshe syndrome. that's one thing was funny part was definitely not the funny part of the show and that was important a cabin in lake of the show runners and myself we were trying to do our best to trade soldier was with ptsd in a way that they really are. it's not my thing when we first one about ptsd all that has come a long than one category and sorting you were that what we've realized is that the body is affected differently by it's not just you know. oftentimes the thinking part the reason the military is nervous about television films as there often for trade. we like to get ptsd years of violence in the sun that's the case although friend. the auction was my best bet is stamped twice on the cia used for
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tourists and suffers from ptsd is a person to talk about this. after one yet so sweet for certain dealing with installing out was a text instead to nine o'clock eastern nine thirty eastern descent. thank you. ten and nine pm tonight here on rt america. get it for now when you're in it. i knew. since
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i was. four thousand dollars a year. they're important job of pushing a lot of people are around. that triple the average household income here which was made around fifty thousand dollars. jim moran from the great state of virginia sit with me the scene. just voted to deny qantas annual cost of living raise. mr moran said quote i think the american people should know that members of congress are underpaid now before you can braid said how stupid this and we should take a closer look at how a really stupid to bed first about the rest of the current approval rating of just eighteen percent in a recent gallup poll so basically no one's happy with the job they're
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doing. she had to be the first indicated that he was coming for the eu. that's probably why the house voted to read out in the first place because most congress members realized it looked pretty bad to give themselves a raise a break now. on our continent already make more than average nuclear engineer nurses dentists and find this in the us according to the bureau of labor statistics. i'm pretty sure those are pretty important one thing i'm just not putting a lot of people are around like a condescending including congressman moran if you take a look at this track record and got to guide you as you can see he co sponsored a whopping four hundred and nine bills and resolutions. thirteen of the zone. that is exactly the bureau forecast that the lack of paper pushing but to be fair if you look into step with the queen is not the worst thing in the bunch. we are called paper pusher. and the reason
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the paper pushers who gave me in the end. given how to protect the interests of corporations and individuals be taking money from extra money on top of their one hundred and seventy four thousand dollars salary. all those conflicting interests me for some pretty convoluted keeper legislation because it could still around and never had to sell it through those numbers really wanted me to go as corporations for it because corporations are the real boss is now. add stock bring to the american people a long time ago and it was the random internet right now. he's a real war ii and today but sad about that by filing and twitter at their residence. the we knew we
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would whittle. in . the i welcome it he signed it to wednesday april nine and captain to my passion into camp. a leading japanese nine cases sent to defend himself against allegations he fabricated a research article book and his colleagues around the world praised her for what appeared to be a breakthrough in the study of this down south. they started poking holes in her neck that now look at that time an appeal against any candidate to succeed at the center where she
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